Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 20, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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I A really healthy woman hu it
jtle pain or discomfort at tna
J menstrual period. No woman
i needs to hayo any. Wine of
kCardui will qulokly relieve those
smarting' menstrual pains and J
I the dragging head, back and
jside achM caused by falling of!
the wotub and irregular menses.
I has brought permanent relief to
11,000,000 women who suffered
a every month. It makes the men
strual organs strong and healthy.
iltistho provision made byNa-i
jturo to give women relief from!
I the terrible aches and pains which
blight so many homes.
(lmnnrnnn T i 11 loon
I have been very nick lor some time
uji.oj4 wnu n BCTwro pain in m
aide and could not get anv relief nnt:
I triod a bottle ol Wine of Oardui. Be
fore I had taken all nf if-, T m raliavAri
1 1001 ib my uuty to say tnat you nave a
wonderful medicine.
Mm. M. A. Yotrarr.
For advlceanri literature, address, giving symp.
toms''Tlio Ladlos' Advisory Department,' Tuo
Chattanooga Aiedlcuu, Co., Chattanooga, lenu.
JSC. W. Lynch, Winchester, Ind.,
writes: "I owe the life of my boy to Fo
ley's Honey and Tar. He had mem
branous croup, and the first dose gave
liim relief. We continued its use and
it ttoon brought him out ot danger."
Oharman & Co.
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
They build up the shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as no
tnown remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
they have no equal.
io, 25, 50 Cents im
Sold and Guaranteed by
Prescription Druggist,
Oregon City Oregon
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effects
on the entire system, and where
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels.
Edgar s Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable,
towel regulator, and liver vitalizer
As pleasant to the taste as
candy, and as positive as the harsh
xst mineral. No gripe or pain.
tO, 25, 50 cents.
Sold and Guaranteed by
rrcscrtption Druggist,
Oregon City Oregon
t f (f "A
3 Subtle
IVspqisui is unrecognized in r j
hull' the niscH. It deceives the
imkiiow'.ii:; tutlTi'ivr. Its many v.
variations work iilung tlu'wcukest
lms of the b.vislcm. To buttle
nj?unst only one of them is vain. S'f
Cur iHHiklct explains its symp- I J
turns. ()nr DyspcpsiiiTnMotsigive (
eoniplcto raid lusting relief. t..i
w ioc, ?5c. y
Jj t!50 AND 60C. (J
Sold and Guaranteed by
Prescription Druggist,
Oregon City Orecon
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co ;
A Feyrer to F Schafer, 7.6 as in
Swegle elm
J tt Skirvin to E Wittenberg, n 50
as of e5 of bw of sec 21, 5, 2 e. .-. .
Win li Welcti to H Oelschlager, 10
as in P Welch cla, , 2, 2 e
J Gorbett to P Bouney et al, lot
in sec M, 4,3 e .... 1
P II Marlav to J Tong, lots 4 and
5 in blk 8, Oswego 1
H Metetail to 0 Perry, .68 as in
Collard elm 1
C Perry to J H Hundt, .08 as in
Collard elm , 350
B Schatz to II Scbatz, 20 as in
of Bee 31, 2, 1 e
Bolton Land Oo to S Mockley,lot 4,
blk 19, Bolton
J J Worley to J J Thaver. lotO.blk
6, Edijewood 50
J Green to G I Brown, bw of sec
3d and 15 as in sec 34, 3, 4 e 1
O I & 8 Co to M Didzman, lots 7, 8,
9,10,12,13, 1.1, 15, 16 and 17 in
blk 64 and 4; 5, 6,18, lOand 20 in
blk 7l,UsweEO 333
L Tycer to A Tycer, lot 8 in blk 9,
uiaastone ..... l
II S Morris to A L Thompson, 5 as
in sec 34, 1, 2 e 1
E F Kiley to L Gerlinger, vt4 lof
ne and ot nw, sec 7, 5, 4 e
u stou Gutting, ne of sec 27, 5,
e Pat
U Gutting to Win S Conklin, ue of
sec zi, o, e 1225
UuRtie Kock Goal Go to A Mitchell,
lotB 5 and 6, blk 67, O O
J A Thayer tJ W F Shaver, 30 as
in elm 43,3, 2 e
J H Walker to J E Hedges, lot ' 7,
blk 64, O 0 "...
