7 SPECIAL PANTS PATTERN REMNANTS AT $1.50 EACH We have still a few Tine Cassimere Remnants at Cost of manufacture OREQON CITY WOOLEN MILLS , A CELEBRATED Chickering Piano VALUE $650.00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY The enterprising citizens of Oregon City have purchased a $650 Chickering Piano and will on January 25, 1902, give it to the organization or person receiv ing the greatest number ol votes. The instrument and ballot box are on exhi bition at Burmeister & Andresen's jew elry store, where the ballots are counted every Wednesday evening and the result published in the Courier-Herald. The official ballots are WHITE and are printed by the Courier-Herald and is sued FREE by the following merchants with every 10-cent purchase: B. Freytag, groceries V. Harris, groceries Schrewe & Vernum, meats Brunswick R'B'aurant Burmeister A ndresen, jewelry Charman & t ., drugs Courier-Herald, printing Moo'e's Pharmacy Welsh's Canity Store Red Front, general merchandise I. Selling, " F. T. Barlow, groceries J. M. Price, clothing P. O. Cigar Store Pope & Co., hardware A. Robertson, groceries Ely Bros., general merchandise Q. A. Harding, drugs J. W. Blaney, meats G. Reeenstein, clothing W. L. Block, honsefuiniBher Kozy Kandy Kitchen P. G. Shark, barber, confectinery ; H. Scbrader, bakery Mrs. Deute, ladies' furnishing goods Singer Machine Bottom Prices needles and Parts ft. fiarqmvts. Jtt Tied Trent Store. IKOOSIER ri- DRILL S HOE DRILLS SHOE DRILLS DISC DRILLS . Send for catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. PORTLAND, ORE. BARGAINS On account of leaving the state I offer for isale on easy terms the following property: House and Lot on lllh Street )n Insta!ment6$l-i00 Houseand Lot In Block 99 9M 3.30 Acres In Oregon City, cleared and level. 1200 1.H0 Acres in Oregon City, part cleared 7M) .83 Acres in Oregon City, all cleared and level 800 2.16 Acres in Oregon City, part cleared 300 T.nt S. Klock 46. County Add.. Corner 150 Lot 9, Block 4, Mountain View Add 75 Lot In Darling s Add sn Acres timber land, rich soil. 4 miles out... 160 Acres timber land on Molalla river 2000 18 31 Acres near Woodstock and Willsburg 8000 4 Lois in fckamokawa Washington 200 J. A. Addrcfi Box S92, Oregon City, or call on me at O. A. Cheney's Real Estate Office, j Each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES colors either Silk, Wool or Cotton per fectly". Sold by C. G. Huntly. W ANT F.T TRUST WORTAY MEN AND WO mn ui travel and advertise for old established bouse of solid Bnancial standing. Salary $780 a year and expenses, all payable In cash. No can vassing required. Give references and enclose aelf-addreescd stamped envelope Address Man ger, 856 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Guckenhelmer Eye. Kelly & Noblitt have received a lot of Guckenheimer. genuine, double-stamp high proof rye whiskey. JAbsolutely pu'e. LOCAL SUMMARY The finest bon bon the K. K. K. boxes in town at Go o Racke, Store for bargains. The latent in chocolate of all kinds at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen, Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. A few watches for sale cheap at lounger's. Watches cleaned, (1. $20 to $100 to loan on chai tel sonal security. per Dimick & Eastham, Agts. Land titles examined, abstracts made and money loaned at lowest rates. Dimick A Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon City. Lumber Leave orders at this Office for first-class lumber of all kinds, or ad dress W. F. ;H arris. Beaver Creek, uregon. The Weekly Oregonian gives all the national news and the Courier-Herald gives all local and county news. Both one year for Two Dollars. The P. C. & O. T. line will until further notice make a 25 cent round trip rate from Canemah and Oregon City to Portland on Sundays, wfth cars every 30 minutes. Guckenheimer rye whiskey direct from the bonded warehouse. Sold by the gallon, bottle or drink by Kelly & Nob litt. Pure goods in orginal packages. Drink', Wilhelm's beer. Kelly & Nob Mtt, sole agents. Parties having a farm to rent will do well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es tate and insurance agent, at Oregon City, who has applicants, Bio Millinery Sale. Miss Cilia Gild smith. Use Red Line Cough Cure, 23 and 50c ; guaranteed by Charman & Co. Jn order to reduce our stock we have made a Great Reduction In