OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901 ASTHMA CURE FIREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure In All Cases SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL CHAINED FOR TEH YEARS' " ' "" " RELIEF. ' 1 11 SPECIAL PANTS PATTERN $1.50 .EACH. We have still a few...,. Tine Cassimere Remnants at Cost of manufacture OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS THE FAIR STORE Opposite Posloffice Is selling at c'oser figures than ever. These are a few of our prices : 1 r 4, ,',4,' A A ft . i r ill" R. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court Mouse. t Established 1870 ; FURS! FURS! FURS!! G. P. Rummelin & Sons Manufacturing Furriers 126 Second St., near Washington, P0RTLAND,;0RE. We 'carry a complete" line of Ladies' Fur Coats Capes, Collarettes, Boas, Muffs, Etc, in all the fashionable furs, reamer ooas, etc Send for Fall Catalogue The Leading and Reliable There is nothing like Asthmale e It brings instant relief, evon iu tlie worst cases. t cures when all else fails, i. , . -The Kcv. O.F.WELLS, of Villa Ridge, 111., lays: Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in gocid condition. 1 cannot tell you bow thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de spaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertise ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves, but resolved (o give It a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full-size bottle." Rf.v. Dr. Morris Weciisler, Kabbi of the Cong. Bnal Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. Drr.Taft lines.' Medicine Co.. Gentlemen: Y our Asthmalene is an excellent rem edy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition allveiates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hav ing it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma lene contains no opium, morphine, chloform nor ether. Very truly yours, KliV. DR. MORRIS WECIISLER. Trial bottle sent absolutely free on receipt of postal. Write at once, ad dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED IC1NE CO., ;oEast!3cth St. New York City. - Silk finished cotfra, all colors, 3 for 10o Bide combs, 2 pair for Co Celluloid dross combs 7o Aluminum hair pins, per doz So Tooth brushes - .So ' Muck silk Chan Ulla laoe, per yard 5o Cream color silk lace, 8 inches wide, pi t vnrd.23c Torchon lace, half cent per yard and upward Remnants of Embroideries at remnimi pricps. ls'ack lisle elastic, per yard Me Hack &c'lor'd mecerized waist.latest m.ike $1.50 0"i nine Bojs' and Gl 'Is' heavy ribbed bicy cle hose, only l8o II li-wool ladies" ribbed noushrinkable vests and pants 5sc Cotton ladii's' ribbed vests 2ho Childieu's ribbed underwear, size. 16 to 18. ...loo " " " sizesUOtoM ., 23o Ladles' fine hemstitched handkorohiets, good value, .6 for 250 Men's cotton underwear, 21o-and'up n 's satire and black duok overshirts... .40o n's Jersey, heavy weight overshirts, all colors .. 0o Brown & Welch Proprietors of the Seventh Street Meat iarket A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON We carry the lareest stock of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Lining in Claekamaa county. We are the only undertakers in the county owning a hearee, which we fur nish for less than can bj had elsewhere. vVe are under small expense and do not aek large profits. Calls promptly attend-jd night or day t Incorporated 1899 t t i Kobes ana Kugs. Furriers ot the Northwest - s am ' My hair came but by the hand-' t , and the eray niirs beean to creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com- .ti ing out and restored the color." Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass; There's a pleasure in offering such a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. -The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy.. And you feel so secure in usine such an old and. reliable prepara tion. tl.OO 1 bottle. All dnnjtisU. If your druireist cannot siwdIy vou. Bend us one dollar and we v. ill express you a bottle. Be eure and give the name of your lieares: express ollico. Address, u. . a x XjIx ixjweil. Mass. CO UNT1 COMMISS ONERS L Stehman , ........ '2 50 L H Biu nea ,' . 3 25 S Wricht 75 W H Engle ............ . .. ...... 12 00 Total $ 52 25 District No 27 - ' Monitor Trading Co, gen fund. . .$ 5 50 Geo Neweome .. 2 51) P A Mai quam. 1 50 William Little..... 1 50 D It a t:i age 3 00 J E Matquam. '. .'0 00 .Total 20 00 District No 30 ' ' J R Uays, road fund . ...i... 12 00 Total........ $ 12 00 District No 31 . " ' : ' , ' ' Geo Saum, gen fund. . 11 28 Mike Grofs ...J... 150 Geo Aden i 50 John Aden ............ . 400 Total $ 18 28 District No 32 ' All Poll Tax. District No 33 ' '' , J A Reid, road fund. ... . ...... .$ 22 00 Total .., 22 00 District No 34 , ' Ed Catdorf, road fund ........ j . 