Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 22, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Regular November Term of the
County Board.
I. R. Morton, John Lewellen and
T. B. Killin, County Commissioners.
(Continued from 'last week.)
Road District No. 29
Otto Knoor. road fund .$12 00
OKocher 2 25
Jacob Coppuntr 00
Henry Yergen 3 00
H H Smith 19 25
Total.... $45 00
Road District No. 30
ft Tlatt. road fund .$13 85
JK llays 14 00
Total $27 85
Road District No. 32
Labor on briduo and culvert.
Baker Bros, gen fund $21 35
Peter Eros, gen fund 1 50
W C Heater 8 75
, Total $31.80
Road District No. 33
Labor on Springwater road.
I A KeiJ, road fund $17 00
J A Reid....... 25 00
Vigorit Pewder Co., gen fund 29 40
J T Myers & Sons... 263 38
Total $334 78
Road District No. 34
Ed Batdorf, road fund $1-00
" " ' " 14 00
" " " 20 00
Total $40 00
Road District No. 35
Proctor & Beers, gen fund $51 75
Mason & Zeek 7 15
Total $58 90
Before the County Board of Comtnis
doners of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Clackamas. In vacation after
the October term, to-wit:
In pursuance of an order made by the
board and entered ol record ordering
warrants to be issued in vacation, I, E.
H.lCooper, clerk of said county and
itatt", do hereby iHSue warrants in pay
ment of said claims for the amounts
tud in favor of the following persons
hereinafter specified :
Mrs K Morgan, pauper ac $ 8 00
T M Baker. T. 28 00
Mrs R Davis 14 00
RosaTriechletl 10 00
Kllen bridges 8 00
I W Jones 6 50
W L Davis 5 00
William Scott 10 00
Mrs Ilattie Woods '.. 5 00
Ellas Miller 30 00
Ura S O Harrington 12 00
Paul Freytag 16 00
William Dean 6 00
V M Bhibley 8 00
Mrs London 10 00
Henry Lewis 6 00
Mr Kruger 7 00
Alice Carr 10 00
L MathewBon 7 00
Qus Pirkle 10 00
OE Burns 5 00
VIr Heinz 5 00
.VIra Martha Duff 4 00
f J Gorbett ... 5 00
1 M Heckart 8 00
Amanda Wilcox..' 5 00
E N Foster , 6 00
Wm Phillips, indigent soldier. ... 4 00
Charles Culow 10 00
Mrs J M Bacon 10 00
Jacob Kohler 8 00
John H Churchill 5 00
John Watson . 6 00
W T Gardner Bays and Girls "
Aid Society . .. 10 20
King Bohall, county charge.... 7 00
Mrs Shoemaker 12 00
Mrs Thornton 12 00
E Austin 10 Oo
Eldora Younger 5 00
L Freeman 5 00
John Avins 8 00
Mrs. M A Clark 5 00
Mrs Ida C Gartman 8 00
Mrs Aiams 15 00
Godfrey Schmale 6 00
Mrs Shoemaker 10 00
Peter Nehren, janitor 50 00
E H Cooper, clerk 125 00
O D Eby.deputy clerk 60 00
J J Cooke, sheriff 141 66
J E Jack, deputy sheriff 60 00
T P Randall, recorder 100 00
Louva Randall, deputy recorder 52 00
A Luelling, treasurer 20 00
JC Zincer, superintendent.... 83 33
Thomas F Ryan, judge 100 00
C A Stuart, county physician .... 14 58
The following claims were presented
and allowed by the board :
Joseph Geeen, insane acc $ 4 00
WT Smith " " ...... 4 10
W E Carll " " 5 00
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery 58 82
Edward Holman, pauper acc .... 10 00
Floyd Jones, pauper acc 15 00
S J Vaughan, livery hire 8 50
Telephone aoc 6 65
Pope & Co, road acc 150
Oregon City Fouudry, road acc. . 4 76
Fiank Bnsch, ch and road acc... 74 75
Courier-Herald, printing 17 10
George A Harding, electric acc. 5 15
W A Holmes, pauper acc 2 25
T P Randall, clerk hire 24 00
I Selling, pauper acc 35 60
Wilson & Cooke, c h acc 3 15
W A Huntley .stationery 17 02
W II Young, livery hire 9 00
David Huggings, pauper acc... 5 00
Mrs Winesett, pauper acc 10 50
Enteipnse, printing 57 10
Enterprise, stationery 129 10
J J Cooke, board of prisoners.. 50 72
J W Loder, road acc 10 O
Peter Nehren, c h and bridge acc 10 10
Eli Williams, assessor 124 00
J G Porter, assessor's acc '. 90 00
Anna Williams " . " 40 00
C E Ramsby " " 40 00
T J Harkenrider " " 3 00
Van R Hyde, plat work 90 00
F W Green man 90 00
LE Williams 75 00
BFLinn, lumber 497 00
JusticeCourt for District No. 4
State vs Charles Sullivan.
