Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 22, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Feed Stable
Finest.Turnbuts in City
Livery Feed and ISale Stables
Nearly opposite Suspenpion bridge
First-Class Rigs of All Kinds
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a S?3cialty
Opposite Caufleid Bloik OEEGON CITY
Will give you a .
Bargain in Wall Paper
Wall Tinting and In
General House . Painting
Paint Shop near Depot Hotel'
Daily Round Trips, except Sunday '
Leave Portland T A,
Leave Astoria 7 P.
Between Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points
Leave Portland, Tues , Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M
Arrive The Dalles, same day 5 P. M
Leave " Sun . Wed. and Frl 7 A. M
Arrive Portland, same day 4 P. M.
WSundny Trips a Leadlug Feature
MMfThis Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac
tions on Earth
Landing and office, Foot Alder Street
J. C. WYATT, Act., Vancouver
W0LF0R0 &, WYERS.Agts., White Salmon
PRATHER & BARNES, Aots., Hood River
JOHN M. FILLOON, Agt., The Dalles
A, J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria
E. W. CRICHTON, Afjt., Portland
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
, Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at wy points on both Bides of the
coiumDia river.
Bi, nf 11 pubove stremtra have been r til
and are in excellent shape for the season oil' 00
The Keenlator Line win enaeavor to givena
patrons the best service possible.
Vn rnmfort. Economy and Pleaanre
travel by the steamers of Ihu .Regulator
Tta'hnvA.tfiiTnrfllftYa Portland7a. m.and
Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destination in ample
time for outeoirg trains.
Portland Office. The Dlles Office
Oak St. I'ocsv CourtStreet,
General Agen
w. ii.
Livery 1
and Union Pacific
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
9:00 a. rn.
9:00 p. m.
6;;0 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full Information call on or address nearest
0. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CHAIG, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
i Swedish
: Asthma
I Cure.
I Asthma
I Hay Fever
Cronchia Trouble:
For Sale by
Oregon City, Oregon
Today take Foley's Honey and Tar. It
positively prevents pneumonia, or other
serious results Irom colds. It may be
too late tomorrow. Charman & Co.
MlifA Mini rc
WmY Manv stvlea. Sold I" - '2
where. j
v 4Srew -mil
la the Citcull Oourt of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas.
Clara Blanche Blanchet, 1
vs. ?
Lou's Jeinbaptist Bteuchet,
To Louis Jianbaptist Blanchet, (a'd dif indant.
Tn the name of the state of Oregon, you are
heteby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the ?lst day of December, 1901, and
if vou fail to 80 answer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for
a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrt-
mony now existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and for Buch other relief as shall seem
meet anu proper ,
This summons is ordered published in the Ore
gon City Courier-Herald for the period of six
weeks from date of first publication thereof such
order being made by the Hon. Thomas F. Ryan,
Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon,
for the county of Olackamas, on the, 11th day of
November, l'JOl.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
rirrt publication November 15th, 1901.
In the Circuit Court of the Stiteof Oregon, for
the County of Clackamis.
M. E. McOarvor andW. A. Holmes,
Administrator of the Estate of R. L. ' ,
Russell, Deceased,
Haintlift. :
Olram E.Stralght, William X. Straight,
Margaret Urala and Grata, her
husband, Jacob Straight. James
Straight, John Straight, Hiram E. ,
E. Straight, administrator of Hiram
Straight, 1 eccased, , ,
D( fendants.
To Jacob Straight. Jamei Straight,
Gratz, and ( r nz, her husbanl, and
you, said defendants. ,
111 thei name of the State of Oregon;
hir'ahv rpntiired to anuear and answer
each of
You are
the com
nlalnt filed against yon In the above entitled
suit on or before the 1ml day prescribed ill the
order for publication of this summons which is
Bin weeks from the day of publication whereof
which date of publication Is November 8th, 1901,
and yon will take notice that if you fail so to ap
pear and answer the oomplaint Sled against you
herein on or before said last day of said time
prosoribed in said order, the plaintiffs will apply
to the oourt for the relief demanded In the com
plaint herein to with the foreclosure of certain
mortgages covering ioi i, z, o, , o, i aim o i
Block 71, of Oregon City, Oregon, and plaintiff
will annlv for such other and further relief as is
Just in the premises.
