Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 27, 1901, Image 1

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courier established may, sea
19th YEAR, NO. Q2
Friday, December 20.
Sampson A dispatch from Washing
Very ton states that Admiral
111. Sampson is a very sick
man, much woise than the
authorized reports state. His condition
is such that even the findings of the
Schley court have been kept from him.
Sampson has not understood for a year
what was going on, and the recent al
leged interviews are without foundation,
lie has not seen a reporter, and fa not
in condition to make a connected state
ment. His doctors say he may live for
months in his present condition, or
may, on the contrary, collapse any day.
It is expected that Secretary Long will
shortly approve the majority findings of
the court, and in case Schley appeals to
the Presidont, there is fear that the de
partment may be sustained.
The United States senate has referred
the Philippine bill to the committee on
the Philippines.
Sir Thomas Lipton will build another
cup challenger.
General Chaffee says that the whole
Tagal race are traitors.
Ten men were killed in a furnace ex
plosion at Pittsburg.
F. E. Beach is'elected president of the
Portland board of trade.
A head-on collision at Uplands, Oalif.,
resulted in death of two persons and in
jured 25. The engineer ditobeypd or
ders and the limited trains crashed into
each other. Manager Koehler was
among the passengers.
Already there are 2500 names on the
Lewis & Clark subscription fund for the
centennial exposition, and new names
are being added daily .
The Washington state board of con
trol has fixed the 1902 price of peniten
tiary jute bags at $6 35 per hundred.
Last year the price was $5 90.
About 85,000 pounds of prunes were
sold at Salem during the past week, the
average price Leing three cents.
Secretary Gage is anxious to retire
from President Roosevelt's cabinet.
Saturday, December 21.
The On behalf of the lumbering
Boom ineests of the region
Nuisance. i id Gray's Harbor,
Wash., Senator Foster has
taken up with the chief ef engineers the
matter of controlling booms in that
state. The control of streams is largely
left to the engineer department, but in
this instance a desire is evinced to let
lumbermen agree among themselves
what booms shall be constructed and
what channels shall be kept open in the
smaller streams. The lumbermen as
sert that many streams entering Gray's
harbor are now practically closed by
bsoms, and ask for some protection from
the department. The chief of engineers
is inclined to believe that no boom
should be permitted, but for the time
beiug he will take no action.
Governor Taft says conditions are
good for peace in the Philippines. The
civil governor intends to return to Ma
nila. Th firBt ground for the St Louis ex
position was broken yeBterday.
Three men were killed and 12 injured
by a boiler explosion at Pittsburg.
Other South-American countries may
be drawn into the Chilean-Argentine
dispute, and matters are growing more
The Lincoln County Farmers Aisoci
ation pledges support to the 1905 fair.
Sem-ofiicial news received at London
from Constantinople, asserts that Mad
ame Teika is dead, and that Miss Stone,
the American captive, will be released
almost immediately.
Mrs. Margaret Mclntyre, aidowof
Thomas Mclntyre, died at Salem yes
terday, brie was 70 years old, and a pi
oneer of the early 60s.
Mr. Lingo, a bachelor farmer, resid
ing near Junction City, and 60 years
old, advertised for a wife. The result
was a contract with Mrs. Patterson, of
Quicinesic, Mich. Lingo sent a ticket
for the expected bride. She arrived
Wednesday night, and it was ascer
tained that she weighed 304 pounds.
Mr. Lingo took the matter under ad
visfiinent for a short time.
Claude A. Ridd!o, who recently mar
ried Miss Mayme Isaacs, of Medford, is
now located at Grant's Pass. Claude
has accopted a position in a billiard par
lor, so we are informed. Corvallis Ga
zette. 'Saturday, December 21.
Office The large amount of time
, Seekers that President Roosevelt is
Many. giving to appointments, re
movals and office-seekers is
causing a great deal of comment in
Washington. It is the opinion of Bouie
that a man who ii so devoted to civil
service reform should clear the White
House of office-brokers and assert that
he will coneider appointments on their
merits and at his own conuonience, in
stead of hearing from everybody that
wants oflice. The White House is a
rendezvous for politicians who make
charges and counter charges against the
men who are in and against those who
want to get in. In his second term,
Cleveland found it necessary absolutely
to bar the doors rgainst the office-seekers.
