Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 04, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Come and See the Fish
The only original and genuine
From Racine
It does not swim but has
Best Wheels
That ever carried a load.
When you have seen this Fish we want to show
you our line of Buggies, Carriages and Spring
Wagons, also a full line of Flows, Harrows, Drills,
Pumps and Wind Mills.
208 Front Street
To Correspondents.
Items fot publication ehould be eent
in a8 early ns poesible in the veek to in
Bure publication. Articles received after
Wednesday noon are i-onietimeB crowded
out by lack of space or time.
Mountain View.
Mrs. Beattie went to Salem laat week
to visit ber Bon.
There will be a pie social at Nash's
ball Saturday evening under the aus
pices of the Maple Lane Orange. Every
body is cordially invited to attend. Pro
gram will be free, but ladies are re
quested to bring a pie to be Bold at au
ction. J. W. May has returned from hia trip
to Idaho, and lie is now sick.
John Alldredge is on the sick list wit h
Dr. (Jam in attendance.
Samuel Irons, of Monitor, was visit
ing relat'vis here Tuesday.
Mr. Sager returned from Alaska Wed
nesday, and was the guest of J. Gillett.
The Mountain View Suuday school
was reorganized laat Sunday. Howard
iirownell was un initnoualy elected su
perintendent for the next year.
The entertainment, which was to be
given at the United lirothren church
last Saturday night, was postponed on
account of the rain.
Misa Pearl Harrington, of Highland,
is staying with Mrs. Walton and at
tending the Barclay school.
Miss McMillan, recently from the
East , is teaching school at Maple Lane,
and boarding with Mrs. Walton.
Harvey Hickman is attouding college
this term. Salina.
Beaver Lal.
Hello, Mr. Editorl After my annual
outing in the hop fields I will endeavor
to scribble you a few lines to let you
know that. Beaver Lake is still full of
water, and not a field of wheat as
reported by Newsboy.
Bert Wade viHited relatives at Turner
one day last week.
Mrs. Inman, of Springdale, Wash.,
is visiting relatives in this section.
N. B. Wade leaves for Eastern Oregon
B. V. Wyland, who has been working
in Eastern Oregon for the past six
months, has returned home.
Miss Francis Or jshong, who has been
working in Sulem during tie summer, is
home viHiting her parents.
Mr, Slaughter and son-in-law left for
the coast last week,
Frank Yorliiosis moving to Gladstone.
Jake (.iruBhong him greatly improved
tho looks of his residence by adding a
new front porch.
Mot to feel sorry over the death of
our honored president is to uphold an
archy. Miss May Malstead, who has been
working in Oregon City this Bummer, is
homo visiting her parents, but Bhe will
return in a short time.
We have hud plenty of rain, and the
formers are plowing to put in another
crop of 50 cent heat. Who says wheat
and silver are not on par?
It has been reported here that the Au
rora flouring mills were burned to the
ground a fe dnj'B ago.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Jtaith and family
visiied the hitter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. (irimm, Sunday.
Mr Miller, of Noody, has rented and
moved onto the Moshborger place.
Mr. Scritmlin, our onterpi i-iiu' post
master, is erei ling a new giana. . il.-nry
Barlh.of Mnrt)uam, is doing ilie wink.
Mr. and Mrs F. A. Parmer ai.d fam
ily vif iled friends in the upper seelUm
Sumo reckless hunter shot and badly
wounded a horse belonging to F. C.
A citizen has tumid a horse out to
die. It has spine trouble. Don't do
like the man did, who turned his donkey
ut to die, Ed,
Jlemy Bruseh has rented tho Hey
nold" place.
A. H. Keynolds has rented the He'ui
place. The latter will dispose of Ins
perconal proptrty at auction on October
MitFiB Melia mid Julia Kabourek vis-
ted some friends in tho upper section
Better do your shooting and Btriking
t that ballot box after this instead of
practicing vilo anarchism by which the
whole nation is taxed.
No II.
(Too Into for last issue.)
Mm. Folger was visiting friends in
Oregon City last week.
Madge and Will Mulvey were In Mu
lino last Sunday.
Johnnie Darnall left for Portland
Monday, where ho will work this winter.
Charles and Boyutoa started across
Portland,' Oregon
1 1 1
the mountas Tuesday to visit relatives
at VVamic.
