Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 27, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
. utcre 1 Id Oregon CitypostoIHceas 2nd-clMS matter
Dil tn avMnnii.TiiirfMr ... 160
Six months 'j?
WJThe date opposite your address on the
paper denotesthe timetowhlcnyounapiu
muisuoticois markedyour subscription i due.
at i!nn vmfnQM fYvartlipmpntat Permonth
OkauutllH wwo...."-" ........ -- ,
prufuasiiiiilcrds,l 19, pel year): 1 to 10 Inches
50o per tnon, 11 incnes lor jo, zu iudum
$8, SO inches (Ji pane)
Legal advertisements: Per Inch (minion) 82.50,
ji n -.,..n.,e Affirifivilfl nf nubllca-
tion will not be luruULed until publication lees
are paid.
Local notices; Fire cents per line per week
Per month 20o. Obituar tt, cards of thanks,
Ihnrch and lodne notices where admission lee
U charged or collected nan price or vi
per line.
OREGON OITY, DEO. 27, 1901.
Exclusive of the enlisted men of the
army, we support 212,000 federal office
holders. And the number of tax-eaters
is constantly increasng.
One of the greatest hindrances to the
increase of population in this county is
the high rate of taxation and the large
county indebtedness. What is the
cause of it? Why, the stupidity of the
Tub railway earnings for the year
1900, according to Poor's Man'iel, the
recognized authority on railroad mat
ters, show an increase over the previous
vear of 27 per cent. Operating expensed,
of which wages figured as a partf ehow
an increase of one per cent.
vVilsiiirb's Magazine, suppressed by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General
Madden, is now published under pro
tection of the more liberal English gov
ernment in Toronto, Canada, at Temple
Building, whence it is mailed as second
class matter into the United Staies.
.In spite of drought and cyclones, Ok
lahoma cannot complain of being let t
out in the cold, for it produced over $50,
000,000 worth of agricultural products
during the past year and its population
increased over 100,000. Mercurial Kan
sas is not in the rear of the procession,
Unless its $50,003,000 worth of wheat
and $87,000,000 deposits in the banks
count for-nothing.
Tint four1 transcontinental railroads
have an aggregate mileage of 47,
372. On this, allowing an average cost
yer mile of construction of 1(25,000, the
four roads have issued noarly two bil
lions of watered stock, on which they
pay 4 per cent nearly $80,000,000. This
eighty millions is a tax on the country,
as much so as auy government tax. The
levying if such a tax is no less a violation
of law than a "hold-up' by a lone high
wayman. It is a heavy load placed on
the shoulders of commerce, mining and
agriculture by the modern' robber-bar-
Tim conference which was held in
New York city between J. P. Morgan
and other millionaires, besides diatiu
Slushed clergyman and lawyers, on one
side, and leaders of organized labor on
the othor, was a distinct advance to
ward the eventual goal of industrial
democracy, or to put it in other words,
towaid economic freedom without which
tho political freedom we have is hut
au ldld phraso. The gre.it strike of the
Steel workers has borna rich truits, for
any differences between tiie United
States Steel Co. and its 125,000 hands
will hereafter bi) arl itra'ed by a slaml
ingcommiitee of 30 gentlemen selected
from both sides. The captains of in
dustry perceive that without a loyal
'jinny of workers they me helpless.
Tiikrb is a hue and cry about anar
chists, and justly. But anarchists of
what stripe? They are pictured in the
funnyjpapt-rs as unkcmpt,haggnrd and of
slovenly gaib. But there is another
kind : a horse of different color, fleeter
and of faster gait. The Wall Street
Journal says the great railroad mo
nopoly formed by means of the North
ern Securities Company "will stand re
gardless of tho laws on the statute books.
There will be no real trouble for the
corporations no matter what the laws
may be." Is not this a distinct avowal
that the railroad monopoly defies law,
is anarchistic? If the country makes
laws against little anarchists what shall
it do with big anaivliistswhieh whodinrc
gaul law and are determined to do as
they please?
Thk Electrical Review calls attention
to an interesting explanation of tho
burning of coal. Coal, petroleum a"d
illuminating gas are relate ! to one an
other much asari) ice, water and steam.
