OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1901 D Great While we are giving away Ten Dollar and We have given away over One Thousand have the receipts for evidence in our Third - invite you to inspect them. We intend to This month Ten ti overcoats we sen ana rive uonars wnn every u vvys suns and overcoats. Many a customer has gone away from store during this sale with more money than they brought, and a suit and overcoat besides. Is it not worth your while to call and investigate The Best Clothing Values inthe City Can Always be obtained at our Store WHEN YOU SEC. IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO MOYER Third and Tiffin 30000000000000COOOOC CORRESPONDENCE liedland. F. Gehman returned from San Fran cisco last week, and he is selling out his household effects, and intends to leave soon. A. M. Kirchem has rented his place to Mr. Gaskell for one year. Mr. Gas kell has moved into the Connor house. Jessie Hartor, of Delight, Wash., was down on a visit with relatives. The Kedlund Debating and Literary Society held another interesting meet ing Friday evening. U. It. Miller and family, of Highland, were heartily en cored on a recitation and several songs. Mr. Miller intends to organize a singing claps if enough young people will take hold. Next question is "Hesolved, that the freedom of the press Bhould be re stricted." A. M. Kerchem sold his property at Stonoto W. P. Kerchem. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Doiningor, on the 17th iiiHt.,aboy. John is taking hold with new vigor Bince. All doing well. Well, Mr. Editor, wo wish you a Merry Xmas. Some Beeiling has been done the past we sk, and there is more to be seeded and potatoes to he dug. Frank Sprano is looking for a team ol horses. Miss Maude Stone closed a successful term of school at Linn's Mill with a lit erary program and a Christmas teee. lluml Dell. V. II. Dixon and son, W. F were calleiB in this vicinity Monday. We were very sorry to hear of the death of W. F. Dixon's J7 month's old baby, which occurred last week. Miss Lizzie Oswalt is pu p 'i ; to move from our midst, ns M r. i'.f man intends to lake possession of h i iu v farm in a short time. Grandfather Samson is in reasonably good health. Moshbeiger Bros, nro splitting rails and mo preparing to build a fence around their new piece of land, which they recently bought. They uro also having ten tides slabbed. John Johnston is working for W, W. Irvin, of Aurora, this winter. Heck, lVede, Moshbergor and liige low visited the metropolis last week. Mrs. T. IV Donaldson is spending a few da) 8 at Hubbard. A very pleasant evening was spent at J. L. Ogle's homo las! Thursday eve ning by the young people of the neigh borhood. Those present were Misses Maggie, Mabel and Lottie Schwartz, Anna Yoder; Messrs. Henry Yoder, Guy, Dick and Albert Bigelow. Music and singing were tho principal features of the evening. Rustic. Liberal. The distemper is raging here amongst the horses. William Skein has two very sick horses with tho same. Stock hogs are Bca-ce and demand good price a. rOOOOO OOOCXXKJOOOCSOOOOOOOOOOOO O YOU WANT $10.00 To Spend THEN VISIT OUR Thousand Dollars with every 10 1 t rit i.L CLOTHIN Oak Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON Jim Atkinson, of Yakima, is visiting for a few days with his father-in-law, William Lowery. Miss EfRe Morey has remodeled the kitchen of Mrs. llaanagen's house by building a neat safe, painting and paper ing the interior of the house, and also made two doors and hung them. What bnrg can beat this town for a lady car penter? Albert Moshberger 'and Ike Williams, of Rural Dell, were pleasant callers Sun day. Walter and Nathan Zweifel were in our burg Sunday. What's the attraction, boys? Oh I Looking for partners for Christmas I The mayor of Liberal is going to re sign and start a matrimonial agency by request of his many friends, and then thtre will be a cyclone sure as the woods are full of young men. Then you will walk out in open ground and face the fairer sex or be swept away. Poor Johnnie wants a cook this week. But alas, you let tho best chance of your life slip by. Wouldn't that "jar ye I" H . L. Barnes and wife left for Port land Monday to spend the holidays with their daughter, Mrs. Sliultz. Mrs. Levi Stehman loft Monday for Marks Prairie to visit her mother dur ing the holidays. Chris Boss and wife returned home from Aurora Sunday. They have been visiting their daughter, Mrs, Ella Keil, who has an "eight-pound girl. Mr. Boss is grand pap now. Father Duffy presonted Clyde llanna gen with a fat goose for his Christmas dinner. We are sorry to say that Leonard Heine's health is getting worse, and there are no hopes for his recovery. Wishing the editor and his staff a Merry Xmas and Happy. New Y'ear, peace on earth, good will to man. Sylvia. Adraree, A certain gentleman who named this vicinity Skunk Hollow refers to