Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 13, 1901, Image 1

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    '"" Y'i'D MOD'
19th YEAR, NO. 3,
Friday, December 6.
Congress Two hundred and eighty"
Of five delegates, representing
Labor., more than 1,500,000 of
workmen, responded to the
roll cal at the opening session at Scran
ton, Pa., yesterday. It was the begin
ning session of the twenty-first annual
Convention of the American federation
,0f labor, which was called to order by
President Samuel Gompers in St.
Thomas college hall at 10:30 o'clock this
morning. The convention Is said to
have been the convention of work men
ever held in this country. Organiza
tion, settlement of questions involving
comested seats, and the reading of an
nual report of the president, secretary
and treasurer, took up the entire session
of the convention. Daring the course of
the day there was one surprise sprung
on the delegates and one important de
cision was also made. The surprise
came in the form of an objection to the
Beating of the United Mineworktrs dele
gate, and the important question de
cided related to the contested seat ol the
delegate from the central labor union of
Kichmond Va., which body refused to
admit negro workmen to its organization.
In the United States senate, Senator
JvicUomas spoke on the subject of anar
chists. A senate committee was ap
pointed on memorial to the late presi
dent. The senata received the reciproc
ity agreements from the president.
Moody will introduce a bill for the en
largement oi the Portland posiofliee.
Congressmen object to Philippine reve
nue laws originating in the senate.
The text of the Hay-Pauncefote teeaty
has been transmitted to congress.
The defeated candidate for mayor at
Aberdeen, Wash , will call for a re
count. The Lewis and Olark fund 6tands at
$300,805, with over $100,000 more in
ait fit.
Saturday, Deaember 7.
Princely A dwpatoh to the centra 1
news, London, from Amstordpm says
that Major Vi-n Tets died Thursday
evening. Maj Van Tets was wounded
In defense m Queen Wilheln ina by
Prince Henry, or, as all Dutchmen now
contemptnously call him, "The Ger
man." Van lets was one of the noble
youthswho formed the body guard of
the smiling young Queen when she was
married in February, and who have
since been at their royal mistress' beck
and call on every occasion. They pride
themselves in their iservitude, and in
this matter-of-fact 20th century their
chivalrouB devotion to Queen Wilhel
miua is-a pretty thing to see. It is
whispered that every man of the 10
handsome youths who surround her
majesty's carriago when ' she drives
abroad, skate with her when she skates,
ride with her when she rides and dunce
attendance or her generally, has been at
one time or an-h-r hrnul over ears in
love with the dainty little lady in whom
Holland's hones are centered. Official
contradictions, notwithstanding, no
body at The Hague doubts for a moment
that the queen and her consort have
practically been at loggerheads ever
since the wedding. Prince Henry is an
unpleasant person. He eats too mucti,
drinks too frvely, and hnnting occupies
him far more than his wife, and Wil
helmina on her side is not a woman to
allow herself to be neglected with im
punity. It is said that she stanched
Van Tet's wound with her hands and
insisted on her husband begging the
pardon of the jokhnerr as well as her
self before she would forgive him. All
the romance of the marriage of Wilhel-
mma and the man Bue herself chose has
The senate committee on foreign rela
tions voted to report the canal treaty
favorably. The house may pass a
Philippine tariff hill before the holidays.
Chairman Fobs, of the house naval com
mittee, wants another drydock at the
Puuet Sound yard.
The federation of labor convention ap
pointed a special committee on Chinese
James G. Green was hanged at Ste
venson, Wash., for killing E. V. Benja
min last March.
The circuit court of Marion county
has decided that Sheriff Durbin has au
thority to place the delinquent tax list.
The Prohibition party held a conven
tion in Portland vesterday, and nomi
nated a state ticket, as follows: For
governor, Rev. A. J. Hunsaker, of Yam
hill county ; for treasurer, T. S. McDau
iel, oi Multnomah county j for secretary
of state, N. N. Davis, of Umatilla
county: superintendent of public in
struction, K. W. Kelsey, of amliill;
state printer, W. W. Brooks, of Mult
nomah : BUpreme judge, 0. J. Bright, of
Wasco J attorney-general, T. H. Coynes,
of Tillamook ;. for congressman, second
district, F. R. Spaulding, of Wasco.
Sunday, December 8.
Wrecked The north-bound Califor
At nia express due at Salem at
Salem. 4:24 p. m., wbb derailed
on the trestle 200 yards
from the depot yesterday afternoon. The
engine and the mail and baggage cars,
smoker and one day coach left the rails.
Fireman Silas L. Fish received injuries
from which he died Boon after being ta
ken to the hospital. Engineer William
H. White was badly scalded, but is ex
pected to recoyer. None of the passen
gers or other memberB of the train crew
received any injuries. An open Bwitch
caused the accident, and it was owing
to the prompt efforts of the engineer,
that the entire train did not go out on
the sido track and become a total
wreck, resulting in much loss of life.
A reciprocity feature mav be incorpo
rated in the forthcoming J'hilppine tar-
ltJ bill, lue Mclunley memorial lunu
wil! go to the Canton monument, and
congress may appropriaie for the arch.
A trainload of Oregon hops' started for
London from Portland last nighr. The
train was made np of 30 cars, the ship
ment consisting of 2850 bales. The
hips were consfgned by II. M. Durst, of
Wheatland, Calif., who has advanced
the growers, individual members of the
Oregon Hopgrowers Association, nine
cents per pound under the stipulation
that whatever is received for the hops
over 13 cents per pound will revert to the
grower. Mr. Durst pays the expenses
of Francis Feller, of Butteville, who goes
as a representative of the state associa
tion, to Bee that the growers have fair
play.. Mr. Durst agrees to sell hops
only to brewers.
Monday, November 9.
Favored A program of protest
The against British methods in
Boers. in the South African war
was carried out in the audi
torium in Chicago last night before a
large audience. Following an eloquent
address by W. Bourke Cochran and
earnest speeches by others, resolutions
for the appointment of a committee to
bring the sentiments of the meeting be
fore the president were adopted. Al
though an admission nas charged, the
funds being intended to aid the Boers,
and especially their women and child
ren, standing room was at a premium,
and many were unable to gain admit
tance. The annual report of Professor Willis
Moore, chief of the United States
weather bureau, says that substantial
imarovements have been made during
the patt year in the weather bureau
system of wireless telegraphy.
The report of the death of Van Tets
was not confirmed.
The labor convention will vote unani
mously for Chinese exclusion,
W. H. Whue, who was in the rail
road wreck at died last night from the
effects of the injuries received, at his
home in EaBt Portland. He had been
a railroad engineer for 27 years.
. Here are a few suggestions. We have hundreds
more that are just as suitable:
FOUNTAIN PEN Lasts fcr years, $1.00 to $6.oo.
BOOKS History, Travel, Fiction, Humor, 20c to $7.00.
MILIMARY BRUSHES Especialy for men, $1.25 to $4
HAT or CLOTH BRUSH Fancy backs, Ebony or
Silver 25c up.
COLLAR or CUFF BOX All styles and kinds from
50c to $5.00. s
SHAVING SET A practical gift, $1.00 up.
25c up. Razor 75c up.
MEDALLION or PICTURE for room, 25c to $8.00.
SMOKING SET New thing in these, 75c. .
CIGARS We guarantee both quality and prices.
SILVER NOVELTIES Match Boxes, Key Chain,
Lead Pencil, 25c up. -JEWELERY
Cuff Buttons, Watch Chain, Charm, Shirt
Studs, Scarf Pin, 30c to $5.00.
expensive if you get them here, 20c up.
POCKET KNIVES Our are made for use, 25c up.
TRAVELING'CASE A Swell present, $3.00. .
CLOCK For his room, $1.35 to $8.00.
CAMERA We sell a first-class Camera for $3.00.
POCKET MANICURE SET For vest pocket, $2.00.
DICTIONARY & STAND Stand $3 Dictionaries $10.
UMBRELLA We guarantee every one, $1.00 to $8.00.
Space forbids even a bare mention for some lines are
so large and varied as to permit a choice of something for
every boy of your acquaintance.
Bo")ks 'ie k'nt boys like the kind that entertains and interests.
20c up.
Pocket Knives -ur 'n've8 are regular 75c values ; others
A3 low A3 lOd
Cameras Developes artistic taste, $1.00,$2.50 and $4.00.
Games and Game Boards 5c, ioc and on np.
Brushes He needs toilet articles of his own.
Pictures Brighton his room for 25c.
Collar and Cuff Box, Necktie Box ah prices from 50c up.
rv 0.1 Helpful in and out of school. In plush lined box
Drawing iet 5oc and np.
Bicycle Special prices on them.
Mouth Organ Special price in these, 5c up.
PuZZleS A. dozen different ones at 10c.
Toys, Toy Books and Blocks for the little ones 6c op.
MPiHcrv Furnishes lots of fun and many interesting
MagnCiO Cattery UIpjfhnant c an be made with it, 11.00.
Editor Lynch" of "Daily Post" Phillips
burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar nith this result
"I have used a great many patent reme-
dies in my family for coughs and colds,
and I can honestly say your Honey and
Tar is the best thing of the kind 1 have
ever used and I cannot say too much in
piaiseofit. Charman & Co.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a gient many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease,and prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly fail
ing to cure with local treatment, pro
noun :ed it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and, therefore, requires consti
iutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure manufactured, by F. J, Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is ihe only constitu
tional cure on the market. "It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer o-e hundred dollars for any
case it fails to cure Send for circulars
and testiniK'iials. Address,
F.J CIIEN'EY & CO , Toledo, O.
SrSold by rru.'iis!3. 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The finest bon bon boxes in town at
theK.K.K. 1
Go .0 RRcke. Store for bargains.
The latent in chocolate of all kinds at
the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on
home-made candies.
A few watches for sale cheap at
Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1.
$20 to $100 to loan on chattel or ner
sonal security.
DlMICK & EA8THAM, Agt 1.
Land titles examined, abstracts made
and money loaned at - lowest rates.
Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon
City. . .
.Lumber Leave orders at this office
for first-class lumber of all kinds, or ad
dress V. F. ;Habbis. Beaver Creek,
Oregon. -A
store full of bargains for Christmas
at the Red Front.
Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, dentists,
Weinhard building.
Our prices showed Your money
saved in millinery at Red Front Store.
V Move 'ein quick" prices are put on
everything that comes into the Racket
Store. (
HotiBe and half-acre on edge of city
mits for pale for $175. Inquire at Cour-lir-Herald
, Piano lessons given by Mrs. V. Har
ris, Coiner 13th and Main street. Mans
feldt's technic) a specialty.
Wanted Girl for housework. One
who understands cooking. Good wages
paid. Call at store of 1. Selling.
Wanted a sensihle woman 20 or 2
years old, who desires to marry and set
tie down in business. Address J, care
Courier-Herald, Oregon City.
Toys for the children-in abundance at
Red Front.
' The Weekly Oregonian gives all the
national news and the Courier-Herald
gives all local and county news. Both
one jear for Two Dollars.
The P. C. & O. T. line will until
further notice make a 25 cent round trip
rate from Canemah and Oregon City-to
Portland on SundayB, wfth carB every
30 minutes.
Guckenheimer rye whiskey direct from
the bonded warehouse. Sold by the
gallon, bottle or drink by Kelly s Nob
litt. Pure goods in ordinal packages. ,
Drink Wilhelra's beer. Kelly & Nob
litt, sole agents.
Parties having a farinjo rent will do
well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es
tate and insurance agent, at Oregon
City, who has applicants,;
Bip .Winery Salo. Miss Celia GoldT
Use Red Line Cough Cure, 25 and 50c;
guaranteed by Charman & Co.
In order to reduc our stock we have
made a Great Reduction in prices on
all millinery goods. MiB Goldsmith.
Special sale millinery Red Front.
New ribbons and pon pons at Red
Front Store.
Mens' and boy' hats less than fac
tory prices Red Front Store.
Key fitting, lock work and saw filing
at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op
posite Electric hotel. Satisfaction guar
The Racket Store will give away a
sewing machine : Uhnstmas. (Jbance
with every 10-cent purchase.
For Fruit Trees, flowers, etcapply to
I LeMahieu, Oregon City."