X, T"l MlimTir.ur.or t T i IJ Unli Ol
' pv nv i vj jy 3.x 11 nilBt 6a
as in ne of sec 26, 2,2 e
O & G K B to G Jolinaon, n'of ne
of sec 1, 6, 1 e
J Edwards to T & A Driscoll, lot 10
in blk 75 and lots 16 to 18 in
Minthorn... 150
I L Glark to W I Glark, 27 as in sec
4 2 2 e.
E M Howell Vo JohnH Gibson. lots
3 and 4 in blk 28, Milwaukie....
R L Barnes to H E Noble.lot in blk
13, Windsor
II Rummer to I S Miller, 50x100 ft
in sec 5, 5, 1 e
O F Barnett to A Johnson, 20 as in
sec 30, 3, 1 e
J A Mumpower to Clear Creek
Creamery, 65 as in claim 68, 2, 2
Win R Wade to O Johnson.
36.20 as in P Welch elm, 2, 2 e 2100
w a wanting to J U Pollanz, lot
blk 6, Green Point 600
O Ji i Lee to J Nelson, 15 as in sec
al. o, le None
U M JJooley, trustee, to K L Bauer,
trust?, lot 9, blk Is, Windsor..
0 II Peteison to MrsDSargent.lots
7 and 8 in blk 28, Milwaukie....
J Green toD J Moore, riparian and
other rights in swj, sec 34, 3, 4
A D Burnett to H A Githena! Van
indefinite... 275
r it aiariay to rufto Go.lots 5, 6,
7 and 8 in blk 14, Milwaukie . ...
W T Welch to r A White, of
so of ne of sec 6, 2, 4 e
W B White to F M Irvine, same as
J M Cromer to W E Cromer," 80 as
indefinite, in 3, 3
B B Youmans to No 145 I 66 F
lots 1 and 2, blk 10, MarshBeld. .'
V Dickey to 8 A D HungRte, ti of
ne ami se of nw of see 32, 5, 3 e
W A White to Berger, s of ee of
sec 7, and bw of bw of sn A in a.
J Gnwalt to L H Cochran, sj of se
and sMof sw of sec 12. 5. 1 a
M A North to F E Oleon . hlk ' aV
Milwaukie 250
itrrencntoj L Kagland, t4 of
sw oi sec 32, 2, 5 e jgoo
v a jarvis to a Wiese, 20 as in sec
81 and 32, 2, 3 e
J Clausen to O OSannes, 38 as in
Pendleton elm and 20 as in sec 29,
3, 1 e
Btate to C O Seniles, same as'last! .'
J Bartnik to J C Ainsworth.trustee,
4.67 as in see 21, 2, 2 e
FJ Riling to J 0 Ainsworth.'truBtee
fo of tec 34, 3, 4 e
W II Smith to J C Ainsworth,"
trustee, riparian rights on 20 as
in Buck elm and tract I). Clii. ka.
anias Fruit Lands 125
(liuhciihehner llije .
Kelly & Noblitt have received a lot of
Giiekciilu'imer, genuine, double-Rtamp
high proof rye whiskey. Absolutely
right's Disease.
The I, uvea t mini evur nui.1 tn .
seriptinn, changed hands in !San Fran
cikco, Aiijj. 30,1901. The transfer in
volved in coin ami stock $112,500.00 and
was paid bv a imrtv ol Imu! Iltliia limn f,m
a speeilie for Blight's Disease and Dia-
ucm'b, iiiiuerio incurable diseases.
They commenced tl m norma diiiiL
gntioii of the speeilie Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its meriiu lv ,,n;..
over three dozen cusea on the treatment
ami wateimig iiiem. They also got phy
FicLuis to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
jii.ivn. x V w uig. ia, eiglity-seven
per cent of tho test cases were either
wed or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen percent of
failures, the imrti.M vra uiLi;,i
closed the transaction. The proceedings
l;.,V" "oesugming coinniiitee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap-
imiuuuu. Auuress John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., Man
rranciaeo, Cal.
tliitt u n l lro
sprea.lsin dry grass and weeds, so does
l. r 11 U1 ' mroat the re-
v..i w t. tum urow down into the
sitive air passives of tlin hm..
