Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, December 06, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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In Curtains
In Carpets
Bargains in
War Sah Chtan
A fine line of Lace Cur
tains just in from the
;t East, from 45 cents a pair
and up. Sash Cutrain
ing by the yard. "
Waii rapcr. I Yhi) tM6tlltniGh0& I 7n Good Condition.
main St. Opposite Post Office.
Ingrain carpets from 25 .
cents per yard and upY '
In Waitings
A very fine line from 15
cents and up.
In Crockery
All kinds of Crockery and
Hardware at surprisingly
low figure?.
Linokum Oil Cloth
Friday, November 29.: . ....
Xibfrnls A dispatch ' from Colon
iSurrender. states that Generals Alban
and Jeffries arrived here
nd wtse received at the railroad sta
tion hy the guards of the Machias and
tt?jj liritiHh second-class cruiser Trib
lane. The government commanders
came to arrange terms for discontinuing
itiie struggle. A conference was held on
board the United States gunboat Ma
arietta in the harbor. The commanding
officers of the Marietta, of the British
vjrrfiner Tribune and of the French
ensiser S'ichet, and lieuienant-comman-Jer
McOrea, of the Macbias, and Cap
tain Perry, of the Iowa, were bresent, as
were Generals Alban and Jeffries, repre
senting trie government 01 Colombia,
nd Senor de LaRosa, secreterv." to Gen
eral Domingo Diaz, who represented the 1 '
Liberal party of Colombia. . No infor
mation of the result of this conference
lias hcoii made public, and none of the
Jeiiiilp if the understanding has leaked
Fully 100 persons were killed in the
Wabash railroad wreck, the greater
number meeting death in the fire that
' JVmoricana in the European capitals
elebrated Thanksgiving day. , i
'. 3Hre Chief Campbel, of Tortland, was
m uricid to Mies Schemer.
Jacob Karnm gives $2,000 to the Lewis
& Clnrk fund.
TS'ew "J ork
city has a million dollar
Saturday, November 30
Assay Senator Mitchell today wired
Office the Portland chamber of
In commerce from Washington,
Portland, asking for statistics as to the
gold output of Oiegon and
ither data showing the necessity for the
siublifllnuent of an assay office in Port
land. He expects to introduce a bill for
that purpose at the first opportnnity.
The senator bIbo asked for statistics of
tea shipments to Portland, intending to
make an effort to secure the appointment
i a lea examiner at ttiat point, although
1U10 outlook is not favorable. lit will
m)m bring the matter of the Lewi and
4Jlnrk Centennial Exposition to the at
tention, of congress at an early date.
The Liberals in Colon have surrendered
Pn an orderly manner. The terms of
Htirrnnder agreed upon at yestorday's
wuinrence rn ?ne uniteu States gun
oat Marietta, and at which the com-
iiinn.lmg officers of the Marietta, the
JlntiKli cruiser Tribune, and of the
jrrench cruiser Suchet; Lieutenant-Oom-wnandcr
McCrea, of the Maohias; Cap
tain Perry, of the Iowa; Generals Alban
and .lefl'iiep, represetinir the government
f Colombia, and Senor de la Hosa, wlio
lepie.ietited the Liberal party, were pres
ent, are hrieflly aa follows: Senor de la
Itosa agreed to surrender the Liberal
-soldiers now at Colon, with their arms,
OaptRin Perry at noon todav. Cap
uiu l orry in his turn agreed to hand
over these men and their nrnis later in
the day to Generrl Alban, who in turn
Siiarnnteed life an. I liberty to all men re
UMntJy in arms ajiainst the conservative
government of Colombia. The snrren
ler of aims was bona tide in very ra-
The coronor at Adrian, Mich., has
I wen investigating the Wabash railroad
Iiwmter, but lias not vet located the
A special rata has been made on Oro-
in wheat to Utah, to relieve the short
thuie. A dispateh from Salt Lake
i-saya that local millora and dealers wore
Mimic happy by the announcement that
A 40 cent rate on Oregon wheat had bden
agreed upon by the Oreuon Short Line
wtud O. It. & N. Companies. At this
iral wheat grown in the Palouse country
"I'd l'astern Oregon can and will be
hipped into Utah and bring 72 to 75
Bff nia prr bushel.
Sunday, December 1.
Hot'ho A dispatch from Washing
l'cnublicai ton under date of No
Cuneiis. vember 30th, states that
the caucus of the rapubli
ran inembeis of the bonne was held in
- Shtf litrj 'e of representatives this after
iwii uud lasted about three hours.
SSneaker Henderson and the old officers
of flio buuse were made, the unanimous
rhoioe of the caueus. The major portion
j the time was devoted to an effort, led
fw l'epredentative llenlmrn, of Iowa, to
sTeot tome changes in the rules of the
Just Ik'iiKii. Mr. Hepbu. a has made a
tniilar tliht for the liberalizing of the
rules at t he opening of each congress for
a numbiT of years, b it without success,
nd today he was unsuccessful.
JOoivrrosHinnn Tonguo Vill devote his
t efforts this session to river and Imr-
Lor improvements
VH nbonse, the explorer, proposes a
f re-ii expedition to the idterlor of Africa '
Jim you thinking of buying some TWMtline, CJWPetS, SZOUGS orStC HEDGES?
If you are, bold on to your money until you hve seen ours, as values count, not words.
CHE values we offer are apparent at a glance. The few items quoted here give but a faint idea of the many attractive
1 offerings we make. You need not call often to come in contact with the many good things as they come and go.
In Stoves
6 Hole Universal Range with shelf and closet,
warranted for 15 years as the best in the market,
$27.00. Air Tight , Heaters from $2.25
piiiiiipHi "nuipiniiijpnmiijitniiHpir "iTjjffliiijiiiiiinriiiinifiii!Ti iir
The Chinese in the United States are
being assessed $1 each to fight any ex
clusion law.
. The Salem Fruitgrowers Union has in
corporated. The schooner Wing and Wing reaches
Astoria after a rough voyage. . ..
' The new road supervisor's election
law reduces Multnomah county election
The President has removed Thomas
B. Ferguson as governor of Oklahoma,
for the Jeason that he is unfit for the of
fice. A letter received at Fort Leavenworth
saya that General Chaffee has recom
mended that Aguinaldo be brought to
this country. It is stated that he hps
been detected in carrying on a treasona
ble correspondence and trying to stir up
strife. Aguidaldo is a close captive, but
advices received here say that Chaffee
believes the leader's presence in the is
lands is responsible for the insurgents'
ent activity. -
Monday, December 2. ;
Congress One of the fi.st measures
Meets oi national interest, which
Today. will be introduced in the
senate at this session,
which will begin tomorrow will be a res
olution looki.ig to public action con
cerning the death of President McKin-
ley. This will be pi :ented Tuesday bv
either Senator Foraker orSerator Hanna
probably the former, and after its intro-
auction tne senate win adjourn imme
diately as a mark of respect to the mem
ory 01 the dead President. The annual
message 0. President lioosevelt will not
be received until Tuesday, and on this
account tiie session of Monday will be
exceedingly brief. It is not now ex-
pectea that anything will be done on
that da' beyond the announcement of
the deMh of Senator Kyle, following
writer, the senate, in accordance with
custom, will adjourn for the day.
senator Mitchell has a host of new
bills, which he intends to introduce at
tms session of congress.
John G. Michel, of The Dalles, has
assumed his position as messenger of
the United States senate. He was for
merly editor of the Times-Mountaineer,
nd served as joint senator from Wbsco
nd Sherman counties.
The financial situation in the Philip
pines is causing much alarm. The par
ity 01 metals may need to be altered.
Is is reported that Miss Stone is dead,
although the news has not been con
firmed. Bulgarian official circles are
much impressed by the menacing atti
tude of the United States in the Stone
all'ttir. They declare, however, that
they are unable to do any more in the
matter than they have done already.
A Woman's Awful Perl',
mere is only one chance to save
your life and that is through an opera
tion" were thestartlimr wonIb heard by
Mrs. I. P. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, Wis.,
irom her doctor alter he had vainly tried
to cure her of a frightful case of stomach
trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones
had tormed und she coustautlv crew
worse. Then bIio began to use Electric
Hitters which wholly cured her. It's a
wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney
reiueuy. uues .wyspepsia, Loss of Ap
peiite Try it. Only 50 cents. Guar
anteed, tor sale by George A. Hard
lien you want a good square meal
goiome l runs h ick restaurant, opix
site suspension bridge, L. ltuconich,
proprietor, everything treat) and clean
and well cooked; just like you get at
home. This is the only first-class res
taurant in Oregon City" and where you
can get a good meal for the price of a
poor one el awhere.
Satisfied I'eople
are the best advertisers for Foley's
Honey and Tar and nil who use it agree
that it is a splendid remedy for coughs.
colds or sore lungs. Charman & Co.
Charles Keplonle, Atwater. O.. was in
x ery bad shape. He says : "I sudored a
great deal wi'h my kidneys and was re
quested to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I
did so and in four days I was able to go
to work again, now Rim entirely well."
Ch irman oi Co.
Blrj values in ready-to-wear hats.
Piano tickets with all
Moore's Pharmacy.
purchases at
Information Wanted,
The manufacturers of Banner Salve
having always believed that no doctor
or medicine can cure in every case, but
never having heard where Runner Salve
tailed to cure idcers, sores, tetter.eczema
or piles, as a matter of curiosity would
like to know if there are such cases. If
sj they will gladly refuud the money
Charman A Co.
Below are a few oft he many bargains
ii nl'iilliiiiiililllliiiiillllliiiiiiililliiiinllfeti
Notice is hereby given to all whom It may con.
cern thai the underal-ned administratrix of the
estate of Mary Leonard, Dtoeased, hi'i filed her
final abcount as said administratrix, with the
Comity Court, of the County of Clackamas and
Sta'e of Oregon, and that the Hon. T. V. Ryan,
Judge of said court, has set Monday, the 6th day
of January, 1902, at the hour of 10 o'clock: a. m.,
of said day as the time for hearing said report
and objections thereto, If any there be.
Administratrix of .he Estate of
Mary Leonard, deceased.
Dated NoTember 21st, 19Q1.-
Women and Jewells.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet " nf mighty power
to tne average woman, even that great
est of all jewe's, health, iB often ruined
in the strenuous e Torts to make or save
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will risk her life to get a coveted
gem, then let her fortify herself against
the insiduou8 consequences of coughs,
colds and Ibronchial affections by the
regular use of Dr. Bosehee's German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread disease from the system.
it is not a cure-all, but it is a certain
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at George A. Haid
ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac,
right's Disease.
The largest sum ever paid for a pre
scription, changed hands in San Fran
cisco, Aug. 30. 1901. The transfer in
volved in coin and stock $112,500.00 and
was paid by a party of business men for
a 8pecmc tor Bnght's Disease and Dia
betes, hitherto incurable diseases. .
They commenced the series investi
gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1900.
They interviewed scores of the cured
and tried it out on its merits by putting
over three dozen cases on the treatment
and watching them. They also got phy
sicians to name chronic, incurable cases,
and administered it with the physicians
for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven
per cent of the test cases were either
well or progressing favorably.
There being but thirteen p r cent of
failures, the parties were satisfied and
closed the transaction. The proceedings
of the investigating committee and the
clinical reports of the test cases were
published and will be mailed free on ap
plication. Address John J. Fulton
Company, 420 Montgomery St., San
Francisco, Cal.
Editor Lynch of "Daily Post" Phillips
burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Fo
ley's Honey and Tar with this result:
"1 have used a great many patent reme
dies in my family for coughs and colds,
and I can honestly say your Honey and
Tar is the best thing of the kind I have
ever owed and I cannot say too much in
piaiseofit. Charman & Co.
Any of -our readers wanting light,
highly profitable employment, should
send 15c to the Echo Novelty Co., Echo,
New York, for, one of their Engraved
Nnv.iltu Slintv ('m.l lll.lll fat.
j ..w.i ..tail. li.iid iaAi-x. vnr
alogue and terms to agents. Exclusive
T !. I .
ae ruory gi en.
A Good Cough Medicine.
From the Gazette, Toowooniba, Aust.j
I fiud Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is an excellent medicine. I have been
sutl'eriiig from a severe cough fof the
last two months, and it has effected a
cure. I have great pleaeure in recom
mending it. vv . v. Werner. This is
the opinion of one of our oldest and most
respected residents, and has been vol
untarily given in good faith and that
others may try the remedy and be bene
fited, as was Mr. Wockner. This reme
dy is sold by U. A. Harding.
Guaranteed to be the best Sulkv Tlow
in the world. This is a broad statemer..,
but we stand ready to prove it in the
field with any plow made.
1Sknd fok special catalogue.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co
An lA.-nf J aflh.niHihnifli.n.A. .AMMiiftiiiiiiitimiiilljiiii
In Turniture
Bedroom Sets from $10.00 up. Six-foot ex
tension table, solid ash $4.50. Dining ChaLt,,
high back, pretty des;gn,75 cents and up. Kit
chen Treasures, $2.50.
Tn t.hfl rlrrnlt fl.inrt of:the Flft.a of ( reron for
the Counljr of Cli Oiama.s."
C ara Blanche Blanchet, 1
riaintin, i
V u V
Lou! 'eanbaptiat Bi acbet, f
To Louts Jeanbapttst Blanchet, ssidcUf jndant.
In the name of the state ' of Oregon, jon aro
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 21st day of December, 1901, and
if you fail to BO answer, for want thereof, the
pla'ntiff will apply to the above entitled oourt for
a decree forever dissolving the bonds o( matri
mony now existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and for such, other relief as snail seem
meet and proper .
This summons Is ordered published In tbe Ore
gon City Courier-Herald lor the period of six
weekfrom date of first publication thereof such
order being made by the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan,
Judge of the Couniy Conrt of the state of Oregon,
for tna county oiu'acKamas, on tne um nay oi
Novembei', 190u
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Fir,t publication November 15th, 1901.
la the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackanus.
M. E. McOarVer and W A. Holmes,
Administrator of the Estate of B. L.
Bussell, Deceased,
Hiram E. Straight, William E. Straight,
Margaret Qratz and Gratz, her
husband, Jacob Straight, James
Straight, John Straight, Hiram E.
E.StruiuhL administrator of Hiram
Straight, Deceased,
To Jacob Straight, James Straight, Margaret
Gratz, and Grata, her husband, and each of
you, said defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon . You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
piaiiiiineci against you in tne aoove entitled
suit on or nciore tne lastaay prescriuea in tne
order for publication of this summons which is
Bix weeks from the day of publication hereof
which date of publication is November 8th, 101,
ana you win laae nonce mat u you rail so to ap.
pear and answer the eomplalnt fl'ed against you
herein on or before said last day of said time
Dresorlbed In said order, the Plaintiffs will annlv
to the court for the relief demanded In the com
plaint herein to with the foreclosure of certain
mortgages covering lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,7 and 8 of
Block 71. of Oregon City. Oregon, and nlaintilf
will apply for such other and lurther relief as is
just In the premises.
i (This summons is published by order of She Hon.
1. A. Meui'iue, Judge ot said court, upon applica
tion of plaintiffs herein,which order is duly made
ana entereu in sain oourt wovemner otn, lwi.
C. D. and I. C. LATOUK KITE.
Attorneys fot Plaintiff.
Tn the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Ulaekamas.