1$ 24 00 Total $ 24 00 District No 35 Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund.... .. .$ 49 30 Fred Wagner, road fund 41 37 Total 90 67 In the nutter of the application of A Knapp for the right to improve the Clackamas river and 4 purt of Clear creek. :' Now at this time comes on to be heard the petition if A Knapp, praying that Clackamas river ami Clear creek in Clackamas county,, titate of Oregon, be declared by this cuurt unnavigable streams and public highways for the floating and transportation of logs, timber and lumber, and praying that this court direct and cause the' same to be improved for that purpose by widen ing, deepening, straightening, moving obstructions therefrom, building of dams and booms in, and otherwise improving said streams as may be necessary to make the same fit or suitable for the purposeintendtd, or that the said court enter into a contract with said A Knapp, leasing the use of such highways or the specilied partH thereot to him for the term of twentv-five years or for a greater or less term, as the court sl.ojld deem best. And the said A Knapp, appearing by J W Draper, his attorney, at this time moves for a continance of this; matter until the next term of this court, and there being objections made thereto, and the court being fully advised in the premises does hereby refuse to grant or allow such continuance. And the court being fully advised in the premises as to the merit of the mat ters set forth in said petition, it is there fore ordered and adjudged that the said petition be and the same is hereby in all things denied. (Contiuued on page 7.) Saw Death Near "It offe:i made my heart ache," writes L. C. Ovcrstreet, of Elgin, Tenn., "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sore lungs would collapse, Good doctors said she was eo far gone with Consumption that no medicince or earthly help could save her, but a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discov ery and ptr"istent use of this excellent medicine saved her life." It's abso lutely guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and all Throat and Lung diseases. 50c and $1 at Geo. A. Ilardinj.'. Trial bottles free. HOOSIER DRILLS IIOE DRILLS SHOE DRILLS DISC DRILLS Send for catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. . PORTLAND, ORE. About Ozone. Many people talk about ozone with out so much as knowing what ozone Is. There Is a prevalent Idea . that It Is something you get at the sea and that it Is good for .the lungs. ; What that something Is, however, few people have sufficient curiosity t6 Inquire. Ozone Is what chemists call an allotropic form of oxygen that Is to say, It Is oxygen h a highly active and concentrated con dition. ' In ordinary pure air ozone ex ists,' but only In what chefnlsts call "traces." Larger amounts are found in ocean and mountain air. It Instantiy disappears when brought In contact with decaying matter, dissipating It self, as It were, In the act of oxidizing that matter.' . Ozone is known to occur more plenti fully during thunderstorms, and we have, of course, the analogy of Its be ing artificially produced from oxygen by electrical discharges; in the labora tory. On the body ozone Is believed to act as a stimulant; hence the popular notion of Its beneficial effects as expe rienced by the sea, but In any greater amount than mere traces It Is a violent Irritant. One authority goes the length of asserting that It Is doubtful whether It Is beneficial to animal life at all. Colored Swede. A little Swedish monthly magazine published in New York city requested Its readers a short time ago to send in accounts of the experiences they had when they first arrived iu this country. Here Is the prize specimen: "In my un sophisticated days I once started out to call upon a girl I had known In the old country. I was told that she lived at Madison avenue and street. When I reached that corner, I was In doubt which house to try, but I fiually went up the steps of one that faced on the avenue and rang the bell. A girl came to the door. 'Does Miss Nelson live here?' I asked as politely as I could. ' " 'I don't know any such person, she answered, and I was turning away when she called after me, 'Is she white?' ' '' ! ; ' : " " "That irritated me. 'Did you ever know, any Swedes who were colored?' I asked. " 'Well, I have seen some green Swedes,' was, her retort, and I did not continue the conversation. " TrlnU of a Lecturer. s ' A well known English woman lec turer tells these stories at her own ex pense: " "I was," she says, "on a tour through the provinces, and one night as I ap peared on the platform In a small town the chairman Introduced me to my au dience In the following way: 'You have heard of Mr. Gladstone, the Grand Old Man. Let me now Introduce to you the grand old woman.' This was In tended as a sincere compliment. "On another occasion a bluff old farm er, who boasted of his ability to look on all Bides of a question, announced me as follows: 'This lady's come here to talk about her rlght.V he said. 