1 1 1 MB summons IB puunsiieu vj uruer m iuo nun.
T. A. JdcBride, Judge of said Court, upon applica
tion of plaintiffs hereln.whlch order Is duly made
and entered in said oourt November 8th, 1901.
C. D. and D. C. LATOUKKl is,
! Attorneys foi Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Clackamas.
Minnie Narjot, 1
Ernest Narjot,
To Ernett Narjot, said defendant.
In the name o'. the State of Oregon,
you are hereb required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 6th day of December, 1901, and if
"ou fail to eo answer, for want thereof
the Dlaintiff will apply to the above en
titled court for a decree forever dtssolv-
ie the boads of matrimony now exist
'air between the plaintiff and defendant.
and for such other relief as shall seem
meet and proper.
This summons is ordered published
in the Oreeon City Courier-Herald for
the period of six weeks from date of first
.lublicption thereof such order being
made by the Hon. Thomas t, Kyan
Judge of the county court of the stpte of
Oregon, for the county ot uiackamas, on
the Slat day ot Uctober, luoi.
J. J. Fitzgerald,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication. November 1,1901.
la the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
Alice V. SisV,
Jeiry Sisk,
To Jerry Sisk, defendan'.
In the name of the state of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the sixth day of December, 1901, which
is six weeks after the 25th day of Octo
ber, 1901, the date ordered for the first
publication of this summons; and if
you fail to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded 'n her complaint filed
hereio, to-wit:
For a decree from this court dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore
existing between plaint'ffand defendant,
on the ground of cruel and inhuman
treatment of the plaintiff by the defend
ant. S.8. Gillebp.e,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby eiven that Albert
Lacey, executor of the estate of Leonova
fclizabeth Lacey, deceased, has rendered
and presented for final settlement his
tinal account o! hiu administration of
said estate and has filed the same with
the clerk of the county court of Clacka
mas county, state of Oreeon, and that
Monday, December 2nd, 1901. at JO
o'clock a. m., has been set by the county
judge of said county for the hearing of
said final report at the court house, in
Oregon City, in said county and Btate,
and lor hearing objections to said report
if any there be. All persons interested
in said estate are hereby notified then
and there to appear and show cause, if
any there be, why said final account
should not be allowed and approved and
said executor discharged.
Albert Lacey,
... Exacutor of the Estate of
'. " Leonora Elizabeth Lacev.
Robert A. Miller, Attorney for Estate.
'Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed administra
tor of the the estate of Fiancis Marion
Pickard, deceased, by the county court
of the state of Oregon, for the counly of
Clackamas. AH persons having claims
against said deceased are required to
present same, with the necessary vouch
era, Within six aonths from the date
'hereof to tht undersigned at the office
of B. M. Smith, Room -2, Ainsworth
Building, Third and Oak streels, in the
city of Portland, Multnomah county,
Slate ol Uregon.
H. S. Harcouut,
Dated at Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22,1901.
, to cuke; a cold
Stop coughing, as it irritates the lung?,
and gives them no chance to heal. , to
ley's Honey and Tar curea without caus'
ing a strain in throwing off the phlegm
like Common cough expectorants. Char
man & Co.
Women andleweils.
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman, .hven that great
est of all jewels, health, is often ruined
in the strenuous efforts to make or save
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will nek her life to get a coveted
gem, then let her forlify herself against
the lnsiduous consequences ot coughs,
colds and .bronchial affections by the
regular use ,of Dr. Boauhee'a German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stages and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread disease from the system.
it is not a cure-all, but it is a certain
cure for cougliB, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at George A. Hard
ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac.
George A. Points, Upper Sandusky,
O., writes: 'I haye been using Foley's
Honey and Tar for hoareeness and find
it the best remedy ever tried. It stopped
the cough immediately and relieved all
soreness." Take none but Foley's,
Charman & Co.
Adolph Bluner, Grand Mound, la.,
writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and
Tar in my family and think it is the
best cough cure on the market. I would
not be without it in my home, as there
is nothing so good for cough and colds.
Charman & Co.
Big valuta In ready-to-wear hale. Miss
Guaranteed to be the best Sulky Plow
in the world. This is a broad statement.
but we stand ready to prove it in the
neia with any plow made.
)drSED fob special catalogue.
Mitchell.Lewis & Staver Co
Continued from page 1.
- Tuesday, November 19.
For The new Hay-raunce-
Nicaraguan fote treaty was signed
Canal. today et 12:05 by Seere-
. tary'llay, for the Unitud
States, and Lord rnuncofote, the British
Ambassador, for Great Britain. This
treaty is intended to replace the first
llav-L'auncelote treatv. lhat conven-
vention was amended so extensively by
the United States senate at the last ses
sion that the British government de
clined to ratify it. Within a few weeks
negotiations began afresh between Sec
retary Hay and Lord Pauncefote, which
nave just resulted in the signature ot the
new treaty, drawn with special refer
ence to the objections with the first
treaty. From a due senaeof the cour
tesy which must be observed towards
the United States senate wherever a
treaty is oncerned, the ttate depart
ments estopped from making public the
text of the new convention, anil that will
remain secret until the senate itself shall
break the seal of confidence.
Twenty-seven canyaiBing committees
appointed at Portland to raise money for
the Lewis & Clark exposition.
Fears are again entertained that the
Pope is nearing his end
Anothei letter has been received from
Miss btone, the captive missionary.
Long captivity has somewhat affected
her health, but she expresses hope that
she will b9 released. .
There was a hot tfme in tin French
chamber of deputies. One member was
expelled and the session suspended . '
. The circuit court of Marion c mnty has
deefded that the county ofllccrb books
shall be exported, , -s
Wednesday, November 20.
"John" Hay was the principal speaker
at the New York Chamber of Commerce
dinner. -
The national reciprocity convention
opeened at Washington yesterday.
Diokinson has located Miea Stone, and
asks Bulgarian troops to rescue her.
The Metropolitan . bank of Tacoma
closes its doors.
' , Astoria Federation of Labor asks Ore
gon delegation to work tor re-enactmout
of Geary Chinese exclusion act .
Portland lias shipped 10,000,090 bush
els of wheat in the last 10 months.
Thdrsday, November 21.
Smothered What is likely to prove
By the most disastrous ac-
Gas. cident that has ever oc
curred in a mine in Colo
rado took .place at Telluride today.
The fire started from a defective fluo in
the bunk house at the mouth of the tun
null, and vuickly communicated to the
other buildings in the mouth of the tun
nel. The dense cmoke from the burn'
ing converter-houeo, which was satu
rated with oil, began pouring into the
tannel, which with the shafts of the
mine, acted as a chimney. Jt is impos-
ible to give even an approximate esti
mate the loss of lifo, but it is believed
to be about 100.
Aguinaldo wants to plead his cause
efore congress. ,
Lot Q. Swetland, who was chief dep
uty, has beer appointed county clerk of
Mnltnomah county. -
Doubt regarding big railroad combine
has a distressing effect on Wall street.
Marines in Samar scaled a cliff and
destroyed three camps, killing 20 rebels.
Great reduction In prices in all millin
ery. Miss uoiu8mun.
Truth and Justice Prevail.
The following paragraph is taken from
the icsue of this pnper"August23, 1901,"
which eminateu from the diecorded
brains of certain individuals who mag'
querade as members of Meade Post No.
2. For the good of the Q. A. R. the
same is re-published, which reads as
follows, to-wit:
"The charter of John Gibbon Post,
No. 78, Department of Oregon, Grand
Army of Republic, having been annulled
on June 20, l'JUi, by Department Coin
mander A. J. Goodbrod, with tho con
sent of the council of administration,
and the same having been approved by
Leo Raasieur, commander-in-chief, U.
A. R., on July 31, 1UJ1, under section
5, article l.of chapter 5, rules ami regu
lations, John Gibbon Post, No. 78, De
partment ol Oregon, G. A. R., is hereby
dropped from the rolls of this depart
ment, and all comrades ol said John Gib
bon Post, No. 78, who were in good
standing on June 2. 1901, will be
granted cards upon application to those
The paragraph following eminated
from Gibbon Post No. 78, as to the truth
and veracity of the allegiations of the
former paragraph. For the good of the
organization the same is herewith re
produced lest the prediction be denied
by the all-wise, the same is reprinted to
put at rest the troubled minds of the in
dividuals ever striving to overthrow
'Jibbon Poet, to-wit: ,
The prefent condition of John Gibbon
Post, No. 78, is due to the dastardly con
duct of certain eelf-constiluted arc lights
of Meade Poat, No. 2, through that, by
falaa ami loranroaan t n 1 1 nn a km 1 1l
I out, nnt.ii-fl.wliftlevpr. simppodml rn iiimnll
the charter of Gibbon Post. This,. how
ever, is only temporary and of Bhort
duration, as the near future will piove.
