Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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19th YEAR, NO. 21
Regular October Term
of the County
J. P,
Jlortoif, John Ltwlling and T.
li. Killiii, Commissioners.
Be it remembered, That a regular term
of the Board of County Commissioners
for the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, begun and held at the court
houpe in said county and state on
Wednesday, the 2nd day of October,
1901, the same being the regular time
fixed by law for the transaction of county
business. There were present, Hon. J.
R, Morton, Hon, John Lewelling and
Hon. T. B, Killin, commissioners; E. H.
Cooper, clerk, and J. J. Cooke, sheriff,
wnen the toiiowing proceedings were
had, towit :
District No. 1
Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund $ 9 50
J H Meyer 136 65
SamBernhard 26 25
John Harrington 26 25
John Marshall 4 50
JosCounBell 13 50
Orin Battin 52 50
Earl McLaughlin, road fund 28 50
Henrv Stucky, gen fund 21 00
W H Counsell 40 00
Thos Daniels..... 20 00
Total..... $ 95 85
District No 19
J W Akins, gen fund $ 75
Pratt Bros 6 00
W A Woodside, road fund. . i . . . . 100
C Darnall 75
V Erekson 1 50
F Bruner 4 50
E Trullinger 3 00
H Perry 6 75
J J Mallatt 19 00
J M Mallatt 4 50
Total $ 47 75
District No 20 1
J Q Cummins, gen fund. $300 00
J A Stromgreen, road fund 4 00
Total .' 358 65
District No 2
Fred Wade, road fund $ 12 00
Frank Robinson 10 50
Willie Wade 8 50
James Johnson 10 50
P Welch 24 00
W Danforth 24 00
Walter Wilson 14 50
Geo W Smith 16 50
LD Jones 33 75
P T DaviB 48 00
I W Johnson 63 00
Ross Parker 63 00
HO Wale 6 00
Ward Jones 55 50
Max Webster. 63 00
PSDeshield 49 50
Joe Enyhouso 42.00
AC Davis 39 00
Total $304 00
District No 24
G Owings, gen fund 3 00
G Konschak.... 35
Joe Meyer... 3 00
T A Hilton. 3 00
J SpFgla 3 00
J Gohlar 5 40
R Garrett . 4 50
J Schwabaner 1 50
J D Ritter 3 00
D Garrett. 3 00
A Yoder 1 50
fi Ktnrhlmr 9. 9H
D Yoder 1 50 ! held Friday night, and it
a A Montanuon t li 0U
Baghy & Hein . 22 60
The Oswego school, which graduated
more eighth grade pupils last year than
any other school in Olackamas county
that is pupils that actually passed the
rigid county examination, now has an
enrollment of 420 students, and more
coming. The teachers are Professor
H. T. Evans, principal; Misses Georg
iana Bell and Pearl Nida, primary
teachers, and Miss Maggie Guttridge,
teacher of the intermediate department.
The public schools of this city opened
last Monday with an attendance of 54
pupils, 27 in each room, which number
will be largely increased In a short time.
The new course of study was put in use
and a lively scramble eusued during the
first day to get the proper books and the
pupils in the proper classes. The school
in charge of Mrs. Collins, formerly Miss
Gertrude Finley, and Miss George, wiU
undoubtedly be a success. St. Helens
Professor and Mrs. Shirley Buck now
have 80 pupils enrolled at the Cane-
mah school, giving the teachers about
all they can conveniently handle. The
school is progressing in a very satifac
tory way to the patrons and pupils.
A special meeting of the voters of the
WestOiegon City school district was
was voted to
have instruction in the ninth and tenth
grades. Professor T. J. Gary, (not
' . W. C.-HOOIAW
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Total .....$581 25
District No 4
Chas Linn, roaU fund $ 3 00
L Hail 7 50
R Curriu 3 00
Joseph Cahil 3 75
J E Burnett 10 50
Granvel Linn 2 25
Gearing as spelled in a semi local sheet,)
Total .$ 80 60 ! naa heretofore had work in the ninth
and tenth grades, but under the new
law certain school districts are required
to vote ou the proposition, ,
District No 20
E Austin, gon fund 10 00
F S L Bagby 2 95
Sturges Bros : . 45 55
Branch Harless 3 00
Dock Willhelm 9 00
M Case 1 50
C Engle 3 00
Rex Lewis 2 25
John Bowman ; 2 25
Jessie Bagby 1 50
Rees Daugherty 1 50
WH Engle 20 00
Rees Dougherty, road fund 3 00
Geo Dougherty 3 00
GV Adams 3 00
Continued on pae 8.
Total... $ 30 00
District No 7
J M Bramhall, gen fund ,$ 13 43
Chas Leaf, roud fund 1 50
James Fegles 6 00
Chas Leaf 3 00
M J Jones 3 00
Total M 32 93
District No 8
F A Meinig, gen fund $ 32 31
J II Weaver 29 27
OP Ware 3 50
Brain-Food Nonsense.
Another ridiculous food' fad has been
branded by the mot competent authori
ties. They have dispelled the silly no
tion that one kind of food is needed for
bones. A correct diet will not only nour
ish a particular part of the body, but it
will sustain every other part , Yet.how-
ever good your food may be, its nutri
ment is destroyed by indigestion or dys
pepsia. You must prepare for their ap
pearance or prevent their c ming by tak
ing regular doses of Green's August
Flower, tho favorite medicine of the
healthy millions. A few doses aids di
gestion, stimulates the liver to healthy
action, purifies the blood, am' niakee you
feel buoyant and vigorous. Von can get
Dr. G. G. Green's reliable I'-medieB at
George A. Harding's drugstore.
Total , 65 11
District No 11
J A Jones, gen fund 13 39
J E Smith, road fund 27 00
W Faubion 11 25
A Cliff 10 60
L Himler "7 50
F Himmerle 6 75
J Charles 16 50
JDenmire 4 50
J Poieert 3 00
WH Smith 3 00
P Harris 150
Total $105 89
District No. 12-
Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund $ 4 75
Pope & Co 5 75
Frank Reibhoff 3 00
Frank Parch 13 50
C Johnson 13 50
A Swales 12 00
Jake Minder 12 00
A II Partch 3 00
W PKirchem...., 22 00
Fred Gerber 27 35
Sam Gerber 24 75
PM Kirchem 3 75
J Buech 18 00
II Babler 24 00
J C Kirchem 21 00
H Huber.... 4 60
Ben Swales 24 00
WillByers 23 40
Geo Clark 20 40
W L Kirchem 27 75
O D Robbins 14 40
For Sale Sixty acres 1 miles west
of Oregon City. Twenty-five acres in
orchard balance in second growth fir.
Price to suit. Address Box 194, city.
Frank Walsh is Married to Miss
Ehretat Marisville, Calif.
Frank Walsh, a Spanish war veteran,
formerly of On gon City and Milwaukie,
wae married at Marysville, Calif., on
Sept. 2oth. The Democrat of that city,
gives the following account of the affair :
"At 8 o'clock this morning wedding
bells were ringing and they brought two
loving hearts togtther at St. Joseph's
church, where father Colman pro
nounced the words that joined them in
wedlock. Promptly at the hour men
tioned Frank Walsh, of this city, and
Mies Mena Ehret, of Santa Rosa, joined
hands and hearts for life's journey, only
near friends being present. The story
of wooing in this instance is laid in the
Wilfamette valley, Oregon, prior to the
War with Spain. The families of which
the bride and groom are a part were
prominent farmers and resided near the
town of Mi'waukie, and it was there
that the two grew to maturity. When
the war with Spain demanded volun
teers, i rank Walsh went to the front
and served : 'ith fully and well. In the
meantime, 'tir. and Mrs R. Ehret went
to Santa Rosa, where they now reside,
and wheie Frank Walsh found Miss
Mena on his retnrr. from the war. When
the new woden mill commenced opera
tions Fiank Watah was one of the oper
atives for that institution, who came
from Oregon to reside here. After a
short trip to the couth, Mr. and Mrs.
Waish will mnk Marysville their fu
ture home at 622 E etreet.
Total $342 90
District No 14
W Beared, road fund 4 50
L Howard 7 5q
A Bailey 75
M Howard 4 50
J R Myers 14 25
.$ 31 50
District. No 16-
Geo B Rate & Co, gen fuud $ 4 75
Adkins Bros 64 37
J G Briggs, road fund 13 50
JFBriggs 8 00
Total t 80 02
Dit-trirt No 17-"
Adkins Bros, gen fund 12 09
('has Pambrock, road fund 6 00
Ole Andreson 2 25
EmilKruger 5 62
W W Knight 6 37
Wm Rider 3 00
J A Graham 4 12
A H Knight 6 37
Ray Knight 4 12
James Evins 8 25
D R Dimick 6 00
I C1U.. fi Or
W Walker! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 75 Parlor8 coneiflting of sandwiches,
Total $ 82 21
District No 18
Geo B Rate & Co, gen fund $ 51 10
Jacob Grosemueler, road fund... 1 50
W P Daniels 4 50
NR Stevens 75
John Davies 1 50
E W Hornschuch 10 50
Emit Giuther 6 00
Fully 100 persons paesed a very en
joyable evening at the sociable held at
the Congregational church last Friday
evening. The program consisted of an
organ solo by Mrs. F F. White, a vocal
solo by Master Hawley, club swinging
by Robert Warner, and a vocal eolo by
Mrs. W. B. Wiggins. The affair ful
filled the purposes intended, and was a
social success.
The Oswego Congregational church
gave an unique social and entertainment
Friday evening, that was very credi
table to the participants and manaee
ment tf the affair. One of the features
was the lepresentation of an olden time
New England kitchen with life-like
scenery and characters to match, E. J,
Russell had charge of the music; Mrs
G. II. Fettinger-directed the affairs of
the kitchen, while Misses Edna Kin
kade and Addie Smith presided at the
organ. The musical numbers were in
accord with the event, and the costumes
were artistic and appropriate. Several
very creditable literary numbers also
were presented.
Rev. St. Clair, the retiring pastor of
the Metiiodist Episcopal church at Os
wego, was given a farewell surprise
party by the members of the Epworth
League. Regrets were expressed on ac
count of the pastor's early intended de
parture. Rdv. St. Clair was assigned to
the Beaverton church at the reeent ses
sion of the conference.
The Mothers' Cluo were enteitained
at the home of Mrs. George C Brown
ell Thursday afternoon, Mrs. A. H.
Adams read an interesting paper on em
inent women of America, and an inter
esting social discussion followed. Re
freshments were served by the hostess.
It was voted that the club take mem
bership in the federation of womens'
Tlid assembling of the members of the
Methodist Episcopal church congrega
tion Tueedav evening to welcome the
pastor, W. S. Grim and wile, in honor
of his re-appointment to this charge by
the conference was a Congratulation and
eocial greeting affair. There was no
set program, stiff formalities or long
speeches. It was a social, home-like
gathering. C. A. Williams gave a
short address of congratulation and wel
come, which was cheerfully responded
to by Rev. Grim. Charles A. Miller
gave some reminiscenes of early days in
the East, and Master Ross Grim sang a
solo. Uelreshmen's were served at
daintily decorated tables in the church
Socialistic Resolutions.
J. S. Casto and J. Hinck, the com
mittee on resolutions at the mass con
vention of socialists, recently held in Sa
lem, submitted the following, which was
unanimously adopted :
Whereas, the President of the United
Slates has been brutally murdered by
the hand of an assassin and seventy-
five million loyal citizens caused to
mourn, and,
Whereas, We believe that this hein
ous crime is the natural outgrowth of
the present competitive system, there
fore, Resolved, by the socialists of Oregon
in mass convention assembled, that e
do in unqualified terms, condemn this
atrnciom and heinous crime.
Resolved, that we do sincerely and
heartily sympathise with the widow of
our deceased president
Women and Jewells
Being crowded for space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before
the stock has been picked over.
rrS h , ...,
I have a stock oj;hese baleis on hand thit I will sell at reduced prices,
investigate for yourself.
Call and
Buffalo Fitts Harrows
and Cultivators
Owen's "Advance" "
Fanning Mills
Peerless Plows
Belle City leed Cutter
and Mowers
Write 'for (Oatologuc and Prices
Jewels, candy, flowers, man that is
the order of a woman's preferences.
Jewels form a magnet of mighty power
to the average woman. Even that great
est of all jewels, health, is often ruined
in the strenuous euorts to make or save
the money to purchase them. If a wo
man will risk her life to get a coveted
gom, then let her fortify herself against
the itibiduous consequences of coughs,
colds and '.bronchial affections by the
regular use 'of Dr. Boschee'a German
Syrup. It will promptly arreBt con
sumption in iti early stages and heal the
affected lungs and bronchial tubes and
drive the dread disease from the system.
It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain
cure for coughs, colds and all bronchial
tioubles. You can get Dr. G. G. Green's
reliable remedies at George A. Hard
ing's. Get Green's Special Almanac.
Miss Veda Williams, a pupil of Prof.
Dierke, will take a limited number of
pjpils for piano and organ inetiuction.
Johnson & Lamb are prepared to re
cover, repair and make to order umbrellas.
A delightful social gathering was held
at the -Seventh street hall Saturday
night, under the auspices of the Maple
Lane Grange. There was a literary and
musical entertainment, refreshments
and dancins. P. D. Curran was the
principal director of the affair. The
Ely correspondent giveB a more ex
tended account of the function.
Notice to Taxpayers and Vroprety
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Equalization of the County of Clacka
mas, State of Oregon, will for the week
beginning Monday, October 14th, 1901,
be in attendance at tne oince ot trie
county clerk, in said county and state,
for the purpose ot publicly examining
the assessment rolls of said county for
the year 1901, and correcting all errors in
valuation, description or qualities of
lands, lots or other property. It is the
duty of all persons interested to appear
at the time and place herein mentioned,
and call the attention of said board to
any errors in assessment, or property
not assessed, so that the same may be
corrected in the manner provided by
Eu Willians,
Assessor of Clackamas County
Ple-.de call early in the week.
Odds and Ends of
L- ' 3 lii..rll
ffk Is) W ;
5 Cents per Double Roll
As long as the stock lasts In
order to make room for new
stock we will sell last season's
patterns at reduced prices
The Housefurnisher