' Why drink rot-gut, when you can
get Saaamore tvtnd-made tour mash at
Kelly & NoblittV
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen,
The Oreiron City boats now make
three trips daily to Portland and re
turn, txct-pt bunday. The time card is
changed as - follows : Leave Oregon
City at foot of eighth street, 7:30 a. m. ;
11 a. in, : 2:30 p. m Leave Portland at
foot of Taylor street, 9 a. m. ; 12 :30 p. in. ;
4 p.m. The boats are roomy, and the
scenery can be viewed from comfortably
seated and lighted cabins, while the pur
ser and officers are clever and atten
tive. To Trade 100 acres of land six milts
south of Oregon City ; timber enough to
pay for place; running water, orchard,
about 10 acres cleared. Will trade for
Oregon City or Portland imnroved prop
erty. Inquire at Courier-Herald office.
Try the "new candy kitchen opposite
Barlow's grocery.
ForChrietmas candies go to Welch's
Acme Parlor, He sells more candy
than any other factory in Oregon City
and his stock is always fresh and first
class in every way. Largo or small or
ders for churches or Christmas trees re
ceive prompt attention.
Straved From the J. D. Jordan place
near Wilhoit Springs one two-year old
steer, right horn Jroped ; one roan cow
dehorned one desciption not know, all
branded with"' bar circle on right hip,
marked with upper and under bit out of
left ear. . Anyone giving information
will be suitably rewarded. W. W. Irvm,
Aurora, Or.
Big va'ues In ready-to-wear hats. Miss
Piano tickets with all purchases at
Moore'e Pharmacy.
The trouble is to pick suitable presents and
make one's money go round. We can help you out of
both difficulties. We have an unusual assortment of
most desirable gifts. They have all the qualities that
gifts should have newness, usefulness, beauty, novelty
and intrinsic worth. And the prices are right and
honest. Remember too that we are careful about the
quality of everything. A bargain is not a bargain un
less it has quality back of the price.
We also offer below some special bargains for
Saturday the 1 4th and Monday the 1 6th to be followed
next week by others. Also watch our windows. We
have an easy installment plan for all larger purchases.
njr Framed Pictures, 10x12, regular 50c value Holiday I Qn
CO special at I vw
100 'rto.,7pe' with mat, regular 10c value Holiday gQ
Cf Medallions, oval flames, regular 25c value Holiday I Op
dU special at I Ob
JQ Pieces Opal Ware, regular value 25c Holiday special
Inn Books, silk ribbed cloth, gilt top, choice selection of titles Oflp
UU from standard authors Pub. price 50c Holiday special OUu
C. 6. Bunthy,
W. 3. fiunthy,
School Reports.
diThe following is the report of school
instrictNo. 10, joint, for the month end-
g December 7th :
Na. pupils enrolled, 28.
No. days taught, 19.
Cases absence 20.
Cases of trrdiness, 1 .
Those who were neither absent nor
tardy during the month are Martha and
Eward Liesman, Ida and Kosena JMIig-
son, Either and Amos Mayes, Ruby,
Clarence, Victor and Constance Thomp
son, Arnold and Mattie Peters, Alma
and Anna Boekmann.
The visitors present during the month
were Messrs. G. Elligson, J. Aden, II.
Peters, C. Thompson; Meedames Peters,
Sharp, Mayes, Aden, Thompson ; Misses
Lena Elligson, Emma Peters, Kate
Sharp, Ella Aden, Myrtle Aden and
Dora lioekmann.
Patrons are invited to visit the school
and note the progres.
Aura D. Thompson, reacner.
Following is the report of the Barlow
school for the month of Nov. 30, 1901 :
No, pupils enrolled 43.
Average attendance, 38.
Punctuality is excellent.
There was onlv one case of tardinesa
in two months.
Following is the "roll of honor:"
Wood J." Andrews, Iona Andrews, Rob
ert Armstrong, Fred Armstrong, Ora
Bratton, Fred Coyey, Charles Covey,
Winnefred Freeman, Hazel Hihon, Net
e ie Peterson, Mary an.1 Clara Siegrist
Nllie Watkins and Orsula Zee. -
Mary 8. Barlow, Teacher.
Information Wanted.
The manufacturers of Banner Salve
having always believed that no doctor
or medicine can cure in every case, but
never having heard where Banner Sulve
failed to cure ulcers, sores, tetter, eczema
or piles, as a matter of curiosity wrould
like to know if there are such cases. If
so they will gladly refund the money.
