I OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1901 f GQQQQQ020QQQOQQQQQQQQOQOQQ C?3SESP0NDENCE H O000(XXX0CXX)0000WX00000O IVoodburn. Mrs. Btrney and f iraily went to Port land Ut-t Saturday to visit friends and relatives. 0. Kurtz was a Hubbard vinkor last Saturday . Messrs. Schwahanrer and "Katydid" were Silverton visitors List Saturday evening. John 8te.jlham.uier, of Salem, and Mis: Kva Scott, of tliia place, were married last Thursday evening at 6 o'clock. The ceremony took place at the bride's mother's residence. Alter the marriage ceremony was over the newly wedded couple and relatives re tirnd'o til ! diui i ru n, 't'uri i de licious supper was in waiting. Mr. and Mrs. Steelhammer departed on the eve ning train, for Salem, where they will make their fu'ure home. Carl Richards, Roy Keleey and Ernest Ar es were" visitors in Portland - from Friday last until last Sunday evening. Miss Minta Guiss returned from a month's vUit in liiitiah Columbia last week. Arista N'.mi 1 l a i 1 A.Uc Sihw-ibauip were Hubbard visitors last Tuesday eve ning. Barney Oswald came down from Mt. Angel last Friday und visited his old acquaintances. ' Miss Elsie Djmntwas a visitor to Handy from Saturday until Sunday eve ning. 0. A.. Nendel has purchased the Stark place of about an acre, in this city, and be intends to build a re-ndjuee thereon Dutch:. Maple Lane. Suppwa tti ! riinduor tint Smta Ulaus drives Should get frightened and run away, And no one could ever find tlietn again J What then would the children say? Then Sam CIiuj couldn't come any more, For he never could find his way, And walk so far in one short night, Unless each day was a Christmas day. Preparations are almost completed for a Christmas tree at the Maple Lane aclioo'.uouse Friday night. John B. Jackson returned home last week after an absence of about nine months. Mr, Jackson is looking fine and says he feels number one. Maple Lane Glee Club met in regular session last night with all present, and after a very interesting meeting they adjourned sine die . Charles Cutting, oae of Oregon's pioneers, prominent in early days, died at the hn.ne of O. L. Dickersnn Sunday night, and the remains were mid to rest in the Redland cemetery. Mrs. Gibbs has a fine calla lily aud a China lily, both of which will be in bloom for Christinas. Friday evening was spent very pleas antly by the young folks at the homo of William Beard. Games, music and dancing were the amusements of the cwuiiLj and 'hij 11 oin,' hours until 1 1 :30 vvhou a lino lunch wad served. This was a reception given in honor of Frank, ?ldost son of Mr. and Mrs. Biard, who ec 'titly came from the East. Those on-sent were : Mr. an I Mrs. Beard and sous Frank, Benjamin, Lambert aud HonryfUr. and M s J.tckion ; Misses Laura Wiliiann, Anna Sbortlidgo, Jessie Jackson, Kisie liinb-i, Let ha and Olis Jackson, Marcie Myers; Messrs. John (iall'ney, Isaac Shortlidgo, Tommy Oibbs, Dolbert Shelly. J, t-h'ulii g killed a line big hog hint week that dressed 500 pounds, ChiintiiinB conies but once a year; b it coming may it bring plenty of happi- Never thought of such a sin for a medicine, did you ? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body t.ic! to he repaired like other Liangs and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over-work, from disease. They get thin and weak. Some of the . now ones are not well made -ami all of the old ones are raekeu from long usage. Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work Loth inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow , places full. Only the best ma terials are used in the patching and the patches don't show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait lus turn. You can do it yourself- r--r '--sr I and the boii i.r1 ' This U-!'U. : (ho Tiadc :..;'. . ;' . Finul.-ii'ii r....! ' . i i i wrapper i f tve:v ! . ::: Send for free f.ntv'!.