For this reason, perfect combustion of
liquid fuel is already advanced a long
jtep toward vapjriziUion, just as ica Is
advanced toward steam when turned
iuto water. The volatile elements of
eaal are locked up m tho solid form, cr
virtually frozen solid. Professor Dowar
lui demonstrated how groat an amount
vt heat must bo taken from the so-called
permanent gases to make them solid.,
Yet nature has solidified gas into the
form of coal, and solid coal, like solid
ice, pill only dissolve into vapor through
the expenditure of heat.
A large number of Germans have
settled in Argentina and Brazil. By
furnishiug them 'with German schools,
the Kaiser provides a means of retain
ing their descendants as Germans, and
consequently should the Brazilian gov
ernment go to pieces at any time or even
become involved in sectional wars, there
would be a strong German element
ready to set itself up as an independent
statement. It is asserted by some au
thorities that the German government
is working for just such an object in
Brazil and Argentina. One of these
says: "Germany believes the
life tenancies of the dying
nations are running out. She thinks
she sees such places in South America,
in Asia Minor and in the far East, and
there she plants her schools. There
she hopes in future to direct her sur
plus population."
Nearly all the ancient nations cele
brated the winter solstice as a religious
festival. In India this custom is found
ti be of great antiquity. The people
cover their houses with leaves and
flowers and distribute gifts to their
friends. The date of this celebration
has always corresponded nearly with
that of Christmas. In China, in time of
the winter solstice, the last week of De
cember is celebrated with religious so
lemnities, and busines of all kinds is
stopped. The Bame may be said of Per
sia and Egypt. Budha and a number
of mythical heathen gods are said to
have been born on or near December
25th, that is, at the point in the earth's
orbit when the god of light, the sun,
is reborn, the days beginning to
lengthen. Mr. GibboD, in his "De
cline and Fall of the Roman Empire,"
says: "The Roman Christians, ignorant
of the real date of his (Christ's) birth,
fixed the Jsolemn festival to the 25th of
December, the Bruroalia, or Winter Sol
stice, when the Pagan annually cele
brated the birth of Sol." Thus the
Pagans were weaned from idolatry.
In '53 or'54, Captain Strain, a govern
ment officer, accompanied by a party of
sailors and natives of Nicaragua, started
from the town of Darien on the Atlantic
Bide of the Central American isthmus
on an exploring tour with the object of
crossing the same to the Pacific. The
map he bad for his guidance proved
very defective: where ho had expected
a plain course and easy traveling, a
pleasantjannt, as it were, be encoun
tered great obstacles for the surmount
ing of which he had made no prepara
tions. Rivers not on his map confronted
him. At last, after incredible hard
ships, to which not a few of the party
succumbed by death, the exploring
party reached the Pacific, the redoubt
able captain, like a true leader, proving
himself to be the most 'courageous and
spirited of them all. The isthmus has
at Darien a width of only 23 miles, and
the outkok is now that the straight
route across which Captain Strain en
deivored to explore, will be pierced by
a tido-water canal having a length of
20 miles, which will connect the Atlan
tic and the Pacific.
The bill applying Dingley tariff rates
to importB from the Philippines, passed
by the lower home of congress, could
not be more unstatosmanliko. It bIiows
the supreme powor of tho fat protected
interests in congress. They fix and
control the financial policy of the coun
try. As it is, European countries con
trol most of the Philippine commerce.
their total foaa year being $48,00:1,000,
and this insane folly of congress will
only tend to lessen tho small American
trade with the islands. The situation is
similar with regard to Cuba, which is
now buying $37,000,000 worth of goods a
year from other lands than this, and her
purchases from such lands are rapidly
increaang, while those from the United
States are decreasing. In tho seven
months ending on January 31, 1901. as
ompired with the corresponding
months a year before, tlure was a de
crease of $1,104,840 in Oaban purchases
from the t inted States, and an increaso
of $504,512 in Cuban purchases from
Germany alone. Cuba buys $0,000,000
worth ot cotton goods a year, of which
the United States Biipplies only $500,000 ;
and $2,000,000 worth of vegetables and
vegetable fibres, of which we supply onlv
$171,000; and $2,500,000 worth of oils, of
which only $713,000 worth conies from
this country j and $-3,470,000 worth of
animals and animal products, of which
this country contributes less than $2,
000,000. The tame is true in respect to
wines, leather goods, woolen goods and
other items. Our Cuban trade is dis
creditably small, and is crowing smaller.
