ORBGOlf C1TV COUUSt-mCRALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 221901 SOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOC i . CORRESPONDENCE osoooooeoooooooooooooooooc Molalla. Mololla ia booming, notwithstanding the near approach of winter. Fay Moody is making improvements oa his dwelling. He has removed a part of the building and has attached mother one thereto, and when com pleted it will make a decided changt in the looks of things, ggw; & Oaf Warren Gray has bought the'.Sanford property from F. 0. Perry, and has pre pared a packing house, and he is paying the highest market price for dreRed pork, lie is prepared to handle all the hogs that he can get.; EH Our harness maker, Mr. Mackrell, has bought the N. P. Kayler packing house and lot, which will extend his property to a back etreet and give him an outlet. Mr. Mackrell is doing good work with his new Landis sewing machine, and he is filling his shop with harness. The Artizan and Maccabee lodges of Molalla are preparing for a grand ti-r e on Thanksgiving. There will be a free entertainment at the Echoolhouse hall on Thanksgiving, which will commence at 10 o'clock a. m. A free dinner will be served to ah who care to come. A speaker from Portland will be present. All are in vited to come, and those who can to bring well-tilled baskets. A grand ball will he given in the evening by the afore mentioned rders . Tickets, including eupiitr, $1. Some of ti e young men of Molalla met recently and organized a dancing club. They intend to meet about twice i month and charge only enough ad nision to pay expenses. HusKell Bros, are about ready to start their new sawmill situated on the Mo alia river some six miles east of this ,)lace. Tho mill is placed in a fine body jf timber. They are experienced mill men, and will undoubtedly make a suc cess of the enterprise. There will ba a shooting match at Mo .alla on Monday Nov. 25, 1901, for tur keys. There will be both trap affd tar ;et iihoo')ting. Kverybody invited. Our fchool is progressing finely with ,'rof. Brown and MUs Harrington as ;euchers. X. Y. Z. Meadowbrook. It has been showering a little the last .'ew days. It. 1'. Cooper and family visited B. foyer and fiimily (Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Orem and Mrs. taniBby visited Mr. and Mrs. Kay Sun . lay. there has been a bear in our burg 'ately which caught a sheep belonging o 1). II. Looney. Louis Standiugor went to Portland Saturday. O. lionachor is building a fine log house. That's business I Miss Nannie Loonuy visited her pa ents Sunday. It. P. Oouper and son, Mr. Larson and wn called on Mr. Grimm Thursday, and m their return homo they met Mr. Jrimin's son-in-lair corning from Ore rpn City. Topsy. Union J lull . ., ' Sam Culver, of Clackamas, was visit ing J. II. Burns ami family last week. Will Johnson is working in Adkins' lopping camp. Miss Mae Thomas usited the school Friday. Miss Mollie Burnt) returned home from Portland laBt week. Frank Hilton went to Canby one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo Ranch went to Canby last Friday. Mr. Bissel, of Canby, was the guest of C J. Urimes and wife last Wednesday. 's all right, if you are too fat; ind all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is 'iealthy; a little more, or less, is 10 great harm. Too fat, consult t doctor; too thin, persistently iiin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. ' There are many causes of get ting too thin; they all come inder these two heads: over vork and tinder-digestion. Stop over-work, if ycu cm; mt, whether you can or r.ot, .ike Scott's Emulsion of Cod iivcr Oil, to balance yourself vith your work. You can't live hi it-truc-but, by it, you in. There's a limit, however rou'll pay for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver ")il is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes of our doing no work-you can't bug be well and strong, without .me sort of activity. Tho ponulno has .his picture on it, 3K8 no otner. If you have not vao 8am pie, its a- rreeaoie taste win y surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, wew rorK. vaesr-v 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. utmam 5k flOBL on if We are glad to learn that . Mrs. Sam Wilkerson is regaining tier health. Charles Thomas attended the- dance at Macksburg last Saturday night. Johnnnie Grader, of New Era, was seen in this vicinity a few days ago in bis two-horse buggy. Miss Eliza Burns returned home from New Era last Monday. John Burns visited Frank Hilton last Sunday. Jesse Adkins, who has been sick for several weeks, is somewhat improved in health. Miss Cora Waldron is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. Adkins, for a few weeks. Mrs. Hanson is staying with Mrs. William Parker this winter.. Backwoods. Cotton. We are having terrible cold rainy weather at Col ton, and it looks as though winter has set in for good. Mr. Gorbett butchered his hogs yes terday. Lewie Hubbard has typhoid fever. Dr. ILeavitt, of Molalla, is attending him. Jehu Dix, who has been in Washing ton for the paet eight months, returned home on Wednesday last to visit for a few days. He expects to return to Washington Monday. B. C. Palmer and Emery Gottberg went to Washington yesterday to work. Mr. Soules, of Woodburn, was in Ool ton this week. There will be preaching at Colton to morrow evening. Nov. 16. Sunflower. Beaver Creek. Special services on Thanksgiving Day will be held at the Welsh Congregational church at 10:30 a. m. and 2 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be present. J. Morlaib, Pastor. Liberal, Farmers have about all finished seed ing, and are rushing their fall plowing. There is not much fall wheat being sowed this fall. A good many of the farmers are butch ering their hogs and putting them down in the brine barrel for bacon. Colds seem to be very numerous here. N. H. Darnall has moved onto the Moody place for the winter. J. Akine has purchased a new horse from John Jackson. Save the cart shafts, John I John Dodge lost a finger in the shingle mill last week by edging bolts. John Rhodes is building a fence along the road, hut how about the dam you are making? Will the water run between the boulders? I lay yes. Miss Efiie Morey Las lost her Phillip pine pup. Some one not having the fear of God before his eves took it. .. The quicker they return it the better olf they will be. Woe unto them, if they don't. Levi Stehman is on the sick list. You'll be over it by Thanksgiving, Levi. Say, if the wedding bells don't ring soon, some of our pretty girls will live to be old maids. Sylnia. Stone. The new church building, which is be ing built by the Disciples o! Christ will be ready for use on the first Lord's day in December and a general invitation is extended to all who can come, and a special invitation to all Disciples. The fruit tree man made a delivery at Stone last Monday and left some fine trees for which he carried away most of the looce change from this part of the country. The creamery is on a standstill for the want of milk. (No cows, no milk, no butter.) ' Miss Andrews had to discontinue school for a few days on account of ill ness. We hope she will be able to be back with rod in hand to continue the school in a few days. Stone has the lead in school bells of Clackamas county, and it will be a ban ner district shortly. The surveying party up the Clacka mas river has caused many junctures in the last week. Some say are going to run motors up the river, while others say it is steamboats up the county road and so it goes. Most of the boys that have been away logging this summer have returned. Amongst them were Sy and Owen Hat tan, Hoy Spague, Lester Sprague, Mr. Ortleah and Mr. Shell'. J. J. Hattan is havling lumber to make some improvements. Stone is on tho boon. If you don't believe it, come out and see. Needy. Needy is to haye a shooting match the 23 rd. Archie Moreland goes to San Francis co, Cal., Saturday. He will he accomp anied by his sister, Mrs. Ida Seaton, as far as Portland. Fred Smith and Dave Yoderare haul ing potatoes for Archie Moreland. Mrs. Thompson and daughter, Gracio, were visiting Salem friends last week. Mr. Mohr is laid up with neuralgia. Miss Wilda Eldott returned homo Monday from Portland and Oregon City. Frank Fich sold his hops last woek at U.'4 cents. Fred and Milo Lsittss returned to their home in Gresham Tuesday after several days' yisit with Needy friends. Macksburg. G. W. Scramlin is building a board and wire fence along his lower place. The school house has 'been improved by having two new windows in front. 0. G . Mack's room received an addition of several pupils Monday. Miss Millie Kabouiic is working for Mrs. G. W. Scramlin. There is going to be a new sidewalk in new road soou. Cheater Smith has a new ritio. It is rumored that Cole, of Barlow, is going to wove his sawmill to Ueorga Williams' place near Macksburg. Fred LaMour has returned from East ern Oregon, where he has been working. Born, Novembember 13th, to the wife ot F. Kraxberger, a son. Mars. OAHTOIIIA. Bean tlid M KM M HaYB Always Boigiit Barlow. We suppose everyone knowsithat'it it raining in the Willamette valley. . Health l.ere is eenerallvfcood Otherwise sensible people den't get miffed at articles they see in the papers in which their name is not mentioned that him a thousand other people just as hard. Thousands of men get drunk that have sense enough left not to get angry every time they see it mentioned in the papers. Getting angry is as fool ish as getting drunk. It sounds ugly and insulting to hear so many young men call every old man "dad" whom they meet. Civilization seems to be retrograding. Thank you, Mexico, for your simple, but scientific plan for keeping a cow from switching her tail while she is be ing milked. It's all right, and no doubt it works all right on the Macksburg cows, but our Barlow cows' hip bones do not pretrude sufficiently to hold the rope. Needy, Macksburg and other inland points, take notice I Barlow is now fully equipped with a telegraph office with the gentlemanly and accommodating Will Irvin installed as operator. Frank Jesse, the printer, was up from Portland Sunday visiting his parents. Edgar F. Judy, son of Mrs. Dement, came home from Glenn's Ferry, Idaho, laht week, but he thinks that he will re turn to Idaho. Ed is said to be a good boy.and his many friends here would be pleased to have him remain with us. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. He man Lee, of Canby, was compelled to take 10 her bed again last Saturday after her protracted illness last winter. Dr. Will Gieey, of Aurora, waa summoned, who pronounced it asthma and'broncnial trouble. The G. 0. P. is getting frightened at Eocialism. See how the poet office of ficials are trying to drive socialist pa pers out of the United States mail, and you never see it mentioned in either of the old party papers, Freedom of the press now means the republican prees. John Andrews butchered nine sevn? months old pigs last week that netted him $82.27. Who said there wasn't any money in pigs? About everything John handles turn0 to gold. Mary Giesy, aged 15 years, of Ol.vm pia, WaBh., died at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, George Zeigler, Friday evening at 9 o'clock. The funeral took place Sunday,.and the remains were iuterred in the Aurora cemetery. This makes the fourth child that Mrs. Giesy has lost by that dread disease, diphtheria. The mother ar rived from Olympia Saturday at 1 0 o'clock. As reported by Ihe worthy secretary, Miss Bessie Shepard, the Barlow euchre club was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jesse Saturday evening. The progressive prizes were won by R..E. Irvin and Miss Bessie Shepard ; lone hand, 0. U. Barlow, and the booby was' captured by H. T. Molyin. Those hold-' ing the highest number of lone hands and progiessions at the close of .the' seasun will receive extra prizes. W. P. Hawley, manager of the Crown paper mills, and family were visiting frieuds in Barlow Sunday. , R. Kohler and Mr. Crondolf, manager and engineer, were here this morning looking after contemplated improve ments to the S. P. R. K. at this point. Those wishing to buy property here had better invest soon, as it may be out sight before spring. Mrs. J. W. .Scoggan, of Woodburn, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. 0. An drus, D. 0., Freeman, the merchant.wentto Portland yesterday. We are glad to say that we made the acquaintance of that genial .'gentle man. Dr. Billie Gieey, of Aurora, last Sunday. , Will Tull was kind and generous enough to leave the euchre club Satur day night and get out his team in a dark and drenching lain to drive Mrs. Giesy out to Mr. Zeigler'a place, where the corpse of the last of four daughters wa? lying. We all appreciate your kind act, Will. Grandma Evans has been very ill at Oswego for some time, but she is better at the present writing. Miss Hattie Coleman was unable to attend school this morning. W. D. Jesse, wife and daughter, Ella May, of Rosehurg, Willis V. Young and William Calivine, of Portland, were the guests of W. W. Jesse Tuesday night, and a royal time was enjoyed by them. Corporal. THE CllWKEIilNQ PIANO. A Popular Favorite With Ticket Voters. Following is the vote in the Checkering piano contest: The Maccabees and Y. M. U. A. have joined forces, the for mer to receive the votes and the latter to get the piano: W. O.W. 144,49(5 K.O. T. M 75,388 Cut this out and take it to G. A. TTar.lin.v'o ilrii.. cf-rA n.l nnl f n..- A.c.ivtiiip, a v.i ouuio mm gel a uoa Oillu- pleof Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tilldtita. tho hout ItlivuSn Tliow nl.. tion and invigorate the Btomach, improve mo appetite anu regulate mo uoweis. Regular size, 25q per box. G. A. Hard ing. Why drink rot-gut, when you ca n get Sauamore hind-made eour mash at Kelly & Noblitt's. When suffering from racking cough, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. The Boreness will be relieved and a warm grateful feeling and healing of the parts affected will be experienced. Charman & Co. Our Fi lend, the Druggist. It is, 'a pleasure to testify to tin gen eral high character of druggists. But because of a few exceptions to the rule, it ie necessary to to caution the public to be on the guard against imitations of Perry Davis1 Painkiller. - See that you get the right article, the soothing, help ful Painkiller that was used in your family before you were born. Don't bo taken into buying a substitute. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis A I.1IIKKAI. OFFER. The undersigned will give a free sam ple of Chamberlain's Stomach, and Liver Tablet (o an v one wanting are liable remedy for diaordtrs of the stom ach, biliousness orconstipation. This is a new remedy and a giod one. G. A. Harding. SPECIAL.. PANTS P PATTERN REMNANTS EACH We have still a few Tim Ossimere Remnants at Cost of manufacture OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. 1 We have made special arrangements to have a large assortment of everything in, our line I for THANKSGIVING trade, and will be able to take care of our ORDERS in good shape and to X your entire satisfaction. Our Prices will be right f and our goods of the best to be obtained. A full stock of Turkeys and Poultry, Oranges, Lemons, Z Bananas. Nuts. Fifs. Dates. Cider. Granes. Minr.e . ' o . Meat, Etc. . A. KOBERTSOX; 7th St. Grocer. NEW SHOP GOOD MEAT TRY MEATS FROM Oregon City Butchering & Packing Co. BETHKE & CARLS, Props. New Stratton Building, Oregon City EVERYTHING NEAT ' CLEANEST SHOP fC Have - r-Jf w; Dry f rv- 'i L ; feet ' WA By buying the celebrated Luzon Shoe, ab8olntly , water proof. We carry boys' and men's sizes, and guarantee every pair, and if they do not give satis faction a new pair will be given free. All shoes bought of us mended free of charge, ; . i , Tor Spot Cash Do you realize wliftt spot cush means? It mens a saving of from 25 to 40 po'r cent on every watoh you buy of us. We otl'er for spot cash the highest grades of watches at the following prices: 15 Joweleu Elgin or Waltham Watches $7.75 16 Jeweled Hampton Waleh y 6,75 17 Jeweled Waltham or Hampton ..v 12.00 20 year (old tilled gent's watches with the highest grade Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton, Hampton or Korkford works 13.85 Ladie's beautiful gold watches In the latest designs as low as i9 00. Space iocs not permit us to mention the numerous bargains we are offering, you must call and see them to pppreciate the bargaius. We buy our goods for spot cash at the lowest market quotation direct from the jobbers and you will not wonder why we can offer you high grade watches at such astonishing low figures. We give you in addition to our own personal guaranteo, ihe Iron-clad factory guarantee on both cases and moTements and guarautee every watch to glTe you the highest satisfaction or give your money back. You are all invited to came and take advantage of our first great offer. THE WISCONSIN JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. Liver Pills That's what you need ; some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion. Ayer s Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. Aiidgis.,. NY tint ytmr in l's'ncl.o m- beard a beautiful brown or rii'h Mnclt ? Then uho BUCXINSKAM'SDYEjSI&r. PO f ts. o naufWTS 1 (-. Hi l A no., Nm. N. H. Each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES colors either Silk, Wool or Cotton per fectly. Sold by C. G. Huntly. BARGAINS Ou account of leaving the state I offer for .sale ou aey terms the following property : House and Lot on tllh Street ia lnstalment$HOO House and Lot in Kloi'k 8i) !HO 3.30 Acres In Oregon City, cleared and level. 1200 I.hO Acres in Oregon City, part cleared let) .M Acres In Oregon City, all cleared and level S00 2.16 Acres m Oregon City, part cleared 800 Lot 6, Block 40, County Ald., Corner ISO Lot 9, Block 4, Mountain View Add 75 Lot In Darling's Add : 50 ;i0 Acres timbor laud, rich soil. 4 miles out. .. 750 V'0 Acres Umber land on Molalla river . .. 2000 1S.;U Acres near Woodstock and Willsburg SO00 4 Lots iu ckaiuotawa Washington AO J. A. Tbatu, Address Box SK, Oregon City, or call on meat O. A. Cheney's Real Kstate Office. i ' 1 i J J. M. PRICE, U-To-Date Clothier. NEXT TO BANK OF OREGON CITV. . Singer Machines Bottom Prices ttttdhs and Parts fi. fiargnaves. Jit Jted 7rtnt Store. HOOSIER DRILLS HOE DRILLS SHOE DRILLS DISC DRILLS Send for catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, ORE. W ANTED TRTJSTWORTAY MEN AND ViO men to travel and advertise for old established house of solid financial standing. Salary $780 a year and expenses, all pajable in cash. Ko can vassing reqnired. Give references and cnclos aelf-adtlressed stamped envelope. Address Mani g er, 8-5 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. t??j ..- i-m '.if .. ?-.'7t'fr ' -r :7T ;i'j iwyirvs 5 Prier's Hair food Is Not a Quack Nostrum, But X A PHYSICIAN'S ... ....PERSCRIPTION I t ... CAREFULLY PREPARED.... t I Will destroy the microbe caua- Z T ; .i-.,fp nnuriali anH ar.imn m Hl) UtUiUIUU, uwuiiuii " - late the hair. Use it and your hair will grow rapidly, stop coming out and dan druff will disappear. Price K(l nemts at all druggists. fAlso for sale by R. Prier, CauSeld Vi nild i ri Free Dinner Sets he celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain hand-painted decora tions. with gold trimmings given away Free to our customers. We use these dishes simply lor an advertisement for our business The way to obtain them is easy Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and we do hi rest, by supplying you and t rn with these isr" v" Tate KRAUSSE BROS. Ladles' and dents' Fine Shoes THE M0RN1N0 TUB cannot be enjoyed iu a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply md temperature is uncertain by reati.m of defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F. C. GADKE Fotografs.... STAMPS Drop in and see what we bare in the latest photographs. We can please all. VIEWS Wall Paper Now is the . time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO men to travel and advertise for old established honse of solid financial standing Salary 1780 a year and expenses, all payable lnoash. Mo can. fusing required. Give references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ager, 350 Caxton Building, Chicago. HEADACHE E At 0 drug stores. 25 Doat 2 So. MITCHELL WAGONS Best possible to ouild. No wagon is or can be better than Mitchell, because the cream of wood stock is used, only after being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon ia well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wagon was built, and they have been built continuously ever since by the Mitchells. When you kuy a Mitchell, you get the beneht of this 70 years' experience. Mitchell, Lewis &Staver Co- First and Taylor Streets Portland, Oregon.