Whoever furnished information for
publication, or otherwise, "that the
members of said Gibbon' PoEt will ever
join or unite with Meade Post," are
liars, and like unto tho arch plaintiffs
in the false and pretended controversy
alleged to havp h i en i lnre.
Paragraph':." doiUit s all the pro
ceedings brouiu by Meado Post against
Gibbon Pct to he fal iiull aud void.
Whereupon aprars tho members of
John Gibbun Post No. 8, were not
driven back from the "fire line" by the
"Indian war whoop," of Meade Tost, or
driven back by the stuffed blue clothes
loaded loaded down with unearned brass
buttons, iunadulterati'd gall and false
hoods, proof Of THE OOKRECT DOBitiOll
takenjby Gibbon Post is diBtlosed by the
following General Order No. 4, Depart
ment of Oregon, which shows for iteeif,
Headquarters, Depirtment of Oregon.
Grand Army of tho Republic,
Portland, Or., Nov. a, 1901.
General Orders )
No. 4. . v f
In accordance with the orders of the
Commander-in Chief of the Grand
Army of the Republic, dated Minnoapo
lis, Minn., October 29, 1901, paragraph
1, General Orders No, current series '
fiom these Headquarters, annulling the
charter of, aud dropping from the rolls
of this Department, John Gibbon Tost,
No. 78, .is annulled, and that PoBtis
hereby restored to the rolls of this De
partment, and re-inBtated in all the
rights, powers and privileges which it
enjoyed prior to the commencement of
the proceedings taken against it.
By Command of J. A, Sladen, Depart-
ment Commander.
J. E. Mayo,
Assislant Adjutant General.
. Gibbon Post will hold a meeting at
Seventh Street hall Nov. 22, at 1 :30 p.
S. Thomas, Commander.
Answer to Mr. Scott.
Picking up the Weekly Oregonian of
November 15th, I glanced at the editor
ial page and read the following, the first
paragraph in the first column: "The
funeral of a few footpads would he very
fitting as a Thinksgiving day celebra
tion." I think the la v considers it a misda.
mearior for one man to threaten the life
o( another, and perhaps no dav in the
whole calendar is a day of such general
gladness and (easting as Thanksgiving.
let, nereis an editor of the graitest
paper published in the state, fulling
everybody that "The funeral of a few
lootpads would bo very fitting as a
lhanksgiving day celebration."
I wonder if Mr. Scott realizes (liede-
grading immorality of that sentence, t
1 wonder il Mr. Scott realizes the
mighty influeuco he has possessed, and
which has been used to help croatu the
present classes of society, where some
are enormously rich, and others "Have
not where to lay tneir heads."
I wonder if Mr. S:ott knows
the republican paity carae into power
there were r o tramps in the United
Stales, and when the great armies who
iougnt tne battles in the Civil War were
disbanded, still no tramps.
woes ivir. ucott realize the fact lhat if
men are refponsihle for the result of
their actions, that tho republican party
cannot be entirely guiltless of the crimes
committed by footpad.
I wonder if Mr. (-cott's lovo for his
family, and desiie to have a pure influ
ence surround his children(if they were
young in ye:rs and opinions unformed)
would rot lead him to forever banish
from his home, a paper that contained
such a brutal and inhuman editorial
paragraph as that quoted Hbove.
Clackamas County, Or. "
Sue "A WU
Nvember 29th.
Wouan," Sliively'8
Any of our readers wanting light,
highly profitable employment, "should
send llic lo the JOclu Novelty Co., iicho,
New York, for one of their Engraved
Novelty Show Card Signs (llxUj. Cat
alogue and ternis lo agents. L'xcluaivn
territory g hen, --xt-am ,a. j