But what hope is there of getting a bet
ter hold upon the Cuban market if we
do not open our market to Cuba, or a
better hold upon the Philippine market
if we do not open our own market to the
Charles Ueploglo, Atwater, O., was in
very bad shape, lie says: "I sutl'ered a
great deal wi'n my kidneys and was re
quested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I
did so and in four days 1 was able to go
to work again, now I am eutirely well."
Clurman & Co.
How many mothers realize that when
the baby's advent is expected they need
strength for two instead of one. Wom
en, weak, nervous, "just able to drag
around," find themselves, confronted
with coming maternity. They have
not strength enough for themselves, how
can they have strength to give a child ?
We don't look for the birth of strong
ideas from a weak miWl. Why should
we expect the birth of strong children
Horn weak motnersf
. The way to ensure health and strength
to mother and child
is to use Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription
as a preparative for
motherhood. It
brings the mother's
strength up to the
requirements of nat
ure, so that she has
strength to give her
child. It nourishes
the nerves and so
quiets them. It en
courages a natural
appetite and induces
refreshing sleep.
Favorite Prescrip
tion " makes weak
women strong and
sick women well.
There is no alcohol
in "Favorite Pre
scription" and it is
tree Irom opium, co
caine and all other narcotics.
"I wish to let you know the great benefit my
wife derived through taking your ' Favorite
Prescription,' " writes Mr. Robert Harden, of
Brandon, Manitoba, Box' 235. "It was when
her baby came. We had heard so much of
your medicine that my wife decided to try it
I may say my wife's age was thirty-three
and this wai her first child). She commenced
to take ' Favorite Prescription ' five months be
fore her child was born. We have a fine healthy
girl, and we believe that this was mainly owing
to the ' Favorite Prescription,' taken faithfully
according to directions. We shall certainly rec
ommend it wherever we can."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Fortwojeara all efforts to cure Ec
zema in the palms of my bands failed,"
writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse,
Kan., "then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's the
world's best for Eruptions, Sores and
all skin diseases. Only 25c at G. A.
Information Wanted,
The manufacturers of Banner Salve
having always believed that no doctor
or medicine can cure in every case, but
never having heard where Banner Salve
failed to cure . leers, sores, tetter,eczema
or piles, as a matter of curiosity would
like to know if there are such cases. If
so they will gladly refund the money
Cbarman & Co.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease.and prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly fail
ing to cure with local treatment, pro
noun :ed it incurable. Science lias
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and, therefore, requires consti-
mtional treatment. tiall'8 Catarrh
Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
uo., loieuo, ,1)1110, is the only constitu
tional cure on the market. It is taken
Internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoontui. Jt acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
case it fails to cure. Send for circulars
and testimonials. Address,
- F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O.
XJ"Sold by Druggists, 75c
- Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
a worthy suvcESson.
"Something New Under th Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gases inhalers and drugs in paste form.
The powders dry up the mucuous mem
branes causing them to crack open and
bleed, The powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
Bame membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments 'cannot reach the diseaie. Anold
and experienced practitioner who has
fur many years made a close study and
specialty of the treatment of CATARRH,
has at last perfected a Treatment which
when faithfully used, not only relieves
at once, but permanently cures CA
TAUIUI, by removing the cause, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all in
flammation. It is the only remedy
known to science that actually reaches
tho afllicted parts. This wonderful
remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the
and is sold at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine sullioient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing; necessary to its perfect use.
"SNUFFI.F.S" is the only perfect CA
TARRH CURE ever made and is now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for that annoying and disgusting
disease.' It cures all inflammation
quickly and permanently and is nlso
wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE
VER 01 COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save you if you use it at
once. Itis no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatment which is positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if used according to the
directions which accompany each pack
age. Don't delay but send for it at once
and write full particulars as to your con
dition, and y u will receive special ad
vice from the discoverer of this wonder
ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to you bevond the regular price of
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dept. F, 594, ED
WIN B. GILES & COMPANY. 2330 and
2332 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Pltnuted onemile smith of Veody.containlng J3
cr, wllu Rood bnlMinm, prune orchard nd
well watered mid under (rood stale of cultivation.
