Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 20, 1901, Image 1

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    UBtorkai BocwiT. CW
19th YEAR, NO. 31
A Court Decision May Make
CUickamas and Other State
Streams Free.
A case lias been heard in tho circuit
court of Benton county that may re
sult in declaring the loggers new law
unconstitutional, The outcome of the
' t.ct aan will Im nf much interest to
l,cau ficv ,. ... - t
Claekamas county, inasmuch jaa it will
affect the claims of two rets of individ
uals on Clackamas county streams.
The Luckiamute Improvement Associa
tion secured a complete monopoly of
the Luckiamute river through the pro
visions of the loggr.i' la passed at the
last session of the legislature. Tho
Bpanlding Legging Company, which
furnishes logs lor the Willamette Pulp
& Paper Company, began a suit to re
strain the Luckiamute Improvement
Association from exercising control, over
,' the river, a privilege alleged in the .com
plaint that tho possess.
Tho Oorvallis Times says that Spvihl
lug claim qhatthe legislative act U un
constitutional, first, because the act of
congiess admitting the state into the
Union v'dfdared that all navigable
waterj within the state should be com
mnn '1 v nnd forever fiee to the
inhabitants of tlie stato.vand a'.l citizen
thereof; and secotid, that the act does
not conform to tho constitutional re
quirement that, "every act shall em
brace but one subject and matter: prop--erly
connected therewith, which sub
ipnf shall be exoressed in the title."
The' title of the act, questioned is. "an
therissing the cniioty courts of the sev
eral counties of tliis stale to declare (in
navigable streams highways for floating
logs and timber and provide for the im
provement of the same," and it was
urged that the fact that the body of the
act does not mantion the county court
nor provide any ptocednre upon the
nart of the csuntv court, render the act
In connection with the passage of tins
act it is stated that as originally pre
sented to the legislature, the act did
vrnvide how the county court should
ti -
proceed, but that one of the members of
the company to whom it was referred,
did not like it and prepared the act that
passed. In the sh utile the act as
changed was given the title of the act
originally presented, and hence the al
leged hybrid.
Judge Hamilton took the case under
advisement, and will not render his de
cision until the briefs ere filed, which
will be at least a month hence.
V. Thompson, W.J. Caldwell,
Charles Cutting and Mrs.
Four Clackamas county people more
or less prominent, have died during the
past week. While D. P Thompson diea
in Portland, and resided there, he was
an early resident, of Oregon City and
has since been prominently identified
with interests here.
The late Mr. Thompson and 0. N.
Greenmvn crossed the plains in the
Bame train, and located in Oregon City
in 1853. Sooa afterward Mr. Tliomp
son took a j b of, cutting cord . wood on
the MolalU, and the following winter
umi-lr,l iia n hR rmr for a blacksmitu, lo
cated ivrar the fallj.- Mr. Thompson
worked for a firm t.f land surveyors for
a couple oi s.oasoii3 went to school for
a short lime -and studied civil enginer
ing exclusively. Ha went into business
for himself, took government surveying
I contracts and prospered. Mr. Gren
! nun state.! that while other surveyor
(delayed writing up their field notes un
til aner their worn was compieieu, an.
kont his notes ud to date, and
drew iiii money from the government
promptly every three months
On the o;her hand, some of tho survey
ors hiu-mwnd rnimev at three per cent
nor m nHi t.n HiIh them over until such
lima no mvernment navdav could bi
I Mr. Thorn uson died at his
home in Portland last Saturday rnorn
;,, ufior apvitrsil weeks illness. He was
67 yeirs old, a native of Ohio, and was
across the plains. He was captain of
the Oregon cavalry when the civil war
broke out, has been prominent in rail
road building, bunking, mining and
other enterprises. He lias been a mem
ber ot tlie uregon staie seutuo
house, governor of Idaho territory, pres
idential elector, minister to Turkey, and
an indefatigable worker tor the public
schools of Portland. Mr Thompson j
was married in this city in 1801, to Maiy I
R. Meldrum. daughter of a pioneer of
1845, and their children consists of one
son and two daughiers, one of whom i
Mrs. J. N. Teal. It is currently re-
ri..., f-r rnnnv trpurn nast. Mr.
IU1 ICU licu ........ . -
Thompson has paesented his mother-in-law,
Mrs Susannah Meldrum on Upper
Seventh street witn a check for $25 each
month, The funeral occurred 1 ist Mon
day frm tlie First Unitarian chnrch,
many Masons being in attenuance. i
Vmllr nf ilm nrnneriv amountintr to a mil
lion dollars or more is left to the widow
and two daughters
fuT'unT.FS nriTTrNO.
Charles Cutting, one of the unique pi
oneer characters of Clackamas county,
Hioit ot fWlinmanf O. Dickson on the
Abernethy, last Sunday night aged
about 67. The interment was in the
Redland cemetery Monday." Only four
nersoiiR were rmesent at the funeral ex-
r .... ... ... j i A.;..n
cept trie unaertaner aim uemf" unvm
Mr. Cutting had been a resident of
Clackamas county for over a half cen
tury, and located the Cutting donation
land claim at MeadoworooK, wnieu naa
lomv MinAH nsisaed into other .hands. He
at tne fime published a book on some
r. .1 .... t
abstruse tODlC. UO was ill uosnraio tu-
cumstances during the paBt. few years,
and put, in considerable of his time
prospecting in the mountains. Oren
Cutting, of Molalla, is a distant relative
of the deceased.
Permelia Orphema Cleavenger, aged
23 years, four months and two days, I
wife of Edwin Cleavenger, died on the
West Side Wednesday, Dec, 17th. The
funeral took place from the family resi
dence Thursday morning, Rev. J. H.
Beaven officiating. Th nterment was
in the Clackamas cemetery. inrs.
Cleavenger was born in the East. She
was a sifter of Esat-tus and Thomas
Smith. The deceased was held in the
highest esteem , by a wide circle of
rill ; years' :Qt ' : .
W. 3 . Caldwell, who had lived in Or
egon City .more or less for the past 25
vears, died in Portland ho..pital Mon
day of paralysis. He was buried here
under the auspices of Oregon Lodge,
I. 0. 0. F., Wednesday afternoon.
He was 83 vears old. His divorced
Judae Iliian Matte Several
rers During the Week.
In the matter of the estate of Leonora
Ross, deceased, Mrs. Lucitida Ross ad
ministratrix, January 13th, was set as
the date for hearing objections thereto.
In the matter of the estate of John S.
Green, deceased, a petition was pre
sented by Din J. Moore, of Portland for
the removal of the present administra
tor, 0. D. Latonrette. The latter has
until D5.:ember 24th to file answer, and
th&linal hearing Ms set for December
30th. ' 1 .
In the matter of the estate of Anton
KUir, deceased, who died August 17th,
191)1 , E. A. Klar was appointed admin
istrator. Tlie value of the estate is $350,
and th heirs are Anna Uibson, daugh
ter, Bjj.Hi 3S; E, A, Klar, son, aged 36,
Theresa KUr, widow, aged 65.
The last will and testament of Morris
Cii'ienau, deceased, was admitted to
probate, and the appointment ot Martha
a, tadenau e executrix continued. .
You Cannot Change '
the course of a storm by tearing down
the signals that give warning of its ap
proach Neit her can you cure a cold by
temporarily Btopping a cough with
opium-laden ..." medicines." " Aliens
Lung Balsam, in which there is no
opium, cures sore throats and sore lungs
because it allays the inflammation and
rids vou of the mucus that stops up the
ar passages.
x 4 "...
We have been saying the people of this county dol-
1 lars and cents and giving them the benefit of our exper-
rnrr niiv me latest nuveuics iium ui& uiauuiauuiuo
I and have been studying the wants of the people for the last
6 months and we will make Christmas Binjlng easy
t for you.
Here are a Few of the Bargains:
Xmas Curds
"VmiiH Tree
l n to 5nc.
J Ladies' (it iits
SlOc to $1.50
.Ladies' A Guts
2 Pui'KI'S
9 5uto.5 0
t Toilet Sets
25c to $10
f Manicure Sets
25c. to $3
x Smoker Sets
J any price
Baby Sets
Perfume Sets
Mi ii
4 U ,
'(ii '
1 1 " "
Photo Supplies
Photo Novelties
Photo Albums P
Albums .' X
Pipes - '
Gold Pens
Games, from 5
. 5c to $1
at all pricey
Mechanical Toys, latest wonders at especially low prices
07 yeirs Old, a native ui uuiu, "
.,i in voura n!,l tvliHn he drove sheeu widow died two or three years ago.
8 ThTmiTnW tni
iiW Vft V V 7 ji&JL
$ .
... . jr.
1 eaders 01 liosiaa yooas
The Oregon Citv boats now make
three trips daily to Portland and re
turn, except Sunday. The time card is
changed- as follows: . L"ve Oregon
Citv at foot of eighth street , 7 :30 a. in. ;
11 a. m. V 2 :30 p. m Leave Portland at
foot of Taylor street, a a. m. ; i :v v- .
4 p.m. Tho boats are roomy, and the
Bfnn. rv mm bo viewed from comfortably
eonted'aiul lighted cabinH, while the pur
wiml nfflcrti-s are clever and atten
Inrn-Hiatio Wanted. .
Tlso iii.nufp-jinw8 of ;!3utnv?;r Hh'
i i.i., uiiort-,! i u.it, mi doctor
UtHH iU-l.lO v.v.. - -
or medioine'cari cure m every csn, nut
never having heard where Banner Salve
failed to cure ulcers, sores, .rer,eczenia
or piles, bh a matter of cur uaity would
like to know if there are mcli cases. If
go they wi I gladly refund the money.
Charnian & Co.
Pay up your Subscription and
Get One
Send in a New Subscriber and
Get Two
TrmimmiMi-jnimn I mmm n ii-i i -
Charles Replogle, Atwater 0., was in
ery bad shape, lie says : "I suffered a
great deal wi'h my kidneys and was re
quested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I
did so and in four days I was able to go
to work uiiain, now I am entirely well.
Chirman & Co. -
sxors the corns h and works off
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in one aay. no vui .j vj
Price 25 cents. ,
A Goud Cough Medicine.
From the Gazette, Toowoomba, Aust.J
I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is an excellent medicine. I have been
suffering from a Bevere cough for the
last two months, and it nas euecieu .
cure. 1 have great pleasure m
mendina it,-W, C. Vociner. limn
tho opinion of one of our oldeut and most
respected residents, and has been vol
untarily given in good faith ami that
others may try the remedy and be bene
fited, as was Mr. Wockner. This reme
dy is fold by (1. A. Harding.
I if van wish to said a kw copies to your friends
I or relatives, Iiii out following blank and send to
I us with 10c for each copy.
50 woodchoppers wanted by Crown Pa
per Company. -
Cat This Out.
. ; Courier-Herald
Oregon City, Ore.
Enclosed find cents for which
please send to following addresses
copies of 1902 NEW YEAR NUMBER
of the Oregon City Courier Heral
Editor Lynch of "Daily Post" Phillips
burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Fo
ley's Honey nnd Tar ith this result:
"I have used a (rreat many patent reme
dies in my family for coughs and coliis,
tlv Bfiv vonr Honov and
Tar is the bpt thing of the kind I have
ever used and I cannot say too much in
piaiseofit. Charman s M).
rr T.,.,l Irtl nrrnnf bllidfiix m'lllS
ii) xiti'-. ........-
south of Oregon City ; timber enough to
pay for place; running water, orchard,
about 10 acres cleared. Will trade for
Oregon City or Portland improved prop
erty. Inquire at Courier-Herald othce.
Try the new candy kitchen opposite
Barlow's grocery.
