Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 13, 1901, Image 8

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    ' B '
the Jjomefurnisber
In Carpets.
Bargains in
Square Piano
In Curtains
Tor Sale Cheap.
A fine line of Lace Cur
tains just in , from the
East, from 45 cents a pair
and up. Sash Cutrain
ing by the yard.
Wall Paper.
In Good Condition. I
Ingrain carpets from 25
cents per yard and up.
In Mattings
A very fine line from 15
cents and up.
In Crockery
All kinds of Crockery and
Hardware at surprisingly
low figure.
Linokum Oil Cloth
from 25c a yd. up.
Continued from page6 .
Highland ia still high, but not very
dry .at present. We are having fine
winter weather.
There k a great deal of fall wheat to
so -V yet. The ground is plowed and we
are wailing for a Jdry spell.
block looks well.
The painiinji of the school house was
let to D. 0. Richardson, of lledland, who
1b very busy now with his brush and
There is a prospect now of having a
Chrislma? tree with appropriate exer
ciser The election of officers in the High
land Grange resulted as follows: Mas
ter, Charhs P. Tallman; overseer, R. L.
Ringo; steward, A. J. ltiugo; assistant
steward, Roy Grace; lecturer, Mis, Nora
Miller; chaplain, Mrs. Lizzie Ringo;
treasurer, A. Harrington ; secretary, G.
R. Miller; gate-keeper, Frank Ringo;
ceres, MrH. Carrie Ringo; pomona, Cora
Lurking; flora, Mrs. Maggie Harrington;
lady assistant, Mrs. Mary Nicholas.
Fred Matson, our enterprising young
sawmill man is doing a rushing busi
ness. Bevt ral of the Highlanders are con
templating visiting Springwater to 1 at
tend the farmers' institute litld under
the auspices of Corvallis Agricultural
College and Oregon Experiment Station.
The Redland literary and debating so
ciety held another interesting meeting
Friday evening. The question for de
bate for the next meeting will bo ''Re
solved that the army has done more for
the nation than the navy."
lledland M. E. Sunday school will
have a Christmas tree.
A. M Kirchem has bought the Wil
liams place on the four corners. The
amount paid for the property was $2000.
Mrs. Anna Williams was down from
Carbonado a few days ago on business.
W. II. Bonney is having some slash
inj; done opposite the M. IS. church.
Say, brother farmer, are you going to
pout that critter running along with your
cattle? The law imposes a flue of $10
for not doing bo.
James Fullain and J. Dew are scour
ing the country for several head of year
lings heifers and Bteers.
James Fullam took 1000 pounds of
dressed hog to Portland hit week.
Mrs. Jack Fullam, of Portland, ia vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. James Fullam,
Mrs. Lehman is selling off all of her
personal property with the intention of
going East.
lledland can bnas.t of one of the best
femulo trappers in the state, having re
cently caught one coyote anil four
conns (not the dark kind). Look out
hoys, you may be next.
K . Mur lici n ccntly caught a coyoto.
Mr. Keiiuau has rented the Cartright
pin CO.
Arthur Barrett has rented the Cam p
bell place, and he intends to raise hogs,
Mrs. Matue Hermann was out ou
short visit hint week.
John lliclmidson wants to rent his
place and go to Idaho.
Charles ilieiubottioui is honid from
Sandy. '
Seeding of fall whe it is not yet flu
ished on this ridge, sumo having not yet
linished plowing. L. F.
Democrats of Clackamas county, don't
forget there is a gentleman in thispio
cinct that iuitht he persuaded to run for
representative, a man that somo, who
are not democrats would like to honor
with our votes, one who will not misrep
renenttho democrat partv and with nil, a
Governor Vansant, of Minnesota, is
making n great splutter to prevent the
limit Northern and Northern Pacific
Consolidating. It is only a bid for votes.