Each package of PUTNAM
either Silk, Wool or Cotton per
fcctly. Sold by C. G. Iluntly.
cold, like the tire,, should be promptly
dealt with. When you begin to cough,
use Allen'- Lung Balsam. It ilUvrl
tainly heal the sore throat and lungs
and it may sav you from consumption
Te Lore Affairs of the Father of HU
George Washington's love affairs be
gan at a very early age, and he was to
the day of bis death "fond of the girls."
The first sweetheart was one Mary
Bland, with whom he fell In love when
he was only 14 years of age. This Is
ascertained from an entry In one of his
diaries, where be refers to her as his
lowland beauty." Having tired of
Mary, ht wrote to a friend that he had
decided to "bury his chMte aad trou
blesome passion," which, having done,
be soon found himself enamored of
Lucy Cary, a sister-in-law of Colonel
Fairfax. His affection for this young
lady lasted for some years, being only
Interrupted now and again by his nat
ural Virginia passion of making love
to every pretty girl whom he met
In 1752 his first serious love affair
was shattered. Having fallen In love
with a certain Miss Betsy Fauntleroy,
be determined to ask her to become his
wife, but the fates had destined him
to marry another; for she rejected his
proposals. He afterward came back
to her, but found that she had not
ebanged her mind on that score.
His next heartache was caused by a
girl In New York after he had become
a colonel. Bhe was the heiress Mary
Phillipse. His business called him
away from her; but, having finished
this, he returned to New York and pro
posed to her, but was here, as before,
disappointed by her refusal.
In 1758 at Waynes Ferry, while
traveling to Williamsburg with dis
patches, he met his future wife, Mrs.
Martha Dandrldge Custls, the widow
of Daniel Tark Custis. We learn from
history that she was young, pretty, in
telligent and rich. He had been with
her all of an afterndon and was to ride
away to his home the next morning.
On his way he stopped at her home
and then aud there told of his love and
asked her to become his mate for life.
This time, contrary to his previous
proposals, he was accepted. Chicago
Set a small box of lime In the pantry,
and It will help to keep It dry and the
air pure.
Soda should never be used for flan
nels, and If they are kept In good con
dltlon tbey should be neither mangled
nor Ironed.
Mud stains can usually be removed
from silk by rubbing with a piece of
flannel. If the stain proves obdurate,
rub with a piece of linen saturated
with alcohol.
If your window glass Is lacking In
brilliancy, clean It with a liquid paste
made of alcohol and whiting. A little
'of this mixture will remove specks and
Impart a high luster to the glass.
To render feathers white immerse
them for a short time In naphtha or
benzine. Rinse In a second dish of the
same and dry In the open air. Then
bleach by exposing In a box to the va
por of burning sulphur In a moist at
Good clear starch Is easily made.
Wet the lump starch with cold water,
stir till smooth, pour on boiling water
and cook till clear. It takes a quart of
boiling water to "clear" two table
spoonfuls of lump starch. If too thick,
thin with blued water.
Includlns the Frame.
His Indulgent friends had praised his
attempts at painting and drawing to
such an extent that the youth really
Imagined himself to be an nrtlst Ills
wealthy friends even bought his plC'
tures for considerable sums of money
"to encourage him," as they snid.
Recently In walking along the Strand
In London ho was much delighted at
seeing one of his pictures, finely fraro
ed, In a dealer's window, especially as
he was walking with a pretty lady be
fore whom he wished to appear In the
best possible light.
Calling the attention of the lady to
the picture, he said:
"Pardon me, but I have some curlosl
ty to know how my pictures stand eon
And the two entered the shop.
"My good man," said he to the keeper
of It, "what Is the price of that picture
in the window here?"
"Three shillings."
"Great Scott!" cried the artist recoil
The shopman, thinking the exclama'
tlon to be one of surprise at the high
price, added:
"Well, it Includes the frame!" Ex
The Sncceiafnl Doctor.
The king of purgatory sent his llctora
to earth to bring back some skillful
Chinese physician. "You must look for
one," said the king, "at whose door
there are no aggrieved spirits of disem
bodied patients." The lictor went off,
but at the house of every doctor ihey
visited there were crowds of wailing
ghosts hanging about. At last they
found a doctor at whose door there was
only a slugle shade and cried out,
"This man Is evidently the skillful one
we nre In search of." Gi) inquiry, how
ever, they discovered that he bad only
started practice the day before. Giles'
"History of Chinese Literature."
To De WLe.
"Ef you wants to git de reputation o'
Unowlu a lot," said Uncle Eben, "keep
still an let de yuthuh feller talk, lie's
gwlneter to go away wlf de Idea dat you
couldn't he'p beln purty wise ahter lls
teuln so loug to him." Washington
Be brief, for It Is with words as with
sunbeams, the more they are condensed
the deeper they burn.
Tk average man gets angry every
time be Is In tbe wrong and knows It
Cbleago News.
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party,
bnt was afraid to oo so on accunt ol pains
in hie itomach, which he feared would
grow worse. He Bays, "I was telling my
troubles to a lady friend, who said:
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy will put you in condition
for the party.' I bought a bottle and
take pleasure in stating that two doses
cured me and enabled me to have a good
time at the party. Mr. Snell is a resi
dent of Summer Hill, N. Y. This
remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding.
Piano tickets with all nurchases at
Moore's Pharmacy.
For Orrr Fifty Yearn.
As Old and Wkll-Tried Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by millions
of uiothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy lor Diarrhoea, is
pleat ant to the taste. Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty-
five cents a bottle. Its value is incalcu
lable. BeBure and ask for Mrs. Wins-
low's Soothing Syrup, and take no other
Sajn He Was Tortured,
'I suffered such pains from corns I
could hardly walk," writes H. Rohin
Bon, Hillsborough, 111., "but Bucklen's
Arnica halve completely cured them ."
Acts like magic on sprains, brirses, cuts,
Bores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per
fect healer of skin disease and pilep.
Cure guaranteed-by George A. Hard
ing. 25c.
Women and Jewells.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet "f mighty power
to the average woman. Even that great
est of all jewels, health, is often ruined
in the strenuous efforts to make or eave
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will riBk her life to get a coveted
gem, then let her fortify herself against
the insiduous consequences of coughs,
colds and :bronehial affections by the
regular use of Dr. Bosehee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubeB and
drive the dread disease from the system.
It is not a cure-all, but it is a certajn
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. Yon can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at George A. Hard
ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac.
Food Chaoged to Poison.
Putrefying food in the Intestines pro
duces effects like those of arsenic, but
Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poi
sons from clpggeu bowels, gently, easily
but surely, curingOonstipatlon, Bilious
ness Sick Headache, Fevers, all Livr,
Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c
at Geo. A. Harding's,
The cheapest Xtras goods in town at
the Kacket:?tore.
Oyer 10.0
Facts and Figures
Containing Over 600 Paget.
Special Features.
nilllonalrai of tbe United State; Parti
cular! About Three Thousand American
Magnates. Organized Labor; Strength of the
Labor Unions. Tbe
TrusU. Halted States
Census. New Census
of European Countries.
Tha Nicaragua Canal
and the Hay-Paiinea-fota
Treaties With
Great Britain. The Re.
latlcas of Cuba With
the United State. The
Conference of Amert-
Ican Republic at the
City of Mexico. The
Anarchist Statistics
of Thl Country and
Europe. Progress of
Aerial Navigation ia 1901. The New York
Municipal Election of 1901. Agriculture,
Manufactures. Dottality.
THE WORLD hditzer Bldg.,HmYott
60 YEARS' ,'
Copyrights &c.
Anrone eemUng a sketch mid description may
quickly nstvrtam our opinion free whether au
invention is prohnhly patentable. Communion,
turns strictly confidential. Handbook on I'ateuta
ent free. Oldest ncency for ecurnnr patents.
t'xtents tiiken through Munn X Co. require
$jxvuti fvitictf, without chsrve, iu the
Scientific Untcrican.
A handsomely Hlnstrnted weekly. ..unrest err
cu latlou of any sotentlttc Journal. Terms, $i a
yenr; tour monttia, 11. coiuDyaii Tiewsneniers.
, IIIVMl 4a GV'U V'J (VI 1 II V" fill -HCI
wiiii v wvi nun twin
Branch Ufflce, 636 1" St, Washington. D. C
Newly Furnished and Refitted T
This Restaurant has no Superior in the City
Opposite Electric Hotel
Fresh Home-Made
Christmas Candies
Christmas Tress
Church Socials
Holiday Entertainments
Our Candies are Always Fresh. Something New Every Week.
We are selling more candies than any other factory
in Oregon City.
Just Arrived...
Our splendid line of Xmas fancy goods,
which we are offering at reduced prices
We also announce to the public that we
are selling our immence Clothing and
Shoe stock at special prices. -
I Whtn you see It in Our Ad lt' so.
! J. M. PRICE, Li-To Date Clothier.
Good Literature
auvoinoilig Lumber. A IB
HOT" A 1mrof- Pal)Qphlet8, folders, booklets, etc., are
J 'A iXAlllLlol' tastefully gotten Hp and are valuable for
what they contain. Here is a partiai liet
XTrkflii ncr of what MR. CHAS. S. FEE, eneral Passenger
ll LI IJLLlllil Agent, St. Paul, NInn., will 8end out, carefully
mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi
nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland 1001
An animal publication, beautifully Illustrated tn color and
half tone. This number treats particularly of the history of
the Northern Paelflo's Trademark, the Custer Battleflelil In
Montana, and tbe Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and dainty pnbllcatlon containing a complete history
of the Northern Pacitio Trademark, The artistlo oovers of
the Wonderland, 11101 are used In miniature.
Wild Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of pressed wiM flowers from Yellowstone Park,
showing the real flowers in their natural colors. A dainty
and beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six
full page Illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112 page book In strong, flexible oovers, good paper,
plain type, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium : and
descriptive of the World's Wonderland.
Climbing Mount Rainler-
An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 pases, In strong, flexible
covers, printed on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of
the his best peak iu the United States outside of Alaska of a
glacial nature.
Tor Spot Cash
Do you realize what spit cwh means? It means a savin? of from 26 to 40 par cent on every
watoh you buy of ns. We orter for spot cash the highest grades of watches at the following prices:
15 Jeweled Eljiin or WaUham Watchos 17 75
IS Jeweled Hampton Watch .' ".' 6 75
17 Jeweled Waltham or Hampton 12fi
W year gold lilted gent's watches with She highest grade Elgin',' Waitham',' 'il'amiiton, Hampton
or Rockford works tl3.8o '
Ladio's beautiful gold watches in the latest designs as low as 19 00.
Spaoe does not permit us to mention the numerous bargains we are offering, you must call
and see them to ppreciate the bargains.
We buy our goods for spot, cash at th lowest market quotation direct from the Jobbers and you
will nnt wonder why we can oflor you high irade watches at such astonishing low figures.
We give jyou in addition to our own personal guarantee. Hie iron-clad factory guarantee on
both cases and movements and guarantee every watch to give you the highest satisfaction or give
your money back. 6
You are ail iuvited to came and toke.'advantage of our first great offer.
r . j4 tinn nf A famnn Krnrh utifBi.ii.n mill nmnbi
I BEFORE isn AFTT! an me norrors
CUPlnEXF! strengthens and restores
The reason fiuuVrprs are not cured by Jioctors is because ninety per cent are tronbled wttn
ProaiatttU. cri'IUKNE Is theonly known remedv toenre fiihoutau operation, dsmti-stlmnna
als. A written guarantee given and money returned if six hoxe does not etleut a permanent cur&
l.iX)abox,sixfor5.00,bymail. KendforrRnuciraularand testimonials.
Address 4V 1. MEDICI K CO., F. O. Bbx 3076, 8an Francisco, Cal. JbrSiicfrif
G. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City Oregon
l Hair Health
I Hair Beauty
J Both may be yours if you use
iPrier's Hair Food
ITarmkss and Pleasant to use.
Cleans the rcalp, gives a lustre
and softness to the hair received
by no other remedy.
Price 50c at all tlrnpgisls. Also
for sale by U. Prior, Caufield Bldg
The Northern Pacific Is not
ed among railways for its
Six Cent
Pour Cents
F.fty Cents
This erreatVeiMtaMa
tion of a famous I rench phj-siciuu, will quickly cure you of all ner.
yous or diseases of the generative organs, such ns tost Manhood.
Insomnia, I'MiisintheBiU'k.Kcmbial Emissions, Nervous Debllltv.
Pimples, L uUmess to Alanv, Kxliuusting Drains, Varicocele aiia
Constipation. It stops all losses bv day or night Prevents muck.
ncss of discharge, which if not checked leads to Hpermatori lio'a and
oi impotency 1 1 "IIi;iKcleunisebtUeliver1 the
small weak orsran.
and and