OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1901 THE STAR OP STARS Steel l&mr Star W Wind 11 . m KOTIOE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Has ball bearings In turn table. Turns freely to the wind. Ball benrlngUhrust in wheel, insur ing lightest running qualities, and reserving erealest amount of power for pumping. Oai vanized after making. Put together with galvan ized bolts, double-nutted, no part can rust or get loose and rattle. Weight regulator; perfect reg. ulation. No spring to change tension with every change of temperature, and grow weaker with age. Repaits always on hand. These things are worth money to you. Then why not bily a btar. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co Portland, Oregon. THE PEOPLE'S PRESS Official Oixaii of Hie Socialist Party of Oregon. A fearless exponent ot scientific gov ernment, as taught by the most advanc ed thinkers and philosophers oi this age. $15,000 cash to distribute among sub scribers, who subscribe socn. You can get sample copy free if you mention this paper A. D. HALE, Editor, v Albany, Ore. WHITE COLLAR LINE PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. TAHOMA In the County Court of of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Iu the matter of the estate of Ltjnora Boss, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Luciuda Roes, administratrix of the estate of Leo nora Ross, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and that bv order of said court Monday, the 4th day of November A. D.. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the county court room in the court house in said county has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections thereto, and settling the same. Lucinda Koss, Administratrix of the Estate of Leonora Ross, Deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of A CELEBRATED Chickering Piano VALUE $650.00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY When suffering from racking cough, take a dose of Foley's Honey and Tar. The soreness will be relieved and a warm grateful feeling and healing of the parts affected will be experienced. Charman &Co. NEWS 0? THE WEEK. Continued from page 1. Tua.id.iv, October 22. The most daring and Daily Round Trips, except Sunday Tiajir r.AQn Leave Portland ' f; Leave Astoria ' 1 M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STR. BAILEY GATZERT DAILY BOUND TRIP EXCEPT MONDAY VANCOUVER, CASCADE LOCKS 8T. MARTIN'S SPRINGS, HOOD RIVER, WHITE SALMON LYLE AND THE DALLES TIME CARD Leave Portland J Arrive The Dalles S P. M. Leave " , ,, Arrive Portland ,.10 MEALS Hi E VERY BEST rjr-Sanciny Trip-' a LeadiuK Feature Jagr-ihls Route has the (handlist Scenic Attrac tions on larth Landing and office, Foot Alder Street both i-iiokes, jia:n 351 Poktlakd, Okegon J. C. WYATT, Aflt., Vancouver WOLFOP.O &, WYERS, Agts.,Whi!e Salmon PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River JOHN M. FILL00N, Agt., The Dalles i A, J. TAYLOR, Agt., Astoria E. W. CRICKTON.Aat., Portland the State of Oregon for the. County of Clackamas. W. A. Jarvie, Plaintiff, vs. Jacob J.Burbank, James T. Burbunk, Sarah Jane Allpin, Sarah Jane Staus bury and Stephen A. Stansbury, Defondandts. To Jacob J.Burbank, one of said de. fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the the 18'.h day of November, 1901, and if you fail no to appear the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demand ed in the complaint, to-wit: For a decree correcting a certain deed made and executed on the 20th day oi November, 1809, by Stephen A. Stans bury and Sarah Jane Stansbury, his wife, to Jacob J. Burbank and James T, Burbank to certain lands in Clackamas couuty, Oregon, and winch deed is lounu recorded in in Book "tl" page 140, of the record of deeds for said county, by eliminating the name of Jacob J. Bur bank, as one of the grantees, and in serting in lieu thereof the name of Sarah J. Burbank, as one of the grantees, and for a decree quieting the title to the lands described in said deed, to-wit: 131 acres of land off the south end of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 31. townshiu 1 south, range 6 east of the Willamette Meridian; and that you be forever barred at any right, title or interest in and to said lands. and for such other relief as Bhall seem u eet and proper in the premises. This summons is made in pursuance of an order made by the Honorable Thomas F. Rvan. County Judge of Olack amas County, on the 3rd day of October, 1901. H. E. Oitoss, Attormv for Plaintiff First publication of this notice October 4th, 1801. The enterprising citizens of Oregon City have purchased a $050 Chickering Piano and will on January 25, 1902, give it to the