OREGON CITY COURIER.HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1901. ASTHMA CUKE. FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure In All Cases SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT. OF POSTAL CHAINED FOR TEFI 4 YEARS BELIEF. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brlngt, iDBiaut relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else falls. Ine Kev. 0. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, 111., says: ' Your trial bottle of AMhnialene recoived In good condition. 1 cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the Kood derived from It. 1 was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Aslhma for ten yars. 1 de spalrtd of ever being cured. I saw your advertise ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disi ae, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken yourelvea, bm resolved lo give it a trial. To my asloijishment, the trial acted like a charm. Seud me a full size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Uotrg. Buai Israel. New Vork, Jan. , 1901. Dbs.Taft Bb 8 Hkdicim Co. v.vu...i,ii . i uui nmuumicue u nu cVjCUCUI rem edy lor Asthma and liny Fever, and its composition a lvelates all troubles which combine with Asthma, its success Is astonishing and wonderful. After hav ing it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma leue contains no opium, morphine, chloform nor ether. Very truly yours, KUV. DLL MORRIS WECHSLER. Trial bottle sent absolutely free on receipt of postal. Write at once, ad dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED ICINE CO., 79 East 131th St. New York City. LIKE THE MESSAGE WESTERN SENATORS WITH IT. PLEASED 3g? Brown & Welch MM 2 ' f : V t fit I Th -'' -t "J Proprietors op the- mm Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON Some of Their Opinions Parti Referring to Nicaragua Canal and Chinese Exclusion Are Especially Approved Forestry and Irrigation Clauses Meet With a Hearty Approval. Washington. Dec. 5. Not In some time has a message to congress been received with more appreciation by Western men than that sent in bv President Roosevelt. Senator Mitchell approves the mes sage, especially that portion of. it which favors the Nicaragua canal, Chinese exclusion an1 TinA a tit 1 uouca, 01 wasnington. were n- icvacu uy lrie speaker to represent thir respctive stats on the committee their resDenrivo ntorno . :i tee to designate by what token of re spect it may be proper for congress to express sympathy of "the nation at the death of President McKinley " Senator Simon will offer an amend ment to the sundry civil law of the last session, which provides that it shall be unlawful for any person here after to construct any pound net, weir 01 stationary fish trap within the I warpra nf ni l m0 uiuiuuia river or out of its tributaries. , Representative Moody today intro duced the double minimum land bill uuu tt um ior tne construction of an assay office at Baker City. Representative Jones today offered a. joint resolution directing the secre tary of war to make a survey and es timate Of tho post r,t - Bhin 1:: r "tuuuis o 7 r r 7 u""et;"ng Jfuget sound aiid Grays harbor, via the Chehalis vr. j 11. Fenton, of Portland, just .vuu uuui Europe, where he has and t.ho snnnrps sion of anarchy. He savs it l ,7ii Jr aup? wnere he has nr.flit.1,1,. 1 """""S nospitals, called on the d tion l wu- on senators today. He was later presented to the President by Sena STOLE A HUNDRED THOUSAND dition. Senator Simon said: "I regard the whole message as a masterful effort on the part of the President. It is forcible and to the point. The treat ment of forestry and irrigation ques tions shows the President to be es sentially a Western man." Representative TQngue did not hear the message read, so withholds his opinion. Mr. Moody said: "It is an able and uuuicuv. x am tjayeuiauy i . . pleased with the importance he gives i Na"onal bank examiner. to topics of vital Interest to the Pa cific coast. SUCh as thn Nioflrna-na CITY MARKET fS. Opposite Huntley's Firat-eiass Meats of 11 IiQds , batisiaction Guaranteed (3ivc yirg a gall arjd be Treated ?it We carry the largest stock of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas county We are the only undertakers in the county owning a hearse, which wh fur- IliHll fur Iahm r.hu.n nan ha hail alaaaKura vVe are under small expanse and do not, aeK iart;e pronts. Oills prvnnly utten la 1 night or day R. L. HOLMAN, Undertaker Phones 476 and 305. Two Doors South of Court House. THE X Klllf flnlaVloH lrtttr.n all nnln.. Q in. V '. . -.v. w.i,"U, nil buiui u 1UI JUL' Side cnmM. 2 pair for ' So Cfllnloid ireb oombs 7o Aluminum hair pine, per doz ...... 80 Tooth brushes go Ulacktllk Chantilla lace, per yard 5c Cream color silk lace, 8 iuchci wide, per yard. 23c Torchon lane, halt eont per yard and upward Remnants of KmbroMerlen at remnant prices. Black lisle elastic, per VHrd 25c Black Ac'lor'd mecerlzed wl-t,latest make $1.60 Genuine Boys' and Girls' heavy ribbed bicy cle hose, only J8o Halt-wool ladies' ribbed noushriukable vests and pants ... 6s0 Cotton ladies' ribbed vesta " 20o Children's ribbed underwear, sizes 16 to 18 15c " , " " sizes 20 to 34 .. 230 Ladles' fine hemstitched handkerchiefs, f,ood value, 6 for 250 Men's cotton underwear 24o and up it's mtine and black dnok orershlrts. . 40o T , B sjerny, heavy weight overehirts, all w cuiura 400 i WWHMTvHTvmHvvTVTvWMMMMvTWWml FAIR STORE Opposite Postoffice Is selling at closer figures than ever. t These are a few of our prices : canal, Chinese exclusion and arid land reclamation. I also admire his fear less and fair discussion of the trust question and the strong position taken on anarchy and immigration legislation." Senator Foster said: "It is a vig orous message strong, but not too strong, on anarchy. The Pacific coast will welcome the President's Chinese exclusion views and the many valua ble and important suggestions in be half of our commerce and our army and naral defenses." Representative Jones said: "The message is excellent in every partic ular. Its treatment of the various subjects is comprehensive and along broad, liberal lines." Representative Cushman also ex pressed his admiration for the strength and force of the message, eSDeciallv its trenrmpnr nf the Nicaragua canal and Chinese ex clusion. Senator Simon called nn Prpftirlpnt Roosevelt this mornine- and .had a brief talk on general topics. The dis tribution of patronage in-Oregon was brought UD. the Presid his assurance of last fall, saying: "I am going to be fair with your Oregon senators in all your appointments." nepresentatives Moody, of Oregon, ueraications of the Teller of a New York Bank Discovered. Ballston, N. Y., Dec. 5.-The First iwionai Hank of this place was closed today pending an investteatinn f 0 al bank examiner, if la ototp w uUl.sU mat tne closing of the bank's doors followed the discovery of irregulari ties in the accounts of the teller, itaries n. ntcham. The bank began business in 1865. Judge J, S. Lamoreaux succeeded the late George West as president early in October of this year and H. J. Donaldson succeeded to the vice presidency. The new executive of ficers began at once a thorough inves- : uKauon or the bank's affairs and dis covered indications of defalcations on the part of the teller, Fitcham, begun Tinnnoo3 aL and reachI"S a total of $100,000. The directors then de cided to close the bank pending an investigation, and a warrant for itchams arrest was issuued. Fitch $m)00Wa'3 bonded to the amount of Examiner E. J. Graham has been appointed by the. controller of the cur rency temporary receiver, pending a further investigation.. Fitcham is ill at his residence, where he is under arrest and guarded by two officers. Jy's Ft f Tor Spot Cash Do you realize what spit cwh means? It means a savin)? of from 2ij to 40 por cent on everv 15 Jeweled Hampton Watch ... ' 17 Jeweled Waltbam or Hampton 12 or RockCd' works ltsf"''' wl,h th' highesl grlie WithamV Hamilton, Hampton a nauuiui WIU WWUCB 111 U1B IttWJBt QeSlgUS BS IOW aS 19 00. Jfa?e08notPe.lt us to menHon the numerous barxainsw. are offering, yoa must call ana see them to Appreciate the bargains. ' .!! bu onr ?00de ,or pi' ca,n ' the ,owe8t """ quotation direct from the jobbers and you will not wonder why we can offer you high grade watches at such astonishing low figures 1 wh.e?'TeHyoU di tl0I to"1"-own personal guarantee, i ho Iron-clad factory guarantee on yoDZe? back?Temen u and Kuaraee every watch to give you the highest satisfaotioa or give You are all invited to came and take advantage of our first great offer. THE WISCONSIN JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Established 1870 Incorporated 1899 M t FURS! FURS! FURS!! G. P. Rummelin & Sons Manufacturing Furriers 126 Second St., near Washington, PORTLAND, ORE. We carry a complete line of Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Collarettes, Boas, Muffs, Etc, in all the fashionable furs, Feather Boas, Etc Robes and Rugs. ! i Send for Fall Catalogue The Leading and Reliable Faniers of the Northwest : Has been rudely defined by some cynic as "sloes and sweets." And nftpr nil there's more truth than poetry in the uciiuiuun. ice cream ana cake mav satisfy the nalate. hut thpv tar frmn satisfying to the stomach, which requires 1 1 r 1 u . , f mat iuou ue nutritious nrst ana nice afterward. By careless eating women pave the way for stomach "trouble," and its kindred miseries. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery is confidently commended as a cure for diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. By curing diseases which prevent the assimilation of food it enables the body to be built up and strengthened in the only way known to nature by food digested and assimilated. "For twelve long months I suffered untold misery," writes Mrs. Mollie Colgate, of Ran dolph, Charlotte Co., Va. "No tongue could ex press the pain that I endured before I com menced taking Dr. Pierce's medicine. I was not able to do anything at all. Could not eat anything except bread and tea or if 1 did the top of my head hurt so it seemed it would kill me; with all that I could do it would burn Hlu fire. But now, since using vour ' Golden Med ical Discovery ' and ' Favorite Prescription,' I can eat a little of almost anything I want, and can do a good day's work as well as anybody can. Am better than I have been for years." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure sick headache. HEADACHE At all tVusj starts. 24 Dosa 25. Warfare Between Two Schools, Cleveland, Dec. 6.-Two hundred Jt. V J fee university students started out tonight to get revenge on Case School men tor an attack on Western Rpservo hnv. iu j... . A college boarding-house was Invaded i-sftZBerv men- and in an attic behind rjtewfij! doors were found sev eral Case School students. Pails of ,cu a wnue paint were carried and the unlprtunuate Case men were ,w,lu wext the Case men -ic.c unvra into a cellar of the dor ninory ana severely pounded with If u iVr 11 D3, Professor Thwlng, i Western Reserve University Pleaded with the youths to desist, and umuueu tne tnrong to disperse Winner at Stock Show. onK:aBo, uec. 5. A Hereford is the grand chamnlnn nf oil i the fat cattle division of the Interna tional livestock Exhibition this year The chief interest of the breeders cen tered today in the winner of the grand championship for steer or spayed heif ers of the show. There were three wmpeting breeds, Hereford, Short horn and Angus, but in the final Judg ing the Shorthorns were eliminated. The winning animal is Woods Princi pal, a pure-bred yearling, shown by George P. Henry, of Goodenow, 111. A Kansas Man's Long Sleep. Hiawatha, Kan., Dec. 5. J S Ly tle, a Kansas pioneer, died here' this morning His sickness lasted three years and was particularly noticeable wh i . e8.lept, mo8t of the time. While in California he slept from May o to August 20. He was brought home early in September, and has been sleeping continuously since that month. Ho died cm - i i . " aiter awakening from his last sleep. Dur- "6 ma iung sieep ne was fed by ...Co...d W1 a, niDDer tube, which had been inserted by the doctors. Ex-Oovernor of Jamaica Dead. London. Dec. 4.