ORBGON CITY CGURIB-H1RALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1901 O0O00OO30O000 - 5 CORRESPONDENCE ooooooooooooo Union Hall. Sam Wilkerson, of this place, has een looking at soma of the Oregon soil, vnd he is well pleased with part of it. John Thomas has finished walling a ell for Mr. Foster. James Wilkerson has been making me improvements on his farm here i.itely. Perry Burns is building a new barn on lis place. Charles Pembroke is helping im to build it. Mrs. George Kilemire and her twin laughters, of Clackamas, were visiting Irs. John Burns last week. They re urne 1 home last Sunday. School started here on November 4th. Mrs. Webb, of Portland, is visiting Ir. and Mrs. H. S. C. Phelps, of this ilace. There are pilatojs in this part of the -wntry that are yet green. Mr Skinner, of the Alpine farm, is aovin away. This will give some ther man a chance to get the Alpine arm. Backwoods. Highland. Everything is lovely in Highland vhen the goose hangs high. Our worthy road supervisor, Mr. itromgren, worked the main road lirough Highland last week,; and the vay they pounced upon the flat rocks nd made mud holes in the road was a ight never to bo forgotten . The force thould have been divided into small iquads and worked to better effect. Wo had a magic lantern exhibition Saturday niiiht at the hall. Mrs. Harlan and Mrs. Flynn, both from Missouri, and sisters of A. Nich las, of Highland, who have been here on 1 visit have returned. We are having improvements made here. F. B. Mitchell is erecting a new dwell ing, which will he nice and cozy when finished. Messrs. I'ollock and Fred North are also building homes. The Hallowe'en crowd thought they had lots of fun, but the sensible people thought dillorent. Marks' Prairie. F. 0. Seaton has recovered from his nckness and ia again able to be about. Hopgrowers are feeling a little blue on account of the low price of hops. O. Kocher has sold part of his hop crop, and he will speculate on the bal ance. Fanners have about finished putting in their fall grain and ara now digging spuds. William Bi lwell aud his mother hav returned to Cottage Grove, their old home. Dan Kauffmnn has renteJ the Rans dall farm. Colemun Mark is putting up new fences and otherwiao improving his farm. Charles Oleaby is helping the Kon- dall boys at Macksburg this week . Several young people of this place at tended the dance at Barlow last Satur day night and report having had a good limo. Kphram Jame has purchased a red buguy, and now the young ladies are making "goo goo eyes" at Eph. It 8iHmi as though the Dutch and log fonnol will soon t ike tliis part of Chii'kam 11 county. Mr. B.igby, the Needy sawmill man, is doing a g od business at present. He employes about 15 men and thereby puts considerable money in circulation, f lie mill has a capacity of 20,000 feot of lumber per day. John Stubbs and wife, of Milalla, are the new employes at Mr. Uajby's Baw mill. " a sad thing to trine trees spoiled by trie tmsmt. YOU Can always tell them from ! , - , .. trie rest. lliey never CIO Well , , . . . , auui Wviius uiu stay biuon aim sickly. It is worse to sec a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But seme of them don't crct their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott's Emulsion can stop that blight. There b no reason why such a child should stay smalL Scott's Emulsion is . a medicine with lots of strength in it the kind of Strength that makes things grow. Scott's Emulsion makes children grow, makes them cat, makes them sleep, makes them play. Give the weak child a chance. Scott's Emulsion will I make it catch up with the rest ThU picture represents the Trade Made of Scott's .ra'"lsion "d is on tht wrapper of every bottle Send for fret sample. SCOTT & BOWNF, 409 Tearl St., New York. jC and ft. all druggists. &m3 me BBiesht see fine; rl ft ;.' ,. Currimville. Mrs . L. E . Marrs returned to her home in Salem last week after a short visit with relatives in Currinsville and Springwater. Boro, Oct 24th, to the wife of John K. Ely, a 9-pound boy. Mrs. R. A. Looney is quite sick at the present writing. Maggie Smith and Pearl foster, of Eagle Creek, are attending school here finee we have a ninth grade established, and Emmett Huffman, of Garfield, will start this week. We are glad to see so much interest taken by outside pupil? aud think some of our own large boys and girls would be wise to follow their example. Some of the boys were out Hallowe'en, but we did not hear of any serious mis chief being done, beyond stretching a few wires to trip somebody, , Barlow. Here we come again, comrades, not to tell you about the weather for that is fine, and everybody in the Willamette valley knows it but about the dance in Columbia hall Saturday night it was a hummer. There were over SO people present. Five sets of quadrilles were danced at one time. They all tripped the light fantastic web to sweet strains of music, such as our regular string or chestra always renders. The orchestra is composed of Bud Toll. Will Covey and Arthur Scoggan. The crowd was orderly with the exception of a few tough boys from Canby that most al ways grace, or rather disgrace such oc casions by their presence, but the Canby boys are "not all tough. There are some gentlemen among them, who are always welcome at the Barlow dances, but for all-round ladies and gentlemen we can recommend the Aurora girls and boys. There is uo telling how many would have been there if the Enterprise hadn't tangled dates by putting it off until the 20th, but the correspondence assures us that it was no fault of hers. But this is a warning. Dou't monkey with the En terprise, as it is In the habit of getting its figures wrong. The dance that was given Saturday night netted the school house organ fund $13.50. The committee has now on hand enough money to purchase a plain or gan, and will proceed to do bo soon, or should at least. Miss Mable McClane, of Portland, is visiting with the Barlow family. She attended the dance Saturday niht. We have been authorized to offer a reward of 25,000 pesos for the return of the organ that was abducted from the M. E. church of this place for the .ostensible purpose of using it at the M. E. camp meeting at the Canby camp grounds in Julv. If you don't intend to return the organ, come and take the building also, for why encumbereth the ground whereon it standeth, or else pay taxes on it, for it is not being used for churcn purposes as the law requires to escape the taxation. Can some of the comrade correspond ents of the Courier-Herald come to my aid with a little advice. We have a fine young cow, but she is everlastingly switching her candle appendage when I am milking her. What would you do under the circumstances I Dr. Bennie Geisy, George Frye and Billy Bauer, all of Aurora, came down to the dance Saturday night, and not one of the old bachelors brought a girl You are always welcome, gentlemen, but uon t let that go it alone ' condi tion occur again. Remember 1 Comrade Henry Melvin attended the dance, but he could not get up enough courage to ask any of the girls to dance with him. The ladies of this place served a very nice lunch in the dining hall Saturday night at 10 o'clock, which was enjoyed by all who conld rustle the required 10 cents. We thank the editor of the Oregonian for his most excellent editorial on social' iBm in last Sunday's Oregonian. Will Tull took a party of ladies out in his tallyho coach Monday afternoon Will is an expert with the ribbons The Barlow bridge is nearing eomplo' tion. The woods around this place are full of woodchoppers. If the prohibitionists really want the sale of liquor stopped they should study socialism. If the preachers want to ..n!. I .1..... .hnnl.l preach socialism. the dance Saturday night with three sisters and cousins. That's right, gents, if you connot bring somebody else's sis- ters.bring your own 1 Oom'oral. IVoodburn . Fred Dose was a visitor in Portland Monday. W.J. Ramage. of Elliot Prairie, died the latter part of last week with cancer Mr. Keas, our pmateur photographer. returned from Ocean Park and reports a very rainy tune. The Misses Rose and Irene Ashford were visitors lo Gervais last Sunday af ternoon Miss Mabel Hubbard, of Colton, Ore- lion, was a visitor in this burg from lust Natimlay evening till Monday morning, when she took her departure for Port land to remain for awhile. -The Woodburn A. O. U.W. lodge, No, 37, gave a Btipper lust Saturday evening, alter which games were played till a late hour. There werenmie a number pres cut. Miss Montra Foreman left for Gervais Monday, where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pueonbery and family for the coming week. Mrs. Staiger is fitting up the house belonging to James Whitney for a lodg ing House. It is a large ami con veil lent hout-e und ill afford much tucom mod ul ion . Ivan Miller, the oldest son of Sam Miller, of Hubbard, died last Sunday morning from the effects of his leg being amputated and complications having set in. Glenn Thompson returned Saturday from a vieit to 111a brother-in-law near Maeleav. Dutch. Canby. Mr. Carlton and M. J. Adkins have just returned from a hunting trip up in the mountains. D. Dimick and wife went to Handy Tuesdav to attend the funeral of Mr John Kamace. A. Martin has just finished a new i foot well on his property south of the depot. A. L. Snell went to Portland last Wednesday to close a deal on his prune Crop, ,: , -.. ,'-;; .. Rev. Henshaw, ol Marion, came down Tuesdaay to. make his son, our station agent, a short visit. . Several new families from the East have moved into Canby within the last few weeks, and oar population if increas ing fast. George Hampton and wife left for Washington last Tuesday, where Mr. Hampton has taken up a ranch. Jack Howard and Andrew Knight are back here now with the steam shovel. The Southern Pacific Co.have brought their steam shovel from Myrtle Creek and have placed it in the gravel pit and the way the dirt is coming out isn't slow. The workmen expect to stay here all winter, which will make times lively in Canby, as there are from 25 to 38 men employed to do the work. . Eagle Creek. V. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon celebrated their golden wedding at the home of Mrs. . Glover last Saturday. The Eagle Creek Grange will elve an entertainment and pie or cake social on" November 23. Professor Ogle will fur nish music for the evening. El wood. Born, to the wife of Mirtin Free oan. Oct. 16th, an eight-pound Kir I. Mrs. Grindstaff is on the sick list. Mrs. Sullivan is auite sick. Dr. Pru- den, of Springwater, was c tiled to at tend her. Chris Bittnoi is build in a laree barn. Mrs. E. O. Wyatt. of Philom ith. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alice Hen derson. Jesse Cox has purchased a npw buggy . Mrs. Shubert is in very poor health. I. D. Surfus has purchased a new wagon. Meda Hubbard was the euest of the Misses Cox Tl.ursday night. Mabel Hubbard, who has been work ing in Woodburn for the past rix months, was the guest of Delia Hender son Wednesday night. Lalla Rookh Meudowbrook . Last Thursday morning John Dolan's house with most of the contents was destroyed by fire. The origin of the fire ia unknown. Mr. Doian will re build. There will be a basket social and dance at Canyon Creek hall Saturday night, November u. Walter James and family have moved to Oregon City, where Mr. James has a position in the Crown paper mills. Kev. Purcell, of lily, preached to a large congregation last Sunday. There will be services at the same place Sun day, November 17th, at 3 o'clock p. m. Mr. and Mrs.Frants Wiuslow were vis iting the latter's sister, Mrs. W. R. Garrett,oa Sunday. Cuba. Macksburg, This is strange weather for Oregon. Most everyone is ready for rain now. Mr. Klebe. of this place, is buildine a new barn. Ross Fryear has bought a new horse. Mr. Smith is building a barn north of his Btore. There will be a dance in the K. O. T. M. hall Saturday night. A good time is promised those attending. Mrs. Lorenze has returned from Ne braska. Mars. Maple Lane. A rousing Halbwe'en party was given at the home of G. F. Gibbs laBt Thurs day evening, and a eood time was en joyed by those attending. As the boys were highly entertained they did no mischief, which proves that if you treat a boy right, he's all right. Misses Jessie and Letha Jackson were the guests of Annie Shortlidge last Sun day. All of our boys, who went away for the summer, are home Dow. The lastoue to return was Benjamin Beard. Miss Minnie Waltemathe is home for a two weeks' stay. Frank Beard, eldest son of William Beard, arrived hero last Sunday from Spokane, Wash. J. Schilling and family have moved into our neiguborhood. Gibbs & Co. are baling hay at home today. Pansy Blossom. Mountain View. Frosty nights have come to this burg again. Mr. Scoggins, of Woodburn, was the guest of J. V. Currin last Wednesday evening. Mrs. F. M. Darling and her sister, Mrs. White, of Iowa, went to Idaho last week to visit their sister, who lives there. Mr. Ely has sold another lot near Mr. Lock's property on Hood street. Mrs. Rayiield, of Oswego, was visiting her brother. James Fisher, last Sunday. They have just received the Bad news of the death of their mother at California. There is a dog in this burg known as the church dog. It has made hs its home under the church for several years and coming out every evening to get food and drink. It has lately moved to Duane Ely'8 hou-e.. We wonder who its owner is. Another house in Ely is occupied, but we have not learned the name of the family. They have moved into Mr, Savage's houso. Mrs. Gartman and children started to Montana last Monday to join her husband, who has a position on the railroad in that state. Mr. and Mrs. Bixby, of Kansas, are visitiiw It. T. Uoattio and family. Mr. Duvall is on the sick list, and is not able to be at work. Samuel Kriiiois spent last Sunday at Tualatin. Sauna. School lieport. Follow ing ia the report of school dis trict No. 8J, for the month ending Nov. No. days taught, 20. No. pupils enrolled, 42. vermre daily attendance, 84. Total No. days' attendance, 6S2. Absence. Sft. Averagu No. bel oniriuj, 37. I'ases of tardiness, 3. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month are Athleen and One-Third OflC From the Regular Price , We are overstocked with fall goods and re compelled to sacrifice profits in order to reduce our stock, and here quote a fe prices : All-wool Clay Worsted Suits, regular price $12.50, now $9.00 All-wool Blue Serge Suits s " " 12.50 9.00 All-wool Cheviots Suits " " 13.50 " 9-5 t We are also agents for the celebrated O egon Cassimere t in all colors, regular $12.50 suits for $9.00, also $ti su s for $8. T A f.11 1: f 1 1 , ... !!:. - n n-rat- r mil 1111c 01 wuuicu uuucivvcdi vc die aciuiijj at a giv.oi $ reduction. All wool garments Elsie Bluhm, Lena.Rosie, Nellie, Nora. Irene and Edna Moehnke, Lottie and Bealah Hornschuh, Mary and Henrietta Wittrock, Lorena Hill and Rnymond Ginther. . Following were the visitors present during the month: Emil Guenther, Wesley Hill, Gottfried Moehnke, direc tors; Miss Carrie Mankertz, of Portland, Miss Lena Grossmiller, Henry Hett man and Freddie Bohlender, of Shubel, Misses Zoura, Delia and Jessie Camp bell and Edward Hettman, of Dufur, Martin Massinger, of Milwau'de. We respetfully invite the patrons of the school and all others interested in education to visit us from time to time and note our progress. Robert Ginther, Teacher. Special Announcement Many years aRO wlitle employed In the depart ment of chemistry of Guy's Hospital and Medi cal College, Lonclun, England. I secured tlio form ula for a remedy for the cube or dahdruff and FALLING OF THE HAIR. I ' hd OCCtlSiOU lODOliCe cases where its use produced a beautifnt growth of hair on persons who hud become almost bald. Sluoe 00m ing to Oregon I have recommended its use to some of my personal friends vn were trouDiea witti aanarun ana icreaienea wun Daia ness: also at the solicitation ol many others have made up small lots of the remedy for their use. 1 can iruiy say timt 1 ao not Know 01 a case where used according to directions it has failed to prove beneficial. I have concluded to m anfac ture the remedy for general sale. A trial by any one troubled with dandruff, falling of the rair or threatened baldness will Convince them of iu merits. RICHARD PR1ER. Ask your druggist for Prier's Hair Food, also for sale by Richard Prier Caufield Building. Price 60 cents. Cut this out and take it to G. A. Harding's drug store and get a free sam ple of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They cleanse aDd invigorate the stomach, improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Regular size, 25c per box. G. A. Hard ing. ' Each package of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES colors either Silk, Wool or Cotton per fectly. Sold by C. G. Huntly. Welcome as Sunshine after a long storm is a feeling of relief when an obstinate, pitiless oil has been driven away by Allen's Lung Bal sam. Only people who have been cured of throat-ache and sore lungs by this remedy can quite realize what the feeling ia. There is no opium in the Balsam ; its good effect is radical and lasting. Take a bottle home today. Why drink rot-gut, when you can get Sauatnore hind-made sour mash at Kelly & JNoblitta GREAT LUCK OF AN KDITOU "For two years all efforts to cure Ec zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan., ."then I was wholly cured by Bucklen s Arnica Salve." world's best for Eruptions, allBkin diseases. Only 25c Harding's. It's the Sores and at G. A. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Stated Oregon, or the Comity of Clackamas. M. E. McCarver and W A. Holmes, Administrator of the Eslate of K. L. Kuasell, Deceased, Plaintiffs, vs. Hiram E.StraUrht, William E. Straight, Margaret Gralz and (trail, her hushand, Jacol) Straight. James Straight, John Straight, Hiram K. K. Straight, administrator of Hiram Straight, Deceased, D fendants. To Jacob Straight, James Straight, Margaret Oratz, aud Uratz, her husband, and each of you, wid defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against yon In the above enttt led Buit on or bef're the last day prescribed iu the order for publication of tills summons which is six weeks from the day of publication whereof which date of publication is November 8th, 1901, aud you will take notice that if you fail so to ap. pear aud answer the complaint died against you herein on or before said last day of said time prescribed in said order, the plaintiffs will apply to the oourt for the relief demanded in the com plaint herein to with the foreclosure of certain mortgages covering lols 1, 2, 3, 1, 6,7 and 8 of Block 71, of Oregon City, Oregon, and plaintiff will apply for such other aud further relief as is Just in the premises. lThi summon is published hy order of the Hon. T. A. Mcllride, Judge of said Court, upon npplica' Hon of plaintiffs herein,whieh order ia duly made and entered in said court November 6th, l'JOl. C. D. aud D. C. LATOURKTl'g, Attorneys fot Plaintiff. Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys pepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 2Sc. A'.l druggists. W ant your moustache or Warti a, oeautif ul brown or rich black? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEr. O.A.!3TO:rtI.A.. Boantha Itn Kind Von Haw Always Bonjfll Signature of for 50c up. J. M. RRICE The Up -To-Date Clothier. BARGAINS On account of leaving the state I offer for ale on easy terms the following Dronerlv: House and hot on lllh Street in instalmcnto$1400 House and Lot in Block: 09 SKio 3.30 Acres In OreirnnCitv. cleared and level. 1200 1.H0 Acres in Oregon City, part cleared 7a0 .88 Acres in Oreiion City, all cleared and level 800 2.16 Acres in Oregon City, part cleared...... 300 tot 5. Mock 46. County Add.. Corner JW Lot 9, Block 4, Mountain View Add 75 Lot in Darling's Add 60 SO Acres timber land, rich soil, 4 miles out. .. 750 100 Acres timber land on Molalia river . .. zuuu 18.31 Acres near Woodstock and Willsburg 3000 4 Lots In SkiimoKitwa Washington 200 J. A. T HAYEK, Address Box 392, Oregon City, or call on me at O. A. Cheney's Real Estate OUl oe. A Git AND ASQUE BALL -AT- Beavar Creek Hall -0N- Wodnesday, Nov, 27th Goood Music and a good time as sured. All invited. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidney3 to work as nature intended they sliould. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. io, 35, 50 Cents 108 C. G UNTLEY, Duggist Oregon City, Oregai Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar s Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalizer known. A . 4 As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. 839 t0, 25, 50 cents. C. G. HUNTLEY, Druglst Oregon City, Oregon "A 1 Subtle u m Foe e II 0 II O m Dvspepsia is unrecognized in half the cases. It deceives the unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of tht syitem. To battle against only cne of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give complete wid lasting relief. n CI n 11 GILES' i DyspepsiaTablets & 10c, 25C. k 238 AND 60C. 10 C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon M Free Dinner Sets The celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain hand-painted decora tions, with gold trimmings given away Fiee to our customers. We use these dishes simply for an advertisement for our business The way to obtain them is easy Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and we do the rest, by supplying you and them with these dishes Free of Charge KRAUSSE BROS. Ladles' and dents' Fine Shoes THE MORNING TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both nut in thorouL'h. workine order will not prove expensive if the work is clone by F. C. CADKE Fotografs. STAMPS Drop in and see what we have in the latest photographs. We can please all. , VIEWS I Wall Paper Now is . the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your hou?e, or telephone Ely Bros.' store . J. MURROW, Oregon City WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND WO men to travel and adfertise for old established house of solid flnan cial standing Salary J780 a year and expenses, all payable In cash. No oan ?aMnir required, (jive references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ager, 355 t'axlon Building, Chicago. A car load of milk crocks just receivedand will sell at 8 c per gal lon. W, L Block, the Homefurnisher WANTED TRUSTWORTAY MEN AND Wo men to travel and advertlee for old established house of solid flnanolal standir??. Salary $781 a year and expenses, all payable in cash. No can vassing required. Give references and enclose elf-addressed stamped envelope. Addrefcg Man ager, 865 Caxton IJIdg., Chicago. HEADACHE At Q drug (torts. 25 Doaet 2 Sc. MITCHELL WAGONS Best possible to Duild. No wagon is or can be better than Mitchell, because the cream of wood stock is used, only after being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wagon was built, and they have been built continuously ever lince by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitchell, you get the benent of this 70 years' experience. Mitchell, Lewis & Slaver Co First and - Taylor Streets Portland, Ores. 1 1 t Willi )