organization or person receiv ing the greatest number of votes. The instrument and ballot box are on exhi bition at Burmelster & Andresen's jew elry store, where the b allots are counted every Wednesday evening and the result, published in the Courier-Herald. The official ballots are WHITE and are crinted bv the Courier-Herald and is sued FREE by the following merchants with every 10-cent purchase: R. Freytag, groceries V. Harris, groceries Schrewe & Vernum, meats Brunswick Restaurant Burmeister .k And resen, jewelry Charman & Co., drugs Courier-Herald, printing Moo e's Pharmacy Welsh's Cand? Store Red Front, general merchandise I. Selling, F. T. Barlow, groceries J M. Price, clothing P. O. Cigar Store Pope & Co., hardware A. KoDertson, groceries Ely Bros., general merchandise G. A. Harding, drugs J. W. Blauey, meats G. Rosenstein, clothing W. L. Block, housefurnieher Kozy Kandy Kitchen P. G. Shark, barber, confectinery. II. Sahrader, bakery Mrs. Deute, ladies' furnishing goods. .ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed adtninistra tor of the the estate of Fiancis Marion Pickard, deceased, by the county court of the Etate of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas. All persons having claims against said deceased are required to present same, with the necessary vouch ers, within six nonths from the date hereof to tht undersigned at the ..office ofB. M. Smith, Room 2, Ainsworth Building, Third and Oak streets, in the city of Portland, Multnomah county, State of Oregon. II. IS. HARCOURT, Administrator. Dated at Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22,1901 . This signature is on evary boi of the genuine Laxative Brotno-yuinine wbiets he remedy that cures a cold tn n da NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that Albert Lacey, executor of the estate of Leonora Elizabeth Lacey, deceased, has rendered and presented for final settlement his final account of his administration of said estate and has tiled the same with the clerk of the county court of Clacka mas county, state of Oregon, and that Monday. December 2nd, 1901, at JO o'clock a. m.,has been set by the county judge of said county for the hearing ot said final report at the court house, in Oregon Citv. in said county and Btate and for hearing objections to said report if anv there be. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified then and there to appear and bIiow cause, if anv there he. why said final account should not be allowed and approved and said executor discharged. Albert Lacey, Ex cutor of the Estate of Leonora Elizabeth Lacey. Robert A. Miller, Attorney for' Estate NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. OASTOHXAi Beam the f TllB M ta Hallways BoagW Signature of SUMMONS. The Dalles, Portland and Ustoria Navigation Co.'s Strs. Regulator & Dalles City Daily (exoept Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland Touching at wav points on both sides of the Columbia river. dy. ti n nhovA stnamTS have teen re ul' and are in excellent sh8pe for the season ofl 00 Hie KoKHlator Line will endeavor to giveits natrons tho best service possible. "Kir Comfort, Economy Rnd rieasure travel by the steamers of Hie 1-rgulalor Line. Tho oiinvA tnmnrfi loave Portland 7a. m.and Dalles at8 a. m..and arriveat destination in ample time for outsolug trains. Portland Office. Ihe Dalles Office Oak St. Pock. Courtstreet. A. C. A1XAVVAT CtneialAgen In the Circuit Court of the Si ate of Oregon, for the County ot Clackamas WilHnm A. Crisell, Plaintiff, vs. William Rateliff, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, vou. Wl nam tiaxcnn. aeienuani, are hrhv notified and required to be and nnnear in the above entitled suit in the -- . ,., il, aoove nameu. circuit, cow inm omci mo complaint of said plaintiit therein tiled Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor has filed his final ac count in the office oi the tjierK ot the County Court of the State of Oregon for Ulackamas Uounty, ana Dy oraer ot . F. Ryan, Monday, December 2tia, A. u. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m.. thereof is ap pointed at the county court room in Ore gon City, Oregon, as the time for hear ing objections to said account. UTTO 11. MILLER, Kxecutor of the Estate of Peter H. Miller, Deceased. Dated Oct. 16th, 1901. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is lmreby given by the under signed, executrix of the estate of Martha A. Barlow, deceased to trie creditors o; and all poisons having claims against thesaidesttn to present the same prop erly verified, within six months from the first i indication of this notice, to the undersigned at the olli.ie of her at torneys, H -'ges & Grillith, in Oregon City. Oreg JHAIiY B. LiARLOW,, Exe"utnx of the Will of Martha A. liarlow, Deceased. First publication Oct. 18, 1901. ' SUMMONS. Io the Circuit Court of the State ol Oregon, for the County of Clackamae . Alice V. Sisl Plaintiff, ve. Jerry Sisk, I Defendant,; To Jerry Sisk, defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you . 