Walter Wood, of Linn county, was
visiting his sister, Mrs. Felger, here last
Mr. Murphy and family were in town
last Saturday and got the benefit of the
light shower.
Lee Perry was visiting Fred Force
Dr. Goucher has his new house al
most completed.
The dance given at William Wallace's
home last Saturday evening was enjoyed
by all present. Thanks are given to
Johnnie for the good order and to the
musicians for good music. Budchy.
Maple Lane.
Our Bchool began Monday with Miss
McMillan as instructor, and with her at
the helm we are assured of success.
Maple Lane Sunday school adjourned
sine die on last Sunday ou account of
not being able to keep up with its liter
ature. Maple Lane Grange, No. 296, P. of II.,
held its regular meeting at Nash's hall
laBt Saturday, and a very pleasant time
was enjoyed by all. 'especially about 12
o'clock. A number of visitors were
present. Among them were: Mrs. Gill
and son, Howard, Misa Iva Olmstead,
of Harding Orange, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
Cooper and Mr. Sellwood.
Miss Edith Jackson left last Saturday
evening for Wright's, where she began a
term of school Monday.
Misses Mary and Saya Davies were
the guests at A. Mautz's home Sunday.
George Shortlidge was quite ill Satur
day, the effect of thinking about riding
the Granger's goat. Better wait until
afterward, George.
Mr. Beard's sister and her husband
made him a short visit last week.
Mr. Hodge has been quite sick, but is
able to be out again.
Joe Myers has a crew of men at work
putting dirt on the crushed rock road.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jackson were
visiting Mrs. Jackson and G. F. Gibbs
John GatTney called at Mautz's home
Svnday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mautz and aon
were up from Portland Sunday.
Gibbs & Sons are out with their
Mrs, Jackson left yesterday for Needy
to spend a few days visiting her aged pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sampson.
Pansy Blohson.
Need a.
Lee Fish, Leu Wvland and Alvan
Thompson took in the carnival at Port'
land last week.
Mrs, F. Bennett, of Baker City, ia vis
iting her porents, Mr. and Mrs. Noe.
Miss Julia Price aud Guy Munger, of
Hardwarden, Iowa, are visiting Mrs.
Charles Molson.
Miss Coyle yisited Hubbard friends
Born, to the wife of John Schwobour.a
girl, on Sept. 20th.
Chester Kitter, of Needy, and Eva
Hansen, o( Macksburg, were married at
Oregon City Wednesday, We wish the
young couple succjss.
Edith Johnson is quite Bick at tier
J. Orvio, May Price and Guy Munger
went to the carnival Monday. M.
A car load of milk
crocks just received and
will sell at 8 c per gal
lon, W. L. Block.
the Homefurnisher.
We, the undersigned uronertv lml,l..r.i
of Mount Pleasant, do hereby warn all
persons not 10 mint or trespass on our
promises, and all persons doing such will
be i ro.-ecuted to the full extent of the
F. K. Andrews Ward B. Lawton
A. C. Warner M. L. Holmes
CP. Andrews D. O'Neil
George Uzollo V. B, Stafford
E. E. Williams H. Joehuke
J. W, Partlow J. Harrisburger
W. B. Partlow F. F. Thompson
A. W. France W. J. W.McOord
Frank Hendricks.
Is Goif Catching
ou to popular favor? It seems to be. A
noticeable increase in sales of Pain
Killer comes from golf districts. The
leason for this ia clear. iWrv !)..,;.
Pain Killer is the oldest and best rem
edy extant for soraina. at ruin a l.rma...
and soreness, all of which are nl.nm,.,
occurrence, either in vigorous play or
through accident. Everywhere the
standard liniment and balm.
President McKinley's Welcome to
Thou art welcome, thrlct welcome, great chief of
To this land of webfoot and God given rain.
MoKlnlcy, with Lincoln, we are proud here to
Will honor the pages of historic fame.
We free-hardy sons of the valley and mount ala
Extend to.our chief the duty we owe,
Twice the choice of oar state, twice the choice of
our Nation,
McKInley, our ehiel, and all others may go.
With sorrowful pride at the shrine of our Lincoln
Due homage we give to the honest and true.
Old Glory floats proudly o'er the Union he left
And beneath her bright folds march the gray and
the blue.
With pride we roam o'er valley and mountain,
But ducks on the water we refer yon to Spain.
How with Oregon dash we crossed the Equator
To reckon with Dons for sinking the Maine.
Clark's motto, "steady lads, as we go Into action;
Make the deeds of this day remembered In Spain.
My hearties, below keep your fires abUzIng,
And each gunner aboard, remember the Maine."
Two seamen they quarrelled who should have
the laurel
These acts ol our heroes, we sadly deplore.
The Brooklyn stood off from the shot of the
Colon. ,
Twas our Oregon Greyhound, that run her
We are proud of our Chief, and proud of our
From this land of Webloot to the east corner of
Should McKInley .again need us, and a Clarke to
lead us,
The deeds, we have done, we can do them ngain.
Twas Washington, who gave us the land we are
proud of,
Our Lincoln saved the Union from breaking in
And now to the Chief, we delight here to honor
McKInley united the Grey and the Blue.
M. T.
Canemah, April 30ih 1901.
Judge Ryan Made Several Or
den During the Week.
The will of the late James L. Bailey.
, .... r 1
ut uiuu&uiuuB otHusii, was Hummed to
probate by County Judge Ryan Mon
day. The will provides for the follow
ing bequests after the payment of fun
eral expenses and debts :
rirsi, to nis cousin, Anna Imel, $500.
Second, to kis Bteodauirliter. Mrs. .In-
seph Uurrin, $400.
Third, to his cousin. Lnidnnti T An.
derson, house and lot in Phillip Foster
uonation land claim.
Fourth, to his Btendaushter. Vanclinn
Clark, $150.
io his stepson, Firmley Walkley, $150.
Mrs. Hattie Vancnren. widow nt .T nhn
Vancuren, $50
Francis Bailev ia named in llio will
aB executor. The greater part of the
estate consists ot notes.
A Fine Piano.
There are in Oregon City's hom e
matiyfine am manosj but the
most valuable .-.. de
livered at Ori . , . ... -. ,
Domingo Mai
has been se -1
House of For ',.. . .
their piano i
The genu.. , O.x'.wz ...... ,e
made in Bos,.-.. . ;, v,; ,
finest equir ; ' : ;,
world. The - - -iv ..;
by Jonas Cu..uig, the elder, in io-u,
thus making the Chickering piano the
oldest established instrument in Amer
ica. Ever since those' early days the
name of Chickering has been intimately
connected with the highest ideals in the
musical development of the country and
it goes without saying that the Chick
ering piano of today, while it has always
been recognized as the best in America,
it ifl today made more nearly perfect
and altogether better than it ever has
been made during the many years of
its illustrious history.
The prize Chickering is fully guaran
teed by Filer's Piano House as well as
the manufacturers, and the bill of Bale
and the tuning ticket accompany' the in
strument. Lucky,, indeed, will be the
institution that manages to secure so
valuable a prize.
VAuntary Observer's Weather
Report .
Following is the voluntary observer's
report for the month of September, at
Miramonte Farm, Aurora, Clackamas
county :
Mean temp., 57.5.
Max. tern., 83.
Date, 18th.
Min. temp. 38.
Date,15ih and 10th.
Total prtcip. 3 93 inches.
No. days clear, 14.
Partly cloudy, 0.
Uloudy, 10.
Prevailing wind, direction, northwIiBt.
G. Mukcke, Observer,
Ilavilll! SllliI mv fiimitiiro huainnoa T
have placed all my accounts in the
uaiiuouiduiiii it , jjouor, over uoiuen
Hule Bazaar, for collection, and parties
inueoieii win Kiiuiiy can ana settle at
once. Mr. Lodi r will also pay accounts
against the undersigned.
Uuokge II. Youxo,
Forestry Studies.
Mr. Editor: There seems to be a
growing interest fn the subject of for
estry throughout our county. Will you
permit me, through your valuable col
umns, to buggest to those who are inter
ested in the study of our native trees
that the Dest book to use, all things coiv
sidered, is the "Hanlibook of West
Anieiican Cone-Bearers." bv Prof. .1. n
Lemmon, the noted forestry expert of
California. The book is handy in size,
emireiy practical and sella at a reason
able price. Huntley's book store has
consented to order copies for tluse who
may desire to have it.
A. J. Montgomery,
Water Melon,
and Cholera are easily associated. This
dreaded and grave trouble of the bowels
causes much suffering, painful cramps,
profuse sweating and intense thirst with
vomiting, purging and evacuations.
Treat vigorously with Perry Davis' Paia
Killer. It is Hlli,inr m.t .oU t, -
standard remedy. Druirinstn 2S and An
A delicious food
drink, which, as a tabic
beverage, is preferable to
coffee and tea.
The nutritive and delic
ious properties of California
figs, prunes and grains are
retained by our special pro
cess of manufacture and
are fully extracted by
from 5 to
10 minutes
At All
O rains.
Tot Causes Night Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with croup," writes Mrs. J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "it eeemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always keep
it in the house to protect our children
from Croup and Whooping Cough. It
cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble
that no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible forOough, Colds, Throat and
Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00- Trial
bottles free at Geo. A. Harding.
A Fiendish Attack.
An attack was lately made on C. F.
Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly
proved fatal. It came through his kid
neys. His back got so lame he could
not fctoop without great pain, nor sit in
a chair except propped by cushions. No
remedy helped him until he tried Elec
tric Bitters which effected such a won
derful change that he writes he feels
like a new man. This marvelous medi
cine cures backache and kidney trouble,
Eurifles the blood and builds up your
ealth. Only50cat Oeo. A. Harding's
drug store.
Stepped Into Live Coals.
"When a child I burned my foot
frightfully," writes W. H. Kads, of
Jonesyile, Va., "which caused horrible
leg Bores for 30 years, but Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve wholly cured me after every
thing else failed." Infallible for Burns,
Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles.
Sold by Geo. A. Harding, 25c.
What's Your Face Worth?
Someti mea a fortune, but never if you
iave a sallow complexion, a jaundiced,
.. , .noth patches and blotches on the
'I: all signs of Liver Trouble. But
'. ling's New Life Pills give Clear
' vi, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion.
' !.! 25 cents at Geo. A. Harding's drug
1 I ''I',',
A report from Supt. J. O. Gluck, Re
jcri school, Pruntytown, W. Va. Oct.
18th, 1900. "After trying all other ad
vertised cough medicines we have de
cided to use Foley's Honey and Tar ex
clusively in the West Virginia reform
school. I find it the roost effective, and
ibjolutely harmless." Oharman & Co.
Charles R. Wessmar, Evanston, 111.,
writes : "My boy 2 years old had a se
vere could whica reiused to yield to any
treatment until we tried Foley's Honey
and Tar. He was completely cured be
fore using on bottle." Take none but
Foley's. Oharman & Co.
After exposure or when you feel a
cola coming on, take a dose of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It never fails to stop a
cold it Ukeu in time. Cliarman & Co.
When sullering from rucking cough,
take a dose of Foley's Honey aud Tar.
The Boieuess w ill be relieved and a warm
graietul feeling and healing of the parts
affected will be experienced. Charinan
& Co.
J. OJgers, of Frosibarg, Md., W'ites:
"I had a very bad attack of kidney com
plaint and tried Foley's Kidney Cure
which gave vat immediate relief, and I
was perfectly cured alter taking two
bottles." lie sure you take Foley's.
Backache should never be neglected.
It means kidney disorder which, if al
lowed to run loo lung, nwv result in
Bright's diseaie, diabetes or other seri
ous and often fatal complaints. Foley's
Kidney Cure makes the kidneys well.
A. Ingalls, Crown Point, N. Y.,
writes: ''My wife suffered with kidney
trouble for years. She was induced to
try Foley's Kidney Cure and in less than
a week eftor she began using it, ehe was
greatly improved audtliree bottles cured
Mrs. T. Briddleman, of ParBhallville,
Mich., was troubled with salt rheum
for thirteen years and had tried a num
ber of doctors without relief. After two
applications of Banner Salve, her hands
became better and In a short time she
was entirely cured. Beware of substi
tutes. Cliarman & Co.
How's This!
WeoffrrOue Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chksey & Co., Props., Toledo. O.
We. the uiiilersiiriiRil. iisvn L-nna-ti V
J . Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve mm peneciiy honorable in all
business- transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm
West & Tri-ax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnan A Marvi.v, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hull's Putarrh Pnra ia tnt-on inter.
nally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of th tvstpm. Pri.-o
75 cents per bottle. Sold by all drug
gists. Testimonials free.
The Fair Store
Must have money and has to make
a Sacrifice Sale Everything reduced
from J 5 to 40 cents on the dollar.