-- SCOTT & i;ov" 409 lVail St,. Ni-v Y - I , . . . . ; ness and ihinu'. cheer, and every pleasant Panbv Blossom. Liberal Fanners "gut a wiggle on themselves" last Thursday covering their potatoes. The cold wave struck very suddenly. Stock of all kinds are wading into the strrw in "good shape" now. . Plows have started agatn, and the giuond is in fine condition for fall plow-i'ttf- - Bruce Barnell was moved to Dr Gou-. clier's home, so ho would bd under special care of the doctor, and he is im proving slowly. Mrs. Wright and Mrs, White visited their sister, Mrs. P. J Ridings, Sunday. Mrs. Killings has been sick for two months, b'lt at present is gaining her health again. Rev. T Wiles is hauling his rye a'raw to Portland to a collar factory. II. L. Barnes will soon have his fence along the road finished. Straight fences are all the go, and a good ide t too Miss Eflie Morey gave a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Levi Stehm in last Sat urday night, it being their 33id year of married life. It was a surprise too. The crowd all marched in about 7 o'clock, and a royal time was had. At 10 o'clock an delicious lunch was served, w hich was prepared by the guests and included pies, cakes and hot coffee. Levi drank all the cream, but the guests en joyed it. He had to be a boy once more in his life. Miss Morey and Mrs. Barnes presented a nice corner lounge to Mr. and Mrs Stehman. Those, present weie Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr. and Mrs. Hannagen, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Barnes, S. Wright and family; Misses Jennie and Jessie Akins, Effle Morey, Grace Miller, Rev. T. Wiles and wife, Rev. Welts, of Hubbard, J. Rhodes, James Nelson and wife. We must con gratulate Miss Morey for her ahility to keep our town alive. By request of the mayor, Sylvia. Union Hall. "Now is the time of year when comes the bountiful Christmas cheer." Remember the Christmas tree and dance at Union Hall, December 24th. The program will begin at 7 o'clock, p. m. Messrs. Stearns and Mackiutosh, of Iowa, arrived here lant Monday with their families. They seemed to be well pieased with "Old Oregon." They in tend to buy property and locate here, and make this their future home. Mrs. Nettie Kiggs went to Portland last week to buy Chdstmas presents. Miss Cora Helvey returned home from Portland, where sne has been stay ing for the past few months. Misses Eliza aud Mollie Burns went to Oregon City one day last week. Sam Wilkerson and family visited Mr. Stearns and family last Sunday Irvine Wheeler and family have ar rived here, where they will remain dur ing the winter. They will reside with Mrs. Wheeler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II S O.Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Burns went to Canbv on business ono day last week. xur. - riniou aim son, Albert, are working at Adkins' BroB,' Bawmill. Mrs. Henrv Mav has returned home from Maple Lane, where she has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ware. John lliomss has com noted a fire place for Mrs. Nancy Burns. A number of the voting neonle at tended the dance at C.iuby last Friday night. All report a splendid time. Otto Striker visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joeeph Ferring'T Sunday last. Lydia Johnson visited LouiB Perrinirer last Sunday. Our teacher. Miss trancis Johnson. intends to give a week's vacation dur ing the holidays. Pleasant lllll. Most of the farmers have their pota toes ting George Young sold his boos last week for 10 cents per pound. W. F. Young has a bid of 101 cents on Ins hops, but refused to sell.' They are the only hops left in these parts. D. W. Mathieu has rented liia farm und lias gone East on u vi:-it. Mrs. Jones bus rented her farm to Uolu-rt Macinaw. She will movo to Yamhill county . Mrs. Braunon and family, who have been living on U. U. Baker's f irm, are moving to Portland. 11. R Baker las been repairing his house. He has also built a new chim ney. Jim miu Baker has gone 0:1 a pleasure trip to Taeoma and Seaitl e. W. F. Young went, to Lintm lasi week to get soino bunch trass horses. but there were "one there. There was a large ciowd at the shoot ing match Saturday. Honors were about even between Dundee and Pleas am Hill . There will be s Christmas tree at Hood V.iew. There will be a shooting match at Sherwood od December Will. T. M Baker's new gnu will make the Ik.ys shoot with t vo eyes open . WUionviUe. Herman IV per, former merchant of this place, is in the country selling auto matic ras lamps, lie u sel'hg them for the same price us they can be bought in lVnland. lie is doing a land olhce business spiling one in almost every home. The people are glad that some one is giving them light. LiK'hin (leer has contracted his 1902 hop crop to Reed Graham for 10 cents per pound; 1 cent to he paid foi growing and 5 cents for picking. Mr. Graham has also purchased several I midred sucks of potatoes in the past week. Boone's ferry is again in operation, ami it will only be operated in day lig.it. Dock Aden is laid up with nn abscess on his lr ft hand. Henry Swinti has a largo number of men nt work digging potatoes. Dr. Vincent, of Tualatin, called on his brothw, 1.. 11. Vincent, last Sunday, Peter Bros, have their store lighted with gasoline lamps of the latest pat tern . Following are the etlleeis of Sunshine Lodge, No 98, I), of H., of Wilsonville: Past chief of honor, Liiy A Young; chief of honor, Lt-ttie G. "Tooze ; lady of ! hotinr TTalon Mn.a,n nUiat t ..! monies, Mary Murray ; recorder, Clyde Baker ; financier, M. C. Young; receiver, Janie Murray; usher, Martha Boberg; inside watchman, Albert Oamehl; out side watchman, William Boberg. The following officers have . ben elected for Sunrise Lodire No. 43, A. O. U. W., of Wilsonville: Past master workman, E. L. Baker; master work man, Carl Short; foreman, Charles Mc Kinney; overteer, J. E Coni stock ; re corder, Albert Camehl ; financier, Wil liam F. Boberg; receiver, M.C. Young; guide, Ernest Camehl; inside watch man, Martin Tanchman ; outside watch man, John Peters The officers of Willamette Lodge, No. 825, M. B. A., of Wileonv'lle, art as fol lows: President, H. D, Aden; vice president, E'S. Kruse; secretary, Miss Cora Seely ; chaplain, G. F. Aden ; con ductor, J. Butson; trasurer, L. if. Ha eelbrink; watchman, It. I. Seely; sen try, F. F. Tooze. Blitz. Frog Pond. The farmers of this place have dug considerable potatoes the last week, and have sowed a few small Debts of wheat while the weather has been favorable. Maud Seely, of Wilsonyille, is visit ing Miss Lena Elligson. Mr. Dyer has the wood flume in shape now that he can flume wood to perfec tion. Saturday last he put down 90 cords in six hours. George Peters, George Aden, Mark Baker and Smith Turner attended the birthday anniversary ball of Carl Slick- ieer at Wilsonville, Wednesday, Decem ber inn. Dock Aden was visiting at the onion beds Sunday. Mrs Aden and Mary Peters were vis iting Mrs, Fredrkks Monday. Our school is progressing nicely un der the management of Aura Totnpson A surprise party was given t Mr. Bratou's last Saturday night. All pres ent bad a most enjoyable time. Why is it Mountain Roader, that we don't hear from you any more? And what's the matter with Lengthy? Earny Slickiser, the great mink trap per, ie learning to be a professional batcher, Julius Iderhoff, who had his finger crushed while fluming wood, has re covered. Miss Sarah Peters has been confined to the house with an attack of quinsy. John Mays says it is better to keep sober at a dance and see the women quarrel. We are waiting patiently for the Courier-Herald New Year number. Curler Mays has been helping Charles Thompson kill hogs, and F. E. Barnes' rifle does the work. Chunky Fellow. Mountain View We bad some cold weather in this vi rinity last week. The thermometer cegistere 26 degrees. , ' Born, December 14th, to the wife of Frank Albright, a Bon, weight 7 pounds. Grandma Albright is still quite ill. Mrs. Homshuch was thought to be dying last Monday afternoon. She re vived again, but she is quite feeble. Miss Nellie Swafford is employed in the Golden Rule Bazaar during the holi days. Miss Rosa Mulvany and her nephew, Jim Howard, of Meaoowbrook, were here Saturday and Sunday., Robert Bollard, of Ciirus, spent Tues day tvening in this burg with his par ents, and he attended the dedication of the Woodmen hall. Mountain View