1 L... f in the aoove euutieu suit on or ueioro the fifth day of December, 1901, which is six weeks after the 25th day of Octo ber, 1901, the date ordered for the first publication of this summons; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintitt will apply 10 me court lor me relief demanded n her complaint filed herein, to-wit: For a decree from this court dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, on the ground ol cruel ana inhuman treatment of the plaintiff by the defend ant, S. S. Gillespie, Attorney for Plaintiff. . NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, the administrator with the will Annexed of the estate of D. W. against you by November 8th, 1901, that Howell, deceased, has filed in the county being the day set for the trial oi this court 0f Clackamas county, Oregon, his case, following six weeks publication oi final account as such administrator with Oregon iionrXiFffi AND UNION PACIFIC E EAST The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice ef this summons, and you will take notice that if von fail to so appear and answer said complaint lor me warn mereoi, nlaintiff herein will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, which is in brief, as follows to-wit: For a decree against said defend ant; decreeing the plaintiff to be the owner in fee pimple of the following de scribed premises and the whole thereat, t.n-wit : Lot 4 cf section 22, and the west half r,f the east half of section 28 in township 3 sonth of range 1 west, Willamette Meridian, being and situate in Clacka mas county. State oi Oregon. And de- creelns that defendant has n right, ti tle, interest or estate in or to said prem ises, or anv Bart thereof, and for BUch other and further relief as to this court may seem equitable and juat and for his costs ann disbursements. This summons is servhd by public tion fcr six weeks bv order of Iloru Thomas F. Ryan. County Judge of Clackamas Couxty, State of Oreron, bearine date October 2nd, 1901, said or der beine obtained from said judge be caus of the absence from the county of Hon. T. A. McBride, Judie of the Ju dicial District. Robert A. Mnxn Attorney for Plaintiff. the will annexed, and that Monday, De cember iJnd, 1901, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the county court room of Clackamas countv. Oregon, has been appointed as the time and place by said court for the hearing and determining any and all objections thereto. BRUCE U. JUKRY, Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of D. W. Howell, Deceased. Dated October 12, 1901. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ITORS. TO CRED In the County- Court, of the Btate of Oregon for County of Clackamas County In the matter oi the estate ot jamea L. Bailey, deceased. Notice is hereby given that ihe under signed has been appointed executor of the aboye entitled estate, ah persona havinir claims againtt said estate are hereby required to present them duly verified wtihin six months from the date of this notice to the said executor at the office of John W. Loder, at Oregon City, Oregon. Francis Bailey. Executor of the Estate of James L.' Bailey, Deceased. Dated October 2, 1901. , 3 Swedish I Asthma z ICure ABSOLUTELY CURES 1 Asthma Hay Fever Bronchial Trouble I GUARANEE D NO OPITAES For Sale by Stole The most daring and inten J75.000 ious r ib' ry of a public in ' lu stitminn ever perpetrated in Postage Chicigo was sncessfully no-' Stamps .cmnglish"d sometime between Saturday night and this morn ing, when postage stamps to the value of $74,010 were tKkm from the stamp, vault who bored a passage through-a . steel fixr in crdfi lo rencti fln-ir plun- : der. If they had calculated their dis- ; tance six fret to the west from the po-nt j where they worked they undoubte lly ; would have carried off nearly $10,"00 in cash and $800,000 in stamps. The bur glars tunneled under tho buildings lo reach the des'red point. Kitchar.er calls for more troops, Yale college holds a bi-certe.nni.i celebration. Sir ThomH Linton will enter no yacht for the Amei ica's cup next fall. The progress ri negotiation for new- flour and sawmill t. Astoria delayed by refusal of promoters to ptiv high prices for sites. The Oregon Hopgr wers' Asaoriutinn met at i oodburn and contracted to sell in London. a wealthy vjanioi uiim agrees to advance nine ct-nrs per pound on the pool