Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 13, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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$10.00 To Spend For CHRISTMAS?
in n n r
While we are giving away Ten Dollar and Five Dollar Bills;
We have given away over One Thousand Dollars so far, and
have the receipts for evidence in our Third-street window and
invite you to inspect them We intend to give away
One Thousand
This month Ten Dollars with every JO men's suits and
overcoats we sell, and Five Dollars with every JO boys' suits
and overcoats. Many a customer has gone away from store
during this sale with more money than they brought, arid a suit
and overcoat besides. Is it not worth your while to call arid
investigate? V .
The Best Clothing Values inttie City !
Can Always be Obtained at Our Store
; .... v - .. , . - - . , .. .' - ;. ..
Third and Oak Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON
. - . . t
M. E. London, of Carue, waa in the
city Tuesday.
Ex-Mayor 0. D. Latourette visited
Astoria the first of the week.
Miss Roxana Hoff.nan, of Liberty, fa
"visiting friends in Oregon Oitv.
W. H. Kandle and wife, of Spring
water, were in town yesterday. .
F. 0. Perry, the Molalla Hotel pro
prietor, was in the city Wekneaday..
Mr. and Mrs. A. Schneider went to
Needy yesterday to visit his parents.
Mrsr E. M. Latourette, of Portland,
is visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
0. D. Latourette.
Mi's. Lucinda Ross, of Portland, wag
in the city Wednesday, looking afier
probate bnsinsas.
Mayor 0. N. Wait, of Oanby, was in
town Tuesday, attending the grange in
surance convention.
Will R. Logus is scoring a success aa
advertising manager of the Marquam
Grand in Porrland. .
Henry Cooke returned from Seattlw
the first of the week, and will ramaiu
here during the winter.
William M. Danforth and Henry
Wade, of Olackamas precinct, were via
itors in the city Tuesday.
W. A. Huntley has partially recov
ered fiom his recent illness, and is
again at his post-in the store.
Miss Hazel Pilsbury has gone to Vos
burg on the lower Nehalem rivei. where
Bhe will teach a term of school.
Seth Leavens, general secretary of
the local Y. M. C. A., returned from
the Salom convention Monday.
Mrs. J. E. Noll arrived from Mc
Minnville yesterday, and in Waiting her
daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Weed.
John Schindler, a prominent resident
of Canby, was in town Tuesday attend
in the grange insurance meettrg.
John Bitner returned Wednesday
from a 2-months visit to Pennsylvania,
and reports prosperous conditions there.
H. D. Aden, of Wilaonville, who is
now a salesman in Peters' store at Wfl
sonville, was in Oregon City Wednes
day. Theodore Huerth returned from the
v upper hatchery with J. K. Crumbley.
' John Straight returned several weeks
J. A. Thayer will join hi a family at
Moddsto, Calif., next week, but wlil re
turn here to Lxik after his property
J. H . Coleman, of 138 Russ street,
San Francisco, sends a renewal of hia
subscription to the Courier-Herald, with
, Miss Adele Traglio, who had been vis
iting her brother, P. Traglio for several
weeks, returned to her home at Salem
E. M. Howell and family, who ha-e
made their home in Milwaukie for aev
eral years past, moved back to Oregon
City yesterday.
Miss Bertha Goldsmith expects to
leave next Wednesday for San Fran
cisco, to visit her sister, Mrs. Lena
Wciks for a few weeks.
Father Beck, of New Era," visited
Father Hillebrand on Wednesday.
Mrs. George E. Fish, of Spokane, who
has been in California several months
for the benefit of her health, is viaiting
her sister, Mrs. M. D. Phillips.
Mrs. W. 0. Green, Mrs. M. N. Ba
con, Thomas Myers, the Misses Ina
Chase. Bertha Brown, Lillie Horn, are
all busy extending the taxroll at the
court house.
Grand Patriarch T. F. Ryan made an
official visit to Ellison Enoampment in
Portfand Tuesday night. He waa ac
companied by about 15 members of the
local encampment.
Louis Jaggar, of Portlrnd, was in
town Wednesday, and reported that his
father, Benjamin Jagar, who recently
underwent a surgical operation in a
Portland hospital, is slowly recovering.