'She's hired the hall, and so she's got a right to be here, and If any of you don't like what she's got to sny you've got an equal right to walk out Iu the middle ou't " A Troy From Home. It Is becoming the fashion for a wo man to seek a maternity hospital that her children may be born amid conven iences lacking at home. The children are sent away from borne to school. They are married away from home, and members of the family are taken to hospitals for their final Illness and bur led from an undertaker's parlor. It Is becoming a fashion to take everything from home except the family rows. They are still sacred to the family hearth. Atchison Globe. Italian Hrlffflndage In 184S. One summer eveuLug In the crowded theater an impatient house demanded the drawing of the curtain preliminary to the first act. When at last It was upraised, II Passatore and his armed band occupied the stage, with muskets aimed at the affrighted audience. The chief stated that he should levy a tax per head, which he then and there col lected. The gang made off with their booty unmolested. Lady Presturch's "Essays." Cold. The specific gravity of gold Is 19.50 that Is, It weighs nineteen and a half times as much as Its own bulk of wa ter. The ductility and malleability of this metal are equaled by do other. By ductility Is meant the property of al lowing Itself to be drawn out Into a wire and by malleability Its property of flattening without splitting under the hammer. Make Some One Happr. Charles Klngslcy thus counseled a friend: "Make It a rule and pray to God to help you to keep It never, if pos sible, to Ho down at night without be ing able to say, 'I have made one hu man being at least a little wiser, a lit tle happier or a little better this day.' l'ou will find It cosier than you think and pleasanter." Don legged So Mom. Sailors are a howlcggcd class. An old salt always walks as If be were on the deck of a ship, and he never takes great strides like a landsman. lie Is used to having to walk great distances, Iu his Imagination, on the quarter deck, and he can't get rid of the habit of making the most of his promenade. Tbe Bpongre. The sponge reproduces Its kind main ly by eggs. In each animal are con tained both the male and tbe female elements, and it throws out the ova to be batched In the water. At first the youug are Ine swimming, and after ward they attach themselves to con venient sitn and grow. Palpi- ' fluttering or irregular pulsa tions are an indication of weak ness of the nerves or muscles of the heart. - A weakness long continued produces deformity and organic disease. If your heart adtion is weak, make it strong. Build up the muscles and strengthen the nerves with the greatest of all .heart reme dies, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "My wife suffered greatly with palpitation ot the heart, smoth ering spells and loss of slocp. She found immediate relief from Dr. Wiles' Ilcart Cure and after a thorough course her trouble all disappeared." Cai'T. Tnos. F. George, Athens, Ala. , Df. Miles' , quiets the nervous heart, regu lates its pulsations and builds up its strength as nothing else can. : Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical fo.. THE HOME GOLD CURE. , . . 1 . , j . . . An Ingenious Treatment . bv which Drunarda are Being Cured Da'ly In Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive l ure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capablff neutralizim? and eradicating this poison, and destroying ihe craving fur intoxi cants. Sufferers may now cure them selves st home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wondertul "HOME GOLDCUEE" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faith ful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed, 10 cure ine moBt obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transforma tion of thousands of Drunkards into so ber, industrious and upright men WIVES OUHE YOUR HUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN ' CUKE YOUH FATH ERS 1 1 This remedy is no sense a nos. trura but is a specilio for tli.s dieease only, and is so skilllully devir d and pre pared that it is thoroughly e Uible and pleasant to the taste, so that it run be given in a cup of tea or coffee whin ul the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured ana made temperate men by having the "CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking; of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement.'1 Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "Home GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar,. thus placing in reach of everybody a treatment more ef fectual than othurs costing $l'6 to $50. Foil directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dent E 594, EDWIN li. GILES & COM PAN Y 2330 and 5-332 Market Street, Philadel phia. All correspondence Btrictly confi dential. Ciiuistmas Oknamicnts at Cliarman & Co.'e, the cut pi ice Christmas Drug gists, A CELEBRATED Chickering Piano VALUE $650.00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY The enterprising citizens of Oregon City have purchased a $050 Chickering Piano and will on January 25, 1002, give it to ttie organization or l.erson receiV' ing the greatest number of votes. The instrument and ballot box are on exhi bition at Burmeister & Andresen's iew elry store, where the b Hots are counted every Wednesday evening and the remilt published in the Oouner-llerald. The official ballots are WHITE and are printed by the t'ouripr-Heiald and is sued FREE by the following merchants with every lU-cent purchase: R. Freytag, groceries V. Harris, groceries Schrewe & Vermim, meats Brunswick Resiuiirunt Burmei.der .it Andresen, joweiry Charman & Co., diugs Courier-i'erald, printing Moo e's Pharmacy Welsh's Candy Store Red Front, general merchandise Lulling, " " F.T. Barlow, groceries s J.M.Price, clothing P. O. Cigar Ktore Pope it Co., hardware A. Robertson, groceries Ely Lro., geueral merchandise Ci. A. Harding, drugs J. W. Blaney, meats (. Ko'fe, lutein, clothing W. L. Block, hoiiKefurniiher Kozy Kuridy Kitchen P. U, rituir k, barber, coiifectint ry II. Sthrader, bakery Mrs. Deute, ladien' furnishing guode 1JANK OF OREGON CITY OLD1MT BANKING HOCSK IN TFE CIIT CAPITAL 50,M!0.00 SURPLUS a,!50.00 - Chas. H. Caufikid, President Geo. a. IIaelinq, Vice-President E. Cadfikid, Cashier . General banking business transacted Deposits received nbnct to check ; Approved bills and notes dltoounted County and city warrants boiuht Loans made on available soourlty ' Evhange bought and sold ' Collections made promptly ' Drafts sold available in any part of tlie A-orld ..Telegraphic eichano sold on Pjrtlanu, San 1 Francisco, Chicago and Kew York Interest peld on time deposits (I. D. & D. c. LATOURETTE - ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Heal Estato and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ORRCtON COMMERCIAL BANK x ov OREGON CITY ' CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loins and collections, dltcounts bills buys and sells domestic and foreign erchnnge, and receives deporlts ei'bjcct to oheek. upen from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. D. C. Latoi'bktte. T. J. Meyfi President C. N. GREENMAN " ' THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 18GB) Prompt delivery to oil parts of the otly OREGON CITY OREGON O. W. Eastham '' O. B. I )UIICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, R1 Estate and Probate Law Special ties, Abstract of PHIe made, Money Loaned. Reference, Rank of Oregon Citv OREGON CITY . r.Rimnw DR. L. L. PICKENS ; DENTIST Prices Moderate Al: operations Guaranteed. Barclay Build ,u Oregon City I)R. GEO. HOE YE DENTIST All work warranted and .attsfactlon guaranteed v,,.u na onage work a specially Caufluld Building OREGON CITY 0RtaM I)R. FRANCIS FREFMAN , DENTIST Graduate of .Noi Uiwoalorn University Denial """"i '" oi American College of DonMI gj ei,), Cluoago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON W. W. OllKISTIS, D. O. O. D. LOVE, D. O. I)RS. CHRISTIE & LOVE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy.. Successfully treat all chionlo diseases - hir w...t.... .(...., .. j uiuiupuiauon. Examination and coniiliM,,n fr Office hourst 8 to 12 and 1 to 4, except Sunday. Rooms 8 and 4, Stevens Building ORKGON CITY or,nnw DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANDY ORKGON (J. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bunk ( Oregon City OltKQON CITY OREGON (JEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front, Court Home Bin- OREGON CITX . OREGON M. c- STRICKLAND, M. d! (Hospital and Private Experience; Spoolal attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Offlco hours: 10 to 12, a. m.j 4 to 0, p. m. Willamette- Building OREGON CITY OREGON JJOBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Land Titles, Land Office Business, Convey anc'ng Will practice in all courts of the state Boom 8, Welnhard BuhJIng OREGON CUT ORKGON 0. ScHUKMk VV. S. TJ'R CfREN & SC1IUEI1EL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Itutfiet Etb&otat Will nrflCtlflA In nil rn.l. .... . andsetlleinnutsof .tt,., fnrni.h abstracts of title, lend yon tnonnr and lend your mmo, 0u, --" v ... ..rpri, DUJIUjnr, OREGON CITY ORK'ION To Stop, n Colli. After exposure or when vnn feel a o coming on, take a dose of Foley'a Honey and Tar. It, nevr fiul to utop acoid if akeri in tune. Charnctn & Co, Eye examined free by a m.,,,.., or ticiau al the New Jewelry bioit. V