Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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U mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmMMMMMmmmMMmMMMmMmmMMMMmmmm. ,
I - i
NEWS Ur Tub Wfcfc
Friday, December 13.
Isthmian The certainty that an iath
O.niil. niian canal bill is going to
puss at this eeesion of con
EriHs ctuwes a number of men to give
the project the most eerious considera
tion, and some are (living particular at
tention to the Panama canal project,
even in iho face of the report of the
tfomuiitsnn in favor of the Nicaragua
route. The fact that the Nicaragua
route is 168 mile long as aganut 4b
miles hciobs Panama, and tht it will
tike 36 hours for vessels to go through
instead of 12 in passing at l'anama, is
giving many senators aud representa
tives seiiotifi moments of reflection.
They recognize the complications that
would follow their dealing with the
French and the. Columbian govern
ments, but they are considering
whether it would not be better to do eo
and have a shorter canal, even if the
cost is considerable more. The old
speech of Henalor Davis made against
the bill 10 years ago is being revived.
In It he asserted that the 6eismic condi
tion! of Nicaragua and Costa Hica were
such as to make it very probable that
earthquake would at any time destroy
the locks and canal along the proposed
Nicaragua route. Tue question of har
bors on both sides is also being raised
and couipa isons fevorable to the har
bors on the Panama route are being
made; Of course, Una discussion is
more or less tentative, and it may not
amount to anything in the end, as the
Heutimeiii of congreiw seems largcy in
favor of a Kicaraguun canal, nome oe
lieve that the Panama talk is simuly in
the interest of deleating any canal, and
that opposition is brought out in the re
port made by .Senator Morgan.
Jack Wade, one of the murderers of
young Morrow in Portland, was found
guilty of murder in the firft degree.
The Oregon Kail way & Navigation
Company announces a $-5 westward
bound settler's rate.
The federation of workmen in Porto
Etco dissolved.
t. to the Chinese ex
clusion bill proyides for the deportation
of highbinders.
President Kuosevelt pe8eu the but
ton that opened the woodmen conven
tion at Spokane.
Gales are sweeping Great Britain and
Ireland, and'groHt snowstorms in var
ious sections of the United States.
Judge Poise decides that the ex-state
land board is morally roeponsible for
George W. Davis's defalcation of $30,
Saturday, December 14.
Schley The report of the Schley
Censured, court of inquiry was pro
mulgated by Secretary Long last night.
There aio two reports. Admiral Ben
Imm and Admiral Kameay concur in
the first, which is signed by Admiral
l)eu-y also, us a matter of lorm. Ad
minl Dov.ey makes a separate report,
although he a,;ro'S with the findings of
facts Mib.'cri!;cd to liy tuo others, xno
'majoity leport condemns Admiral
Schley on 11 points, while Admiral
Dewey eiiftains him in most places. The
majority opinion finds in briel that Ad
miral Schley Bhould have proceeded
with the utmost dispatch to Cienfuegos
and maintained a close blockade; that
he should have endeavored to have oh
dcayored to have obtained information
of the SpaniKh thdre; that he should
have proceeded lo Santiago with dis
patch ; that he should not have made
the retrogdo movement ; that he should
have obeyed the department's orders;
that he should have endeavored to cap
ture the Spanish vessels in Santiago;
that ho diil not do his utmost to destroy
ihe Colon ; that lie caused the squadron
in ii.ca ilivtiiii'u ii tho lorm of the
Brooklyn ; that he thereby caused the
Texas to back; that ho did injustice to
Hodgeon; that his conduct in the cam
paign wsa characterized by vascillation.
Uilatoiinees and lack of enterprise; that
ins oniciai repons on urn com ouiij'
were inaccurate and iniBleuding : that
. his conduct during the battle was self
possessed, and that he encouraged in
his own person his enboidinate ollicers
ami men. Dewey takes an entirely dif
ferent view of the case.
The Chile-Argentine dispute may be
settled without war.
