Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 08, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    r. - - . ,. Vi,. 'T . T -1 1 J. v.. : ! .-
A Few More Days
. . . OF THE
olden Mule Bazaar
Opposite Bank of Oregon City
If you have not availed yourself of the rare opportunity it has afforded
for economical shopping you have not done justice to your purse. A dollar
spent at our store this week will send a larger package of value to your
home than any dollar jou ever spent before. One lady told us yesterday
that she had shopped in the largest cities of the country,- but had never
seen so many "bargains" in one store. We believe the lady .
Visible Value in Every Department
Suggested by the following:
Johnson BroB.' Semi-Porcelain Cups and Saucers, latest
- Shape BeBt Goods 44c eet
Men's 25c Fancy Half Hose 15C pair
Boys' Heavy Fleeced Underwear, regular 40c goods 2oc garment
Large 10c Pencil Writing Tablet. . 5c
"Perfection" Lead Pencils with rubbers ' 9c doz
Regular 35c Henrietta 'Cloth 25c yd
The "Empress" Coet 45c pair
Men's Good Wool Hats, black 45c
Brown's "Norwod" Mon'sShoes $1.35 pair
Good Heavy Unbleached Muslin 5c yd
Ladies' Rainy Day Skirts, oxford gray 3.25
The "Quail" Fountain Pen, with filler.. 5c
Pearl Top No. 1 Lamp Chimneys 4c
Men's Good Cotlon Socks. 25c garment
Amoskeag Blankets, 10-4, white and colored 75c pair
Boys' Heavy Sweaters, fancy colon 45c
Glass Tumblers, plain and fancy . 3c each
The Golden Rule Bazaar will move to
its new. building, next to the Methodtst
Church, about November 12th.
John Cok, of Oanby, was in the city
A. Moore, of Molalla, was in Oregon
City Tuesday.
George Killen, oi Handy, was in the
city Wednesday.
F. H. King, of Logan, was in Oregon
Oity yesterday.
T. P. Randall returned from a visit to
The Dalles Wednesday.
Fred Wagner, of Oottrell, road super
visor, was in town yesterday.
Ernest Klarr, of Macksburg, was a
vfsitoi in the city yesterday.
Mrs. H. S. Moody and son are visit
ing relatives at Walla Walla.
Franklin T. Qriffltn has gone to St
Paul, Minn., on a business trip.
J. 0. Elliott, a well known merchant
of Damascus, was in thecity Wednesday.
Ra'ph Grimm, a prominent farmer of
Needy precinct, was in town Wednes
day. Robert Leslie, of vV'ilhoit, was in Or
egon City for a couple of days during
the week.
August Kremer and Harry Miller,
two well known resieents of Logan, were
in Oregon City Wednesday.
J. S. Yoder, who is progressing favor
ably with the work of rebuilding his
sawmill, near Needy, was in town Tues
day. t. C. Hettmann, of Bolton, who has been
very trom the effects of an abscess and
attendant blood poisoning, is out of dan
ger and improving.
Mrs. L. Stout a id child, of Toledo, has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cumins at
Shubel. She started on her return
trip home yesterday.
A. Goldsmith arrived from Eugene
Wednesday evening, and in visiting his
daughters, Mra. Max Bolhick and the
Misses Goldsmith for a few dayB.
Rev. W. H. Latourette, field secretary
for McMinnville college, has gone into
Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho for
a month's labor in behalf of that insti-
William Kreuger, of Vancouver, was
in Oregon City yesterday. Ha has dis
posed of his hotel businees there, nnd
may return to Clackamas county to re
eide. Herman Loau-iand family removed to
Portland yesterday, where he will en
gage in business. " Mr. Logus has dis
posed of his interest in the butcher shop
here to Mr. Albright.
Mid Myrtle Cross, wlu hag been
clerking in Grace's store for some time
past, has resigned her position, and re
turned to the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. M. Cross at Mlalla.
Geore D. Bradford hasariived from
Summer, and i)ined his mother, Mrs.
Cole in the management of the Racket
Store. Mr. Bradford conducted a laun
dry business here several years ago.
' t
Mr. and Mas, R. Moulton, of Minne
sota, are visiting their grandson, Frank
E. Weed this week. They also are vis1
itmg William Galloway and family. The
Moultons will spend the winter with
their son at McMinnville, and-may re
main in uregon permanently.
