OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1901 CHURCH GA1IZER1SGS. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. dimiTOwmii I iJflW 1 I III! AVegclablcPrcparationfor As similating iheToodandRcgula fag the S tonmchs andBowels of Piornot.es Digcstion.Cheeiful--v-, .-.nfl Rest.Contains neither !j Opium , Morphine ror Mineral. Ivor NAncoTiCi lltafe atCldDrSMWELPITCma Pwppkm Sad" Alx.Serma jiniit Seed Jippt rmuit -Jn OifbvnntcSoia, I limn Seed -firmid Sugar IHatyrwt tunvr. A perfect Itemcdy for Constipa tion, Sour Stoniach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish aess andLoss OF SLEEP. Yac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. '' t -'X. EXACT C0P7 OF WRAPPEE. SOCIAL EVENTS, IVTr.-s K S. Bjllinger entertained a numit'T ut wonitiii at a mit-sionary lea last Frul ly nfieriio m at her home on Main siren'. Aim AliM'el Stevens read a a;)tr on "II o Freedmen of the South," anil M s. Uollingi'rgaea paper on tha io)c white people in tlie moun tains of tha same region. Lig'u re freshments were nerved. The Eastern Star Chapter hold one of their popular souul sessions in Masonic hall Tuesday iiis;ht. Ttiere was an en turtaiiittitj musical proiain, cownMing in part of vocal nolos hy Mrs. it. U Ganong and Miss Mary (jonyirs and instrumental selections by Miss Fair cljugh and Mrs J. II. Walker, Pro gressive whist took up the remainder of the evening until near midnight. Ke fre.sliments were served. C. W Evans wan awarded (ha lirst priz-i in the whist games. I hero was a good attendance, and t lie niembars are pleasurebly look ing forward to the next meeting when several candidates will be initiated. About 40 people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mm. John Alldredge Tues day evening in honor ot his hirthday, that event iieing tho occasion of the sur prise purty. A very pleasant evening was passed w ith music and singing, and refreshments word served. Meade Relief Corps and Post are keeping up social festivities hy planning surprise parties on their members and friends. Both Kev. A, J, Montgomery and U. A. Williams were guests oi honor at like functions. Mrs. Wilda Belknap, grand chief of honor will make tha local Degree of Honor Lodge tins rriuay nihl. On next Friday night the lodge will enter tain the members of Fidelity Degree of Honor Lodge, oi l oi tland. Tho Mianes Albright gave a liayride inrty lact night in honor of their guest, Alias Connie llo'land, of Salem. After a moonlight drive in a large hny wagon. refreshments were served at the Albright Home. Hie decorations were in keep ing with the autumn season. Mrs. W. A. White read a paper be fore the "Mothers' Club" at the meeting held at the ho. no of Mrs. Uuorge C. Browmll Thursday afternoon. Airs. K. F. Moiy is on the program for a paper at the meeting to be held next Thursday afternoon. Mi (Am Jeaiuutte and Gertrude Fair clongh were the recipients of a most do lighll'nl Mii piie parly Wednesday even ing. Miiri.o and whist were especial fea tures ot I he evenings e derlaiument. Several seleiti ns were rendered by ThotiiMS Mider on thw guitar and Sheriff Cooke in vii'linit-t with Miiss Gertrude Fainvltuuh as piano accompanist Kc frenhiueu's were served and it proved a veri enj ij'able occasion. Mrs. (le.orgo T. Howard gave a de lightful tea at her home in Gladstone last Tliiirsd-iy afternoon. Those pres ent were: Alesdamm G W Church, G. W, Grace, A. Seainann, llargeaves Parker, Mis, Todd, of F.Hiott Prairie, unit Misses Gertrude Kairolouiih and Mamie Adams. Dainty lell'edl.meiils were Berved. Mrs. A. X. Munsey enteitained a few Mends last Saturday evening. Special feature was music by William G. Mil ler on the guitar with aec inipanimeyt hy .Mrs. Munsey. v In (he Circuit Court. Thefdlowing new suits have been filed in the circuit ceurt during the past week : Mary E. Dcady vs Charles N. Wait. State School Land Board vs Addie E. llodgkin, foreclosure for $"000. State School Land Board vs V. 15. Jeiiuiiigs, ct ill, foreclosure for f MlKl. Portland City & Oregon Railway Com pany vs Dora Quant, to condemn right ot wav nt aiiiwansie. Alice V. vs Jerry Sisk, divorce. Notice to Debtors. I herewith notify all persons indebted to me for livery hire to pay without de lay. Accounts remaining unpaid by the end of this month will be placed jn the hands of a collector, when costs will bo t (iod . J - Bhadi ky. PSIsiatoe W I S ' I M. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought W, ff. I Bears the . i vY For Over Thirty Years THK eCNTAUlf OOMMNV, HEW YORK CITY. i nil. mwiMiiiw ij.uti iu iu.ium hm WEDDINGS. Mellien-Carrieo t t'ie home of the groom's parents, in Oiegou City, S.itur day, Ootob r 19' h, lierilia Oarrico, na'igiite ot .,1'H. iN. ,i. ,vieis.ii'ie to Al bert Alellli'ii. Rev A. J Montgomery was the i fiiciatoig olivyiu in. Pliipp Duvid-oi) Theodor.i Davidson was married to Waller I, Phmo kt the COU't hons on October 17iii, County Hyan ofriciating, Bono-Vatrihan Edith Elizabeth Vaiiidian, daughter of J. ri. Vauh iu, of Boone's Ferry, m married to Wa-lter L. B no, if Indiai.a, the eerenniny tak iivi pi ice at the court li 'ti-eand County Judge R a i ollicii tin At the home of Otiarles doner on up per 'Ninth street, October 19ih, Miss Mamie Anderson was married to Fay Ewin,'. Rev. E. S. B liinger, pastor of the First Congregaiional church, was tne otHitiating clereyman. The newly married couple will Uvh i . PortUnd. On the 19th a marriage license was is sued to Miss Kllen l.im nir, of Macks burg, and H. E Boeu, ot Oregon Oit. B it i are clever young people, an 1 have hosts of friends. On the 21st a marriage license was is sued to Lucy Told aged 20, and Mark Seely aged 20. Both are well known young people of Wilsonville. Golden Annivuvmru. The fiftieth anniveisary. of the mar riage of Air. and Mrs. R. t Beattie was celebrated Wednesday evening at the residence of tneir daughter, Mrs. Chrit Schuebel. Thote present were: Rev. and Airs. A. J. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Heattie, Air. and Mrs. J. W. McKay, Air. and Mrs. A. T. Aluir, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Schuebol, M. AIoGeehan, Mr?. Rosamund Schuebd and Miss Bessie Grant, of Oregon City; Air. and Mrs. W.S, Beaitie, Airs. M. A. II urn hid, of Portl end. Mr. R. T. Beattje was born near Spaita, 111., September 24, 1827. Aire. Beattie, whose maiden name was Margaret Stevenson, was horn December 21, 18,'i;), in Pais'ty, c. uutv of Renfrew, Scotland. She cams to America with tier parents in 1813, and settled in Eden, Id. Mr. ami Mrs. Beaitie were mairied at Chester, 111 , October 23, ISM. For thirty-five years thev lived on a farm near Sparta, HI. Here 'nine children wi re bom to i hem, three of whom have passed into the liie beyond. In 18S6 Air. and Mrs. Beaitie moved to a farm near Conway, Kansas. Three and Olio-half Years lnt.m- tlwtr -iil a daughter and three sons, came to Oie- iiun vuy. ah oi tno clnlilren are mar ried excent the vniiiumt n u,.,, i, io I - J" v, o'. , n uu 1(3 now' teaching in the govern neiit school in run y rangei, Alaska. Their daugh ter. Mrs. AL'iiess Selin..l...l w fl one of their children in this city. ror ine p ist two years .Mr Beattie has been postmaster at Ely, a postollieo sit uated within the coruoratu limits of iw gm City . : t Beware of the Subscription Ageneij Sharks Every day we hear of a citv being worked bv some smooth subscription agvnt taking cut-rate subscription for well-known maga lines. Don't give your money to strangers. Don't, risk sending it away. At Huntley's Book Store they will meet every honest cut rate pries for subscriptions for any rnpei m magazine puoiisiiea. T Tune with you any piinted oiler you may have and Mr. Huntley J will niti,, it un.t c-.ivu v., oil 9 and expense. Tin Courier-Herald iiii.jv. iii iiit-iuv riiLei ipiieilX to lI,,,,il.,o U.,.,1, ui., ' . . i -,,.....,:(, a j...,-i i-UJir III It PHVlHj; i to itself and heartily recommends X their methods. . HHiFl Aliss Alary Case, who recently re turned from Alaska, has been engaged as director of the choir and music in the Alethodist Episcopal church. A harvest home festival was held at Lutheran Zion Evangelical