OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1901 Oregon City Courier-Herald By A. W. CHENEY 5iiUt. J inuregon City pwatoftlceaB 2nd-cla8u matter sJOBsiORlFTIOX RATK8. Paid tn inlvance, per ear Six moiii.hH Tare montlu 'trial . IMP-The date opposite your addresi on the paper denotes the time to which you have paid. Hen you nave paiu. ubueriptidn ! due. II tats nonce is marked yuur ADVERTISING RATES.- Standing business advertisements; Per month professional cards.Sl pet year): 1 to 10 inches 60e pr Inch, 12 inches for $5, 20 inches (column) $8, 30 inches H page) $12. Legal advertisements: Per Inoh (minion) J2.60, divor.se Biimraons t"i 60. Affidavits of publica tion will not be furnlsLed until publication lees are paid. Local notices; Flva cents per line per week Per month 20o. Obituar ef, cards of tbanks, church and lodge notices where admission fee is churned or oolleoted half price or 2 cents per line. , PATRONIZE HOMK INDUSTRY . OREGON OITY, NOV. 8, 1901. DEMOCRACY IN SEW ZEALAND. Has New Zealand shot its labt bolt? Is its armory empty and its energy spent? asks Henry Den.orust Lloyd, the author of a book o:i this "Newest Eng land." No, he answer. . If we can trust the recent complete victory of the progressive party in the election of 1899, the temper of the people as shown in conversation and the outspoken utter ances of their statesmen. Here are some of the definite ontspoken meas ures which have been publicly favored by leaders now active in New Zealand affairs : Btato fire insurance. Further demo cratization by the zone system of rates. Nationalization of the steampship lines. Nationalization of the coal mines. Com plete nationalization of the land. As sumption by the government of the busi ness of mining and selling coal. In crease of (he land and income-taxes for the further equalization of rich and poor. Removal of tariff taxation on the necessaries of life. Establishment ot government offices where "cheap law" can be served out to the people. Regu lation of rents for the protection oj ten ants from political pressure by land lords. Extension ol the purchase and subdivision of'llie large estates so that all the people may have land. State banking to give the people the . owner ship and administration of the machin ery of commercial and financial credit, doing for the business class what the stale with its advances to settlers does for the farmers, tradesmen and workingmen. The nationalization of the news eeryicj. Piwi'Kbsoii Von WaUorahausen, of the University of Strassburg, takes a pessi mistic view of Germany's future. The United States, he says, now holds the leading place as an exporting country. As compared with the Gorman empire, she has gained 80 per cent in exports in fiva years, while Uermauy has gained only 50 per cent. This gain, he pre dict will continue to increase. Ger many, ho thinks, will begin to run in debt fr Auuricnn goods, and then she will begin to decline. The results of eurh indebtedness "will show them selves in (1) loss ability to Btand taxa tion ; t2) growth of unpioductive in dubtediicss; (o) l. ssil!y the necessity of resorting to a paper currency ; (4) the emigration of manufacturers anil skilled operatives; (5) the tiansplanting of our factories to foreign countries; (G) want of employment ior lnuor ; (7) stagnation ot social rt'furm ; (8) finally, weakness of the military strength." Yet he has no better remedy to suggest than that all European countries should beware of treaties of reciprocity with the United States. At the convention of the Ohio Bank em' Association in Cleveland, its presi dent, ,1 . C. Relier, made this startling statement in hU annual report: "The gicatest menace is the Wall Btreet market. True, it has been legalized, ami the uamblord say it is no one's busi t:o?s i( wo choose to los our money this way, l ut when they produce a panic and involve the entire country, we have a right to object, for they at once appeal to the United States treasury for aid. lias not the stool trust the same riw'ht lo ask (t if it should become embitrassed as have these bulls and bears on the street? 1 We have a money trust in New Yoik. Ibis is not a fancy for it exists. It is so powerful that it Qhecked a panic in Wall btreet a few weeks pgo, and thus showed its power. It always backs Wall street, and is dangerous. The banks of New York cannot control the stock market. We object to them throwing tho burden of a panic on us by suspending payment while they have millions of uir money in their vaults." It is the settled conviction of many people that it' the ealojn were once eliminated from focicty wolwould be fairly launched on the road to the millen itiin. Thoy cherish this opinion be cause they do not take Into consideration home certain facts,tho weaknesses of hu man nature, for instance. Multitudes have a mania lor drugs. Governor Kogers, ol Washington, a professional druggist, eaid in a veto message: "The contents of the drugstore are perhaps 1 : . .i more dangerous to the future well-being of the race than those of the"; saloon. 'Dope fiends' are thus created by thous ands. Morphine powders administered to parents bring forth their natural fruit even to the third and fourth generation of descendants. Thus a great evil threatens us; drugyists and physicians know its source and lan.ent the ever in creasing demand for narcotics and intoxi cants. The wise among them do not themselves partake." Tee empire of Austria contemplates building lour canals which will open up ward of 1054 -miles of navigable water ways, and it is estimate! the cost will be about 1152,000,000. . The money is to be provided by the eo-operation of the provinces, districts and cities that are to be mainly benefited by the im provement. The work of construction is to begin not later than 1904, and is to be so calculated that the nhole system will be completed within twenty years. This plan might be profitably followed in this country in the building of reser voirs and great ditches for irrigating the desert regions, or in the construction of people's railways . Years ago, a lawyer, at one time of great prominence in the legal profession in this state, who remained a bachelor until late in lift, saiil in his slow,drawl iugway: "Well, if I had the power, I would make a young man get married before he was 25 years old, and if he wasn't married at 25 I would kill him." There is full as much sound sense in this 'opinion as in that of the Cornell profes sor, H. H. Powers, who said : "Kill off the teeble minded and those who are a burden to the rest of society hb you would kill off so many rattlesnakes, not becauee we hate them, but because they are troublesome to have around." Associate Justice Brewer, of the United States supreme court, has at once the position and the personal repu tation to command a hearing for these vigorous and uncommon assertions from his speech at the Yale bicentenary: IN the semi-annual statement of the financial condition of Clackamas county, its indebtedness, less the $5,544 cash in the hands of the treasurer, is given as $151,575. But the $20,397 of delinquent taxes is also subtracted from it, thus seemingly reducing (but on paper only) the amount of indebtedness to $131,208. Any business man knows that such a procedure is mere juggling with figures. He does not know what, as a whole, his book accounts are worth until he has collected them. Sheriff Cooke obtained only a little over $4000 Irom about $12,000 of "old junk" tax liens. But it is not unreasonable nor even unfair to our county administrators to figure a little the other way. On May 1st, 1902, about $28,000 of state and scalp taxes will be due to the state; therefore, this county now Oives the state $14,000. The Canby bridge, it is estimated, will cost obout $15,000, Add $14,000 and $15,000 and we have $29,000. Adding this sum to $15 1,575, gives $180,575 as the debt of Clackamas county nearly $200,000. "You cannot stay this moveroant toward consolidation and centralization. It is a natural evolution. Injunctions against Btrikers will not stop it. Legislation against trusts n' ill not. Attempting to stay the movement of its chariot wheels by injunction or statute is lunacy." Tiikrb is a life insurance company in this country that issues policies only to total abstainers, and its claim is that its death rate is 26 per cent lower than that of the companies that take "all sorls and conditions of men." Many of the large British life companies have long made differential rates between drinkers and teetotalers, and the reiords kept of their respective death-rates Beem to justify the conclusion that the teeto talers are the superior risks by about 20 to 25 , er cent. C. C. OtcoitQESoN, an expertof the ag ricultural department, who has investi gated the agricultural possibilities of Alaska, estimates that at bast 100, 000 acres o( its area are suited for farm ing; but the cost of transportation to the territory is so high, and the labor required t put the laud into a condition fit for cultivation so great, that it is im possible for any one with small means to establish a farm in Alaska. Fkkk trade, to be sure. The Ore gonian ol October 21st thus ends an ar ticle on the Hubjoet, "Whither Compe tition Leads :"" The commercial mil lenium will be the time when products, ag wen aa capital and money, are in state of perfect fluidity, and now hither and thither, as need or abundance moves them, as freely as tho tides in the great ocean ebb and ti-jw responsive to the sun and moon." Hundreds of vessels are lying idle In New York harbor, unable to get car goes ; ocan freight rates are from 40 to 75 per cent lower than they were a year ago; it is almost as aheap to send a large lot of grain from this side of the Atlantic to the other as it is to send it from one bank of the East river to the other. In the month of September 1,904 children