A. M. Lovelace, of Damascus, who
has.cliarge of Walter Burrell's country
place, near woodiawn, was in town
Wednesday. While visiting his fumilv
at the fotmer place Tuesday night he re
ceived a notiScation to appear before the
grand jury nere, as a witness in the Law
kidnap case.
William Cumins, of Shubel, reports
that two oi his sons are Fuffering from
sawmill acoidents. Bert accidentally
cut his knee on the saw, and another
son had his foot severely crushed by
a log rolling on it. The latter was
brought to town for treatment yester
day. -
Road Supervisor J. A. Reid.of Spring
water, was in town yesterday, and
stated the work of laying the plank on
the road impaovements bad been com
pleted in that section. He also stated
that Sohu F. Lovelace was making pret
arations to remove his stock of merchan
dise from from Viola to Springwater.
J. L. Stewart, of Stone, was in Ore"
gon City yesterday. He is building a
new church for the Christian congrega
tion at that place. The edifice is 28 40
and will be a neat structure. It is in
tended to have it ready for occupancy
by December 1st. Klv. Rich, of Da
Kelso, holds services there on the first
Sunday in every month.
S. D. Hutchinson, of Highland, was
in the city Wednesday and reported
that the 7-year old daughter of Ed
Traylor was severely burned the first of
the wvek. She was passing underneath
a Durmnu log, when tier clothing caught
on fire from the falling sparks. The
father's hands, also were severely
burned in his efforts to extincuish the
Hot soda at the Kozy KandyKitchen.
Goodman & Abramson have opened a
watchmaker's shop in the Sladen build
ing. '. : - ,;
A social dance will be given by the
Canby orchestra at Canby on Saturday
evening, November 16th. .
Lost Two black and spotted barrow
hoas from H. Bethke's place on the Mo
lalla road. Reward given.
The Racket Store will give away a
sewing machine (jnnstmas. unance
with eery 10-cent purchase.
A lady was heard to remark "thatin
every house she visited sne siw tne
Courier-Herald lyin,j on the stand."
Viola Whitcomb and Ham Wright
were married at the court house on No
vember 2nd, Judge Ryan officiating.
FirBt-claes watch repairing at reason
able prices at the new jewelry store.
The Canby orchestra is making great
preparations for a grand ball at that
place on Saturday evening, JNovemDer
17th. t
A clay pigeon shooting match for tur
keys, ducks and geese will be held at
Canby on Wednesday, November 27, by
11. A. Vorpabl. ,
Our Headache Tablets go on curing
some one every day : better try a box at
25 cents tban to Buffer. No cure, no pay.
C. G. Huntley. .
In a boxing match at Eagie Creek Sat
urday night between Eddie Murphy, of
Portland, and Young Iryin, of Garfield,
the former won,
Richard Prier makes an annjunce-
ment in another column of special in
terest to all who are interested in hav
ing beautiful hair. -
Carpt weaving done by John Harris-
burger, Mount Pleasant. Hit or miss
per yard, 20 cents, stripes 23 cents. P.
U. Hox 8(5, Uregon Uity.
The Courier-Herald is under obliga
tions to Oscar Whitten, the Oswego
grape and strawberry grower, for a box
of his fine Concord grapes.
Eyes examined free at the new
jswelry store. P. L. Abramson, Dr. of
McLonghlin Cabin, Native Som, will
give a social dance at the Armory on
Friday night, JNov. loth. UiVereBt s or
chestra will furnish the music.
Allie, the 5-year old daughter of Cap
tain and Mrs. M. D, Phillips, celebrated
her fifth birthday Wednesday by enter
taining eight of tier little friends at her
A private leUer received Irom Beatrice,
Neb., states that potatoes sell there at
$1.60 a bushel, and many men are with
out work on accouut of the failure of
the crop.
. Miss Bruner'a Parti.
Mis Etta Bruner entertained a num
ber of friends Monday evening with pro
gressive whist Those present were:
Misses Anneita Uleason, Clara Miller,
Emma VegeiiuB, Myrtle Powell, Nettie
N.Kallogg, Alice Quick. Etta Bruner;
Messrs Louis Weinmandel, Henry
Ross, Waller Bernier, Fred Miles, Earl
Moaher, Ross Farr, Clarence Bruner,
August Rakel.
Another Hallowe'en Party .
Jack Latourette gave a very enjoya
ble Hallowe'en party at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. U D. Latourette
on the bluff last Thursday evening
Gaines and puzzles were features of the
entertainmeut. Refreshments ware
served. Those proeeut were the Misses
Edna and Clara Caufield, Gertrude
Moores, Maude Warner, Nellie Caufield;
Messrs. Gordon Moores, Jack Caufield,
Wiilie Howell, Willie Koerner, Percy
Caufield, while Miss Myrtle Buchanan
acted as master of ceremonies.
Beware of the
Agenci Sharks
Every day we hear of a city
being worked by some smooth
subscription agent taking cut-rate
subscription for well-known maga
zines. Don't give your money to
strangers. Don't, risk sending it
away. At Huntley's Book Store
they will meet every honest cut
rate prion for subscriptions for any
paper or magazine published.
Taite with you any printed offer
you may have and Mr. Huntley
will meet it and save you all risk
and expense. Tha Courier-Herald
turned in many subscriptions to
Huntley's Book Store at a saving
to itself.and heartily recommends
their methods.
Dimlck for Mayor.
There seems to be no opposition to
the reelection of G. B. Dimick as mayor
of Oregon City, an i his friends ire ask
ing him to run (or the second term.
While he is not a candidate he will no
doubt accept a second nomination if
given him unanimously. His admin
istration of the city's affairs for the past
year was economical, and he has given
satisfac.ion as far as we know.
The great present-giving Sale at
Clothing. .-'Company
Third and Oak Sts.f Portland ?
Where they GIVE AWAY $5.00 and $10
bills with each Suit and Overcoat?
Mrs. R. B. Beatie, of Oregon City, has and received a $5.00
greenback with a Boys' Suit So did J. Simpson, of
Eagle Creek, who received $10 with his suit So did
John J. Dickey, of Needy, who also received $10.
Letter Lint.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postollice at Oregon City, Or.,
on Nov. 7th, 1901:
WomenB' List Mrs. M. A. Leete,
MrH. Edna Leach, Mrs. Dock Ward.
Mens' List Charlts Clayson, Eli
Fellows, Captain Herbert L Hat:h, C.
Kenyon, M. A. Larson, C. 0. Meldrum
(2), "Oregon City Nuisery Company,
John W. Shavar, John Stanton, Mr.
and Mrs. Schmerdeker, Albert Thomp
son, Georire Wood; pk. of photos for
Charles Walker.
George F. Horton, p. m.
Taken up Between Oregon City and
Stone, a cow and calf. Owner can have
same by proving property and paying
charges. Call on or address L. D.
Mumpower, Oregon City.
Ashootifig match will be given at
Canby with J. Cook as munager on
Tuesday, November 26. Shot gun and
rifle shooting for turkeys, ducks and
geese .
The Evangelical Luthera Zion church
will dedicate its new bell one week from
next Sunday. The services will be
very interesting and there will be a good
attendance from the congregations in
Portland and Macksburg
The usual services will be held at the
Congregational church on the next
Lord's day. In the evening the pastor
Till speak on the "Hope of Immortal
ity" in the light of the view-point of
the present.
Hot soda at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen.
Miss Lucy Clow and Charles Crow
ley were married on the West Side
Sunday at the home of the bride's par
ents, Rev. P. K. Hammond officiating.
An elaborate wedding dinner was served
to the guests at the close ef the cere
mony. Prof. Antonio Pirri, direct from Rome,
will give an cxhibUion of light and
heavy weight balancing, tumbling, club
swinging, etc. in front of the Kozy
Kandy Kitchen on Friday evening at
7 o'clock and Saturday afternoon and
evening. " ,
When in need of a first-class watch,
visit the new jewelry store. We will
show you all the leading makes at the
lowest prices.
Christian Science services are held in
Willamette hall every Sunday at 11 a m.
Subject for Sunday, November 10th,
"Mortals and Immortals." Sunday
echool at 12 o'clock. Wednesday even
ing meetings at 8 o'clock. To t hese ser
vices all are welcome.
With every purchase at Welch's Acme
candy parlors a chanea to cuen on the
nuinbarof beans in a jr is given. The
one guessing nearest is given a fine box
of candy free eve-y Saturday. Tne last
jar contained Til Deans and John ti.
Kelly won the .box, his guess being 726.
C. W. Swallow, of Maple Lane, left at
the Courier-Herald office on Tuesday a
box of strawberries which he picked
that day. A picture ot same same will
appear in the New Year Courier-Herald
so that copies sent East will show one
of the benefits of a residence in Oreiton
If froH does not come Mr. Swal low
will have ripe berries for a fortnight
The i. 41. U. A. footoall team won a
brilliant victory in Portland Saturday,
winning the ganie over Hill's military
school team by a ecore of 5 to 0. The
local team have been in ttaining only
1 fying beginning. Following was the
nnd-tip ol the Oregon Oil J team
Jarvis, center; Wilson, right guard;
Guy Reddick, right tacile: Ole Thoiiip
son, right end; E, Califf, right half;
William Peters, full back ; Charles
Paine, left half back : Otey Boylan, left
guard; Willie Koerner, left tackle; Jack
Latourette, left end.
This Is the Way We Do It
Commencing MONDAY morning, we will GIVE AWAY
with each tenth MEN'S SUIT that we sell, A TEN DOL
LAR BILL. And with each tenth BOY'S or CHILD'S
SUIT sold, a Five Dollar BilL By this means every tenth
customer will receive a suit practically for nothing
We have $600 in all to GIVH AWAY
A Popular Favorite With Ticket
Following is the vote in the Checkering
piana contest: The Maccabees and
Y. M. C. A. have joined farces, the for
mer to receive the votes and the latter
10 get the piano:
W. O. W 120,857
K.O.I. M 45,107
Falls City Odd-Fellows encampment
entertained about 70 visitors Tuesday
night, the majority of them coming from
Portland. Several candidates were Ini
tiated, and an elaborate suppor was
ecrved. Fifteen chickens were included
on the bill of fare.
City Council.
At the regular meeting ot the city
ouncil Wednesday night it was ordered
that the ineandescent light near Kdly's,
be removed to Ureen Point, and the
ight at the corner of Fourth and Cen
ter streets be remov.d to bixtn and
Madison Btreeta The recorder was di
rected to notify the Portland City &
Oregon Railway to repair the plank road
way between14ta and lotn streets, and
the chief of police ordered to arrest any
motormen running cars through the
etreets at a greater speed than 7 miles
an hour.
The following judges and clerks for
the city election to be held on the 2nd
day of November:
first ward Judaea, H. U. Mevens,
E. D. Kelly, J. A. Stuart; clerks,
II. W.Trembath and Weldon M Shank.
Second wardJudges, C.C. Babcock,
C. N. Oreenman. Sol S. Walker; clerks,
J. O. Rhodes, Charles W. Kelly.
Third ward J. N. Harrington, D. G.
Frost, J.M.Gillett; eltrks, George Ely
and L. Stipp.
Kev fitting, lock work and 8 iw filing
at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op-
jinrs KHjtn.s n rit. ? i' lsiaciion guar
The Oregon City boats now make
three trips daily to Portland and re
turn, and the time enrd has been
changed a follows: Leave Orego i
City at foot of eighth Btreet, 7 a. m.
11a. m.; 3 p. m Leave Portland at
foot cf Tavlor street, 9 a. m. ; 1 p. m
'5 p.m. Tim boats are roomy, and the
I reentry can be viewed from comfortably
: se.iteu and luhted cabins, while the pur
ser and officers are clever and atten-
! live.
A New Departure
To the People of Oregon City and Clackamas County.
Greeting. We wish to make the pleasant announcement that we have opened'
a new and up-to-date Jewelry and Optical store, where we are prepared to do all
kind of Watch and lewelry Repairing at Reasonable Prices." Mr. Phillip Abram
son, a Graduate ol the South Bend College of Optica, will have charge of our opti
cal department and will, attend to all who desire to consult him about their eyes.
You will also find at onr store a magnificent stock of WATCHES consisting
Everything carried in a first-cluas Jewelry establishment.
We extend a hearty invitation to one and all to visit our place and examine
our goods, and by honest dealing and fair and courteous treatment we hope to
gain your confidence and a goodly share of your patronage.
Thanking you in advance, we are yours for business.
lor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King'B New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headache
They make pure blood and "Md np
your health. Only 25 cents. Money
back if not cured. Hold by U. A. Hard
ing, Druggist.
The Bent Pr-o-lptlon for MalurU
Chills and Fever is a lmttle of Grove's
Tameless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
and ouinine in a taoteless form. No
cure no pay. Price 50c.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to curer E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 2oc.
euithi lilt Kind You Have Always Bongfit
We supply any book used in Clackamas
County and allow the highest price in ex
change We wi save you money
To purchasers of school books we give
Tablets, Pencils, and Rulers
Cffl'ARMAN & C.
Wood's Sarsapartlla, $1 size, only 55c.
Family Receipts and Physicians' Prescriptions a specialty,
low prices.
Mail order3 promptly attended to,
Jt i.Si