1 a&a&&a&&a I 1 r s injj. w o ur inc. week s I a a Friday. October 4. Part Senator Mitchell called on For the postmaster-general in Portland. Washington todaj, and urged that hereafter at least a part oi the mails for the Orient be dispatched by steamers sailing from Portland, Senator Mitchell pointed out the present unjust discrimination in favor of Han Francisco and Heat tie, and was firm in his demands that Portland hereafter receive just recognition. Be fore leaving for home, Senator Mitchell intends to call at the war department to insist that in the future, when the de partment advertises for hay or fodder to be shipped to the Philippines, all ad vertisements shall call for prices deliv ered at Portland as well as at Seattle. The Senator says there has been an un juBt discrimination against Portland in this matter as well, which should be corrected. The Columbia won the second race over the Shamrock Sir Thomas Lip ton acknowledges that he was iairly beaten by the better boat. Again the ancient piece of silverware that was brought across the ocean 50 yeara ago is safe. Again American supremacy in marine architecture has been vindicated. The Belgian coal strike is rapidly ex endiug to all the coal pits on the left bank of the Meuz, and involves 10,000 strikers. The speedy collapse of war resistance is expected by the British war office. Massachusetts democrats nominated a state ticket, headed by Josiah Quincey Edward M. Sbepard was nominated for mayor bv New York democratic city convention Banker Busch charges ex-Slate Treas urer Metscban with having lent money to a Salem bank. President H. O. Havemeyer, of the American Sugar Refining Company, was at his office today, and ordered a cut of 1 1-2 centB pet pound. Saturday, October 5, Cup With victory flags floating Will from her towering masthead Remain, and the ends of her spread' ers in honor of her conclud' ing triumph in the cup race of 1901 at New York, the gallant sloop Columbia returned to her anchorage tonight un der the escort of the entire excursion fleet. She today completed her defense of the honored trophy in another stir ring race with Shamrock II oer a wind word leeward course of 30 miles, cross ing the finish line two seconds behii her antagonist, but winning on the time allowance conceded by the Upton boat, It is stated that General Dewet ordered the Burghers in the northeastern pre cinct of Orange River Colony to concen trate at Taelkep, but up to now the only result of the movement has been the in vasion of Natal of a small command, which fun be easily driven buck Brit ish officers, who recently were prisoners, say that (ieneral Bothna s men and horses are in good cotnlrioti. The Brit- i-h prisoners have been robbed of al- '' t .L! . I i rrtt ujuei BVHrjuiiug mey posse Been, rue main body of Boers is still near the Zu luland frontier. A dispatch from Hague states that ex-President Kruger ia still growing weaker, physic dly and mentally. He is only held up by his hatred of Great Britain. Sunday, October 6 To The machinery of the depart Save partment of state is now at Miss work at Washington to save Stone, from death or prolonged can tivity Miss Stone, the mis sionary who was kidnapped in Turkey The president himself has become ac tively interested in the matter. Yester day Dr. Samuel H. Capon, president of the American board of mission?, and Dr. Judson Smith, the foreign secretary of the board, arrived in Washington from Boston and went directly to the state department. After an hour's confer ence with Acting Secretary Adee and So licitor Penfield, and were escorted to the White House. Roosevelt gave close at tention to their statement Although the department of state had already ta ken up the matter. President Roose velt laid especially fresh injunctions to spare no efforts to accomplish the pur pose he had in view of releasing Miss Stone. Rev. J R. N. Sellwood, the well known pioneer, died in Portland. Henry T. Oxnard save the cut in su gar by the sugar trust, is a blow at the suaar beet industry. Portland shipped 500.000 hushels of wheat last week, six cargoes going to various foreign points. Monday, October 7 Change The bouse of bishops of the in Eipiscopal church in conven Canons, tion at San Francisco, ai - soon as certain amendments to the con9tisu:ion are disposed of, the bishops will take up the report oi the committee on marriage and divorce. t his committee has reported by a vote of 11 to ene in favor amending the canon of solemnization of matrimonv bv ad ding the following sect'on : "No minis ter shall solemnize a marriage between ny t Ao persons unless, nor until, by in Liptcn will try again, as he is deter mined to have America's cup. Percv Willis, of Salem, prominent in national guard circles, and an officer of the Oregon volunteers in the Philip pines, has been appointed a .first lieu tenant of artillery in the regular army. Roosevelt will be asked to end the Boer war by American sympathizers of the Boers. General O. O. Howard is visiting his old home in Portland. Governor Rogers, of Washineto'n, will not interfere in behalf of James G. Green, for the mur.ler of E. C. Benjamin in Ska- minia county last March. ' Wednesday, Oct. 9. In A dispatch feom Washing- Miss ton says that not since the Stone'a successful attempt to save' iiehalt. the lite "t John tlaya Ham mond, the American eugiu- the state departmnt put forth such ef forts to save a human life as it is now exertiug in behalf of Miss stone, the American missionary, who was captured by the American banditB. A Bum oi money has been forwarded by the agency of the cable company to Spen- Cooke'8 Petition. To the Honorable Board of County Com missioners for the County of Clacka mas, State of Oregon. Gentlemen: Whereas, at a regular term of your Oourt held in September, 1901, your Honorable Body did make and have entered an order, restricting the sheriff of Clrckamas county to the employment of but one deputy, and at your regular October teim, disallowed any clerical assistance whatever for the work in said sheriff's office. Now, therefore, I, John Cooke, sheriff of Clackamas county, would respectfully represent to your Honorable Body, that there is, at this time, an immediate ne cessity for more deputies and some cleri cal aid to transact the business of this office and meet the regular require ments of tkie laws of the state, and I would iherefore request you to make . , such order or orders as may be neces- eer implicated in the Jameson raid, baB sary, to allow me to aPPit.8? many uruucs miu viol iko ao in uijr juuklucmii, I may actually require to conduct the business of the office in conformity with the requirements of the law, such depu ties and clerks to receive no pay except for the time that they are actually in my employ and on bills O. K. by me. And I further protest against ths allow- e ac- privilege oi ii..-i"Tlin2 the same. Mobi Respectfully Submitted, J. J. Oookk, Sheriff. cer Fddy, the first secretary of the lega-1 And iturther protest against ths ai tion Constantinople, who has shown re- anc oi bl8 charged to the sheriff mar'iable energ.' and abiliiy in unearth-! "nnnt without allowing me the pnv 41 seconds. For the second time she j quny, he shall have saiisfied himself that neither person has been or is the husband or the wile ot any other p-rson then living; unless the tormer m irriaije was wnnulled by sm c impotent c urt of civil iiuisdicti on for camo Hunting before siicn former marriage " The Sainur Filipinos were known t b trea -herous, and Captain Connor hid oeen warned of the plo . There is now intense feeling in armv circles againBt t ie luaurgenra. The author- of the massace were Pacfflcos, most of whom had taken the oath of allegiance. As re nit of the massacre, increased vigi lance ie the order in evey section of the Philippines. - ' Tuesday, Oct 8. Death A news agency publishes Of the following disp itch from A Siraia, da'ed thi evening Ruler. Habid ul ah Khan, eld es' son oi the Ameer of Afghanistan, has rep. i ted lo the Bniir-I . g'otat 6ahul tha- ihe Voieer n led last Thnr my after hi let illness. A di patch to the Associated Press from Simla says the Ameer was taken seri onsly ill Septnmiier 27th. Habid Oul lah Kahn October 2.id, asked in a dur bar that public prayer be offered t r the Ameer. On the morning ot Ui-touei 3rd Habid Gulluh Khun announc ed that his father bail expired at 3 o'clock that morning. N thing is known of ihe state of affairs at Cabul. It is stated at Lon don that the death of the Ameer will en courage the Boers to prolong the war Time of payment of the ransom for Misp Stone, the missionary, has beeo extended fr one month. Lord Pauocefoit will Boon join Secre- The Boer war policy oi the bugiirh I ",u . f" l"" luumeo w a iverumem is criticiswlby the iuci m- b-' a Ctt0ul "eaiy. papers, and a number oi prominent ', President Roosevelt appointed ex Englishmen, t here seems to Ire no j Governor Joi.es, of Alabama, a demo doubt, ays th- London Times coie- crat, to be United States district judge ponde'nt, that the Boers intend a com- fur the middle and southern rectioua of bined invasion of Natal, east and west, that state. baj now Buccesafuliv toned the attemp of the Irish Knight to wrest from her pos-ession the cup that means ihe yachting supremacy of the world. And pluckv Sir Thomas Lipton standing on the bridge of the Erin, led his guests in three heartv huzzas for the successful defender. "She is the better boat," he laid, "and she deserves to be cheered." The war department at Washington naa received the official details of the massacie at Samar. v "September 14th, while at breakfrst Company C was at tacked at the signal of ihe riuging ot the c mvent bulla by about 450 bolouwn, 20U from the rear of the quarters, 200 from front, aimultaneouBly with an attack the officers' qvarters. The com ny was completely i-urprwed The fi .-ee attacking in front gained posseu- siuu oi the arms. A fight ensua.1 for them, in which most ot the men met death in the messroom in the iar. The enemy . was beaten off temporarily Ly about 25 men who gained their arms. Sergeant Betron assumed coiumand and endeavored to collect the men aud and k-ave in boats, but was re-attacked by the enemy. The strenghth oi the command waH three officers and 72 men; killed, three officers aud 40 men ; miso ing, six ; wounded, 13 ; pretseut, 13. The party attacking the officers letired through the church. Large numbers were lei by theureaidente. There weie piobably 101 nfiea With tne company; ' 26 were saved. Fifteen uf the lost nfies were drawn and 25,000 rounds of am m ilunon were lost Ninety five prison ers outside the cnartol Joined in the at tack at the signal. The boat of i he mis n j inuu of the c inuauy Wa seize I " ioe the ramifications of the plot, which which resulted in the kidnapping of MisB Stone. There is little doubt that the Turkish government has done all he could oe expected to do to run down the bandits, and what is now to be none is to Been re simi ar action on the part of the Bulgarian government, and to that end influences more potent with the Slav races thae that of the United stales government are now at work. Should these measures fail, then the ransom money must be paid, aud thxt is why Mr. Eddy has been placed in possession of this powerful auxiliary. The state! department deprecate moBt earnestly ! earnestly newspaper discussion or the measures it is taking in Miss Stone s behalf, claiming that ia ia being embar iasaed jnjits efforts bv cuch publication. A dispatch from Washington todav an nounced that the President hid settled the long controversy over the Jeceiver ship of the Oregon City land office by appointing Ueorge w. tsibee, oi eneri- dag, on recommendation of Senator Mitchell. Senator Simon recommended and unted the appointment oi George A. S eel, of Clackamas county The ap pointee is at present postmaster at Sheridan 1 Thursday, October 10. Bishops The action of greatest im Adopt portance taken todav by the It. triennial Episcopal conven tion in San Franciaco was the adoption, by the bonne of bishops, bv a vote of 37 t" 21, ot canon so, which relates to the solemnization of matri mony All of its provisions bad pre viously beeu argued exoept thoa-i c tained in section 4, which forbids ihe mirriage of persons divorced for any cause uot existin g before marriage. For any cause lief ore uianiag- " is un derstood to reler to mien enu-es as in sanity, inability to execme a contract. the existence ot a living wife or hus band, or like reasons, which prtctically rendered the marriage null and void This section has been a hone of co Men tion, a strong element holding tbit the re-marriane of the innocent party to a divorce granted on the ground of infidel ity should -Bot be forbidden The bish ops have refused to accept this view of the matter. The question la bv no means set' led, us the whole subject is now to come up before the house of dep uties, where it is expected to cause a pro racted debate. Oregon's farm exhibit ook prize at the rsn American exposition A drop in wheat is reported in the Eastern markets A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. Notice of Dissolution. To the Public Notice js here'by given that the firm of Baghy & Hein has been dissolved by mutual consent, I. B. Hein retiring from the business F. S. L. Bagby will cnniinue the business as be fore, and pays all debts and collects al bills due the late firm. Frank S. L. Bagbt, Dated Sept. 10, 1901. - "Something New Under tie Sun." All Doctors have tried to cure $A TARRti by the use of powders, acid pases inhalers and druga in paste form. The powders dry up the mucuoua mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed, The'powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and oint ments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many yeara made a close study and specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures OA- TARtt.H, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges, and curing all in flammation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy is known aa "SNUFFLES he GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE" and iB sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing in ternal and external medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and every thing necessary to its perfect use. "SNUFFLE8" is the only perfect CA TARRH CURE ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all inflammation quickly and permanently and is hIbo i u.ly quick to relieve HAY FE VER oi COLD in the HEAD. CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION "8N UF- FLES" will save yo;i if you use it at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete tteatment w hich ia positively guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions which accompany each pack age. Don't delay but send for it at once and writ full particulars as to your con dition, and y u will receive special a l- vice from the discoverer of thia wonder ful remedy regarding your rase without cost to you beyond the regular price of 'SNUFFLES' the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE." Sent prepaid to any address in the United States or Canadt on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dent. E 594, ED WIN B. GILES & COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. Perhaps you Wonder. if the tormenting cold that made last winter one long misery will be aa bad aa this year. Certainly not, if you take Allen's Lnung Balsam when tickling and rawness in the throat announce the presence of the old enemy. Do not ex pect tre cold to wear itself out. Take the right remedy in time. Allen's Lung Balsam is free from opium. Guckenhelmer Rye. Kelly & Noblitt have received a lot of Guckenheimer, genuine', double-stamp high prod rye whiskey. Absolutely pure. The Portlnd City &' Oregon Rsilway Company will run cars every 30 minutes between Oregon City and Portland Sun day. A delightful ride for only 25 cents the' ronnd trip. Ihe cars run deal hronub to Can"mah n tbar dav People Believe la It. It has been cynically said that any thing can be sold by advertising nowa days. This is not so. Many liniments have been advertised but "oily one Perry Davis' Painkiller has stood the test of eixty years' ue. Today its popu larity is greater; th i evi-r and is based not upon what -anybody says but upon what the remedy doi-s. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis.' Kejrflttlng and machine work Johoaoa A Lamb's bicycle shop. at