0 1 "'IfJOTS OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1901 AtSi rmWlAl ""twuwvwwwwwvxv tot - Tli3 Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has' been. m use lor over HO vears. has borne th Rlymatnrp, nP tmm and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of 1 Infants and Children Experience against Experiment iat is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic fsubstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms i;d allays Feverishiicss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind C'oiic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation mid Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tiie Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. STORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always-Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTAUR OOMMNV, TT MUftRAV TUltT, NEW TOM CITY. look Carefully To Your Kidneys LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work ts nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken -walls of. the kidneys, as no -'known remedy has been found ' to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. lOt 25, 50 Cents 108 CG HUNTLEY, Druggist Oregon City, Oregin O A p A o 11 n. 0- o tit Subtle Foe Di-spepsia ia unrecognized in lutii tin) cases. Jt deceives tlie unknowing stiffi'ivr. lis many variations work along thiivreakiwt ltiir-i of tlio system. To buttle i'-iiitet only one of them U vain. Our booklet explains its tiy in ji Ioiim. Our l)ysu iniaTahli'lt;ivo complete anil lasting rolit'f. 6 Ml pspsiaTalilets -9 10c, 75C. AND C;OC. t C. G. HUNTLEY, Druuyibt ' O.-L'uon Cily, Oregon .Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effect; uii uic enure system, ana where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar s Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, 'bowel regulator, and liver vltaliier Tinown. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh -x st mineral. No gripe or pain. sa tO, 25, 50 cents, C. G. HUNTLEY, Orunaist Oregon City, Oregon DAHTOniA. ti.., i:J u... 11 li a Li swb fid n1u m naie mm oucfil iErsanr st Tliomas Buckman, of MarBtifleld, Ooos county, was in Oreon City Weii nesilay. R. DunilaH, of Nw Era, wan in Ore ton Oily Friday lact. S. E. 'Jregory, tlieCarus teaHel (f'ower, was in Oreuon City Friday. Hon. W, E. Grace, of Baker City, whp has just returned from a trip to New York, was visiting his brother, George VV, Grace, Sunday. James Boe, of Needy, was in Oregon City last Saturday. George OkIh, of Molalla, was in Ore gon City Wednesday. He reports that his brother, Eugene, has recovered from his recent attack of typhoid fever. John Bolander, of Beaver Creek, who has been assisting in the Brunswick in Oregon City, left this week (or Portland, where he will be connected with his brother in the restaurant buHiness at 2")1 First street. Mrs. Thomns Law has a horce, buggy and harness to trade for a cow. Piano lecsons Riven by Mm. V. Har ris, Coiner 13ih aud Main street. Mans feldt's technic a specially. School books exchanged at Moore's Pharmacy. Piano tickiits with all purchases at Moore'e Pharmacy. Presiding Elder Smith, of Portland, will be willi the Evangelical church in Oregon City over Sunday. Preaching at Shubel on Friday evening of this week and at Oarus on Sunday after noon . Wanted A well-to-do farmer in his 20's is peeking the acquaintance ot a re spectable lady, object matrimony; se crecy insured. Address X, Courier Herald, The Benedictine Sisters of St. John's school give ins truction on the piano, or gan, guitar, mandolin and sillier. Any one ill's ring to take lessons on any of I bene instruments will please call on the MHioisat hi. John s school, Main street. The Alliany Democrat says A. W. ( hi'iiey oni'i) published a paper in Al bany.. It. in a mistake. O. A Cheney 01 re e. inducted a paper there f r a shot't 1 i i 1 : i ' . Girl can find ola.-o to attend school and pav for her board by a-M-ting w ilh the houociv.mk faniilv' of three? In quire at Courier-Herald oiliee. The Cosmnpolitin for October is full of entertaining fiction. Thomas A. Jan. v cr, for some time not seen in the mag- h.uich, icnppenrs in The Cosmopolitan with a Mexican storv of 1 ve and ad venture. "Forfeit to the Cods." Bret I birte, whore, "condensed novels" won hi in so much fame, contributes a snln splitting parody of Hall Cable's "The Christian," Irving Bacheller writes a short Fketch of a little New York inn, "The Shadow of Happiness," K. W. Kimble tells a short humorous storv of "How Hie Buzzards Wotked a Spell,'' whl!o Clara Morris' love story reveals her as an accomplished writer, capable of analvzing and sympathizing with man s deepest emotions. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Grim and son returned Monday night from Hills bom, where they attended the annual conference of the Methodist v. nidenmil church, and report a harmonious gath ering. Kev. (irim was relumed to the uregon City charge. Other local p poinlmenU were as follows: Canby, Z'X' (returned!; Marquam, I.C. l.utlcr, (returned); Viola, J. W. i.xon. iroturned); Clackamas and Ha- masons, fi. w. rotter; Oswego, A, C. 1-airchild. Kcv. H. A. Watters was re appointed inesiding elder of ibis dis trict. Hev. H. (Hi(.rg, a former pastor here, was arsigned to Astoria. Kev. Gabriel Sykes goes to Tillamook, Kev. John Parsons to tho first church in Sa lem, Key. Lew 1 Vivien to St H..l.m and Kev. T. I.. Jones to Dayton. Harvest Homo uil! h,t i..l,).rot.l tho Congregational eh nreh linvf Vnn.l..., Tho sermons of tho dav will Hireet n',a minds of worship-, ers along tome famil iar lines 111 Which God's nomlnoaa ol,i...,a The church will be decorated with the products of the soil. A strom? choir will gteatly add to the interest of the per V.C-'S. 15 Mihutes sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking-Powder as di rected. A pure, true leavener. ASTJfflflgA 111113 FESEE Asthmalene Hrings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure In All Cases SENT .DISSOLUTELY FREK ON RECEIPi' OF POSTAL Sheriff Cooke has completed the sale of alt delinquent tax property bid in by the county from 1892 to 1898, as directed by the county board under the new law. It cannot be ascertained how the county stands in the matter until some figuring is done. This law was passed by the late legislature for the relief of capital ists who held mortgages on property sold for taxes, thus enabling them to bid in the property for a much less sum than the taxes assessed against it. TIHs law also gave people, whose property had been bid in by the coumy for delin quent taxes an opportunity to redeem their property without paying the pen alty On this account County Clerk Cooper has collected $2,751 25 from peo ple who have redeemed their tux-sold property since April 1st. Hiram Murdock will have a public sale on Friday, Oct. 11th, at his place 2 12 miles southeast of Canby. Married at the Congregational par sonage, Oregon City, Sept. 30, George M. Eberle and Ada Palmer, Rev. E. S. Bollinger officiating. At the Congregational parsonage, Ore gon City, Oct. 2, Charles Naas and Kitty Parks, both of Clackamas, Rev. E. S. Bollinger officiating. Wanted A few agents, men or wo men, on a guaranteed salary of $50 per month and up. Call at once. J. W. Foster, Room 19, Electric hotel. The Rev. B. A. Arnold cannot fullfil his engagment at Parkplace chapel next Sunday, but will do so the Sunday fol lowing. The Men's Club of the Congregational church 18 negotiating for a series of pub lic entertainments for the season besides their social suppers. Among