and will market the some in London. W ednesdny Octol er 23. A dispatch from London states lhat Sir Redvi-rti Buller has been relieved of the command of the tirot Army Corps, in consequence of ihe Bpeech he made on October 10, after the luncheon given in his honor by the King's Royal Rifles, dealing with his famous dispatch to General V bite at Ladysiuith, - lie has been placed on half pay and General French has been appointed to mcceed him. Governor Geer spoke at Waverly Ohio, and declared that democrats were worse than trusts. The Southern Pacifle Railroad Com pany Company will assist Oregon pro ducers to market wares by publishing monthly lists of articles for sale by far mers. The Presbytery has accepted the res ignation of Rev. W. O. Forbes. Bernal Wulfard, a fireman, has Bued the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for $40,000 damages, on acooutit of per sonal injuries received last February by .ma running off the track. Thursday, October 24, Southern " The north-bound overland Southern Pacific passenaT train was held no at Walk er'8 station 17 miles south of Eugene at about 2 o'clock esterdav " nio.ning. A masked man boarded the train at Cot tage Grove. On reaching Saginaw the nien made the fireman and helper get off the eiuine, uncoupled the express car and ordered the engineer to move ahead a Bhort distance, where the ex press messenger was ordered to open up but he silently declined. The burglar blew open the door with dynamite, bu- Messencer U, K. Uharles Btoou the rob ber off with his shotgun, and he fit nallv ordered the cars moved to Goshen, where the mail car was relieved of the registered pouch. The robber then or dered the engineer to pull up to the out skirts of E ione, where oe disap peared. N description of t e robbers was secure i, and the clue i an uncer tain quantity. Pacific Train H. Id Up. Where Roll the Oregon. Tbi is ideal weather for a trip on the-" upp. r Columbia river. And the traffic between Portland and The Dalles is on the increase. We are informed by the V people of the Regulator line of boats -thai their business for 1901 haH shown'a marked advance over any previous year, notwithsiandidg the White Collar line has an opposition boal on their route do ing a good business. The roa Is are vety dusty in vv"as&i county. One can note the prourjss of' tenuis and droves of stock by floating:, cloud- of dust. We were cordia ly en i trti tained by Auu.-t Biichler of f'e fa mous (Id Columbia brewery at The ! Dalles. This is one of the oldest brew eries of the state, havii g been built in 1858 by H . Ludwig. lis annually out put of "hop juice" is 5000 barrels. Alike Mnlve.', of Clackamas county, Ls employed in the Moody warehouse. After a few dt s of " activity in' The Dalles we lloa ed down to Hood Riverw where we spent Sunday Hood River ia famed the world over for her big ted ap ples and luarious strawberries, and per haps the readers of your columns will find a brief sketch of some u.tirest. We are indebted to much valuable in formation to Hon. E. L. Smith, presi dent of the Oregon State Board of Hor ticulture, who has been a resident of this valley for 20 years, has a lovely and problic orchard of 50 acres, three mill's above town, and he is enthusiastic over the future prospects fcr the Oregon, fruitgrowers if they can be induced toco-operate, for on Iv in union is there strength. The individual p odncer is at the tender (?) mercies of commission shaiksand diamond stud speculators. One reason .why Hood liver lruit al ways commands good prices is that they have a well organized union and no com petition amongst the produces. Henry T. Williams, who owns exten sive echards in the Ozark mcuuniins of Arkansas, and who recently purchased an 80 acre orchard in noon luvtr val ley, rays, in speaking of Ihe strawberry industry here: "The demand exceeded thetuppU. Markets that wanted them-. could not be supplied, and had to go without. Commission men who wanted them on toinmission were told that nothing left this place except w hen paid, for in advance or guaranteed. Dealers who want to beat down prices were toloS that if they were not good to stick byr piices first given they would not get' any. Never befor wsb the grower King of the market. But one variety can be sold with favor and from but one plaee,,. the true home of its adoption Hoodi River. There are certain peculiar mer its connected with this variety The Clark's Seedlin". That it constitutes a chapter in h" mime very remark able What '- mat gives this berry its excellence n. ,., no one knows. Ihe--berry is no1 loe saun- e'sewhere. It. carries tor uisiumi-i-s hi ouu or more- miles safely and holds thin to the end. 7 Several shipments of strawberrieB that went to the Kloml) Ke country are reported to have arrived there in good condition and sold like hot inkes at $5 per h'-x There were 4o,O0U crates of strawberries thipped frcm here this year ever GO carloods. 'i lie cash re turns to the growers was about $85,000. a deduction of $25,000 for picking and crates, leaves the growers about ut.),000- clear of expenses. The entire acreage- BOAKI) OF COMMISSIONERS. Regular October Term Board. of the County R. Morion, John Ltwtlling and T. I!. Klllin, Com in Issioncrs, C. G. HUNTLEY Oregon City, Oregon (Continued from last week) In the matter of the application of W II Smith tor the rebate on subscription on tho Oregon City and Logan Road Now at this time it appearing to the Board that the property of W II Smiih was damaged to the extent of $10 by the blasting of rocks and stumps on the said hinhwav. It is therefore ordered and adiudged that the said W II Smith be allowed the sum of $10 on said snbscrip- tbn. In the matter of the petition of Chas Schmidt for Liquor License in Barlow nrecinct : Now comes tnas, ccnmmt ueiore tue Board, bv his attomev, L Stipp, and presents the petition of the said Chas Schml'it, and a majority oi me legal voters in Barlow voting precinct, pray THREE TRAINS ASM -TWO VIA. TBS SHORT LINE 9:00 a. m. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS CITY. ONE VIA TSE GREAT NORTHERN 6:10 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Food Literature For Almost 'Ocean Steamers leave Tortland every 5 Days for SAN FRA Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. Ft fnll Information call on or Ktilrtw nearest O. K, & S. 'liciet Agent, or address A. h. CRAIG, O, T. A., Portland, Oregon The Northern Pacific is not d among railways for its advertising matter. Its pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are tastefully gotten p and are valuable for what they contain. Here is a partial liet XT 4-1 ' of '" MR. CHAS. S. FEE, eneral Passenger IN Ollllllfal Agent, St. Paul, Ninn., will "end out, carefully v5 mailed, upon receipt of prices given. Any combi nation can be made, and money or express orders, eilver or stamps will be accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading matter for little or nothing, - ' Wonderland 1901 An animal siblleation, beautifully iiluftratid in color and halftone. This nmnt.er treau particularly of the history of Send the Northern t'aeilio's Trademark, the cast.-r Battlefield lu SU CnU Montana, and the YIlwstoue 1'jrk. Miniature Wonderland A neat and dainty pirrfflwrttfm containing a complete hlst-y ut the Northern Pacllio Trademark. Tho artistic coven of f"ni the Wonderland, 1W1 are used in miniature. Four Ctntt Wi!d Flowers from Yellowstone A book of proMf-d wild tlowen irom len-WBione rara, showing the real llowore in their natural colors, a dainty and beautiful souvenir ten Kpeolmens of flowers and six full page illustration! af Park scenery. Yellowstone National Park A new 112 pare book, t a, fluiblc covers, good paper, plain tvpe, Illustrated, poeket size, a compendium I and descriptive ol the Woild's Wonderland. Climbing Mourt Rainier . - iiTni i l Jii Ti rintrrs. in stroiiK. nexiuie covers, printed on hwjwf, descriptive of an ascent of the highest peak iu ttat f vmu tutes facial nature. , Send F fty Centa Twenty-fiv Centa CONTEST NOTICE. Dkpaktmint of- thk Intkkiok, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Oct. 14, 1901. A sufficient contest affidavit having been Died in this office by Callie B. Charlton, contestant, against homestead entry No. 11170, made October 4, 1895, for southwest quarter section 5, town ship 3 south, range 7 east, by Julius Steinberg, contestee, in which it is al leged that contestant "knows the pres ent condition of the same; also that the Baid Julius Steinberg has wholly aban doned said claim three years and more last past, and in ry) way has he ktpt up residence or improvement, and that sai l alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the army, navy or marine corpj of the United Stales as ft private soldier, ollicer, sea man or marine dining the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United Stat-s may be engaged." Said paities are heieby notilied to ap pear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said alb-giationat 9 o'clock a. m. on November 25, 1!K)1, before the register ami receiver at the United States Land Office in Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having.in a pror affidavit, filed October 12, l'JOl, set forth alter uue am ing that said Chas Schmidt be granted a! license to sell liquors in liarlow precinct. ' And it appearing to the Hoard that said petition has been made in a legal man ner and the