Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 20, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Courier-Herald
uto.t 1 in Oregon City wstoSlcf aB2nd-clami matter
Pld In mivance, per year .. . 1 0
l moat1"- 'jj
Tbreemoiuhs 'trial 25
fjfiF-Thi! date opposite your addreB on the
paper denotesthe time to which you hayepaid.
l mis Holme is marked your subscription ii duo.
Standing business advertisements; Permonth
profssio.ialcards,l (t'J, pei year): 1 to 10 inchos
Me pr Inch, 12 Inches for So, 20 inches (column)
18, 30 inches ( paxu) $12.
Legal advertisements: Per inch (minion) '2.50,
dlvoree summons 7 60. Affidavits of publica
tion will uot be furnished until publication lees
are iiuid.
Local notices; Fire cents per line per week
Per month 20o. Obituar es, cards of tbanKs.
hutch and lodge notices where admission foe
to churned or collected half price or 'i'i cents
per lino.
Tun object ol the ship subsidy bill
before onisreeHis to boom American
shipping. What's the matter with a
Bubiidy to boom farming?
If fiii aU'lH and laborers had the horse
sense of capitalists and their agents, the
lobbyists, they would drop partisan
politic, and unitedly run the rational
government and all the state legisla
tures. -
The petition of the German socialists-,
bearint! nearly 3,-100.000 names, against
the new tariff law, which would raise
the duties on food imports nearly 100 per
cent., is not solacing to the land owners,
who hope to make lare profits by meanB
of the high duties.
Tub death within six months of 14
000 whites in the concentration camps
of South Africa, or 253 per 1000, is but
another horrible illustration of man's
inhumanity to mm. Even if it were true
that the Boers were in the wrong in this
war, that would not 'exculpate the Brit
ish from the charge of barbaiity most
BavBfcjo and cruel.
On the first day of January, 1902, the
registration books will be opened by
the various county clerks of the state,
and will be kept open until the fifteenth
day of May following. This will be tho
second timo in the history of the new
law that tho registration of voters will
take place.
Tub millionaire shipbuilders ask con
gress to fiv.i them a subsidy to build
up tha American merchant marine. The
complaint is mado that the one supreme
reason why it is not possible for them
to build a merchant marin.u to rival
England's is because Amorican trusts
havu been selling Bhip-plates cheaper in
England than on tho Atlantic sea
board. The findings of the naval court against
Commander Schley hut intensify both
tho contempt of the American people
for tho partisan naval cabal at Wash
ington mid its admiration for the hero of
the sealightoff Santiago. Sampson only
receives scorn from his countrymen for
his villainous endeavors to besmirch
the record of a brave brother ollioer.
lif Carnegio would oiler togive $10,000,
000 to the relatives of the men killed in
his steel works and during tho riot at
lIonie-ta 1, for they helped to make his
millions, ho 'vould, perhaps, ho able to
do something toward Bootliing his
troubled conscience. Hut ihis c.tiiny
Scot so Iovcb noto:ioty that ho cannot
do jtiiiiico to tho sons i.f toil, without
whose aid he would have been pour and
never heard of.
Tub pre: ident'a message takes a voiy
ro-ien'u view of trusts. In fact, Mr.
ltooft'Vi h H'iMiia to lie very well dis
posed towards I hem. lie ignores or
makes light of their ilangeroiH powtr.
Tho uuliea!ly .penniless anarchists,
however, ho considers a danger to bo
guarded against. Thus, surrounded by
tho pomp of state, Teddy looks at the
situation through tho same glasses as
Morgan and Hoe', cfeller.
Tun laborer w ho in 1S97 received if 1,50
a day, receives lo-day, on account of the
rise in price of 21) per cent, of the arti
uics of general consumption, but if 1.00,' a'
about a nickel over a dollar. On ttc
lount of this very rise in price of their
products, manufacturers are able to pav
biggi r wages'. Tho laborer is thus
caught in a vice: he must pay more for
what he buys, but gels no moie for his
work, hike the hom, ho must work
for tho bare necessities of life alone.
If tho two Eastern medical professors
are correct in .their statement that alco
hol taken in moderation is a muscle
feeder, the nearly 500,000,000 gallons of
alcohol drunk annually by tho United
states and tho four principal countries
of Europe has some merit of virtue in
it. And tho iniiu who buys alcohol by
the gallon and dilutes 'it with water, be
cjiu'jO cheaper than whisky, is quite
Aiac, w.a i' l"s stomach kicks. Bui
tho drink problem hss been threshed
over eo much that it is useless to dilate
on it.
