Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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The Great Removal Bale
Bargains for Ladies
Good Black Stockings. ... 9 c
Wool Fascinators, all col'rs 25 c
O..N. T. Thread; 6 spools. 25 c
Good Heavy Muslin, yd . . 5 c
Cotton Batting 5 c
Outing Flannel Night G'ns 69 c
Fleeced Lined Underwear. 25 c
Good Tam-o-Shanters. . . . 50 c
$1.50 and $1.75 Wrappers 1. 00
The "Percy" Kid Glove, pr 1.00
Large Towels 8 c
Outing Flannel, yd 5 c
Handk'ch'fs, colored border 3 c
Saxony Yarn, all colors ... 5 c
Bargains for Men
Wool Hats, black. ....... 45 c
Good Cotton Socks, pr... 4c
Heavy Sweaters, Colors. . . 45 c
Soft Bosom Golf Shirts .. . 58 c
Odds and end in Underw'r25 c
Fancy Half Hose, pr 10 c
Hemstichcd Handkerchiefs 6 c
Flannel Night Shirts 75 c
Heavy Fleeced Lined Un
derwear 50 c
William's Shaving Soap ... ,5c
Latest Silk Neck Ties.... 19c
The "Standard" White
Shirts , 69 c
Large stock of Dry Goods just received which
are going at removal sale prices.
Agents for Brown's "Star-Five-Star" Shoes.
J. M. Little, of Needy, was in town
Albert Engle, of JMolalla, was in the
city yesterday.
Itev. Rhys Gwinn, of Wilhoit, was in
the city Tuesday.
8. A. D. Hungate, of Molalla, waa in
the city yesterday.
B. L. Arthur, of Logan, was a visitor
in the city Wednesday.
Miss Mario Willey, of Sellwood, visited
her parents over Sunday.
C. T. Vonderahe, of Beaver Creek,
was in the city yeeterday.
Mrs. Charles Dean, of Viento, visited
Mrs.G. W. Grace, last week.
Peter Engle, a well known New Era
farmer, was in town yesterday..
Ira Dickey, of Molalla, has been in
tlie city for several days this week.
Mrs. J. Kirk, of Beaver Greek, was a
visitor in Oregon City during the week.
II. Iderhoff, a well known Stafford
farmer, was in Oregon City yesterday.
Mrs. Kate Spulak and Miss Spulak,
of New Era, were in Oregon City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Armstrong, of
Redland, were in Oregon City yester
day .
Alfred Weed, who has been very ill
with appendicitis, is reported as improving.
Thomas M.Thomas and David Jenes,
of Beaver Creek, were in the city yes
Mm. Georse Randall, of New Era
precinct, was a visitor in the city yes
W. E. Owen, of Ilwaco, waa here this
week, looking alter his Beaver Creek
Frank Miller, the vegetable
producer, of Shubel, waa in town duri.ig
the week.
II. Thiessen, the well known Mi
waukie precinct fanner, waa in Oregon
City yesterday.
Mrs. J. A. Roake and child have re
turned from a vipit to reiatives in Port
land.. James Beeson and wife and his father,
visited at the home of Frank J. Parker,
Frederick Blubin. a well known far
mer of Beaver Creek-, was in Oreeon
City Tuesday.
Misses Lou Mortimor. Clara Miller
and Anneita Gleason wheeled their way
to uaR urove sunaav.
Valentine Bohlander. of Beaver
Creek, was in town Tuesday, visiting
tus Bister, Mrs. Kuconicn.
George Kelland, of New Era precinct.
was in town Tuesday, and renorted lit
tle over a half crop of potatoes.
A. E. Donaldson and daughter. Miss
Eunice have takea rooms for the winter
In the Shively building.
Mr. and Mrs. William Blount, of
Canby, were in town Tuesday, viiiiuB
their daugt.toi, !, t X. liarlow.
Charles Iluaiphrys, of the Postal Tel
egraph Company at Portland, visited
his home here Monday .ana Tuesday.
George Wyland, of Wilhoit, arrived
in the city yeBterday, after several
months of prospecting in the mining re
W. T. Henderson, M. Holland and"
I. D. Surf us, of Elwood, were in town
yesterday on their way home from Port
land. Misses Helen Gleason and Grace Mil
lei, both Clackamas county teachers,
visited the'r respective homes Saturday
and Sunday.
Rev. 0. W. Hayes, of Grant's Pass,
is visiting Rev. A. J. Montgomery.
They weie . schoolmates in their
younger days.
Jesse Cox and children, of Elwood,
were in town Wednesday on their way
home from Portland, where they at
tended the carnival.
Tolhert Hook arrived in the city from
Scott's Mills Tuesday, and moved Bar
ton Jack and mother out to their Mo
lalla home Wednesday.
H. S. Harcourt, of the Morning Ore
gonian, was a caller at this office Wed
nesday. He was here on business be
fore the probate court.
Mrs. Rachel E. Bain and daughter,
and other members of the family moved
tn Portland Tnesrlav. where they will
reside in the future.
Messrs. Wallace and McCarthy, of
Eastern Oregon, stopped off in this city
Monday to visit friends. They were on
their, way to San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Craft, of Wash
ington, Pa., have been visiting Rev.
A.J.Montgomery and family, she be
ing a cousin of the iormer,
S. J. Burford and Richard Greaves
are representing Cataract Lodge, K. f
P., in the grand lodge in session in
session in Portland this week.
Mrs. Eli Williams and daughter, Miss
Esther, left Wednesday morning for
Jackson county, where they will sojourn
for a time for the beneut ot tne lawer s
Omintv Commissioner J. R. Morton,
of Damascus, reports a good yield of po
tatoes as well as other crops, ana iar
mers are prosperous and well along
with their work.
Rev. J. II . Beaven and other mem
bers of the local Baptist church are at
tending the annual state convention in
Portland this week. Rev; Beaven is
the retiring president of the association.
Mrs. Lena Wicks left Tuesday night
for a 10-days visit to her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Goldsmith. She will re
turn here before going to her home at
San Francisco. -
Mrs. Mary McCarthy, of Spokane,
was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
C. F. Vonderahe at Beaver Creek, and
brothers in Oregon City. It was-her
first visit to Clackamas county for 17
Dan McGill and wiie, of Grant county,
arrived yesterday, and will visit rela
tives in this county. Mrs. McGill is a
daughter of Robert Officer, and formerly
lived at Molalla. it is her first visit
here for 20 year.
Thomas Blanchard wife, of New Era
precinct, were in town yesterday. He
stated that the same piece of ground
that produced 1200 bushels of potatoes
last year, ony yielded 600 this year.
However, the crop is ot exceptional
quality, and the selling price promises
to be satisiactory.
Miss Iya Almstead, daughter of A. H.
Almstead, of the Logan cheese factory,
p issed a very creditable standing at tne
last county teachers' examination. She
did not receive an offer of a school at
once, and became discouraged, accept
ing a position in an Eastern ancle's
store. She had only been gone a few
days, when offers came to teach from
tnree dmerent school districts in vjlack
amas county.
J. Heinz, of Macksburg, was in town
yesterday, and reported that George
Scheer had his shoulder dislocated at
Canby on the day previous by a kick
from a horse. The horse became
frightened at an approaching train with
the result that the horse kicked him on
the shoulder with Beriona consequences.
Mr. Bcheer Is still at Canby, where he
is receiving medical attention. Mr.
nein, simes mat some hops in tus
neighborhood, -r i.i .om nijureu uy
dampness, have been sold for 8 cents
per ponnd. He hud 20 bales slightly
damaged in this way.
Two years ago we distributed the above auount among our
customers. The experiment was such a great success, we have
concluded to repeat it this year. In other words, we will share
some of our profits with our customers.
m iitvwf'l ''si
This Is the Way We Do It
Commencing MONDAY morning, we will GIVE AWAY
with each tenth MEN'S SUIT that we sell, A TEN DOL
LAR BILL. And with each tenth BOY'S or CHILD'S
SUIT sold, a Five Dollar BilL By this means every tenth
customer will receive a suit practically for nothing Our friends
will remember the long list of persons who received more than
the amount of their purchase from us last yean
The Bills Are on Exhibition
in Our Windows
Moijer Clothing Compamj
. Third and Oak Sts, Portland, Oregon
Fouud a ladii's's jacket Sunday, near
Cams. A. S. Bailey, Molalla road.
F. M. Pickard, formerly an old resi
dent of Logan, died at Wardner, Idaho,
last Friday, aged about 50.
J. W. McAnultv has removed the jus
tice of the peace office to the Jaggar
building, opposite Huntley's drug store,
A grand ball will be given in the new
Beaver Creek hall on October 25th, and
all are '.nyiteJ to attend.
P. O. "Fori, who recently arrived
from Kansas with bin family, has pur
chased the Storv confectionery store.
C. I). Story and family now occupy then-
new home on the hut.
Charles V. Galloway has purchased
the J. F. Wiscc.irvor farm, northeast of
town. This comprises 156 acres, and
the purchase pri-.o was $28 per acre
Yamhill Reporter.
Don't forget our big per
fume stock when you want
the best.
Everything for
the Bath
Herplclde 75c per bottle
Huntley's HairTonio
25 and 50c per bottle
sponges, towels, etc.
We have just purchased a sample lins of bath necessarys Brushes, mitts,
On this lot we. get a 25 per cent discount because they are
samples. This 25 per cent goes to our customers, Of the bath brushes there are at
least 25 kinds no two alike you can certainly find what you want in this stock and
the low prices will surprise you. '
Bath Soap$ and Toilet Soap
Here'i another necessity we can save you money on. Our soaps are bought
direct from the manufacturer, thereby saving a middlemans profit, this enables us to sell
you a good box of toilet soap, 3 cakes in a box, scented, for 1 5 cents; same as you have
many times paid 25 cents for. Our 2$ cent boxes are wonders highly scented, hard
milled soap, so fine that you wonder how they can be sold at that price.
We have a new scouring soap for 5 cent, which is said to lake the place of
Sapolio. Try a cake of it ' . (
Snowberry floating bath soap, 6 big cakes for 25 cents is supply sufficient for
months. Look over our soaps, some of our best bargains are in the window now.
Some of the leading brands
of prtfumes we carry:
Palmers, Wrights, Penauds
Rogers & Gallets, Rick
seekers, Eastmans, Rleg
ers, Atkinsons, Lauters.
Popular Price Druggist
At this season every house
hold should be supplied
with either a bottle of our
Syrup of White Pine Com
pound, or Baker's Rock,
Rye and Tolu, for cough
and colds that Is sure to
coma: Get It now.
The fall growth of g-iass is increasing
the supply of milk at the Logan cheese
factory, uuring tne uiomu ui oui
when pasture feed was good, the cheese
foctory paid out $700 to its stockholders
for milk.
The Misees Sedlak, well known Port
land musicians, signed a contract Satur
day with W. L. Snidow for the erection
nnnt It-room cottaire. The Misses
Sedlak will this their home and resting
place when not traveling.
Robert .Hughes brought in a large
porcupine Uie first ot the week, which
had been captured and killed by a dog
nn thfi Powell place, near Mount Pleas
ant. The animal was of unusual size,
and has been on exhibition in Wilson
& Cooke's hardware store window.
Samuel Meyer is having a neat 6-roora
cottage erected on his property cn Fifth
and Center streets, it win ue eouveu
iently arranged and supplied witn raoa-
ern improvements. John Barclay is uo-
ng the carpenter wora.
.Ti,n Ptuar fWpk Creamery Oompany
has completed its new bmlcting, wliicn
is conveniently wtuaieo huh biuo ui in
ker's ferry bridge. It is a neat structure
painted white, an.l has a soiid cement
foundation. It in intended to have the
creamery in operation in December.
The Courier-Herald gives twice as
much county and local news as can se
cured from any other source. The
srace is not mien up wuu u'B
and leads, but is set elope and compact.
Local news can be found on almost ev
ery paw.
Christian Science services are held in
n, WillamntiB hall every Sunday morn-
ini? at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday,
n,.i with. "Probation After Death
hool at 12 m; Wednesday
ovnninu meetine at 8 o'cl ck. To these
services all are vteicome.