the talent that can be secured for this place are such well known platform entertainers as "The Rambs Horn Man," Mrs. Helen Proctor and Miss WiH Allen Dromgoole. To is with an entertainment by home talent would make a very desirable course. If sufficient encouragement is given by the church and its friends the Men's Club, in the near future, will close a contract for this array of talent. SOCIAL EVENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Andrews en tertained a number of local, Portland and Oregon Citv friends at their farm home, near Ridley's la t Friday even ing. The evening passed delightfully with games and refreshments The Or egon City guests were: Misses Ne'lie Warner, Helen Riggs, May Andrews, Alice Jionerts; Messrs. Chester A Muir, Ward Lawton, Perlcy Andrews, Lyman Andrews. Miss Clara Miller entertained a num ber of friends last Thnrsduy evening in honor of the Mis-es Helen and Annei'a Glea-on. . TO CURB A CHID IN ME DAT Take Laxative Bron o Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fa:!f tocurer E W. GroTu's signaiuro is on each box. ,2oc. COMMENTARY The state fair is over and the rain has given away to warm, sunshiny weather Many farmers estimate that the po tato yieid will not be much over a half crop. However, the indications are fa vorable that the selling price may be double what has been during former years. The loss of the flouring mills by fire at Aurora is to be n gretted. The mills were a convenience to many Clackamas county farmers, who bad only a short distance to "goto mill." CHAIflED FOR TEN EVERV&wWiBmMI I RELIEF. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even la the worst cases. It cures when all else fails. . The Kev. C. F. WELLS, of Villa nidge. 111., sajs "lour trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition . I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 de spaired of ever being cured. I saw your advertise ment for the cure of this dreadful anil tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought you had. oveisnoken -yourselves, but resulved to glTe it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial aated like a charm. Send ma a full size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Oong.B'nal Israel. New Xork, Jan. 3, 1901. Drs. Taft Bbos.' Midioini Co., Gentlemen! Your Asthmalene la an excellent rem etty for Asthma aud Hay Kever, and Its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its success Is astonishing aud wonderful. After hav ing li carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma, lene contains no opium, morphine, chloform nor ether. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORBIS WE0HSLEB. Trial bottle sent absolutely free on receipt of postal. Write at once, ad dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED ICINE CO., 79 East 130th St. New York City. FRATERNAL MATTERS. The lodges and fraternal societies are getting down to active work, and many interesting events will take place during the coming winter. The social life of a large number of Oregon City people is closely allied with lodge work and gath erings under its auspices. Willamette Camp, Woodmen of the World, are eagerly looking forward to the early completion of their new hall, whioh will include the entire upper story of the Stevsns-Howell building. It will be by far the finest lodge room in the city. A decorated arched ceiling will be one of the attractions of the lodge room. It will be connected with the banquet hall by folding doors, aud there are ante-rooms and closets suita ble for every convenience. Applications to rent the hall have been received Irom other societies to rent the hull for every evening in the week, except Monday night. The Woodmen are making a determined fight to secure the dicker ing piano, us they desire it for their new hall. Fells City Lodge, A. O. U. W., has a new gi at and other paraphernalia, and is having some vety interesting meet ings. This lodge is i.ot contesting for a piano, as the Degree of Honor has an excellent instrument in the hall. The lodge lias a large membership of care f n 1 y Bilicted material, and it is very s; Mom that a member is suspended for non-payment of dues. The lodge h-s its own hall, attractive furnished, also cooking utensils and dishes. The lie tree of Honor are admirable enlertain eis, and give very satisfactory eoci.il entertainments. In the matter cf prunes and no iles Clackamas conntv ' is doing .herself j credit in the fruit line this year. Thre I. will be thousands of pounds rf dried j prunes, and the apples are of extraor- ! dinary quality N itiire favored the ' Clackamas conntv apple this year, in-! asmueh as it grew free from worms and , pests The apples are not of unusual size, but toe deficiency U made no in quality. This has been a good year for Clacka mas county sawmills, a many new buildings have been erected in both the citv and country, and roads and hiidge material have taxed the. capacity f some of Ihe mills A CELEBRATED Chickering Piano VA'.Un S650.CO BE GIVEN AWAY TO The' 1 trerpriiing eitizei s of Ore. i n C'V h ve 1 nrcliii td 1. Sli'o ('hiik r ig Piano ami will ,., .W.. iv'.'.i, 1902. ie it to f: e . r. iii.iM ii.ii r 1 , r-011 ut.iv. lng ll e el.' .1. v 1,. ruber of vole" Tin iiietni'. .-1 t mmI l e l.ii I...X ,ie on ex:.; v t X f Estahl;.s!cd 1870 Incorporated 1899 FURS! FURS! FURS!! G. P. Rummelin & Sons 126 Manufacturing Furriers Second St., near Washington, PORTLAND, ORE. t : : t i : t We carry a complete line of Ladies' Fur Coats, Capes, Collarettes, Boas, Muffs, Etc, in all the fashionable furs, Feather Boas, Etc. . Robes and Rugs. v. vend for Fall Catalogue Tie Leading and Reliable Furriers of the Northwest 'I V. m CIVILIAN and UNIFORM ff GARMENTS Built TO ORDER, and Built RIGHT Come in and See Samples and let us quote vou Prices Oregon 1 tin. ore. I Spa Is-Kalltjl cinch . Mum Henrietta Kalbfieisch and Dan iel M. Si.alz were united in holy wed lock ut the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ktilhlleitch at Cams on the evening of Sept. 25th. Mr Spalz is a prosperous farmer, of Jewell county, Kamas, and Miss Kalbtieisch is a highly respected young lady of Canby. Immediately after the ceremony con ducted by liev. J.K. Klmer, of Oanln, in the arlibtieally decorated parlor, con gratulations were received from the gnosis, an.l the wedding party was e corted to tho dining room where an elaborate supper was teived The re mainder of the evening passed pleai iintly. Mr. and M rs. Spalz will mike their home at Molalla. cn tko 9 1118 You Have Always BoufiTA Away Ojf Jlis Base. The Oregon Citv edition of the Even ing Telegram of last Thursday, read very much like the reporter was muchly mixed or a long way i ff his base. One line read as follows: "tate and per sonal e2v n owillltn elatoy." Then in an item about the fcawtell will it suya the instrument was tiled lor probate Wednesday afternoon and the property was bequeathed to tho widow and daUL'hter. The Enterprise added insult to injury by copying tho item word for w.ird. The fact is this will was ad mitted to probate, not tiled, on Tuesdav morning. The property was bequeathed to Ihe widow, and the d uigbtcr is to re ceive a legacy of $100. The true version can bo found in the Courier lleiald of latt week. On Saturday evening the Telegram filled up on news frjm the Courier-Herald minted Thursday evan ing, aud called it ''Today's Newa." ir M VX : " 1 'ill ' :"'H f ih " J;v f:X-- lily r , i?8 5 i ? , , i i I ' Ln- ' - - fx ' ' J . , - V. vr J.