Sunday school will have a Christinas entertainment and Christmas tree Monday evening Decem ber 23. John Gillett writes from Toledo that the roads from hare to that place are bad, aud that he will not be able to gi t homo until after Christmas. Sauna. &prlnywtiter. The Springwater G range on December 14th, elected its officers for the ensuing year, which are as follows : Master, Ed win Bates; overseer, A, Lacy; steward, Eugene Lewellen ; lecturer, Anna Lacy ; chaplain, O. M. Shibiey; secreiury, Emma Shibiey; treasurer, Earl Shib- le ; gale keeper, Fred Walker; Pomona, Wilda Tucker ; Flora, Laura Stornier; Ceres, Minnie Kandle; lady assistant steward, Delia Guttridge. '1 here will bo a public (-inner and en tertainment at the Grango hall New Year's Day. Everybody is invito.! to como and bring a well-filled lunch basket. There will be a Christmas tree and and entertainment Christmas Eve at Lewellen's hall. Mr. Cain brought the banner hog to A. M. Shibiey & icon's packing house, it was 14 months old and weighed 400 paunds. Mrs. Hatch, our minister's wife, is going on a visit to Eastern Oregon lo visit her children. She contemplates be ing gone about five weeks. 1901. Mulino, Everybody seems to be going to town and getting readp for Santa Clans, re gardless of the cold weather. A. Dougan had the misfortunp of hav ina a horse drowned in the creek while tho water was very high. Ho was ford ing the creek at the time and barely es caped drowning himself. Edwin Oaseaay and wife were visitors in Mulino last week. Miss Gleason was visiting her larents last Saturday. II. Selfor had the honor of three young ladies taking din-er with him past week, besides having a widow to prepare tho dinner. Mrs. Boynton was visiting Mrs. A. A, Erickson lat-t week. Mr. Carlon went to Portland last week to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Segar went to Oregon City last week. Madge Mill toy and Mrs Nash, of Oregon City, were in Mulino last Satur day and attended the Grange. IS MKMORY. Charles Cutting, an old pioneer of Oregon, died at the respective home of Oliver Dickerson near Oregon City last DO $10.00 To Great While we are giving awayTen Dollar and We have given away over One Thousand have the receipts for evidence in our Third - invite you to inspect them. We intend to One Th This month Ten Dollars with every 10 men's suits and overcoats we sell, and Five Dollars with every 10 boys' suits and overcoats. Many a customer has gone away from store during this sale with more money than they brought, and a suit and overcoat besides. Is it not worth your while to -call and investigate0 The Best Clothing Values 'inthe City Can Always be obtained at our Store WHEN Third Sunday. He was 72 years of age, and he leaves four nephews to mourn bis loss. Mr. Cutting crossed the plains in an early day and was - among' the first tattlers of Clackamas county. Some years ago he took up a homestead near Table Rock, which he sold a short time before his death. Mr. Cutting was one of the few Indian war veteraus who have liTed to th age of 72 year3, and will remembered by all for many yea-is. Neiv Era. Following is the school report of dis trict No. 63, Brown's school, for the month ending December 13th, 1901 : Number pupils enrolled 41. Number days' taught, 19, Number cases tardiness, 2. Those who were neither abfent nor tardy were William Staehly, Magi.de Greishaber, Ed Reineck, Fred Worth ington, Ina Knots, Louise Blancliard, Norma Norton, Arthur and Vivian Fos ter, Edna and Esther Criteser, Char lottt, Latah, Mattie and Mamie Dundas and Edna Mattock. Patrons and friends of the school are invited to como and note our progress. Eva. L. Todd, Teacher . Miss Eva Todd and school gave a d lightful literarv program followed by a successful basket social on December 14th, at Brown's school house. Ciaclmmn . Clackamas Grange, No. 298, de.-te 1 the following ollicers at its meeting Sat urday, December 14th : M ister, O. F. Street ; overseer, R. O Holcoml) ; stew, ard, Ross l'arker; assistant steward, bred Wade; lecturer, Mrs. Urace lloi comb; chaplain, J. Roots; treasurer, Mrs. I'rettyuian ; secretary, Lily Street ; gate-keeper, Elmer Zeek; ceres, Min nie Wade; pomona, Gertrude Myers, flora. Rena Wade; lady assistant ote ard, Mrs. Otto Gongellmek. Clackamas Grange No. 293, meets the eecond Saturday of every month at 10 o'clock a. m. "Jerry the Tramp." The Fi?chcr-Vn Cleve Company of players presented "Jerry, the Tramp" at the Armory hall last night, with J. B. McCowell in the title role. The story presented in this melodrama is familiar to most people and its rendition last night wr-s quite tip to the standard. The impersonation of the tramp was excel lent, and Mr. McO iwell deserves praise for hie work. Miss Fischer appeared well as the convict's daughter. She speaks her lines with a clearness that is appreciated by tho audience. Other characters were good,and the production received high praise. The music furnslied by the company's orchestra is greatly enjoyed by all. They furnish popular selections ami as they are played in an able w?y, the music is a drawing feature Capital Journal, Salem, Dec. 4th. Will be at Shively'9 next week. FINAL NOTICE. Notice U lweliy given that the undersigned, administratrix of Ihe wiate of Jam?. MoKcnzie ileeewl, li Bled in the wanty rourtof t'lack fimas county, stn'e of Oreiron, her final urcount ha such udmiimtiairix of said estme. anj ihtit Mon day, Ihe 3rd day of February, At tlie hour of 10 oVlnck . ni., of said day, lia been fiiod bv said court as the lime for hcarine of objection of said report and the settlement thereof. JMNVIK Mi'KFNZIK, . dminisira'.rix of the Kstateof Jnuic McKenzie, deceased, MOYER YOU Spend For CHRISTMAS? THEN VISIT OUR onsan YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD and Oak .Sts., PORTLAND, Is Your Head Bald ? t t 1 Or is the hair growing threatening baldness? thin l usemer sKairroQfl It lias produced a fine growtli of hair on oilier bald beads, w hy not on yours? It never fails when used in the fiii-t stages For sale by nil di iiiraiets. also by R. 1'iitr, Caulield Building, J Mkoaxicai, Toys are th" b-st presents for bays und ubU-'t half i ho uu il prices at the Chritiu is Diu More of O.iar man & Co. fi'i yv 'V)i"'V Don't tie tho top of your Jolly and preservo jars in tlioold fashioned wcy. Heal tliom by tlio now, quick, 6 ausonuciy suro way Dy Illljw a win conuntrot lliro Kclmed i"araUino. Jlas no taoto or odor. Is air tiprht and ncld proof. Kaslly applied. Usofulin a dozen other wnvs about tho house. Full directions with each enko. 8od everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO. CLOTHING i . . jLSiA it CTL. o WE WAiiT YOUR TRADE fHE PARK PLAGE CASH STORE Offers Bargains Equal to the Best RY GUODS, Groceries, Hard ware' Boots and Shoes, Notions, etc. Great Binjaini in Min's Suits for this month onlv. Shops of Odd Sizes sold Below Cost. Candies surpass anything innhat With every Dolhr's Worth of Purchase you receive a ticket entitling you to a chance on a Twenty Dollar Dinner Set and a Ten Dollar Parlor Lampto be given away Christmas. : : : Patronize us and you will fid that Feed a Specialty. V. A. HOLMES, WANT Five Dollar Bills, Dollars so far, and street window, and give away IT'S SO CO. OREGON WILLAMETTI GROCERY Stevens Block NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS 10 Cents Package of II O. Meal 25 Cents 3 Packages Seeded Raisins 20 Cents Pound Best Corsican Citron 5 Cents Pounp Best Cooking Figs 25 Cents 3 Pounds Mince Moat 20 Cents Pail Armour Star Mince Meat We handle a full line of Christmas Candies Produce Taken MILES & McGLASHAN, PBors. A Illow In the Hack. An overcoat is a necessary nuisance I and the tendency to take it off on I warmish days in late nutumn and win i ter is as strong as it is unwise. A treach erous wind hits you in the back and the i next morning you have lumbago. Rub j well and often with Perry Davi3 Pain ; killernnd yon will be astonished to find . how quickly all soreness is banished. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Our Holiday Goods and Christmas line ever before seen in Park Plare. we treat you liberally. , Frcdnce Taken, Park Place, Ore. Boll