OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER & 1901 fainting, smothering, palpita tion, pain in left side, shortness of breath, irregular or intermit tent pulse and retarded circula tion all come from a weak or defective heart. Overcome these faults by building up the heart-muscles and making the heart-nerves strong and vigor ous. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is the remedy to use. It is the best. "I would have epella when I would get weak and faint and my heart would eeem to stop beat ing, then it would beat very hard. I began taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and when I had used twelve bottles my heart was all right." Mes. J. L. Taylor, Owensboro, ity. D. Mifes' Heai?t Cvve is a heart and blood tonic of unequaled power and never faita to benefit if taken in time. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miler Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. liSeymoiir Webb, Moira, N. Y., writees "I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty.five years and had tried sev eral phyeicianB but received no relief un til I bought a bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles I w;b ab solutely cured. I earnestly recommend Foley's Kidney Cure. Take only Fo ley's. Charman & Co. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build np the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no . known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. io, 25, 50 Cents io C . G HUNTLEY, Dugglst Oregen City, Oregtn Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar 's Cathartic Confi ections The only harmless, vegetable, towel regulator, and liver vitalizer known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. JO, 25, 50 cents. C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon CI) m o m Subtle gFoe M 1 'yspi'ivsiu is unrecognized lu hull" tlio r.wes. It deci'ivea the unknowing siiflforor. Its many variations work along the woaki-st linos of tho syptem. To battle Against only one of them is vain. ()ur bookltt explains its symp toms. Our lysHiiaTubli'tsgive complete ami lusting relief. r ? Q U til O o li m it GILES' 8 DyspepsiaTablets k 10c, ?5C. l 259 AND 60c. J C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon SOCIAL EVENTS. Weildlng Anniversary and Other Functions. TUB CHARMAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Nearly 100 people gave Mr. and Mrs. T. Leonard. Charman a surprise party Monday evening in honor of their tin or tenth wedding anniversary. It was a very enjoyable gathering, the parlors being filled with a merry crowd. Mr. Thomas F. Ryan was declared to be the winner in the liramrv i-..ntut. tq cream and cake were served. Mrs H. U. btevens and Mrs. C. H. CauStld were the leaders in planning the event. Those present were : Mr. and Mrs. O. R Mnnrsi C and Mrs. M. D; Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Caufield, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Caufield, Mr. and Mrs. YV. H. nuvveu, bit, ami Mrs. liiram Srraight, Mr. and Mr K. m,u.m.n m. - VISUAUJUU A'J A . and Mrs. O. E. A. Freytag, Eev. and rars. c. o. Bollinger, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Stevens. Mr. and Mm r. r. p ser, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Koake, Mr. and .virs. nam itoaKe, jur. ami Mrs. W. P. liawley, Mr, and Mrs. K. H. Gabbert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Luelling, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Dye, Mr. aud Mrs. Robfrt War ner, Mr. and Mrs. O. Deute,. Mr. and Mrs. George A. ilardinp, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White, Mr. and Mrs.' G. W. Chnreh, Mr. and Mrs. John MuGetcbie, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Mark, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Drenser, Mrs. and Mrs. O. Wiseineer. of MilwnniHa. m ,.,,,1711,0 Charles Albright, Mr. and Mrs. R. L Holrnau, Mr. and Mrs. H L. Kelly: j.icBimiiiuB juavui f auneiu, KoberHJau- Held. 0. D. LHtnil rwl.fu ki,.har,l Vm- tHLT. D. H. (iltlHfl Thnmil IV'ornnM J. W. Norris, Sarah M. McCown, E. w. unrmeister, Wiiiiam Andreeeei, O. N. HrMnnun Tillio Ul,n.rl n Schuebel, L. V. Smith, of Portland; 0. v. uivens, rsmcKloot, Idaho; Ross Charman j Miss Olire Luelling, H D. Wilcox! Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan, Mrs. F. F. White. Mr. and Mrs. Charman were fairly lqadtd down with tin and granite ware. BIRTHDAY PARTV. A very "pleasant birthday party was given Glen Hankins at his home List SatUrdaV afr.Arnrtnn in hnnnl nf Ma aair- enth birthday.. Games and refresh ments was the order of, the afternoon. The little host received a number of presents from his young friends. Those preeent were: Andrew Koeiner, Ray Welch, Albert Eaten, Glen Gront, Helen and Harlees Ely, Ernest New man, Rosa Juxtin, George Seherartz, E.rlOarnco, Eifie Newman and Glen Hankins. The Native Sons had a ve-iy success ful social dance at tho armory Friday night. Much of the success of the af fair was due to the efforts of J. W. Kelly. Mies Elma Albright will give a dime Bocial tonight for the benefit of the Sat urday Club. , The Ewworth League gave a recep tion to the city Endeavor societies and Y. M. A 0., last night. 'Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form," Bays Elder John vv, llorevs, a Christian Evangel int. of Fil ley, Mo. "1 pave her a few ilona of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and in a short liiiie all danger was pasl and the child recovered." This remedy not only cures crop, but when given as soon as the first symptoms appear, will prevent the attack. Jt contains no opium or other harmful eubstance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale, by G. A. Hard ing. LOCAL SUMMARY . Bin Millinery Sale. Miss Celia GjI d smith. Use Red Line Cough Cure, 25 and 50c; guaranteed by Charman & Co. In order to reduce our stock we have -made a Great Reduction in prices on all millinery goods. Miss Goldsmith. 4J had of ewes to be let out on shares to responsible partieB. George Brock art, Needy, Or. Key fitting, lock work aud saw filing at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op posite Electric hotel. Satisfaction guar antied. Lost, Oct. 20th, 1901, between Oregon City and Molalla, u account book be longing to 8. A. 1). Ilnngate. It is four inches wide, eight inches long, with leatl er backs. Finder will please leave at four e.'-IIeia'd ollice. and receive re ward. The Racket Store will give away a sewing machine Christmas. Chance with eery 10-cent purchase. Our Headache Tablets go on curing some one every day ; better try a box at 25 cents than to suffer. No cure, no pay. C. G. Huntley, For Fruit Trees, flowers, etc., apply to I" LeMahieu, Oregon City. Hot soda at tho Kozy Kandy Kitchen, The Oregon City boats now make three trips daily to Portland and re turn, and the time card has bees changed as follows : Leave Oregon City at foot of eighth street, 7 a. m. ; 11 a. m.j 3 p. m Leave Portland at foot of Taylor street, 9 a. m. j 1 p. m. ; 5 p. m. The boats are roomy, and the scenery can be viewed from comfortably seated and lighted cabins, while the pur ser and otlicers are clever and atten tive. A delicious morsel in the musical farce, "A Wise Woman," is the intro duction of a quaintly ineloc'ions South ern "crooning" song and lullaby. The music of this number is said to be ex tremely catchy and easy to remember, and so popular docs it immediately be come that is whistled and bummed by all tho small boys, and by many of the big ones wherever the play is produced. Clearance Sale of new stock of boys and men's hats and millinery at Red Frout Store. To Trade -100 acres of land six milts south of Oregon City ; timber enough to pay for place; running water, orchard, about 10 acres cleared. Will trade for Oregon City or Portland improved prop erty. Inquire at Comier-Herald otlioe. Try the new candy kitchen opposite Barlow's grocery. o uCm Tb'ni A . Bears tU ? Ycu Have Atwaw BonjU Viola. ' . - Sevier & Hicinbothem have now the most of the sawmill moved out here from Mulino. It is hoped they will get it in order by December 30th, as a great number of the farmers want lum ber. John Lovelace is moving his goods to Sprmgwater, and he will run an opposi tion to Will Luelling, whobas a good stock of goods. There will be stock of goods put in here soon, and we wi'l not Oh left out in the cold as Viola is bound to go right along just the same. We would now suggest to the people of Redland, Viola and vicinity it would be tbeir chance to get a creamery here as no doubt the power could be gotten at the sawmill to run all the necessary machinery for a creamery, and the loca tion is fine for a creamery. Wake up, and see what can be done. Our 'county court should now let a contract to Sevier & Hicinbothem for plank to finiBh the Logan and Spring water road from the Stone place to Tracy's. They are all well situated and can no doubt fui nish it at a lower figure than any one else. Give them a chance. We note in the Courier-Herald of a company forme 1 to run logs down the Clackamas river, which is a good scheme. What is the matter with Clear Creek? We have lots of wood, ties, electric light poles, cedar and fir logs that could be run out with a few. drifts removed. Clear Creek is better than hundreds of streams we know of to run logs into in order to drive in high banks ami not any sloughs to contend with. J. O. Brown has Bold his farm to Mrs. SelmaOlsen, who came here last sum mer from Seattle to make her home with her Bister, Mrs. J. A. Randolph. Mr. Brown has bought his father's place at Lebanon, and will move there in the spring. Kev. li.xon.iB holding a revival at Do ver. Redland. The young people of this place had a partv at Mr. and Mrs. Aug Hubert s on Nov. 15th Everyone present bad an en joyabletime. A literary and debating society was or ganized at the Redland school house on the 15th inst. Ihe follow offi.wiin elected: Claude Stone, president; Louis runs, vice-president; ura Wilcox, sec retory; Annie Hiciibothem, treasurer; Harry Grey, eergeant-at-arme. Mr. Kamudher and family leave for rortiand this weei, where Mr. Kamus cher will start up in the feed business. T. Wolfer, of Logan, has l en ted the lretscheltsky place, known as the Cut ting .place, who will take possession aoout trie zotn mat. William Gaskell and family have ar rived from Roseburg. They expect to make this place their future home, pro viding a suitable location can be found. Rev. Dunlap, of Highland, will preach at the Redland church on November 24, at 11 0 clock a. m. All are invited to at tend. Mr. Brock has at last gotten settled in his new house. MisB Nora Austin is visiting at Mrs. riicinbothem n home. A. M. Kirchem is out for a few days, having iiiet returned from Nevada, L.F. PROBATE COURT. Judge Ryan Made Several Or deri During the Week. Robert Beihle, administrator of the eatate and will annexed, of the estate of Augusta Melcher, deceased, has pre1 sen ted his final account, and Monday, January 6th, set aa the date for hearing final objections to the same. In the matter of the adoptiou of Ora Roes, a minor, the petition of J . H. and Emma Slyter, was ordered published, and Livy Stipp was designated as guar dian ad litem during the proceedings. In the uatter of the estate of Francis M. Pickard, deceased, H. S. Harconrt administrator, the following were ap pointed appraisers: I. X. McUubbiu E. L, Arthur and John J. Oooke. In ihe matter of tho estate of Mary Leonard, deceased, Catherine Jones, ad ministratrix, January bill was set as the time for hearing objections to the final settlement. FARM FOR SALE. SiltiBtert one mile south of Needy.coutatntng 83 acres, wnn goou ouuuinga, prune orcnaru ana well wiitiriU and urnli-r koi1 stale ol cultivation. Also rauch located about i miles east ot Soda Springs, consisting of '2i acrea, with fairly good Ijuiwuiss, is au excellent sidck ranen. Thtso (il ices will bo sold cheap. For partlou' iars Inquire or auuresa A.T. COCHRAN, Administrator, Hubbard, Oro. FOR HOARENeS9, Ben. Iners'M, of Hutton, Ind., Bays he had not spoken a word above a whis per for months, and one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. Be sure you get Foley's. Charman ttCo. S'l'OPS THE COrilH AND WOllKS OFF TIIK COLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Curs no pay Trice 25 cents. THATTIIROItniNC HEADACHE. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by G. A. Hard ing, Druggist. Tlie . Host l'resoilutlon for Mnlitrltt Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. TOCUUKA COI.D IN ON K BAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on each bo. 2oe. FINAL NOTICE. Noltt'e hereby given to all whom It may con cern that the undersigned admtnislralrlx of Ihe estate of Mury Leonard, lVoeased, hai filed her tUial abcount as said administratrix, with Ihe County Court of tho County of Clackamas aud State of Oregon, and that the Hon. T. F. Ryan, Judce of said court, has set Monday, th 6th ilsy ot January, lsU, at the hour o 10 o'clock a.m., ot said day as (he time tor hearing mid rtpcrl and objections thereto, If any there be. CATHAK1SE JONFSs Atlaiinlstratrii of iha Kstate of Stary Leonard, deceased. Dated November 51t, 1901, Bring in the Babies. We will present to every baby under one year of age a fine gold ring absolutely fbkb. Bring in the baby and let us take the fin . ger measure. In ten days the ring will be ready and you can call and get it without any ex pense whatever. Huntly's Book Store OREGON CITY Roofs saved by Acme paint. George A. Hamilton, agent. TO THE FIBUO, Allow me to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I had a very severe cough and cold and feared I would get pneumonia, but after taking the second dose of this medicine 1 felt better, three bottles of it cured my cold and the pains in my client disap peared entirely. I am most respectfully yours of health, Ralph S. Meyers, 64 Thlrty-Beventn St., wheeling, V. Va. tor Bale by G. A. Harding. By Bribing the NrTe with opium a coMgh may be Btopped temporarily, but the inflammation of which the cough is a symptom goes from bad to worse. Do not waste time and money on delusive "cough mixtures." Remember that Allen s Lung Balsam does not merely put the nerves to sleep. it gets rignt down to the root of the trouble and so cures eveu deep-seated affections of the throat and lungs. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenloua Treatment br which Drunkarda are Being Cured Da'ly In Spite of Themselves. No Moxlous Dosea. Ha Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habtt. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poi on, aftd nerves completely shattered bv periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable " neutralizing ana eradicating this doisod. and destroying trie craving for intoxi cants. Butlerers may now cure them selves at home without publicitv or loss of time from business ty this wonderful "HOME UOLDCUKE" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faith ful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transforma tion of thousands of Drunkards into so ber, industrious and upright men WIVES CUKE YOUR HUSBANDS I CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATH ERS 1 1 This remedy is no sense a noa. trum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skilhully devised and pre pared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men bv having the "CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "Home GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing in reach of everybady a treatment more ef fectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by Bkilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E 594, EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 332 Market Street, Philadel phia. All correspondence strictly confl 1 ential. Bean ths i 1 1,8 I Always Bought of CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of INDOOR BASE BALL Company A vs. Y. M. C. A. AT Y. ML C. A. Gymnasium Saturday, November 23rd, at 8 p. m. Jill Invited ADMISSION lttcte. A GRAND MASQUE BALL -AT- Beaver Creek Hall -ON- Wednesday, Nov,' 27th Goood Music and a good time as sured. All invited. Tho Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and T?Jtt . sonal supervision since its infancy. CidcAwS; Allow nn nun to daceivA vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. at is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. lit contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use Foi Over 30 Years. THI eCNTMin eOMMNV, TT MUnMV (TRCKT, HEW OITV. ' THE FAIR STORE Opposite PoBtoffice t Is selling at closer figures than ever. These are a few of our i prices $975.00 Locomobile Given Jl way With every sorts, invented with A. N. Wright, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, St., Portland, Oregon, you get a ticket on the $975.00 Locomobile to be given . 0 Sonic Lucky .t Ont . X MAS goods now every day. (Juahty always the best. J7. n.wKimz, Established 1870 ! FURS! FURS! FURS!! G. P. Rummelin & Sons t Manufacturing Furriers 12G Second St., near Washington, PORTLAND, CRS. We carry a complete line of Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Collarettes, Boas, Muffs, Etc, in all the fashionable furs, Feather Boas, Etc, Robes and Rugs. Send for Fall Catalogue The Leading and Reliable k i T? PT t "on 01 " mo 11 K ,ltC -vT voua or diseases rrPIDFKF trpntrthpnsand restores w t. li BEFORE no AF1 The reiison tiftrpr re not cured by ioctnrs la becttuse nlnpty per wrt tmnb!(?! wtth Prokt4ItU. CI1 11 DKNK is th only known tpitkmIv to cure nhout nil opf rat- 1. fitmu testlninni In. A written fruuranloe ffiven and money returned if six boiefl does not etfect a peruiiUitiitcur i.OOftbox,Bixfur3,uo,by mail. iSendforrREKcircularand testlmoniala, Addresa D 4 TO L M EDICX K lO P. O. Box S076, San Francisco, CaL For Salt 1? HGEO. A. HARDING, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon If somebody slippeJ $5 into your pocket you would consider it a kimlly act. Thia is practically what we ore do ing when we offer such reductions in raillinety. Eed Front Store. D j Ml IrxJti 4 Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per- Signature of , silk flnlshed cotton, all colors, 3 for loo Side ciirnbn, 2 pair for 60 Cel l.uloid dress combo .' 7o Aluminum hair pins, per doz... 3o Tooth brushes 80 Black illk Chanttllalce,peryarrt..... 5c Cream color silk lace, 8 inches wide, per yard. 23c Torchon lane, half cent tier vard and uuward .... ... Remnants of Embroideries at remnant prlcesA Z Black cSkc'lor'd mecerized waist.iatest make $1.60 Genuine Buys' and Girls' heavy ribbed bicy cle how, only 18o Hall-wool ladies' ribbed noushriukable vests and pants 68c Cotton ladies' ribbed vest. 20o Children's ribbed underwear, sizes 16 to IS....I00 " " " sizes20to34 ... 23o Ladles' fine hemstitched bandkerohiufs, Rood value, 6 for 25o Men g cotton underwear, 24o and up en's satine and black duck oversbirts. . .400 en's Jersey, liearv weight ovarshirta. all colors 10o New and fresh from the factory. Prices correct. cue 70 W 31 aeweneit. 1 Incorporated 1899 Furriers of the Northwest f tt44t 3 MANHOOD RESTORED CUPIDENE I This Brent V.t!,h! r,cn P'H:lan, will quickly curs you ol ml ucr- ot the generative organs, such as Lost MmihoaL riuiiut iimiiiw m iu iriv, nxiiaustinK Drains, VaniwiMii ai d Constipation. It stons nil Iossps hvdnv nr ,tt.ht p. ,..,.. ;i: llfss o( discharge, wliich if nou-hw'kprt loads to SDermaturrium and rro all tie horrors ifImpotency. 'l'PIDEJ(EcleiuiaeaUielivi;r. Uia small weak oremm. Guckenhelmer Rye. Kelly & Noblitt have received a lot nf Uuckenheimer, genuine, double-starnn high proof rye whiskey. AbaolutSj