OREGON CITY COURIER-RERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1901 Oregon City Courier-Herald By A. W. CHENEY iuUati In Oregon City postofflce as 2ud-cla matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Paid i a advance, per year ,. 10 Sir month! 75 Three months'trlal 26 SfThe date opposite your address on the f aper denotes the timeto which youhatepaid. f this notice is marked your subscription li due. ADVERTISING, RATES. - , Standing business advertisements; Per month Brofsslo'iaVcards,$l i$9, per year); 1 to 10 inches tue per inch, 12 inches for $5,20 Inches (column) (8, SO laches (M page) $12. Legal advertisements: Per Inoh (minion) 2.60, divorse summons 17 60. Affidavits of publica tion will not be furnished until publication fees are paid. Local notices; Fire cents por line per week Per month !20o. Obltuar elf, cards of thanks, church and lodge notices where admission fee U charged or colleoted half price or 2 cents per liue. PATRONIZE HOMK INDUSTRY OREGON OITY, DEC. 13, 1901. The Grange has now. in this state a membeiship of 2900, which 18 contin ually increasing. Am Englishman has inventel a ma chine for ma'-ting finder rings that will turn adrift a number of skilled workmen, as it can ba operated bv a boy or girl. 'Herb Giebkler, a Mecklenburger, has invented a new process of making flteel far superior to any other, at a re duction in cost of production of 50 per cent. ' In his groat speech at the audito rium in Chicaga, Burke Cochran made the prediction that the British would not succeed in vanquishing the Boers. The applause with which the vast au dieuce received the address showed that It was with him, and the $5000 contribt Uted on the spot for suffering Boer women and children tellingly expressed its loyalty to freedom's cause. The centennial celebration of the visit of Op Urn -i Lewis and Clark to the mouth of theColumbia, to fke place in 1905, will be one of the most important events in the history of Oregon. It will bring all the world in touch with the lusty commonwealth, nestled at. the great Pacific gateway of the West, and whose future is crowned with golden promise. The smaller and poorer cities of the state cannot but heartily com mend the energy and public spirit which has prompted Mr. Corbett, II. W". Scoit nnd other prominent citizens of Portland to put their shoulders to the wheel, and fill their hands with twenty-dollar piece", to aid this great enterprise, whose realization, through their liberality, is now assured. In Senator Quay's city of Philadel phia, siiya the Boston Herald, there, ure CO "respectable" gambling houses, 1000 policy shops, 700 disorderly houses, 5000 gambling slot machines and 1000 sua'i eiiHK's. The police are their silent part ners. The Philadelphia North Ameri can licenses Mayor Ashbridge of hav ing t-tolen the city's streets. But to such a profound depth of dishonesty and dishonor has the republican party fallen in Pennsylvania, that all the in iquities that befoul the "Quaker City" aro from the party's ethical point of view, non-existent. Boss Quay had the hardihood to say in his speech at Plmeiiixville in 1890: "Pennsylvania is hoiiost, her people arc honest, her offi cials are honest. And of all this union of states, Pennsylvania is the fairest, and the happiest, and the moat intelli gent, and tlio best governed." AicoiiuiNu to Dun's lloviow.tlie quan tity of miscellaneous necessaries of life sufficient, for tho average citizen for one year, which could be bought in July, 1897, tor $72.45, now cost $101 07. w'ho gels this difference of L"J per cent ? The trusts, of course. Wages of clerks, me chanics mid laboring men have not risen since 1S97. As instances of the ex tortions to vvlficli they must submit, take sewing machines. The machine that cost $8 at the factory is retailed for $41. lake copp. r. This Is produced at a lit tle over 7 cents, yet wholesales .at 17 cents. Scores mid fcorea of articles coiil.) be mentioned of which the prices are equally extortionate. If this sys tem of robbery continues, its result will lie vast over-production of manufac tures, because the people do not have money to buy, and then a financial Kma'.4i up iu which tho trusts will go to pieces. FREEDOM OF MESS. Kditor Courier-Herald : If you will grant me a brief space in your paper I should like to express a presentiment that is impressing itself upon tho common public at this time. 1 have heeu anxiously awaiting the ar rival oi your paper the past few weeks in the hopes that among the printed untttor of its valuable pages, would be seen tho expreSMvl opinion of some of our "Ifladitig" men regarding the acts of the national government in trying to auppvets freedom of the press. But in vain, Do they fear condemnation by a republican press? Or are they In sympa thy with such a movement? All, over this republic there is an effort being made at this time by the