Kaai all it filed in the circuit court
.. follows: J. T. Apperson vs l. l,
ntmrman. trustee, et al, forecloseure
nit tn rncover abOUt SU.UOO on lira
South Oregon City tract. Thirty-two
ranl who naid lor ots in me iraei,
are made defendants in the suit.
The reporter of the Evening Tela
u. a r.t .leal to sav about hold
ups between Oswego and the White!
house. The fact of the business is.
there hare been no hold-ups in that vi
cinity recently. Some imaginative in
dividuals have been stuffing the repor
ter. Fifteen and a half Inches in circum
ference and weighing pounds each,
in .k .;, nf three monster onions,
raixed on the farm of Kamond Dickey
u,.i. U und ie lverea ov 111m 10 v"
last Saturday. These were only a few
rtt u-hut nan be produced on
Tim It 1 JH.o w " -
Mr. Dickey 'Siarm.
1 1 n.- annual business meeting of the
rresbyterian chnrch held Monday night
A..T. Muir and J. w. aicrvay
i,t, n v.. Muir was elected
a deacon, Fred J. Meyer, trustee, Sliss
Maraaret Williams Sunday-school su
perintendent, Fred Meyer treasurer, ana
Owen inomaB hwu
At the Clackamas hatchery th man-
i i;i.or.ilw oivinff the salmon.
hkbiucih w .... - u ii
killed for their eggs, w anyone n
for them. However, It is reported that
some people are abusing the privilege
by traveling over the country and sell
ing the fish thus necured. In one In
stance a case of illness is reported, the
result of bnying stle fish,
The orchard of Mr. Hawley, of Logan
lev, 01 Logan,
nds of dried
has produced 12,000 pou
Key fitting, lock work and saw filing
at Johnson & Lamb's bicycle shop, op
posite Electric hotel. Satisfaction guar
The Foresters will give their seventh
annual ball Thanksgiving night, Nov.
28th. They are making elaborate prep
arations for a good time, and have se
cured Everest's orchestra lor the occasion.
On the rainy evening of Saturday, 6tb
instant, the people of Logan nnisnea
irmvH ine their road to uaaer h uriune,
the last gap being filled at the point
where the UantiBt church stands. This
fall they hauled 600 loads of gravel
The Orecfon Citv boats now make
three trins dailv to Portland and re
turn, and the time card has beea
changed as follows: Leave Oregon
ftit.v at foot of eighth street. 7 a. m
11a. m.: 3d. m. Leave Portland at
foot of Tavlor street. 9 a. m. ! 1 p. m
f n. m. The boats are roomy, and the
scenery can be viewed from comfortably
. ... i.:i.ti, .1...
Heated and la lieu camnn, wiiiihuiu m"1-
snr and officers are clever and atten
The reidents of Logan now have
cause to be cougratulated the road im
provement has been completed from
Oregon City to Tracy's, a distance of
about 14 miles. The citizens of Logan
have subscribed and donated hundreds
ol dollars for the completion of this road
improvement, showing the commenda
ble spirit of enterprise of a wide-a-wake
Mrs. O. J. Paiker is home from a visit
to Ourrinsville, and handed in the fol
lowing items: 11. I1 . Unrrin s creamery
is running at full blast, turning out
about 100 pounds of butter per week...
Kye btone ib able to be about williout
his crutches Frank Harkinrider,
and wife have a new boarder, of which
they are very proud Last week
John Dowty cut his hand while putting
up telegraph poles Miss Ada Da
vison and mother, of Spokano, Wash,
are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Mary llei-
ple, of Elk Horn farm James
Johnson and Mrs. Bird, of Marshfield,
Ohio, and Miss Lilly Britt, of Boston,
Mass., visited J. W. Dowty and family,
last week George Ely haa leturned
from Salem, and once more his genial
face is seen in the store.
School books
oxelunged at Moore's
We supply any book used in Clackamas
County and allow the highest price in ex
change We will save you money
To purchasers of school books we give
Tablets, Pencils, and Rulers
r-E3 rpz n3 7a
' -I K a tiwphss J'W
Wood's Sarsaparilla, $1 size, only 55c.
Family Receipts and Physicians' Prescriptions a specialty, al
low prices.
Mail orders promptly Attended to.