Come and be convinced
Opposite Postoffice
Has a complete assortment of
Pall lyiilliQetfy, Pufs,
lyiilriQetty Novelties, Etc;
Hats trimmed to order, Feathers dyed and curled.
Good Literature
"Cl r-ncf
1 Ul vllllUoi'
what they contain. I
XTfli 01 wba MR CHAS. S. FEE,
11 U lllllli; Agent, St. Paul, Nlnn., will
C7 mailed, upon receipt of prices
nation can be made, and money or express orders, silver or stamps will be
accepted. This is a fine opportunity to obtain good descriptive reading
matter for little or nothing.
Wonderland iooi
An minimi publication, beautifully illustrated In color and
halftone. This number treats particularly of the history of Send
the Northern Pacific's Trademark, the Custer Battlefield ia Six Cent
Montana, and the Yellowstone Park.
Miniature Wonderland
a niu ami aaimy publication containing a complete history
of the Northern Paoitio Trademark, The artistic covers of .'
the Wonderland, l'JUl are used
Wi!d Flowers from Yellowstone
A book of prcMcd wild flower from Yellowstone Park,
showing tho real Bowers in their natural colors. A dainty
nud beautiful souvenir ten specimens of flowers and six
full page Illustrations of Park scenery.
Yellowstone National Park
A new 112.page book lu strong, flctble covers, good paper,
plain type, illustrated, pocket sizo, a compendium .and
descriptive of the Woild's Wonderland.
Climbing Mount Rainier
An Illustrated pocket-size book, 72 paces, in strong, flexible
rsvurs, pruned on heavy paper, descriptive of an ascent of
the hittheat peak in the United States outside of Alaska of a
glacial nature.
Tho reason suirerers are not cured by liociora is because nlnetv per rent are tmnbled wKb
ProstalitU. Ol'PinKN'Blsthennly known remedytn pure fllhout an operation. SliootestimonV
la, A written guarantee given and money returned if six boxes does not effect a ueriuuucuieurei
l.00a box.six fur (o.uu, by mail. Bend for ra sic circular and testimonials.
Address V4VOL JIKDICM K CO., P. O.
GEO. A. HVRDING, Drnggist
Wabash Niagara
4 Through Trains Daily from
4 Through Trains Daily from St. Louis
4 Tral ns Dally from Kansas City
pQnTpTUfpMT' Reclining ChairCars(freP.llman Palace Sleepers
ST , j,7 Dinin8 and Cafe Cars on'all tia.ns. Polite train
men. Perfect roadbed, phorinot. hd nrl nrnVtui : t : . j
, - - - -
nl r.i urainys; 29j hours Chicago to
We call your attention to our New and Com
plete Line of Overcoats, ranging in price from
$7.00 to $20.00. We also carry the nw
Vulcanized Overcoats, which are absolutely
water proof. ' Call and see them and our water
proof Shoes, they can't be beat.
The Up-To-Date Clothier.
The Fair Store
Fancy and Staple
Seventh and Center Sts.
The Northern Pacific Is not-'
ed among railways for its
advertising mnttnr Tla
pamphlets, folders, booklets, etc., are
tastefully gotten up and are valuable for
what they contain. Here is a partial het
eneral Passenger
Send out, carefully
I eiven. Anv nomhi.
in miniature.
Pour Cents
Fifty Centi
eilimnnn nrArnnpn "nieinrmr
tion of a famous i'rench physician, will quickly cure you of all ner
vous or diseases of the i generative organs, such as Lost Manhood.
Insomnia, Pains in the Buck.beraliiul Emissions, Nervous Debilitv.
Pimp les, t outness to Marrv, Kxliaustinjr Drains, Varicocele and
Constipation. 1 1 stops all losses liv day or night Prevents quick.
Dtasof discharge. Which if nntrlierlfpil IpnHa tnSmm.lnF.l.n.. anA
all the horrors of Impotency iif.r t: cleanses theUver, tua
kidnersand the nrlnnrvorfniiLof nil imnnriii..
Box 2070, 8au Francisco, Cal. ibr&iicc-
Oregon City, Grajn
Falls Short Line
And Points Beyoni
- i"""" num. xuuiini. sara luimuays
n. J
GP. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo.
NE, P. C. P. A., Los Angeles.
mil s t amily mis are the best. i