Tub Boise City News does not appear
to ba on visiting terms with our gover
nor. It saya: T. T. Geer, the Shanghai
governor of Oregon', is a typical Ilanna
statesman, .who is a wone toady than
ever since, his head was swelled by a
stumping speech tour through the state
of the great boss. While there he dis
tinguished himself by saying that "the
democrats are worse than trusts," evi
dently meaning to compliment the dem
ocracy, when his high opinion of the
trusts is fully understood.
The handling of our railroads, which
are capitalized at 13 billions, is a risky
business to the holdeis of their securi
ties w ho are not on the ground floor. Be
tween 1876 and 1899, 842 different rail
waj'8 were foreclosed in court. Their
total mileage was 106,510 miles, and
their stocks and bonds amounted to six
and a half billions. Foreclosure wiped
out 3fi per cent of the bonds and 37 per
cent of the stocks. There will be other
hard times and more foreclosures, and
none are more interested in running to
cover than the enormous investors who
will be exposed to the destruction of a
Again we como to Christmas. It
skeins incongruous that an tin illy I u
manity celebrates with joyful acclaim
tho anniversary of the birth of the
I'rineeof Peaco. It shows how far our
ideals are beyond what we are or what
we do. Without ideals we would be torpid.
The Great Ideal set before the children
of men 19 centuries ago has tnen its pi
lar star through all ils wayward wander
ings from the path of recitude. But the
Prince of Peace was (and is) also the
Pnnco of Life, for he taught, as no one
had done before him.how to live noblv.
heroically, justly, with lovo lending
a;sweet fragrance to every word and
act. Christmas, therefore,means much,
very much.
It is suspected that the killing of the
reciprocity treaties in tho senate, as it is
anticipated will be their fate, will not
make the Western republicans who are in
sympathy with Congressman Babcock's
plan of revising the tiriff on trust-made
Koods any better affected toward Sena
tor Frye's subsidy bill. The same re
publicans who fayor the latter are most
prominent in fighting any tariff changes.
They refuse to promote foreign trade by
taking legitimate steps in its favor, yet
propose to confer bounties upon rich
men engaged in it. This is an empiri
cism in the treatment of public affairs
which must disgust thinking men, and
it has an inconsistency so glaring that no
one can fail to see it.
Tim sugar trust seeks to complete ils
monopoly by having raw sugar admitted
free to its refineries, while a high Will"
is retained on its refined product. The
amount at stake is sime 8J millions of
dollars annually in sugar duties. Of
course the trust claims that the saving
would largely go to consumers, and so
might, until the trust had wipml off the
face of the earth the farmers, laborers and
manufacturers now engaged in produc
ing beet sugar and cane sugar in the
Lulled States. Then, up would go
prices, and into the pockets of the sugar
trust would go the millions! upon mil
lions of dollars that are now paid in
duties, which afford a largo part of the
fcdeial revenue, besides encouraging the
domestic production of the sugar our
people consume. Of course the loss of
revenue under free sugar would have to
be mado lip by additional taxes.
It is impossible fcr even a shrewd
lawyer to guess what the nature of any
expected decision ofjihe U. S. supreme
court will be. The court seems to bo at
sea. It is evident we are facing prob
lems in which tin highest tribunal in
the ivmtitry is almost equally divided.
Four jutiees believe tho Philippine
islands luve become a part of the United
Stales an 1 must bo governed by congress
in accord with tho constitution; that
their people must enjoy full freedom of
trade with other portions of the country.
Fouruther justices h .Id that tho islands
are not a part of the United States, or at
least that thoy are not domestic territory
within tho meaning of the tariff act. Jus
tice Biown holds an intermediate po
sition ami decides that the islands be
came domestic as soon as the treaty of
peace was ratified, hut that congress can
tstahlish a separate tariff for them if it
Tun McKinley estate has been ap
praised and the value, real estate and
peisonal, amounts to within a few dol
lars of f.'UO.OOj. Mrs. McKinley has no
chiLlren.onlv herself to provide for. Her
income will bo $8000 per year. This
amount ought to keep her iu elegant
stylo with a big margin loft. But Hanna
thinks that it is not enough and he will
ask congress to give her a pension of
$5000 a year more. Not content with
this, in addition to paying the funeral
expenses, ho wants congress to pay tho
doctors' bills which amount to nearly
J 1 00,000. But llanna's generosity goes
still fuither. He will ask congress to
give the Buffalo Exposition $500,000 for
the reason that tho atteudance fell off
after McKinley was shot, With ail re
spect duo to his memory we may well
ask,.ho,v far will this reckless extrava
gance go before the people call a halt?
The only excuse for it is that he fell in
the line of duty. A soldier falls iu the
line of duty and leaves a widow: penni
less. She has perplexing difficulties to
obtain ?6 a month. Mrs. McKinley
with a fortune, gets $116 per month.
, .
"The Octopus" hs the title of a bro
chure on railroad consolidation issued
hy W. D. Washburn, Jr., a member of
the Minnesota legislature. He asks for
what reason the interests of the Nortb
ern Pacific and the Great Northern
should be merged in tha Northern Se
curities Company, if nothing is to be
gained thereby for the 12 states and 20,
000,000 people whose commercial life is
"If the people of Minnesota," Mr.
Washburn continues, "desire to know
the full meaning of a 'community of in
terest' they have but to look to the
northern portion of the state, where
this beneficent ideal of railroad engineer
ing may be seen in its full fruition. The
stocks of both railroads leading to the
great iron ranges were transferred in a
similai manner to the so-called steel
trust. This was done in direct defiance
of the law and the two corporations aie
today conducting their ljusiness without
the slightest reference to the people of
the state, from whom thuy secured their
"The exorbitant rate on iron ore is
and has been maintained iu defiance of
the orders of the railroad commission.
Repeated efforts of the legislature to
remedy these rates have been flatly ig
nored. Today it costs 80 cents a ton
to take iron from the range to the lake.
Iron experts say that the roads would
make moiey at 40 cents a ton. In other
words, these rates are 100 per cent too
"Today the independent miner is
crushed. The development of the great
est deposits in tha world is crippled be
cause these railroads defy the state in
every effort to secare proper and health
ful competition.
"The man with small capital has been
crushed in his efforts to compete 'with
gigantic masses of corporate wealth. Is
the so-called glory of 'commercialism'
and the hope of the continued existence
of the present good times to blind the
citizen to the fact that he k permitting
the erection of gigantic and destructive
ocial forces which must overthrow not
only the financial structure, but the
whole frame-work of republican govern
ment? "I am not and never was against the
railroads as corporations. As offending
and defying law they should be held in
restraint as well as any common law
breakers. There are other anarchists
and enemies of society than those poor
crealnres who go forth to destroy so
ciety with knives and bombs."
As the Washburn family alone is a
power in the state of Minnesota, Gov.
Van Sant entets into the fight with the
octopus backed by an army of resolute
freemen. The battle between tho peo
ple of Iho Middle West and the railroad
baroi s is of supremo importance; It
will be fought to a finish, without a
doubt, for it will not end until the right
is victorious.
"Something New Under the Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gases inhalers and drugs in paste form.
The powders dry up the mucuous mem
branes causing them to crack open and
bleed, Tho powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. Anold
and experienced practitioner who has
for many years made a close study and
specialty of the treatment of OATA RRII,
has at last perfected a Treatment which
when faithfully used, not only relieves
at. once, but. permanently cures CA
TARRH, by removing the cause, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all in
(lamination. It is the only remedy
know n to science that, actually reaches
the alllicted pari. This wonderful
remedy i known as "SNUFFLES the
and is sold at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, eai h package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary toils perfect use.
"SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA
TARRH CURE ever made and is now
recoguized as the only safe and positive
euro for that annoying and disgusting
ilisease. It cures all inflammation
quickly and permanently and is ulso
oeilerfu'.lv quick to relieve HAY FE
VF.Roi COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save yon if you use it at
once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatment w hich is positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if used according to the
directions which accompany each puck
age. Don't delay but, send for it at once
and writo full particulars as to your con
dition, and y u will receive special ad
vice from the discoverer of this wonder
ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to von beyond the regular price of
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canad i on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dent. F, 591, ED
2332 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Situated ono mil until of Xoedy.coiitaliiing
son's, with coed bnlMinis. prune orchard and
well wiU-'tvd and nnJi-r good stale of cultivation.
