8 OREGON CITT COURIER-HBRALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1901 Feeble Pulse palor, fainting, smothering or sinking spells all point in the same direction an impaired heart action. A heart that is weak or diseased cannot do full duty and the circulation of the blood is interfered with. There is a medicine that gives new strength to the heart, new power to the pulse and puts new color into cheek and lip. "My pulse would jump and beat at a fearful rate and then drop almost to a stopping point. I could not rest at night, feet Bwclled and had severe pains in chest. Took Dr. Miles' Heart Cure six weeks and was cured." T. llr Jones, Pittsburg, Texas. D. Miles' Heat .Ctte regulates the heart's action, while it stimulates the digestive organs to make new,' rich, red blood which gives strength to the whole body. Sold by drug gists on a guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o - A" ISubtle 1 CI u Foe II a p n o it Dyspepsia is unrecognized In half the eases. It deceives the unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest Lues of the system. To battle against only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp toms. OurDyspepsiaTabletsgive complete and lusting relief. GILES1 I DyspepsiaTablets Q 10c, 25C. II 259 and 60c. U C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave tad" after-effects on the entire system, and" where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE,. Edga rs Cathartic Confi Actions The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalizer known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineral. No gripe or pain. 10, 25, 50 cents. C. G. HUNTLEY, Drug' 1st Oregon City, Orrgnn Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jen tier's Kidney Pills cause the kidueys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. 10, 35, 50 Cents ioe C. G HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregon PREMIUM LIST. Premiums Given by Butte Creek Fair Association, Oct. 4th and 5th, 1901. Division A, Horses Best stallion, any age,grade jouu nooieu, nrsi premium, sj. stallion, sny grade, 2 years old P. L. Schamet, first $2. Best stallion, Clydesdale J. L. fiadson, $3. Brood mare having foaled one or more colls, draft nrst, J. avls, 13; 6econl, William Irviu, 12, Colt nndei 8 months old, Draft.-first, J. F. Da- Tis, 2; second, Will lrvin.fl. Colt under eight luuuui. uiu, roausier nrsi, j. ij. reason, w, sec ond, B. H. Davis, 1. Colt, yearling, draft, $2. Coll, two-year old gelding or filly, draft-first, H. 9. Vonvallkenburg, 2: second, II. 8. Vauvaiikeu- Division B, Cattle Bull, any age, Hereford nrst, s. T. tiobart, SI; second. C. K. Oii nn, t'l Bull calf, any grade under 8 months old first, d. j.uouan, w, secona, Willie JMcnolson, 11. Heifer calf, yearling first, Svlvester Nicholson. 2; second, W. W. Doores, $1. Bull. 2 years old-,. urai, d. x iiouan, oa. uesc nuicn cow nrst, a H. Davis, 2; second, Altha Nicholson, S2. Division C. 8heeD. Goats and Hwlnn Shenn. buck, Shropshire first, G. H. Robins, 2 60;seu ond, L. b Mascher, $1. Sheep, buck, Coiswoid ur,u. a. iviuings.K.oe; secona, s. T. uobart, 1. 8heep, ewe, Shropshire first, L. F. Mascher, $2.0; second, L. If. Mascher, $1. Sheep, ewe, Coiswoid first, S. T. Hobart, S2.MI, second, G. A. Hidings, $1. Lamb, under 8 months old, Cots wold first, 8. T. Hobart, $2; second, G. A. Rid ings, 50 cents. Goat, Billy, first, G. U. Robins, I'AM; second, G. H, Robins, 50 cents Goat, Nan ny, first, G. H. Robins, $2.50: second, G. H. Rob ins, 50 cents. Kid, under 8 months old, first, G. H. Robins, $2; second, J. L. iSadson, 60 cents. Boar.nny age, Berkshire, first, J L Eadson, $1.50; second, 1. Sow, any age, Berkshire, first, J L Eadson, $1.50; second, H L Skirviu, $1. Sow, any, age, Poland China first. G A Ridings, $1.50. Pig under 6 months old, Berkshire, first, J L Eadson, $1; second, H L bkirvin, 60 cents. Division D. Poultry Trio chickens, Brown Leghorn, CB Fletcher, 50 cents. Trio chickens, Plymouth Rock, first, K B Fletcher, 60 cents; second, E. B. Fletcher, 25 cents 9e!lt?