It will help him whether he wins or
loses, and there isn't much danger of
his winning and the railroad magnates
know it. The government ought to own
the railroaus consolidation will help it
Weather fair. Health is good, but
news is as scarce as the proverbial hen's
If the county commissioners don't do
something and that soon the apron lead
ing to the new bridge at this place will
surely cave ii, and the grade leading on
tho bridge ought to be completed at
once, as the road leading to the old
bridge Is said to be in a very bad con
dition. If allot the bad men were to be hung
this would be a lonesome world for tho
few of us that are left. We are opposed
to the death penalty anyway.
Abe Widows says that he is too busy
main St. Opposite Post Office.
JlWyou thinking of buying some runrnZUHE, CMPGtS, SZOUGS or SCGGE HJm66S?
tJI If you ate, bold on to your money until you have seen ours, as values count, not words.
HE values we offer are apparent at a glance. The few items quoted Jiere give but a faint idea of the many attractive
offerings we make. You need not call often to come in contact with the many good things as they come and go.
In Stoves
6 Hole Universal Range with shelf and closet,
warranted for 15 years as the best in the market,
$27.00. Air Tight Heaters from $2.25
up. - 1
I 4
to read, and when he is not at work he
has to rock the cradle. That serves you
right, Abe.
The average increase of the socialist
vote this year was over 109 percent.
Two new subscribers for the Courier
Herald this week, and those that don't
take it borrow it. Oue of the corres
pondents proposes thr e cheers for the
Courier-Herald. Alright. Hip! Hip!
Hurrah ! Now send a few subscribers
that will please the editor better.
Hold ou to the rest of that poem,
Macksburg. Dollie is all right.
James 8. Smith, of Eaale Creek, was
visiting friends here Saturday and Sun
day. Come again, Jitnmie.
If anyo"e thinks that Theodore isn't
a good republican read his message to
congress and become disillusioned, but
we still think that he is the president
when he turns a politician down. He
turns him down, hard. Say comrades,
he "nevah" Dinted pensions, did he?
Miss Rose Rewk will not attend school
here any longer, as Bhe has contracted
a severe cold ,
Here is healthjo the TJ. V. TJ. boys of
Oregon City.
Will Covey came very near dislocat
ing his neck one day last week. We
don't dare to joke about it Will said
he was so far gone that he heard the
Barlow M. E, church organ, but that it
did not sound like it was in Barlow or
in heaven. Query: "Whose was it?"
The Lutheran services at the M. E.
church in Barlow -will be held on Sun
day evening at 7:30 of Dec. 29.
Joe Clarke returned from Coburj: last
Mr. Noblatt, of Hubbard, was in our
burg laBt Monday.
Westly Clarke, who is employed by
the S. P. Co. at Canby, visited relatives
here Sunday.
Messrs. Roche and Schwabaurer were
Oregon City visitors Sunday.
Born, to Mr and Mrs. Jack Broyles,
on December 9th, a boy.
There was a certain young lady in
this town who left some pretty sweet
reading letters in a store last Monday.
One was from Darling Dick and one was
from another darling of hers. Ba care
ful after this and don't leave i our love
letters lying around after this.
Marst al Provost has made two arrests
lately two young men riding on a train.
The city marshal iB not as warm as he
might be when he runs into other peo
ple'a business. Dutch.
Wilhoit not being represented for
some timo, I will endeavor to give you a
lew items tins week.
J. L. Grouse, who has been very sick,
we are giad to report la able to be out
once more.
C. G. Vorhios iB now taking music
lessons every Saturday night. That's
right, Clarence.
School Superintendent Zinser was in
this burg visiting schools a few days
go. (
C. G. Vorhios has purchased a fine
work horse.
Orley Thomas has his new house al
most completed. He gave the young
people of this place a party.
rraiiK iiaun, 01 hock ureek, was
transacting business af Scott's Mills on
Monday last.
Rant Thomas, a well known freighter
of Seotts Mills, was in our midst one
uay last week.
Mis. Beckio Wade purchased a fine
gold chaiu last week.
Mrs. Haun and Beckie Wade made a
business trip to Silverton last Monday
A. D. Mazingo. who has been work
ing in a logging camp near Ranior for
tho past year, has returned home, where
ne win visit wuti ins parents and
Miss Nora Pluard, of Beaver Lake,
called on A. L. Groshong and wife Sun
day. There ia considerable dissatisfaction
in this district on account of the manner
some people behave during school
meeting. A tine would probably teach
some of them a lesson.
Jake Groshong ami James Malstead,
of Missouri Ridge, made a quick trip to
Oregon City Monday last.
Mr. Sandstrotu has rented his farm to
air. Wilson, and baa moved toSellwood,
where he will hereafter make his home
G. W. Wyland and family, of Rock
Creek, called on Mrs. Emma Vorhies
Sunday last.
A. L. Wyland, of Rock Creek, made
a trip to Scotts Mills last week.
James Nicholson and family were
visiting Mrs. Emma Yorhiea Suuday
last. '
Brenton Veddor, of McKee, was visit
ing his pupils and many friends in this
vicinity last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Jane Milstead. of Pleas.
ant Hill, was visiting Mr. and Mrs.
1 nomas last Sunday.
G. W. Wyland.who left this spring for
TV "3
Below are a few
Eastern Oregon, where he has been
herding sheep during the summer, has
returned home
C. A Ryan has moved onto his place
near Marquam.
Dan Groshong has rented the Widow
Scribner place near Wilhoit Springs for
one year.
Ralph Slaughter was visiting friends
Sunday last.
J. Crause is on the rick list.
Stormy weather is the order of the
day. -
Lewie Hubbard is slowly improving
from attack of typhoid fever.
Bert Hubbard is home from Vance,
Wash . , was called home on account of
his brother's illness.
Emery Gottbarg is home from Wash
ington. School is progressing nicely under the
management of Prof. Roman, of Oregon
We see quite an improvement in our
hall, and we hope to see it still im
prove. There will be an entertainment and
Christmas tree here on Onristrnas Eve.
Elbert Kill in, of Handy, has returned
home. He has been Btaying with his
Weather is pleasant and fine after the
Fred Eyman and Albert Moshberger
went after a load of walnuts near Hub
bard today.
Isaac Williams and Ed Hardestv were
guests of Moshberger brothers Sunday.
Charlie Beede, who has been in Port
land for some time is home again.
Miss OUie Hardesty has been having
quite a serious time with a
severe sore throat. Her mother iB
also afflicted with the same complaint.
Mrs. T. B, Donaldson is in Portland.
Philip Ogle has been buying some cat
tle, as he intends to go into the critter
business to some extent.
Mr. Oswalt has sold his farm here to
Mr. Cochran, of Needy, who intends to
take possession in a short time.
Grandfather Samson was visiting at
I. J. Bigelow's home Sunday.
Albert Eyman ia working in Portland.
Mr. Kylo is working in Portland on a
boom. '
School began here today after a vaca
tion on account of scarlet fever in the"
John Crocker, who has been having a
soriouB time at intervals with one of his
ankles for several years, ia laid up with
the same malady again.
Preparations are being made for a
rousing program for the Christmas tree
at Smyrna. Rustic.
Weather Report,
Following is the voluntary observer's
weather report for the month of Novem
ber, 11)01, at Miramonte Farm, Clacka
mas county, Or' :
Mean temp. 48.1.
Maximum temperature, 65.
Date 4th.
Minimum temperature, 32.
Date 2nd.
Total precipitation, 6.72 inches.
Number days clear, 2.
Partly cloudy, 10.
Cloudy, 18.
Dates of frost light, 2nd.
Prevailing wind Direction, southerly.
Remarks Ground too wet now for
any work except grubbing on high
G. Mubckb, Observer.
Children who
drinli Figprune
thrive and grow
The refect food drink for
flowing children is FlG PRUNE.
It is made from carefully se
lected California figs, prunes and
sound, well ripened grain.
Looks like corfce. Tastes like
cofTee. But there is not a
grain of coffee in it.
Boil from 5 to 10 minutes only.
mHlli..i : MiM
many good things
of the many bargains
Jin iilllllllH.illi Ili'luallltl lit Iniill11ll. .illlmlHllliimllil
7n Turniture
Bedroom Sets from $10.00 up, Six-foot ex
tension table, solid ash $4.50. Dining Chairs,
high back, pretty design, 75 cents and up. Kit
h i
chen Treasures, $2.50.
In the Circuit Court of. the State ot Orjgon for '
the County of Clackamas."
Clara Bhinr'lie Blanchet, (
vs. y
LouIb Jennbiiplist Bianchet,
To Louis Jcanbapllst Manchet, suiddif jndant.
In the nam nf the state of Oreaon, you are
hereby requireil to app ar and answer the com
plalnl filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the Vlsl day of December, 1901, and
if you fail to so answer, for want therdof, the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled oourt for
a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the plaintiff and de
fondant, and for such other relief as shall seem
meet and proper .
This summons is ordered published in the Ore
gon City Courier-Herald for the period of six
weeks from date of first publication thereof such
order being made by the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan,
Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon.
for the county of Clackamas, on the, 11th day of
oeinoer, lyui.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Firit publication November 16th, 1901.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
M. E. SIcCarver and W A. Holmes,
Administrator of the Estate of It. L.
Kussell, Deceased,
Hiram E-Stralght, 'William E. Straight,
Margaret Oratz and Uratz, her '
husband, Jacob Straight, James
Straight, John Straight, II! ram K.
E. Straight, administrator of Jllrani
Straight, Deceased,
D f eudants.
To Jacob Straight, James Straight, Margaret
Gratz, and Cirutz, her husband, and each of
you, said defendants.
In tho name of the State of Oregon. You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed airainst vou in the abnvn nnt.it. fori
suit on or before the last day prescribed In the
order for publication of this summons which is
six weeks from the day of publication hereof
which date of publication Is November 8tli, 1901,
and you will take notice that if you fall so to ap
pear aud answer the complaint filed against you
herein on or before said last day of said time
prescribed In said order, the plaintiffs will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in the com
plaint herein to with the foreclosure of certain
mortgages covering lots 1,2,3,4, 6,7 and 8 of
Block 71, of Oregon City, Oregon, and plaintiff
will apply for such other and further relief as is
just in the premises.
I iThis sum mons is published by order of the Hon.
T. A. Mclhide, Judge of said Court, upon applica
tion of plaintiffs htreln.which order Is duly made
and entered In sail court November 6th, 1901,
Attorneys fot Plaintiff.
In the county conrt of the .state of Oregon for
Clackamas county.
In tne matter of the estate of
John S. Groen, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed administrator by the above
entitled court of the above named estate. Alt
pers.tlis having claims against the said ea'.ate are
hereby required topresent them with the proper
vouchers therefor to me within six months from
tne date hereof at my law oillee lu Oregon City.
Administrator of the Kstate of
December 6, 1P01. John S. Green, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the executrix of the
estate of Phillip Wolf, deceased, has filed in the
oounty court of Oiackamas county, state of Ore
gon, her final account as such executrix of said
es'ate. And that the 13th dav of January, l'KV at
10 o'clock a. m., has been fixed by said court as
the time for hearing all objections to said report
and the settlement 'hereof.
Executrix of Ihe Estate of Phillip Wolf, deceased
U Hen Schueliel.
Attorneys for Executrix.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the
Cuiinty of Clackamas.
In Ihe Mutter of the Estate of
Apnea M, Washburn, Deceased.
Notlcfls hereby glvon that George T. Howard
administrator of the estate of Agnes M. Wash
burn, deceased, has filed his final report as ad
ministrator of said estate in the county court
aforesaid, and the lion. Thomas F.Kyan, judge of
said court, has set Monday, the 6th day of Janu
ary, 1902. at 1 1 o'clock a. m. for the hearing of ob
jectlom if any there be to said final report and for
the final settlement of said estate
Whereof all persons Interested are hereby re
quested to take due notice, and tile their objeo
tioiis, if any they have, before said dale.
Oregon City, Oregon, Deo a, 1901.