Roosevelt will have to do so or
break down in health.
The Oregon delegation lias united in
endorsing M. J. MacMahon, of Port
land, lor a foreign diplomatic appoint
ment, mid he also has Mrong support
from Wisconsin, Illinois ami Michigan.
He was presented to the President by
Senator Mitchell. Mr. MacMahon loft
today for Oregon.
Nine out of the 10 applicants for cer
tificates before the state boci l of medi
cal examiners, were turned down in
Portland last week. It is said that the
examination is very hard, many of the
chemical questions being impracticable,
and would puzzle expert chemists. The
board is accused of trying to keep out
new competition.
Secretary Long has approved the find
ings of the naval court against Schley.
Geueral Miles is severely reprimanded
by Secretary Root for fnrnishing news
paper interviews about the Schley case.
Monday, December 23.
Germany is yreparing for military ac
tion against Venezuela. . She will send
an nltimatum and steps be token to
compel a settlement of German claims
against that country.
A rich strike has been in the Lucky
Boy mine In the Blue River district. It
is believed that it will surpass anything
in richness ever discovered in Oregon.
Forty-five lives were loBt in a fire in a
Mexican town.
A market house collapBed at Zacate-
reas, Mex., and 45 lives were lost, and
over a scare of persons seriously injured.
The Sons of Herman celebrated their
tenth Brand lodiw anniversary in Ore
gon in Portland laet Sunday.
Tho Turks threaten to expel the
Turks from Sviia.
Governor Rogers, of Washington is
seriously ill.
The Portland water commission may
purchase the Albina system.
W. R. Smith was amsted at Silver
ton veeterday evening for stabbing
P. M". Hinkle. The two men had
trouble over a lumber deal, and Smith
stabbed Hinkle three times . over the
heart. The wounds are serious, one of
the blows penetrating th chest wall,
and they may prove fatal. Hinkle is a
well known citizen and member of the
city council.
Continued on page 7-
Lodge Elections. '
Th6 local lodge of the Independent
Order of Lions, elected the following 01
fieers on the 18th: Past president,
Chailes B. Moores; president, S. S.
Mohler; vice-president, Augusta Lutz;
sPMBtnrv. Carl Haberlach: treasurer,
t. (1. Howell: sereeant-at-arras, Anna
Daring; assistant sergeant-at-arms,
J VV. Koder; chaplain, M. O. Strick
land ; doorkeeper, CM. Mason; senti
nel, Meb Damico; examining physi
cian, M. O. Strickland; musician, Veda
Wiliiams; trustees, Mary Mclntyre,
Mrs. C. B. Moores, J. W. Loder.
AlnHnnmfth Lodce. No. 1, A. F. &
1A. M., elected the following new officeri
last Saturday night: Worshiptul mas
ter, Franklin T. Griffifth; senior war
p n fiminncf! iunior warden. Jo-
oni, T. Lvnch: secretary, Thomas F.I
Ryan ; treasurer, Dr. W. E. Carll.
Milwaukie Grange held its annual
election in the town hall laBt Saturday
with the following result: Master,
Richard Scott ; overseer, L S. Holm ;
steward, Juiin James; assistant stew
ard, William A. Sellwooj; chaplain,
Mrs. S. A. Taylor; treasurer, J. S. Uis
ley; secretary, Mrs. M. A. Johnson;
gatekeeper, E. W. Bunnell; Pomona,
Mrs. J. M. Sellwood: Flora. Jessie
Bvuires; Ceres, Eva Sargent; lady' as
sistant steward, Ethel Holmes. After
the election an elegant dinuer was
served in the hall. Four new members
were initiated and 18 new applications
were received for membership. Mrs. D.
aiuiian read an entertaining paper on
'"Early Settlers in Oregon. There were
numbers and speeches were given by
Mrs. Anna Holm, J.Cook, of Illinois;
W. A. 8ellwood. F. Rogers. T. J. Gary
and others.
The Housefurnisher
The old year has gone The new
year is here. We wish you well as
the years change. We greet all our
friends with good wishes and
Great Bargains
We are ready to add quality of goods
Effect A County Flan of Proceed-
About 50 socialists met at the Seventh
street hall Saturday morning, and ef
fected a temporary organization in the
forenoon by electing tred Meindl as
chairman, and John H. Wright, of Can
yon Creek, secretary. It was an open
meeting, and about half of those pres
ent signed the articles of non -affiliation
with any political party, which means
no fusion. Following Is the pledge :
; "Weheroby pledge ourselves to sup
port the constitution and platform of
the socialist party, and to sever all con
nections with all other parties."
The following names were affixed to
the pledge:
R. R. Bratton, Barlow.
Fred Kraxberger, Charles Kraxber
ger, Conrad Koch, B. Lubben, Macks
burg. George E. Davis, Beaver Creek.
A. J. Maville, Canemnh.
B. Frederioh, Joseph Reif, New Era.
George B. M. Jones, JoBeph Meindl,
Fred J. Meindl. Abernethy.
G F. Gtbbs, N. W. Richards, A.
Bauman, Maple Lane.
M. V. Thomas, Sievera.
John H Wright, Canyon Creek.
P. D. Ourran, Oregon City.
J. S, Casto, New Era.
Charles Reynolds, Maple Lane.
Messrs. Maville, Bratton, F. Krax
berger, Frederich and Lubben were ap
pointed a committee on resolutions.
At the afternoon session the com
mittee on resolutions reported the fol
lowing, in substance: Rule by the ma
jority ; direct legislation, through the
initiative referendum: equal suffrage re
nardless of Box or color; government
ownership of all public utilities.
On motion of Mr. Maville a perma
nent organization was effected. Fred J.
Meindl was elected chairman of the
county aenlral committee, and William
Beard, of Maple Lane, was elected sec
retary. A.J. Maville was elected finan
cial secretary; and Joseph Meindl, lit
erature agent. Mr. Pruden, of Spring
water, was elected county organizer.
The following county central com
mittee, the selections to be made in
other precincts as soon as clu,h organiza
tions are effected, w. re elected : 1
Barlow R. R. Br.-1 on.'
tseaver ureen tie. 1 ge m Davis.
Canemah A. J. Maville.
Abernethy Joseph Meindl.
MackBburg F Kraxberger.
Maple Lane G. F. Gibbs.
New Era B. Frederich.
Sievere M. V. Thomas
Ward No1 3. Oregon Cfty P. D. Cur-
Canyon Creek John H. Wright.
Several socialists present, obiected to
thb close-communion plan, but the or
ganized middle-of-the-roaders, stoutly
detended their position. Active steps
will be taken to organize every precinct
in the county.
to our pleasant words and make you happy through substantial
soarings and increased benefits in buying
Bargains In Wall Paper
We have a large assortment of good wall paper which we
are closing out at the low figures of
r per
The HousefumiSher
Judge Ryan Made Several
den During the Week.
In the matter of the guardianship of
Ciena May, a minor, the bond of VV, D.
Bowers as guardian, was approved.
In the matter of the estate of W. A.
Stephens, deceased, Mrs. Minnie Ste
phens, administratrix de-t onis-non, .she
was authorized to execute a release to
th Willamette Pulp & Paper Com
pany on payment of $250 in full for all
claims against the company on account
of the death of her husband, caused by
drowning in the lscks canal off a wood
scow. The accident occurred about a
year ago.
In the matter of the bonds of execu
tors, administrators and guardians, it
appearing that a number of such bonds
have been filed without attaching
thereto the revenue stamp required by
the Uuited States revenue law, it ia
hereby ordered that the clerk of this
court notify ail persons holding such
Uusts, whose bonds are not executed in
compliance with said revenue law, to
Immediately comply" with its require
ments in the matter of affixing the
proper revenue stamp on said bonds.