-lJ-''". I t f., i .1 . r , i t nmrai A - -i Fit . t - I-' la? ! h 'j - " f 1 k d -".Fit -M " ' A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under the Sun." All Doctors have tried to cure C TARRH .by the use of powder.i, acid gases inhalers and drugs in thte form Ihe powders dry up the mucious mem branes causing them to cn'k on..n and bleed, I he powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and oint ments c mnut reach ihe disease. An old uiid experienced practitioner who has tor many years made a close study nd specially of the treatment of OA V Ut RH hT ;,t, 'i'f Infected a Tie tl ni'!i, t which wi.enfaithtully used, not only relieves at oi.ee, but permanently ., CA 1 A Mm, by removinu tlie Tl III K 1 i,' Hnroi. Ke v j ( . I . , Cl'iirni'iii i'v ' ii , il'iiiTi Coir i i . .,nd, , rim!.,,; Mini e'i f'h'lrili'H'V Wi Uh's Ciii.lv S ore Ked r ro ', geivr.il m. 1 l.Selli'ig, V. '!'. 'a !mv, '.'roe- iii s .1 M . I'i ief, rhilhing I'. O. Cig.ir Store 1'ope A Co., hill'dwai e A. lioli'Mtiion, !."r"ceiieM K y liro., gcneul mei cliandi O. A Harding, drugs J. W. blaiiev, meats tt. Itieent( iu, c o l ing W I,, rdo'k, h )iise.'u:ni her Kc.zy Kaiidy Kitchen P. (i. Mink, I arber, c .nfectimry H. Scbi'.nier, bakery Mrs. IViite, ladi's' furnishing gooc's. if. Ni:K Or STARS Steel Star Wind Mill hltinn : U i e's;. r d ' nd e -i m' j w t b v s in... i . . I i'..i ... ,.. ,..,., 1 eve . i i. ;n) .j. t e u ,-,d ' 1 pen w . ' iv -.iv T.""r:i! I T i m in i "i.vs a.,, f, mi ck ami nr.. 5irv I"".-.-.: ' 'I. U i. !!,tM .mliv Myjt'A sueil K-1 1'ii'i i v ue f.'ll nving m-r..,a. , tUdftlSJ wit;, ev, 1 , ,. .r.,.,-e: SbSff ivi.l,. , n,c ue, WiWWCr Mm- & T- inn. it e :i ' s "fJi'liVlk' !! .nviiit I'1' i II i '-,i .u- ,r 'handisi ,h 'M'" '1 1,1 n. ;i,h ! KM',. 1 j ;l ! . i iz i .i . ; s.. n "I vt j i:l li .u. V "yo il . it I l . Ill v j 111, aaiulij.;, Levis & Portland, i"iuce. r otrL'Ps an. i . n . -It IS the ni.U i , ;, ,. actual v reaches tho alllicted parts. Tl,,- ;.. '. 1. 1, , elTll) I VITI'MM . . . w 1 r uuann.i U'jr.u VJ.V1AK 1111 ilamniation. .It S the CURE" and is sold at the extremely low price Tof One 1Mb,,', eaih package containing in. iei iiiti aim external medicine sufficient or a full month's treatment and every "feNUFC LcS" is the only perfect PA .. .,ulICI mane anil in n... recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annnvim. aA .i-.r .r It cures all i.,fl 8 "I'VU ;s lu turn tal,le Tunis freelv to 1 iK i hru-t in wheel, insnr- -i hi le.n.' iimi;iies, anil ii'serving i" "it "I en ver f.ir pumplnt;. Gnl r. rin kins, I'm ImiviIht with cnlvnn- 'eiltril, (! MiiTi nT!,i or iTot le. Wi-iiiic ri'LMiUior: perfect ret ' i - ll ' i Inuikli' t-'lliiinll w Ih tvury imeiii lire, ai d crow weaker with ii'w.ivsnli limel. lhixp llilnare ni"u m ny not buy a tftur. Siaver Co. Oregon. Job Frintinj tlie Courier-HeralJ disease. It 'Yu'6iual!nS nnw'Llir o.l .... i ..... .. .v. iniuaiiBnuy and is HUn wonderfully q,ck to ,. io VER or COLD inthellEAn X iE' CATARRH when neglected oftpn leads to COXSUMPTION-'Svit" FLES" will save you if ti i'1-m.iiirui wnicius DOS tivple guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in anv form or stage ,f used according t0 the directions which accompany earl, 1 u age. Don't delay but send L t 'tPn and writ- full pa?,icular8 a,t0 d tion.andym will receive S'Vrf u! ytcefrom the discoverer of thit w n l ful remedy regarding vou case Itl cost to yon bevond thh rlZll l ha "SNUFFLES" h fW, JIIPe of CATARRH CURE," GUAIiAVKD Sent prepaid to any address in n United States or Canaib Vm " ,Le One Dollar. Addre 9 Dp.. F' P,f WIX B. GILES & COM y 2-2 MarketStIeetIPh;,;i and Cbristinn Science services n,i , , Willamette hall every S muJ rMd. ln at U o'clock. Subject for ,7, mrmn 22. 'Reality." Sunj . i'V ePl o'clock. Wednesday evening' 1 at 8 o'clock. To I ! meet'n welcome. "t8e sen!i all ar