-.Trioenleke"H' Plymouth Rock (whilei J A Jeffries, 50 cents. Trio chickens. Huff Ply mouth Rock, Guy Larking, 50 cents. Trio chick ens, Brahma, first, .Inhn Nlnnl rj ,,.,,,, ,1 John Nicol, 25 Cents. Pnir ilirlnwn (Irvr I A Jefferson, 50 cen Is; second, J L Eadson, 25 cents. Pair geese, G A Ridings, 20 cents. Pair ducks, J A Jcfierson, 50 cents. Pair guineas, J A Jeffer son, 50 ocnts. t DITl8i E Vegetables-Six largest carrots.flrst, J A Jefferson; second, Joe Miller. 20 entn. Six largest mangol wurtzels, first, Enoch Skirvin, 30 r . . ''"""l"' miner, zo cents, six largest lable beets, first.Mary Albright, 3Uc; sec, Jackson winwj six largest turnips, first, Joe Allller, 30 r, . Tr "c wime, ai cems. inree best table squashes, Enoch Skirvin, 30 cents, inree largest caboaires. first. Churins -n..i,,.. an cents; second, Ed Burtchet, 20 cents. Quarter bushel Merchantable pot,vtoes,flrst,Orville Jack son, do cents; second, James Read, 20 oeuts 1 welve largest onions.Mrs. John Hicks, 30 cents. Onion sets, Frank Jackson,30 cents. Three largest muskmelons, EnochSklrvin,30cents. Sixlargost ripe tomatoes, first, Miss B, Moorlev, 80 cents; seoond, Mary Albright ,20 ceuu. Coffee beans, F rank Jackson, 30 cents. Division F. Fruit Ten IVlnnil, lam.al nna first, Enoch Skirvin, 60 cents; second, J S Yoder 25 cents. Quarter bushel wluter apples, first. L. (!. Larkins, 60 cents; seoond, J. S. Yoder, 25 cents. Quarter bushel crab apples, G H Robins. 50 cents. Quarter bushel fall apples; first, Ed Albright, 50 cents; second, J 8 Yoder, 25 cents Quarter bushel fall pears, first, Ed Blrtchet, 50oents; sec ond, Joe Miller, 25 cents. Quarter bushel winter pears, Joseph Read. 50 cents. Div.on nni flrsf 50 cents; second, Miss Lldla Scott, 20 oents. Division G. Farm PrnrtnetaTTnlf h.iohol mhK. wiuwr wutHi, nrst, m Albright, 50 cents; sec ond, Fred Dangherty, 26 cents. Half bushel, Eaton wheat, Charles Heinz, 60 cents, Half bu shel Foisey wheat, first, 11 L Skirvin, 50 cents second, 11 L Skirvin, 25 cents. Half bushel Tur key wheat, first, II L Skirvin, 25 cents. Half bu shel Prohi wheat, Charles Heiu.-, 50 cents. Half bushel white oats, first, Charles Heinz, 5o cents; seoond, Charles Dangherty, 25 cents. Half bushel white wliiteroals, first, Charles Heinz, 50 cents: second, G A Ridings, 60 cents; second, Ed Skir vin, 25 cents. Half bushel chess, first, Tomp Drake, 60 cents; second, G A Ridings, 20 cents Quart beans, Ed Albright, 80 cents. Six ears of held corn, O A Ridings, 30 cents; second, J W Doores, second, 20 oents. Display of corn in the car, first, G A Ridings, 60 cents; stcond, Joseph Miller, 25 oents. Display of corn on stalk, Jo seph filler. 60cents. Quarter bushel clover seed, Charles Heinz, 60 cents Best sample hops, one pound, first, Jackson White. 50oonts; second, W G Minier. 25 cents. Rest dlaniuvnf ,rr ,.,! grasses properly arranged and labelled with their ..... i ,m.ic, uBi9m miner, i seoonu, tt L bkirvin, 60 cents. Division n, Flowers Display of flowers not to oxceed 12 boxes, first, Mary Mnrquam, $1,50; sec ond, Mrs R Gray, $1. Display of peraniums, 4 boxes, Mrs R Gray, 30 cents. Display of begon ias, 4 boxes, first, Mrs R Gray 80 cents; second; Ma-y Marnuain, 20 oents. Roquet if green flow ers, first, Mrs R Gray, 80 cents.second, Mary Al bright, 20 cents. Division I, Sewing, Fancy Work, Knitting, Crocheting, Needlework, ttc.-Quilt. handmade, first, Louisa Daugherly, 11.50; second, Mary llaugh, $1 Quilt, log cabin, first, Mrs A Brody, $1 SOiiecond, Mrs Vira Davis, $1. guilt, crazy, silk, second, Mrs Perdow, $1. Quilt, crazy, wor. sted, flint, Lillian Bentley, $1.50; ssoend, Friends' church, Sootts Mills. $t. Crochet work, second, MissJohana Wonndhol. 