Minnie Narjot, ")
Ernest Narjot,
To Ernest Narjot, said defendaut.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against yon
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 0th day of December, 1901, and if
you tail to so answer, lor want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled court for a decree forever dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between the plaintiff and defendant,
and for such other relief as shall seem
meet and proper.
ThiB BUmmons is ordered published
in the Oregon Oily Courier-Herald for
the period of six weeks from date of first
publication thereof such order being
made by the Hon. Thomas F. Ryaj,
Jude of the county court of the state of
Oregon, for the countv of Clackamas, on
the 31st day of October, 1901.
J. J. Fitzgerald,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication November 1,1901.
la the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Alice V. Sisk,
Jerry Sisk, I
Defendant, J
To Jerry Sit k, defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
aoswer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the sixth day of December, 1901, which
's six weeks after the 25th day of Octo
ber, 1901, the date ordered for the first
pt'blication of this Buinuions; and if
you fail to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded n her complaint filed
herein, to-wit:
For a decree from this court dissolv
ing the bonds of matriinouv heretofore
existing between plaintiff and defendant.
on the ground of cruel and inhuman
treatment of the plaintiff by the defend
ant. S. S. Gillespie,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
..nil: 11 mH ilH,diiiii,iiH 'I'.iiifJii.irmiMniiik
"tilipit "illitnitiiiiNr
and Union Pacific
the EAST
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
. :l0 p. m. .
ST. PAUL and
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
DEN', euts.,
Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv
5 Days for
Boals leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points. -
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full fnfo' .nation c-ill on or address nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
. A.L.CHAIG, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
- w
Asthma f
jCronchia Trouble I
J t
J For Sale by
iL'regon City, Oregon
O A 3 1" O H. I A. .
Bean the Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
.3 S"wt
Don't tie the top of yonr
Jelly and preserve Jars in
tueold fashioned way. Seal
mom vy tue now, quick,
Buoumwjijf fiureway by
n thin coating of Pure
ruruuine, iiaa
no taste or odor. Ja
air tight rrtd acid
proof. Easily applied,
leefulln adozen other
wuya aooui me House.
Full rllmfHna a. I . V.
each cake. ,
Sold everywhere. Made by
We also sell Pianos
and organs from
the Men & 6ih
Sole auis for the
celebrated Domes
tic Sewing lYia
W. 11. YOUNG'S
Livery & Feed Stablo
, Finest Turnouts in City
Livery,. Feed and Sale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspension bridge
First-Class Rigs of AH Kinds
oeegon cirri okegon
New Plumbing r
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oaufle'.d Block CHEGON CITY
Will give you a
Bargain h Wali Paper
Wall Tinting and in
General House Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel
Dally Raund Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. II
Leave Astoria.. 7 p. M
Between Portland The Dalles and
, Way Points
Leave Portland, Tuts., Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M
Arrive The Dalles, same day 6 P.M.
Lsave " Sun , Wed. and Krl 7 A.M.
Arrive Portland, same day 4 P. M.
S-Sundfiy Trips a Leading Feature
3TThls Itoute has the Graudest Scenic Attrac
tions on Earth
Landing and office, Toot Aliier Street
J. C. WYATT, AqW Vancouver
WOLFORO & WYERS, Agts., White Salmon
PRATHER &, BARNES, Agts., Hood River
JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Da;.es
A. J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria
E. W. CRICHT0N. Agt., Portland -
The Dalles, Portland an3 Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Tonchlng at way points on both sides Of the
Columbia river.
Both of ti e above steamers have been re nl
and are In excellent shape for the season ofl' 00
Trie Kegnlntor Line will endeavor to sivelta
patrons the best service possible. 6
For Comfort, Economy nnd Pleasure
travel by tha steamers of The Iiegulator
The above steamers leave Portland 7 a. m and
Dalles at 8 a. m.,nd arrive at destination In ample
time for onttroing trains. "
fSSt The Dalles Office
Oak bt. Dock. CourtStreet.
General Agen
At all drug store.
25 Do,