Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 15, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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corsets Adams Jiros. G,oves
We have just received the agency
for Thompson's Celebrated Glove
Fitting Corsets. Thoir $1.00 Cor
sets is the best on the market for
the price.
Rule Bazaar
Agents for the Celebrated Percy
Kid Gloves, $1.00 pair. Large
stock of Woolen and Cashmere
Gloves. ..
. , .Owing to delays in the CDmpletion of our new store we will be unable to move for several
daysIn the meantime we will continue to sell at reduced prices, realizing that it is better to dis
pose of some lines of goods at cost rather than run the risk of breakage and damage incident to
moving. , ..,,.. ;
This week we offer greater bargains than ever before Now is the time to provide yourselves
with Thanksgiving supplies All prices reduced on Table Linen, Glassware, Cutlery, Etc.
Men's Mercerized Cotton Handkerchiefs.....'. 9c Men's "Monarch" Shirts 1 00
" All-Linen Handkerchiefs ,. . 25c " Cotton Sweaters, fancy colors 45c
" " Heavy Fleeced Underwear..'. 45c " Canvas Leggins.. .. 45c
" Good Cotton 8ckB .... . ... 4c " Dunlap 8tyle Derby Hats 250
" Half Wool Socks 12c " Wool Hats. 4c
" Suspenders............ 15c " Gloves, wool fleeced with fur tops ..... 65c
" Four-in-Hand Ties. 19c " Working Shirt, we)l-made 45c
Linen Collars ; 12)c
D. Bair, of Needy, was in the city yes
terday. .' A. Rodenburg, of Aurora, was in the
city yesterday. '! ' '
. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cross, of Molalla,
were in the city yesterday, f- -
VW. H. Johnson.' "of the Deep Creek
sawmill, was in town Saturday.
Mrs. T. F. Cowing, jr., is visiting her
parents at Silverton for a few days.
'J. D. Wallace and David Jones, of
Highland, were in the city Monday.
f MrB. Jane Blanchard, of New Era,
has almost recovered from her recent ill
ness. James Tnorne, of Columbia county,
was in. town visiting friends during the
,.William O . Mack, of Canby, recently
had anut'ier paralytic stroke, but ; is
slightly improved.
Dr. E. A. Sommer is a member of the
staff of the new surgical hospital, re
ceutly established in Portland.
Mrs. M. O. Sharp, of Vancouver, who
wai vistting her sister, Mrs'. Grant O,
Bacon, returned home Sunday.
James Jones left Monday to accept a
position in the dm stoie of his brother,
Linn E. Jones at Whatcom, Wash. .
Finis Dillard. city marshal of Rose
burg, and Mr. Waile, of the same loca
tion, were in the city Wednesday.
- Mrs. P. Shank is receving treatment
in the Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land. She bias been very ill for some
time past.
John Stewart, of Molalla, was in town
yesterday. He reports that there is a
large increase In the acreage of clover
sown in that section.
A. Goldsmith, .of Eugene, who had
been visiting his daughters, Mrs. M.
Bollackand the Misses Goldsmith re
turnad home Monday.
Siever Ramsby was seen last week
with a full-blooded Berkshire in his
wagon, bound for his Milalla home. He
made the purchase of the animal in Sa
lem. William Cantwell, of this city, is
building an addition to C. W. Arm
strong's residence in Canby. Herman
Anthony, tf New Era, is assisting in the
work. .' ..
Miss Florence Haines, who has lived
at the home of Mrs. Will Alldredge since
last March, left Monday for Myrtle
Creek to join her parents. Rev. and Mrs.
T. P. Haines.
William Davis, wife and daughter re
turned home Saturdav from a five weeks
sojourn in Victoria, B. C. It was their
intention to remain during the coming
winter, but Mr. Davis Raid that it was
difficult to secure employment at this
time of the year, as many men were
coming in from the mines to spend the
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postofrice at Oregon City, Or.,
on Nov. 14th, 1901:
Women's List Dena Ammel, Mrs.
H.M. Bristol, Mis Clara F. Collins,
Mrs. H. E. Frost, Mrs. John Hickman,
Mrs. M.Hayes. Mrs. S. G. King, Miss
Mira Koerner, Mrs. Edwin Wright, Mrs.
J. S. Casto.
Men's List E. Arnold, Jos. Blan
chdrd, Earl Frissdll, George Helliott,
Clyde James, George Miller, E. E. Per
nell, Louis Robertson, M, Redner, John
Robinson, John Salow, W. B. Sanford,
Mr. Traxtrel, George Woodworth, W.E.
George F. Horton, p. in.
I .Beware of the
Subscription .
I Agencij Sharks
Every day we hear of a city
being worked by some Bmooth
subscription agent taking cut-rate
subscription for well-known maga
zines. Don't give your money to
strangers. Don't risk sending it
away. At Huntley's Book Store
they will meet every honest cut
rate price for subscriptions for any
paper or magazine published.
Taiie with you any printed offer
you may have and Mr. Huntley
will meet it and save you all risk
and expense. The Courier-He-ald
turned in many subscriptions to
Huntley's Book Store at a saving
to itselt and heartily recommends
their methods.
A social dance will be given at the
Seventh street hall Satuiday night.
Big Millinery Sale. Miss Celia Gold
smith. Use Red Line Cough Cure, 25 and 50c ;
guaranteed by Charman & Co.
On MonJay Indhh "J-, m will depa.t
for Lewis River, where his daughter
40 head of ewes to be let out on shares
to responsible parties. G urge' Brock
art, Needy, Or.
Dr. Sommer reports that there is a
caBe' of diphtheria in the Tellefson fam
ily at Parkplace.
Great reduction in prices in all millin
ery. . Miss Goldsmith.
In addition to Mayor Dimick,' Coun
cilman C. G. Huntley and J. E. Hedges
are mentioned as suitable candidates
for mayor.
The union Thanksgiving services will
be held at the Methodist Episcopal
church, and Rev. E. S. Bollinger will
preach the sermon.
Warner Grange, of New Era, is mak
ing elaborate preparation to hold a fair
on the fourth Saturday of this month.
There will be a well-arranged display of
farm products.
Big values In ready-to-wear hats. Miss
The Enterprise just as well ayoid the
expense of a local news-gatherer. The
greater part of the lc3al matter laat
week, had previously been printed in
the Courier-Herald and Evening Tele
gram. In order to reduce our Btock we have
made a Great Reduction in prices (in
all millinery goods. Mits Goldsmith.
Rev. Thomas Marshall, D. D., field
secretary of the Presbyterian board of
foreign "missions, will preach in the
Presbyterian church on Wednesday
evening, November 20th.
The order made by the state depart
ment of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic last August, annulling the charter
of John Gibbon Prst, has betn revoked
by order of the national commander-in-chief
at Minneapolis, and Gibbon Post
will resume its regular meetings.
Lost, Oct. 29th, 1901, batween Oregon
City and Molalla, an account book b( -longing
to S. A. D.H ungate. It is four
inches wide, eight inches long, with
leather backs. Finder will please leave
it at the Courier-Herald office and re
ceive reward.
Tue Saiurday Club will hold a
Thanksgiving mar iet in the store room
on Mtiu street, now occupied by Mo
Glashan & Miles. Meats and foods
carefully selected and suitable for
Thanksgiving dinners will be on sale.
Four lots have been lecured at Clack
amas Station on which the Odd-Fellows
and Workmen will orect a large hall
during the coming year. The building
will be known as the Odd-Fellows tem
ple, but also will be occupied by the
The Oregon City woolen mills are ad
vertising the sale of a lot of tine cussi
mere remnants at cost of manufacture.
This is the first time that such an op
portunity was ever offered by ihem, and
we would advise buyers to go e irly and
have the entire lot to select from.
J. F. Rait is removing the Cheney
photograph gallery, which he recently
purchased, to hie desirable propeny on
the corner of Main and Tenth streets.
The new location is a desirable one, and
Mr. Kait will have the satisfaction of
doing business on bis own illahee.
Charles Munson. a native of Sweden,
died suddenly of heart disease at his
home Damascus Wednesday eveuing.
Coroner Strickland was summoned yes
terday, but deemed an inquest unnec
essary. Munson had lived here for 25
years, owning a good farm in common
with his menu, Andrew Swenson. Both
were bachelors and lived alone, having
wills executed in each others favor.
James Evans, of Canby, is being men
tioned by bis friends, as a suitable can
didate for the legislature on the, republi
can ticket.
Canby will have a city election on the
first Monday in December. A mayor,
seven councilmen and a city treasurer
are to be elected. Four of the council
men are to serve for terms of three years
and three for one year. George Knight,
H. C. Gilmora and William Vorplml
have been appointed judges ot election,
and Adam H. Knight and James Evans
The Degree of Honor held a yery en
joyable meeting last Saturday evening.
Mrs. Erickson acted as chief of honor.
A social is contemplated in the near fu
ture. Miss Annie Koth was initiated as
a new member. Canby Items.
Key fitting, lock work and saw filing
at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op
posite Electric hotel. Satitfaction guar
. - .-u.xu, uij u, iiiOU ak
the home of her brother, Mr. Blanken
ship at Willamatle Falls Wednesday.
The funeral ronlr nlnpp frnm har lota
, - l -- ' ' ...w ioo-
idence yesterday, and the services were
conducted by Rev. E. S. Bollinger.
The HpfPHBPll hnH lived in Ctrannn flit
, : - " vivvl. vitjr
for the past 17 years, occupying de-
oiraDie residence property on Jackson
6treet. . Her husband died about 14 years
ago. She was a native of Kansas.
Art.inlpn nf innArnnatirn rf l. Olnt,'!
w . ...uv. ub.ui. .jl mo vjiav. r
amas Development Company were filed
in the county clerk's office last Friday.
The capi:al stock is placed at $100,000,
and the incorporators re D. O. O'Reil-
1 . I T H 1 r, .
icy, van o. moore, Bianey euiytti, Harry
Hf.WnrH T n A ino.i n.tl. f D n 1
and H. E. Cross, of Oregon City. The
uuuipmj uan secured me control ot the
Gladstone sawmill property and some
valuable timber franchises along the
iiacKamas river.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen
For Fruit Trees, flowers, etc., apply to
I' LeMahieu, Oregon City. :
Goodman & Abramson have opened a
watchmaker's shop in the Sla len build
ing. ,
Lost Two black and spotted barrow
hogs from H. Bethke's place on the Mo
lalla road. Reward given.
The Racket Store will give away a
sewing machine Christmas. Chance
with every 10-cent purchase.
Our Headache Tablets go on curing
some one every day ; better try a box at
25 cents than to suffer. Nocure.no pay.
O. G. Huntley. . .
Richard Prier makes an announce
ment in another column of special in
terest to all who are interested in hav
ine beautiful hair.
Carpet weaving done hv .Tnlin HirrN.
burger, Mount Pleasant. Hit or miss
per yard, 20 cents, stripes 23 cents. P.
O. Box 80, Oregon City. .
Fyes examined free at thn new
j,welry store. P. L. Abramson, Dr. of
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
Shooting match for beef, turkev and
geese on the Jacob place, 2 miles west
of Oregon City, on Sunday, Nov. 24.
The Oreaon Citv lioals
three trips daily to Portland and .e
turn. and the time curd hus hapn
changed as follows: Leave Oregon
City at foot of eighth street, 7 a. m. ;
li a. in. j 3 p. m Leave Portland at
foot of Taylor street. 9 a. m.: 1 d. m.:
5 p. m. The boats are roomy, and the
scenery can be viewed from comfortably
seated a;id lighted cabins, while the pur-
ser and officers are clever and atten
tive. Lodge Elections.
McLouuhlin Cibin. No. 4. Nat.i v Anna
of Oregon, elected the following new of
ficers Monday night: President, E. U.
Cailtield : first-vica nresidont. T T.
Charman pecond vice-president, G. E
i-iayes; mini vice-president, Foibes
Pratt : recording hhithIhtw (I R nim.
ick; financial Recretarv, E. E. Brodie;
treasurer. (5. H. Canflrtlil : trimtPB li C.
Ganong; marshal, John W. Kelly.
. A lodire ot the Anniunt Oritur nf Vnr'
esters was organized at the Workmen
nan niesaay evening, Tind the following
officers were elected : Past chief ranger,
Andrew Robertson; chief ranker. Grant
Olds; sub-chief ranger, Matthias Justin ;
treasurer, iieorge K.Ualitt; recording
secretary, George Califf ; financial secre
tary. Chester A. Muir: anlnr wrvivlar.l
O. A. Thomas; junior woodard, William
iwisr; senior Deadie, M. tfailey;
junior be die, J. Ormsby; trustees; G. B.
Dimick, Frank Busch, C. G. Huntley;
physician, Dr. C. S. Seamann. The
lodge organized with 27 churter mem
bers. Glbbms Post Restored.
The following order reinstating John
Gibbons Post has been received and
speaks for itself :
Headquarters, Department of Oiegon,
Grand Army of the Republic,
Portland, Or., Nov. 2. 11)01.
Geteral Orders )
No. 4.
In accordance with the orders of the
Commander in Chief of the Grand Army
of the Republic, dated Minneapolis.
Minn., October 29, 1901, Paragraph 1,
Genera! Orders No. 1, current series from
these Headquarter!, annulling the char
terof, and dropping from the rolls of
this Department, John Gibbon Port No.
78, is annulled, and that Post is hereby
restored to the rolls of this Department,
and re-in-tatod in all the rights, powers,
and privileges which it enjoyed prior to
the commencement of the proceedings
taken against it.
By Command of J. A. Sladen, Depart
ment Commander.
J. E. Mavo,
Asssistant Adjutant General.
Gibbon Post will hold a regular meet
ing Nov. 22, at 1 -.30 p. ra.
Third and Oak Sts , Portland ?
Where they GIVE AWAY $5.00 and $10
bills with each Suit and Overcoat?
Mrs. R B, Beatie, of Oregon City, has and received a 500
greenback with a Boys' Suit So did J. Simpson, of
Eagle Creek, who received $10 with his suit So did
John J. Dickey, of Needy, who also received $ ICK
This Is the Way We Do It
Commencing MONDAY morning, we will GIVE AWAY
with each tenth MENfS SUIT that we sell, A TEN DOL
LAR BILL. And with each tenth BOY'S or CHILD'S
SUIT sold, a Five Dollar Bill. By this means every ten;h
customer will receive a suit practically for nothing
We have $600 in all to GlYli AWAY
uhmnnn .Martin Miss Martha Mar-
lin and James Shannon, two well
known and popular young people 01 Bea
ver Creek, were married at the Presby
teHan manse, November 3rd, Rev. A. J.
MAntnnmurv nffimftt.i n cr . On last Satur
day night the newly married couple
were ' serenaded at their Beaver Creek
home by a number of their young friends
last Saturday night.
ii,rol--tiH Maud Mattel and
ni.orUo n vvilunn. nf Portland, were
married at Zion's Lutheran Evangelical
church on Eighth and Jefferson streets,
Monday afternoon, Kev. raeyer, om-
Miller-HardisonGeorce J. Miller, ot
Milmonlrio and M:H9 I.fOnH II Ardi. O.
nf Fooiurn Oriajnn u'ern married at the
home of the groom's parents, at Mil-
.. .. . . f XT U
waukie on tne aiternoon 01 govern uer
6th. The new.y inairied couple are
making their home at Milwaukie.
MurHm Ktnlirm nml John Huston
were married in Oregon Otty, Novem-
her 12th, Kecorder (Jurry omciaiing.
The marriage of Henry A. Heme
man and Kate Tscharner was an
nounced to take place at hame of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Tscharner in Milwaukie yesterday. The
bride and groom are both popular young
people of iMilwaukie, and have hosts of
Cohl Comfui; from Doctors.
Doctors say that neuralgia is not
dangerous. This is poor consolation to
a suflVrer who feels as if h's face were
pierced with hot needles and torn with
a thousand pairs of pincers. A word of
advice to him: stay ii.doors and use
use Perry Davis' Painkiller. The blessed
freedom from pain which follows this
treatment cannot be told. There is.but
one Painkiller, Perry Davis
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and build up
your health. Only 25 cents. Money
back if not cured. Sold by G. A. Hard
ing, Druggist.
The Bent rrenoMptlon for Mlrla
Chills and Fever is a bottle of 'Grove's
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and quinine in a tasteless form. No
cure no pay. xticb ouc.
Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it fails
to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on
each bos. zoo.
The great present-giving Sae at
cr Clothing Company
. M. C. A. Notes.
The ladies' gymnasium class met
again Tuesday evening with an unus
ually large attendance for a starter, and
U expected to grow in number in the
next few weeks. All present were given
their first leBson in physical culture.
Those wishing to join this class are
urged to do so at once as its first class
eights will be given up to preparation
for the regular cla-swork. The associ
ation will be pleased to welcome any
ladies who wish To come as spectators.
Next Saturday morning a class will be
organized for young ladies between the
ages of 14 and 20 years. This class will
meet but once a week and is intended
especially for those who attend school,
however if there are any others who
wish to join.
The Association gave its first free en
tertainment of the Beason last Saturday
evening. The members' parlors were
thrown open to the members and their
lady friends for a social time. After a
short program of songs by Mr. Loner
and Miss Warner, and Indian club swing
ing by Mr. Wilson, those present were
entertained in the gymnasium. The
Evening Class gave a small exhibition
of marching, dun.b bell drill and, buck
jumping from the spring board, atter
which ttie clats lined up for a game with
For Coughs, Colds, Hoorsencss, Huskiness,
Bronchitis, Etc., use
Red Line
We guarantee each and every bottle to give
relief. Buy a bottle and if you are not satis
fied return it to us and we will cheerfully give
your money back.
the medicine balls. The entertainment
wound up with a game of indoor baseball
between the Evening and Five O'clock
classes. The Five O'clocks were first
at bat. They started off to win the
game in the good old baseball style, get
ting a lead that the Evening Class could
not overcome. After four innings of
hard playing encouraged by friends in
the gallery, the Five O'clocks were de
clared winner by a score of 16 to 12. As
each team now has a game to its credit,
another game will be played to de; er
mine the winner.
The militia have sent a challenge io
the association which is being consid
ered, and will probably bring the two
yearns irugetiier in um near iuture.
The afternoon meeting next Sunday
will be led by Rev. Grim. All men are
urged to attend this meeting.
Recruits for the Biblo class are de
sired, and those attending will be benr-
uted by tnem.
The undersigned will give a free sam
ple of Chamberlain's Stomach, and
Liver Tablets to any one wanting are
liable remedy for disorders of the stom
ach, biliousness or constipation . This is
a new remedy and a good one. G. A.
and Oc
I i
ft: ".