Also ranch located about 4 miles east of Soiia
Sprlturs. eonsistinir of '22 tier, with fairly good
buildings, is an exivtletit stiM-k ranch.
Huso plww will be B i'ul cheap. For partial
rs Inouire or adon-ss
A , T. t'Oeil B AS. Administrator,
Hubbard, Ore.
Dinner Sets
j e celebrated Semi-Vitreous
P cela in hand-painted decora
tion with gold trimmigs iven
away Free to our customers.
We use these dishes simply for
an advertisement for our business
The way to obtain them is easy
Trade with us and get your friends
to trade wi th us, and we do7the
rest, by supplying you and them
with these is " fjie
Ladles' and Gents' Pine Shoes
Kiis bull hearings in turn table. Turns freely to
the wind. Ball bearing thrust in wheel, insur
ing lightest running qualities, and reserving
greatest amount of power for pumping. Gal
vanized aftur making. Put together with galvan
ized holts, double nutted, no part ran rust or get
louse and rattle. Weight regulator: perfect reg
ulation. No spring to change tension with every
change ot temperature, and grow weaker with
age. Itepaiis always on hand. Theso things are
worth money to you. Then why not buy a Star
Mithell hvitli & Mn? Co
Portland, Oregon.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done by
Drop in and see what
we have in the latest
photographs. We can
please all.
Best possible to Diiild
No wagon is or can be better than
a Mitchell, .because the cream of
wood PtOi:k is used, only after being
thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is
well ironed, well painted, well propor
tioned, and runs the lightest of any.
It is nearly 70 years since tha first
Mitchell wagon was built, and they
have been built continuously ever
since by the Mitchells. When you
buy a Mitchell, you get the benefit of
this 70 years' experience.
Blitcliell, Lewis & Staver Co
First and
Taylor Streets
Wall Paper
Now is the time to buy your
wall paper and Murrow, the paper
hanger, will sell it to you cheaper
han you can buy it in Poitland.
Drop a card in the postofike and
have sample-book brought to your
house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store
J. MURROW, Oregon City
Oregon City
Secoml-lianil & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Goldstone, Scgarman & Co.
. -MS': A
W Wind
IT .. Mifl
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Eoars Opoa Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only Fhst Class Restaurant in the City
' CHAS. CATTA, Prop.
Opposite Suspension Bridge - OREGON CITY, OUE.
I CkristmassE
We have made special arrangements to
have a large assortment of everything in our line
- for CHRISTMAS trade, ,-nd will be able to
. take care of our ORDERS in good shape and to
your entire satisfaction. Our Prices will be right
and our goods of the best to be obtained. A full
stock of Turkeys and Po-iltry, Oranges, Lemons,
Ha nanas. Nuts, Figs, Dates, Cider, Grapes, Mince
Meat, Etc.
i A. ROBERTSON, 7tli St. Grocer.
Most People
Pi?one 393
such a house,
7ii and Center Sts.
.44444 V4)44444.444A44ll
Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled- and Steel Plows,
. Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and
Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicvcles.
Cor. Fourth and Main Sts.
Opposite Huntley's
FiFst Glass. IIeats of 11 Pds
Satistacticn Gnaranteed
Give ffirrj a (Sail agd be Treated Bigtjt
$975.00 Eocomobik- (fiven Jimp
With every jocts. invested
Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you Ret
a ticket on the $975.00 Locomobile to be given
.Xo Some Em hp One '
VMAS goods now every c'ay. New and fresh from the factory
Oualitv ahvavs thp l-.pcr P,;,- t
Quality always the best.
NEW SHOP rror -,.
Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co
New Stratton Building, Oregon City
H. . Jackson
Largest Line of Shot Guns in Oregon Gty
Prices to Suit. Remember the Place
Jackson's Bicycle Shop
Opposite Huntley's Ml!n Strefi
Like a Grocery House A place where they they ' I
can get what they want and feel sure that tho '
price will be right. They want to feel conGdent '
in their Grocer. Now, you who are looking for !;
.,U 1 . .
, i'jwnuif( JU1 A.
we most cordially invite you to try T
Muir Bros. 1
Bat the Best Stock of First-Class
Goods to be Found at Bottom
Prices - in Oregon City is at
with A. N. WriVht. the Iowa
Prices correct
. "XV