this hol low . John Turner, while loading wood, wa s accidently injured last week. John Baps made a quick trip to the metropolis. Henry Kellernur has harvested his crop of whisker j. Mr. Raker has sold hs coidwood to the Crown Paper Company. That is right Lou.drain your swail and raise a good crop of spuds. Billv Plat is not driving mules for M r. Beauman. There are several plows left in the fields. If it wasn't for he chilled iron they would float down to the foot of Wabash Avenue. Henry Toedmier has improved his fence with barb wire. Henry Toedmier has bought a team for which he paid $275. Adelph Rorchelt U putting the finish ing touches on his house. Our school hua closed for the holidays. Henry Peters was the guest of Will Koellermier Sunday. Fritz Koellermier hn gone down to the lower Columbia to get . Frank Uosset is clearing land. That's All Five Dollar Bills Dollars so far, and street window, and give away Dollars men's suits and in t ' n Eagle Creek. Eagle Creek Grange No. 297, met on the third Saturday, December 21, and elected the following oflicers: MaBter, CharlesZeekj overseer, H. F. Gibson; lecturer, Homer Glover ; steward, Albert Douglas; assistant steward, Joseph Brackett; chaplain, L. Glover; treas urer, Aug Gerhartus; secretary, Matt Glover ; ate-keeper, J.r. bteinman; ceres, Tena Gerhartus; pomona, Marie Gibson; flora, Dora bchniidt; lady as sistant steward, Nida Douglass. Mr. Simpson had a stroke of paraly sis, and he is yery low. We hope that he will soon recover. Miss Moehnke, our Bchool teacher.has gone home to Jspend the holidays. Mrs. Alspaugh and family have re turned from Corvallis, but they intend to go back New Year's. Homer Glover report! (hat the road towards Barton is "all right." Harlow. The latest arrivals in Barlow are G. II. Williams, wife and three children, and Mies Jessie Parrot, of Glen wood, Wash. Miss Parrot expects to remain here the rest of the winter with her grandparentB, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jesse. Mr. Williams is a potato raiser and expects to plaut about 8U acres in this vicinity. He brought a potato digger, which he Bays is an invention of his own. It will dig seven acres per day. Fred Meindl, the New Era school teacher, who was elected permanent chairman of the Socialist Paity Central Committee, is a young man, who is wih ing to sacrifice everything for the good of all the paople, and we predict that the time will come wheu the name of Fred J. Meindl will occupy a, notch far above the common office 6eeker. He is yet young and could well afford to write iiis name on the "roll of honor," as he did last Saturday. Is al ways takes courage to launch a new party. Here is success to you, Fred. We are not surprised at the strenu ous efforts of the postofhVe department at Washington to suppress the Appeal to Reason. It is a socialist paper, and they are frightened at its enormous cir culation. Justice in Washington fled from that city the night Abraham Lin coln was assassinated, and has never been permitted to return to remain for any length of time. Bo patient, justice. Socialism is preparing to build you a permanent abiding place. If not in Washington somewhere else will do as well, for you shall rule the earth. W. 11. Flag and G D. Hyland, of III. , are hero looking at the country. Mr. Flag is a brother of Mis. Lency Hedges We hope that tiiey will con clude to remain here in liie hnd of fruit and tloweis. The children of this bnrg aro on the lookout for Santa Clause, and the old folks are doing their best to induce him to come. They have arrange I, to nil appearances, a real brick chimney in the hull for him to descend through and take a squint at the magnificent Xmas tree already in full bloom. If he comes we will tell the children all over Clack aniiis county about it through the Courier-Herald next week, Mr. ami Mrs D. O. Freeman enter- tained the i-m hr clu'i Thursday eve ning. Progressive prized were won by (Mrs C. U. Birlow and Hbiiry Hedges; ! Lone hand prize wis wju by W. B. full CO and the booby prize captured bv Miss .Well, we won't give it away, Veva. V. P. Hawley, of the Grown Paper Co., wife ana Bon, were visiting friends in Barlow today. 