A- Johnson, wife and child, who have
lived here for the past year, returued to
Silverton, their former'home, yesterday.
They will be joined today by Doc John
son. Both the young men are brothers
of E. L. Johnson, the barber.
H. Breithaupt, of Damascus, was in
town Tuesday with a load of onions,
which he disposed to local merchants.
Mr. Breiihaupt raised about 300 sacks
of onions on sandy loam creek bottom
soil, and it has been demonstrated that
the vegetable grown on this kind of
ground does not ossess the strong taste
of those raised on richer soils . On this
account he he has built up quite a trade
with family residues of Sellwood.
A Free Christmas Present for the
To every baby in the county under 1
vear of age we will present absolutely
free one gold ring. Bring in the baby
and have its finger measured. Hunt
ley's Book Store.
mecanical ioys are the best presents
for boys and girls nt half the usual prices
at the Christmas Drug Store of Char
man & Co.
The Gaa Sun American Minstrels will
appear at Shively's, Wednesday eve
ning, Dec. 18. They promise an unusu
ally meritorious program. Seats are
now on sale. Prices 25,50 and 75c.
Don't fail to see their big and novel
atreet demonstrations.
Ciiri8Tm as Buying made easy at Char
man & Co., the up-to-date Christmas
Drug Store.
A Popular Favorite With Ticket
Following is the vote in the Chlckering
piano contest:
W 242,257
K.O.T. M 170,405
The latest count nlacea the Wnnrl
of the World 71,852 ahead.
T. L. Cbarman. trustee of the of tho
South Oregon City tract, has filed an
answer to J. T. Apperson, who ha be
gan a foreclosure suit. A. 8. Diesser
represents the defendants, and de
mands that the land sold to lot dealers,
be released from the mortgage by Plain
tiff A ppereon.
See Charman & Co.'s grand Christmas
Di play. Christmas candles onlv 10
cents per box. Everything else in proportion.
Theresa Grossengether, baa filed a
suit in the circuit court for a divorce
from Peter GroeBegether.
Guaranteed to be the best minstrel
show that has ever played Oregon City
or your money back G us Sun.
Three pure-bred Shorthorn bulls for
sale by J. W. Dowty, Currinsville, Or.
Anyone wanting goid slock should ad
dress as above. "
Beginning next Monday the retail
merchants of Oregon City will keep their
stores open umil nine o'c ock evenings,
until afier the holidays.
An old gentleman has a tract of 8
acres on .ast edge of city limits that he
is compelled to sell at half coct. Sealed
bids will.be received at the Courier
Herald office for same, where particu
lars can be secured.
In the field of M. Riebhoff near Ba
ker's Bridge is a patch of Alaska peas
several inches high. If a severe frost
does nor nip them, Riebhoff will have
green peas on his table before the win
ter is over.
J. W. Dowty, of Currinsville. recently
sold "Redbud," a pure-bred short horn
calf to CTinrles E. Ladd. of Portland.
He also sold a pair of five-months old
Percheron colts to E. H. Burghart, Bar
ton. The colta were sired by '"Bob."
' Willamette Falls Camp, Woodmen of
the World are mailing preparations to
dedicate their new hall next Tuesday
evening. The invitations will be lim
ited to Woodmen and their families,
and members of Ijie Women of Wood
craft. The anuual meet of the State Poultry
Association will be held in Portland,
commencing Decetnher 30th, and con
tinuing until January 4Hi, This show
will be the largest ever held, and
birds will be exhibited from all parts of
the Pacific coast, and rdl interested in
poultry should not fail to visit this ex
hibition. The St. John's Ladies' Eair at the
armory, opened up last night, and the
display was a pleasureable surpiae to
the many people present. An excellent
program of music, drills, etc., was pre
sented, ar.d the choice household arti
cles were sold at very low prices. The
fair will continue during Friday and
Saturday. Family admission for the
entire season is only 25 cents.
A committee of the Methodist Episco
pal church is considering the advisabil
ity of raising the church structure, and
fitting up the basement for stores. Two
good offers have been received from re
sponsible parties, desiring to occupy
this desirable street frontage. Dr. John
Welch may erect a new brick building
on the ground now occupied by tha
Courier-Herald and adjacent buildings
The basement fr Father Hillebrand's
new home haa boen completed.