prices on all millinery goods. Miss Goldsmith. . Key fitting, lock work and saw filing at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op posite Electric hotel. Satisfaction guar anteed. The Kacket Store will give away a sewing machine Christmas. Chance with every 10-cent purchase. For Fruit Trees, flowers, etc., apply to LeMabieu, Oregon City. Why drink rot-gut, when you can get Saeamore hand-made eour mash at Kelly & Noblitt's- Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen. The Oregon City boats now make three trips daily to Portland and re1 turn, and the time card has been changed as follows: Leave Oregon City at foot of eighth street, 7 :30 a. m. ; 11 a. m. : 2:30 p. m. Leave Portland at foot of Taylor street, 9 a. m. ; 12 :30 p. m. ; 4 p. m. llio boats are roomy, ana tne scenery can be viewed from comfortably seated and lighted cabins, while the pur ser and officers are clever and atten tive. Clearance Sale of new stock of boys and men's hats and millinery at Red Front Store. To Trade 100 acres of land six milts south of Oregon City: timber enough to pay for place; running water, orchard aoout 10 acres cleared. Will trade for Oregon City or Portland improved prop' erty. Inquire at Courier-Herald office, Try the new candy kitchen opposite Harlow's grocery OBEAILUCKOFAN EDITOR. "For two vears all efforts to cure Ec zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor 11. JN. Lester, ot Syracuse, Kan., "then I was wholly cured by Bucklen s Arnica halve." It s the world's best for Eruptions, Sores and all skin diseases. Only 25c at G. A. Harding's. The Portland City & Oregon Railway Company will run cars every 30 minutes between Oregon City and Portland Sun day. A delightful ride for only 25 cents the round trip. The cars run cieai brough to Canemah on that day. There it more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For'a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease.and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly fail ing to cure with local treatment, pro noun ;ed it incurable. Science-has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and, therefore, requires consti iutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ;Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is takeq internally in doses from 10 drops to a teatpoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO . Toledo, O. Sold bv Druzeists. 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best. 1 '.fAmgn "One of my 4au(hters bid a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything but without re lief. We then tried Ayer' Cherry Pectoral, and three and one-half bottles cured her." Emma Jane Entsminger, Ln(tville. O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainlycuresmanycases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coyghs, night coughs, and hard colds. Three itzes: 25c., 50c, $1. 'AU druggist!. Commit vonr dootnr. If he lavs take It, then do as ho says. If he tells you not to take it, men aon t taue it. u jtuove. Leave It with him. We are willing;. J . O. A.YER CO., Lowell, Mali. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS liegtihir November Term of the County Board. J. R. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B. Killin, County Commissioners. (Continued from last week.) In the matter of the petition of A. J. Yoder et al,"to be set off from Mttrquam precinct, and to be made a part of Needy precinct, Now at this time comes on to be heard the petition of A. J. Yoder, signed by himself and fifteen legal voters of Marquam precinct asking that the board cut off a part Needy precinct; said proposed cut to be as follows ; Be ginning at the northeast corner of sec tion 15; thence west on section line between sections 10 and 15, sections 9 and 16, and sections 8 and 17, to where section line crosses Rock Creek; thence up said creek to a point where said creek crosses section line between sec tions 16and 17; thence south on said section line to the half section line of sections 20 and 21 ; thence east on said halt section line to section line between sections 22 and 23; thence north on said section line to point of beginning, all of said territory being in township 5, range l east ol said county ana Btate. And the board being fully advised, it is or dered that said petition be granted. In the mutter of the petition of George