perished in the Boer concentra tion camps in South Africa. Tho total population of these camps is given at 109,418, and the total dentht are averag iug about 240 a month, or 28,830 per year. In less than four years at this ap palling rate they will all be camps of the dead onlv. Thrms British soldiers in South Af rica who reented being called by their brigadier "white-livered curs" were sen teuced to death for mutinous conduct. Kitchener commuted the sentence to 12 years' penal servitude, and the war of fice now orders' theif release. Not long ago a New York judge, com menting upon the social conditions ex isting in New York and Brooklyn.stated that to the majority of the population the rearing of two children meant "in evitably a bey for the penitentiary and a girl for the brothel." Father McGbady, a Catholic priest of Bellevue, Ky is a radical socialist. Archbishop Corrigan, of New York, puts anarchists and socialists in the same category, and the Kentucky priest has openly challenged his grace to a de hate in New York city. Is a lecture at Paris, Prof. Caesar Lorubroio, theeminent Italian crimnolo gtst, stated that President Roosevelt is descended from a Franco German He brew family called Rosenfeldt, members of which emigrated to Holland, where the name took the present form. General MacAi.thur says that "no white man can do physical labor in the Philippine islands," and the Kansas City Journal suggests that the general is trying to encourage Americans to go over there in order to find leisure. The 80,000 people out of work in the city of Berlin will cause a great increase of socialists in the empire. Well, the steel trust is nurturing socialism among its workmen who struck and lost yet won for the future . Tub labor unions of Sweden, Norway and Denmark, in convention assembled at Copenhagen, have declared for social ism. This movement has become world wide, and the time will come when even J. P. Morgan will hear of it. According to the Manchester (Eng.) (juaruian, trie cost ot the uoer war is from one and a half to one and three-quar ter million pounds a week. Nj wonder British consols have declined from 114 before the war to 92. Tab Standard Oil Company has in creased the price of oil and gasoline 10 percent. This in lace of the fact that the products have doubled and the cost of refining decreased in the last year. Gkn. Pearson, quartermaster-general of the Boer army, now in Washington, says the two South African republics at ill have over 30,000 fighting men in the field. Pkosi-hkitv is so widespread that Bradstreet reports 223 business failures for tho last woek of October aj against 193 for the same week last year. AcccoHDiNQ to Dun's Review, the prices ol 350 articles of merchandise in general use have advanced over 25 per cent in price since 1803. J. P. Morgan controls property valued at $2,500,000,000. His privite wealth is placed at $54,000,000. For Oyer Fifty Years. An Old and Wkll-Trikd Rkmrdy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers, for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Ib pleasant to the taste, Sold by Drug gists in every part of the World. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, re sure ami ask for Airs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup, and take no other kind. Piano tickets with all Moore'e Pharmacy. . pcrc'iasei at Brain-Feol Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad his been branded by the mot competent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food is needed for bones. A correct diet will not only nour ish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, how ever good your food may be, its nutri ment is destroyed by indigestion or dys pepsia. You must prepare for their ap pearance or prevent their c lining by tak ing regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids di gestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purities the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can got Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at George A. Harding's drugstore. Women Dres The disfiguration caused by skin disease, even more than the tormenting imita tion which is so commonly associated with it. Theuse of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery generally results in a complete cure of eczema, pimples, eruptions and other forms of disease which have their cause In an impure con dition of the blood. " Golden Medical Discovery " abso lutely purges the blood of humors and poisons, and so cures the cuta neous diseases which bad blood breeds and feeds. There is no alco hol in the Golden Medical Discov ery" and it is. en tirely free from opium, cocaine, and all other nar cotics. "I was troubled with eczema from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet," writes Mrs. Ella Quick, of Cass City, Tuscola Co., Mich. Coula not walk at times, nor wear my shoes. Thought there was uo help for me at least the doctor said there was none. 1 went to see friends at Christmas time and there heard of the good that Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery had done for them, and was advised to try it at once. For fear that I might neulect it my friends sent to the villacre and ROl i a nottie and made me promise that 1 would take it I took thirteen bottles of the golden Medical Discovery ' and ten viala of Dr. l-ierce'a Pleasant Pellets, and used the ' Alt Healing Salve,' which made a complete cure. It was alow, but sure. I was taking the medicine about eight months. I would say to all who read this : Try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery before wast ing time and money," Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the action of the " Discovery." A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something Neiv Under the Sun," All Doctor have tried to cure CA TARRH by the use of powdersj acid gases inhalers and drugs in paete form. The powders dry up the mucuous mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and oint ments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specially of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures CA TARRH, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges, and curing all in flammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afllicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as "SNUFFLES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing in ternal and external medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and every thing necessary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLES" is the only perfect CA TARRH CURE ever made and is now recognized as the only feafe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permanently and is lso wi iterfu'.ly quick to relieve HAY FE VEU 01 COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION "SNUF FLES" will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which is positively guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each pick age. Don't delay but Bend for it at once and write full particulars as to your con dition, and y u will receive special a t vice from the discoverer of this wonder ful remedy regarding your case without cost to von beyond the regular price of "SNUFFLES" the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canad on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dent. E 59 4, ED WIN B. GILES & COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. School Books at Charman & Co. When you want a good square, meal go to the Brunswick restaurant, oppo site suspension bridge, L. Ruconieh, proprietor. Everything fresh and clean and well cooked; just like you get at home. This is the only tirst-class res taurant in Oregon City and where you can get a good meal for the price of a poor one el ewhere. Our prices showed Your money saved in millinery at Red Front Store. The Portland City A Oregon Rulway Company will run cars every 30 minutes between Oregon City and Portland Sun day. A delightful ride for only 25 cents the round trip. The cars run cleat h rough to Canemah on that day. PRUNE CereaJ Grains A Perfect Food Drinfr Made from the choicest! 1 Fruit V 46 -7 V Grains inUCaiifonrdniaCrCaIS Sr0wn Possesses a delicate flavor and aroma not iound in any other Orcal Coffee. Ai: ,-c:ro &dl it. .r POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS, FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. T T tt r t t --si a 1 r t f m- t Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. i YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT Bat the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY 1 Good Bread Good Pastry If your bread and pastry is made with PATENT FLOUR it will give satisfaction to both cook and the eater. See that the order with your grocer reads "Patent Flour." Made in Oregon City by the Portland Flouring Mills Co. t id 1 MV jv ilw CITY MARKET Opposite Huntley's pirat-glass pleats of 11 irds Sa'Jsiaction Guaranteed Give yirr? a Kali arjd be Treated Bigljt 1 R. L. HOLM AN, Undertaker Phones 476 and 305. 4 . Two Doors South of Court House. OREGON CITY GUN STORE H. W. Jackson Proprietor MS lb VJ Lar2est Line of Shot Gs in Oregon City Prices to Suit. Remember the J Place l i rn 1 JaCKSOIl S BlCyCle SllOp- 0pposite Hunttys Are Bought and Appreciated by THE BEST PEOPLE of Oregon City A. Holier tson The 7th St. Grocer 9 i ..... -r OREGON CITY GO MUIR TO BROS. FOR Fancy and taple (Groceries Seventh and Center Sts. Brown & Welch - PrOMIWOKS OF TBI Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. OREGON CITY, Building OREGON We cury the larjpst stock of 0 tska Coffins, Robes and Lining in Clackamas county. We are the only undertakers in the county owning a hearse, which we fur nish for Lms than can ba hid elsewhere. vVe are under small expanse and do not ask lar,?e profits. O ills promptly attended niht or dxy AMMUNITION - SHELLS' I