Charman & Co.
"For two years all efforts to cure Ec
zema in the palms of my hnnds failed,"
writes Editor H. N. Lester, oi Syracuse,
Kan., "then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's the
world's best for Eruptions, Sores and
all skin diseases. Only 25c at G. A.
The Portland City & Oregon R-iilway
Company will run cars every 80 minutes
between Oregon City and Portland Sun
day. A delightful ride for only 25 cents
the round trip. The cars run cleai
hrough to Canemah on that day.
Satisfied 1'ooplo .
are the best advertisers for ' Foley's
Honey and Tar and all who use it agree
that it is a splendid remedy lur coughs,
colda or Bore lungs. Charman & Co.
Oharlea Rep!ogk, Atwater, O., was in
ery bad shape. He says: "I Buffered a
great deal wi'h my kidneys and was re
quested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I
did so and in four davg I was able to go
to-work aain, . Imn entirely well."
Oh irman & (
'111 IS III. It.
Laxative Broino-Quiiiine Tableta cure
a cold in one day. No Cure no pay
Price 25 cents.
A Good Cough Aledlvliie. .
From the Gazette, Toowoomba, Aost.J
I lind Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is an excellent medicine. I have been
suffering from a severe cough for the
last two months, and it has effected a
cure, I have great pleasure in recom
manding it. W. O. Wockner. This is
the opinion of one of our oldest and most
respected residents, and has been vol
untarily given in good faith and that
others may try the remedy and be bene
fited, as was Mr. Wockner. This reme
dy is sold by O. A. Harding.
Merely a few suggestions from our stock.
Books Special Holiday Editions in leather and fancy bindings,
50c to $5.00.
Art Calendars Artistic Creations for 10c to $1 60.
Albums Fho'OKrapl'i Autograph, Kodak, latest designs 75o t
$5.00. -
Writing Companion Will please any lady.
Toilet Case or Manicure Set 'JKjr ""'ttamS
Leather, Porcelain fittings, 75o to $12.00.
Music Roll Card Case, Pocket Book 50c to $10,00.
Glove, Handkerchief, Jewelery and. Work' Boxes
In PIubK and Celluloid, 25c up.
Photo Frames in Leather, Wood and Metal, 25c to $1.00.
Fancy Candlesticks all the rage now, 25c up.
Umbrella Can't miBS it on this, $1.00 to $7.50.
Medallion or Picture Latest things, ioc to $8.00.
TpwpWv nr ilve maw LarKe solectfoi ere from a bran new
jeweiery or ouverware 8tock at le99 lhan reguar price
Better make choice early.
Gold Pen with pearl holder, $1.00 up.
Mirror Hand or Triplicate new designs.
Sterling Silver Novelties A Bvore of desirable presents in this
line at 2'ic, 50c and 75c.
Perfume N.0,8,y ever gets an overstock of perfume. Ours are
highest grade, but lowest prices.
Confectionery Fresh shipment of Lowney'a just open.
Ormalu Clock a dainty gift, $1.75 to $8.00.
Atomiser Latest things, 50c to 85.00.
WedeeWOod Ware Not 80 exPenisive as you will expect from
its beauty.
Ink Stand Gun Metal or Gold or Silver mounted 25c up.
Writing PaDCr Alwi,y8 useful. We have all sizes at all prices
r from 15c to $1.50.
Plenty of desirable giits for girls, but space to men
tion but few here.
Books Alcott Books, Elsie Books and stacks of others equally In
teresting, 25c to $1.15.
Penknife I'earl handle, 50c.
Work Box All kinda of prices from 25c up.
Toilet Articles Ebonoid and Silver, a large (election at 10c-25c.
Toilet Case Brush and Comb in box, 85c.
lewelery IIat Pi"H' m"Z Brooches, Lockels, Shirt Waist Sete,
' 25c to $5.00.
Picture Easy to please in this line, 25c to $5.00.
Perfume In fancy package, 10c up,
Bible or Testament Prices Commence at 10c.
Games Pee our linoof educational irames. Every family ouuht to
have some of these in the house, 2'ic.
Camera We teach all beginners free, $1.00 up.
Gold Pen With a pearl handle will make any girl h-.ippy, $1.00