OREGON CITY COUMlR-HtttALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901 Me(ulow Brook. The weather is cold and fogey . Mr. Cooper' ont of Meadowbrook g best farmers, is turning the sod for a fine crop. . . . Mrs. Am uuU Orem is on the ,8ick lisM , . i T. R. Orem sol i a fine cow last week to Frank Welch, of Oregon City. R. Snodgraes was in town one day last Wfek on business. Mrs Stadinger called on Mrs. Rama by Saturday. U. P. Cooper and family were visiting Mr. Larson and family Sunday. There will be services held at the Meadow broolr wihnnlnonse Sunday, Nov. 17th. Rev. Purcell, of Ely. will offici- "'Mrs Hendershott called on Mrs. 0. T. Kav Sunday. Will Stadinger is goin to have some hay baled this week. , Mr Gild, of Washington, is work ing for Mr. Ilolman. Mm, I) H. Looney is on ohe sick list, Mrs. Wilson waa visiting Mr s. Kay a few days last week. John, come down and see your neighbors, Nero. Mountain View. News seam ,to be Brarc'e th'8 week, so nnr ((ommiinicalion will be short. It is not raining, which is contrary to the weather prophet. Mr. Uornschueh is gradually grow ing weaker everv dav. Mrs. McGeehan has been seriously ill of late, but is thought to be a little bet ter at present. An elocutionist, Miss Elsie G. Cob, of Portland, will give an entertainment at the A. O. U. V. hall on Friday evening of next week. All are cordially invited. There will be services at the Moun tain View church at 4 o'clock Sunday. Salina. Barlow. There was once upon a tune not so very Ions? ao, a lawyer living in the state of Kansas, who lived by worki ng at politics, but one season he iuvl a patch f potatoes, but ha was too lazy to dig them. One dav he told lus wife he be lieyed ho would dig the potatoes, and she thought it a good idea, tie went out ana dm' for a fow minutes, and went in say ing that he had fi'tind a coin, and he washed the diit off of it and found it was 25 cents. He went out again and forked for a short time and went in wying that ho had found another coin, and after washing it found it was a 50 cent piece. Then he said he would rest awhile, and he laid down and apparently went to sleep. Upon waking up about three hours afterward he hurried out to work, hut found that his good wife had dug the whole piitch expecting to find a dollar. It was said that the lawyer af terwards moved to Oregon City .Oregon, whore he continued to work politics and the people. Judge W. W.Jesse and wife carried off all the prizes of the euchre club last Saturday night, except the booby prize, which Henry Hedges won by proxy. We took a had day off last week; to investigate the working of the steam tfhovei, that is now loading gravel at Oanby. It takes eight men to work it, and it took six minutes by the watch to load one car, which is 4S minutes work for each man. With a hand shovel it is about seven hours wotk for one man, which moans a saying of about nine hours out of ten for the railroad com pany, but the machine for unloading beatn that more than tm to one. We wont with the train to investigate that also. In just Beven minutes from the time the train, which is composed of 25 cars, Btopped every car was unloaded by Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi cine. If they do not thrive on their food something is wrong. They need a little help to get their digestive machinery working properly. 6F COD LIVER OIL WH HYPOPHOSPfilTES QfLIHF.f SODA will generally correct this difficulty. If you will put from one fourth to half a teaspoonful in baby's bottle three or four times a day you will soon see a marked improvement. For larger children, from half to a teaspoonful, according to age, dissolved in their milk, if you so desire, will very soon show its great nourish ing power. If the mother's milk does not nourish the baby, she needs the emul sion. It will show an effect at once both upon mother and child. 50c. ami $1.00, all drugglita. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, ChtmUtt, Nw Yorlu a crew of sis men. Think of it, ye workers, and yet people ask why there are so many tramps. What will we do about it, turn to socialism? By a typographical error in last week's correspondence from this pla :e the word 'caudal was made to read candle. Barlow now has a Foetal Telegraph of fice. We con't know who the operator it yet. The public school ot tins place is pro gressing better this term than any pre vious term with Miss Moihe Harlow as teacher. Every building in this town is occu pied . We had an interesting talk with A. tf. Cole today. He was one of the jury that sat on the trial of Ilertzka, the Christian Science healer, in Oregon Oity a year ago. toy serving on the jury he bt came interested in Christian Science and has been treated by it tor a serious ailment and has been cured. Moral: "if you want to aid a new idea or re ligion persecute it." V. O h reeeman, merchant of Barlow, has recently disposed of his farm in South Dakota, and thereby severed all hankering after that desert. I he Enterprise correspondent had her figures wrong again in regard to the net proceeds of the organ fund from the dance. Well, she only missed it a bun dled cents. Cassius Tul I has accepted a position in the telegraph office at Canby. Don't play with those bad boys over there, Cass. I am not a democrat, but there is one in this precinct that can get the largest majority in tus own precinct than any other democrat in the county for' the legislature. Better look him up, you that are inUrested. He is not looking for the job, but the job must look for him It is too bad that some otherwise sen- i sible men cannot or will not restrain '. their appetites for whisky. Almost j everyone here have lately expressed their sympathy for the wives of such ! men. Under socialism there would be ' no neceisity for any man to sell intoxi- eating drinks in order to make a living. Corporal. Woodburn . 1 P. J. Scharbach was from Fortland Sunday and spent the day with jriends and relatives. Jack Riddle was up from Portland and spent Sunday with relatives. O. A. Nendel was a visitor to Canby Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Trask will leave in a couple ot weeks for Pe Ell, Wash , where they will make their future home. Fred Dose ia building a new potato house, where the old one formerly stood. There was a dance in Beach's hall last Saturday night, and there was a fair at tendance. Music was furnished by the Woodburn orchestra. Dutch. Maple Lane. Little Johnnie Myers was quite sick the first oi the week. Mrs. Robb was visiting relatives in town the first of the week. Misses Jessie and Letha Jackson were guests of Mrs. Marlin and family of Beaver Creek on Sunday . Lloyd Williams was digging spuds yesterday and today. The yield was very good. Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard are enjoying a visit with friends from Scott's Mills at present. Mrs. Myers visited friends in Oregon City last week. Some of nur boys are getting to be quite songsters, as we can hear their melodious voices pealing forth from the bachelor' cabin at late hours. Pansv Blossom. " Prog Fond. Several of the farmers of this com munity are busy digging their spuds, but most of them report a light crop. J. G. Aden and son are putting sev eral culverts in the road. He iy Elligson, the broticho buster, made a Hying trip to Wilsonville Sun day. Mr. Beeman has several hundred cords of wood banked on the Turner creek, which he intends to d.tftdown this winter. Fred Baker lias, purchased another hound. R. W. Oldenstudt, of Stafford, wants to buy an interest in a threshing ma chine. He has recently rented U. Ruit er's L'0-acre farm. Charles Thompson will Rive a shoot ing match on Saturday, Nov. 23. TheM.B. A. of Wilsonville fre on the boom. They will give a basket bo cial Nov. 23, TllllE DlE.MOCKACY. Mulino. The sawmill was moved to Viola from lu re lust week by Severe & Higenbogen, who have bought it. Mrs. J. J. Jlallatt and. Eon, Arthur, started to Kansas last week to visit her parents. They will remain there six weeks. Mrs. Maniiint' was visiting friends at Clarkes last week. PcIhm.i1 Supei int ndent Zinser visited our fchool last week, nnd he seemed to 10 be well pleaded with the progress be ing made. 11. Seller, F. Bouue, Ed Bowman and fnuiily, F.'ErickKou and family and W. M. Wallace and family were visiting P. Pendleton last Sunday. Fred Wallace mid" Chillies Daniels went to 1 rlland last Wednesday, where they will work. Bi ni iiy. I'luinlmoiiH Verdict. From our many articles the yast (tw wi eks received from various sources it will be seen that the comedy farce, "A Wieu Woman," is a s'nctlv first-class attraction, with more originally and novel feutures tl an any company that hasytt visite 1 us. It remains to bo seen how they will be appreciated. KKCOHHEMM IT TO TKAIKMKN. (i. H. llausan, Lima, 0., Engineer L. E & W. R. H., writes: "I have been troubled a great deal with backache. 1 was induced to try Foley's Kidney Cure, and one bottle entirely relieved me. gladly recommend it to any one, especi ally my friends among the train men, who are similarly atllicled. Ciiarman ot Co. OASTOITIA.. Baan th a Nil Kind Yau Have Always BoajM ucUK Springwater. On last Thursday, Nov. 7tb, Albert Olausner met with an accident, which will lay him up for quite awhile. He was assisting in building his brother's, Ed Clausner, barn, and he was near the top of the structure (30 feet from the ground) fixing a scaffolding when a tim ber broke causing him to fall and break ing an arm and bruised him up consid erably. At last accounts he was getting along quite well under Dr. Pruden's care. Rev. S. Hatch is moving into the Springwater parsonage. Messrs. Boen and Mosgerhave moved to Springwater. Mr. Boen has moved onto D. C. Howell's place and Mr. Mos- gerontoMr. Whitehead's place. , William Kandle and family have re turned from Eastern Oregon. Rev. Crane, I am glad to say, is im proving under the treatment of Dr. Pru den. J. A. Shibley found on his place a few days ago a raspberry bush that was full of ripe berries, which was the second crop this season. Willis Shantz' brother, Bob, is mak ing him a visit . The first ;three miles of the Spring water plank road is finUhed, and A. Lacy is sawing the lumber for another three miles. 1901. Macksburg. Everybody is busy nowadays. J.W.Smith is building a large barn. Frank Murdock's house is almost completed. We can see the rafters of Mr Klebe's barn above the tree tops. Macksburg has had a regular prosper ity building boon this year. Ten large buildings none further than two . miles from the postofllce have been built. G. M. Scramlin has purchased a fine band of goats. They are the best grub bers. He also has the best sugar beets we have seen in Oregon. Our school is progressing nicely under Professor C. G. Mack as principal and Olive Tenny as primary teacher. The school children are circulating a subscription paper to get a flag for the school. We hope everybody will help so we can see Old Glory floating above the old school house. TheL. O. T. M. will give a swap so cial on the evening of November, 23. Evervoody bring a package and trade it off, and then sell the one you get. Pro ceeds will go to L. O. T. M. Everybody invited. . The young folks of Prof. Mack's loom tendered Miss Ella Klinger on Novem ber 11th, with a surprise party. All present had a most enjoyable time, Say Corporal. 1 will tell you how to stop that cow snatching her caudal ap pendage while she ia being milked. Take a piece of J-inch rope six feet long. ind tie both ends together and throw it ovei her hips and let it hangdowri on the tail, and she will not hurt you. From Mexico. THE CrilCKEBim PIAKOl t A Popular Favorite With Ticket Voters. ' Followinar is the vote in the Chlekering niano contest: The Maccabees and Y. M. U. A. have joined forces, the for mer to receive the votes and the latter to tret the niano : W. O.W. 144,496 K.O.T. M ' 75,383 Cut this out and take it to G. A. Hardinii'a drmr store and get a free sam tile of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They cleanse and invigorate the Btomacti, improve the annetite and reeulate the bowels. Kecular size, zoc per oox. j. a. naru- nig. 1 Each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES colors either Silk, Wool or Cotton per fectly. Sold by C. G. Huntly. Why drink rot-gut, when you can get Sauamore hind-made sour mash at Kelly & Noblitt's GREAT LUCK OF AN EDITOR. "For two jears all efforts to cure Ec zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Le6ter, of Syracuse, Kan., "then I was wholly cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, world's best for Eruptions, all skin diseases. Only 2"c Harding's. It's the Sores and at G. A. When suffering from racking cough, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. The soreness will be relieved and a warm grateful feeling and healing of the parts affected will be experienced. Charmah & Co. CASE Guaranteed to be the best Sulky Plow in the world. This is a broad statement, but we stand ready to prove it in the field with any plow made. J5TSkX1 POU Sl'KClAL CATALOaiE. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. PORTLAND, OREGON Dizzy ? Then vour I well. Vcusu ness, e..n Pills act Ji' For CO vc" vcr i: nt acting Ay.Ys -.she tivcr. :n "; been the Sta J. I. T R I U M P H S U L KY PLOW Pill. iM'.iJ ; ' " ; ' A..r. ia I BuCKufe 0 Whiskers One-Third Off. From the Regular Price - We are overstocked with fall goods and re elled to sacrifice orofits in order to reduce r - t our stock, and here quot a ie prices J All-wool Clay Worsted Suits, reguk t price $12.50, t All-wool Blue Serge Suits " " i2.?o T All-wool Cheviots Suits " " 13-5 We are also agents for the celebrated O egon Cassimere I in all colors, regular $12.50 suits for $9.00, also $n su s for $8. t A full line of woolen underwear we are selling at a great t reduction. All woo! garments for 50c up. J. M. PRICE t Up-To-Dat Clothir A New iL r 1 nil... m,wT,rt Greetine. We wish to make the nleasant announcement that we have opene d a new and up-to-date Jewelrv and Optical kind of Watch and lewelry Repairing at Reasonable Prices. Mr 1 hillip ADram son. a Graduate of the South Bend College of Optica, will have charge of our opti- n.i 1 rlonartmonf. a nil Ui II aUBml tn nil wl.n Vnii i.lll Jen fin,l nt . ntir atnra a m nan of the HIGHEST GRADES of MOVEMENT and CASES, SOLID HOLD RINGS, nriATVi T.(V-ttfWTS RunnniTF.s (HTKP and COLLAR BUTTONS and 111 fact Everything carried in a tirst-cliisa Jewelrv Wa ovton.l a liBurtw inuitatinn tn nun our coods. and bv honest dealing and fair gain your confidence and a goodly share Thanking you in advance, we are yours lor uusineBs. THE WISCONSIN JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. AT WOOLEN MILLS A T W O O L E N M I L L S REMNANT SALE OF FINE CASSIMERE AT COST OF MANUFACTURE OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS AT WOOLEN MILLS A Retort From Nature. Among the useful results of aerial excursions are the satisfactory experi ments In the vcay of echoes and re verberations. John Mackenzie Bacon has many opportunities of testing the carrying of sounds to and from a bal loon at a great height, and Mr. "Wise, the American aeronaut, relates a case in point. He was ballooning one day above a flense cloud stream when he heard a cow bell and the Bounds of a wood chopper's ax, whereupon, to attract the attention of the laborer, he shouted "Hello I" lie was immediately an swered by another "Hello!" from the ground. He then asked the question, "now far Is this from Lancaster?" and was annoyed by being mocked by his own words. "Being In the clouds," he says, "and not able to see things above or below, I felt somewhat nettled at this clownish display of wit, and In a very audible tone of voice, while the foregoing was still reverberating iu my ear, I sang out, 'You're a fool!' which in a very few seconds was answered by au equally distinct hud measured tone of voice, Tou're a fool!' "Then it suddenly flashed upon my mind that It was the echo of my own voice, which opinion was ratified by the dying reverberations of my words, which had now become as numerous as though a whole regiment had caught the watchword and were passing It In quick, succession through the whole line." Orderly Ilnblln. "It is. a curious fact," commented a man recently, "that almost no mother realizes the Importance of bringing her sou up to orderly habits, She impresses upon her daughters from the time they are old enough to recognize any re gponsihility the necessity to keep their rooms tidy, put away articles after use and care for their belongings at all times. The boy, however, Is exempt from any similar requirement not only in his own room, but throughout the house. lie rends newspapers and throws them on the floor, gets up from a divan leaving the cushions packed & ml shapeless, without Hie slightest re proof, the only notice taken of the oc currence. Indeed, being to ask a sister, if he has one, to pick up the one and stralfthten the other. The' women of the family follow In his footsteps all day long, removing whatever disorder he creates. Yet there is no business occupation upon which that boy will presently en ter In which order Is not a fundamental necessity. Girls, on the other hand, do not, as a rule, suffer no seriously from a lack of onler, or at least consequen ces are not so continually disagreeable and costly as Is th case with hoys." a 4 now $9.00 " 9.00 " 9.85 Departure .n n fnnntU store, where we are prepared to do an ilrtsirn to e iiisiilt him about their eyes. i fin. lit BtnP.k of WATCHES Consisting establishment. ami nil to visit our place and examine and courteous treatment we hope tu of your patronage. A T W O O L E N M I L L S BARGAINS On account of leaving the state I offer for .Bale on easy terms the following property: ' House and Lot on 11th Street in inslnimentuJl'lOO House and Lot in Work 99 9(10 3.30 Acres in Oregon City, cleared and level. 1200 1.90 Acres in Oregon City, part cleared 7nO .83 Acres in Oregon City, all cleared and level 300 2.16 Acres in Oregon City, part cleared 300 Lot 5, lllock 40, County Ailil., Corner 160 Lot 8, Block 4, Mountain View Add 75 Lot in Darling's Add ... 60 HO Acres timber land, rich soil, 4 miles out. .. 750 160 Acres timber land on Molalla river . .. 2000 18.31 Acres near Woodstock and Willsburg 3000 1 i-oiHiucKiimoKHwa wasntngton 2w J. A. Thateb, Addren nox 892, Oregon city, or cull on mo at O. A. Cheney's Real HsUtii Office. Special Announcement Many years ago while employed In the depart ment of chemlstiy of Guv's lliisiii nl nnd Medi cal College, London, England. I secured the form ula lor a remedy for thu ci-re of dandruff and faijjng of the hair. I 'had occasion lo notice cases where its use prouuevu a beautiful growth of hair on persons wlm hud become almost bald. Since coming to Oregon I have recommended its use 10 some ni my pcmniiii menus win were troubled with dandruff and threatened with bald ness; also at the soHeitttion ot many others have made up snmll lofct of the remedy for their use. lean trulv sy t. at I do n.)t. know of a cafe where used pccordinir to directions it bas failed to prove beneficial. 1 have concluded to manfac turelhe remedy for frmien' sale. A trial by any one troubled with dandruff, falling of 'ihe haiu or threatened baldness vviil Conv-iuce them of its merits. IU "HARD PR1ER. Afrk your druattM for Pmrk's Uaik Food, also for sain bv Ith.rd Prior Cailljld Biiliiuij. Price 50 ceuts. OOSIER DRILLS !lOE DRILLS SMOK DKIl.l.S DISC DKIl.LS ' Send fir catal u-j. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. I'OKTLAND, ORE. ill -J I At mli dr.ij; Hmi. JfcV. ' ' Free Dinner Sets , The celebrated Semi-Vitreous Forcelain hand-painted decora tions, with gold trimmings given away Free to our customers. We use these aisnes simpiy ior an advertisement for our business The way to obtain them is easy Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and we do the rest, by supplying you and them with these ishes Free of Charde KRAUSSE BROS. Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes THE MORNING TUB . cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F. C. CADKE I Fotografs.... I STAMPS i Drop in and see what we have in the latest photographs. We can please all. VIEWS Wall Paper Now is the time to" buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO men to travel and advertise for old established house of solid financial standing Salary $780 a year and expenses, all payable in cash. No can vasflng required. Give references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Address Man ager, 365 Caxton Building, Chicago. A car load of milk crocks just receivedand will sell at 8 c per gal lon. W, L. Block, the Homefumisher WANTED TRUST WORTAY MRN AND WO men to travel and advertise (or old established honse of solid financial standing. Salary $78') a year and expenses, all payable In cash. No nan vasslni roouired. Give references and enoloao elf-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ager, soo uaiion Olds., Chicago. HEADACHE At (01 rug Itortj. 25 Dow 2 Sc. MITCHELL WAGONS rc.ia Best possible to Duild. No vrason is or can be better than a Mitchell, because the cream ol wood stock ia uaed, only after being thoroughly seaHoned. The waion ia well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wagon was built, and they have been built continuously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitchell, you get the benetit of this 70 years' experience. Mi hell, Lewis & Staver Co First and Portland, Taylor Streets Oregon.