church on the corner of Eighth and Jefferson streets, Tnesday evening. There was an elaborate display of fruits, vegetables and grains, tastily arranged in decora tive form. Rev. J. A. Leas, oi Port land, gave the harvest home address, and the children gave an excellent pro gram of song and recitations appropri ate to the service. Rev. Meyer states that the church will dedicate its new bell at an early date. Rev. J. H. Beaven, pastor of the Ore gon City Baptist church, and retiring president of the State Baptist Associa tion, was elected historical secretary at the meeting held in Portland last week. The themes at the Cengregational church next Sunday will be "The Love that Passeth Knowledge," and "An Ap peal to the Reserves.'' .Christian Science services are held in the Willamette hall every Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, Sunday-school at 12 m ; Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. To theBe services all are welcome. Births. At Logan. October 17th. to the widow of Barney Fallert, a girl. In Oregon City, October 23rd, to the wife of Jack Wells, a girl. In Oregon City October 22nd, to the wife of Walter Bruce, twins a boy and a girl. Letter List,. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at Oregon City, Or., on Oct.! 24th, 1901: Womens' List Mrs. .Vera Jones, Airs. Alary Nichols. Alens' List James Adams, John Drescher. Charles Grider. William E. Howell, B. F. Kellegg, Martin Klein, J. M. Long, J. E. Lacroy, E. Alass, P. u uonoor. George F. Horton, p. in. Ad exceptional bargain near Oregon City, 22 miles from Portland, good road, 400-acre grain or stock farm ; creek and spring water; rich bottom land, 75 acres in good cultivation. Price only $12.50 per acre. O. O. T. Williams, room 9, uarciay Building, Oregon City, Oregon The Oregon City boats now make three trips daily to Portland and re turn, and the time card has been changed as follows: Leave Oregon City at foot of eighth Btreet, 7 a. m. ; 11a. m.; 3 p. m Leave Portland at fott of Taylor street, 9 a. m. ; 1 p.m.; o p. m. ine boats are roomy, and the scenery can be viewed from comfortably seated and lighted cahins, while the pur ser and officers are clever and atten tive. Give Our Side a Chance. In our article today taken from the New York Herald, headed "Business .wen in lheatncals, we notice that A Wise Woman" is going to make a few stops before starting a run in San Fran cisco. JNow why can t we have this company stay one night ,with us? They surely must have a first-class company to contemplated an extended run in the western metropolis. Such a company would oe a reiiet lrom the JNo. 2, 3 and sometimes 4 companies that we gener ally get. Giye us a chance. The excitement incident to traveling ana change ot tood and water often brings on diarrhoea, and for this reason no one should leave home without a bot tle of Ohambtrlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For tale hy G. A Harding. Setting a Prisanar Free. A man with rheumatism is a prisoner. His fetters are none the less galling be cause they are invisible. To him Perry Davis' Painkiller comes as a liberator. Rubbed well into tho swollen, stiffened joints it not merely drives away the pain it makes the muscles pliable so that the prisoner becomes a free man. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis, 25 and SO cents. When you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth, go at once to G. A. Harding's drug store and get a free sam ple of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. Thev also cure biliousness, sick head icheand constipation. Get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets G. A. Hard ing's drug i-tore. They are easier to take and more pleasant in effect than pilis, Then their use is not followed by constipation as is often the case with pills. Regular size, 25c per box. A Typical South African Store. O. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays River. Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything from the proverbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine milts from the nearest railway station and about twenty five miles from the nearest town. Air. Larson says : "1 am favored with the ciutoiu of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's remedies All testify t'i their value in a household where a doctor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps sixty. Of these, v.thin the past twelvemonths, noless than fourteen have been absolutely cured by Chamberlain's Cough -Remedy. This must surely be a record." For sale by G. A. Harding. Stricken With Paralysis Henderson Grimett, of this place, was stricken w ith partial paralysis and com pletely lost the use of one arm and side. After being treated by an eminent phy sician for quite a while without relief, my wife recommended Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after using two bottles of it he is almost entirely cured. Geo. R. McDonald, .Man, Login county, W. Ya. Several other very remarkable cures of partial paralysis have been ef fected by the use of his liniment. It is most widely known, however as aeure for rheumatism, sprains and bruises. Sold by G. A. Harding. ; Local news on the first and several other pages. Aliss Vea Caufield is rep .r.ed to be very ill in a Portland hospital. The Racket Store will give away a sewing machine Christmas. Chance with ettery 10-ent purchase. Miss Mary Green, aged 57, of Spring water, was committed to the state in sane asylum the first of the week by the county judge. Strayed From the farm of 11. Betlike, J two spotted, fat male hogs. Any infor mation as to their whereabout , will bo liberally rewarded. LoH Overcoat between Vaugban's stable and Jones' mill on Abei nelhy road. Finder leave at Courier-Herald office and receive reward. J. B. Noe, the Ne,edy nurseryman, left some samples of orange quinces at this office, that are the largest ever seen in Clackamas couuty. and are noted for their rich color and smooth surface. Tne Clackamas County Humane So ciety will hold its annual meeting in the parlors of the Bank of Oregon Oily next Monday evening. Officers will be elected and other matters will receive attention The little son of Thomas Armstrong on the West Side had a narrow escape trom being crushed to death by a wood wagon last Monday. The wagon was stopped in time, anil the child escaped with a broken arm. Arrangements have been made with the Southern Pacific trains to stop near the Harmony school house, going both ways on Saturday, for the accommoda tion of teachers who desire to attend the teachers' meeting at Harmony. The Courier-Herald gives twice as much county and local news as can se cured from any other source. The Brace is not filled up with big heads and leads, but is set close an 1 compact. Local news can be found on almost ev ery page. Frank Busch has just received a car load of American toys, direct from Alil waukie, where they were manufactured. This is the first large lot of American toys ever brought to Oregon City. Ex tensive improvements are being made in the interior of Mr. Busch's store. The ciiy conncil held a special meet ing Tuesday night, but about p.ll the business was referred to the street com mittee, including the matter of building a cement sidewalk in front of the coun cil chamber, and the project of m king a baseball ground on the city park, near the Barclay school building. Wheat, unsacked, is still quoted in the local market at 49 cents per bushel. There is no change in the butter market, and Oregon eggs are quoted 23 and 25. Considerable hay is coming into the lo cal market, the price ranging from $7 to $9 60 per ton according to qual ity. Oats range lrom 7 to 30 cents per bushel. Potatoes are quoted in the Portland market at $1 and $1 10 per cental. Fairclough Bros, recently pur chased 200 boxes of apples at 45 cents. The apples are sorted and repacked before shipping. The will of Jcieph Voss, who died at Pleasant Hill on October Dth, was ad mitted to probate Wednesday. The will was executed July 25th, 1392, and was witnessed by C. T. Tooze and A. O. Kruso. The will provided that the old est son, Henry Voss receive 117 acres of land, and the second son, Joseph Albert Voss 150 acre. The widow, Jane Voss was named as executor of the will. The estate consists of 275 acres of land and is valued at 3500. The appraisers ap pointed are VV illiam Scott, A. P. Todd and Nelson AlcCormick. The new Stevens-Howell building is nearing completion, and thecontrnctors, Councilman E. W. Sco't and C. B. Johnson expect to have rooms ready for lessees in a short time. Adams Bros., of the Golden Rule Barzaar, will have largest and finest set of storerooms in the city. The proprietors of the build ing H. 0. Steyens and W. H. Howell are to be congiatulated on having the most substantial frame structure in town. The front of the building is of neat de sign, and the letters at the top desig nates the elegant new home of the W. O. W. The Stratton block, also is nearing the completion stage, and is a material improvement to that portion of Main street. What's Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never if you have a sallow complexion, a jrundiced, look, moth patches and blotches on the skin all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr ICimr's New Life Pills five fllpnr Skin, l-fosy Ctieeks, Rich Complexion. ( iiuy cants at ueo, a. uardtng s drug store. Why drink rot-gut, when you can get Sagamore hind-made sour mash at Kellv & Nohlitt's. Dinnl I Infl.n.innil man- mvt .'-,,rt. fnr sale. Address William S tndstrom, 434 Seventh Street, Sellwood, Or. Hist Veda Williams, a pupil of Prof, Dierke, will take a limited number of pupils for piano and organ instruction. P. G. Siiark has just received a new line of pipes, the largest aasortment ever brought to O. egon City. If somebody Blipped $) into your pocket you would consider it a kindly act. This is practically what we are do ing when we otler such reductions in millinety. Red Front Store. A Little Loss v of flesh and strength, little barking, ob stinate cough and a little pain in the chest may not mean galloping consump tion, but they are signs ttiat prudence will not neglect. A few doses of Allen's Lung Balsam cause a free discharge of mucus and so loosens the cough. It heals the inflamed air passages and all its beneficent work is accomplished w ithout a grain of opium. A car load of milk crocks just receivedjand will sell at 8 c per gal ion. W. L. Block. the Homefurnisher, A.-i hmaluie Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure In All Cases .-EXT ABSOLUTELY FREE OX RECEIPT OF TOSTAL xs YEARS 1 A F.st.lhiisberl lS7f) ' RELIEF. I FURS! FURS! FURS!! G. P. Riimmelin & Sons t t - Manufacturing Furriers I 126 Second St., scar Washington, PORTLAND, ORE. v I We carry a complete line of Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Collarettes, Boas, : Muffs, Etc,, in all the fashionable furs, : reather Boas, btc. Send for Fall Catalogue i The Leading and Reliable Foresight Means Good Sight 1 If there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the above headline. Lack ot "foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes, and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips, an e pert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our optical department. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 393 Horrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON MRS. R. BECKER 220 FISST STItSET ... PORTLAND, OSEGON I las a complete assortment of fall yiilliQer;y, Furs, lylilliQcry Novelties, Etc. Hats trimmed to erdsr. Feathers dyed aud carled. TRICES MODERATE. mm RESTORED 1 M j BEFORE and AFT'in ClTPIttF.'R Kt.rpnethensand restores small The reason RiilTcrprs are not cured by Doctors Is because ninety per rent are tronblerl w!th Prontatlttft. OUWDKNEis the only known remedy to cure without an operation. 6mt0t'SiImonV ok A written prtmrantce given and money returned if six boxes does not ett'ect A pernuuieutcuret 1.00 a box, six for f ; 0C, by mail, bend for frbk circular and testimonials. Address D 4 VO L JU EDICINE CO., P. a Bnx 2070, Sun Francisco, Col, Tor &4t bv GEO. A. HARDING, Drnggist Oregon City, Oregon Business Men in Theatricals. The New York He -all of May 8th said: "Ii's strange what strides the stage has made during the. past Ave years, not to Bpeak of a century. Busi ness men have now taken a hand in the pie, and find it a very profitable invest ment. Lawrence Barrett, during his grand struggle through numberless dif ficulties, was backed by some of the olid business men of Boston. Viola illen. who has electrified this country, and at the present time is the the talk of the cut re eust, in "The Christian," was furnished the necessary funds by a large printing establishment in New York. And now a leading business man of Chicago has taken hold of the curuedy farce, 'A Wise Woman,' and having en gaaed an extraordinary good company will appear in all the principal cities in a trip across the continent. Trior to their run In San Francisco they will take in some of the minor towns and thus make the journey to the coast wi'.h more race. Theatrical managers, look sharp. The business men will crowd yon out..' Key fitting, lock woik and siw filing at .kiinson oc LuuiVs bicycle shop, op posite Electric hotel. Satisfaction guaranteed. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. The Iiov. C.F.WELLS, of Villa Ridge, 111., snysr "Your trial battle oi Asthmalene reeeived in good condition . 1 cannot tell you how thankful I feel for tlie good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 da spaired of over being cured. I saw your advertise ment for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had overspokeu yourselves, but resolved to give It a i rial. To my astonishment, the trial ated like a charm. Send me a full size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Tinat Israel. New York, Jim. 3, 1901. Drs. Tait Bnos.' Mdioinb Co.. Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene Is an excellent rem. edy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates nil troubles which oombine with Asthma. Its success is astonishing aud wonderful. After hay. ing it carefully analyzed, we Can state that Asthma lene contains no opium, morphluo, chloform nor ether. Very truly yours, RKV. DR. MORUIS WECUSLEB. Trial bottle sent absolutely free on receipt of postal. Write at once, ad dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED ICINE CO., 79 East t3cth St. New York City. Tnr--rnni-nt-prl iSnn T' i Robes and -Rugs. Fnniers of the Northwest "CUPSOENE Thla irraatVpiMtAhta 1 Vitiilip.fr.thpnrMUTltk. tlon of h famouB French physician, will quickly cure you of all ner vous or tlisi-asea of the peiii'muve organs, such ns iosl Manhood, Insomnia, t'mnsin the Biw'k. Seminal Kmissinns, NervouB Debility, Pimples, UnlUnesa to Mar.v, Kihaustintf Drains, Varicocele ana Constipation. It stnps all losses bvdav or night Prevents quieit ss of discharge, which if noi chpekeri leaclfl to .SpermHtorrhnea and all the horrors of Impotency 'I.rPinKflKclettuacstfielivfcr, U19 kidnovsaiitl the urinary ortran of all imoaritiea. weii.lt nrtrnn.. Women and Jewells.. Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is the order of a woman's preferences. Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman. Even that great est of all jewels, heakh, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them. If a wo man will rink her lifa in on! a A.,nij gem, then let her foriify herself against the insidnous consequences of coughs, colds and bronchial affections by the' regular use ,of Dr. Boschee'e German Syrup. It will promptly arrest con sumption in its early staiws and heal the affected In hit j nml lirnm'lilul i.,i,.,o ,j . r . ... ...mpa nilu drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial troubles. Yon can pet Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at George A. Hnid ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac. Notice Having sold my furniiure lmsine I have, placed all my accounts inTha hand of John W. Loder, over Golden Rule Bazaar for reflection, and parties indebted will kindly oil aud fettle at once. Mr. Loder will also pay accounts against the undersigned. George H, Yorxa,