Killin, et al, for voting precinct. Now at this time comes the petition to George ivillin, signed by himself and 84 legal voters of Needy and Marquam precincts, asking that board to form a voting pre cinct out of a part of Needy and .jlar quam precincts, said proposed voting preciuct to bo bounded as follows : Be ginning at the mouth of Rock creek in township 4 south, range 1 west; thence south on section line to township line between townships 6 and b; thence down Butte creek to its intersection with Pudding rivt-r; thouce down Pudding river to the mouth of Rock creek, the place of begnning. And the board bi- ing fully advired, it is ordered that said petition be granted. In the matter of the petition of Albeit Engle, et al, to be changed from Canyon creek to Molalla precinct. Now comes on to be heard the petition of Albert Engle, signed by himself and seven other legal voters of Canyon Creek pre cinct, asking the board to cut ott a part of Canyon Creek precinct and annex it to Molalla precinct, said proposed change to include all of sections 16, 17, 20, 21, 29, 32 and 33, township 5 south, range 3 east. And the board being fully advised, it is ordered that said petition be grained, as prayed lor- In the matler of the petition of George Guernsey, et al, to be chauged from Soda Springs to Molalla precinct. Now comes on to be heard the petition of George Guernsy, signed by himself and three other legal voters of Soda Springs precinct asking tne board to annex all that part of Soda Springs precinct, in township 6 south, range 2 and 3 east of Willamette Meridian, lying east of the south fork of the Molalla river, to Mo 1 a 1 1 a preciiict. And the board being fully advised, it is ordered that said pe tition be granted, as prayed for. In the matter of the petition of G. A. Schuebel for voting piecinct. Now comes on to be heard the petition of G A. Schebel, signed by himself and 51 other legal voters of Beaver Creek and Highland precincts, asking the board to form a voting precinct with voting place at Shubel echool house, said precinct to embrace the following territory : Section 3f, township 3 south, range 2 east ; sea tions 1, 11, and nJ4 of 13, township eouth, range 2 east: north one-half of 18 and sections 7, 6 and west V of 5 and 8, and northwest & of 17, township 4 south, range 3 east; sections 31, 30 and wett ono-halt ol 61, township 3 south range 3 east. And the board being fully advised, it is ordered that said petition be denied. In the metier of the Canby and Bar low bridge, constructed by E. D. Olds It appearing to the board that said bridge is now completed, and that said bridge has been constructed in. accord ance with contract therefor. It is or dered that said bridge be accepted by (Jlackamas county, and that the clerk draw a warrant in favor of E. D. Old for $9145, the amount of said contract divided in warrants as follows: E D Olds $1000 E D Olds 1000 ED Olds : 1000 ED Olds 1000 E D Olds 1000 ED Olds 1000 E D Olds 1000 ED Olds 1000 ED Olds 114 In the matter of the petition of Mrs Carrie Mayer for aid. Now comes to be heard the petition ot Mrs. Carrie Mayer, wIiobo huBband was recently committed to the insane asylum, leaving her with' out means of supporting herself and children, and the board being fully ad vised, it is ordered that petitioner be al lowed $8 per month from November 1st, 1901, until May 1st, lauz. Boundaries of voting precincts af fected by citanges made at November term, 1901. Canyon Creek. Beginning at the southwest corner of section 34, township 5 south, range 3 east; thence mwth four miles; thence est 2 miles: thence north 3 miles: thence east 80 miles; thence south 7 miles; thence west to the place of begin ning. Killin. -Beginning at the mouth of Rock creek in township 4 south, range 1 west; thence up center of Rock Creek to the east line of section 17, In township 5 south, range I east; thence south on section line to township line between townships 5 and 6 ; thence west on town ship line between townships 5 and 6; thence west on township line of Butte creek ; thence down Pudding uver to month of Rock creek, place 'A begin ning. s Marquam Beginning in township 6 south, range I east, where section line between sec tions 8 and 9 crosses Butte creek ; thence north to a point where sections 4, 5 , 8 nd 9 corner; thence north 3 miles: thence east 2 miles ; thence north 1 