J. T. Morgan spoke for the 1905 fair at
the Scranton labor c invention,
Tho Philippine taiift" W il. bo volcd on
in the house Wednesday.
Tliiirt-ton Grimm, a well known far
mer, living near Hubbard, shot and
k'.lU:u anothi-t iarincr mimed John Hop
pel yesterday. K e-wilnesses say the
act was donli in seii-deieiife. Hopiel
tiled l he lii t shot and several shots
woie exchanged. The dilhYulty grew
out ol the location of a county road, the
county board having nuthoi i.ed Grimm
to stake out a c. unty road along Hop
pel's premises. Gninin is a liie-long
resident of that section, and held in
high esteem.
David 1 Thompson, a prominent citi
zen and pioneer, diid at his home in
Portland, shorily alter midnight.
Sunday, December 15
U'irolooa Willinm Mnri'oni. of St.
Telegrsphy John's, N. B., announced
Succepe. the most wonderful scien
tific discovery of modern
times tonight in stating that he had re
ceived electric signals across the Atlan
tic ocean from his station in Cornwall,
England. Before leaving England he
wtfdo plans for accomplishing this re- ,
suit, for while his primary object was to
communicate with ocean liners in mid
ocean, he hoped also to succeed in at
taining the wondertul scientific achieve
ment of wireless telegraphy across the
Atlantic. Signor Marconi's Btition in
Cornwall is very powerful. It possesses
an electric force generated there 100
times greater than ins ordinary stations.
Before he left England he arranged with
the electrician in charge of the station,
which is located at Poidhu. that signals
should be sent daily after a certain date,
which Signor Marconi would cable him
after perfecting his arranegments here.
Signor Marconi arrived here a week ago
f rmay, selecteil Mgnai tiiii at, mo en
trance to the harbor, as an experimen
tal station, and moved ids equipment
Emperor William complains that Ger
man workingmen drink too much beer
during working hours, thus causing
them to be inferior to the workmen of
this country in skill.
Admiral Schley is willing to leave the
verdict to the people, and does not want
a congressional investigation.
Monday, December 1G.
Manna and Foraker contest for con
trol of the Ohio legislature. If no
agreement is reached Is reached, the
matter will be fought out in caucus at
Marconi will improve his wireless
One man was killed and 11 were
wounded in the Great Northern wreck
at Essex iu Rocky mountains.
Eastern and Central Pennsylvania
were visited by destructive floods.
Detective Joseph Reilley, of the O. R.
& N. Co , wins $1,000 reward lor catch
ing the trainwrecker, who ditched the
train near The Dalles, that caused tho
ftnnih nf TCnuinfinr Maurice Oavanauizh.
The trainwrecker was a negro school
teacher named JUdd. me wrccK was
caused by placing au iron nut on the
outer rail, causing the locomotive to fly
the track. Under the provisions of an
act of the legislature of 1893, any person
who shah place an obstruction on a rail
road tcack by which a train is wrecked
and the death of one or more passen
gers ensues, shall upon conviction be
deemed guilty of manslaughter. Kidd
will therefore undoubtedly be hanged
for his work.
Bnnkolna a Jauanese
! "J. P. G." was only an enlisted roan
in Uncle Sam's navy, but his mess
mates called him "the Swell" because
whenever he went ashore he carried a
suit of civilian's clothes. At Yoko
hama,, in his tine raiment and a white
felt hat, he passed himself off to a
t Japanese coal merchant as the pay
master of the fleet and contracted for
several thousand tons of coal. The
frice named was $14 a ton.
"What Is my rake off?" he asked tho
dealer, who offered a generous commis
sion. "Make the price sixteen dollars
a ton aud have thousand tons
ready for delivery at the earliest pos
sible1 hour tomorrow morning," he said.
The merchant opened wine, , and
when thoroughly warmed up the sailor
remarked, looking indolently at his
watch: "By the bye, I'm expected to
visit the club tonight, and It is prob
able that I may need a little more
money than I have In my pocket. Per
haps you had better advance me three
or four thousand dollars on account."
Qf course he got what he wanted.