republican party to throttle all opposition to theh arbitrary power. Not satisfied with hon orable victory, they are emboldened by success, to use the instrumentalities of the national government to crush evary feeble remonstrance against tyrannical aggressions. Will American freemen long tolerate such arrogant, violation of their constitution? Does the republican party feel secure? Are the men who fer mulate the principles of that party Americans, and do they cherish Ameri can instiiutions? Are they striving to improve and perpetuate American ideas, or are they purposely seeking to arouse tbehatred of our people against the gov ernment in order that it may oe de stroyed and .upon its ruins be built the glittering domes of empire? Our coun try has come to a partingof the ways. In one hundred years it has reached its maturity as a republic. If it is true that history repeat 8 itself, the next step is to empire, and the republican party is the advance agent. Dare they deny it? If in these past one hundred years, .we, a a nation of freemen, have grown more ignorant, more immoral, more inhuman and more dangerous as members of so ciety, it is time that the republican lead ers step forth and present the beauties of empire with all the ardent power of their wily natures. For Buch is the his tory of past republics. If on the other hand, pur noble country has grown and advanced in intelligence, morality, hu manity and Christianity, in these past one hundred years, then it is the duty of every lover of liberty, a free home and free America, to forsake the dangerous doctrines of the republican party, and m ike it their common interest to lift to a still higher plane, the immortal prin ciple of equal rights to all and special privileges to none. This is the purpose of socialism or pure democracy. Is there an American citizen within the bounds of our republic who sincerely be lieves that we have fallen, and are in need of more despotic power in govern ment? We think cot. Then let us awaken from our slumber and make an effort to do our duty not a'a partisans but as free men and American citizens. Respectfully, Robert Gintheb To Put Stute Ojjlcers on a Hilary. Thfl Oanitfll .Tnnrnn.1 .vTrmrtav nnV.i;al.a official figures to show that by putting an state oinciais on a reasonable salary, and Dllttitlff all (pen inrn lli doiutuo.. ury, the taxpayers could be saved about ipuu.ow year, me governor gets a constitutional salarv nf lK(Vi vaar ami salaries on boards and commissions of ?JoO, Annual appropriations the past year lor ins oince fouou. The superin tendent of public instruction gets a sal ary $2500, and appropriations for his of fice, including-TlfafitfuT" aid, amount to $12,687.35 per annum. The state treas urer gets $",,31 1.87 salary and $2900 a year for clerical services. It is gener ally understood that when there is de mand for money he makes a great deal more than that loaning idle state funds to banks and large firms. The secre tary of state gets $2S50 in salaries, 14,-0-13.01 in fees, and $8,983 55 a year from the legislature for clerical services in his oflho. He turns over of the fees $4,134 55 and this leaves a net annual total for running his office of $22,342.01. The appropriations for the state printer for four years including 1901-2 are $120, 424.24, not including deficits to be made up by the next legislature, or $31,800.06 per annum for printing and binding. A reduction in compensation of $25,000 a veur cnntil Iia mmla ami otill n., - .......v u.iu dii.i DtJUIiCO larger than other states pay, and at the same time convert $25,000 of fees into the Btale treasury, thus effecting a chancre of .450.000 a veur in tavnr n( iha taxpayer. As a new term of four years oitguia niier wo next election mo mat ter Should be now discussed nnrl tlio proper salary figures put into the state pini iiirms. criticism Does Good. Andrew M. Lawienee. nmmunn.r B,. tor of Hearst's Chicago American, and 11. I'lUltield. a leourter. who nrura sentenced recently by Judge Hanecy to 40 and 30 days respectively in the county jail .for contempt of court, were dis charged from custody by Judge Dunne. in traniuiB a writ ol in hens corpus to the relators, the court, smi, I tl caso hinged on whether the case on which t he American had commented had been disposed of bv Judire Hnnm-v or was still pending. Judge-Dunne held that iho case in question had been fi nally disposed of by Judge Hanecy when ho gave bis decision from the bench. Judge Dunne admitted that the arti cles and cartoon which Juitge Hanecy objected to were clearly calculated to iiuimidateaud coerce tho court, had not the court already rendered its doclnion. Judge Dunne admitted that the cartoon in evidence was prob.ibly libelous and the articles pos-dbly so. "Harsh criticism," Judge Dunne re marked, "is one of the incidents and burdens of public life. I see no reason why a judge should be offered a differ ent remedy for attacks in the public prints than a president or a governor or a congressman. Criticism of a public official, if just, will do good, if unjust will do no harm." tic White House Jtabi. Kvory American woman and most of the men will desire to possess a nor trait of the White House babv. All babies are precious to every right minded person ; and the White House baby, alert and smiling and in his mother's lap, will win the hearts of all beholders at first glance. The lecture, which is the frontispiece of the Decem ber numherot the "national."' is a hand some, full page half tone engraving. suitable for framing. Persons who wish to obtain a copy of the magazine con taining this picture should send ten cents in stamps to "the National Magazine," 11 h pi r ni siren, jwsioii, mass. ' 50 woodchoppers wanted by Crown Pa per Company. Is doubtless the highest human good. It is especially so to women, to whom it means the preservation of beauty, hap piness in the home, and the enjoyment of social duties. There can be no good health for any ' .. woman who suf- .Jfr'""-wjj. iers irom woman- -x ly diseases. Her J complexion fails. A. Her flesh loses ;R.M its firmness. Her eyes are dull. She has no home hap piness, no social enjoyment. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- xlU-, tion cures thedis- li eases wnicn de stroy the health, It establishes ree- ! j ularity. dries di- it ? i V agreeable drains, frfeati-hy&gy aeais lniianima- tion and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It gives good health to women, which means tranquil nerves, a good appetite and sound sleep. "I was a great sufferer two years ago with female trouble and I wrote to you for advice." says Mrs. Mattie Hays, of Tribulation, McDonald Co., Missouri. "You outlined a course of treat ment for me. I followed your directions, and now feel like a different person. I never expected to hear from you when I wrote to you. In three days after I commenced taking your medicines I began to feel better. I took twenty dollars' worth of the i Favorite Prescription ' aud 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I bought it five dollars' worth at a time, and also four vials of Dr. Pierce's Pellets, I would not take one thousand dollars for the good the medicine has done me. I can't praise it enough. I wish all who suffer with such troubles would give Dr. Pierce's medicines a fair trial. I can work all day doing anything, walk where I please, and feel good. Many thanks to you for your kind advice." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sentwon receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing 'only. Address Dr. R. V, Pierce, Buf falo, J. Y. : , Individuals' Money to Loan at 6 per cent and 7 per cent. Vail on or write, Johk W. Lodkk, ' Attorney at Law, Stevens BlM'g. Oregon City, Oreg. For Sale My improved. farm of 115 acres, 312 miles south of Oregon City. and 1-2 mile north of New Era. On the place are 1500 bearing rune treaa, nine years old, also a latent-improved drier. Uood buildings. Price, $-40 per acre. Apply to Matt Clemens, New Era. Great reduction In prloes It all millin ery. Miss Gof dsaith. When you visit Portland don't fail U get your meals at the Hoyal Restaurant, First and Madison. They serve an ex cellent meal at a moderate price; a good square meal, 15c. You Know What Sou Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. 50c. A WORTUr SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under the Sun," All Doctors have tried to cure CA TARRH by the use of powders, acid gases inhalers and druuis in paste form. lne powders ury up the mucuous mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed, The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastea and oint ments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but. permanently cures CA TARRH, by removing the cause, slop ping the discharge, and curing all in flammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afllioted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing in ternal and external medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and every thing iiHCPBsary to its perfect use, 'SiN Vbtf LivS" is the only perfect CA TARRH CUKE ever made and iR now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying nnd disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permanently and is nlso o'derfu.ly quick to relieve HAY FE- VF.R oi COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION "SNUF FLES" will nave you if you use it at once. His no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any form or Btage if used according to the directions which accompany each pack age. Don't delay but send for it at once and writ full particulars as to your con dition, and y u will receive special ad vice from the discoverer of this wonder ful remedy regarding your case w ithout cost to