-Edward John Eyre, who was governor of Jamaica and its dependencies, 1862-66, and who put down the mutiny of the negroes mere, is dead. He was born in 1815. Report of Assistant Postmaster General on the Subject Washington, Nov. 29. First Assist ant Postmaster General Johnson, in his annual report, says the, yearly in crease in the postal revenues has re sulted in the free delivery service be coming self sustaining. Of the gross postal revenues of the United States for the past fiscal vear. $74 2!)S 2U came from 866 free delivery cities. The remaining 3,600 presidential offices yielded $16,063,252. whilo th tin Ane r .1 . ' ' v iourtt) class postoffices pro duced 18,913,519. Mr. Johnson says urni me met mat the postal service in the largest cities is practically per tect is the explanation of why the annual per centage of increases in the revenue of the free H(livnrv nnotnfflA should be three times as large as that ui iiio iourin class otlices. As rural iree delivery reaches nut. int. tv. country, giving equal facilities with- uu iegaru to locality, lie says, it in creases the revenues at a rr, at. leaf. equal to that maintained in the free aeiivery cities, where, during the past five years, it has averaged 8 nnr nont At the end of the present fiscal year O CAn i . . . . . o,uw rural routes will he in snonouoFn operation, 6,000 being in effect by December 2. The latter figure repre esnts just 50 per cent of the applica tions for such service filpd sinno Ite inauguration five years ago. The in flexible policy is announced of here after avoiding the maintenance of un necessary postoflices and superfluous star routes contemporaneously with rural free delivery rnut.ps On Jul i last the force of 4,301 rural carriers was serving- 2.840644 nonnk t , CI , fuujriv nV a fraction of over 75 and on December 2 next 4,000,000 of me rural population will be enjoying free delivery. ' Everv fHr.ahiioV,Tv.nt of a route, the report says, is followed promptly Dy a steady increase in the volume of mail both Hn'i vprdl an A collected. The city free delivery sprvinn n embraces 866 cities and towns in. eluding four in the new insular' pos sessions, all these employing an army of 16,389 uniformed carriers, who collect and carrv the mails two or more times each working day to 32,000.000 natrons. Tim total or.at. tn the department per annum for this service is 50 cents per capita. PRO-BULLER, PRO-BOER. j- vmsBssi:' .' ,.,.rr life An Alliance Between the TufA Flomnat la Feared In England. London, Dec. 2. The correspond ent of the Times in Pretoria, whrro recent dispatches giving the number of Boer commandoes are supposed to nave been allowed to pass through the censorship as a warning that more troops are needed in South Africa, today sends a sketch of the position of the ilritish columns and states explicitly that-men are needed to expedite the attrition of the Boers and that furher partitioning of the coun ry by lines of blockhouses is necessary to enable the British col umns to achieve greater results. Seem ngly fearing that an alliance between the nro-Bullerites and thn pro-Boers, during the demonstration to be hold tomorrow in Hydejpark in sympathy with General Buller, may be the beginning of a serious anti. government agitation, the Standard this morning semi-ollicially warns General Buller that unless he checks the extravagance of his partisans, the government may be compelled to make further disclosures which will cause a revulsion of feeling against the eeneral. The Stn that Geeral White at first refused to regard General Buller's holioeram an authentic, and when it. was HaHW. ately repeated General White decided L A J" -I vo uisouey it. that's all. No energy, no vim, no vigor, no ambition. The head aches, thoughts are confused, memory fails. Life becomes a round of work but half accom plished, of eating that does not nourish, of sleep that fails to refresh and of resting that never rests. That's the beginning of nervous prostration. "I never had anything do me so much good as Dr. Miles' Nervine. I was tired, nervous, sleepless and worn-out and Nervine cured me. I know of nothing so pood for indigestion and general building up of the system." Rev. X. P. Neese, Fairburn, Ga. Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens the worn-out nerves, refreshes the tired brain and restores health. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills Snow Storm in Kansas. Hutchinson, Kan., Dec. 6. A drlv ne snow storm began here this morn ing, bringing moiBture that Is needed by the wheat fields. The storm Is gen eral from here west to the mountains and extends south to the Indian Territory. NEW SHOP GOOD MEAT TRY MEATS FROM Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co BETHKE & CARLS, Props. ' New Stratton Building, Oregon City EVERYTHING NEAT CLEANEST SHOP U 6 X3 "CUPIDEHE 1 ThlavHutTr.., ...ui. Iri rr,'WMff ' vitillzr,tiie prtacr (p. Inmm nla. lal n In the fiJ, . Beuilnal SE,, '" . ?,ZTttt linntlrifl tlnn If atAna alt !,.,... u -";" -.-no BCFORE aNo AFTSR "u-bomrjof'lmnot.iHririi" -rnn.n . .t aianeyaand theurinaryoriranolaUlmBurlUe. - r lrenSinen ana reatorM! jimall weak orifani. -i-.ir.'iK,!.ni7n'Sl3 t'.e J!?' mr'A by l'"-fn"i I" bwnue ninety per eent are tronbleit with Proatstllla. rCPIDENK la the only known rempdy to cure enhout an owTratkln SuuiJTiimu;? ala. A written (fanranteerfven and money returned if iiz hnrea l!l. i,7.t iiiwi . " ""'""""""ik UO a box. .lx fir 5 00, bj-W Bend for Klar" d UeaUmon' Ue' H"umu,""eur G. A. HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City . . . . . . . 0regon The Unemployed In Germany. Berlin, Dec. 5. Official InveHtlea. tions made by the American consul na to the number of unemployed in the various industries of Germany reveal a rather worse condition of affairs than has already been intimated hv the German press. The workine hours have been reduced In half nf the factories, unemployed in the larg er towns amount to from 7 to 10 per cent of their Domilatlnnn ni ih. . gregate of unemployed in Germanv reaches 500.000 men nr a ner me numDer or artisans In the country. Reducing Guard at McKlnley'i Tomb. Washington.JDec. 3. The detach ment of troops assigned to the duty of guarding the vault containing the remains of the late President McKin ley in the West Lawn cemetery, Can ton, 0., has been reduced to five non commissioned officers and 40 privates, under command of Lieutenant Wil liam Ash bridge, Thirteenth infantry. The remainder of the guard has been sent to the post at Fort Wayno, Mich. Storm in the East. New York, Dec. 6. A' drop of 10 de grees in temperature early this even ing turned the downpour of rain that had fallen all day into a driving sleet that quickly coated the pavements of uns cny wan ice. Ttien snow began to fall and made the slippery con ditions worse than ever, and New Yorkers had their first experience of winter's discomforts. All the surface and elevated cars were lmneded. and some stopped altogether. At. mid. night the snow was half an Inch deep Transport Kilpatrlck at Manila. Washington, Dec. 4. The adjutant general has received a ttiWram from General Chaffee, savinir that the transport Kiipatrick arrived at Ma nila today. cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the . kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. io, 25, 50 Cents m Sold and Guaranteed by C. G. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist, Oregon City Oregon Don t Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and" where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach And bowels. ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vep-etahle. bowel regulator, and liver vitalize known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. 8 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and Guaranteed by C. G. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist, Oregon City Oregon rHfl ifck 0 4 Ullf jLmam "iHTHmdt 'i Wnu t mtt it mi -mar hmt 1 El Cl 1 A I! Subtle Foe o- r i 1 II M (l II ii J I El (I El n I t Ohalf the cases. It deceive the unknonincr Rii(Tirar. It nmnv 1 variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle 52 against only one of them in vain. til uur nooKiet explains ita symp. toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give I I complete and lasting relief. n GILES1 Dyspepsia Tablets U Mfc-11: Sold and Guaranteed by C. G. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist, Oregon City Oregon o n o