0R1G0N CITY COURJWL-HIHALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901 30ARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Regular Novtmher Term of the . County Board. fl B. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B.Killin, County Commissioners. Be it remembered, That a regular arm of the Board of County Commia toners for the county of Clackamas, ate of Oregon, begun and held at the :ourt house in taid county and etate on 'ednesday, the 6th day of November, be same being the regular time fixed . y law lor the transaction of county ueiness. There were present Hon. J. I.Morton, Hon. John Lewelling and Ion. T. B. Killin, commissioners j E. H. Joorer, clerk, J. J. Cooke, sheriff, hen the following proceedings were ad to-wit: The board having examined the re wrts of the road supervisors for their espective districts, and being fully ad 'ised, it iB ordered that they be and are lereby authorized to draw warrants on ne road and general funds for the sev- ral amounts and in favor of the follow iig named : Koad District No. 2 Vard Jones, road fund $ 66 00 . W Johnson 61 50 -lax Webster 67 50 tots Parker 61 50 t" 8 DeShields 51 00 II A Battin 43 50 lC Davis . 60 00 .ST Davis 44 00 ii D Jones 55 50 William Danfcrth -.. 27 75 lohnlleinrich 30 00 S L Welch 16 50 V S Kunyon 14 25 .'rank Robinson 22 50 fohn Kobinson 17 25 vVilliam Fullerton . . . ". 17 25 J Oulesby 13 15 Wi Ilium Foster 14 20 A. Mather, general fund 3 60 1 II Meyer 27 85 Vigorit Powder Co ' . 10 10 J Zeek 6 10 Total r. .$716 05 Road District No. 3 Labor on Oregon City and Damascus, Baker's bridge and Forsythe Mill and Deep Creek hill roads. Orin VV Uriffin, road fund $ 35 00 W W Cooke 25 50 Frank McMurry 12 75 Marl Newell 11 25 Dan Griffin 14 25 Cad Hiser 1 50 Henry Greenwell 6 00 Albert Perlberg 6 00 li II Burghardt 3 00 James Norris 1 50 fames llenkle 4 60 EH Grillin 9 00 Roy White 1 50 Grant Mum power, general fund. 4 70 d B Johnson 7 50 Total $143 75 Road District No. 4 Labor on Linn's Mill road. Granville Linn, road fund $ 3 00 A J Brown 2 25 Normand ,Linn 2 25 f Kilching 18 00 Charles Zeek 3 00 I E Burnett 10 00 I1 Yocum, general fund 50 00 It A Wilcox, road fund 9 00 Total .-$97 50 Labor on Foster and Milwaukie road. BA Wilcox, road fund $ 24 00 I P Forrester 15 00 Mutt Glover 10 50 James Smith 18 00 F Slulke . 18 00 Homer Glover 12 00 Homer Bullou 9 00 J E Burnett 18 00 A Bartelemuy 3 00 Matt Glover.: 4 60 M Ingram 5 00 B Forrester 3 00 T Odell 1 50 J Anderson 9 00 Lu Bartlemay 11 25 Anton Btutke 6 00 Total '...$165 75 Road District No. 5 Labor on the Epperson and Kelly ror.d . J Sliirdsnll and team, road fund. .$27 00 Ralph Hirdeall 22 50 S S Waybill 26 00 Total $75 00 Road Distoict No. 9 Clarence Casseday, road fund $ 3 00 Clark Bowman 1 00 Frank Ahnert 3 00 Adolph Weiderhuld 4 50 Ed Gulier 4 50 Frank Oches 6 00 Fred iiiB 8 00 August Paulsen 1 50 Peter Ruhl, gen fund 10 25 Henry Johnson 18 00 Total $54 75 Bond District No. 10 N Tracy, road fund $ 10 50 Charles Duncan 6.75 Clyde Looney 4 50 I. Irviu 3 75 F lrvin.,., 3 HO J Tracy 7 50 J Davis ii 50 J Tracy, gen fund 4 7o Geo B Kate & Co (IS 00 T Yooiiin 8 64 Total $177 81 Road District No. 11 Labor on the Abernethy road. J E mitli, road fund $ J Pocier J Duiimiro J May field 1) H liocn 11 E Boen W II Smith S F.rieksun, gen fund 38 00 18 00 22 50 IS) 50 0 75 6 00 3 00 1 00 Total. 1 till Road District No. 12 Labor on the Cresswoll and Milwau Htie road. Sam Gerber, road fund $ 15 00 JO Kirchem 16 50 N L Kirchem 18 00 Jacob Iluber 9 00 Henry Babler 0 00 tleorgo Clark 9 00 Julius Busch 0 00 Ben Swales 0 00 ODRobbins 0 00 Fred Gerber 9 00 Will livers : 9 00 Peter WiIkou 3 70 harles Thun 1 15 Fred Moser, 00 William Kirchem 3 00 Charles Johnson 7 50 W V Kirchem 13 00 A Swales 4 50 Jake Minder.1. 7 50 C Trexel...., 9 00 W P Kirchem 13 50 Vigorit Powder Co, gen fund .... 4 75 Total $198 10 Eoad District No. 13 WC Ward, road fund $15 00 C B Ward, team 15 00 J F Lovelace, gen fund ... 100 w ti Bonney 2 50 Total $33 50 Road District No. 14 Labor on Molalla and Linn'a Mill road. William Beard, road fund $ 7 50 L Howard 7 50 M Howard 6 00 J R Myers 13 00 James Shelley 75 John Gaffney, Jr.., 150 Total $36 25 Road District No. 15 Labor on the McCord road, ditching and burning logs and laying croselay and culvert. RH Taber, road fund $10 00 11 D Miller 6 00' A Warner 6 00 Charles Holmes 6 00 S Thomas 3 50 F M Thompson 1 50 S Thomas 6 00 Frank Butch, gen fund 15 80 Total $54 80 Road District No. 18 Work on the fill by E W Hornschuch. WD Hill, road fund $ 9 00 Jacob Grossmiller 9 00 E W Hornschuch 9 00 G A Schubel , 6 00 Emil Guenther 9 00 Philip Massinger 4 50 E W Hornschuch 1 50 Ernest Guenther 1 00 W C Buckner 50 G A Shubel 25 Otto Moehnke 50 WP Daniels 150 Thomas Daniels 33 00 Vigorit Powder Co, gen fund.... 142 50 J G Cumins 4 10 M Frederick ; , . 3 25 Total $239 10 Road District No. 19 H Perry, road fund $ 4 50 A Erickson 6 75 O Darcruss 1 50 JHLowery... 6 40 B Mednald 6 00 James Mallatt 25 00 H Seltzer 12 00 A Hendershott 8 00 William Wallace 8 25 F Bruner 3 75 J A Hampton 4 50 J A Davis 11 50 J Rellar 3 00 E Dennis 8 25 J W Mallatt.... 160 W W Moy 9 00 J J Mallatt 29 00 E Trullinger 3 00 O Harris 75 F Miller 4 00 H Gard 1 50 A Neukirchnor 5 00 Trullinger Bros, lumber, gen fund 2 40 W II Seltzer 1 00 Total $175 15 Road District No. 20 Labor on the Clarkes road. E W Hornschuch, gen fund....$ 8 CO RRingo 75 C Stromgren 1 60 J Peck 3 00 A JSlrcmgren '. 32 00 F Nicholas, road fund 8 50 A J Stromgren 7 00 Wilson & Cooke 2 40 J G Cumins 426 85 Total $490 00 Road District No. 22 Labor on Molalla bridge cut. Albert Pasold, road fund $ 2 25 Andrew Johnson 30 00 L Lindquist 31 00 Ben Noyer 1 50 George Williams 22 50 H J Kastall 24 00 Labor on Molalla and North Fork, Baty and Meadowbrook, Baty and Mclalla and Rauisby and Ensile roads. Frank Pasold, road fund 4 50 Georgo Guernsey 3 00 Raymond Dickey and team 4 50 II J Rastall 17 00 Ira Dickey 1 50 Fred Shaffer 3 00 Henry Fick 1 50 Mat Baty 3 00 A Hendershott (i 00 R P Cooper 6 00 E Austin, gon fund 10 08 L W Bobbins 5 50 M Trullinger ', 4 10 Total $180 93 Road District No. 23' Work on Canada thistles. W W Jesse $ J F Yost Taylor bridge August Rodonhurg, gen fnnd.... 4 James McGdl 3 Ii-li ii (lolira li Aiig Dahlmanu 3 J F Yost 4 Barlow road J F Yost '. 8 Gravel ai count N E Colo 11 J B King 15 Wm Tu II II D J Parmeiiter 16 F G Peter (i Carl lieiu'k and team 3 A It Widdows 31 J F Yost 20 DC .Freeman, gen fund Hnghy it 1 lei n 55 Cole Bros 3 Total $227 00 Road District No. 24 Joe Meyer, gen fund .$ 1 50 Ben Eineret 7 60 LD King 1 00 FA Hilton -.. 3 00 E A Montanden U 00 I S Miller 3 90. Baghy & Hein 32 85 C C Molson 4 85 Fd Montanden 1 50 Total $03 10 Road District No. 26 III Yajglmn, gen fund $ 1 ,',0 W II Emtio S 10 G V Adatns, road fund 4 50 JTubbs. 4 50 George Daugherty 4 50 Ralph Sawtell 4 50 Frank Sawtell.' 4 5 PC Miller. ... 4 50 P J Kay lor.. 2 25 Rav Daugtaerty 600 L Daugherty 4 50 W HEngle 20 00 E Austin, gen fund 2 88 M Trullinger 1 35 Total. $08 43 Road District No. 27 ! J T Drake, gea fund $ 1 00 Lars Jensen 75 ; Omer Marqnam 1 50 J E Marquam , 2 00 i T Ridings 150 1 G W Jackson 75 I Charles Labor, road fund . . 9 75 i Perle Hubbr.rd 7 50, VVilliam Harmon 4 50 John Labor 1 50 Frank Jerg 18 00 Bert Garrett 5 25 Wallace Harmon 5 25 Joe Miller 10 50 Shaffer 3 00 I Omer Marquam 15 00 ! Ira James 6 00 I Emery James 11 25 Omer Hasty 7 47 Ed Peterson ' 5 62 Roy Phelps 15 00 O L Rosteld 11 25 C Johnson 9 00 JO Marquam 36 00 P Adama 75 Vigorit Powder Co, gen fund... . 7 50 Bagby & Hein 4 11 Total $193 10 (Continued next week) Women and Jewells. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferencei. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that great est of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a wo man will risk her life to get a coveted gem, then let her fortify herself against the insiduous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease frnm the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at George A. Hard ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac. George A. Points, Upper Sandusky, O , writes: ''I haye been using Foley's Honey and Tar for hoarseness and find it the best remedy ever tried. It stopped the cough immediately and relieved all soreness." Take none but Foley's, Charman & Co. Adolph Bluner, Grand Mound, la., writes: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in my family and think it is the beet cough cure on the market. I would not be without it in my home, as there is nothing so good for cough and colds. Charman & Co. Today take Foley's Honey and Tar. It positively prevents pneumonia, or other serious results lroni colds. It may be too late tomorrow. Charman & Co. NOTICE OF EINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor had filed his final ac count in the oflioe of the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and Dy order of T. F. Ryan, Monday, December 2nd, A. D, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m.. thereof is ap pointed at the county courtroom in Ore gon City, Oregon, as the time for hear ing objections to said account. Otto II. Miller, Executor of the Estate of Teter H. Miller, Deceased. Dated Oct. 16th, 1901. Swedish Asthma Cur J ABSOLUTELY CURE t I Asthma X Hay Fever t oroncniai i rouoie I RUARANEEO . NO OPITAES For Sale by C. G. HUNTLEY vrecn City, Oregon -,t . ---- w,- 0 Eainnil sweat J b ) have no ertcct on EltWTWmr'WrM I ness Oil. It re- r Fj 1 sists the damp, wjr 5 do rot break. I- HNorouthur- Jf face 10 chat x A I' and cut. ThkV " t' harnesa not ;vr , V V li ,1 only keeps ilt$ A sW, locking lik JKV' WTjP new, but pJi 3 . YA I 'f i wears twice . tjts V'V as Ions by lh CAVf 1 .jj'V, M 1 1 J use ot turrka A yt, T t Sold nervwher lv I . . 1 l, i l ftsr KS n Made by ) W(m Standard Oi! ( WWa i i Company Ji ASTHSIA Asthmalene Brings In Cure in SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE C MAI TIED 70S! TEN YEAR1 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Sta'.e o Crjgon for the County of Clackamas, Clara Blanche Blanchot, 1 Plaintiff, I vs. Louis Jeanbaptist B'.nnchut, Defendant To Louis Jeanbaptist Ulanctaet, said dif ;ndant. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby requirol to app wr and . answer the com plaint fthul ag'dnst you in the above ontiiled suit on or before the Vlst day of December, 1UU1, and if you fail to so answer, for want thereof, the plalntilT will apply to Llie above entitled court for a decree forever dissolving the bonds ot matri mony now existing between the plaintiff and de fendant, and for such other relief as shall seem meet and proper . Thie summons is ordert-d published in the Ore gon city courier Hraia lor tne p'rioa ot six weeks from date o first publication thereof such order being made by th Hon Tlionua F. Ryan, Judge of ttie Counly Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, on the, lltli day of November, I'JOl. J. J. FI1ZG?1ALD. Attorney for Plain tilt". First publication November loth, 1901. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. M. E. McOarver and W. A. Holmos, Administrator of the Estate of R. h. Russell, Deceased, Plaintiff's.' vs. Hiram E.Straight, William E. Straight, Margaret Grata and tirat., her husband, Jacob Straight. James Straight, John Straight, Uiram K. E. Straight, administrator of Uiram Straight, Deceased, Di feudality To Jacob Straight, James Straight, Margaret Gratz, and Grfilz, her husband, and each of you, said defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon; You are herebv renuired to annear and answer lh com plaiut filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the last day presoriuod in the order for publication of this summons which is six weeks from the day of publication whereof which date of publication is November 8th, 11)01, and you will take notice that ii you fail so to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before said last day of said time prescribed in said order, the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint herein to with the foreclosure of certain mortgages covering lots 1,2,3,4, G,7and 8 of Block 71, of Oregon City, Oregon, and plaintiff will apply for such other and further relief as is just in the premises. (This summons is published by order of the Hon. T. A. Mcllrlde, Judge of said Court, upon applica tion of plaintiffs herein .which order Is duly made and entered in said court November 5ih, mot. C. D. and D. C. IjATOURKTTifi. Attorneys fot Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that Albert Lacey, executor of the estate of Leono.a Elizabeth Lacey, deceased, has rendered and presented for final ecltlnmetit his final account of his administration of said estate and has tiled the same ..with the clerk of the county court of Clacka mas county, state of Oregon, and that Monday, December 2nd, 1901, at JO o'clock a. m.,lia8 been set by the county jude of a ii 1 comity for the hearing of said final rept it at the couit house, in Oregon City, in said county and etate, and for hearing objectijns to said report if any there ba. All person.-i interested in said estate are hereby notified then and there to appearand show cause, if any there he, why said final account should not be allowed and approved and Baid executor discharged. Albert Lacey, Ex cutor of the E-talo of Leonora Elizabeth Lacey. Rolert A. Miller, Attorney for Estate. CONTEST NOTICE. D.5PABTMKNT OF THIS IXTHItlOR, United Stat: 8 Land Ollice, Oregon City, Or., Oct. 14, 1901. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this oflice by Callie 13. Charlton, contestant, against homestead entry No. 1157(3, made October 4, 1895, for southwest quarter section 5, town ship 3 south, range 7 eust, by Julius Steinbeig, contestee. in which it is al leged that contestant "knows llio pres ent condition i f the name; aiso that the said Julius Steinberg liss wholly aban doned said ciu'ni three years and thore last past, 11 nd in no way has he kept up residence or improvement, and that said alleged absence from the said land was not doe to his employment in the army, navy or marine corpj of the United States as a private soldier, officer, sea uv..n or marine dining the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United Slates may be engaged." Said paities are heieby notified to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said alli k'iation at 9 o'clock a m. on November 25, 1901, before the register and receiver at the United States Land Cilice in Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having.in a proper affidavit, filed October 12, liiol, set forth facte which show that after due dili gence personal service of this notice can not be made, it. is l ereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Charles B. Moores, ; Register. 0.V.J3TO3TXA.. Bean th f Ito Kind Van Have Always Bangtt RELIEF. " ' i.t n UKE FREE '.nt Relief and Permanent All Cases ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brlnRS instant relief, even In the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Kev. C.F.WELLS, of Villa Kldge, III., says. "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition . I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived Iron) It. 1 waB a slave, cnaiueu putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de spaired of ever being oured. I saw your advertise ment for the enre of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thonsht you had overspokea yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial ated like a charm. Send rot a full size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bual Israel. New York, Jan. 3, 1901. Drs. Ta ft Bhos.' Mbdicinr Co Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent rem. edy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition nllevintes all troubles which combine with Asthma, Its success Is astonishing and wonderful. After hav ing it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma lene contains no opium, morphine, chloform nor ether. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MOItRIS WECHSLEB. Trial bdttle sent absolutely free on receipt of postal. Write at once, ad dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED ICINE CO., 79 East 13c th St. Nevr York City. SUMMONS. Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.' Alice V. Sis! , Plaintiff, vs. 'Jerry Sisk, I Defendant, J To Jerry Sisk, defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you iu the above entitled suit on or before the sixth day of December, 1901, which is six weeks after the 25th day of Octo ber, 1901, the date ordered for the first publication of this Euminons; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply 10 the court for the relief demanded !n her complaint filed herein, to-wit: For a decree from this court dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing bttween plaintifTand defendant, on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment of the plaintiff by the defend ant. S. S. Gillespie, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the etate of Ore' gon for the county of Clackamas. Minnie Narjot, 1 Plaintiff. I vs. Ernest Narjot, Defendant. To Ernest Narjot, said defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the Gth day of December, 1901, and if you tan to so answer, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled court for a decree forever dissolv ing tho bonds of matrimony now exist ing between the plaintiff anil defendant, and for such other relief as shall seem meet and proper. This summonskia ordered published in the Oregon City Courier-Herald for the period of six weeks from date of first publication thereof such order being made by tlie Hon. Thomas jj. Kvan. Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, on the Slat day of October, lUul. J. J. Fitzgerald, Attorney for Plaintiff. First publication November 1,1901 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the jadminiBtrator with the will annexed of the estate of D. W. Howell, deceased, has filed in the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator with the will annexed, and that Monday, De cember 2nd, 1901, at the hour of 10 o clock a. m., at the county court room o Clackamas countv,. Oregon, has been appointed as the time arid place by said court for the hearing and determining any ana all oojections thereto. Bruce C. Curry, Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of D. W. Howell, Deceased. Dated October 12, 1901. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice H hereby given by the under signed, executrix ol (be estate of Martha A, Barlow, deceased to the creditors o' and all peieoiia having ehiinn against the said estate to present the same prop erly verified, within six months from the first publication of this notice,, to the undersigned at the office of her at torneys, Hedges & Griffith, in Oregon City, Oregon. Mary S. Barlow, Executrix of the Will of Martha A. Barlow. Deceased. First publication Oct. 18, 1801. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed administra tor of the the t state of Fiancia Marion l'ickard, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. All persona having claims against said deceased are required to present same, with the necessary vouch ers, within six nonths from the date hereof to tht undersigned at the office of B. M. Smith, Room 2, Ainsworth Building, Third and Oak streets, in the city of Portland, Multnomah county, State of Oregon. H. S. Harcoirt. Administrator. Dated at Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22,1901. to cirk; a cold Stop coughing, as it irritates the lungi, and gives them no chance to heal. Fo ley's Honey and Tar cures without caus ing a strain in throwing off the phlegm like common cough expectorants. Char man & Co. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stabla Finest Turnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J. VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Kearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kli OREGON CITY, OREGON New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTON JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a Bargain fa Wall Paper Wall Tinting and In General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. TAHOMA Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD leaTB Portland... 7 A. 11 lave Astoria 7 P. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT Between Portland, The Dalles and Way Points TIME CARD Leave Portland, Tues , Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M Arrlv The Dalies, same day.... 5P.M. Leaye " Sun , Wf d. and Fri. 7 A. M. Arrive Portland, same day ...i P. M. MEALS THE VERY BEST W-Sumlny Trips a Leadlusr Feature Iajp-1'his Route has the Grandest Scenic Attrac tions on Earth Landing and office, Foot Alder Street BOTH rilONES, MAIN 851 PORTLAND, OKJEOON J. C. WYATT, Agt., Vanao ve W0LF0R0 & WYERS, Agts., White Salmon PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood Rie JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalle A, j. TAYLOR, Agt, Asto la E. W. CRICHT0N. A &t., Potlai The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles' City Daily (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at way points, on both sides of the Columbia river. 3oth of the above steamers have been re nl and am In excellent shape for the tcason oil! 00 The Kegulntor J,lue will endeaTor to givelts patrons the best service possible. For ConiTort, Economy and Pleasure travel by the steamers of lh Regulator Line. The above steamprs leave Portland 7a. m.and Dalles at 8 a. m.,and arrive at destinationin ample time for outgoing trains. Portland Ollice, The Dalles Office Oak St. Pock. CourtStreet. A. 0- A IX WAY General Agen Oregon Shout line ako Union Pacific ?gE east The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS 1MIE.Y TWO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. m. 8:00 p. ni. TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. OXE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:'J0 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave TVrtland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willara- ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For full information call on or address nearest O. It. i N. Ticket Agent, or address J.L.CRAIO, G, P. A., Portland, Oregon