n-scessary fee? Uiive been paid, It is therefore ordered that fcaid license be granted, and the Clerk is hereby authorized to issue the same to the said Chas Schmidt. In the matter of petition of J W Strucken for robate of Poll Tax : Now comes J W Strucken and presents an alfidavit stating that he paid a poll tax for N SEndersby for the year of 1900 and that the said N S Endersby was not a resident of ClackaraaB County at that time, and the Board being fully advised it is ordered that J W Strucken have a rebate in the sum of In the matter of the County Clerk's statement of scalps delivered during the month of September, 1901 : This matter coming on upon County Clerk's report of scalps turned in and warrants issued and tbe Hoard being fully advised, it is ordered that the same be and hereby is in all respects approved. lu the matter of reports of officers lor the month ol September. 1901 The ollicers having made their reports and the I!ord having examined their books and being fully advised, It is or dered that ihe same le and hereby is In all reauccts approved and accepted Said reports sh iw collections as follows, tow it : County Clerk M41 2' Con nly Recorder 195 bO Alter i.asamg hills iNos, a, an, V) and u strawbeniee in Hood River and VVbite Salmon is about 3oJ acres, over $ I GO per acre net profit. Space will not permit us giving tue Hood River valley a proper description. The people here all heem prosperous. As- an example ot app o LUiiuro we wtlii mention U. 11. Deathman's orcnard ot dve acres, now 11 years of nge. He has mostly late winter varieties, and ot course exercises care in picking and pack ing, but for the last Uve years bis apple crop from these five acres has brought him an average ol HUU incasii. bay, don't that beat raising 40 cent wheat? Our thanks are due V, WincuelL pioneer native son of Hood River valley, for a pleasant drive, and much of the in- , formation we gathered of the valley's oioneer history. The first nuttier lo cated in Hood River valley in 1H5-1. Ihn first store building was erected in the town in 1881 by John Parker, now de ceased. It is still standing and h occu pied by Bone & McDjnald, as a general merchandise store. The town was in corporated in 1894, and now ban a popu lation of 700 souls. An electiic light plant has recently been placed in opera tion. It has a local telephone system, and is'a live up-to-date buig. - It is GUV miles by rail from Portland. During high water river steamers run right up to the town, but at low water as present it is a mile from the landing. But after all is said about Hood River, she can't, hold a candle to our native soil Clacka mas county. Houov How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars lie- ward for any case of Catarrh that n- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure; F. J. Chisney & Oo,, rrops., Toledo. U. - We, the undersigned, have known IV Cheney for the last 15 year, and bt lieve him perfectly honorable in- nil business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tuuax, Wholesale Druggists, . Toledo, C. Walking, Kinnas & Marvin, Wkot ' sal" Druggists, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken infer nally, acting diiccUy upon tho blood njxl mucous suriaccs ol tu-.) fystera. i'nee 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all drtij gists. Testimonials free. Hall s ramily rills are the best. No i gence personal service of this notice can 41, the Board adjourned to meet at call. County Treasurer' Xolicd. I now have money on hand to county warrants endorsed prior to vein be r J-tn, l!i9s, and also road war rants endorsed prior to Febivury Jt. 1901. Interest wiil cease on the warrant In cluded in this call on the d it. hereof. A. I.ClXl.INi;, Trms Cliii-kama." Co., Or.. Oregon City, Oa. 18th, 19 U. Sand Twcnty-flvg outside of Alaska oi cenu. not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notice begiven bv due and proper publication, ;Ciiablks B. Moorish, Register. Continued next week. A report from Sunt. J. O. Gluck, Re form school, Pruntytown, W. V'a. Oct. 18th. 1900. "After trying all other ad vertised cough medicines we have de- .! 1...1 , ...... L-,.l.... . 1 ),...., ., ...I Iil8 KiMl YOU Have Always Boiljftt j rinsivelv in the West Virginia reform fcliool. I find it tho most eflective, and absolutely harmlehs." Charman & Co. A snip 89 acres, 4lj miles from Otv gon Cdy, ;i''in cultivation, building find.' oichard. $15 per ai re. O. O.T. Wil liams, office in Hard ty building. OASTOrilA Bean tli of Ih8 Kiwi Vou Have Always i When you visit Portland don't fcJ tu get your meals at the Royal Restaurant,, First and Maduon. They sorve an e celiont meal at a moderate price; atKHL, I pare meal, 15c. J