Next morning the vessels were stir
lounded with scores of barges laden
with coal, and It was all the ollicers
could do to prevent the Japs from un
loading their cargoes. The dealer dar
ed say nothing, for he had entered into
a conspiracy to defraud the govern
ment, so ho pocketed his loss iu si
lence. New York Press.
A Neat and tseful Combination
Building; For tie Farm.
The accompanying illustrations from
Tho Ohio Farmer convey an idea of an
Improved cornhouse and granary which
Is descY.hcJ as tollows:
Tho c.:nerib and grain bins may be
rado self discharging without opening
any part-cf the upper portion or with
out tho use of a ladder or steps by plac
ing floor Joists at au angle as shown by
dotted lines.
The projecting part of the uoor is
nade the bottom of the bins and corn-
" wV -. - ' Jo - m. . i iZ
Tk mm w r vm b k
SInch In tlic Name.
Once there were some vo.; "v.T.c.jcr
people In au ulira fashionable village
not far from the metropolis who decid
ed that no society yet bunched together
was exclusive enough lor them. Lveu i
the Colonial Dames failed to meet tho '
requirements, to they determined to
Btart a now n'ruivxtlon that should be .
the real tl.
After considerable thought they con
cluded that if they limited membership
to direct descendants of Fernando do
Soto it would be sulEcIeutl.v exclusive
for their fastidious tastes. A "Society
of the Sons aud Daughters of Do Sotu"
was the outcome. AU the best people
in tho village proved that they were
eligiblo and were enrolled as charter
Tlowever, there was one man on the
outer fringe whose proof of decent
was not accepted; in short, he waj
blackballed. trills made him angry,
and he started to investigate tho sub
ject. One dav he rniblishod his findings In
the local newspaper. The principal
fact was this: "V. de Soto died a bach
elor." The Sons and Daughters of Do Sota
are now known ns the Elite EucUer
Moral. There's a whole lot in a
name. Smart Set.
Now Tliey Nottr Spenk.
A coolness growing out of the fol
lowing conversation has sprung up be
tween Jones and Smith.
"I had a splendid time last night,"
said Jones. "I spent tho evening at a
little social gathering at the Goodman
"Are the Goodmans nice people?"
queried Smith.
"Well, I should say so. They are
very aristocratic. To got into their cir
cle one must have either a great deal
of money or a great deal of genius."
"You don't tell me so? And you say
you were there?"
"You were Invited, were you?"
"Of course."
"And to bo Invited a man has to have
plenty of money or a great deal of gen
ius?" "Precisely."
"Well, Jones, I am very glad to hear
you have become rich all of a sudden.
Lend me five pounds!" London Answers.
no. i -section of tbame.
crib that fa built upon it and is left
j open ou tho side next to the corncrib
'and grain bins, so that the corn will
j slide into it. A cover may be hinged
1 to the box so that It may be turned up
when grain is taken out.
If oue wishes to use a shovel for
corn or grain, the opeuinr; into the bin
or crib u.ay bo closed for a space of
two feet either in the middle or at each
Tho Kind You HaA'e Always Bought, and which has been
iu use for over 30 3'cars, has borne the 6ignatnre of
vy? - and has been made under his per-
sjJrf-f-f- sonal supervision since its Infancy.
taf-fJ-cucA Allow no one to deceive you in this.
Ali Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle Avith and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Cantor ia, is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Di-ops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contaitis neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
fiubstaisee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency.. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Cliildr en's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
QEmm CASTORIA always
Bears the Signature of
000 P?
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
KcnNot.' For a Divorce.
The Druses sometimes divorce their
wives for apparently the most trivial
causes. Thus a man named Soleiman
Attala had a wife, IsbnUyeu. The wo
man frequently worked for us, and on
several occ. slons I lmd to complain
that she talUed too ninth and worUed
too little. At length I was obliged to
tell Soleiman that owing to his wife's
laziness I could employ her no longer.
Shortly afterward I went to England.
On hiy return nfter a couple of
months' absence I was surprised to
flnd that Soleiman had divorced Isbak
yeh and had already married another
woman. On Inquiring from him the
cause of this he replied, "lour nouor
'told me that you would not employ my
wife again, so I thought I would get
rid cf her aud marry another woman
whom you would employ." Black
wood's Magazine.
fiq. ii ixoob rLAN.
end. At the closed places there will
bo no grain or corn upon the floor of
tho box. It will bo easy to shovel out
tho corn or c'rain.
Fig. 1 represents a section of tho
frame. Fig. 2 Is the floor plan and Fig.
3 the cud elevation.
Pimensions-'-S feet long by 28 feet
wide; height, 12' feet to plate Hue;
driveway, i) feet wide.
Tho building Is designed to have a
stone foundation, end the exterior is
ARE f-m
nrRrt KmSmm-PW MfllOCOO
iwmm ft"
i vr .V' in pro
Insert Tetin In Brazil.
I should take a small gang of prac
tical coffee planters from Ceylon with
good digestions to be not afraid of
ghiggars, ticks and Berne flies, to say
nothing of the lear little mosquito.
The writer had extracted during four
years In Brazil no less than 200 ghig
gars from underneath every toe nail of
both feet. The Portuguese, Brazilians,
Italians and Spaniards called it a rec
reation on Sunday to dig them out of
each other's feet.
Of all the vile Insects ou earth, the
Berne fly Is the worst. She lays her
pa-era im-.'.de your flesh aud hatches
three very ugly Insects an Inch long
witli three rings of bristles round the
body and sharp nippers. They take
nboiit six weeks to develop under your
Bkln, (hen cov.-uonec- to turn Bomer
sui.hs just '.. :) you want to g. to
i sleep aft.r e, k'.r.l day's work in tho
I sun. Tl. .' r.:-.;lves of Brazil adopt a
novel way i . extracting the brute
when full j.r. Yhoy tie ou a piece
of raw i (".'.:, and the Berne conies out
ill your :.',.! :i and lakes a header Into
the piece ci' pigskin-Ceylon Observer.
Conllng a British Visitor.
A Mrr British batlleshin coining here
to ntteud a patriotic function of some
kind on the Invitation of our govern
ment ran short of coal, and Uncle Sam,
os host, agreed to fill her bunkers free
of charge. This courtesy was doue
throuch the medium of a Jersey City
merchant, who supplied fine furnace
coal, worth from $U to $i a ton aud
presented bis bill to the English cap
tain. "Send it to the navy depart
ment," eald the latter, and to Washing
ton It vent, to be returned by the next
lil!l with a memorandum attached
raying that au error had been made
In' the charge, "the go eminent con
fact railing for coal at ?3 a ton." And
that la all the smart .lerseyite ever re
criu'3, New York Press.
III a Bs's.H srs 7,
y siv Ii Vry lj W B
EAF&sEss m mm mmmo
e, furm -Tpn;'" 6 of) fif
bJ'y' C : ' C J - & '--' das
by onr new invention. Ci.lv tho.-.- Vc.i -'if arc incurable.
im:, . Mt.. i.'arctljl, laoi.
.:-caui-..-iu, 1 v.'i'.l lio-.v give you
:t on 1
woi.sc, iintil I lost
No Itcbnte.
Yhcu Adelina Paul visited Madrid
oue time In company with her husband,
Signor Nieolini, who thought liiinseir a
tenor singer, there was au effort to en
gage the noted artist for an especial
occasion. The opera director asked:
"How much will .vou charge us if you
and your honored husband appear on
this occasion for one night;
Ten thousand francs, sir."
'And how much If you come without
the signor, inadamoV"
"Ten thousand francs."
Represents tUe liiftliest
standurd of excellence
In cereal cotfee products
54 California fisa and prunes,
scientifically V.lonJcd with 46
vell ripcr.cd grain, makes a table
beverage of rare quality.
In FlGPKUNE. there is com
bined, with the delicious fruit
flavor, all te nutritious and
health-civinri qualities of fruit and
Boil from 5 to 10 minutes only.
lurii!jj n Wi
ellee ef t'.ie ; ::v
sirilar luit'.ci d ,
the heads ef i
vorite butt cf t
Seldom miss;;!
he declare I 1
cult to hit an i
the Nupiio.-.'tk'.'.i, L".:
hH ground, an i ll.e
the lest. Au ;; :
wall, ntid the t,:'. I',
utrange to r::y. i; i ;
The govcitior n. 1
countenaiHTs and ev
cess of the I'ria.t :',
of the dillieuity of i':e t
a ball Lapp; m .1 t.i '. '1
whleh the e;Vi: vn; f.i
to the ground w'uiu ui b;
tho mystery was s'.hav.
Afghau had 'f1 la'.,
the featheiv; '.gl.t b'.a:! 1
cd plde eaeh t;:;.' I y :
air In front ef t'.a lad v.
cd being hit. ,
Afutcui Ti-leU.
i-o. in:: match in the pros
;veVaor ef r.andahar the
t.i ast.misluueut that
s;;.-uiuws were the fa-
inarkKiiien, who' nut
!r aim, whereupon
.is tar more tlull-
l'eter laughed at
t'.o sirdar stood
:.tt.er was put to
; ; -.;s;k -.:ded on a
t'.red at it; but
e i i t;A..l lot the
i.c.'t kept their
,1 the neilsoc-
ra t'.e ground
At last
' tin-cad t
-.. and It Ml
..ikiii'j. Now
The cnint'u
v a t.' '. a. I
:! i'i . a i.)"v-
,1 Cans ...
Cntliorlno lie' .Vedlel.
Catherine de' Medici of France was
a tall, dignified woman of striking per
sonal appearance. Her manner was of
ten cold and repulsive, her language
haughty. She was never popular or
well liked. Her features were regular,
and the chief merit of her countenance
was a full black eye that seemed to
fascinate those on whom she looked.
Jennie Talk.
"Hello! Where are yon going?" cried
Ihe lion as the tleet footed slag dashed
ly him.
"Oli, I'm Just traveling for my health,"
panted the slag. "Why do you ask?"
'.My friend ihe tiger Invited me to
participate In a slag dinner party to
day, and I was wondering If you were
the party. "-Philadelphia Press.
rici. Ill END VIEW.
covered wit.; seven-eighths inch drop
siding. Thei e are a neat but plain cor
nice, shingled roof aud rolling doors.
This will make a useful buildiug ana
just what Is wanted on a well arranged
Early rioivlns Uie Grent Rcmilslte.
I'nlliiiS This, I tie the DlnU Harrow.
Growing wheat has not been as prof
itable for some farmers as other Uiuds
of crops that could be grown at less
expense. There is a teciuig mac any
man can grow com, but that it takes
some skill and a great deal of high
priced help and machinery to produce
a crop of wucat.
Winter wheat is er.eroachir.3 on new
territory every year. Some pood farm
er who is careful, painstaking and pro
nwieuivn will lain:' in some new va
riety and will be successful in growing
this cereal. Others will follow, some of
whom will not be successful. 1
Neglecting to plow the ground early
so that the soli will get thoroughly set
tled and compact Is perhaps the case
of more complete failures than any
other. Sometimes it Is impossible for
lack cf moisture to plow ground at all
when it, should be done.
Where it Is impossible to plow ground
soon after harvest we would suggest
M,i,ni.i. n .-! clean stubble two or
three times with a disk harrow, keep
ing up a general pulverization with
whatever tool that will perform the
work until tho time for drilling. Vo
would then drill the wheat, says Iowa
Homestead. We are inclined to the
opinion that this preparation will make
a better seed 'bed than where plowing
is done bite and the grain drilled In
freshly plowed ground with insuhHeicnt
Where It Is possible- to piow cau. n
will give ore and a half or two months
from the time of plowing until drilling
Latitude and the presence of insect
enemies will largely suggest the time
of drilling wheat. This time varies
from the second wceh iu September un
til the middle of October.
n fell liUto! v of niv e.i-c. I" lie-'us; a at y.mr liisc;- t mi. . .
-Ahont five vir a-o tin-1 e;h car U-itan to jmii(', uii- ..
niv lu-aiinu- in this enr entm-ly ... . ., ,,,
J,Wh.f,S SFlSp'nmimXn.y -iK tiuit the 1aU noia wouU!
t:,,;, c,a,e, but the hearing in Ibe aicccUJ ci.r ivo.A. - iorvvcr.
, I then saw y;:r ..u.v . ; c ..a . . - . . . , ,.,,.,, cSFll. and
merit. Mler i lu... t. ! : s . . " ,' 1 ,.i i n,.,,,i. vnu
to-dav aftu-five wwi-f. -.v Jicri::- in then ---dear l.t "eta c.ancly lou.i- llliani. jou
h.ailily aud beg to .vinau, v ery truly y'RMA:-( , .. , rroa(lwa n,.Ut:ROr, Md.
Our treatment dte not inlerfei'c .1'.'.' ,V- .'-'-:' "jrtxjKiMn.
YOu m GORE Y0U3SELF AT KOiisE atRnttl
Newly Famished and Refitted
This Restaurant has no Superior in the City
Opposite Electric Hotel OREGON CITY, OREGON J
fl d
l r..f.r, rv-.rVVCnlVOrrl 1 Ol'.r VUsi. ; f5 .5JH C "l J V ' K !'S
,i Hi
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I v.C . ,Ht ii lifelir-w. 1 txlra Hr .cunft Peer
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.r.t,..t.K 1 double rhin niiTv.LiB te!H''..u! ch-n
r.l.M'. irnl. ;.M tli..8Hl'..eI w,tli.i.ri
1 .... ,! :ll- tC.-rf Mir fit'.-n- .' y--"M i."-
.. 1 . for I." tiiim I'JU.J. V... t.ll ;
,.h V'iv;--
A Ion In WaMliIna.
I'liny the Orciit eon hi see things lu
front of his uose na well as nfar off.
"I notice thin the women rub the wash
las In col, I wiitor." lie wrote one day.
"Let them lient the water, ami the al
kali In Hie Map will be freed and take
far In tier i V ." Ami only after that
did wuinou know how to tvash.
Irrigation 'or Crass Land.
Irrlgatiou for grass laud should re
i ceive very much more attention In this
part of "the country. This could bo
I adopted here as well as iu the western
country If the diversion of streams of
! some considerable size to a certain ex-
tent could be accomplished without in
: terfcring with manufacturers' rights.
Capital would play au Important part
here, says a Massachusetts farmer In
American Agriculturist.
V. fi,-lc-- il.) I'vi-o t.j'.s .1 li.
. . ,.i c - - i.n Wj t;.r I'.e tilir v-t 1 'J--1,
; .... iM .?r f '.'. M'P mi.l onr f'isars ri-m.lr. On'tna OJ.
:u o. r-.ii p in r'T "n f .'tf-rv Tlmse l ifers urn 1 .r '
-""1..., ,.f ri l"-.nt FnrketKi.lte witn two i .iuk, ,.--- . - - uU
i ,. acr.ti-, ;v.rewiil. crdor ti.iod wnt in l-lMn MU..., "
'-m. ltn)niHo hcoH wntl. OiJcr to isy.
.l-lixa t o Ucpt. It., 4ol Kort2i Clark SU CUIcago,
; v
.-- T l
vV.VrT.U I '" -..1
! I, ' i r ts:f. ti
; ,;,fl:'.l lMrcll;,-'.'.ir-o
t t r.(i'.,..oi'.T on
Sick Headache ?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver 1 Ayer's Pills
are liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
25c. All druggists.
V ant yirar moustache or beard a beautiful
tT Cr nr 0. .. t" P. H,;l- ""...
DiinviuoilRH'O nVCfor the
DUuM.iunHiil a UIL.VV
$1.60 $2
and and