In the matter of the guardianship of
Emma, Mary, Willie, George, Henry,
Fred and August ViBeelinyor minors,
Marie Vissolmyer, guardian, a petition
waB filed asking that an order be made
giving authority to sell the real property
belonging to the estate, consisting of 80
acres. A citation was ordered pub
lished notifying all persons interested to
show cause'on the 3rd day of February,
why such order should not be made.
The finest bon bon boxes in town at
the K. K. K.
Go o Racke. Store for bargains.
The latent in chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
A few watches for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
$20 to $100 to loan on chai tl or per
aonal security.
Dimick & Eastham, Agts.
Land titles examined, abstracts made
and money loaned at lowest rates.
Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon
Lumber Leave orders at this office
for first-claes lumber of all kinds, or ad
dress W. F. Harris. Beaver Creek,
-Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard building.
Our prices showed Your money
saved in millinery at Red Front Store.
"Move 'em quick" prices are rput on
everything that comes into the Racket
House and half-acre on edge of city
lmits for sale for $175. Inquire at Cour-ir-Herald
Piano lessons given by Mrs. V. liar
ris, Coiner 13th and Main street. Mans
feldt's technic a specialty.
The Weekly bregouian gives all the
national news and the Courier-Herald
gives all local and county news. Both
one year for Two Dollars. v
The P. C. & O. T. line will until
further notice make a 25 cent round trip
rate from Canamah and Oregon City to
Portland on Sundays, wfth cars every
30 minutes.
Guckenheimer rye whiskey direct from
the bonded warehouse. Bold by the
gallon, bottle or drink by Kelly & Nob
litt. Pure goods in original packages.
Drink' Wilhelm's beer. Kelly & Nob
litt, sole agents.
Parties having a farm to rent will do
well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es
tate and insurance agent, at Oregon
City, who has applicants.
B'3 Millinery Sale. Miss C-;Iia Gold
smith. In order to reduce our Btod.'v.e hsv
made a Great Reduction in prices
all millinery goods, liua Goldsmith.
Special sale millinery Red Front.
Mens' and boy' hats less than fac
tory prices Red Front Store.
TCaV fltfini. ln.b- w.,rlr nwA "uant CA'mn !
at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op
posite Electric hotel. Satisfaction guar
anteed. .
For Fruit Trees, flowers, etc., apply to
.beMaiiieu, uregon uuy.
Why driuk rot-gut, when you .can
get Saiiamore hand-made boih mash at
Kelly & Noblitt's-
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
The Portland City & Oreann Rqllwav
Company will run cars every HO minutes
oetween Ureeon Uitv and Portland Sun
day. A delightful ride for only 25 cent
the round trip. The cars run deal
hrough to Canemah on that day.
Big values In ready-to-wear hats. Miss
J. W. Bryan, of Lowder, 111., writes:
"My little boy was very low with pneu
monia. Unknown to the doctor we gave
himfoleys Honey and Tar. There
suit was magical and puzzled the doc
tor. as it immediately stopped tho rack
ing cough and he quickly recovered."
Oharman & Co.
The Oregon City boats now make
three trips daily to Portland and re
turn, except Sunday. The time card is
changed as follows: Leave Oregon
City at foot of eighth street, 7 tliO a. m
11 a. m. ; 2:30 p. m Leave Portland at
foot of Taylor street, 9 a. m.; 12:30 p. ni
4 p. m. Tho boats are roomy, and the
scenery can be viewed from comfortably
seated and lighted cabins, while the pur
ser and officers are clever and attem
Chas H. Cactikld, Presided
Geo. a. Harding, Vice-President
E. G. Caufield, Cshier
General banking business transacted
Deposits received subject to check
Approved bills aud notes discounted
Comity and city warrants bought
Loans made on available seourity
Exchange bought and sold
Collections made promptly
Drafts sold available in any part of the world
TelegraphI o exchange sold on Portland, San
Francisco, Chicago and New York
Interest paid on time deposits
Commercial, Real Estate and Probata Law
Office In Commercial Bank Building
CAPITAL $100,000,
Transacts a general banking business
Makes loans and collections, discmints bills
buys and sells domestic and foreign eietnnge,
and receives doposlts subject to oheek.
Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
F. J.
D. C. Latouiiktte,
. MEYita
(Established 1865)
Prompt delivery to all parts of the elty
G. B. Di t
O. W. Eastham
Commercial, Ren! I
ties, Abetraet i '
Refer. i,.v,
'i dtid I'rolmte Law Speciai
r lurtdi-, Money Loaned,
iii.nk of Oivgon City
Barclay Fuiild'ng
AH work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed
Crown aad Bridge work a specialty
Caufltld Building
Haw Death Near
"It often made my heart ache,"
writes L. C. Overfltreet, of Elgin, Tenn.,
"to hear my wife cough until it seemed
her weak and sore lungs would collapse,
Good doctors said she was bo far gone
with Consumption that no medicince or
earthly help could save her, but a friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discov
ery and persistent use of this excellent
medicine saved her life." It's abco
lutely guaranteed for Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma and all Throat
and Lung diseases. 50c and U at Geo.
A, Harding. Trial bottles free.
sroi'H tii k roriH and ivokks off
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one day. No Cura no pay
Price 23 cents.
Seethe men's new dress ekirts and
petticoats they are fine at the Racket
Money talks but bargains you get
for vour money talks more yet when
you buy at the Red Front.
Try the now candy kitchen opposite
Bimow s grocery.
To Trade 100 acres of land six milt s
south of Oregon City ; timber enough to
pay for place: running water, orchard
about 10 acres cleared. Will trade for
Oregon City or Portland improved prop'
erty. Inquire at Courier-Herald office,
50 woodchoppers wanted by Crown Pa'
per Uom puny.
I rlees Moderate. All Operations Guaranteed.
Oregon City
Graduate of Northwestern University Dental
School, also of American College of
Dental Surgery, Chicago
Willamette Blnok
W. w.
O. D. tove, n, o.
Graduates of Amcrioan School of Ostoopathy.
Successfully treat all cbtonio diseases
vf niecnauicai manipulation.
Examination and consultation free.
Offlco hourst8tol2 and lto4, except Sunday.
Rooms 8 aud 4, Slovens Building
Silverware and Spectacles
(jf E. HAYES
Stevens Building,
opp. Bank Oregon City
Editor Lynch of "Daily Post" Phillips
burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar with this result
"I have UHed a great many patent re in
dies in my family for coughs and colds
and I can honestly Bay your Honey and
Tar is the best thing of the kind I have
ever used and I cannot say too much in
piaine of it. Charman & Co.
A Good Cnuh Medicine,
From the Gazette, Toowoomba, Aust.J
I And Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is an excellont medicine. I have been
gull'ering from a severe cough for the
la; t two months, and it has effected a
cure. I have great pleasure in recom
mending it. W. C. Wockner. This Is
the opinion of one of onr oldest and moBt
respected residents, and has been vol
untarily given in good faitli Bnd that
others may try the remedy anil he bene
fited, as was Mr. Wockner. This reme
dy is sold by O. A. Harding.
At Red front,
Court House Block
(Hospital and Private Experience)
Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic
Office hours: 10 to 12, a. in.; 4 to P, p. m.
Willamette Building
Land Titles, Laud Office Business, Coo '
Will practice in all courts of the
Room 8, Weinhard BaLJ
New ribbons
Front Store.
and pon pone at Red
Satisfied People
are the best advertisers for Foley's
Honey and Tar and all who nso it ngreo
that it is a splendid remedy for coughs,
colds or sore lungs. Charman & Co.
0. gCHl'P.DlL
SDiutraw SJb&ofate
Will practice In nil cnurti, make collodion
and settlements of estates, furnish abstract of
title, lend yon wm'y an ! loml your .;,, ua
first mortgage. tO.Uce la Enterprise building.