25 cents. Crochet lace, one yard or more, first, Nellie Clark, 60 oents' seo ond, Mrs K Skirvin, S!S cents. Knit laco, one yard or more, first, Mrs Woodlngton, 50 cents; second, Mrs. K. Skirvin, 75 cents. Tidy, crochet first, Doll Hidings, 50 oeuts. Crochet center piece Em ma Heinz, 60 cents. Cushion, feather Hitch. Mrs n oroii, du cenis. uusniou, outline, Kllie Hari, man, 50 cents. Drawn woik.MIss Johana Worm. dhol, 50 cunts. Embroidery, handmade, first, Miss r.va omul, oo coma; second, .Mrs Tooze, 25 Cents. Sofaorehair cushion, embroidered, first, Miss Lynia soott, 50 cents; second, fva McKee, 25 venn. -una or cnair cushion, zephyr, Tusssa Lar kins, oOcents. S.ifa or chair cuslilo ruzy work second, Knima flelnz, 25 eelils. Biscuit cushion, KlUe llnrinian, 60 cents. Toilet cushion, first Kninia Heinz, 50 cents; second, JIrs tj U Harlow,' 25 cents. Hallenhiirg cushion. Jennie White. 50 cems. nei or ladies' underwear, hand trimmed, llrst, Mrs Mitud Seott, 60 cents; second, Mrs L Woodingtoii, 25 cents. Hood, crochet, first. Kin ma Heinz, 50 cents; seoond, Mrs Nellie Clark, 25 cents. Fascinator, knit or crochet, llrst, Mrs C l! Barlow: second, Mrs Nellie Clark. Crochet chair scarf, Miss A Wlilto, 50cent. Chair cush ion, cross stitch, second, Mrs Vira Itavis, 25 oents. Tahlescarf, drawn worn, Miss V 'full, 50 cents. Embroidered table sonrf,, Miss K.va Scott, 60 cents. Kng carpet, first, Vira Davla, $1; seoond, Mrs Khncr Albright, 50 rents, ltttg, boincni'ule, rag, llrst, Mrs U 11 Kohius, 60 cents; second, Klla Korb, 25 cools, fair gloves, , handmade, if tat uiulsa Lottery, 6J cents: second, Mrs C K Jones, 25. cents. Hug, homemade, carpet warp, first, Llia Korb, 50 cents: second, Klla Koib, 25 cents. Apron, hemstitched, Miss L Woodinnlon, 5(1 cents. Darned worn, llrst, Mrs till Kobins, 50 cents second, Mrs V Clark, 25 cents. Splasher, llrst, Miss Anna White, 60 cents: second, Marv Taylor Hidings, 25 oenu. Head resl, Iva -McKee', 60 cents Shoe luce hand satchel, Tessa Larkins, 50 cents. Needlework, .Mrs C U Harlow, .'a) cents. Hand kefchlet, hand made, flrst, Mrs 11 C Skirvin, 50 cents; second, Mrs Tooze, 25 cents. lVnt lace, iirst, Mrs 'I none, 60 cents: second, Mrs C U Har low, 26 cents, Ktnhl'oldcrv. while, Mrs Tooze. 60 I. Woik tiilKket. ttrst, Mi'Sl! C Hallow 60 runs; sivoini, nirsu it Hoenis, 2,cenl. Hureall Scarf, second, Mary Tavlot Kidiug, 25 (enta, I'd low case, handmade, nrst. Miss Kva Scott 50 celiis; aecono, mi. j V r.nlow, 2. Cents. Pillow case, nuU'htlie n'Hde, hr-tt. Louisa Dauuhertv. 50 cents; sccoed, Mim, H Mot lev. 25 Cents. Tabln cloth hand mmie Johnna WiinnilhnL .Ml r.,iu rnoiogriipn ease, sirsc l! H ialnw, 50 oeuts. pic ture throw, first, Mit.s A White. 60 cents: second. Mrs C I' Harlow, 25 cents. Log cabin tidy, second. Misi 1. WoiMlingtoii, 75 cents. Apron, hand made, Jtiss li jiortej. lied comforter, MissV Tull, 50 cents. Skirl, band made, second, Louisa Dattgli. eny, 25 cents. Handkerchief cushion, Hut, Mrs Ma'tie C McKuight, 6U oents. Division J, Domestic Process llresd, Cakes Preserves, Dried and Canned Fruits, Kto Loaf of bread, hop yeast, nrst, Ida Jac k 50 cents; steon !, Mary Albright, 2.5 i ems. Hop yeast lii.M iiits, Iirst, Mrs .Inhn lltcks, .'X) cents; second, Kittie Morlev, Jo cents, i lire pies, no two nlike, second Miss V 'lull, 25 cents, two cakes, ttrst, KHIinrt ,U cents; second, MrsC V Ikiilow, 25 rents. Two pernios fresh butler, first, Mrc I Harlow, 5tc: seo ond, Miss V Tull, 26 cents, t beese, second, Mrs S T lloliart, 2o cent-. Two poutiils of ho iv, sec oini. Mrs Alilia Nicholson, 25 cents. Assortment of pickles. Miss V Tull,;5 cents. 1'laiu pickles, sieond, Ann Kidines, 2" ce.lls. Two polltlils dried prunes, llrst, O 1 Adkins, 60 cents, second, J S V.aier, 25 cents. Two pounds dried pears, second, Meda llocisrt. 25 cents. Two pounds dried cher ries, second, Meda lloliart, 25 cems. Ass rtnunl of dried berries, secoud, Meda Hobart, 25 cents Three a lasses jelly; tint, Kninia Heinz, 50 cents; Si ootid Vira Havis, 25 cents. Assortment ol jel lies, first, Km ma H.dnj, 50 cems; second, Mrs l'overae, 2,'i cents. Koiir varieties canned Iruit, nrst, Mary KidiiiR. 50 cents: s.'cond, Mela flulwrl, 25 oents. Three tarieliea ol preserves, nrst, Meda Hobart, 50 cents; setwiid, Knima Heiua, 2o cauls. Mvlsion K, Works of Art and Ornaruentation. OriiKincnlal work, straw, first, Nellie Cnwken $1: seoond, Iva McKee, ;'i0 celt s, tirnano'uta1 (aliitln!.second,Miss Johaim W'oriudhol,60oeul. Msulav of cravott. first. Neltm Cruekr SI P.n.r flowers, first, Alt.ia Nieholsou, 25 cents; seevud, Gertrude Jones, 16 cento, Waxwork, etc, first, Al tha Nicholson. 