Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, November 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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U7 Steel '
ll Star
Y Wind
I Mill
lias hull bt!r.pj?R in turn table. Turns freely to
the wind. Ballbearing ihrust In wheel, Insur
ing lifhU'sL running qualities, and reserving
ffrenWl. -ami-nut nf power for pumping. Gal
van zed uUr making. Put together with galvan
ized India, double, nutted) no part can rust or get
loospa'id rnttle. Weight regulator; perfoct rK
ulotinn. N 5 ning to change tension with every
Change of t . .peraiure, and grow weaker with
age. Rq ; hi-always on hand. These things are
worth mow y lo yon. Then w hy not buy a Star.
Mitcheji, wis & Staver Co
Portland, Oregon.
Notice is herby given Ihat, the under
signed has been Appointed administra
tor of the ilie iBtate of Fianeis Marion
Pickard, dtceasid, by the county court
of the state of Oregon, for the county of
Clackamas. All persons having claims
against paid deceased are required to
preeert same, wiih the necessary vouch
ers, within six aontliB from t he date
hereof t ) tht undereigned at the office
of li M. Kinil h, Rnom 2, Ainsworth
Building, Third and Oak streets, in the
city .01 i omanci, ivjuiuiomau couuiy.
State Of Ortgcm.
II. S. Harcouut,
Dated at Tortla id, Oregon, Oct. 22,1901.
In the County Court of of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In tise matter of the estate of Leonora
Ross, deceased.
Notice in hereby given that Lucinda
Roes, administratrix of ttie estate of Leo
nora Rose, deceased, has filed her final
account in the County Court of the State
of OregQn, for Clackamas County, and
that by order of said court Monday, the
4th day of November A.. D., 1901, at 10
o'clock a. m., in the county court room
in the court house in said county has
beeu fixed as the time and place for
hearing objections thereto, and settling
the Bame.
Lucinda Ross,
Administratrix of the Estate of
Leonora Koss, Deceased.
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure In All Cases
In the Circuit Court of the State
Daily Round Trips, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A .
Leave Astoria 7 P.
Between Portland, The Dalles and
Way Points
Leev'e Portland, Tues , Thurs. and Sat 7 A. M
Arrive The Dalles;iame day.... ,....6P.M.
Leave " 8nn ,-Wid. and Tri 7 A.M.
Arrive Portland, sniiie day P. M.
ffir-Snudny Trip- -4-This
Koute lo
tions on I n-
Leadiutr Feature
i he Grandest Scenic Attrac-
Lauding and cflice, Foot Alder Street
J. C. WYATT, Arjt., Vanco ve
WOLFOfiO & WYERS. Agts., White Salmon
PRATKEil &, BARNES, Agts., Hood Ri e
JOHN M. FILLOON, Agt., The Dalle
A. J. TAYLOR, Agt., Asto la
E. W. GRICHTON, Ayt., Po
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'s
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
, Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching at wav points on both sides of the
Columbia river. ,
Both of ti e above steamers have been re u!
and are in excellent shape for the Feasor ofl CO
The Regulator Line will endeavor to giveits
patrons the best service possible.
Tor Comfort, Economy ami Pleasure
travel by the steamers of The Iiegulalor
The above steamers leave Portland 7 a m.and
Dalles at 8 a. m.,anrt arrive at destination in ample
, lime lor uuiKUing iraiua.
Oregon for thejCountv of Clackamas.
W. A . Jarvie, Plaintiff,
Jacob J. Burbank, James T. Burbank,
Sarah Jane Allpin, Sarah Jane Stans
bury and Stephen A. Stansbury,
To Jacob J.Burbenk, one of said de.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer ti e complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the the 18th day of November, 1901, and
if you fail fo to appear the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief demand
ed in the complaint, to-wit:
For a deciee correcting ac rtain deed
made and executed on the 20th day of
November, 18(59, by Stephen A- Stans
bury and Sarah Jane Stansbury, his
wife, to Jacob J. Burbank and James T.
Burbank to cei tain lands in Clackamas
county, Oregon, and which. deed is found,
recorded in in Book "il" page 140, of
the record of deeds for said county, by
eliminating the name of Jacob J. Bur
back, as one of the grantees, and in
setting in lieu thereof the name of Sarah
J. Burbank, as one of the grantees, and
for a decree quieting the title to the
lands described in said deed, to-wit:
13)3 acres of land off the south end of
the east half of the southeast quarter of
section 31, township 1 south, range 3
east of tike Willamette Meridian ; and
that you be forever barred at any right,
title or interest in and to said lands. and
for such other relief as shall seem 11 eet
and proper in the premises.