It ia reported that the Oregon Gen
eral Electric Company, recently organ
ized in Portland, has purchased 500 acres
of land from Joseph Green at Spring
wetcr for power house location, it being
their intention to build a long motor
line into Clackamas connty from Port
land. This paper has heretofore called
attention to projected railway lines lo
cated with a view ol tsppingDamaacus,
Eagle Creek and the npper Clackamas
Novelties in
Toys and Fancy Goods
It's characteristic of this store to ofier you the best; you don't expect anything else and
naturally you are never disappointed.
v Profiting from past experience we bought earlyin the year for cash one of the finest lines
of imported Toys and Novelties we have ever handled and intend giving our customers the
benefit derived by an early cash purchase.
Suggestion for Christmas
For Ladies
Stationery . '
Roger's Table Ware
Dainty Cups and Saucers
. Lamps
Glass Sets
Work Baskets
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes
Japanese Cabinets and Boxes
Dinner Sets, Decorated
Kid Gloves .
Handkerchiefs' ' : ;
. Fancy Pillow Covers
Shopping Bags
Pocket Books
Vases ' '
Toilet Sets
.Manicure Sets
For Men
Shaving Sets
Pocket Knives
Gloves 1
Collar and Cuff Boxes
Fancy Socks
Fountain Pens
Sweaters ;
Fancy Skirts
Fancy Ink Wells
Student Lamps
Box of Collars
Cuff Buttons
For the Children
Caps -Cloaks
Silk Mittens
Toy Dishes
' Tea and Kitche n Sets
', Air Guns, all kinds
Dolls, all prices
Spaulding Foot Balls
Marbles in Sacks
Games, all kinds
Crokinole Boards
Paint Boxes
Drawing Slates
School Boxes
Wheelbarrows -Steam
Fishing Outfits
Doll Carriages
Iron Wagons
Small Chairs
Woolly Animals
Christmas Candles
Fancy Baskets
Christmas Cards
Toy Stoves
Toy Sad Irons
Mr. Justin, assisted by Ernest Miller
and Mr. Schultz, of Portland, tastily
rescoed the ceiling and walls of the
Woodmen's hall iu the Stevens new
A holiday sale will-be held at Baptist
church Tuesday evening, December 17th.
Many useful articles will be on exhibi
tion. No admission fee. Oysters and
other refreshments will be served. A
musical program.
The Claekamas county members of
the Grange Relief Fire Insurance Asso
ciation for Oregon and Washington,
held a meeting at the county court room
Monday afternoon to elect a director for
this district for a three year term.
T. L. Turner, of Stafford, waB chairman
cf the convention, and Mary 8. Howard,
of Mulino, secretary. Frank Jaggar, of
Cams, and 0. N. Wait, of Oanby, were
appointed tellera. David McArthurwaa
elected as a Clackamaa county director
of the association. 1 number of prox
ies were represented in the convention.
Among those present in person not al
ready mentioned were : T. W. Duffy
and Karl Studeman, of Shube; L.
Kruse. of Wilsonville: Ed Harrington,
of Highland ; James Roots, o' Clacka
mas; John Wolf, John Shannon and
W. W. Myers, of Beaver Oreeic Grange ;
Mrs. Hendrickson. Mr. Ewing, Mr.
Bitner, Mr Baird, A. Mautz, A. O.
Eaton, L. H. Kirchem.
At thp trial of Dalton in Portland this
week for the murder of Morrow, E. E. G.
Seol, of Oregon City, testified as to the
murderer's previous good character. He
stated that Dalton was in hia employ
for six or eight weeks ending in August.
He said that after he had laid him off,
he was Borry, aa he did his work well.
He trusted him with money masters and
found him reliable. Seol also stated
that when work waa alack with him
Dalton worked for others, and for a
short time in the paper milla. Dalton
gave Mra. Seol an order on the paper
milla in payment for his board, saying
that he was a stranger there. The wit
ness said this was more than othera did.
Mr. George, of Salem, testified that Dal
ton worked at hia restaurant during the
month of September as second cook.
Dalton was pleasant and agreeable, and
Mr George saw nothing out of the way
with him. He was a law abiding citi
zen so far as he waa aware. Dalton was
found guilty of murder in the first degree.
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
GA Harding to J C Ainsworth,
trustee, lots 11, 12, 13, 14, blk 2,
Prtland General Electric Co to
Oregon City, tract in Mill Re-
H serve
McElsander to E F Surface, 160
aa in see 23, 3, 4 e
E F Surface to W H Holden, 15 aa
in G Palmateer elm, 3, 4 e
A McDonald to S J Garrison, lot
blk 10, Talbot's Add ,
Wm F Hedgea to M McKean, n 1-2
of ne, nw of nw of aec 32, and ae
of bw of sec 29, 2, 7 e...,
J Harris to G W Andrews, n 1-2 of
ee and ae of ne and lot , sec 6,
2, 5e
0 E Haddleson to C Bath, 40 aa in
ne corner, aec 6, 3' 4 e
O Kimberly to M E Schneider, 2 aa
in C Richardaon elm, 2, 3 e
E A Eaton et al to H E Noble, 4
deedB, ne of sec 36, 1, 5 e. . .....
II E Noble to U 8, ne of aec 36, 1, 6
e, Act of Congress
O I & S Co to J M Turner, 6,09 as
in sec 33, 2, le ,. 178
O I & 8 Co to O Perry, 5 aa in Buf-
lockclm,2, 1 e 225
AS Williama to A W Kirchem,
144.46 as in Hicinbothem elm.. . 2C00
A Heaa to A S Ellis, lots 1 and 2,
blk ,OC Annex 150
G I Brown to F 8 Morria.sw and 13
as in sec 84, 3, 4 e 1
F A Cody to J F Johnson, sw of ae
of aec 22. 4. 2 e ,. in
L Townsend to 8 A Blackbur, lot 7
ana s J-Z ol lot 6, Parker Hill Add 100
A Woman') Awful l'erl,
"There is onlv nn rhuncn In aaaa
your life and that is through an opera-
huu wero me BiarwiniE words nearu Dy
Mra. T. H Hunk nf l ima n!
from her doctor after he had vainly tried
to cure her of r frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall Btonea
haA fn.mn,l .
.Java tv ujcv, auu Olio uullBtUUMy glCW
worse. Then she began to use Electric
Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a
wonuenui otomacn, i.iver ana Kidney
remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Ap
pe ite. Try it. Only 50 cents. Guar
anteed. For sale by George A. Hard
letter List.
The following ia the list of lettera re
maining in the postoffice at Oregon
City, Ore., December 12th, 1901 : .
Womens' List Miss Jennie Baker,
Blanche Cahow, Maggie Ilalket, Kmma
Gill, Mrs. Minnie Maynard, Ida Phil
lips, Mrs. Kate Parker, Fannie O. Simmons.
Mens' List Roes Brady, D. A. Car
ter, 'W. It. Cassedav, J'. H. Evans,
T. W. Foster, Edward It. Forrest, Rev.
Hans Hanaen, O. A. Nelson, Austin
Nickols, W. It. Noah, Harry Pickens,
B. W. Robinson 2, H. J. Stevena, A.
Smith, W. F. Wi'son. Package for
Wits Bertha Scott.
Bean ti y The Kind Von Haw Always BongJjJ
-IhaKind 011 Have Always j
W Years of...
Christmas Okiying
We have been saving the people of this county dol
lars and cents and giving them the benefit of our exper
ience. We buy the latest novelties from the manufacturers
and have been studying the wants of the people for the last
6 months and we will make Christmas Ruijincj easy
for you.
Xmaa Carda
lo up.
Xmaa Tree
lc to 50c
Ladies' AGenta
10c to $1.50
LadieB'& Gents
6c to $1.50
Toilet Sets,
25c to $10
Manicure Sets
25c to $3
Smoker Sets
any price
Baby Sets
Perfume Sets
10c to $5
Here are a Few of the Bargains:
ill "V H:
y Ik II A
Photo Supplies
Photo Novelties
Photo Albums
Pi pea
Gold Pens
Gamea, from
5c to $1
at all prices
Mechanical Toys, latest wonders at especially low prices
CliAiSfvUAN f CO.
Leaders of Holiday Goods