50 'cents: second. Nellie Crocker. 25 cents. Rock salt work, first, Gertrude Jones, 60 cents; second, Miss V lull, 25 cents. Division L, Domestie Process, Girls Under IS Years or Age. Loaf bread, hop yeast, second, Jennie Nicholson, 20 cents, Hop yeast bisoult, Jennie Nicholson, 20 cents. Two varieties canned fruit, first, Vesta Miller. 30 cents; seoind.Berta uraj, nj cents, variety jam, second, Vesta Miller, 40 UtilllB, Division M, Frame Work, Etc., girls under 15 years of age Sofa pillow, second, Jennie Nichol son, 15 cents. Paper flowers, second, Jennie Nicholson, 20 cents, Toilet cushion. second,Jen nie Nicholbon, 20 cents. Photograph holder, sec oud, Helen Clark, 20 cents. FRED SKIRVIN, 8eo.'y. LOCAL, SUMMARY Chicago Cottage Organ at Block's. The finest bon bon boxea in town at the K. K. K. Shving only 10 cents at the first class shop of P. G. Shark. The latest in chocolate of all kinds at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen, Kozy ivandy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. A few watches for sale cheap at Younger's. Watches cleaned, $1. The latest outTry the marshmallow kisses at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen. $20 to $100 to loan on chattel or per sonal security, Dimick & Eastham, Agts. Land titles examined, abstracts made and money loaned at lowest rates. Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon City. Lumber Leave orders at this office for first-class lumber of all kinds, or ad dress V. F. ;H arris. Beaver Creek, Oregon. The Weekly Oregonian gives all the national news and the Courier-Herald gives all local and county news. Both one year for Two Dollars. The P. C. & O. T. .line will until further notice make a 25 cent round trip rate from Canemah and Oregon City to Portland on Sundays, wfth cars-every 30 minutes. When you want a good square meal go to the Brunswick re3taurant, oppo site suspension bridge, L. Kuconich, proprietor. Everything fresh and clean and well cooked; just like you get at home. This is the only first-class res taurant in Oregon City and where you can get a good meal for the price of a poor one elsewhere. . Farmers, bring'your chickens to Mc Glashan & Rakel. They pay spot cash. A slightly used parlor organ for sale by W, L. Block, the homefurnisher. School Books at Charman & Co. Tablets, Pencils and Rulers free at Charman & Co., Cut Price Druggists. Everything fresh and clean at the Willamette Market. Give it a call. Guckenheimer rye whiskey direct from the bonded warehouse. " Sold by the gallon, bottle or drink by Kelly & Nob litt. Pure goods in original nackaces. Drink Wilhelm's beer. Kellv & Nob- litt, sole agents. Parties having a farm to rent will do well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es tate and insurance aaent. at Oreeon City, who has applicants The latest novelties in millinery and prices the best. Miss Goldsmith. Piano lessons given by Mrs. V. Har ris, Corner 13lh and Main street. Mans- feldt s technic t specialty. - Children's hats and bonnets at Miss Goldsmith's. Charman s Co. exchange School J3ooks at Charman & Co. I have $S00 to $2,000 to inyest in a farm. Anyone havine a farm to snl . will pleaBe address me with full parti c uiars. james u. felton, Uregon Ulty NERVE WASTE. it One of the most helpful books on nerve weakness ever issued is that entitled "Nerve Waste," by Dr. Sawyer, of Kan Franeibco, now In its fifth thousand. This work of an experienced and repu table physician is in agreeable contrast to the vast sura of false teaching which prevails on this interesting subject. It abounds in carefully considered and practically advice, and has the two great merits of wisdom and sincerity. It is indorsed by both the religious and secular press. Tho Chicago Ad vance says: "A perusal of the book and the application of its principles will put health, hope and heart into thousandi of lives that are now suffering through nervous impairment." The book is $1.00, by mail, postpaid. One of the most interesting chapter! -chapters