OREGON CITY COURIM-fiMLiLD, FJKDAY, v DECEMBER 20, 1901 W. E. BLOCK, Square Piano 7n Curtains Jn Carpets Tor $ah Chtan' A fine line of Lace Cur tains just in from the East, from 45 cents a pair and up. Sash Cutrain ing by the yard. fUi fAtt1lfttitttekflP I 7n Good Condition. Ingrain carpets from 25 cents per yard and up. 7n Witting I I Bargains in I I A very fine line from 15 cents and up. In Crockery v All kinds of Crockery and Hardware at surprisingly low figure. ' Linoleum Oil Cloth from 25c a pd. up. Tfla; 5. Opposite Post Office. -Ztneyou thinking of bu-q some TOWntme, CJWPetS, SZOUES or SCEEE lJJJHiES? dti jf ycu 9rtf fajj on y your money until you have seen ours, as values count, not words. we offer are .Parent at a glance. The few items quoted here give but a faint idea of the many attractive offerings we make You need not call often to come in contact with the many good things as they come and go. Below are a few of the many bargains tit J!.. i.n,, A, !ll .lit' iili..nilti .niill;iii,iiili. iiillliiiiiilBliiiiiilll IBlyniiBMnrrrrHTrT"1" ttiiiiiilliiiiiiMiiinmiiiiBliiiiii iillfriiiiil'liiiiiili'liiiiiiltoiii'iiiit''r ii...llli.i.iilii...iiilti.Millliuiiiillliiii, In Stoves 6 Hole Universal Range with shelf and closet, warranted for 15 years as the best in the market, $27.00. Air Tight Heaters from $2.25 up. In Turniture . Bedroom Sets from $10.00 up. Six-foot ex-, tension table, solid ash $4.50. Dining Chairs, high back, pretty design, 75 cents and up. Kit chen Treasures, $2.50. JUIII1J)NHJIIIIIJ!IIHIJIIIII iiimiiiffiiiiiii'iifiinii!iyiiiNiiT,iii'ii.y'JJ!!jii"'!f ''"!!!! yniy"mF"f We also seJl Pianos and organs from the Men & 6i1 bert Sole agents for the celebrated Domes tic Sewing ffla chine. BOARD 01' COMMISSIONERS, tegular November Term of the Count? Board. , H. Morton, John lewellen and T. Killln, Commissioners. Tom Sellwood 21 00 0 Clayson ......m 4 50 December Report. Chas Clayeon, cen tund 7 20 J Harrington, road fund 3 00 0 Counsel! 9 00 J Marshall 1 50 HStuckey 4 50 WH Counsell 14 00 Be it remembered, That a regular term of the Board of County Commis sioners for the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, begun and held at the court house in said county and state on Wednesday, the 4th day of December, the same being the regular time fixed by law for the transaction of county i business. There were present Hon. J. B. Morton, Hon. John Lewellen and Hon. T. B. Killin, commissioners ; E. H. Cooper, clerk, J. J. Cooke, sheriff, when the following proceeding were bad to-wit : The board having examined the re ports of the road supervisors for their respecctive districts, and being fully ad vised, it is ordered that they be and are hereby authorized to draw warrants on the road and general fundB for the sev eral amounts and in favor of the follow ing named: State of Oregon ) County of Clackamasf Before the Board of County Commis sioners of the state of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Iu vacation after November term, to wit ' In pursuance of an order made by the Board and entered of record, ordering warrants to be issued in vacation, I, E II Cooper, Clerk of said County and State, do hereby issue warrants in pay ment of said claims for the amounts and in favor of the following persons herein after specified: Mrs E Morean County charge. . .$ 10 00 TM Baker . 28 00 Mrs R Davis. 14 00 Rosa Triechler 10 00 V.llnn RridfffiS 8 00 J W Jones 6 50 W L Davis 6 00 Wm Scott 10 00 Mm H utile Woods 5 00 Elias Miller 30 0" MrsS C Harrington 12 00 Paul Freytag 1 00 Total $334 57 District No 2 S B Johnson, cen fund t 43 20 Arthur C Davis, road fund 7 50 HAiSatton 3 o PT Davis . 24 00 Willie Wade 9 00 Thomas Broderick 6 75 Total $ 94 20 District No 3 Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund......$ 15 30 Orin W Griffin, road fund 41 00 Jas Norris 8 25 Jas Hinkle 7 12 EH Griffin 18 00 DT Griffin 160 Arthur Hall 1 60 John Hinkle 1 87 W W Cooke 7 50 H Hilleary & Son. gen fund 17 50 Total $119 54 District No 6 Straus & Lennartz, gen fund.. . . .$ 9 00 J S Gibbons 6 00 J H Weiver 14 41 J H Strowbridge, road fund 30 57 J H Re venue 14 00 F. J.Walkley 2 00 BertJonsiud 2 00 Chas Bautnan 3 75 TWBlanchard 5 25 Frank'Briggs , 3 75 Elmer Lucas 2 25 Georite Blunchard. 2 25 T W Blanchard 7 50 Frank Briggs 15 00 J F Briggs 13 00 Total ; $ 56 50 District No 17 November Report. Emil Krueger, road fund . ..$18 00 W W Knight 18 00 J A Graham 18 00 A H Knight 26 00 HW Evans 36 00 W Walker 36 00 D R Dimick 35 25 Albert Hart 3 00 SPRR-eentund 22 20 Total.. $212 45 District No 18 i Lindsley & Son, gen fund 17 76 ueo Dmnti E W Hornschuch. road fund 75 WP Daniels 4 50 Emil Hornschuch 75 Edward Smidt H 86 Frank Jagger 12 00 Thomas Daniels 25 00 William Ginther 6 00 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon (r the County of Clackamas. Clara Blanche nianchet, ' Plaintm, vs. Louis Jeanbaptist Blanchet, I Uoleuuant To Louis Jeanbaptist Blanchet, said defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are homltv ramiral in nnar and linSWer tll6 OOB1- plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the ?lst day of December, 1901, and If you fail to so answer, for want mereoi, mo plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for a decree lorever aiesoiying me uuuubu, mmiv nnw eiistlnir between the plaintiff and de fendant, and for suoh other relief as shall seem meet and proper . Thin siinunnna ia ordered varnished In the Ore gon City Courier-Herald for the period of six weeks trom date of first publication thereof such order being made by the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan, -iiirira nf t.hA r.nnntv Court nf the itate of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, on the 11th day of I November, ltxu. J, J. FITZGERALD, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication November 15th, 1901. Oregon SitonrDFifi ad Union Pacific ?HE EAST The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stabte Finest;Turnouts; in City OREGON CITY. OREGON THREE TRAINS BDAMLY Total $ 77 98 District No 7 Jas Feeles. load fund $ 22 00 JAOdell 4 50 Total $ 26 50 District No 9 Morris Grafenhain, gen fund. . . .$ 3 00 August Poulsen 150 Julius Poulsen 1 50 John Poulsen . 2 50 Henry Johnson 5 50 Wm T)pnn... 6 00 AMKhihlev 8 00 Mrs London 10 00 Mrs Shoemaker 10 00 Hunrv Lewis 6 00 Mr Kmeger 7 00 Alice Carr 10 00 LMathewson '00 Gus Pirkle .- 10 00 C E Burns 6 00 Mr Heinz 5 00 Mrs Martha Duff 4 00 J J Gorbett 5 00 , J M Heckart 8 00 Amanda Wilcox..... 6 00 E N Foster 6 00 Mrs J M Racon Ind Soldier 10 00 Jacob Kohler 8 00 John H Churchill 6 00 John Watson 5 00 W T Gardner boys & girls aid soc 10 20 King Bohall county charge 7 00 Elias Miller 12 00 Mrs Thornton.. 12 00 E Austen 1 00 Eldora Younger 8 00 L Freeman 5 00 John Avins 8 00 Mrs M A Clark 5 00 IdaC Gartman 8 00 . Mrs Adams 15 00 Godtrey Shmale 2 00 Hans Schwautzen..' 4 00 Mrs Vouchers 8 00 Anna E Nash Ind Soldier ..... 5 00 Mrs Carrie Mayer County charge 8 00 Pptpr Nwlirnn ianitor 50 00 E H Cooper clerk 125 00 O D Eby deputy 60 00 J J Cooke sheriff 141 67 J E Jack deuutv 60 00 T P Randall recorder 100 00 Louva Randall deputy 52 00 A Luelling treasurer 83 33 J H Luelling deputy 20 00 J C Zineer superintendent. ..... . 83 33 Thos F Ryan judge 100 00 f!A Stnart Dhvsician 14 50 Co F, O N G 25 00 In the matter of Roads and Reports for the month of November. The Board having examined tbe re ports ot the road supervisors for their respective districts and being fully ad vised. It is ordered that they be and hereby are approved and the clerk is - hereby authorized to draw warrants on the road and general funds for the sev eral amounts and in favor of the the fol lowing named : District No 1 Report Laid Over From November term. J Harrington, road fund 30 00 J Marshall 24 37 H Stuckey 39 75 W H Counsell 40 00 JeapeCoates 28 50 Earl McLaughlin 47 25 OH Counsell 60 10 Total $ 14 00 District No 10 W R Oalfield, road fund, $ 13 50 John P Irvin 13 50 J J Davis 10 50 Charles Duncan ' 2S Millard Karver. 0 J CTracey 4 00 John J Honebon 13 00 Marion DeShieldB 3 00 Total $ 67 00 District No 11 Pnne & Go. cten fund $ 40 J E Smith, road fund 33 00 J Pancratz 6 37 fi Mann 1 12 H Smith iW F Hogg 75 EEby 3 00 S Foray the 6 37 M Glass 7 50 T Parrish 7 50 WForsvthe , 4 oO 11 2o 9 75 .. .; 6 oo 10 50 J C Morgan. . C Gnder. . . . W H Smilh. J E Smith... Total $m 03 District No 12 Gpo B Rate & Co. gen fund $ 30 00 W P Kirchem 4 00 N L Kirchem 1 50 .TnB T)rpxi!l 1 50 Roderick Kerr 7 00 W P Kirchem, road fund 6 00 ADMINISTRATOR'3 NOTICE In the county court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county. In the nutter of the estate of John 8. Green, deceased. Nntlfo In hereby slven that the undersigned has Vtaan riiiiv Annnlntid administrator bv the above entitled court of the above named estate. All Total $ 79 37 District No 19 J G Cummins, gen fund... ..$ 10 95 Poper&Co 2 28 E Schmidt, road fund 3 00 G Schmidt...... 3 00 K Schmidt 3 CO A Hornschuch 3 00 JJMallatt 14 00 Total..... $39 23 District No 0 J G Cummins, gen fund... $ 13 26 M Freeman H OO B Sullivan 2 25 R L Jonson 5 25 A J Strom green 7 00 A J Stromgreen, road fund 27 00 Christ Kurnzy 13 12 Total........; '....$ 76 88 District No21 John Arquette.'Sr, road fund... ,$ 1 25 Marshall Arquette 1 Oleve Laferty 2 00 Oscar Dix 1 50 W R Garrett 2 50 Waltor Gorbett .. 65 Coll James 4 50 P E Bonney 5 25 Pennine having olaims against tne saia es-aie are Wphv remilred to Dreeeut them with the proper vouchers therefor to me within six months from tne date hereof at my law otllce in Oregon City, regon. . fl AfOURETTK, .' AflmlnlHfratirof the Estate Of Deoember 0, 1901. John 8. Green, deceased. TWO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. TO SALT r AE, DEN', OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:00 p. m. -TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. unty County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Estate of Apnea M. Washburn, Deceased. Noli la hernhv riven that George T. Howard. administrator of the estate of Agnes M. Wash- hum, deneaaed. has filed his final report as ad ministrator of said estate in the county court aforesaid, and the Hon. Thomas K.Kyan, Judge or satri nourt. has sot Monday, the 6th day of Janu- nrv. lufYi atl 1 n'nlm'k a. m. for the hearing of ob jection! It any mere ne losaia nnai repori auu iui the final settlement of said estate. Whereof all persons interested are nereuy re nested to take due notice, and file their objee- ions, if any they have, before said date. Oregon City, Oregon, Deo 2, 1901. GEORGE T. HOWARD. Administrator of tne Estate of Agnes M. Wash burn, Deceased. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISOC Total $ 18 90 District No 22 Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund $ 47 80 M Trullinger...... 1 25 L W Robbins 2 40 II J RasUll.road fund 7 00 Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia Kiver rants. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan For full Information call on or address Dearest O. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or address A. L. CKAIO. O. r. A. Portland, Oregon FINAL NOTICE. J. I. CASE Noli is hereby irlven to all whom it may con- irn t.bat the iinderHlarned administratrix of the estate of Mary Leonard, Deceased, has filed her final abcount as .said administratrix, wttn me Oonntv Court of the County of Clackamas and StHte of Oregon, and that the Hon. T. F. Ryan, Judge of said court, has set Monday, the 6th day of January. 1902. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., ol said day as the lime lor neanng saiu repun and objections thereto, It any tnere w. CATHARINE JONES. Administratrix of he estate oi Mary Leonard, deceased. Dated November Itut, 1901. S.J.VAUGHN'S x Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTON JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY E. E. G.REOL Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel Total 20 30 District No 13 WC Ward, road fund $ 16 00 John Kichardson 1 BO CBWard 9 00 Harry Gray 1 50 Total ... 28 00 District No 14 Lindsley & Son f 3 20 Wra F Harris u i J R Myers, road fund 24 00 Total $ 68 45 District No24 Christ Zweilel, gen fund 3 75 Simon D Yoder 7 50 Ben Emert 7 50 Joe Meyer 7 50 Geo Killin 4 50 Obed Miller 6 00 Sol Miller 3 75 Frank Bagby 20 23 E A Montandon 18 00 Total.... $ 76 73 District No 25 November Report Laid Over. Ross Freyere, gen fund $ 25 50 L Ixrenz 12 00 V Coleman 12 On Will Heinz 10 50 John Wills 10 50 John Heinz. 19 50 M Mathews 3 00 Ross Fryere, road fund 13 50 P Coleman 7 51) John Wills 0 75 L Lorenz..': 7 50 Will Heinz 7 50 Warren Baty 12 00 John Heinz 16 50 Will Earth.. I 50 N Cole 15 00 C Gilbert.'. , 6 00 SUMMONS. .$ 35 21 Total District No 15 T.indslev & Son. een fund 3!)9 RHTaber 30 80 S Thomas 18 00 JameR Savaford 20 25 R D Miller U 'o .... 140 .... 13 35 .... 3 00 1 00 ...."T 8 00 Howard Kine. F M Thompson James Fartlow R If Taber R II Taber, road fund.. ...527 35 .$186 75 fnnd. .$ 8 52 Total District No 25 December Report. Bagby & Hein, gen District No26 Levi Robbins, gen fund $ 3 85 J N Stewart.... W W Everhart L Stehman O Cutting. . . In the Clrcnlt Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. M. E. McCarver and W A. Holmes, Administrator of the Estate of B. L. Kussell, Deceased, Plaint! lis. vs. Hiram E.Stralnlit, William E. Straight, Margaret Orati and Uratz, her husband, Jacob Straight, James Stralgiu, John Ktraight, Hiram E. E. Straight, administrator of Hiram Btralght, Deceased, I)i fendants. To Jacob Straight, James Straight, Margaret Oratz, anil W ls, her husband, and each of you, said de.'c'udauts. In the name of the State of Oregon. Ton are hprphv rennin-d to annenr and answer tbe coin plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or bef re the lastdav nrescribed In the older for publication of this summons which Is six weeks from the day ot publication hereof which date of publication is November 8th, lSKil, and yon will take notice that if you full so to ap- oear and answer the oomnlalnt Sled against you herein on or before said last day of said tin nrescribed in said order, the plaintiffs will apply to Hie court for the relief demanded in the com plaint herein to with the foreclosure of certain mortgages covering lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of Murk 71. nf Oregon Cltv. Orenon. and plaintiff will apply for such other and further relief as is jut in the premises. I t'l'hls sum mons Is published tiy order of tbe Hon. T. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of said Court, npon applica tion of plaintiffs hereln,wlilch order Is duly made and entered in sam court novemocr oin, i:ul. C. I), and I. C. LATOURKTTK, Attorneys foi Plaintiff. TRIUMPH SULKY PLOW Guaranteed to be the beat Sulky Plow in th world. This is a broad statement, but we stand ready to prove it in the field with any plow made. SKND FOK Bl'KCIAL CATALOGUE. Mitchell.Lewis & Staver Co PORTLAND, OREGON mwrpnTnnsTWnrTAY MRN AND WO m.n to travel and advertise for old established houscof solid Snanclal standing. Halary $7B0 a year and expenses, all payable in casn. ro can-vnhBiiiB- tomilrcd. (live references and enolose aelf-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ger, r6 Caxtnn llldg., Chicago. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A, H Leave Astoria 7 P. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. TAHOMA Between Portland, The Dalles and Wa Points TIME CARD Leave Portland, Tues , Thurs. and Sat 7 A. K Arrive The Dalles, same day S 1. M. Leave Sun , Wed. and fM 7 A. M. Arrive Portland, same day 4 P. 11. DEALS THE VERY BEST Sunday Trios a Leading Featnre 44-rhis Itutilo lias the Urandest Scenlo Attrac tions en r.ariu Landing and office, Foot Alder Street BOTH rilODES, MAIN 851 PoHTLAMD, OltBaOH J. C. WYATT, Agt., Vancouver W0LF0R0 & WYERS, Agts., White Salmon PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles A, J. TAYLOR, Agt, Astoria E. W. CRICHT0N, Agt., Portland NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Nntixa la hernhv riven that the exnoutrlx of the estate of Phillip Wolf, deceased, has ttled in the nnnri. nf fila'k (trims nouiitv. slate of Ore- W ' ' - . t- ..... .-I , mlA gon.nernnat acrounias sncit exemri ui biuu eelate. And that the lliu day of January, 190.', at 111 o'clock a. m., has been nxea oy saia oouri a the time for hearing all ohjuctions to said report and the settlement thereof. MARdAIlF.THA WOLF. Executrix of Ihe Estate of 1'liUllp Wolf, deceased U'Ken a HcliiH'ljul, Attorneys for Kxeeutrlx. SUMMONS. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. 05 50 50 75 WHEngle 4 00 Total ' District No 16 Max Baaman, gen fund 3 75 W Fairin, road fund W Skeen J Rhodes J Uannagan W Husband J U Harless P J:Kay!er (Continued from page 11.) 5 CO 5 00 4 50 2 50 2 50 2 25 75 In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas, cuuniy. In the matter of the estate of Leonora Koss, dc- deaseu. Notice Is hereby Riven that Luclnda Boss, ad Dtinlstratrix of the estate of Leonora . Ross, de- censed, has tiled her tlna' Recount in the county court of the stRte of Oregon, fr Clackamas county, and that hy order of said totirt Mon day, the 13th day of January, A. 1)., 1&2, at 10 o'clock a. m,, in Ihe cnui.'y court room in the conn house in said county, has been died as the time and place fur bearing objections thereto, ana settling me same. LUCINDA BOSS, Administratrix of theKstaleof Leonora Koae, Deceased. In the Circuit Court, of the State Oregon, for the County of Ulark imas. Therese Grapengelter, I'laiiitin, vs. Peter Orapenntlter, Defendant, To Peler Grapengelter, Defendant. In the name or the State of Orcgont You are hernhv rmiulnd to uniu'ar and answer the com plaint file' I against you In the above entitled suit on or before January 27th, 1!J02, and If you fall to answer, lor WHtit thtrnoi, the planum will apply to tlie said court for Hie relief demanded In said complaint, to-wlf. a decree anulllng and dis solving the marrlsge between said parties l'h a summons is nuuilMnca oursuam u an or nVr nf Hoii.Thomns Jf Hvan, county judgeof said ci unty, said order bearing date Lcccuiber 7tn, Will, and the first publication being of 1ate December 13th, r.KJl. C. D. 4 D. C. LAIOUBF.TTK, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. Dated December 13th, Ml. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Dally (exoept Sundtvy) botween The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at way points on both sides of tlia Columbia river. Both of tbe above steamers have boon re nl and are In excellent shape for the season of I 00 The HegulHtor llne wlllendeavor to glvelta patrons the best service possible. For Comfort, Economy mid Pleasure travel by ths steamers of The Itegulittur Line. The above steamers leave Portland 7a. m.and Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrives! destinations ample time for outgoing trains, Portland Otllce, The Dalles Office Oak Ht. Dock. OourtHtreet. A. C. AI.LAWAY Q)noral Agon Don't pass UK by cull in and get our! price1. Ked Front Trading Company. I HEADACHE i As ail drug stows. 35 Dma'z&t. J