Also ranch located about 4 miles ens t of Soda
Nprinii, consisting of 212 acres, with filrly good
building, is an excellent stock much.
Tin sn placet will b sold oilcan. For partfeu
11 Inquire or address fc
A T. COCHRAN, Administrator,
llubbard, Ore.
Free v
Dinner Sets
j c celebrated Semi-Vitrcou
Pc ela in hand-pain te ora
tion with gMi -tan nig ven
away Free to our customers.
We use these dishes simply for
an advertisement for our business
The way to obtain them is easy
Trade with us and get your friends
to trade with us, and we do7the
rest, by supplying you and them
with these isYr r" f aie
Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes
Has ball bearings in turn table. Turns freely to
the wind. Ball bearing thrust in wheel, insur
ing lightest running qualities, and reserving
greatest amount ol power for pumping. Gal
vanized alter making, Put together with galvan
ized bolts, double nutted, no part can rust or got
loose and rattle. ' Weight regulator; perfect reg
ulation. No spring to change tension with every
change of temperature, and grow weaker with
age. Bepalis always on hand. These things are
worth money to you. Then why not buy a Star
Mithell Lewis & 3U73;
Portland, Oregon.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Drop in and see what
we have in the latest
photographs. We can
please all.
Best possible to Dnild
No wairon is or can be better than
a Mitchell, because the cream of
wood stotik is used, onlv after being
thoroughly seasoned, the wauon is
well ironed, well painted, well propor
tioned, and runs the lightest of any.
It is nearly 70 years since the first
Mitchell wagon was built, and they
have been built continuously ever
since by ttie Mitchells. When you
buy a Mitchell, you get the benetit of
this 70 years' experience.
Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co
First and
Taylor Streets
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
nan you can Duy it in Portland.
Drop a card in the postoffke and
have sample-book brought to vour
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Oregon City
1 m
Secoml-Haml & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals or all
Kinds, Eto.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Goldstone, Sngarman & Co.
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Honrs ' . Opon Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge
Tor Spot Cash
Bo you realise whAtsnr-Aikoh maaD t
watch you buy of us wa on-rf
IS Jeweled Elgin or WaUharn Watches
15 Jeweled Hampton Watch
17 Jeweled Waltham or Hampton
20 year gold filled cent's watchon with 11..
or Rockford works 813.85 6"v.S'uo ,igiu, nannam, uainmon, ttampton
beai"'Iul K01? watches In the latest designs as low as 19 00.
mA&?&&tonamm offering, you must call
lou are all invited to came and takeadvantage of cgir first groat offer.
Most Peopl
Phone 393
7lk and Center Sis.
TT-fHTKTTT Itllllt
pope & co:
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows,
Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., . Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps. Imperial BicvrW
Oor. Fourth and Main Sts.
lttttattltimmm.. . - . S
9 1nl I HJI A l ilAi uaiAiss i
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices in Oregon City is at
Opposite Huntley's
First-glass treats of 11 IJiQds
Satisfaction Guaranteed
give fling a (gall arjd be Treated
$975.00 Locomobik Given Jlway
With every cocts. invested
Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you get
a ticket on the $975.00 Locomobile to be given
.Xo Some Lucky One
VMAS goods now every day. New and fresh from the factory
Quality always the best. Prices correct.
31. n.
Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co
New Stratton Building, Oregon City
IT T T1 .4V.
n. w.rjacKson
Largest Line of Shot
Prices to Suit. Remember the Place
Jackson's Bicycle Shop
Opposite Huntley's MaIn S(ree-
. ........
?. P cent on every
8 cnes.at tne following prices:
, S,:i
hii,oot V'j' 1 ' . ' v.: 'V.- .
Like a Grocery House A place where tbev tlmv
can get what they want and feel sure that the 1 i
price will be right. They want to feel confident 2 '
in tbeir Grocer. Now, you who are looking for ',1
such a house, we most cordially invite you to try
Muir Bros.l
MtHlillH 1U,
with A. N w, ' t...
't 36W6CEH
Guns in Oregon City