This summons is made in pursuance
of an order made by the Honorable
Thomas F. Byan.County Judge of Olack
amas County, on the 3rd day of October,
II. E. Ckoss,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication of this notice October
4th, 1801.
There is nothing like Asthmalene.
It brings Instant relief, even in the worst cases. It
cures when all else fails.
The Bev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, III., say
"Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received In good
condition. 1 cannot tell you how thankful I feel for
the good dewved from It. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 d
Rpaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertise
ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thought you had overs pokeu
yourselves, but resolved lo give it atrial. To my
astonishment, the trial as ted like a charm. Seud m
a full trite bottle." '
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Kabul of the Cong. Bnal Israel.
New York, Jan. 3, 1901.
Das. Tift Bbos.' Mbdicins Co.,
Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent rem
edy for Asthma and liay Fever, and its composition
alleviates all troubles which oombine with Asthma.
Its success is Astonishing and wonderful. After hav
ing It carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma.
lene contains no opium, morphlue, chloform nor
etner. very truly yours,
Trial bottle sent absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once,, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS." MED
ICINE CO., 79 East 13c th St. New
York City.
Notice is herobv given that Albert
Lacey, executor of the estate of Leonora
Elizabeth Lacey, deceased, has rendered
nd presented lor final settlement ins
final account, nf his administration of
said estate and has tiled the same with
the clerk of th county court of Clacka
mas countv, state ofOrenon, and that
Mondic, December 2nd, 1901, at )0
'clock a. hi., has been set by the county
udue of s d 1 ciunty for the hewing of
aid final report at the courthouse, in
Oregon City, in said county and state,
and for hearing objections to said report
if anv thre ba... All purs ins interested
n said estate are hereby notified then
and there to appear and show cause, if
any there b, why said final account
shonlil not be allowed and approved ana
said i xecutor diicharired.
Albert Lacey,
Ex ;cutor of the Estate of
Leonora Elizabeth Lace v.
Robert A. Miller, Attorney for Estate.
Boars tie
Tk JA Un. II II t...JLh
. nid wnu iuu navB Always tuwpi
Portland Office,
Oak Bt. Dock.
The Dalles Office
Court Street.
Ccreral Agen
ji 1 il
and union Pacific
R. & N. Co.
Gives tli3 Choice of
15 AIM
Ihe 0.
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
6:C0 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the Couoty of Chckamas,
William A. Crisell, Plaintiff,
Willinm Ratdiff, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you, William Katcim, deiendant, are
hereby notified and required to be and
appear in the above entitled suit in the
above named circuit courtjand answer the
complaint of said plaintin therein hied
against you by November 8th, 1901, that
being the day set lor the trial 01 this
case, following six weeks' publication of
this summons, and you will take notice
that if you fail to so appear and answer
said complaint lor ttie want thereof
plaintiff herein will apply to the said
court for the relief prayed for in said
complaint, which is in brief, as follows
to-wit: for a decree against said defend
anti decreeing the plaintiff to be the
owner in fee simple of the following de
scribed premises and the whole thereof.
Lot 4 of section 22, and the west half
of the east half of section 28 in township
3 south of range 1 west, Willattte
Meridian, being and situate in Clacka
mas county ,-State oi Oregon. And de
creeing that defendant -has n J right, ti
tle, interest or estate in or to said prem
ises, or any part thereof, and for such
other and further relief as to this court
may seem equitable and just and for
his costs ann disbursements.
This summons is servhd by publica
tion lor six weeks by order 01 lion
Thomas F. Ryan, County Judge of
Clackamas Couxty, State of Oregon
bearing date October 2nd, 1901, said or
der being obtained from said judge be
caus of the absence from the county of
Hon. T. A. aliunde, Judge ol the Ju
dicial District.
Robert A. Millbr,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed executor has filed his final ac
count in the office of the Clerk of the
County Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County, and by order of T.
F. Ryan, Monday, December 2nd, A- D,
1901, at 10 o'clock a. m.. thereof is a p
pointed at the county court room in Ore
gon City, Oregon, as the time forbear
ing objections to said account.
UTTO il. miller,
Executor of the Estate of
Peter H. Miller, Deceased.
Dated Oct.!16th, 1901.
).- . -. .
At all drug stores.
23 Doc 2&c.
Notice is h -reby given by the under
signed, exei 11 rix of the estate of Martha
A. Harlow, deceased to the creditors of
and all pe -018 haying claims against
the said ei-ti t to present ttie same prop.
erly veritii-d, within six months from
the first 1 nblication of this nonce, to
the undersized at the office of her at
torneys", I! - !gts & Griffith, in Oregon
City, Oreg 11.
Exp'Mitrix of the Will of
Martha A. Barlow, Deceased.
First publication Oct. 18, 1901.
Ia the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas
Alice V. Sisl,
Jerry Sisk, I
Defendant, J
To Jerry Sisk, defendant.
In the name of the state of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
n the above entitled suit on or before
the fifth day of December, 1901, which ,
is Bix weeks after the 25th day of Octo
ber, 1901, the date ordered for the first
publication of this summons; and" if
you fail to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply 10 the court for the
relief demanded 'n her complaint filed
herein, to-wit:
For a decree from this court -dissolving
the bonds of matrimony heretofore
existing bt tween plaintiff and defendant,
on the ground of cruel and inhuman
treatment of the plaintid by the detenu-
S. S. Gillespie,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, ihe administrator with the
will annexed of the estate of I). VV,
Howell, deceased, has filed in the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, his
final account as such administrator with
the will annexed, and that Monday, De
cember2nd, 1901, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., at the county court room
of Clackamas conntv, Oregon, has been
appointed as the time and rlace by said
court fi r the hearing and determining
any and all objections thereto.
Administrator with the Will Annexed
of the Estate of D. W. Howell,
Dated October 12, 1901.
In the County Court, of the Btate of
Oregon for County of Clackamas County
In the matter of the estate of James
L. Bailey, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that ihe under
signed has been appointed executor of
the above entitled estate. All persons
having claims against said estate are
hereby required to present them duly
verified within six months from the
date of this notice to the said executor at
the office of John W. Lodtr, at Oregon
City, Oregon.
Francis Bailey,
Executor of the Estate of
James L. Bailey, Deceased
Dated October 2, 1901.
Food Literature
wnar, tney conwi
XT .4-1-. i of what MR. CHAS. S. F
IMOlllinS ABeot, St. Paul, Nlnn.,
i- mailed, upon receipt of pi
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days lor
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full Information call on or address nearest
O. K. & M. Ticket Agent, or address
A.L.CRAIO, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Bmh Iba ami ton Haw Always Bsttfil
The Northern Pacific is not
ed among railways for its
advertising matter. Its
U A I -o 4" P"mP"let8 folders, booklets, etc., are
XT Oi XJlJLIIIOOv ttwtetully gotten Bp and are valuable for
what they contain.- Here is a partial net
hhK,. eneral Passenger
will "end out, carefully
prices given. Any combi
nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. . This ia a fine opportunity to obtain eood descriptive reading
matter lor little or nothing.
Wonderland 1001
An annual publicatlna, beautifully illustrated In color and
halftone. This nimker treats particularly of the history of Send
the Northern Pacific's Trademark, the Custer Battlefield la Six Cents
Montana, aud the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
A neat and dainty
Continued from page I.
The republican leaders do not favor
tariff revision. The ways and means
committee endorse this idea, Hopkins,
of Illinois, bt lieves that all the money
we can eccumulate will be necessary to
build the cinal and improve our har
The Marion county officials file motion
to have order requiiing them to turn
over books declared illegal.
Portland shipped over 1,000,000 bush
els of grain during the week.
Mmday, October 28. .
King Reynolds Weekly Newspa
Edward per is the ffrst British news
Has paper to assert that King Ed
Cancer, ward is suffering from cancer
of the throat. In today's is
sue, it is declared that since his Mages
ty's accession, ihree operations have
been performed for the removal of pap
illoma on the left vocal chord and that
one was removed from the right vocal
chord last week. "Assista ca was has
tily summoned," says this journal, as
hii majesty was breathing with diffi
culty, and an immediate operation as
performed. But it is only regarded as
a temporary relief, the injured epithe
lium now having become a cancerons
growth, and Btrious developments are
A Pittsburg man offers to buy up all
the railwsys iu St. Petersburli, Russia,
and to introduce thctrical traction
power. The proposition is favorably re
ceived by the municipal government
aud local press.
Twenty-five insurgents were killed in
a fight at Hollo.
' Tuesday, October 29.
. Czulgosz, the assassin of President
McKinley, was electrocuted at 7:12:30
at the Auburn prison, The anarchist
met his fate with eomposure, and re
fused to accept religious consolation,
and to renounce anarchism. His body
will be buried in the prison.
Wednesday, October 30.
Malvar has appointed himself captain
general ol the Filpino army. His proc
lamation warns natives who aid Amer
icans that they will be treated as trai
tors. The administration will not sus
pend the reduction of the army.
: Touts lay, October 31.
Anarchists in London celebrate the
death of Czolgoea, and are dispersed by
the police. ,
Bad Coughs
" 1 nad a bad couea for six
weeks and could find no relief
until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto
ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle
cured me."
L. Hawn, Newington, Ont.
Neglected colds always
lead to something serious.
They run into chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia,
asthma, or consumption.
Don't wait, but take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
just as soon as your cough
begins. A few doses will
cure you then.
Three slies : 25c., 50c, $1. All dreg(!ius.
Coniult your doctor. If lie says ta'to it,
then do as lie says. If he tells you not
to bike it. then don't take it. Ho kuows.
Leave it with him. We are willing.
J. C. AY Ell CO., Lowell, Mass.
In the circuit court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Clackamas.
Minnie Narjot,
Ernest Narjot,
To Ernest Narjot, said defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the 0th day of December, 1901, and if
you fail to so answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apoly to the above en
tit'ed court for a decree forever dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now exist
ing between the plaintiff'and defendant.
and for such other relief as shall seem
meet and proper.
Thia summons is ordered pullished
in the Oregon City Courier-Herald for
the period of six weeks from date of first
publication thereof such order being
made by the Hon. Thomas F. Rvan,
Judge of the county court of the state of
Uregon, lor the county ot uiackamas, on
the 31st day of October, l'Jul.
J.J. Fitzgerald,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication November 1,1901
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion 1 if the ear.
Theie is only one way to cure Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucuous lining of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearins. and when it is en
tirely closed DeAtness is ttie result, ana
unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be re-
srtoyed forever ; nine cases out of ten
are caused by catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous
We wil' true One Hundred Hollars for
any case of Doafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot hj cured by Hul.'ii Catarrh
Cure. Send for circular e, free.
F. J. ClIENBY & Co.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are best.
One of the most helpful books on nerve
weakness ever issued is that entitled
"Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of San
Francieco, now In its fifth thousand.
This work of an experienced and repu
table physician is in agreeable contrast
to the vast sum of false teaching whicrj
prevails on thia interesting subject. It
abounds in carefully considered and
practically advice, and has the two great
merits of wisdom and sincerity.
It is indorsed by both the roligiotiB
and secular rress. The Chicago Ad
vance says: "A perusal of the book and
the application of its principles will put
health, hope and heart into thousands
of lives that are now suffering through
nervous impairment."
The book iB $1 .00, by mail,, postpaid.
One of the most interesting chapters-
chapters xx, on Nervines and Nerve
Tonics has been printed separately as
a sample chapter, and will be sent to
any address for stamp by the publishers.
The Pacific Pub. Co., Box 2668r Saa
Francisco in plain seeled envelope
When you visit Portland don't fail to
get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,
First and MadUon. They serve an
cellent meal af - u lnrate price; a good
square pea', ' .
W unt-n and Ji wf lis.
Jewels, candy, Uowt-rs, man that fp
the order of a wom m's preferencesi
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that great
est of all jewels, health, is often ruiuetl
in the stienuous eiiorts to maKe or Bave
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will risk her hie to get a cove-toil
gem, then let her fortify herself against
the itisiduous consequences of coughs5.
colds and bronchial affections by tlie-
regular'UHe.Jof Dr. Boschee'a German
Syrup. It will promptly arrest con
sumption in its early stag's and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread disease frmn the system.
It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain,
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
troubles. You can net Dr. G. G. Ujeen'st
reliable remedies at George A. Hartic
ing's. Got Green's Special Almauacv.
r publication containing a complete history
01 tne Kortnern raik trademark. The arustic coven or
the Wonderland, 1401 are used in miniature.
Wild Flowers from YellowaUne
' ' A book of pressed wild flowers from Yellowstone Park,
showing the real flowers In their natural colon. A dainty
and beautiful soiirenlr ten specimens of flowers and six
full page Illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Pari
A new 112 papre book In strong, flexible covers, good paper,
plain type, illustrated, pocket size, a compendium (and
descriptive of the Wotld'j Wouderland.
Climbing Mount Rainier
An Illustrated poeket-daa book, 72 pages, In strong, flexible
covers, printed on hsr yaper, descriptive of an ascent of
the highest peak in (V Taited Sutes outtide of Alaska of a
glacial nature.
Four Centf
Fifty Cents
Department of tub Interior,
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or. , Oct. 14, 1901.
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed in this office by Callie B.
Charlton, contestant, against homestead
entry No. 11570, made October 4, 1895,
for southwest quarter sections, town
ship 3 south, range 7 east, by Julius
Steinberg, contestee, in which it is al
leged that contestant "knows the pres
ent condition of the same ; aiso that the
said Julius Steinberg has wholly aban
doned said claim three years and more
last past, and in no way has he kept up
residence or improvement, and that said
alleged absence from the said land was
not due to his employment in the army,
navy or marine corpi of the United
States as a private soldier, officer, sea
man or marine dining the war with
Spain, or during any other war in which
the United Mates may be engaged."
Said parties are heieby notified (0 ap
pear, respond and offer evidence touch
ing said altegiation at 9 o'clock a m. on
November 25, 1901, Iw-fore the register
and receiver at the United States Land
Office in Oiegon City, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, filed October 12, 1901, set forth
facts which show that after due dili
gence personal service of this notice can
not be made, it is hereby ordered and
directed that such notice be given by due
and proper publication.
jl UAKLE8 li. Moorks,
To the Editor of the Courier Herald.
Dear Sir: I sent you a poem last week
and asked you to publish it in your pa
per. You declined and returned it to
me with the cruBhing reply that 1 was
no poet, and that you could "turn out
better poetry out of a saimage machine."
Now I won't be crushed, and I propose
to show up your attempt to throttle bud
ding genius, i'ublitm tins card and tti
following poem in your columns and
charge meat your advertising rates.
James Metcalp Rilkv
I stood upon the ocean's sandy beach.
And with a reed I wrote upon the sand
these words :
"Agnes, I love tbeel"
But the winds came and the waves
rolled mountain high,
And blotted out the fair impression,
Cruel waves, treacherous sand, fragile
reed j
No longer will I trust to thee,
But from the highest mountain peak
I'll pluck the tallest pine.
And, dipped in the crater of Vesuvius,
with it I will write
Upon the high and burnished heavens
these words:
" 'A Wise Woman' is drawing the larg
est houses ever known,
And giving an entertainment that will
take your breath away."
And I would like to see any do-gone
wave wash that out.
Why drink rot-gut, when you caw-
get 8auamore hnnd-made sour mash at
Kelly & Noblitt's.
When suffering from rucking cough,
take a doBe of Foley's Honey and Tar.
The soreness will be relieved and a warm-
grateful feeling and healing of the parts
affected will be experienced. CharmaD .
Today take Foley's Honey and Tar. It:
positively prevents pneumonia, or other
serious results from colds. It may be
too late tomorrow. Charman & Co..
Benj. Ingerson, of Hutton, Ind., say
he had not spoken a word above a whin
per for months, and one bottle of Foley'B.
Honey and Tar restored his voice. Be
sure you get Foley's. Charman A Co.
Stop coughing, as it irritates the lungs,,
and oiVf-R them no cIihih-a till. nil l7
ley's Honey and Tar cures without caus
ing a strain in throwing off tho phlegm:
( like common cough expectorants. Ohtir .
man & uo.
lor Infanti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
t Asthma
I Hay Fever
Bronchial Trouble;
For Sale by
George A. Points. Unner Sanduskv..
O., writes: "I have been usinor Foley's
Honey and Tar for hoarseness and find?
it the best remedy ever tried. It utorwd!
the cough immediately and relieved 1 1;
iorenes." Take none but FoIov'b.
Charman & Co..
Adolph Bluner, Grand Moundj la.,
writes: "I have used Foley's Honey uud.
Tar in my family and think it is the
best cough cure on the market. I would
not; be without it in my home, as there
is nothing so good for cough aod c11b.
Charman & Co.
Seymour Webb, Moira, N. Y., vrriiwst
"I had been troubled with my kidney
for twenty five years and had triod sev
eral physicians but received no relief u
til I bought a bottle of Foley's Kidney
Cute. After using two bottles I wia ab
solutely cured I earnestly recommend
Fo'ey's Kidney Cure. Take only Fo
ley's. Charman & Co.
Oregon City, Oregon
G. If. Hausan, Lima, O., Engineer I.
E & VV. R. H., writes: "I have fceir
trouliled a vsreat deal with backneb, J.
was induced 10 try Foley's Kidney Cute,
and one bottle entirely relieved me. L
giaoiy recoti inenu ii 10 any oiif, especi
ally my friends among the train ihcd.,
who are similarly alllicted, Charnmuat
W. J. Sbliely, Hatevi:ie, O., ss
ing ol banner sulve, says: "I used Ufof
piles, an i it ban done me morie p,t,
than any salve I hftVe ever used', AlJt
have tried a gro
man & Co., 4