you beyond the regular price of "NNUfKLKN" the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address in the United States orCunad on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dent. R !5!H, ED WIN H. GILES & COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TtiB Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of FARM FOR SALE. Situated onemlle sonth of Neody.wntatnlng M acres, with gxd buildings, prune orchard and well vatorvtl and undt-r g.wd stale of cultivation. Also ranch located about i miles east of Soda Springs, consisting of 2V2 aoree, with fairly good buildings, is an excellent stock ranch. Thi so places will be sold cheap. F.t partial ars Inquire or ali'-ss A. T. COCHB VN, Administrator, Hubbard, Ore. 5 Free Dinner Sets J e celebrated Semi-Vitreous Pocela in hand-painted decora tion with gold trim n gs. given away Free to our customers. We use these dishes simply for an advertisement for our business The 'way to obtain them is easy Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and we do7the rest, by supplying you and them with these isr"!7" fate KPAUSSE BROS. Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes THE STAR OF STARS Has ball bearings in turn table. rns freely to the wind. Ball bearing thrust in wheel, Insur ing lightest running qualities, and reserving greatest amount of power for pumping. Gal vanized after making. Put together with galvan ized bolts, double nutted, no part can rust or got loose and rattle. Weight regulator: perfect reg ulation, no spring to Change tension wlin every change of temperature, and grow weaker with age. Repaiis always on hand. These things are worth money to you. Then why not buy a Star Mitnell Lewis & Stmr C) Portland, Oregon. THE MORNINQ TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F. C. CADKE Fotografs., STAMPS Drop in and see what we have in the latest photographs. We can please all. VIEWS MITCHELL WAGONS J II ,1 Pest possible to ouild No wauon is or can be better than a Mitchell, because the cream of wood etoi'k is used, only after being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wagon was built, and they have been built continuously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitchell, you get the benent of this 70 years' experience. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co First and Taylor Streets Portland, Oregon. Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Poitland. Drop a card in the postofnee and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City Oregon City Secoiul-IIand & Junk Store Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all Kinds, Etc. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold Goldstone, Sngarman & Co. S5& t "W- Wind! "fi'iVt" mnrru J Brunswick House and Restaurant NEWtY FURNISHED BOOMS Meals at All Honrs Opon Day and Night Prices . Reasonable Only First Class Restaurant in the City CHAS. CATTA, Prop. Opposite Suspension Bridge , OREGON CIT Y, ORE. Ghnstmas - We have made special arrangements to. have a large assortment of everything in our line for CHRISTMAS trade, and will ; be able to take care of our ORDERS in good shape and to your entire satisfaction-. Our Prices will be fight and our goods of the best to be obtained. A full stock of Turkeys and Poultry, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Cider, Grapes, Mince Meat, Etc. - ' ; A. ROBERTSON, 7th St. Grocer. : Most Peopl Phone 393 7th and Center Sts. Mt POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet. Jr.,, Drills and .. Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. - ' PLUMBING A SPECIALTY-! : Oor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITr " 1 YOU iVlAY NOT KNOW IT But the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom 2 Prices in Oregon City is at ! HARRIS' GROCERY Opposite Huntley's Pirat-Glass pleats of 11 irds Satistaction Guaranteed 3ive yirq a (Tall aid be Treated ?ikt $975. 00 Locomobile Given jRrny With every 5octs. invested with A. N. Wright, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you get a ticket on the $975.00 Locomobile to be given .0 Some Lucky One VMAS goods now every day. Quality always the best. 3. ?. wmm, 8k' NEW SHOP TRY MEATS FROM Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co BETHKE & CARLS, Props. New Stratton Building, Oregon City EVERYTHING NEAT CLEANEST SHOP OREGON CITY GUN STORE H. V. Jackson Proprietor Largest Line of Shot Guns in Oregon City Prices to Suit. Remember the J Place Jackson's Bicycle Shop Opposite Huntley's Main Stree sli s23 Like a Grocery House A place where they they can get what ithey .want and feel sure that the price will be right. They want to feel confident in their Grocer. Now, yon who are looking for such a house, we most cordially invite you to try Muiir Brob. H I H MIIIIIMIII m'H tU : v New and fresh from the factory Prices correct. GOOD MEAT AMMUNITION SHELLS r