OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1901 I Fran The House. Piirnisher. , OREGON CITY, OREGON. OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE We're Preparing a Feast for the eyes, minds and purses of everybody who accepts our warm invitation to come and see our hol'day stock You can do as you please about buying, we leave it to you IRON BEDS why is it that hospitals everywhere have adopt ed a metallic bedstead? L is, first, becau-e of its cleanless and the ease with hich it can be moved about owing to its compact pattern and also on account of its cheap price, considering its high qualities We keep an especially complete stock of this class of furniture and will be pleased to show i to you. Price $3.50 and up. FURNITURE It takes graceful furniture as well as graceful people to make a reception room look attractive. It is impossible not to appear awkward when you sit on some chairs and settees. If a prize were to be offered for the most awkward possible, some furniture one sees would take he medal. Our furniture is built along natural an, H:n;e it s gracefullness and comfortableness, - 77) ' fill 1 ItU rni r ill ffl(Wii)iiii)ifiiiiiii)inHiiiiijgii These Three Peices $16.00 1 rF 1 X . ft :M 1 ROCKERS The most comfortable chair makes the most satisfactory purchase and wheti you combine this present com fort with the long-lived durability offered fWlss. in these chairs we feel sure yau will be glnd of the offering. There are small Wooden rockers, cane senrprl rnrkprs nn. M . . . ' lioistered rockers. You 11 ffnd a desirable one at your price. 1 ni Lemonade Set 90c If you wish to complete your dishes, look over our table of Odds and Ends, you will surely find some thing a.t the right price. For instance, a beautiful Soup Tureen that sells regular for $2.50 you. will find marked St.?o. A four piece Sauce Tureen instead of $2.00 now only 25c. le cuRniNs Do not pay fancy .prices in Portland DcpartmentStores for Lace Curtains, you can1 do better in our store. Come and see what we can give you for $1.20 a pair. , LINOLEUM if you know the cleanliness and comfo t of a dining ro n fr covered with one of ovui inoleums in perfect imitation of carpet, you waul J n jf f think of having anything el under your dining table. A glance at the rich patterns is enough for the wise house wife. Price 5 and up per square yard . THE HARMLESS RIFLE with the Rubbe Tipped Arrows forms the basis for a social game for all ages, perfectly harmless, intensely amusing, trains the eye, cultivates the judgement. No boy or girl should grow up without it. Price with arrow $1.00 jANKETj) PILLOWS Fancy covered pillows gorgeous or plain lines, filled with fine wit fea hers; covers of many kinds and patterns.; a variety of sizes and weigh s, and a corresponding variety of prices none of them high. 75c to $t. 50 each. J85t EXTENSION TABLES From To LAMPS ic veiling reading or work is less wearing on the eye if you have a L'.ood lamp. Here is a collection of beauties, They are the mo.st excellent products of the best lampmakers. They have pretty sh piT, artistically ornamented, and are provided with burners that will give rust to the eyes. i il'jrrl We offer for the li i.d.iy season a V $050.00 registered .61 BUSII&GERTS Tt 1 tlrt t til aa chirr anier $5.50. 4 x;;-: ii . ' L 1 "(TT We keep a heavy blanket full size for $1.35. Buy now. WHICH WILL . IT BE There is no ques tion about b u y i 11 g wall paper; the ques- . is, which will you . buy? Our best paper is that which pleases you most. We aim for Charity, Beauty, Economy You will find an assortment here which will enable you to enjoy the results of your pur. chase. Ask Jbr our nice new patterns at 5c per double roll. Get the latest in rugs large eough to cover your en tire floor except a space 2 or 3 feet from the walls. Fine Mo quette rug beautiful pattern, We have cheaper Sizes 9x12 $25. ones. Thel Christmas est: FEASTING j itha dull knife is a very dull boy. There is no excuse for any Wide-awake Boy not having a good sharp knife, made from speciallytempere d steel. We buy the'goods right after we are sure they are made right. We sell a wa ranted pocket knife for 250.' iVMlilttrfli . '" " " "" There must be much cooking and our Charter Oak Ranges are just the thing. You should order one at once and call it a christmas gift, too. We assure you it will be appreciat ed. Price from $?7 to $48. WROUGHT STEEL .U1J-U,'. Combination Book Case $12.00 There is nothing in the market that can beat the "( Morris Chair i;i ,U 11 fi. &S3;v:; Price $7.50 to tV$, f - I An artistic nilCCt Uon t spoil a good v 4es w I picture with a poor irame, and don t waste a jJjiJ good frame on a poor picture. Our frames ex- B'L-Vljpr ' 'vi eel', because of the care with which mouldings ' E' 1 are selected and work done done. You'll like !ia.4 j4 wiiau we uo lor you uecause ic win iook wen ana Unbrerkab e I ry dishes 6; cts. -Z;2"wuiLi.- -......"'-".,A Stte' I'.ni r.' s Wag' s box 24 in, Ion ', n n, wide $-75 A 6-v f. , ' J" I wear well. Nice gilt frame and glass size 16x20 f:r Sf.OO. A Lumpy, Uneven Mattress Will come about as near making life a faihr e as anythin we know of, REST WELL on one of our I $10 well m.u!e liair mattress, You will live longer and work better Ilu Doll II Cannons 25c. Boys' mjh Buck JJ 1117. r Saw (W-fty Price 40c. Doll Cab 25c. up. Iron J) Horse 1 1 WHd and prices JLJ Boys Tool 'BPh3 ets on JAn ards. Toy Sad Iron 5c