'ii-' J. McOreary gave a ball in Columbia hall Saturday night, the proceeds to go towards the sehoolhoiiBe paint fund, which amounted to $5.15. Good for you, Jack. - Our two stores and Charlie Smith are doing a rushing business this week. AH roads lead to Earlow. Birth Born, to the citizens of Clacka mas county, Saturday, December 21, a new party, on whose shoulders the government of the aforesaid county in i'iie time shall rest. It was prophecised loiig ago that this new party Bhould be born, and that its name should be the socialist party, and it came to pass according to prophecy ; if it wasn't born in a manner, it was so near to one that all good Christians ought to have great respect for iu Its teachings will be so nearly like that of the lowly Nazarene that anyone reading them will be struck with their similarity. For full particu lars, see this week's Courier-Herald. Corporal. Canby, School has closed for a two weeks' va cation. J. F..reyoe went to Portland Mon day on business. Our Canby merchants are having all they can attend to selling holiday goods. Mr. 7pp1t. tlm Vilflrnmith from Orifint. ing. Mr. Z :ek is an old hand at the business, and has many friends here. Cloud Deyos, of Idaho, is making his parents a visit this week. Clayton Sias, traveling talesman for barbers' supplies, is visiting his brother, E. I. Bias, Frank Zollner and family are spend ing the holidays east of the mou itains, atDutur, Washington. Just notice that broad smile that Georsje Koehler (has on his face. Both mother and daughter are doing well. - W. T. Perry has accepted a position with the S. P. Co. at Ooburg, Ore. Mr. Perry came here a few weeks ago from St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Avery, of Salem, U Slopping with C. Borough's folks for a few days, Avery quiet wedding took place at 8. Terry's last Sunday, the contracting parties beinst Miss Mattie Terry and Mr. i William Slavin. Mr. Slavin is a car- pen ter of Marion countv, but they will I make their home at Portland. Miss Mattie's many friends here wish her a long and happy life. t'olton . Everyone is busy preparing for Christ mas. Johnnie LaLrty has returned homo to spend Christmas with his parents. Mr. Hunter and family left" Colt on last Wednesday for Portland, where they will make their home. .Several of the Collonites were in Ore gon City this week. Lewie Hubbard is still improving. Several of the Colton boys who have been working in Washington are ex pected home to spend Christmas. Miss Roman and Miss Myers, of Mount Pleasant, attended our spelling school, which was given last night by our school teacher, Mr. Roman. Mulino. Mrs. Daniels was visiting at the home of Mrs. Sager last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Woodside were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Erickson last Sunday. "All well all happy lots of fun". That is the regular report from the monkey cage of Barnum's Circus ever since the keepers began closing the monkeys with Scott's Emul sion. Consumption was carry ing off two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones. One clay a keeper accident ally broke a bottle of Scott's Emulsion near the monkey cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott's Emul sion than new monkeys and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten ed with it can you take the hint? TMs picture represents the Trade M;-.rk of Scou's Kmulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Br 7.1 Send for free sample SCOTT & BOWXE, 409 Pearl St., New Vork. H 50c and f 1. all dtU;. rm mm m S ASTHMA CUKE FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent. Cure In All Cases SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL . . TGJk TEN YEARS paw 'mm v i 'v V ,v, i sr. J? Agnes Wallace was visiting. Miss Elva Erickson last Sunday. Mr. Finley is visiting at the nome of F. Bogue. William M. Wallace is on the sick list Mountain View. The day after Xmas has come, and : with it a little sunshine with an abund- , ant of showers and wind. ; The duck hunters, Messrs. Gillett and Fischer, have returned home, as the ferrv at Yanuina was not running, and they could not get to the lakes at Alsea. Big Christmas dinners were given at various places in this burg. J. W. McKay and family, of West Oregon City, and C. Schuebel and fam ily were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Btaltie. Quite a number from this burg at tended the wedding of Miss Andrews and C. A. Muir at the Presbyterian church last evening. Misses Dottie Dicken, of Portland,and Eletha Cummins, of Schuebel, are the guests of Miss Myrtle Currin. F. C. Francis, of Marysville, Wash., was here for a short time Sunday eve ning. S. V. Francis went to Tualatin last week to visit ;hi8 father, who recently had an attack of paralysis. George Stevens and family went to Beaver Creek to spend Christmas. George Qordon.of Eastern Oregon was here Xmas shaking hands with his old friends. MiesRetta Pierce is employed at the court house thie week. Fairclough brothers had a shooting match near Mr. Schoth's place Wednes day. Turkeys, geese and chickens wtre shot for.' Our Christmas exercises Monday eve ning were enjoyed by a crowded house. Services will be held on Sunday at 4 0 clock. , Salina. Marks Prairie. Plenty of rain, and the roads are get ting very bad. Frank Oglesby and Eph James have gone on a trapping expedition to the headwaters of Pudding river. .Miss Hanna Peter will soon return home from the hospital, where she has been for some time. Her health is much improved. Miss Amy Wiegand has secured a po sitiun in the Aurora hotel. Our supervisor has had several hands at wor? drawing the water olt the road. R. W. Zimmerman has moved onto his farm, which he recently purchased on Mark a rrairie. John Sutherland has been laid up witn a "game leg lor some time. Henry Kocher is confined to the house with an attack ot rheumatism. Say .you New Era man, we are not olt. We have more Dutch ana dog len nel to the square mile than any place in the state, and we defy any man to find more dog fennel than can be lound in this pirt of Clackamas county. We aaid Dutch and not German. If you will come up here 1 would oe pleased to snow you around about harvest and to insptct our dug fennel. Continued on paga C. COl'GHS AND COLDS IN CHILDREN, llecomtneumltion of a Well Kuown Cut CHgO FllJBiciHU. I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Conjh Remedy for almost all obstinate, constricted cuughs, with direct result. 1 prescribe it to children of all ages. Am glad to recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from cold and coughs and bronchial atllictions. It is non-narcotic and safe iu the hands of the most un professional. A universal panacea for all mankind Mrs. Mary li. Melendy M. IX. Ph. D , Chicago, 111. This rem edy is for sale by G. A. Harding. This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet the remedy that cures a cold In da da A Woman's Awful Peril. ''There is only one chance to save your life and tht is through an opera tion" were the startling words heard hy Mrj. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Kidge, Wis., from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of e frightful case of stDinach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Losi of Ap pe:ite. Try it. Only 50 centa. Guar anteed. Forsle by George A. H ard in. Don't pass us by call in and get our prices. Hid Front Trading Company. There is nothing like Asthrna lee It brings instant relief, even in the worst case s. cures when all else fail. The Kev. C.F.WELLS, of Villa Ridge, I1L, says: Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition. 1 cannot tell you how thankful I fe el for the good derived from It. I was a slave, chal ne d with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de spaired ol ever being cured. I saw your advertise meot for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. 1o my astonishment, the trial aoted like a charm. Bend me a full size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnal Israel. New York, Jan. , 1901. Dbs.Taftc Bbos.' Mbdicini Co.. Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an excellent rem edy for Asthma end Bay Fever, and its composition allveiates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hav ing It carefully anulyzed. we can state that Asthma lene contains no 'pium, morphine, chloform nor ether. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORItlS WECHSLER. Trial bottle se nt absolutely free on receipt of postal. Write at once, ad dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED ICINE CO., 79 East 13c th St. New York City. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest Turnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds 0EEG0N CITS, OREGON E. E. G. REOL Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Daily Round Trips, except Sunday timf r.inn Leare Portland 7 A. li Leave Astoria. . 7 P. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. TAHOMA Between Portland, The Dalles and Wa Points TIME CARD Leave Portland, Tuns., Thurs. and Sat ... .7 A, U Arrivt The Dalles, aame day 5 P.M. Leare " Sun , Wed. and rl 7 A. M. Arrive Portland, same day 4 P. M. MEALS THE YERY BEST fHSunday Trips a LeadluK Feature f jr-l'his Route has the Grandest Scenlo Attrac tions en Earth Landing and office, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHONES, MAIN 851 PORTLAND, OBBOOM J. C. WYATT, Agt., Vancouver W0LF0R0 & WYERS, Agts.,White Salmon PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles A. J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria E. W. CRICHTGN, Ayt., Portland The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at wv points on both sides of the Columbia river. Both of the above steamers have been re nl and are in excellent ahape for the season ofl CO The KeeulHtor Line will endeavor to glvella patrous the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy Hnd Pleasure travel by the steamers of Tho Kegulator Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m.an Dalles at 8 a, m.,and arrive at destination in amp time for oneoing trains. Portland Office, The Dalles Office Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet. A. C. A IX AWAY General Age Al all drug store. 25 EW 2'jc P. CitO.Ily, Co. 25c; is the regular Sunday ound trip rate between Oregon City and Portland. Get your tickets at Hrarding's drug siore " CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature