OREGON CITY COURIBi-HBRALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1901 3003000C CORRESPONDENCE iJooooooec Liberal. Farmers are happy. The rain haa -oftened up tbe ground in good, shape ior plowing. . Albert Engle was in this section Mon lay buyiiiK calves. H. L. Karnes butchered a nice lot ol hog TiesJay, and sold them iu Port land. Wess Robinson, a butcher from rort :and, left this morning with dressed hogs which he purclmi-ed from Levi Steliman. A eood lot of fat boas are ready to be butchered as soon as the weather gets coo.er. Newt and iluior Farr left here today with a nice buuch of beef cattle for Al bright & Logus. Mrs. Lydia Wright and Mrs. White were called to the bedside of their brother, Cyrus Jones, lai-t Saturday, who is dangerously ill. " J. U. Moms returned home from Northpoit, Wash., last Friday, and left Monday for Kosulund, B. C, to work in the nrnes this winter. William Moray, of Portland, a ral estate dealer, was ;in our midet Tuesday and Wednesday looking over farms. Miss Kmma Case made a flying trip to Oregon Cily today. Levi Slelinian and four men and a dog caught two iiozen chickens in four hours last night. He got them just the same and has been busy all day picking up the feathers. They knocke 1 down sev eral gaies and rods of plank fence in their cliane. Hand over' the cigars, Jim 1 - . Ve are ilad to say that Miss Effie Morev has Iullv recovered. Our merchant has made a nice porch and has also placed rustic-on Jiia store. Our burg is improving. Pierce Wright bought a new riding outfit last week in Portland. He visited friends at Hubbard Saturday and Sun day. ' . H. L. Barnes has a bed of Crescent strawberries in full maturity from bloom to the ripe luscious fruit. Who is next in line this time of the year? Svlvia. Meadowbrook. It has been beautiful weather for some time, but it looks as though the rainy season had begun now. Charles Holman was out to his farm one day last week. Mr. (Jronhong and family visited his daughter, Mrs. J. Trnllinger, a couple of days last week. It. Snodgrass and Mr. Ilendershott have been hauling the machinery for the sawmill, which U being built by L. Standingor on Woodcock criek. Bay Trnllinger is running the Holman r.inch at present. John Evans and Mr. Welld were out in this part of the country looking for land. Charlie Harris is visiting Fred Shafer at prptent. Mr. ami Mrs. C. Bonachor went to Portland last week. Miss Lillio Noyer has come home for awhilo. She has been working (or Mrs. Uagby at Needy. School is progressing nicely with Miss Fee as toiiceef. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burkina have a big boy. John Ik-unison m ule a business trip to Oregon Oity Saturday. Services will be held in the school house next Sund.iy, and also on the sec ond Sunday. Come one and nil. TOI'SY. Wash., and Nelson, B. C, for an ex tended visit. Amos Beach, Jason Dond, B. S Ban ney and C. F. Whitmrn went to the mountains for a few days' hunt, but they returned last Sunday on account of the rain. A new butcher shop will be opened here on November 1st. Most every house in town is occupied at present. Trask & Son have sold their meat market here to a party from Oregon City. The planing mill here seems to be busy lately planing and sawing lumber. Messrs. C. F. Whitman and Fied Nendel receiedlast week in return for tobacco tags two fine Remington shot guns. '1 hey seem to t e highly pleased with them. Work has been discontinued on the new hotel, but hope it will soon be resumed. Mr. Beebe, from Hubbard, will move his stock of drygoods from that place nere, anu win occupy the building lor merly the Oregon saloon. Dutch. Mountain View. Clarence Frost and family have moved into Mr. Harrington's house lately va cated by L. Waldron. Mrs. M. Hewett. of Chicago, 111., is visiting with Mrs. J. W. G.out. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Byron, of Tualatin, were the guests of Mr. and Mr. George Ely over Sunday. Born, to the wife of Mr. McGeehan, on Sunday, Oct. 27th, 1901, a daughter. Mr. Smalley and family have moved into the rooms over Ely's old store so as to be near his' hoises. There will be services again next Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 o'clock with J. W. 1 Swafford. as superintendent. Mrs. Heirlat is visiting her daughter at Aurora this week. . An entertainment will be given at the United Brethren church next Saturday evening, Nov. 2nd, under the auBpiceg Mrs. Delia Green and tbe Aldredge brothers. Gratiduia Aldredge is quite sick this week. Mrs. Pierce is not so well again this week. Evan Williams and wife are moving to their house on Fifth street this week. Mr. Mellien's brother, whom he has not seen for twenty years, is visiting him this week. Mh-s Ruby Howard is quite sick . Salina. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Regular October Term Board. of the County J. R. Morton, John Le welling and B. Klllin, Commissioners. -' One-Third Off From the Regular Price We are overstocked with fall goods and Rural Dell. Mr. Hardesty . has moved onto the Dixon place. Webfoot weather is with us again. Moshb?rger Bros, have purchased a 10-horse power J. I. Case, engine, and are prepared to do all kinds of chopping every Saturday . Mrs. J. R. Marsh left last Friday for Forest Grove, where she will visit. Eugene Ogle, who has been on the sick list, is able to be around again . I. J. Biglow is hauling his potatoes to uregon yuy. Woodburn. II. J, Iteas has gone to the coast for a few days. Miss Mint Cuius has gone to Spokane, HMO vi lUPCVir 'M MOW ally "All well all happy lots of fun". That is the regular report from the monkey cage of Barnum's Circus ever since the keepers began dosing the monkeys with Scott's Emul sion. Consumption was carry ing off two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones. One clay a keeper accident- broke a bottle of Scott's Emulsion near the, monkey cage and the monkeys orderly lapped it up from the ilocr. This sustcd the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott's Emul sion than new monkeys and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you hare it or arc thrcaten- led with it can you take the hint? This picture renresents the Trade Mark of Scott's Raaitfcion and is on the Ml tti&fcj SCOTT & BOWXK. 409 Pearl St., New York. 50c and $1. all druggists. Viola. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have moved into their fine new residence. ' J. Scott is visiting at W. II. Mattoon's home. Mr. Brown and Mr. JLcCord, of Portland, have been spending the past few days with N. Walker and family. J. 0. Burn's mother and sister, of Linn county, returned home Monday after a week's visit. Messrs. Hicinbothem and Sevier have purchased the Mulino sawmill, and will move it to Viola soon . The mill will do a good business here. Our county court wants to use some judgment as to cutting off or adding to Viola precinct. The people are opposed to cutting off or auuing to bpringwater district. Mrs. Cummins, of Lents, visited her daughter, Mrs. Mable Lovelace, and lit tle son, Raymond, the first of the week. W. 0. Ward, our supervisor, is finish ing up the road work in the district. There is a good chance here for a creamery, and parties from Stone want to get a skimming station here for the Stone creamery. mm Dover, School is progressing nicely under the able management of Mi6S Anna Bach nian, of Stone. Joseph DeShazer visited the metropo lis last week. Rov. Koppletnan, of the Lutheran faith, preacheB at tin school house on the second Sunday of each month. Mr. Kit.uiiller and family attended ratnpmeeting at Mount Zion last Sun day . Everybody welcomes the rain, as the ground was too dry for fall plowing and seeding. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are now at Day ton, Yamhill county, and we are glad to report Mrs. JNelson a convalescence. Mi. Pragh's family have moved to Canada, and the Pagh farm has been purchased by Mr. Wolf, of Washing ton . We are glad to report tho improve ment of Mr. Rusks little daughter, who w as so badly burned a few weeks ago. Miss Bachmad has decorated the st'hoolhouBe very nicely with flowers and evergreens, which presents a very lmndsome appearance. Mas lena Malar and Miss Osborne, of Firwood, vi.-ited the Sunday school here last Sunday. Services will be held next Sunday at 10 o'clock a. m., by Rev. Exon. M. L. Mapte lMHf, When"red hooded October sits dream ing," and dark November, waits at the door, then comes Hallowe'en a time of f j ol ic and fun, .Maple Lane Gringo No. 29fi, P. of H. held its regular monthly meeting at Nash's hall last Saturday with a very Bood turnout. State Secretary Mary S. Howard was present. Annie Short lidge has a very bad arm, owing to the fact that she has some thing less than a dozen boils ou it near the wriet. The smiling face of James Myers was seen in our burg lust evening. J;ui has been absent from our midst for some time. Pansy Blossom. A Rnap 80 acres, 4,l miles from 0' gon City, 30 in cultivation, building and orchard. $15 per acre. C. O.T. Wil liams, office in Barclay building. (Continued from last week) In the matter of the application of U'Ren & Schuebel for rebate of Filing Fees: The matter now coming on by sworn statement of W S U'Ren, filed herein, showing to the Board that in the case of Clara JNeil Buchanan ana wuuam Bu chanan in the Circuit Court of Clacka mas County, U'Ren & Schuebel entered appearance for defendant and paid a fil ing fee of $2 50; that Geo C Brownell also entered his appearance for defendant and paid a second filing fee of $2.50; that said double appearance and payment was the result of a misunderstanding and that U'Ren & Shuebel have with drawn from the case. And the Board being satisfied that a double payment of fihne fees has been made in said case, It is ordered that U'Ren & Schuebel have a rebate in the sum of $2.50 and that the clerk draw a warrant for the same. In the matter of petition of Assessor Eli Williams for clerical aid : Now comes Eli Williams, assessor of Clackamas County, and presents the fol lowing petition to the Board : "To the Honorable Board of Cqmmis-sioners-of Clackamas County, Gentlemen : I, Eli Williams, assessor of Clackamas County, on account of the amount-.of work to be done in the assessor's office, request your honorable body to grant me two extra deputies until such time aB their services 'can be dispensed with without detriment to the interests of the County." Respectfully Yours, - Eli Williams." And the Board 6eing fully advised, It is ordered that , the above petition be granted. In the matter of petition of Clerk E H Cooper for Clerical Aid : Now comes E II Coope, clerk of Clackamas County, and presents to the Board the following petition : "I, E H Cooper, clerk of Clackamas County, would respectfully represent to your honorable body that I will need an extra clerk during the coming session of the Circuit Court and for a week or ten days prior thereto and will also need ex tra clerical assistance 10 copy ana exienu the taxroll for 1901, the amount of which I am unable to determine, as, under the new law, the rolls are larger and more complicated than heretofore. Respectfully submitted EH Coopbb." And the Board being fully advised, It is ordered that the above petition be granted. In the matter of application of 0 E NaBh for rebate of money paid for deed at sale of County interest in tax title land: . This matter now coming on to be heard on petition of C E Nash filed herein, showine to the Board that on the 18th of September, 1901, at the sale ot tana 10 which Clackamas County had acquired title he purchased 8W of Sec 18, Tp 2 3, R 7 E, paying therefor the sum of $22. That Clackamas County had purchased Baid land for the taxes of lbJ7 on an as sessment to Chas Colta ; that said land was also assessed for said year to Reuben S Goodfellow. the riehtful owner thereof, who paid the taxes as shown by sueritrs receipt No. 349. And the Board being satisfied that said assessment to Chaa Cotta was a double assessment, and the said Bale to C E Nash was illegal and void, It is ordered that C E Wash have a rebate in the sum of $22 and that the clerk draw warrant for Bame. In the matter of taxes of L Patterson, trustee, on lot 16. blk 48, O I & 8 Co's first add to Oswego. Now at this time this matter coming on to be heard and it appearing to the Court that it is for the best interests of the Countv that thn offer on said petition be accepted, It is therefore ordered that the Bum of $2 be accepted by the court for the taxes and costs on said lot and block, and tbe said taxes, on payment of same, be cancelled on the delinquent roll for said year. In the matter of taxes on the property purchased of the county by Albert Schmidli : Now at this time appearing Albert Schmidli, representing that he had pur chaped from the county certificate of sale of lots 18 and 19 of blk 18 of Windsor for the taxes of 1897, paying therefor the amount for which said property was sold and a 10 per cent penalty, and that not withstanding this the property was of fered for sale at the sale of property , of the county for prior taxes and was com pelled to bid for and purchase it again. And it further appearing that the said property was bid in for the eouRty for taxes of the year 1898 and costs and pen alty attached. The Board being fully advised in the premises, It is hereby ordered that upon the payment by tbe said Albert Schmidli of the amount of tax levied against said property of the year 1898, the cosls, penalties, etc., will be remitted, and the clerk is hereby in structed on the payment of faid tax to cancel the same upon the salesbook and record of delinquent taxes, said property being assessed in the name of Geo V Buchanan. In the matter of petitioYi of J J Cooke, Bheriff, for Deputies and Clerical Aid : Now comes J J Cooke, sheriff of Clack amas County, and presents to the Board the following petition : Now, therefore, I, John J Cooke, slier iff of said Clackamas County, would re spectfully represent to your honorable body, that there is, at this time, an im mediate necessity for more deputies and more clerical am to transact tne oustness of this office and meet the requirements of the laws of the state, and I would therefore request you to make such order as may be necessary, to allow me to ap point as many deputies and clerks as in my judgment I may actually require to conduct the business of the office in con formity w ith the requirements of the law, such deputies and clerks to receive no pay except for the time that they are actually in my employ and on bills O. K. by me. Most respectfully submitted, I J J Cooke, sheriff, j And the Board being fully advised, It iisordeied that the above pelition be j gin 11 ted. j In the matter of the application ot I Mr. Kui Fore for Aid : It is ordtriu that s'ho fe allowed ' the sum of $4, to provide for 2. weeks' board. The following claims were presented ai.d allowed : re comnelled to sacrifice profits in order to reduce our stock, and here quote a fe prices : All-wool Clay Worsted Suits, regular price $12.50, now $9.00 All-wool Blue Serge Suits " " 12.50 " 9-o All-wool Cheviots Suits " " : 13-5 " 9-85 We are also agents for the celebrated O egon Cassimere in all colors, regular $12.50 suits for $9.00, also $ti su s for $8. A full line of woolen underwear we are selling at a great reduction. All wool garments for 50c up. J. M. PRICE The Up-To-Date Clothier. John Lewellen, 3 da, 2 mi, comrt. .$ 9 20 John Lewellen, r and b 10 00 J R Morton, 3 da, 20 mi 11 00 T B Killin, 2 da, 36 mi, 2 da r & b, 15 60 Red Front Trading Co 2 50 The board now adjourned sine die, J R Morton, . , . John Lewellen, . TB Killen, - Commi sioners. Cut this out and take it to G. A. Harding's drug store and get a free sam ple of Chamberlain's Storaae.li and Liver Tablets, the best physic. They cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the appetite and regulate the bowels. Regular size, 25c per box. G. A. Harding. Each p'ackage of PUTNAM FADELESS DYES colors either Silk, Wool or Cotton per fectly. Sold by C. G. Huntly. THE CniCKEBINO PIANO 3 A Pomilar Favorite With Ticket Voters. Ih the Chiseling piano contest this week, the Woodmen of ' the World gained 22,172 votes, the Maccabees 4,734 votes, and the public school five. The Redmen were ahead fn the Irving fiano contest at the last report, tol owing is the total vote in the Chick ering contest: W. O. W 103,854 K.O.T. M. 36,502 Public School 25,321 Free Dinner Sets The celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain hand-painted decora tions, with gold trimmings given away Free to our customers. We use these dishes simply for an advertisement for our business The way to obtain them is easy Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and we do the rest, by supplying you and them with these dishes Free of Charge KRAUSSE BROS. Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes Jack Wells says- the twin babies shonld be accredited to bis house in stead of Walter Bruc's. pOISO THE EIGHC THIXQ. The trouble begins with a tickling and a nagging little cough. Soreness in the chest follows and the patient won ders if he is going to have an alt winter co W. ; Probably, if he does the wrong thing or nothing. Certainly not if he uses Perry Davis' Painkiller, the staunch old remedy that cures a cold in twenty four hours. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. GREAT LUCK OF AN EDITOR. "For two years all efforts to cure Ec zema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan., ;"then I was wholly cured by Bucklen s Arnica Salve." world's best for Eruptions, all skin diseases. Only 25c Harding's. It's the Sores and at G. A. A CELEBRATED Chickering Piano VALUE $650.00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY The enterprising citizens of Oregon City have purchased a $030 Chickering Piano and will ou January 25, 1002, give it to the organization or person receiv ing the greatest number of votes. The instrument and ballot box are on exhi bition at Burmeister & Andresen's jew elry store, where the ballots are counted every Wednesday evening and the result published in the Courier-Herald. The official ballots are WHITE and are printed by the Oourier-HeraM and is sued FREE by the following merchants with every 10-cent purehate: R. Freytag, groceries V. Harris, groceries Schrewe & Vernum, meats Brunswick Restaurant Burmeister .4 Andresen, jewelry Cbarman & Co., drugs Courier-rierald, printing Moo e's Pharmacy Welsh's Candy Store Red Front, general merchandise I. Selling " ' F. T. Barlow, groceries "J . M. Price, clothing P. O. Cigar Store Pope & Co., hardware A. Robertson, groceiies Ely Bros., general merchandise G. A. Harding, drugs J. W. Blauey, meats G. Roeenstein, clothing W. L. Block, hotisefurniaher Kozy Kandy Kitchen P. G. Shark, barber, confectinery H. Schrader, bakery , Mrs. Deute, ladies' furnislilng goods . Constipation Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouthy It's your liver I Ayer's Puts' are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 23c. All druggist. Want your mousurht or bvmrd keaatlful brown or rich bUok? Then BUCKINGHAM'S DYEr, MITCHELL WAGONS Best possible to build No waaon is or can be' better than a Mitchell, because the cream of wood stock is used, only after being thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is well ironed, well painted, well propor tioned, and runs the lightest of any. It is nearly 70 years since the first Mitchell wagon was built, and they have been built continuously ever since by the Mitchells. When you buy a Mitch'-.V , u get the benent of this 70 years' experience. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co THE MORNING TUB cannot be enjoyed In a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain' by reason of defective plumbing or beating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F. C. CADKE First and Taylor Streets Portland, C'regsa. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys i Fotografs.... Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They1 build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. 10, 25, 50 Cents ioa C. G HUNTLEY, Dung 1st Oregsn City, Oregsn Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalizer known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain 39 10, 25, 50 cents. C. 6. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon A Subtle iFoe Dyspepsia is unrecognized in half the cases. It deceives tbe unknowing lufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle against ealy out of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give complete and lasting relief. o o m 0 u f5 13 -ti M 0 STAMPS Drop in and see what we have in the latest photographs. We can please all. VIEWS - ' iiiimm , t New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTON JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY Wall Paper Now is the time to buy vour wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper nan you can Duy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stablo Finest Turnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON Oregon City Junk store Buys old rags, bottles, old iron, rubber and all kinds of metals. Higest prices paid. Sugarman&Co Cor. Main and Tenth Sts. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN ASD WO men to travel and derti8e for old established honse of solid financial standing Salary (780 year and expenses, all payable In cash. No can faeflnpt required. GiTe references and enclose self-addressed stamp ed envelope. Address Man ager, 353 Caxlon Building, Chicago. S. J. VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON 11 fclLLir he. E. G.SEOL uyspspsia 1 aoieis h 10 . 5KC 29 0 60C. J C. G- HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon Banth Bignatura. of onxA 1m lai Yon Haw AJwan Botgt Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel