Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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"- re
Removal Sale
Opposite Bank o! Oregon City
for Ladies
Good Black Stockings .... 9 c
Wool Fascinators, all col'rs 25 c
O. N. T. Thread; 6 spools. 25 c
Good Heavy Muslin, yd . . 5 c
Cotton Batting 5 c
Outing Flannel Night G'ns 69 c
Fleeced Lined Underwear. 25 c
Good Tam-o-Shanters. ... 50 c
$1.50 and $1.75 . Wrappers 1.00
The "Percy" Kid Glove, pr 1.00
Large Towels 8 c
Outing Flannel, yd. ..... . 5 c
Handk'ch'fs, colored border 3 c
Saxony Yarn, all colors ... 5 c
Special Sale of Glass and China Ware
from Molalla
Wool Hats, black 45 c
Good Cotton Socks, pr... 4c
Heavy Sweaters, Colors. . . 45 c
Soft Bosom Golf Shirts. . . 58 c
Odds and end in Underw'r 25 c
Fancy Half Hose, pr 10 c
Hemstiched Handkerchiefs 6 c
Flannel Night Shirts 75 c
Heavy Fleeced Lined Un
derwear 50 c
William's Shaving Soap. . . 5 c
Latest Silk Neck Ties. ... 19c
The "Standard" White
Shirts :. . 69 c
for Men
W. J. Wilson has gone to Albany on
a hunting trip.
Frank Winslow, of Milk Creek, was
in town Tuesday.
Jacob Gerber, of Logan, was a visitor
in the city Tuesday.
W. H. Lennon, a well known Moni
tor farmer, was in town Tuesday.
J. B. Jackson, the well known Mo
lalla pioneer.was in town Tuesday.
Mrs. Dr. John Welch, of Portland,
visited Mrs. Kate L. Newton Tuesday.
Miss Ida Green, of Long Creek, Grant
county, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. J .
W. D. Fennell, of Independence, was
visiting friends in the citv during the
J. D. Nimon expects to leave this
week for a fishing trip to the Ttllainook
Justice W. W. Jesse, of Barlow, was
in the city Tuesday with a load of to
matoes. The Misses Kate and Mary Dolan, of
Portland, visited friends in this city
M.J. Senders, of the asylum farm, at
Salem, was visiting old friends in Ore
gon City Sunday.
Postmaster Mather, Alex Thomson
and Frank Bailey, of Clackamas, were
in Oregon City Tuesday.
E. W. Jones, of Carus, was in Oregon
City Tueeday, and reported that pota
toes were fully a hull crop.
John Gleason returned from E istern
Oregon last Sunday, where he bus beeu
bnying wool for trie woolen mills.
A. V. Divls, of Marquam, wis in the
.city Tuesday on his way home from an
extended trip through Washington.
City Treasure! Linn Jones will leave
in a few days for New Whatcom, Wash.,
where he has purchased a drug; store.
Mrs. F. J. Follows, of Portland, and
Mrs. Fred Bowen, of Kili-mel, Mont
visited Mrs. J. A. MeUUahji, the first
of the week.
J. A. Scott, of Highland, who has
been logging in Polk county for several
months past, returned home Tuesday
for the winter.
Mrs. Clarence Rands and children of
Palouse City, Wash., are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.'A. J. Ware and
other relatives.
John Heft, Henry St she n and Fred
Matheson, of Highland, were in town
Tuesday. The potato crop is reported
to be fairly good in that section.
Harry Greaves and T. F. Johnson re
turnee Sunday from an extended visit
through Eastern Oregon, and are now at
their respective homes at Bolton.
J. T. Drake and W. W. Doorus, of
Marqaam, were in the city Tuesday,
and reported brilliant prospects for the
Butte Creek fair, which begins today.
Mrs. Jessie Thayer, of Chariton,
Iowa, visited Mrs. George C. Brownell
last Sunday. She was on her way
to San Francisco to attend the Episco
pal contention.
Sidney Smyth escorted a party of
Seattle and Portland people to the Mo
lalla hunting grounds. Among the
members of the party was the city at
torney of Seattle.
H. L. Kelly left Sunday night for
San Francisco to attend the Episcopal
con rent ion as a lay delegate from the
diocese of Oregon. He will probably be
away for a couple of weeks.
George Hinder reports some good
catches of trout in the Clackamas river
and Eagle Oreek. About the 15th in
stant, he will resume his old place with
the Southern Pacific as a brakeman.
E. B. Andrews l.as secured a job of
carpentry work on the Stevens-Howell
building, since his return from Seattle.
The family are occupying their'old home
in Falls View addition. Forest An
drews ami family have decided to re
main in Sent tie, and are building a
home there.
J. A. McGWhan this week received a
letter from his fither, Thomas Me
Glashan, who is on his way home from
a visit to Scotland. The letter was
dated at Minneapolis, where Mr. Mc
Glaahan will visit for a few days before
returning to Oregon City, lie had not
seen his old home in Scotland ior 42
years, and it' ft here a few months ago
to make the trip. He wrote that he
hadadelightf.il visit and enjoyed the
trip immensely.
Closing Out Bale
of Bicycle Sundries
. To close out all our stock of Bicycle Sundries we
offer everything in our large and complete stock at a reduction
of to y2 from regular prices. Everything goes and now is
your chance to get a new pair of tires or a lamp for winter, a
pump, a saddle, a handle bar, a new pair pedals, a carrier, a
bell, or any of the other tittle necessities for your wheel.
Only stock on hand will be sold at these prices first
come, first served. Here are some sample prices; everything
equally low:
Saddles 6oc
Tires, each I 25
Inner Tubes, each 75c
Foot Pumps 20c
Pedals, per pair 65c
Handle Bars 75c
Bells ioc
Cyclometer 50c
Tire Tape, 2 for 5c
Toe Clips 12c
Chain Brush 20c
Luggage Carriers ice
Lamps 65c
Huntley's Book Store
George Ogle was in
Tuesday and Wednesday
J. 0. Brown, of Viola, was a visitor
in the city Wednesday.
Barton Jack went to Marquam yes
terday to attend the Butte Creek fair.
William Hornshuh has been confined
to home wiih illness for several weeks
Mrs. Herbert Poppleton, of Portland,
was in the city Wednesday visiting
J. W. Loder will go to The Dalles on
a short business trip the latter part of
this week.
Charles ManU and family, of Port
land, visited their farm at Maple Lane '
A; B. Marqnam and Bert Garrett, of
Marquam, were visitors in the city
E. E. Mott, of Canby, was in town
yesterday. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Moit.
Ex-County ( lerk Elmer Dixon is re
ported to be slowly improving from his
recent illness.
A. W. Phillips returned yesterday
from a successful bird shoot in the vi
cinity of Wilaonville.
E. P. Dedman is officiating as chief in
the county recorder s olhce, during the
absence of Recorder Randall.
Ed M argai; . of Viola, is hauling his
hay to town this week, for which be is
receiving $8 and $8 50 per ton.
Mrs. Lena Wicks was expected to ar
rive today from San trancisco on a visit
to her sisters, the Misses Goldsmith.
J. B. Labor, who is a traveling so
licitor for the San Francisco Call vis
ited his family at Canemah this week.
P. Roos, accompanied by Mr. Bressen.
of Park place, returned yesterday from
a successful hunting trip up the valley.
John ani Henry Baker. William
Scott and Road Supervisor Neal
Heater,, of Pleesant Hill precinct, were
in the city Wednesday.
W. L. Starkweather, who' is now one
of the letter carriers for the Portland
postoffice. was up from Rislevs yester
day, and went to Canby.
Louis Grifnfth and Eueene McMahan.
of Salem, accompanied their aunt, Mrs.
Robert A. Miller home from the Btate
fair, and are her guests for a week.
J. W. Staubinger, who has lived on
the W. H. Pope place in Clackamas pre
cinct for the past three years, moved
out to his own place, near Meadowbrook
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McKittrick have
leased the Howell dwelling at Willam
ette Falls for a year, and will take pos
session soon. It is an elegantly ap
pointed residence. .
Dr. A. L. Beatie and family have ar
rived from Pendleton, and are occupy
ing the Athey house on Adams street.
He is now associated with bis brother,
Dr. R. B. Beatie in the dental business.
Will Hodgkin, who has been visiting
his father, F. E. Hodgkin, during the
fall vacation, started on his return trip
to San Francisco Wednesday night. Miss
Hodgkin was up from Portland to see
her brother off.
H. C. Githens, who has heretofore
been located on a farm in Harding
piecinct, 1 as leased the Matthias
place, near Clackamas Heights, and
his postoffice address will be Oregon
Rea IS orris, who is a member of the
Eugene militia company, was with the
homeward-bound meinbei a of the com
pany Tuesday night. They had car
ried off some of the honors at the car
nival in Portland.
J. King, a brother-in-law of C. E.
Stewart, of Carus, went to Forest Grove
Wednesday, to take a look at the coun
try in that section. Mr. King recently
from Dakota wiih his family, and con
templates locating here.
State Senator Brownell has received
word from United Slates Senates Sena
tor John H. Mitchell, that he expects
to return home ab ut October 15th.
The latter is now in the East, having
recdntly returned from France.
Miss Myrtle Williams, who has
charge of one of the wards at the state
insane asylum at balem, and A. 11.
Will'ams and wife, attaches of the
Cheraawa Indian school, are visiting
their parents, Assessor and Mrs. Eli
Ed Harrington and family, of High
land, were in town yesterday on their
way to Portland, to attend the carnival.
Mr. Harrington stated that farmers in
his section were already plowing and
fowing grrin, the ground being in ex
cellent condition.
Albert Wright and wife, of Heppner,
Morrow county, Pie vUiiing old friends
in ihiH county. In 18"3, Mr. Wright
took up a donation land claim at Red-
j land, hut moved near Heppner, about
1 , su years ago. lie bom me last 01 nis
I Kedland donation land claim a few
5 ! months ago.
I I Harvey Hall, of Meadowbrook, was in
J i Oregon City Wednesday, and stated
i i that the Pendleton-Loonev wedding.
S was the occasion of a notable chavari.
j Hal anil George Ball and Dell Trul-
linger have returned from a prospect
ing tour of the Red Rock Mountain
I mines, and discovered very favorohle
' indfeations. .
j Hon. Thomas Buckman, of Marsh
field, Coos county, has been in Clacka
mas county for several days, visiting
I old friends and looking after bnsiness
' matters. Mr. Buckman formerly lived
across the river from the Shank place
I in Canby precinct He was a populist
member of the hold-up legislature fnui
; Coos county.
j George Schmidt, of Shubel, was in
town yesterday, and i-tated that he was '
j too busy with his potato crop to take
Ids fine sheep to the Marquam fair this i
i year. Mr. Schnidt has eight acres in i
potatoes, and they are yielding fairly
j well. He has already sold 13D sacks at
I the rate of $1 per sack. He expects to
! haye 250 or 300 sacks more.
I Mis. John Roth pnd her daughter,
Mis Anna, were down from Canby
; Wednesday. The latter is a govern
ment Diirse, and Is home from ThinTsin,
. China, on three months sick leave. She
' was first stationed at Manila, from where
she was transferred to Tsin Twin, where
the remained during the siege and up
to the lime she started for home. Miss
Roth his paused through gome exciting
experiences for a Clackamas county girl,
and is posses? ed of genuine grit. Two of
the Roth boys are in the army service in
the Philippines. The family are.patriotic
and three copies of the Courier-Herald
are taken by different members of the
Two years ago wc distributed the above auount among our
customers. The experiment was such a great success, we have
concluded to repeat it this year. In other words, we will share
some of our profits with our customers.
This Is the Way We Do It
Commencing MONDAY morning, we will GIVE AWAY
with each tenth MEN'S SUIT that we sell, A TEN DOL
LAR BILL And with each tenth BOY'S or CHILD'S
SUIT sold a Five Dollar BilL By this means every tenth
customer will receive a suit practically for nothing. Our friends
will remember the long list of persons who received more than
the amount of their purchase from us last year
The Bills Are on Exhibition
in Our Windows
Moijcr Clothing Company
Third and Oak Sts, Portland, Oregon
family. MiBS Roth was very ill with the
fever before she left China.
Born, in this June 28th, to J. O. El
kius and wife, a boy.
The county board of commissioners is
in regular monthly session.
W. A. White is building the addition
to the Fairclough Bros, commission
Thomas Wike, et al.have filed a fore
closure suit against Arthur Orr, et al. in
the circuit court.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mc
Killican on Sunday, September 29th, a
giil. Weight pounds.
Thieves broke iuto Charles A. Fitch's
house at ChehalU. the other night, and
stole some money and other articles.
Kind, motherly woman wishes to take
care of child at her home. References
exchanged. Inquire of Courier-Herald.
Interesting and well attended revival
services aie being held at the Baptist
chinch, under ttie auspices of George
Robert Cams, the noted evangelist.
G. II. Rogers, recently of Jackson
county, has opened a dry goods and
furnishing goods establishment in the
shively building on upper Seventh
G. II. Young has sol I his furniture
establishment to A. Tolpalar, recently
of Portland. Mr. Young wfll move to
Eastern Oregon, where he expects to
engage in business.
Wagon wheat is now quoted, at 49
cents per bushel in the local market,
oats 27 and 30, hay $8 to $S 1-2 per ton,
e.;ga2l! 1-2 to 25 cents per dozen, butter
30 to 00 cents per pound.
Frank Schoenborn, has purchased Wil
liam lIoriHhuh's interest in Hornshuh
liros. upper Seventh street grocery, and
the business is now carried on by the
former and Fred Hornshuh.
William Pelky, aged 19, of Molalla,
accidentally ditcharged a revolver
Monday, the bullet passing through the
calf of the right leg. The boy was ta
keu to the Good Samaritan hot-pital.
A little child of M. L. Pratt, of New
Era precinct, accidentally swallowed
some carbolic acid Monday. Dr. Nor
ris was called, but the case did not peove
so serious as was at first anticipated.
It is a delightful ride on the river
these sunshiny days. Last Sunday the
Leona made the trip down to Portland
in one hour, and returned in one end a
half hours notwithstanding the low
stage of water at the Clackamas rapids.
Dr. M. C. Strickland received an im
ported fox terrier pup, 7 months old,
from Virginia, a few days ago. On last
Sunday the thoroughbred pup disap
peared. The doctor will give a reward
of $5 for for the return of the pup and
no questions asked.
A social wilLbe given at the Congre
gational church Friday evening, Octo
ber 4tb. Admission, 10 cents. After
the program refreshments will be served
without additional cost. A4 who are
interested are invited to be present and
enjoy a social evening.
At the regular meeting of the city
council held VS'ednasday night, the
chief of police was ordered to have all
slot machines removed within 21 hours.
Front street was ordered opened through
Green Point addition. The nutter of
improving Fifth street was laid over
until the next meeting.
The grand opening of educational and
Bible classes will be held at the Y. M.
C. A. on Monday evening, October
7th. A special program will be pre
sented, and all are invited to attend.
The Sunday afternoon meeting for Oc
tober 6th will take the form of a Bible
study rally. All men aie invited.
The editor of this paper strongly en
dorses the action of General Charles II.
Grosvenor, in requiring a certain share
of th proceeds from the sale of. his book
to be set a-ide for a McKinley Monu
ment Fund. Our readers will Bee an
advertisement of this book in another
column of this paper.
The receipts in the county recorder's
office for September bIiowb a remarka
ble increase in the volume of real estate
business. The receipts were $195 80;
for August $107 65. For September
lost year, $153 65; for August last year,
$131 50. The increase in foes now
makes the clerk's ollice self-sustaining,
Mrs. Julia A. Cole, late of Sumpter,
has purchased the Racket Store from
Mrs. E,"F. Martin. Mrs. Cole expects
soon to be joined by her son and the
firm name will be Colo k Son. Miss
Claaa Warner will cortinim as sidesman
in the store. E, Siidie White will re-
turn to Sumpter to look after her busi"
ness interests and later will be joined
by her mother, Mrs. Martin.
Among the Oregon City teachers,
who began terms of school Monday,
were: Miss May Andrews at Stone,
MiBS McMillan at Maple Lane, Miss
Grace Miller at Liberal, Miss Lou Al
bee as primary teacher at Mount Pleas
ant. The principal of the latter school
is Miss C. D. Bradford. Alex Thom
son, of Clackamas Station, will begin a
term of school at Hood View, three
miles from Wilsonuille, next Monday.
A conference of the Oregon synod of
the German Lutheran church, was held
at the church in this city on Jetl'erson
street Wednesday, The following min
isters and delegates were in attendance,
with the oilicial position they held in
the conference: 11. Mertz, president,
Cleveland, Or. ; Rev. E. Meyer, secre
tary, Oregon City; Franz Kraxberger,
treasurer, Macksburg; Rev, W. O. Bren
ner, The Dalles; Rev. A. Schoetiberg,
Macksunrg; Rev. Leas, of Portland, It
was a very interesting and profitable
session of the synod.
Coutlnii'iil from piigo 0.
For Sale Two fresh
Eiler, Wilsonville, Or.
milch cows, C,
Bo !CH
We supply any book used in Clackamas
County and allow the highest price in ex
change We will save you money
To purchasers of' school books we give
Tablets, Pencils, and Rulers
1 mnum (- ,"-iwrr' " ' jtiMbifcjf ' gmmtm
m VJa - --f Imi 1 1 1
Wood's Sarsaparilla, $i size, only 55c.
Family Receipts and Physicians' Prescriptions a specialty, at
low prices.
Mail crJers prompl'y attended to, .