miles; thence east 2 miles to township line; thence south on township line to Butte creek; thence down Butte creek to place of beginning. Molalla. Beginning at the southwest corner of township 6 south, range 2 east ; thence north 6 miles : thence east 1 miles : thence north to the Molalla river ; thence up saiu river to the north boundary ot township 5 south, range 2 eaBt ; thence east to the nortl.eabt corner of section 6, township 5 south, range 3 east; thence south 2 miles; thence eaBt two miles; thence south 4 miles; thence to the northeast corner of township 6 south, ranae 3 east; thence south on township line to where it crosses the Molalla river on the east-half of eection 24, township 7 south, range 3 east ; thence down said river to its junction with north fork of said river ; thence up said north fork to where it crosses the township line be tween townships 5 and 6 south, range 3 east ; thence west to the point of begin ning. Needy. Beginning at the southeast corner of section 12, township 5 Bouth, range 1 east; thence north 2'A miles: thence west 2J miles ; thence north mile; thence west mile; thence north i miles; thence west down Bear creek to Rock creek to the east line of section 17 in township 5 south, range 1 east ; theuce south to the half section line between sections 22 and 23 ; thence north to cor ner of sections 10, 11, 14 and 15; thence east two mnes to point ot beginning. Soda Springs. Beginning on line between sections 19 and 24, township 6 south, range 1 and 2 east, on north bank of Butte creek: thence north to township line; thence east on township line lo where it crosses the north fork: ol the Molalla river; thence up said river to where it crosses the east line of section 24, township 7 south, range 2 eaBt; thence south to the county line ; thence westerly on said county line to place of beginning. In the matter of Abel, a county charge. It is ordered he be allowed $8.60 to buy a ticket to Pendleton. (To be drawn in favor of John Lewellen.) In the matter of report of Supervisor John Heinz, road district JNo. I). This matter having been laid over for further consideration, it is ordered that said re port be allowed in p. r as follows; Warren Baty, gen fund i 9 90 H A Torplial 7 50 James Porter 18 75 Total. .$30 15 Lodge Etectiom. t -. T 1 1kT A T r f T! elected the following new officers at the meeting held last Thursday night : Nc ble grand, J. W. Jones; vice-grand, George T. Howard; secretary, ThomoB t . Ryan ; treasurer, Sol S. Walker. Meade Relief Corps has eleoted the following new officers : President, Maiy L. Bradley ; senior vice-presidedt, Mar garet Williams; junior vice-president, Martha iieacb ; cheplain, Laura Wil' liams; treasurer, Mrs. L. W. Ingram; couductor, Mary M. Charman; guard Mrs. N. Tingle. The other officers will be appointed by the president. Meade Post No. 3, G. A. R., has elected the following new officers : ..Com mander, L. W. Ingram: senior-corn' mander, Josiah Martin ; junior comman der, F. Hayford ; surgeon, A. B. Moore; chaplain, J. Doremus; quartermaster, George A. Harding! officer of the dav. U. 11. JJaucny ; olhcer o! the guard, V. t Horn; council of administration, C, 11 Dauchy and J. R. Landers; delegates to department encampment, 1. Hay ford, Josiah Martin, J. R. Landers, R. M. Cooper, K. Hilland, alternate delegates, and the regular delegates are J. M. Taylor, A. W. France, Patrick Col bert, C. F. Horn, Israel Putman, J. Do remus. Willame te Rebckah. Degree Lodire elected the following new officers at the last regulgr meeting: Noblo grand, Mrs, Thomas F. Ryan ; vice-grand, Miss Margaret Williams; secretary, Ada lild well; financial secretary, Mrs. M. J Lulz; treasurer, Mrs. Mollie Straight. The Youth's Companion, in 1902. To condenee in a paragraph the an nouncement of The Youth's Compan panion for 1902 is not easy, Not only will nearly two-hundred story-writers contribute to the paper, but many of most eminent of living statesmen, jur ists, men of science and of letters, schol ars, sailors, soldiers and travellers, in cluding three members of the President's Cabinet. In a delightful series of articles on military and naval tot ics the secretary of the navy will tell "How Jack, Lives ;" Julian Ralph, the famous war corres pondent, will describe "How Men Feel in Battle, "and Winston St encer Church 'hill, M. P., whone dating escape from a Boer prison pen is well remembered, will describe some experiences "On the Flank of the Army." And this is but a beginning of the long list. A complete announcement will be sent to any address free. The publish ers also announce that every new sub scriber who sends $1.75 for the 1902 vol ume now will receive all the iBsues for remaining weeks for 1901 free from the time of subscription ; also The Compan ion Calendar for 1902 all in addition to the fitty-two issues of The Companion for 1902. Tub Youth's Companion, 195 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mast). Oregon (Vtv ("Innrinr-irprolrl ami Tl.o Youth's Compinion for $2.75 CHIZEHS 1ICKET WINS, Dimick Re-Elected Mayor By An Overwhelming Majority. Every person, who accepted a nomiua tion on the city citizens ticket, was elected by a good, safe majority last Monday. The victory was complete. Councilman W. M. Sheahan, the non partisan nominee for councilman from the second ward, was re-elected with out opposition. The citizens ticket was elected iu spite of the fact that the pet ticoat rag on Main street, championed the cause of the opposition in a mute appealiug way. Out of 599 votes cast lor mayor, Di "fl ick received a total of 402, and Hedges 197. Dimick's majority, 205. In the first ward Dimick received 157 and Hedges 72. In the second ward Dim ick received 144 votes and Hedges 90. Iu the third waid Dimick received 100 votes and Hedges 35. ired J. Meyer, the citizens candidate, was elected by a majority of 52 over John R. Humphrys, the Don-partisan candidate. In the first ward Meyer re ceived 108 votes and Humphrys 111; In the second ward Meyer received 115 votes and Humphrys 115; in the third ward Meyer received 93 votes and Hum phrys 38. in the nrst ward Hi. u. nelly, citizens, received 139 vot,es and Jacob Oaseell, non-partisan, 84 votes. in the second ward William sheahan, non-partisan, received 181 votes with out opposition. In the third ward L. b. Story, citi zens, received 1H votes without opposi tion. Following will be the personell of the new council : First ward Rudolph Koerner, J. W. Powell, E. D. Kelly. Second ward Uharies Albright, v. G. Huntley, William Sheahan. Third ward S. V. Francis, E. W. Scott, E. F. Story. It is believed that a majority of the council men are against the policies of the mayor on general principles. The mayor will appoint a duel ot po lice and night watchman at the first meeting in January. John Green will likely be re-appointd street commis sioner. A city recorder, also will be elected by the council. FUOB1TE COURT. Judge Ryan Made Several Or- der4 During the Week. In the matter of the last will and tes tament of David W. Minturn, deceased, the appointment oi 1 . J. Monett as ex ecutor, was continued. In the matter of the estate nf D. W. Howell, deceased, Bruce U. Curry, ad- miuihtraior, the final report was ap proved . In the matter of the last will and tes tament of Charles Munson, deceased, the appointment of Andrew Bwenson as executor, was confirmed. Swensen is the sole devise named in the will, and it was ordered that the 'document Le filed as a monument of title. In the matter of the estate of Peter II. Miller, deceased, Otto 11. Miller, exeuu tor, the final account was approved. In the matter of the estate of Agnes M. Washburn, deceased, George T. How ard, administrator, January btb, set as time for hearing hnal accoui t, In the matterof the estate of Philip Wolf, deceased, the executor filed final account, and January 13th, was set as he time for hearing objecuous to the ame. In the matter of the estate of Levi Davis, deceased, the final account of A. V. Davis, executor, was approved. Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines pro duces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the poi sons trom clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Uonstipation, isuioua- nest, Bick Headache, fevers, an uver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at Geo. A. Harding's, THE HOME GOLD CURE. Ad Iugenlouii Treatment bv which Drunkards are Being Cured Dit'ly , in Spite of Themselves, No Noxious Doses. No Weakening; of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote r.apablnf neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxi cants. Sufferers may now cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderlul "HOME GOLDCURE" which has been perfected after many years of close study UIIU ireaiuicilb Ul inruiinitD, luc mull ful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transforma tion of thousands of Drunkards into so ber, industrious and upright men WIVES UUKK YUUKHUSBAN1JS1 CHILDREN CURE YOUll FATH ERS 1 1 This remedy is no sense a nos. trum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skilllully devised and pre pared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or eoffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "Home GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing in reach of everybody a treatment more ef fectual than oturs costing $2o to $00. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E 594, EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2.S30 and Tii'i Market Street, 1'hiladeh phia. All correspondence Btrictly confl t'ential. BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING IIOtSE IN THE C1TT CAPITAL SURPLUS 50.0C0.OO $20,850.00 Chas. H. Caotieid, President Geo. A. Harbino, Vice-President ' K. G. Cacfikld, Cashier General banking bnsiness transacted Dposits received subject to check Approved bills and notes discounted County and city warrants honxht Loans made on available seourlty Exchange bought and sold Collections made promptly Drafts sold available in any part of the world ' Telegraphic) exchange (old on Portlan.l, San Francisco, Chioago and New York Interest paid on time deposits c. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Keal Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Batik Building OREGON CITY N ORPROV COMMERCIAL BANK ok OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Ti-ansacts a general banking lusincss Makes loans and collections, discounts bills bays and sells domestic and foreign exchange,' and receives deposits subject lo ohnek. i Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. , C. Latotof.tte, President T. J. MTiVEB Cashle C. N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1SC3) Prompt delivery to all parts of the elty OREGON CITS OREGON O. W. Eastham g. B. Pi t DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cemmeroial, Real Estate and Probate Law Special ties, AOKiraci oi line sonde, Money Loaned. Reference, Bank of Oregdu City OREGON CITY OREGON )R. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Prices Moderate All dpi rations Guaranteed. Barclay) Bui 'd g Oregon City" J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty CauBold Building OREGON CITY OREQON )R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College "of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Elicit OBEGON CITY OREGON W. W. OIiniSTIB, D. 0. C. D. I.OVK, D. O. LOVE J)RS. CHRISTIE & OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy. Bucoessluiiy treat an chionlo diseases Dy mechauloal inaiilpulatlqn. Examination and consultation free. Office hoursi8tol2 and ltoi, except Sunday. Rooms 8 and 4, Slovens Building OREGON CITY OBEGoU E I. SIA8 DKALEB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON Q, E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Btcvons Building, opp. OREGON CITY Bank ( ' Oregon City OBEdON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red FroDt, Court Ilouse Block OREGON CITY ORECtON Jt C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Frivate Experience; Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chrfile Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.: 4 to C, d. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY ORKrJOK ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Land Titles, Land Office Business, Conveyancing Will practice in all courts of the state Boom 8, Weluliard BuuJing OREGON CITY OREGON ScHi'Einr. W. S. U'en JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW fceutfefcet StbDolat s ' Will praottoe In all courts, mnlo ai1a.h.,. and settlements of estate, furnmh abstract of title, lend you money and lend your mono? !on orst murlgugu. O.noe in Enterprise building, OREGON CITY OEKmw WASTED-TRUSTWORTHY ME AND WO men to travel and silTcrtlsc for old exUbllshed house of solid financial standing Salary t?,-) . year and expeuws, all payable In cah. No can. asMng required. Hive references and enclose aelf-adilreSHcd stamped envelope, Addresa Man. ger, 356 C'axtoti Building, Chicago. Eyesexamiiif-d free by a graduate b. tician at ti e New Jewelry Store.