For Chrifctmas candies go to Welch's
Acme Parlor, He sells more candy
than anv other factory in Oregon City
and his stock is always fresh and first-
class in every way. Largo or small or
ders for churches or unnsunus ireea ie-
ceive prompt attention.
Satisfied 1'eople
are the bent advertisers for Foley's
Honey and Tar and all who line it agree
that it is a splendid remedy for coughs,
colds or eore lungs. Charman fc Co.
Money talks but bargains you get
for your money talks more yet when
you buy at the Red Front.
Seethe men's new dress nkirta and
petticoats they are fine at the Racket
Bean ft ? 1,18 K'n(l Ylffl HavB WMy8 "Z
The fines I'm tion huxea ia town af
the K.K.K.
Go iO RsH'ke. Store for bargains.
Tl,n Uf.u in ehocolii'e of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date oa
home-made candies.
A few watches for n;vle cheap t
Yoniicr'a. Wntulic cleaned, fl.
I $20 to $100 to loan on chmtal or par
sonul Btflurity. s . '
Land titles examined, abstracts made
and money loaned at lowest rates.
Dimic'k & Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon
Lumber Lenve oulers at this office
for first-t.il 'i s lumber of all kinda, or ad
dress W. P. ,HAiaus, Beaver Creek,
A store full of bargdins fur Christmas
at the Hed Front.
Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard buililing.
. Ant. nvl'na talwia'n,) Vfinr tiionev
saved in millinery at Bed Front Store.
"Move 'em quick" prices are put on
everything that comes into the Racket
House and half-acre on edge of city
lrnits for sale for $175. Inquire at Cour-ir-Herald
Piano lessons given by Mrs. V. liar
ris, Coiner 13th and Main street. Mana
feldt'g, technic a ipecialty.
Toys for tho children in abundance at
Red Front,
Tho Weekly Oregonian gives all the
national news and the Courier-Herald
gives all local and county news, uoin
one year for Two Hollars.
The P. 0. & O. T. line will until
further notice make a 25 cent round trip
rate from Canamah and Oregon City to
Portland on Sundays, with cars every
DO minutes.
(iuckenheiiner rye whiskey direct from
(hft bonded warehouse. Nnd by tho
gallon, hot lie or drink by Kelly & Nub
lilt. Pure goods in or'ginal paukagot.
Drink Wilholm's beer. Kelly & Nob
litt, sole agents.
PcrtiM having a farm to rent will do
well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es
tate and in'fiiranco agent, tit Oregon
City, who has applicants.
Bin Millinery Sale. Miss Cslia Gold
smith. In order to reduce our EtoeU wo have
made a Great Reduction hi prices on
1 1 . mi: i .. tt: ... i '..l l i.
an muiinury uuutj. tiino vui'jmn ttu.
Special sale millinery Hed trout.
Mna' and hnv' balR InrfS than ftie-
torv prices Red Front Store.
Key fitting, lock work, and saw filing
at Johnson fe Lamb's bieyoln shoo, op
poidle Electric hotel. Patisfuctiou guar
The Rackot Store will give away a
Sewing machine Christmas. Chance
with every 10-cent purchase.
For Fruit Trees, flowerB, etc., apply to
I" LeMahieu, Oregon City.
Why drink rot-gut, when you can
get Bauamore li'ind-mada tour mash at
l.'ll X, NnV.liM'a.
Kellv & Noblitt'n.
Hot soda at the Ko.y Knndv Kitchen.
The Portland Citv & OroL'on R tilwav
Company will run cars every ;0 minuieg
between Oregon uity anil i oruaii'l Sun
day. A delightful lido for only 23 cents
the round trip. The cur. run eicai
hrouli to Cinjui'ih on that day.
. Bh values In reaty-to-wetr tints. Miss
.1. W, Bryan, of Lowder, III., writes:
"My Tilth) loy was very low with pneu
monia. Unknown to tho doctor wo frave
him Foley's llnniy and Tar T'ie re
sult was magical and puzzled the doc
tor, as it immediately Btoppo' !-! rivek
Incr roniiti nnd ho ouicklv rd'ovrt d ."
Charnian & Co,