. . , , . GKORUK T. HOWARD,
Aitministrator of tne Estate of Agnes M. Wash
bum, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all whom It may con
cern that tho undersigned administratrix of the
estate of ilary Leonard, Deceased, has filed her
final abcount as said administratrix, with the
County Court of the Countv of Clackamas and
State of Oregon, and that the Hon. T. F. Ryan,
Judge of said court, has set Monday, the 6tU day
of January, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock . m
of said day as the time for hearing said report
and objections thereto, if anv there be.
Administratrix of .he Estato of
, , . Mary Leonard, deceased.
Dated November 21st, likll.
fhii signature is on every box ot the genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet
s0 remedy that curt a cold In im dm
as they
iiltlii,1lHl.ii.,illlllii,i,llll.iiitt...lt .if I altl;. .M mi J
The 0..R. k N. Co.
Gives ihe Choice of
9:00 a. m. .
9:00 p. m.
SALT 1 iV E,
DEN ii,,
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boata leaves PofTTand daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China anil Japan.
For full information call on or address nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
Portland, Oregon
Singer Machines
Bottom Prices
needles and Parts
5. dargreaves.
Jit Jed Trent Store.
On account of leaving the state I offer
for sale on easy terms the following
louse and Lot on 11th Street m instnlmeritsllnn
House and Lot in Block 99 ooo
3.30 Acres in Oregon City, olenred and level. 1200
1.90 Acres in Oregon Citv, pnrt clearer! .. 7fi0
.H8 Acres in Oregon City, all clean d Riid leel 300
z.io Acres in uregon city, part cleared 800
i.,oi o, moca 40, county A net., corner 160
Lot u, Block 4, Mountain view Add 75
Lot in Darling's Add 50
30 Acres timber land, rich soil, 4 miles out.., 760
KiO Acres timber land on Molalla river . .. 2000
18.:il Acres near Woodstock and Willsburg 8000
4 Lots in Skamokawa Washington 200
AddresB Box 302, Oregon City, or call ou me at
u. A. Cheney s Real Estate Office.
WA VTITnTrfTTSTttrnlJTA V xckvt x,tv wn
men to travel and advertise for old established
houseof solid financial standing. Salary $78 a
year aud expenses, all payable in cash. No can
vassing required. (Jive references and enclose
aeii-amiressea stamped envelope. Address Man
ger, Sm t'axton Bids., Chicago.
Guckenheimer Ilye.
Kelly &. Noblitt have received a lot of
Guckenheimer, genuine, double-stamp
high proof rye whiskey. ;Abeolutely
Guaranteed to be the best Sulky Plow
in the world. This is a broad statement,
but we stand ready to prove it in the
field with any plow made.
Mitchell.Lewis & Staver Co
We also sell Pianos
and organs from
the Men 6iU
Sole agents for the
celebrated Bomes
tic Sewing ffla
Livery & Feed Stable
Finest Turnouts in City
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspension bridge
First-Class Rigs of All Kinds
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
Will give you a
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and In
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Dally Round Trips, except Sunday
LeaTB Portland... 7 A. U
Leave Astoria , 7 V. M
Between Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points
Leave Portland, Tues., Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M
Arrlv The Dalles, same day 6 P. M.
Leave ' 8un , Wed. and Fri 7 A.M.
Arrive Portland, same day 4 P. M.
l"Sunday Trips a Leadluu Feature
gMF-ma Ronle has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions en Earth
Landing and office, Foot Alder Street
J. C. WYATT, Agt., Vancouver
W0LF0R0 &. WYERS, Agts.,White Salmon
PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River
JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles
A. J. TAYLOR; Agt, Astoria
E. W. CRIGHT0N, Ait., Portland
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at wv points on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of the above steamers have been re nl
and are in excellent shape for the season ofl'W
The Regulator Line willendeavor to gtvelUl
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and Pleasure
travel by the steamera of The Keirulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m.and
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arriveat destination ample
time for outgoing trains.
Portland Office, The Dalles Office
Oak St. Dock. CourtStreet.
General Agen
At all lrug (tent.
25 Com 25e. J