J W McAnulty, J P 3 20
II S Moody, constable 4 00
Justice Court, District No. 4
State vsCENash.
W McAnulty, J P 9 10
IIS Moody, constable . .' 9 10
JN Howlett, witness 170
Frank Nash, witness 1 70
George Wilson, witness 170
Henry Wilson, witness 1 70
Thomas B Hankins, witness. ... 1 70
J W May, juror 1 20
W J Rauch, " 1 40
J G Porter " 1 40
F M Darliug " 1 20
EOMaddock" 1 20
F M Cramer " 1 60
Posting Tax Notices
Cicero Larkins 33 00
S J Garrison.................. 18 00
W H Engle 21 00
F M Mathews ' 9 00
Ina M Chase, sheriff's acc 39 00
Ednetta Chase sheriff's cc .. 18 00
Imogen Harding ' " ?. " .'. . . 18 00
Ina M Chase, clerk's acc. . .. .... 6 00
Good Samaritan Hospital, pau acc ' 32 00
J C Zinser, school supt 16 20
J J Cooke, sheriff acc 16 20
JM Mark, e h acc 5 00
Joel Jarl, road acc. . .. . .. ....... 24 80
Straus & Lennartz, lumber...... 150 00
D R Dimick, sheriff's acc 2 50
T B Hankins, posting tax notices 11 00
M N Bacon, clerk's acc , ..... 19 TO
JR Morton,' com.... 20 00
John Lewellen, com 27 20
TB Killin. com 22 50
John W Meldrum,- Co surveyor 21 00
W H Johnson, tax notices ; 18 00
George C Brownell, defending
Polk 15 00
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
F Schatz to II Saffron, b of swj
of sec 60, 2, 1 e.'. 2400
O C R R Co to A Oschatz, n of se
of Bee 29,3, 5e....... 280
Bolton Land Co to O Fosberg, lot 5
in blk 28, and 6 in 22, Bolton.... 260
W H Bohna to F L Bates, s.i of
w of of ow of sec 2, 2, 2 e 800
B S Bonney to T E Kimsey, ne of
sec 12. 7, 2e 1250
H F Kayler to Wra Mackerell, lot
12, tract 1, Molalla 145
R A Robbins to N C Johnson, 60 as
off north end of w) of nw of sec
34,5, 7e ; 950
J W Jackson to J B Harding, w y2
of sw and se of of sw, sec 31, 5, 3
e 650
II Tarftfeet to M Tautfest, 4 us in
sec 31, 3, 1 w 75
M Bowman to J O Bowman, e4 of
nej and w) of nw of eec 12, 2,
4e : 1
S Finger to F J Finger, 42 as in II
Campbell elm in 2, 2e 3075
L M'lutz to L A Charman, part blk
3, Darling's Add 300
A J Shumway to FL Shumway, 60
as in Wadsworth elm. . 1800
II A Vorpahl to J Sims,lots 3, 4, in
in blk 14, Sin.e add to Barlows 450
II L Stratton to J Reddaway, lots
3 and 10 in blk 23, Falls View, 500
C D Robeson to M Birchit, 78J4 as
in sec 6, 6, 1 e 1500
S Adkins to L G Riggs, ne of sw
of sec 72, 4, 1 e 650
T P Randall to L Rigler, lots 3 and
4, blk 55, OO 62 75
Fortune Smiles on Them .
We have received personal and un
questionable information from the east
that "A Wise Woman" is making the
strongest kind of a hit and has been do
ing an enormous business. Since the
day it was started the management have
been digging out and adding to it with
out an equal in its line.
"Fortwojears all efforts to cure Ec
zema in the palms of my hands failed,"
writes Editor II. N. Lester, of Syracuse,
Kan., "then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's Arnica Salve." It's the
world's best for Eruptions, Sores and
all skin diseases. Only 25c at G. A.
"Two years ago jny hair was
falling out badly. I purchased a
bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and
soon my hair stopped coming out."
Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111.
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair, but that is
no reason why you must
go through life with half
starved hair. If you want
long, thick hair, feed it
with Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and make it rich, dark,
and heavy.
' $1.00 a bottle. All druggists.
If your druggist cannot supply you,
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. He sure and give the name
of your nearest express olhce. Address,
J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass.
When things are "the best" they be
come "Hie best pelling." Abraham
Hare, the leading druggist, of Bellevue,
O., w ites: "'Electric Bittersare the best
selling bitters I have handled in 20
ve.u8." You know why? Most diseases
l?gin in disorders of stomach, liver, kid
neys, bowels, blood and nerves. Elec
tric Bitters tones up the stomach, regu
lates liver, kidneys and bowels, puri
fies the blood, strengthens the nerves,
hence cure multitudes of maladies. It
builds up llie entire system. Puts new
ife and vigor into any weak, sickly, run
down man or woman. Price 50 cents.
Sold by G. A. Harding, druggii-t.
WThen you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meal:! at the Royal Restaurant,
First and Madison. They swe an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price ; a good
square meal, 15c.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deatness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucuous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling Bound ot
imperfect hearing, and wheu it is en
tirely closed Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can he
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal conilitioii, hearing will be re
srtoyed forever; nine cases out of ten
are caused by catarrh, which is nothing
bjt an inflamed condition of the mucous
We will givo One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circnlars, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills aro best.
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent '
Cure In All Cases
There is nothing like Asthmalene.
It brings instnnt rolief, even in the worst esses. It
cures when all else fail.
The Kev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa IUdge, Til., says:
"Your trial bottle oi Asthmalene received in good'
condition . I cannot tell you how thankful I feet for
the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I de
spaired of ever being oured. I Raw your advertise
ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a t rial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send m
a full-size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler
Rabbi of the Cong. Bnal Israel.
New York, Jan. 3, 1901.
Dks.Tjift Bros.' Medicinb Co
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an excellent rem
edy lor Asthma and Hay J'ever, and its composition
allveiates all troubles which combine with Asthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hav
ing It carefully anal zed, we-can state that Asthma
lene contains no plum, morphine, cliloform nor
ether. Very truly yours,
Trial bottle sent absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED
ICINE CO., 79 East (3cth St. New
York City.
Chickering Piano
The etiteniri?m citizens of Orenon
City have purchased a $Gjl) Chickering
i'uino ana will on January s-, vjoj, give
it to the organization or .crson receiv
ing t.-o greatest, number ot voles. ' The
insl nimeiit, mid ballot box am on exhi
bition at Hurmeii-ter & Andicsen's jew
elry S'.oif, wnere i tie o noin are counieu
every Wednesday evening and the result
published in tho Courier-Herald. The
o licial halloia are WHITE and are
printed by the Conner-Herald and is
sued Fit ICE bv the following merchants
with every 10-cent purchase:
li. freytag, groceries
V. Harris, groceries
Schrewe '& Vernum, meats
Brunswick Restaurant
Burmeisier .t Andiesen, jewelry
Charman fc Co., drugs.
Courier-1 lerald, printing
Moo e's Pharmacy
Welsh's Candy Slore
Ued lrront, general merchandise
I. Selling,
F. T. 1'arlow, groceries
J . M. Price, clothing
P. O. Cigar Store
Pope & Co., hardware
A. Robertson, groceries
Kly llros., general merchandise
G. A. Harding, drugs
J. V. Ulaney, meats
G. Uosenstein, clothing
W. L. Block, houseluinisher
Kozy Kantly Kitchen i
P. 0i. Shark, barber, confectinery
II. Schrader, bakery
Mrs. Ueute, ladies' furnishing goods.
Fa. T I
iMMMM Star
lias ball bearings in turn table. Turns freely to
the wind. Hall bearing llinist In wheel, insur
ing. lightest running qualities, and iescrving
Kieaiest amount of power for pumping. Gai
Vrtiiiid alter making, rut together witli Kalvau
ixeil bolls, double nulled, no pari call rust or got
loose aiut ralile. Weight regulator; perfoct reg
ulation. No spring lo change tonulon with every
change of temperature, and grow weaker with
age. Uepaiis always on baud. I liese things aro
worth money to you. Then why not buy a Slat
Mithell, Lewis & Staver Co
Portland, Oregon.
You Know What You Are Taking
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
form. No Cure, No pay. 50c.
Oregon City
Second-Hand & Junk Store
Highest Prices Paid for Second-Hand
Goods, Hides, Junks, Metals of all
Kinds, Etc.
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Goldstone, Sugarman & Co.
the Place
to Savt Money
Wrd Stmt
Triday, fiovemfar I5tb
40 to 50 per cent
Half price for goods at a needed
time seems too good to be trus.
But a trip to the store vy 111 cast away
all shadows of doubt and show you a
money-saving place for future trading.
Phone Chy 965
I have purchased the well-known stock of John Cran's at about 50 cents on the
dollar, which will soM in s?me proportions. All who buy here this week-buy first
class Diy Goods, Gent's Furnishings, etc., at 40 to 50 per. cent less than elsewhere
So read every word as carefully as you would a will that told you of a heritage
the Place
to Savt Money
third Street
Friday, llovemher 15th
' - 40 to 50 per cent
The store puts on its gala attire
and bids all welcome to its formal,
yet informal, opening. This is para
doxical, but it U the only way of
saying we're at home to our hund
reds of friends.
18c instead of 30 to 35c. Taffetas, sat
ins, silks, etripes, checks, etc All the
new style colors. While they last,
18c per yard
School Handkerchiefs
Fine hemstitched borders, regular Be
kinds, elsewhcie
3 for 5c
In fan I a' wool
All sizos regular 35c sort at any store,
to goat
19c eacb
A fine lot with pood etli;c, both w ide
and narrow, would Bell readily at "0 to
25c, but wo"ll Bell them quick. Yours
121c yard
We could occupy four times the space
we now have it we attempted to toll you
half of the special barg.tins we have
waiting' for you. The main thing now is
to got clerks to wait on you. Twenty
good, experienced clerks wanted at once
to prepare for the greatest sale that ever
took place in rorimmi.
Ten-quarter cotton
Call and see thorn early. Only
20c each
Good crash
18 inches wide, sold any whore at 5c a
yard, to go at
22c yard
Damask pattern
A good 12,' Jc grade in most Btores, to
go at
Gic yard
Marked for quick selling. Fine steel
mils, paragon frames, good gloria lops,
regular $2.50 Grade for N
A good SO-ini'h
Regular 30c grade in black only, to
I9c yard
In all colors, sponged and shiunk 42
inches wide, regular value atfl.-'o, to
go at
87c yard
Ladies' fine ,
At half price. A large-size, good qual
ity, 15c sort, at
7ic each
Such as you pay elsewhere 75c to $1
While they last at
43c eaco
Ladies' fancy
In stripes, drop stitch and chocolate.
Regular 25e to 35c, aud we won't Btop to
assort them. All at
121c pair
Ladies' .black
Fine seamless black hose, fast dyes,
well-shaped at
3 for 25c
Instead of 15c each.
Only 50 ladies' black
In plain and pebble cheviots, usually
sold at $5 to $6. Come early and get
one for
A ft lend asked me why on earth we
did it ; just because we could.
Shirt Waists
A special lot in all warranted colors
and designs. Regular 85c to $1, and we
won t stop to assort them. At
39c apiece
Ladiea' tleece
Fine ribbed, natural gray, usual 45c
to 50c sort, to go at
17c each
Men's white
Worth 10c each, to go for
3 for 10c
At $2.69
Instead of $5. A find lot of rainy-day
skirts, such as you usually pay $5 for;
$2 09 while they last. But you'll have
to hurry.
American silk
Well worth $1.50, in red, blues, magen
tas and blacks. They're yours for
59c each
Eut don't delay.
Fur Boas and
At prices never before heard of. A visit
to this department upstairs will save you
manv dollars and set you wondering Uow
on earth we do business.
Men's blue
Well made and riveted, such as you
usually pay 50c for, going at
25c apiece
Boys' blue
Riveted and well made, same as sold
elsewhere at 35c. While tliev last at
Petticoats at Half
A fine lot of JRoman Btripod, with
double rullle, well made. Plain ones as
You pay 39c and take your
Coats, Capes
and Jackets
At attractive prices. Call and Bee them
before purchasing elsewhere. Itmeana
a saving
Ladies' wool s
In any wanted color, usual 25c and 35c
sort, to go at
17c each
Men's fleece-lined
Shirts or Drawers
Usually sold at 50c. Vicuna or grays,
go ai
27c each!
Men's fine all wool
In natural wool that Bells elsewhere at
$1.50 to $1.75, to go at '
98c each
Men's fine
Such as you've paid many times 35centr
for, to go for
A rare chance
Men's Shirts -
We shall be "run out" of these special
shirts at about half price, by Saturday
night, or the sun will set in the West.
There are four sorts of shirts in this
collection: Regular 60c grade at 29c;
regular 75c grade at 43c J regular $1 grade
at 57c; regular $1.25 grade at 69c
Men's winter
Ribbed plain or fleece-lined, worth
75c. While they last, at
39c apiece
Men's Maco fine cotton
Black or colors, worth 10c
2 for 10c
Puff ties, string
Club bands, bows aud four-in-hands
worth 50c, all to go at
19c apieca