xx, on Nervines and Nerve Tonics has been printed separately as a sample chapter, and will be sent to any address for stamp by the publishers, The Pacific Pub. Co., Box 2058, San tranciseo in plain seal6d envelope. InilivUlualu' Monet) to loan nt 6 per cent and 7 per cont on rarm property, f-'OOH, two to five years. $1500- three years. $1000 Four years. $8,"0 One or three years. $7o0 One year. iftiOO One or two years. $.")00 Two years. $-75 One or two years. $150 Chattels or land. $100 Chattels. John V. Lodur, Attornev at Law Stevens Building, Oregon City, Oreg. Wanted A well-to-do farmer in his 20's is seeking the acquaintance of a re spectable lady, object matrimony se crecy insured. Address X, Courier Herald. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never'if you have u sallow complexion, a jaundiced, look, moth patches and blotches on the skin all si'tis of Liver Trouble. But IV Kinu's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion. Only 25 cents at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. 6 Girl can timi ulai-e to attend school and nay for her board by assisting with the housework family of three. In quire at Courier-Herald office. G jray "My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling and restored the natural color." Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. It's impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair I Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. $1.00 i bottle. All druggists. If your druggist cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express you a bottle. He sure and give the name of your nearest express oflice. Address, J. C. AYEK CO., Lowell, Mass. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment bv which Drunkards are Heing Cured Da'ly lu Spite of Themselves. No JNoxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poi son, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote c.apabi" neutralizing and eradicatine this noison. and destroying the craving fur intoxi cants. Sufferers may now cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wondertul "HUME GOLD CURE'' which has been perfected after many years of close Btudy and treatment of inebriates. The faith ful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is oositivelv guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case. no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transforma tion of thousands of Drunkards into so ber, industrious and upright men WLVrJS CUKK YOUli HUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN CURE YOUK FATH ERS 1 1 This remedy is no sense a nos. trum but is a specific for this disease only, and is so skillmlly devised and pre pared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedv. and as many more have been cured and made temperate men bv havine the "CURE" administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will. DO NOT WAIT'. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleadine improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "Home GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing in reach of everybady a treatment more ef fectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E 594, EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadel phia. All correspondence strictly confi i ential. Guckenheimer Rye. Kelly & Noblitt have received a lot of Guckenheimer, genuine, double-stamp high proof rye whiskey. Absolutely pure. New hals arriving daily at Miss Gold smith's. Why dt ink rot-gut, when you can get Sanatnore htnd-made sour mash at Kelly & Noblitt's. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c. A'l druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then' use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtf&s 80 Cts. or pmir.uTs. ft" R P. Hm l A Cn. . Nashua, N. M. HEADACHE Al n (Vug stores. 25 Dosti 25c stun, fc-j&gfotssVCjg' JJANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITT CAPITAL 5O,OC0.OO SURPLUS 20,850.0O Chas. H. Cautield, President Geo. A. Haedinq, Vice-President E, G. .Caufield, Cashier General banking business trsntacled Deposits received subject to check Approved bills and notes discounted County snd city warrants bought Lonns made on available Beourlty EschaDge bought and sold Collections made promptly Drafts sold available In any part of the world Telegraphio exchange sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York Interest paid on time deposits . Qt D. & D. C. LATOUEETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Eeal Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREQOK COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Transacts a general bankiug business Makes loans and collections, discounts hjlis, buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. D. C. Latoubette, f, J. Meyhr President Cashier 0. N- THE GREENMAN PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1S65) Prompt delivery to all parts of the city OREGON CITY OREGON O. W. Eastham q. b. Pi . DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Ileal Estate and Probate Law Special- ..oo, ouBiiHi ui i nie mane, money moaned. Reference, Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON DR. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Prices Moderate. All Operations Guaranteed. Barclay Building Oregon City DR- GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental school, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chioago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON W. W. OlIUISTIE, D. O. C. D. LOVI, D. O. DRS. CHRISTIE & LOVE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Graduates of American School of Osteopathy. Successfully treat all chionlc diseases by mechanioal manipulation. Examination and consultation free. Office hours: 8 to 12 and lto4, except Sunday. Rooms S and 4, Stevens Building OREGON CITY OREGON E. I. SIA8 DEALEB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON Qt E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank ( Oregon City OREGON CiTY OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front, Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experiencoj Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 6, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J JO BERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Land Titles, Land Oflice Business, Conveyancing Will practice in all courts of the state Room 3, Welnbard Building OREGON ;ITY OREGON C. SCHCEBEL W. 8. U'RlS JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Iitutfcitt v5'.Botat Will praotice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lnd your mon ey on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON HEADACHE 2S Don tt. Free Dinner Sets The celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain hand-painted decora tions, with gold trimmings given away Free to our customers. We use these dishes simply for an advertisement for our business The way to obtain them is easy Trade with us and get your friends to trade with us, and we do the rest, by supplying you and them with these dishes Free of Charge KRAUSSE BROS. Ladles' and Gents' Fine Shoes THE MORNINO TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F. C. GADKE Fotografs.... STAMPS Drop in and see what we have in the latest photographs. AVe can please all. VIEWS New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the nostoffice and have sample-book brought to your nouse, or telephone Jily 13ros store J. MURROW, Oregon City W. II. YOUXG'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest Turnoutstn City OREGON CITY. OREGON Oregon City Junk store Buys old rags, bottles, old iron, rubber and all kinds of metals. Higest prices paid. Sugarman&Co, Cor. Main and Tenth Sts. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MEN Avn WO men to travel and advertise for old established nouse ot solid linan clal standing. Salary 780 a year and expenses, all payable iu cash. No can vassing required. GiTe references and enclose self-eiidressed stamp ed envelope, Address Man ager, 355 Caxtou Building, Chicago. S. J. VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and In General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel