Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 04, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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25o or 45o Bound Trip
Bound Trip 25o
7:05 A.M. 7:00 A.M.
7 AO 7 4S
8:35 8 80
0:20 9
10:05 10 0)
10:60 10 45
11:86 1130
12:20 P.M. 12:15 P.M.
1:05 1:00
1:50 :45
35 :w
8:20 3:15
4:05 4:00
4:60 4:45
6:85 6:30
6:20 t$t
7:05 7:00
70 7:45 .
8:20 8:80
S:15 9:15
10:30 10:30
7 00 a.m. Taylor St.
10 00 8 30 .ln.
1 30 p.m. 11 30
4 30 8 00 p.m.
8 00Sat. 6 15
9 30
1 00
4 00
6 30
9 30
11 00
S. Bridge
6:45 9
6:15 a
6:45 H
7:15 fcj
8:15 3
9:00 n
10:00 5
Wil. Fal
7:00 -
1 :30
U:40 Only toMilwauk e.
12:60 Sat. only 11:40
SUNDAY 25c Round Trip
uuis jivery Hun uour
25o or 45o Bound Trip
4 7:00 A. Mi 8:30 A.M.
' 922 A.M. 4:00 P.M.
i 6:80 P. M. 8:80 P. M.
The Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co 's
Strs. Regulator & Dalles City
Dally (exoept Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland
Touching ut way points on both sides of the
Columbia river.
Both of tie above steamers have been re nil
and are in ticellent nhaje for the season oil 00
The Kegulutor Line will endeavor to giveils
patrons the best service possible.
For Comfort, Economy and . Pleasure
travel by the steamers of Ihe Regulator
The above steam ers leave Portland 7a m.and
Dalles at 8 a. m..and arrive at destinations ample
time for outeolne trains.
Portland Office,
ine Danes umce
uti ut. HOCK.
Court Street.
General Agent
Best of Everything
In a WO d this tells of
the jh-.-i'iiget servioe via,
8 trains daily be: ween St. Paul and Chicago,
The Lntet Pullmnn Sleepers
Peerless Dining Cars
Library and Observation Cars
i'vee Reclining Chair Cars
The ?01h Century Train "The North-Western
Limited," runs every day of the year.
The Finest Train in the World
Electric Lighted Steam Heated
To Chicago by Daylight.
The Badger State Express, the finest day
train running between Chicago via.
the Short Line.
Connections from the west made via
The Northern Pacific,
Great Northern,
and Canadian Pacific Rvs
This is also one of the best lines between
Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis
All agents sell tickets via "The North
western Line."
G. A. T. A.
948 Alder St., Portland, Oregon.
amd union Pacific
Ihe 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice ci
9:00 a. m.
U:00 p. m.
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boals leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia Kiver Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan
For full Information call on or address nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or aaaress
A. L. CRAIG. G. P. A..
Portland, Oregon
Ask Chicago, Milwaukie &
Sr. Paul Raiway about reduced
General Agent,
Sally Round Trips, except Sunday
Leave Port'and 7 A. M
Leave Astoria 7 P. M
Leave Portland 7 A. M.
Arrive The Dalles S P. M.
Leave " 3:30 "
Arrive Portland.. 10 "
fiyS'indny Trips a Leading Feature
X4yriiis Koine has the Grandest Scenia Attrac
tions on Earth 9
Landing and office, Foot Alder Street
J. C. WYATT, Afit.. Vancouver
W0LF0RO & WYERS, Agts.,White Salmon
PRATHER & BARNES, Agts., Hood River
JOHN M. FJLIOON, Agt., The Dalles
A, J. TAYLOR, Agt , Astoria
E. W. CRICHT0N, A,,!., Portland
Southern Pacific Co.
Shasta llouto
Trains leave Oregon City for Portland at 7.00 and
9:22 A. v., and 6:30 p. M.
Lv Portland 8:30 a.m. 8:30 P. H.
L? Oregon City 8:22 i. M. 9:14 P. M.
Ar Ashland 12:55 a.m. 12:85 p.m.
" Sacramento 6:10 p. M 5:00 a.m.
" Ban Francisco 7:45 P. M, 8:46 p.m.
" Ogden 4:45 A. H. 7:00 A. M.
" Denver 9:30 A. M. 9:15 A. K.
" Kansas City 7:25 A M, 7:25 A.M.
" Chicago 7:42 A.M. 8:30 A.M.
" Los Angeles 2:00 p.m. 8:05 am.
" El Paso 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M.
" Fort Worth 6:80 a.m. 6:30 a.m.
" City of Mexico 11:30 A. u. 11:30 a.m.
Houston 7:00 . M. 7:00 A. M.
" New Orleans 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
" Washington 6:42 a.m. 6:42 a.m.
" New York 12:10 P.M. 12:10 P.M.
Pullman and Tourist Cnrs on both trains.
Chair ears, Sacramento to Oudxn and El Phsos
and tourist cnrs to Chiengo, St. Louis, New
Orleans and Wushlugtoil
Connecting at Pan FrctielBPo with several
Steamship Lines for Honolulu, Japan. China,
rninppiues, central ana sou n America.
See E. L. IIoopengahher, neent at Oregon
City station, or address
R. B. M II.LF.R, G. P. A.,
Portland, Or
In the circuit court ( f the s'ate of-Ore-gon,
for Cl'ickamas county.
Hattie Claik, plaintiff, vs George
Clark, defendant.
To George Clark, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled court and cause on
or before the fourth day of October,1901,
which is six weeks after August 23,1901,
the date ordered for the first p iblication
o' this notice, and if you fail to so appear
and answer the plaint iff will apply for
the relief prayed for in her complaint,
to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between the
above named plaintiff and defendant;
and for su h other and further relief as
to the court seems meet and jest.
This summons is published by order
of the Hon. T. A. Mcliride, judge of the
above named court, made and entered
on the 21st day of August, 1901.
M. J. MacMahon,
Atlornev for Plaintiff.
Dated Oregon City, August 21, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that R. L.
Ringo, executor of the estate of George
W. Lee, deceaeed.has rendered and pre
setted for settlement, and filed in the
office of the County Clerk of the County
Court of the County of Clackamas and
State of Oregon, his final account of his
administration of said estate, and that
Monday, the 14th day of October, 1901,
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, has been
set by the County Judge of said county
for the hearing of said final report at the
courthouse in Oregon City, in said county
and Etate, and for hearing objections to
said report, if any therehe, and all per
sons interested in said estate are hereby
notified then and there to appear and
show cause, if any they have, why Baid
final account should not be allowed and
approved and said executor discharged.
Executor of the Estate of George W.
U'Ren & Scheubel, Attorneys for Estate.
Best possible to build
No wagon is or can be better than
a Mitchell, because the cream of
wood stock is used, only after being
thoroughly seasoned. The wagon is
well ironed, well painted, well propor
tioned, and runs the lightest of any.
It is nearly 70 years since the first
Mitchell wagon was built, and they
have been built continuously ever
since by the Mitchells. When you
buy a Mitchell, you get the benent of
this 70 years' experience.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
First and
Taylor Streets
I A really healthy woman has lit-
Jtle pain or discomfort at the
mensuruai period. io woman
(needs to have anv. "Wine of
ICardui will quickly relieve those
smarting menstrual pains and
I the dragging head, back and)
J side aohes caused by falling of
the womb and Irregular menses.
has brought permanent relief to
1,000,000 women who suffered!
! every month. It makes the men
strual organs strong and healthy.
I It is the provision made byNa-l
jture to give women relief from!
I the terrible aches and pains which
I blight so many homes.
Greenwood, La., Oct. 14, 1900.
I hava been vprv nipt fnr bmy,a 4imA
1 "a wron wim a severe pain in my I
1. . j .c ... 11 s"1 raner until 1
inou u Doiue 01 wine or (Jardui. Be
fore 1 had taken all of it I m relieved
I feel it ray duty to aay that you have a '
1 wonderful medloine.
Mas. M. A. Yodht.
f Foradrice anil lltmntnre, address, (tlrlne jrop
f torus, "Iho Ladles' Advisory l:uirtnient.''Tu
'.uaitanoogii Me-Ucine Co., Chattanooga, T
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
. William A. Crisell, Plaintiff,
Villi era Ratcliff, Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you, William Ratcliff, defendant, are
hereby notified and required to be and
annear in the above entitled suit in the
above named circuit court,and answer the
complaint Of said plaintiff therein filed
against you by November 8th, 1901, that
being the day set lor the trial 01 iuis
case, following six weeks' publication of
this summons, and you will take notice
that if you fail to so appear and answer
said complaint tor tne want tnereoi,
plaintiff herein will apply to the said
court for the relief prayed for. in said
complaint, which is in brief, as follows
to-wit: For a decree against said defend
ant; decreeing the plaintiff to be the
owner in fee simple of the following de
scribed premises and the whole thereof,'
to-wit :
Lot 4i.f section 22, and the west half
of the east half of section 28 in township
3 eonth of range 1 west, Willamette
Meridian, being and situate in Clacka
mas county, State 01 Oregon . And de
creeing thi defendant has 111 right, ti
tle, interest or estate in or to said prem
ises, or any pi-rt thereof, and for such
other and fui Uiei relief aB to this court
may seem equitable and juBt and for
bis costs ann disbursements.
This summons is servhd by public
tion for six weeks by order of Hon.
Thomas F. Ryan, County Judge of
Clackamas Couxty, State of Oregon,
bearing date October 2nd, 1901, said or
der being obtained from said judge be
caus of the absence from the county of
Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of the Ju
dicial District. . '
Robert A. Miller,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Official Organ of the Socialist Party of
A fearless exponent of scientific gov
ernment, as taught by the most advanc
ed thinkers and philosophers ot this age.
$15,000 cash to distribute among sub
scribers, who subscribe soon. You can
get sample copy free if you mention this
paper A. D. HALE, Editor,
Albany, Ore.
Has just received, a
new line of Dry Goods,
Men's andBoys'CIoth
ing, Furnishing Goods
and Underwear that
he will sell at reduced
First Store on
Upper Seventh St.
Friday Sept. 27.
Suppress Trenton, N. J. State
The Chairman Franklin Mur
Reds. . phy was today unani
mously nominated as gov
ernor by the republican state conven
tion, ihe platform, as adopted, de
mands the enactment of laws, state and
national, for the effective suppression of
anarchistic teachings; approves the
system of reciprocity treaties, subsidies
lor American Bhips and tne building ot
the Isthmian canal. Resolutions were
passed condemning nihilieh, and en
dorsing President Roosevelt.
Owing to the failure of the wind the
international yacht race was called off.
The Columbia proved a better light
weather boat than the Shamrock.
Czolgoez was sentenced to be electro
cuted in the week beginning October
28th. Before receiving sentence the
prisoner stated that there was no one
but him implicated in the crime. Czol-
gosz was secretly removed to Auburn,
where he collapsed. He is closely
guarded in prison day and night.
Under date Sept. 27th, the Paris
du Soir, which is usually well informed
makes the following sensational state
ment : One of the results of the confe'-
ences between Emperor Nicholas and
President Loubst, M. Waldeck Rous
seau and M Delcasse during the Czar's
visit to France is an exchaugr of views
between European cabinets now pro
gressing with the object of arriving at
an understanding as to action against
Turkey. Germany's concurrence is as
surred, as Emperor William has con
sented, but Count von Bulow has raised
objection to some details pf action pro
posed, thus necessitating a further ref
erence to the other governments before
a final decision can be reached."
Charles M. Schwab, of the steel trust,
proposes to undersell England in her
o,.n market. Mr. Schwab has assured
English representatives that he could
deliver steel billets in England for $16.
50 per ton, whereas t' e lswest price for
which British manufacturers can make
them id $19 per ton.
A heavy rain has fallen in India, last
ing three days, and completely eavi.ig
the crop situation. .
John Q. Nicolay, privato sec-etary to
and biographer to Preeident Lincoln,
died yesterday aged 70 years. He had
been in feeble health for several years.
Saturday, Sept. 28th.
Caught The news was received at
In SanAntonio, Texas, yester
A day, that on the 25th 13
Ravine, men who were prospectors
for cinnabar in Presidio
county, near the RioGrando, were
drowned by a water spout on the 25th.
The men were in two parties, camped
one mile apart in a dry ravine known as
Alaminto creek, in which there had
been no water for 15 months on account
of the drouth. They were asleep at 10
o'clock when there was a cloudburst
several miles up the ravine. A volume
of water 20 feet high washed down the
ravine and swept over the two camps
before they were awme of thi-.ir danger.
All were drowned.
The Union Pacific Railroad is trying
to get into Seattle on the Northern Pa
cific tracks.
Kirk B. Armour, the millionaire
packer I Kansas City, died after a long
Rear-Admiral Sampson wanted to be
represented in the Schley court, but
that body refused to grant the request,
on the ground that "ihe court does not
at this time regard you as a party in the
President Hayes formally announces
his retirement from the presidency of
the Soutiiern Pacific, stating that
changes in the management of the af
fairs of the company, has made the po
sition undesirable.
The body of a derd man was stolen at
New Whatcom, Wash., yesterday by
some divine healers. The dead man's
name was Louis Satterthwaite, and bis
bod was taken from the undertaking
parlors to prevent an autopsy from be
ing held, and buried in some unknown
place. The prime movers in this ac
tion were Divine Healer Sunderland,
who attended Satterthwaite during his
last illness and the widow of the dead
man, Satterthwaite was crushed by a
falling tree, and was placed under the
care of the divine healer immediately.
Just before his death a regular practi
tioner was called, but death preceded
his arrival. The authorities directed an
i.iventigntion with the result as above
The Aurora flouring mills, the prop
erty of Fred P. Hurst, were burned to
the ground early yeBterday mornini".
The loss is something near $10,000 par
tially covered by insurance of $7,000.
Many new improvements had been
made to the mill, and had only been
started one day on this season's run.
Considerable new wheat had been
stored by farmers, only a part of which
was insured. Applied buckets of wa
ter saved W. S. Huist's office from
burning, and a car-load of potatoes and
a car-load of hay were saved by leing
moved down the sidetrack.
Sunday, Sept. 29.
Race In the closest and most soul
Of stirring rce ever sailed for
All the America's enp, the white
Races, flyer Columbia today b-at the
British challenger over a
windward and leeward course of 30 nau
tical miles by Ihe narrow-heart-breaking
record of 39 seconds. As Lipton's
latest aspirant for cup honors must al
low the defe nder 43 seconds on account
of the extra 833 square feet of canvas in
her sail area, the official record, under
the rnles, gives her the victory by one
minute and 22 tcconds. The race took
lace in New York bay, and once more
as the superiority of workmanship in
American boatbuilding ovir Lnglish
manufacture been demonstrated.
Kabbi Bones, the first Jewish minis
ter to live in" Portland, died yesterday.
He had been a resident of Portland for
40 years, and assisted in the organiza
tion of the first Jewish congregation.
He was teacher of languages in the old
Portland academy. He was 81 years
A British naval force is concentrating
in the Persian gulf. Three warships
are already on the spot and they -till be
augmented by the gunboat Aseaye,
which has already left Kurrache, ai d
the flagship, the second-class eruiser
High Flyer. According to ieOrt Tur
key has 30,000 troops at Busra .
Sir Joseph Dimsdale, M. P.. was
elected Lord Mayor of London today.
A London dispatch stales that the
reason that the British do not ratch the
Boers is that pianos and kitchen
ronges impede the hying columns.
Elevated trainmen on a Chicago
road struck yesierday, because of the
refusal of the company to grant a hor
izontal increase of 25 cent per man
for a 10-hour day. Over 2o0 men are
out. The company immediately prosned
into service all ihe available men they
could secure, and many trains are run
ning. iMiomy alter 1 o'clock tins morning
a collision occurred between the spec
ial policemen and strike sympathizers
on Kearney Btreet between Geary and
Post. About 50 shots were exchanged.
A special policeman named Bellher was
shot in the leg. Bowen, a carpenter,
was shot through the eye. The two
other strikers were wounded, one in the
body and the other in the leg. Five
special policemen came out of the Tha
lia theater about 1 o'clock and walked
down Market street. A crowd of about
50 strike sympathizers f. lloed them to
Kearney slreet. A number of arrests
were made,
Monday, Sept. 30.
Disaster A dispatch from anila
At states Ibat a disastrous
Samar. fight between United States
troops and insurgents oc
curred yesterday on the island of Samar,
near Balangiga. A large bodj of insur
gents attacked Company C, Ninth In
fantry, on!y 24 members of the Com
pany escaping. All the others are :e
ported to have been killed. The com
pany was at breakfast when attacked,
and made a determined resistance, but
the overwhelming number of insurgents
compelled them to retreatr Of the sur
Aivors who have arrived at Pssey, 1
are wounded. According to the latent
returns, the streugth of the company
was 72. The dead included Cap
tain Thomas W. Connell, First Lieu
tenant Edward A. Bumpus and Dr.
R. SJ Griswold. Captain Edwin V.
Bookmiller, of the Ninth Infantry, re
ports that General Hughes is assem
bling a force to attack the insurgents.
The insurgents captured all the stores
and ammunition of the company and all
the rifles except 12. Captain Lawmnce
J. Hearn. of the 21st Infantrv, report" a
severe engagement with instwen s near
Candeleria, the Americans losing one
killed and wo wounded. The insur
gent loss has not been ascertained. The
Americans captured 30,000 of rice and
and several hundred rounds of ammu
nition. Forty-eight were killed at Sa
mar. The Chicago elevated strike was a
The splcial police and strikers fought
a pitched battle in San Frawcisco, and
eeven men were wounded.
The Duke of Cornwall, p'ospective
heir to the throne of Great Hi i tain, ac
companied by the Duches-, is doing
Canada, where the party is being re
ceived with every mark of di tiuction.
Tuesday, Oct. 1,
Mine At Nanaimo, B. C, yeseerday,
Is Curtain extension No. 2 mine
On caught fire from a pit lamp at
Fire. noon. The fire extended to
the woodwork and was caught
an indraught. and cairied through
the mine. Ihe men were warned and
all got out safely. Twelve men who en
tered to subdue the flames never came
back. Three others went after them.
Then managers Alexander Faulds, Rob
erts Bryden and Audrew Bryden formed
a rescue party. They were driuen out
by the hie, Andrew Hryden unconscious.
Ihe fire attacked No. 3. which is con
nected with No. 2. Several slight ex
plosions then occurred- Smoke poured
out of all the entrances, aad flames from
No. 2 bhot up in the air. All hope for
the men in the mine is abaadoned. The
mine is probably ruined. No water is
available, and there is no way extin
guishing the fire except by closing up
the entrance which might cause a terri
ble explosion. Il is feared that hun
dreds of men will be thrown out of
work. This is the fourth disaster in
the mines there this yenr,
The report is denied that Governor
Dole, of Hawaii Intends resigning.
New Jersey democrats display re
markable activity the night before the
etate convention. Many delegates were
111 attendance.
A missionary has written how iss
Ellen M. Stone, the well known Ameri
can missionaJy, was captured by bri
gands in Turkey, and is being held for
ransom. The sentiment is universal
against paying the ransom, as it might
prove a dangerous precedent. An ef
fort will be made by the state depart
ment to effect her release.
A move is on foot to m ike an effort to
change the name of the Philippine is
lands to that of the cKinley islands.
Mrs. McKinley remains in about the
some condition. She took her usual
outing today.
Weenesday, Oct, 2.
Held In Portland last night an
Up audacirus, nervy highway
The man, wearing a mask, at the
Mayor, nt the point of a pistol, held up
Mayor Henry S. Rowe at the
northwest corner of EaPt Sixth street
and Holladay avenue. The mayor was
forced to give up his gold watch and
about $0 in money, and the robber made
good his escape. The rob!ery took
place within a block of the mayor's
Lome. The mayor had promised to
read a paper before the clerk's associa
tion in the A. O. U. W. building. He
was just passing through a clump of
hushes on his return trip when the
highwayman sprang at him.
New witnesses in the Schley inquiry
case today were Captain Sigsbee, T. M.
Dieualde, a correspondent and Samp
son's clerk.
The second fluke occurred In the
yacht races yesterday on account of a
lack of wind.
James M. Seymour was nominated
for governor by New Jersey democrats.
Judge Frazer, of Portland, holds that
a physician's license cannot be can
not be cmcelled except for statutory'
Diodene made a new trotting record
atrthe Yakima,- Wash., state fair yes
terday. She made a mile in 2 :10i.
The greater New York democracy, of
which JohnC. Sheehan is the leader,
held its convention last night and nomi
nated the fusion ticket, headed by Seth
Low for mayor.
The greater part of the business por
tion of Greshara was destroyed by fire
last night. The loss was heavy, and
there was very little insurance.
Plans are about completed for the
opening of the Fort Hall, Idaho, Indian
Thursday, Oct. 3rd.
rrom The triennial convention of
All the Episcopal church of
America. America was formally or
ganized today in San Fran
cisco by the eloction of Biihop Dudley
of Kentucky, as president, and Rev. S
Hart, of Middletown, Ky., secretary of
the house of bisLops, and Rev. Charles
Hutchings, secretary of the house of
the houe of deputies. Bishop Morris,
of Portland, preached the sermon.
Ihe teamsters and longshoremen's
strike at San Francisco has been settled.
Labor won and unionism is recognized.
Secretary Hay may resign.
A Popular Favorite With Ticket
The votes for the Irving piano had not
been counted when this paper went to
press last night, or the result would
have been given. The CDntest on the
two pianos is becoming in'ensely inter
esting -nd voting tickets ara in great
demand. Thisisthe first week of the
Ohickering piano contest, and all the so
cieties now want this piano. Following
is the vote on tha Ohickering piano:
K.O.T. M 4S55
Public School 4720
W.O.W 2301
Oonjregati'ina Church 505
Y. M. C. A. 14
Total 12,400.
The children of the Eastham schoo
have voted 1297 red ballots and 1509
while ballots. At Ihe Barclay schoo
2400 rc 1 balloss and 1509 white ballots
were cast, Ballots for the schoo
should be marked, "Oregon City Sehoal.
Letter List.
Following is the list of lettors re
maining uncalled for in the postofllce
at Oregon City, Ore., on Oct. 3rd, 1901;
Women's T,'1' Mrs. Louise Free
man, Maria P. tl.iur, Miss Georgia"
Mens' Li-'--iCI I! oinberg, N. J.
Grops, Genue titi.p. .1. Greenwell,
Wallace lln.ges, (J. A, Jackson, B. F.
Kellogg, R. M. iVIulvaney, George Wag
ner, William White.
GKOltGl! F, IIorton, P. M...
In the County Court, of the Slate of
Oregon for County of Clackamas County.
Iu the matter of the estate of James
L. Bailey, deceased.
Notice is heroby given that the under
signed has been appointed executor of.
the above entitled cute All persons
having claims against end estate are
hereby required to present them duly
verified within six months from the
data this noiice to the said executor at
the ofliceoi John VV. Loder, at Oregon
City, Oregon.
Francis Bailey, j
Executor ot the Estate of
James L. Bailey, Deceased.
Dated October 2, 1901.
- 4 .
In the County Court of of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the matter of the est ilo of Leonora
Ross, deceased.
Notict is hereby given that Luoinda
Ross, administratrix of the estate ot Leo
nora Ross, deceased, has filed her final
account in the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Clackamas County, and
that by order of said court Monday, the
4th day of November A. D., 1901, at 10
o'clock a. m., in the county court room
in Ihe court house in Baid county has
been fixed as the time and place for
hearing objections thereto, and settling
the same,
Lt't iNDA Hush,
Administratrix of the Estate of
Leonora Uosb, Deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County ot Clackamas.
V. A. Jarvis, Plaintiff,
Jacob J.Burbank, James T. Burbank,
Sarah Jane Allpin, Sarah Jane Btaiis
bury and Stephen A. Stansbury,
To Jacob J.Burbank, one of said de.
fendants: zj
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed agntnst you
in the above entitled suit on or before
the the 18th day of November, 1901, and
if you fail so to appear tho plaintiff will
apply to the court fur the relief demand
ed in the complaint, to-wit:
For a decree correcting a certain deed
made and executed on the 20ih day of
November, 1809, by Stephen A. Suns
bury and Sarah Jane Stansbury, his
wlte, to Jacob J. Burbank ami James T.
Burbank to certain lands in Clackamas
county, Oregon, and which deed is found
recorded in in Book "il" page Hi), of
the record of deeds for said county, by
eliminating the name of Jacob J. Bur
bank, as one of the grantees, and in
serting in lieu thereof the name of Sarah
J, Burbank, as one of the grantees, and
for a decree quieting the title to the
lands described in said deed, to-wit:
13i acres of land off the south end of
the east half of the southeast quarter of
section 31, township 1 south, range 3
east of tha Willamette Meridian: and
that yon be forever birred at any right,
title or interest in and to said lands. and
for such oilier relief as shall stein n.eet
and proper in the premises.
iuis summons is made in pursuance
01 an onier mane oy the Honoraole
Thomas F. Ryan, County Judge of Olack-!
a mas Uoiinty, on the 3rd day of October,
II. E. CllOSHj
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication of this notice October
4th, 1801J