Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 20, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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" v f-vfUM. utiutiS inw uainiuay aim iviuuudy Deiors nnstmas taice on some
of the strain and rush ot the day before Christmas buying. Hence the following special
prices for those two days only.
Book Specials .
For Monday the 23rd only, choice from
our assortment of Red Line Poets extra fine
bindings very desirable for gifts all the
standard poets publishers price
$1.00. Monday special
Choice from a line of 16 Mo.
fancy cloth binding about 100 titles
publishers price 40c. Monday.
15 Vol. set Dickens half leather binding,
large type good values at the publishers
price $20.00 Monday
books in
For Saturday 2 1st Only
Choice of following best Quadruple Plate
Silver Articles Child's Cup and Saucer Bon
Bon Dish Pepper Box Salt Shaker Card
Tray Tooth Pick Holder regular
value 35c Saturday Special.. . . . . .
J 9c
15 Vol. setjKipling copy right F.d pub
ublished at $15 Monday 7 M
Special P.3V
8 Vol. set Dumas publishers
price $4.25 Monday special
v. 5 Vol. set Marry J. Holmes
publishers price $3 75 Monday. .
5 Vol set Gibbons History of Rome pub
lishers price $6.25 Monday
6 Vol set Scott or Dumas
publishers price $3 Monday .........
10 Vol set Thackery, publish
price $7.50 Monday special
Choice of a large line of $1 00,
$t 25; and $1.50 books
.. 75c
Choice of any 25c and 35c Sterling Silver
Article Darner Blotter Paper Knife Nail
File Cuticle Knife Seal Cold
Cream and etc Saturday special
Choice of any 50c Sterling silver
novelty like above
Best Quadruple Plate Butter Kni fe Regu
lar value 75c Saturday "5fr
special Jlfl
Ladies' Gold Chain extra quality rolled
plate regular vahi2 $5 00 QS?1?
Saturday special '. , ,..
Gold Plated Hat Pins Scarf Pins
Collar Buttons Saturday
Gold, Plated Shirt -Waist Sets Charms
Lockets Rings Cuff Buttons Bar ins
Broches Shirt Studs. All guar
anteed. Saturday special , .
frlussf ley&9 Two, Stores
G G. HUNTLEY, Druggist
W. A. HUNTLEY, Book Seller
Oregon City, Oregon.
Regular Novem bcr Term of Hie Count T
J, H. Hortou, John Lewellon and T.
Killin, Comralaslo ner.
Iii the matter of claims presented an
allowed :
J K Morton, InqCMunson, jur cor $ 1-20
lJetcr Mahriatroii "
Eruil YVeise "
Henry McElsander "
John W Loder 1
,Andrew Sevenson "
M C Strickland "
Marion County, Ross Bridge, r A b lot) 50
J E ArlecJge 3 75
F C Gadke court u 52 02
Myrtle (Jurrin clerk... 7 00
J W Moffatt. iuror Circuit Court... 2 20
1 20
1 2U
1 20
1 20
3 80
1 70
27 45
O 11 Wright
Chas K Midlam
R 11 Wilmot "
G H Webster "
Y L Bates "
J M Gillett "
HL Vaughan"
John Wright '
Lorenz Tenny"
J C Fry '
GC Armstrong"
Hoy Philips "
C D Story
P G Frost "
P DeSbields "
11 1? Gibson "
GeuLuzaile "
John Fairclough
N N Robbins "
T It A Sellwood
H F Yet gen "
John L Mark "'
John Kichey
" BHker ....3 95
" " . ..,,5 70
"Barkley .,..( 15
" " '...30 30
' " wit 1 70
" " .. 1 70
" McD 'nald. 0 35
' " . 4 50
' witl 70
" " " .1 70
" Cletrjenle ...3 70
" " ...5 20
" Evans .... 4 !)5
" " ....11 83
Anility, Cath Meek, insane 5 00
110 uu
72 00
.16 0 1
16 00
.66 00
66 00
.57 50
5 00
2 20
5 80
13 00
16 80
12 80
18 40
20 00
17 20
16 80
15 20
22 00
12 40
12 80
14 40
19 20
2 20
2 20
2 20
15 00
5 HO
4 80
5 00
John Hatton, grand juror 11 40
GU Perdue " " r uu
Mathew Athey " " - H 00
SS Mohler " " 10 20
Jamtrs Guttridge" " :..14 00
Chas Daugt,erty " '" 14 00
W PSchauble " " 10 DO
A G Guynup, witness 2 80
A Bowman . " 2 20
Chas E Bums
E L Shaw
Henry Roos
A G tiuynup
F G Garrett
J C Elliott
E Mathies
P S Adams
Hugh Comer
EdgaT E Heiple
E L Shaw
II 8 Moody
IIS Jloody
W Kambo
W Rambo
D E Taylor
P L Schamel,
W Dart
E Albright
J W MeAnultv,
II S Moody,."
J W Mc Anility
H S Moody
Ed Shaw
Ed Reckner
J W MeAnulty
H S Moody
E.I Shaw
Chas E Hums
F W McAuulty
H S Mouiiy
J W MeAnulty
H S Moody
Eli Williams, assessor
J G Pot to r
C E Ramsby
Anna Williams
V R Hyde
F W Greenman
J GafTney
J O Zinser. supt ......10 40
John Page, rib 7 50
J W Watts " 1 50
E C Hackett" 1 87
W II Young, com $3 50 slier $12 50 10 00
J J Vaughan, sheriff 7 50
E hi Cooper, stationery u
Board of Water Corns, court house 15 00
Ina M Chase, sheriff: 34 00
J J Cooke 2 75
TO Eldinpa 13 fO
Frank Thomas 24 00
Fred Walker 30 00
M B Hawkins 8 00
A J Walker 8 00
I J Johnson 6 00
AD Burnett 18 00
E W Randolph 6 00
Peter Nehren, insane 6 00
Oregon Citv Enterprise, stationery .65 75
Ina M Chase, clerk ;....16 00
W ECarll, insane 5 00
MrsOImel " 3 20
Mrs Mafy Henriei 2 20
M N Bacon, cleik 40 0. 1
D R Uiramick, sheriff . 2 00
J R Morton 5 d 20 m com $17 r A b $3 20 00
T B Killin, 5 d 42 m com r b-19 2 )
John Lewellen, r A b 9 00
John Lewellen, 6 da, 2 mi.comr. . .18 2 )
Geo B Rate & Co, Dist No 17 r a b 19 00
Maccabees Elect New Officers.
Tualraiti Tmit, K O.- T. M., elected
the following the new officers at the
meeting held last xhursday night:
Commander, Malcolm MoCown; lieu-tenaut-comuianiler,
William Maple
thorpe; renord keeper, E. E. Taylor
elected for the third year; chaplain,
Millard Hiaf ; sergeant, Thomas John
son; master-at-arms, David Miller;
1st master, D. in Crowley ; 2nd master,
R. Vauahan; sentinel, R. Fromong;
picket, VV. R. Ream ; physician, Dr.
Tne installation will take place on the
second Thursday evening in January,
and the Lampson band, of Portland, will
assist in the ceremouies.
2 20
.2 20
.2 20
.2 80
. 00
.4 00
.2 20
.6 00
.6 00
.5 60
.5 00
.2 20
.2 20
.2 20
" 2 20
" 2 20
.t 20
road survey 2 80
.i 2 20
" " 2 25
In the Circuit Court.
Judge McBride held an adjourned
term of circul it court this week, and rul
ings were made in ths following cases:
Thomas P. Randall, administrator, va
H. E. Cross and H. C. Steuens; the de
murrer to the complaint was overruled,
and defendants given 10 davs to answer.
Martha Califf vs S. B. Califf, et al ;
plaintiff given permission to file
amended cemplaint.
Mathias vs Minnie Apach ; default en
tered in divorce suit.
Alkazaiue Stricklin vs Laura and
JohnGitbens; summons ordered pub
lished. Nellie vs Raymond W. Oook; decree
of divorce.
Minnie vs Ernest Narjot; decree of
J. T. Apperson vs T. L. Charman, et
al; plaintiff was given until January
1st, to reply.
Default was ordered in the divorce
suit of Alice vs Jerry Sink. In the mat
ter of the assignment of E. M Atkinson.
fan insolvent debtor, the Bale of lot A,
Bnena Vista, to E. M. Howell for $1000
was confirmed,
Tuesday, December 17.
Tariff Republicans in both the
Will senate and home at Wash
Ileuain. ington are a unit on the
matter of letting the tariff
stand, but favor the cutting of war
taxes. The republicans recofcii'ze the
necessity of reducing the revenue, but
they do not intend to allow the reduc
tion to extend to the customs duties.
Every announcement thus far has been
to the effect that any reduction, of the
revenues must be on war taxes, and not
on customs duties. Republicans do not
fear any rebuke from the people because
they refuse to revise the tariff. They
believe that the people will be satisfied
as long as good times continue, even if
higher prices are paid for custom-made
articles and for that reason they will not
consent to a reduction.
The United States senate has ap
proved the Hay-Pauucefote treaty. The
nomination of Attorney-General Knox
Heaviest snow in 50 years in Scot
land, and a cold wave through Europt.
Schley will file objections to the court
of inquiry.
Telegraph company' orders Marconi
to cease his experiments in New Found
laud. Watars ar receding in the flood dis
trict of Pennsylvania.
iVyoming and Nebraska had another
and more severt cold map.
Wednesday, December 18.
The Port of Portland Commission haB
come to tha conclusion to bvild a dry
dock of wood to cost about $225,000. '
Postmaster-General Charles Emory
Smith has resigned his place in the cab
inet, and will return to newspaper
work, Henry C. Payne, vice-chairman
of the national republican committee,
succeeds to the place.
Oregon and Washington senators did
not fare well in committee assignments,
The O. R. & N. steamer Ruth struck
a snag and sunk near Corvsllis.
The city election in the prohibition
town of Ashland resulted in tavor of
high license.
Mrs. McKinley's health is precarious,
and it is believed that she cannot long
The Umpqua Valley Oil Company has
commenced bonna for oil at Mvrtle
T n " -
J oreek. ueoloytsts pronounce the con-
Jditions very lavorable.
Assurance is given at Washington
that the nomination of George W. Bi-
bee as register at the Oregon City land
odice is soon to be sent to the Beuate.
This appointment liar been held up at
the request of Senator Simon.
The industrial building at the ttate
reform echool was burned last night.
No one was hurt or killed. The fire
started in the engine room.
W. ' mi 1..- T 1 tn
The Philippine tariff bill passed the
house by a vote of 103 to 128.
Secretaries Hays and Long may re
tire from President Roosevelt's cabinet
at an early date.
The Portland city . ouncil will pass an
There will be another car. But the man
can't wait. He chases the car and swings
on, panting and hot, but satisfied. He
keeps this gait up all day. He works that
way, he lunches that wayv He contin
ues this until his stomach breaks down"
and nature compels him to "go slow."
Business men who have impaired their
digestion by hasty eating will find in
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
a cure for dyspepsia and other diseases
of the stomach and organs of digestion
and nutrition. It does not give mere
temporary relief, but it effects a radical
cure. It strengthens the stomach, nour
ishes the nerves and purifies the blood.
"For six long years I suffered with my liver,
kidneys, and with indigestion, which baffled
the best doctors in our country," writes E. I..
Ransell, Esq., of Woolsey, Prince William Co.,
Va. "I suffered with tuy stomach and back for
a long time, and after taking a 'cart-load' of
medicine from three doctors, I grew so bad I
could hardly do a day's work. Would have
death-like pains in the side, and blind spells,
and thought life was hardly worth living. I
began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery and 'Pleasant Pellets,' as advised. Be
fore I had taken half of the second bottle I
began to feel relieved. I got six bottles and
used them, and am happy tp say I owe my life
to Dr. Pierce and his medicines'."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness.
The Fisclier-Van Cleve Company.
The Fischer-Van Cleve Company
closed their three niuhtrf return enuae
ment lat-t evening to a crowded house.
''Saved; or a Wife's Danger," was pre
senter' in away that hruuah't forth praise
and hearty applause for every act and
character. The play is of the French
order, an absent husband ai d disconted
wife forming the plot around which
hangs the story . It is unfolded in mod
est and beautiful language and is the
strongest piece in the company's reper
toire. Albany Herald, Dec. 11th. At
Shively's next week.
All of the furniture of ten-room resi
dence will be sold at publ.c auction on
Saturday, December 28th, at 10 o'clock,
near the suspension bridge in Oregon
City. On account of removal from the
city, J. G. Pilsbury has directed that all
the furniture of his residence be sotd at
The furniture consists of parlor suite,
dining room furniture, bed room suites
in walnut, oak and ai, Brussels car
pets, rugs, etc. ; heating and cook stoves,
curtains, book-casej and complete
kitchen furniture.
'Ibis furniture is all in good condition.
ordinance to the affect that "all new
franchises for electric companies will re
quire that wireB be placed underground.
There is friction between President
Roosevelt and Secretary Hitchcock.
George R. Voshurg, a well known
lumberman, is dead.
A dispatch from Washington states
that the bill introduced by Representa
tive Tongne, appropriating $60,000 for a
public building at Oregon City, will join
the great majority before the committee
on public butldings and grounds, and,
phould it 'meet the approval of that
committee, it is likely to bo mode, a part
of atr omnibus public b iilding hill,
which is almost sure to be reported la
ter in the reunion. The bill provides for
the erection of a building for the accom
modation of the land office, postoflice
and other govereinent offices in Oregon
City. The eite shall be of sufficient size
to leave an open space of not less tl an
40 feet, including streetB and alleys, on
all sides of the building.
To Loan. '
$500 $000 $700 $800 $900 and
$1000 at 6 per cent ,one. to three years
on farm property.
Dimick & Eahtham. Lawyers.
Or. K'jn City. Good Music
Miss Babe Fischer,
Miss "Babe" Fischer, a Salem girl,
made her first bow to a Salem audience
last night, when she appeared at the
city hall w ith the Fischer & Van Cleve
Company, in "The Lunatics, a three
act comedy, The hall was comfoitably
filled when the cm tain went up on the
initial pet lormance of die wetk of this
very excellent repeitoire company, made
up to a great extent of the people known
in this city, and the presentation was
very good indeed. Miss Fischer, aa the
hero's pielty wife, out lor a lark and up
to the occasion, made friends from the
start, and her work was will performed
that large crowds are assured the com
pany for its week's stay iu this city.
There were no tediius waits between
acts, first-class specialties being intro
duced to amuse and entertain the crowd.
Salem Statesman, Dec 3rd. Shively's
all next week,
Card of Tlmnhs.
We desire to extend our thanks to the
many friends and neighbors, who. as
sisted us during the late illness of hus
band and father
? s. ''anon and Family.
Grand Bail
Beaver Creek
. Hall,
New Year's Night,
JAN. 1st.
Is Near And j
Our S
tock Is Still Lar
Uregon City Enterprise, Co print'g
(Continued next week.)
il 4)
Ciikihtmas Buying made easy at Char
man & Co., the up-to-date Christmas
Drug Store.
Vac. States Tel 4 Tel Co, court house 9 95
Tom P Randall, recorder 34 00
SEiiekson, r b 7 00
Frank Busch " 23 So
Huntley Bros, stationery 15 30
John Page, r 4 b 35 25
C Dauche, rib 32 oO
J E Arledge.r b 6 75
Noe Heiple, n b -1 0o
J J Cooke, sheriff 3 57
F S Baker, court house . 2 70
L Rucouich, jurors circuit court.... 3 00
I Selling, pauper 18 25
Pope & Co, r a b 1 00
A W Cheney, County printing 21 40
.1 w MeAnultv. State vs Braiunan..3 7
U S Moody, " " " 3 20' Ki furtcf Mlding, Oregon dry. Ore.
A Wniiian's Awful Peril.
"There is only one chance to s tve
your lifo and that is through an opera
tion" were thestart'imr words heard by
Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis.,
from her doctor after he had vainly tried
to cure her of a frightful case of sumach
trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones
had formed and she constantly Ktew
worse. Then she began to use Electric
Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a
wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney
remedv. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Ap
pe ite " Try it. Only 50 cents. Guar
anteed. For sale byGeorgo A. Hard
See Charman & Co.'s grand Christmas
Display. Christmas candles only 10
cents per box. Everything else in proportion.
P. CJbO.Rij. Co.
25i ' is the regular Sunday
nund trip rate between Oregon
City and Portland. Get your tickets at
Hrarding's drug siore."
?his signature Is on every box of tbe genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet
'.he remedy that cures a cold In ann da
Christmas Presents.
'J'HEKE is nolhiiig more appropriate, nothing mora lasting, nothing more appreciable, tlinn a
We will sell all our Watches In Lwliei ml Onis ctze t SPECIAL nKDtlCTION for the Holidays
Come and Bee u beore you make yuui purchwieii. V have Watches fur eTerybody, Io a beau
tiful stock of Ladies nd Gents Solid Gold Kins, Charmi, Larijnct'.e I'lns, Broodies, Earing I, Km.
blem Goods, 4c, &e. Hundrods of Useful Presents to select from.'
Goods gladly put away until Christmas.
Don't neglect your eyes, we test them free of charge. We are the only scientific opticians In Claika
mw County. Fine Waich Impairing a Specialty.
Yuurs for business,
The Wisconsin Jewelers and Opticians.
GREAT OVERSTOCK SALE everything at way down prices, an opportunity for you ta got CHRIST
MAS GOODS at nearly half the REGULAR PRICE.
Silk Handkerchiefs 5c, 9c and He GOOD VALUES.
Extra Fine Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs with heavy Silk Embroidery worth $1.00 and $1.25, Sale Price 49c and
Choice White Handkerchiefs with fancy emhoidery and lace at 9b.
Extra Fine Linen with Heavy EmbroideTy, 24c
Fine large Silk Mufflers worth double, 40o, 73c, 98c, fl. "3, It 1.49,
Large Size Fascinators, 24c.
Extra Size and Weight Fascinators in Fancy Colors, 48c and 73c.
Fancy Wool Shawl at i off.
Fine large Durban Spreads a big bargain from 49c and D7c.
Big cut in Children's and Ladies' Hose, 5c to 75c per pair.
Ladies' and Children's MACKINTOSHES almost given away from $3.25 and up.
CAPES, CLOAKS and JACKETS It will pay you to see tliem from $1.19 and up.
Don't overlook our QUILT and BLANKET Sale. They go from 48c and up.
A large stock of Ladies' Fancy Goods, PERFUMERY, TURSES of tho Best Grades worth giving anyone a
PRESENT at way down prices.
We are closing cut onr entire stock of Ladies TOP and UNDER SKIRTS.
A full line of Kid GLOVES in all shades for Meu, Ladies and Children, $1.50 values for 93c.
Numerous bargains in SHOES for Men, Ladies and Children.
" Men's OVERCOATS, the swellest lino in the city, at 20 off the regular price.
Men SUITS All Wool, worth while your investigating $d,90 to $18.00, the finest ever shown.
Men's Fancy Silk Double Breasted VESTS, the prettiest you ever laid your eyes on, $1.90 to $t. 35.
Boys' OVERCOATS, all sizes and styles from $2.50 and up.
Boys' SUITS w'th long or short Pants, must go from $l.l9and up.
The"LION BRAND" SHIRTS, 30 Patternsto select from, every ono warranted, to go over tho Holiday
at $1.
Five Hundred Dollars worth of wide FANCY LACKS to go. Name your price and and you can have them.
FUR TRIMMINGS, a largo assortment from 9c per yard and up, and lots of other BARGAINS too numer
ous to mention.
We Lave everything you need for COMFORT and STYLE in Goods to le made up and Ready Made to wear.
COME and see us before you purchase, COME and get a share of the BARGAINS. All goods masked in
PLAIN FIGURES. One price to all.
Remember it is the same FARMERS' and MECHANICS' Store.