Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 15, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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1 liffl j
is Nature's time for rest;
and the man who does not
take sufficient time to sleep
or who cannot sleep when
he makes the effort, is
wearing out his nervous
strength and consuming his
vital power. Dr. Miles'
Nervine brings sweet,
soothing, refreshing sleep.
Don't let another night
pass. Get it to-day.
"I had Wd nervous spell?, lost rll
appetite tor iuoU and for eit'lit weeks
whs un:ib!e to sl-'i'P at night. The
mi'iv tiling that helped me was Dr.
Miles' Nervine. It enred me. '
Mks. II. Jackson, Bowling Green, Bio.
D. Miles9
ill N u V i k i-a
soothes the nerves, nour
ishes the brain, and re
freshes the entire organism.
Sold by druggists on guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Seymour Webb, Moira, N. Y., writes i.
"I had been troubled with my kidneys
for twenty.five years and had tried sev
eral physicians but received no relief un
til I bought a bottle of Foley's Kidney
Cure. After using two bottles I w's ab
solutely cured I earnestly recommend
Foley's Kidney Cure. Take only Fo
ley's. ' Charman & Co.
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause tba kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
They build up the shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as no
known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
they have no equal.
io, 25, 50 Cents 108
C. El HUNTLEY, Dugglst
Oregon City, Oregoi
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad" after-effects
on the entire system, and where
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels.
r s
The only harmless, vegetable,
bowel regulator, and liver vitalizcr
As picaant to the taste as
candy, and as positive as the harsh'
est mineral. No gripe or pain.
83 10, 25, 50 cents.
C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
s Foe
Dvsni'psia is unrecognized in
hail' tlui rases. It deceives tho
unknowing stitTiTcr. Its many
variations work along the woakcNt
lines of tho system. To battlo
titruinst only one of them is vain.
Our booklet explains its symp.
toms. Ourl)yspeiiaTabletsgiv6
i; a complete- anil lasting relief.
11 .. M. C)
11 UlLLo LI
ii DyspepsiaTablets J
10c, ?sc. H
I) 259 AND 60C. W
C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
The Winter Iloind cf Festivities
Ilava Hey an.
Clackamas Lodge, A. 0. U. VV., gave
a farewell reception to E. F. Oapps in
their hall at Clackamas Station last
Thursday night. Mr. Capps had been a
faithful member of the lodge and a
highly esteemed neighbor in the com
munity for many years past, the infor
mal social being only a token of the es
teem iu which he is held by the frater
nity. About 100 people were present,
including the members of the lodge and
their families, and a few invited friends.
An elaborate banquet was served on a
long taoie reaching the entire length ot
the hall, the people of Clackamas having
superior tasle in arranging a spread oj
this kind. The bill of fare would have
done credit to the Hotel Portland, and
it is not believed that Sol Walker could
have eaten seveu plates of the oyster
soup in succession. it was purely a so
cial occasion, and thoBe present enjoyed
every minute of the evening. The
younger members of the party passed a
portion cf the time playing gameB, It
was a gathering, where all enjoyed
themselves to the utmost, where stiff
formalities did not interfere with the
social atmosphere. The committee hav
ing charge of the affair was composed of
Sol J. Garrison, E. P. Dedman, Frank
Tiilbert, the Misses Bertha Talbert and
Mertie Kyckman and MrB. A. Mather.
The latter half of the committee had im
mediate charge of the table. Mr. Capps
and eon left for Phoenix, Arizona, Sun
day night, where the foimer will h cale
for the benefit of his health, lie Kill be
joined by Iub family later.
Miss Essie Block was the recipient of
the most delightful surprise party of the
season at her home laBt Thursday even
ing, planned and carried into execution
by a number of her young friends.
Miss Ultra Warner assisted and directed
the vunng folks in their festivities.
(James and instrumental musical num
bers were features of the evening. Those
present were: Missis Dollie Pratt,
Clara Koerner, Mary Belle Meldrum,
Mettle Bradley, Geraldine McUown,
Lena Gadke, Grace Curl, Effie Grace,
Nellie Wood, Neita Harding. Pearl
Wood Lucretia Hart, Plata Nehren. Til-
lie Zelig, Alice Goetling, Georgia Grace,
besie liioek; Messrs. Waiter Muir,
Charles Bollinger, Clarence Green, Nor
wood (Jharman, Allan Cooke, Chailes
Robison, Willie Wilson, Fobs Maple,
Kalph Miller, Carl Nehren, Lee Caulield,
Kay Gooper, George Hankins.
An elaborate supper was given at the
home ot Mr. and Mis. J S. Bevens at
Bolton Tuesday evening in boner of the
Utter's filty-flrst birthday. The parlorB
and dining room were prettily decorated
with autumn leaves and fall flowers.
The hostess received several much-ao-
preciatad presents from the guests of the
occasion. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. K.chard Greaves and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mass and familv. Mr
and Mrs. William Berdii.e. Mrs. Bird
Bevens, Mrs. Frank Nehren, Mr. and
Mi's. J. S. Bevens. Mrs. H. L . Henon.
also Misses Josie, Minnie and Babe Bev
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Chanman. of
Clackamas Station, celebrated their fifth
wedding anniversary Wednesday veu
ing by giving a social party at the lodge
hall. '1 he greater portion of the popu
lation of Clackamas anil vicinity were
guepts at the eventful gathering. Mr.
and Mrs. Chapman we e the recipients
ot an elegant chair, presented by the
people cf Clackamas. The hall was tas
tily decorated for the event, and a splen
did Btipper was served. Dancing was a
special feature on the amusement part
of the program.
The resident of Green Point Addi
tion to the number of 75, gave Mr. and
Mrs. W. It. Reddick a delightful sur
prise party last Thursday night. It was
a pleasant social gathering unincum
bered with any formalities, and the af
fair was a continual round of social good
cheer from beginning to end. Croko
uole and dancing were featuras of the
entortainment. An elegant lunch was
About 40 member 3 ot Meade Post and
Relict Corps gave Mr. and Mrs. J. Do
renins a surprise party at the home of
the latter List Monday evening. Meade
Corps granddaughter, Baby Meade Mc
KillicHii was the recipient ol hiiver nap
kin ring by the Corps. . A very pleasant
evening was' passed.
T1I1C ci.ru.
The Dertlnc Musical and Literary
('lub met at the home of M s. Robert A.
Miller at Gladft no last Monday even
ing. Theie was a good attendance of
the members, tho delegation pretty well
tilling a car. An excellent program was
Miss Laura Pope enterloined a party
of 14 at progressive whist last Friday
evening at her home on Water street.
The first prizes were won by Miss lfattie
Mary 1'ratt and ill l.ewthwaito.
The members of the First Baptist
church gave h social reception to SO new
members last Friday evening. Features
of the gathering was the presentation of
a pair of portrieres for the pulpit by the
members of the Junior hndeavor So
ciety, also a pulpit chair, a gift fiom the
women of the congregation. Kefresh
ments were served.
The Saturday Club gave a very pleas
ant ajron social in the parlors" of the
First Congregational church hist Friday
evening. There was a good attendance,
and it proved a highly ei.joyablo novel
The Matlilwk Surprise Parly.
Kli Maddock was the recipient of a
very pleasant surprise party at his
homo in Greenpoint addition last
night. His daughter, Mrs. Purke re
ceived the unexpected guests. The
party was planned and carried into ef
I feet by the people of Greenpoint, and
I u-hq nniiivum,) fiinMiiMl.
o ATei to nx A. .
BirB tl s 1 to Kind Vou Have Always BougH
An AttracUTe DUiilay Dock Half the
Ilualnea ol Selling.
Time , was when grocery men and
marketmen piled beets, onions, turnips
and all vegetables Into a lot of old
boxes and barrels that set In front of
their doors, In a haphazard veay. Now
every up to date tradesman in these
lines so arranges his vegetables either
In his shop windows or In front of his
store as to catch the eye and delight
the artistic taste of his customers, as
he sees the contrasting lines of white
and red, pink and green, purple and
yellow developed in the arrangement
of the bunches and baskets of fruits
and vegetables that he provides for
their dally wants, says n writer in The
Twentieth Century Farmer, from
whose Illustrated article the following
Is gleaned:
The tradesman could not have made
this display had not the grower pre
pared the vegetables at home before
starting for market. The day when
the gardener could pick, pull or dig a
lot of vegetables and dump them In &
lot of gtmnysacks all covered with
their native dirt has passed nway, let
us hope' never to return. The gather
ing and preparing vegetables for mar
ket has become one of the useful arts.
Much of this labor Is of the nature of
recreation rather than, of severe toll
and can be done by the women and
children of the household to the health
and profit of all concerned.
The sale of vegetables In bunches
and baskets Is growing In favor. Al
most all beets are now sold In bunches.
The first crop of onions reaches us In
this form. A large lot of early turnips,
also carrots, are bunched. Snap beans
and tomatoes are now sold In half
bushel market baskets. The vegeta
bles can be made much more attractive
In these packages, and a buyer will fre
quently take an original package.
All this, with putting cabbage and
cantaloupes In crates, has added large
ly to the labor In the vegetable garden,
and gardeners have provided them
selves with facilities and conveniences
to meet these new conditions. They
have vegetable houses In which are
benches, where they put the vegeta
bles; sinks and tubs, In which nre wa
ter pipes, with faucets. The pipes are
filled from a tank into which the water
has been pumped by n windmill. The
vegetables are washed by the women
of the plnce, who pick off the Imperfect
leaves and count the vegetables into
bunbhos, which they tlo with strings.
The women also give the final touch
to the arrangement of the peas, beans,
tomatoes and such truck as are sold in
baskets. Cucumbers, poppers, summer
squash, lima beans, eggplant and okra
look best in baskets.
Turnips, parsnips, late carrots, with
late beets, should he washed when sold
In bulk. Sweet corn Is so clip.ip it will
not pay for a package. Early sweet
potatoes sell best In one-third bushel
crates. Later they are best In bushel
baskets and barrels. Irish potatoes
are put in sacks or barrels.
Winter squash and pumpkins are bun
dled hi bulk; the same with watermel
ons and late cabbage.
Celery Is trimmed, counted aud tied,
a dozen plants in a bunch, these bunch-
es being put In crates of various sizes.
Vhe celery Is kept In cold storage until
So, you see, the handsome vegetable
piles at our grocery stores do not come
by chance, but aro U13 result of much
forethought and tho skill of many
Fnmlfcnt the Ciller Bnrrcla.
To be certain that the new cider will
not be contaminated tin exchange rec
ommends that each barrel be fumigat
ed by means of burning sulphur be
fore it Is filled. A hollow sheet Iron
tube with one end closed and the walls
perforated with quarter- inch holes
may bo lowered into the barrel through
the bung and suspended by means of
wire. Drop a live coal into this, then
n tablespoonful of pulverized or flow
ers of sulphur. Close the opening In
the barrel. In a few hours the barrel
will be ready for use.
I Bring in the Babies, f
We will present to every baby
under one year of age a tine gold
ring absolutely free. Brinif in
the baby and let us take the fin
ger measure. In ten days the
ring will be ready and you can
call and get it without any ex
pense whatever,
Huntley's Book Store
Allow me to say a few words in praise
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I
had a very severe congh and cold and
feared I would get pneumonia, but after
taking the second dose of this medicine
1 felt better, three bottles of it cured my
told and the pains in my chert disap
l ered entirely. I am must respectfully
vonrsof health, Ralph S. Meyers, 64
Thirty-seventh St., Wheeling, W.Va.
For sale by G. A Harding.
Only a Few of the Kind,
It in extremely probable that yon love
good Binging and dancing, don't yon?.
There is a sumptuous feast in store for
yon th?n. All that heart could desire
in that line will begiven in ' A Wise
Woman " ,
Bar the 'I Th8 KM 1,011 Ha,e Boiljtlt
An ' Ingenious Treatment by which
Drunkards sre Being Cured Da'ly '
In plte of Themselves,
No Noxious Doses. Mo Weakening of the
Nerves. A Pleasant and Pasltive Cure
for the Liquor Habit.
It is now generally known and under
stood that Drunkenness is a disease and
not weakness. A body filled with poi
son, and nerves completely shattered by
periodical or constant use of intoxicating
liquors, requires an antidote capabIQf
neutralizing aud eradicating this poison,
and destroying the craving for intoxi
cants. Sufferers may now cure them
selves at home without publicity or loss
of time from business by this wondertul
HOME GOLDCUKE which has been
perfected after many years of close Btudy
and treatment of inebriates. The faith
ful use according to directions of this
wonderful discovery is positively guar
anteed to cure the most obstinate case,
no matter how hard a drinker. Our
records show the marvelous transforma
tion of thousands of Drunkards into so
ber, industrious and upright men
ERS! 1 This remedy is no sense a nos.
trum but is a specific for this disease
only, and is so skilltully devised and pre
pared that it is thoroughly soluble and
pleasant to the taste, so that it can be
given in a cup of tea or coffee without
the knowledge of the person taking it.
Thousands of Drunkards have cured
themselves with this priceless remedy,
and as manv more have been cured and
made temperate men bv having the
"CURE" administered by loving friends
aud relatives without their knowledge
in coffee or tea, and believe today that
they discontinued drinkinsr of their own
free will. DO NOT WAIT . Do not be
deluded by apparent and misleading
"improvement." Drive out the disease
at once and for all time. The "Home
GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely
low price of One Dollar, thus placing in
reach of everybody a treatment more ef
fectual than others costing S25 to $o(),
Full directions accompany each package.
Special advice by skilled physicians
when requested without extra charge
Sent prepaid to any part of the world
on receipt of One Dollar. Addrest) Dent
TiiV.) and yaX2 Market Street, Pluladol
phia. All correspondence strictly confi
1 ential.
Athens, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1901.
Evfil" afnA iha first. .nnp.mnM tt Til V
mpnses they were very irregular anrt i
suffered with great pain iu my hips,
back, stomach and legs, with terrible
bearing down pains in the abdomen.
During tho past month I have been
taking Wine of Cardui and Thedford's
Black-Draupht, and I passed the month
I ly period without pain lor the first time
in years. Nannih Davis.
What Is life worth io a woman suffer
ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yol
there are women in thousands of homes
to-day who are bearing those terrible
menstrual pains In silence. II you are
one of these we want to say that this
will bring you permanent relief. Con
sole yourself with the knowledge that
1,000,000 women have been completely
cured by Wine of Cardui. These worn-
I en suffered from leucorrhoea, Irregular
menses, headache, backache, and
bearing down pains. Wine of Cardui
will stop all these aches and pains
(or you. Purchase $1.00 bottle of
Wine ol Cardui to-day and take It in
the privacy ol your home.
For ndTlef ami literal art. ftrtrtrPM, irMnir ftymp
tonu, "The ljtaiel' AaTiaory bovminfirt,'
1 tie Chuuacoga lledicuie Co., ctiMuuwu&,
n " : I ii
AVegetablcPrcparationfor As
similating uieToodandReguIa
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigesHoTvCheeiful
tvess ndRcst.Contains neiltier
Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Jmtpktn Seta-'
Jlx Stnna
JtoJitlh S,lU -Aust
Jperrmtit -(
Warm Seed'
flnnfitd Sugar
hbi&syreet ftaren
Apcrfectllemcdy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish
aess and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Opposite PoBlofTice
Is selling at closer figures
than ever.
These are a few of our
prices :
,,4 W
-, .,- ',("
A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler
293 norrison Street,
i'.Mauu.iiicu 10u
G. P. Rummelin & Sons :
Manufacturing Furriers
I 126 Second St., near Washington, PORTLAND, ORE.
We carry a complete line of Ladies'
Fur Coats, Capes. Collarettes, Boas,
: Mutts, Etc., in all the fashionable furs,
t Feather Boas, Etc. Robes and Rugs.
Send for Fall Catalogue
The Leading and Reliable
tinn fl a famniiH Kronrh m virinii win nnuin.,
n k r
and AFTiR
rFPIDF.H strpnethonsand rpstoros
The roason sutrorors are not rurort hv Ixotors Is btvuuso nlnpfy ppr Pont nre trnntifpil wttli
Proatatllla. Ot'l'IDKN K Is tho only known roniody to euro llliout an operation. SKWlosllmonk
Bis. A writtort mmranti'P rIvpu anil monor roturned if six bnvos doos not Cli'ecl a periulit'litcur
L00abox,six fiir.i.w, by mail. fcond for tukk circular and tosttiuoulala.
Aditrcsa BiVOt HE1ICIK CO P. O. Box 2078, San Francisco, Col ibr&iUfcy
GEO. A. HVRDING, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon
II eomebody slipped into your
pocket yon would consider it a kindly
act. This is practically what we nre do
ing when we offer Biich reductions in
milllnety. Red Front Store.
U For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
Silk flnished cotton, all colors, 3 for.. ... ..10c
Side comb, 2 pair for .. , 5o
Ol:uloid drons combs ... 7c
Aluminum hair pint, per doz ...r 8c
Tooth brushes , 80
Ulnck allk Cliantllla luce, per ynrd . 60
Cream color silk luce, 8 liichin wide, pi r ynrd 23n
Torchon luce, half cent per yard and upward
Remnants of Kmbrolderiea at remnant prices.
Black lisle elastic, per yard 25c
Black Ac'lor'd meceilzed waist, latest make $1.50
Genuine Boys' and Girls' heavy ribbed bicy
cle hose, only 18o
Half-wool ladies' ribbed nonshrlnkable vesta
and pants ... 58c
Cotton ladles' ribbed vests .. 20o
Children's ribbed underwear, sizes 16 to U....I60
" " " sizes '20 to 3-1 23c
Ladies' fine hemstitched handkeichiefs, f ood
value, 6 for .... . . 2"o
Men's cotton underwear, 24c and up
en's satine and black duck overshlrts. ..40o
en's Jersey, heavy weight over-hlrts, all
colors 40o
r i
Bears the . i
fy tftv In
Iff X Use
Will aivance 25 per cent January 1,1902.
If MONEY is any OBJECT to you
FINE WATCH repairing a'specialty
- '
Eyes ExarrjiQed JlEE
We guaranteed ALL GOODS and
All work.
Incorporated 1899
Furriers' of the Northwest
M .1 .klilfSf.MiW,,
III l I I !. 1
I This ereftt vp.-.tjhl
I Vitj.li7.Mr
tionot a famous 'rrnru uiiysu-iun.will quickly care vou of nil ner.
Vons or dis.-a.ses of the Keueruive orirans, mi,-h ns Lot Manhood.
insummaj l air.sratneJiju'K.bemlnal Emissions, Nervous JieMiitv,
imp los, Unfitness to ittvnv, Kxlmustin Iiniins, Vartmrvle aiia
tonstlrauon. 1 1 stnps all Iossps hvdnv rr nljrht Proven is onion
Bf ss o( diseliarf p, which if nol chpclp.i Wrls to .Sporrr.rttorrl.n'a and
all the horrors 1.! Impotence I'l'IIIKSKcleuiiitsilieliver, Ui
k Minors and tlip nrlnarv ortransof all imniirnia.
sninll wpiik orynnh.
Guckenh'eimer Tin
Kelly & & o Witt have received a Ut
Guckenheimer, genuine, doubloamn
high proof rye whiskey. Ab.olSlJ