Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 04, 1901, Image 10

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Continued from page 6.
Glad Tidings.
Ye correspondent will try and furnish
a few UemB this week.
The fall rains have set in, and there
was a considerable rain fall daring ihe
week, andthd rains are almost as muddy
as they are in winter.
Farming will be in full blast soon.
Elmer Vaughan paeBed through our
town Sunday.
Miss Carrie Ridings left Friday for
Jefferson, where she will teach school
during the winter.
Miss Jennie Washburn, of Parkers, is
the guest of Miss Amy Hammond.
Mr. Moore has his new house about
completed, and it adds greatly to the
appearance of his farm. '
We only hope that the weather will
fair up durine the Butte Creek fair.
Ridings Bros, are still out baling
Marks Prairie.
Plenty of rain, and farmers are getting
ready to put in the fall wheat.
Sever il of our farmers lost considera
ble wheat that was stored in Hurst's
warehouse at Aurora that burned last
Thursday night
The burning of Hurst's mill at Aurora
is a great loss to the community here in
general. Ve learn that they will re
build at once. ....
Frank and Charles Oglesby visited the
Portland carnival for a couple of days
liisti wtk '
The Misses Lucy and Alice Bonney.
of Colton, were visiting relatives here
ti e past week.
Vern Ransdall has returned from
Eastern Oregon, and is batching on the
Kanndall farm.
George and Frank Oglesby are at
work at Bugby's mill
The trestle and bridge near George
W. Taylor's place burned a few days
ago, and our supervisor should have it
rebuilt at once, as it is on a road that is
travelel a great deal.
The Glad Tidings man is still blowing
his fog horn. We will say we do not
have to cut off our whiskers so we can
he ttie "big" man of a church choir and
pose as a model of Christianity, and at
the same time be the 'biggest" devil
in the sanctary.
Mrs. Louis Funk andjBert Hart vis
ited friends and relatives atCanby last
week .
Mrs. Behimer, of Hubbard, was wait
ing on her daughter, Mrs. Kimball, win
has been sick.
Albert Wright, of Heppner, was down
having his land surveyed by Judge Me!
drum the past week.
At e Kamuecher is hauling away his
produce, and disposing of ins Btock, an
he intends to move to Portland this fall.
Mr. Kimball and family intend to
move to the mines in Washington an
soon as they can dispose of their
BMr. Dew is disposing of his stock and
intends to move back to Idaho soon,
James Fullam find Louis Kunk too k a
couple of loads of hogs to Portland last
week, and while there they took in the
D 0. Richardson went to Portland
frvv a Biinnlv nf nil and nuint..
he having obtained the contract tor
painting the creamery Duuuing at stone.
Bert Hart took in the carnival at Port
land last week.
H. A Allen is tearing down the old
Redland hall on his place.
The young folks of this place gave Mr.
and Mrs. Grey a pleasant surprise.
Claude Stone has been elected to
teach the Lower Logan school, which
will begin Oct. 14th.
It, has been reported that several of
our"joung bloods" got their team so
badly mixed while returning from town
that they did not know the difference
until the next day.
John Richardson has captured a coy
ote. Good for you, John I
Mr. Dew has lost 10 head of shiep
, this summer, 8 Fullam two head and
L. Fui.k rive head by coyotes and dogs.
... ft U:..l .Ln.twt.v. rt..L- in I lu
Mlse ADDS llll.l 'inpviicui iuuiw iu i lie
carnival Saturday night.
Louis Kunk sol ' 20 head of lambs to
Walsh & Brown the past wet k.
Will tome one plense Ull us why
shorts and bran are selling 16 to $18
per ton, and wheat selling at 50 cents
per bushel, and oats at 80 cents, pur
hundred weight.
Some of our people are agitating a new
precinct or enlarging the old one.
Stone's creamery is talking of estab
lishing a skimiug station somewhere in
this neighborhood
There will he three or four places to
rent or sale Mere soon.
nay, Mr. bailor, please give a clenni-
tion ol "liellwPKt and crooked, as ap
peared in the report of delinquent tax
sale two weks ago in your columns.
L. r .
The rush season is about over, andthe
rainy season seems to be setting in.
Health is good, and everyone seems
to be well prepared for the long, dull
wet weather that is approaching.
" Our school opened Monday with a
fairly good attendance. Miss M. S.
Barlow is teacher.
The Barlow euchre club re-assembled
at the hall last Saturday evening with a
small attendance, but it will grow as
the evenings get longer.
An American that wmld reins o
sign an appeal to President Roosevelt to
go to the reief of the Boers is not much
of a friend to Bister republic Compel
bngiand to arbitrate. Lord Kitchner
is Weyler, the Second.
Uncle Moses Quint ts boarding with
R R. Bratton.
The Barlow people sympathize, with
our neighbor village, Aurora, in the loss
of its fl mring mill, especially with the
owner, Mr. Hearet. In (act, we feel the
loss ourselves.
Our new bridge across the Molalla
rive, is looming up in tine shape. It
will be a btauty and loy for a lonu time.
if not foiever.
A good many teams are now hauling
gravel for the road. We would like to
see some sign of our Oanby neighbors
making a move on their side of the
river road We did considerable of the
contribution work on our side last week.
Get a move on vou ovei there, hoys!
Ihe baby crop in .Barlow this summer
has been first-clans
O U. Barlow commenced drying ap
pies Monday morning. He will have a
good long run thin. e-ason.
That was a good loke on the Marquam
fair butter judges. I won't give it away
this time. Our Barlow ladies captured
about all of the heat pr.zeB, and why
not? For they are prize winnerB every
time. ,
We would like to correct M. of Needy.
Chester Riiter and Eva Hansen were
married by Judge W. W. Jesse in Bar
low instead of Oiegon City, as was re
ported by M. Judue Jese can tie as
neat a knot witn us little ceremony as
anybody in Oregon City, no cut in fees,
We send you a clipping from the Min
neapolis Times; " Ihe International Salt
Company, which expects to o tain con
trol of Ihe salt mines of the entire world,
has been incorporated in New Jrr-ey
with a capital of $30,000,000 aul will is
sue b .nils tii the atrount of $12.K)d,000.
The new inernational trust is the out
growth of the National Salt Company,
which is interested in the salt producing
plants in the United States. The new
company will acquire the National Salt
Company, the Retsof Mining Company,
the English Salt Company and all the
principal salt-producing properties in
Canada and Great Britain " Wouldn't
it be better forall if we, our government,
manufactured all of the salt in the
United States and sold it to us at cost.
"What fools we mortals Ve."
The citizens of Oregon pay out mil
lions of dollars to for- ign insuiHiic- com
panies. Why don't ( e) the state in-
Mire ourselves and krep that enormous
ptout at Home, win some one give u a
gO"d reason why is G. W. Browtiell
Mrs. Wood, of Wood I awn, was visit
ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
King, of this place Sunday.
John Abbott, of Needy, was in Bar
low today on business.
China pheasants have been falling
rapidly Bince uct. 1st.
Mrs. Fannie Kernes and family re
turned to Oregon City last Sunday after
a week's visit with relatives at Uatiin,
W. T. Henderson has purchased a new
Eddie Park, who has been working in
Eastern Oregon this summer, is ex
pected home soon.
Lalla Rookh.
Maple Lane.
We are again enjoying those bright
October days, the very best of all.
Mrs. Bailer has been quite ill of late,
and she is still confined to her bed, al
though her condition is considerably
Mibs Edith Jackson was home frdm
her school Saturday and took in the pie
social .
x Lawrence Mautz has purchased a new
set of harness for his wood team.
Mrs. Kate Bryant and friends.of Port
land, were the guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A, Mautz, Saturday and
Joe Myers had the misfortune to cut
his hand quite badly on Monday while
cutting kindlings.
Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Noe, of Needy, with
their daughter, Mrs. F. Bennett, and
children visited G. F. Gibhs and family
Saturday and Snnday.
Mrs. Jackson returned yesterday fyom
a visit to her parents of Needy .
Mrs. Howard is quite sick at this
Lloyd Williams was seen carrying a
couple of chickens through our burg
early Sunday morning.
Miss Lucy Bethke was home from
Portland and spent Sunday.
Pansy Blossom,
Elliott Prairie.
Quite a number of the people of this
place attended Pomona meeting ol the
Grange held last week at Monitor, Some
very sociable people were in attendance,
and interesting topics talked u.on. Some
earnest grangers came ai far as 40 and
50 miles.
Miss Ali.e Kent, who has been in
Sumpter for the last two years, is at ;
home visiting her parent, with whom
sueiuteuds staying for a few weeks be
fore returning.
Oscar Mahler's new house is almost
completed, and Mrs. Mahler is feelinu
juhilant over the thought of the happy
time when no more rent will have to be
Frank Stanton and family will soon
move into their home.
A very job y dance and good time was
had last Friday evening at Mr. Todd's
hop house in honor of Miss Edith's
birthday. Excellent music was fur
nhhed, a tasty supper provided and
everybody seemed too happy to disperse,
Tlie young lady her Be 11 was iu the best
of spirits and while not wishing to get
olJer in a hurry would like such a cele
bration at least two or three times a
Mrs. Chamues has been quite sick,
bui is able to be around again now.
School c mmenced laBi More ay. The
hildien all gathering together with
happy smiling faces, most of them re
joicing iu ihe possession of new books as
well as feeling interested in their new
teacher, also in the tine new school bell,
which tang out so merrily.
Arthur Todd was up from Portland
visiiing his parents, and Miss Eva, his
sister, returned with him, aa she in
tends visiting friends there until her
school takes up.
Preaching will be in the church next
Sunday at 3 p. m. by Mr. Dick.
Elwood is not dead but verv bum .
School will begin Monday morning'
witn l is8 &ouri Mavneld s teacher.
I. D. Surfus has moved out on his
Quarterly .meeting will be held in the
Mountain Home church Oct. 19th to the
Oct. 20th. Rev. P. A. Black will offici
ate. . i
Mies Ina Park has gone to Willam
ette Falls to attend school.
respondent was informed that it stopped
at Mr. Gorbett's gate, and the postmist
ress recognizing it let it in, and the
owner called for it a few days later.
Mrs. Jam?s Hall, of Meadowbrook,
called on the sick Miss Stella Hub
bard, on Friday afternoon.
E. L. Remington, of Woobburn, and
E. R. Killin, of Handy, and several of
the Coltonites went to the huckleberry
patch, returning.saying that huckleber
ries were a thing of the past.
Mrs. Frank Countryman was quite
sick last week, but she is better at this
Victor Dickey, of Dir-key Prai
rie, visited friends at this place last
week, spending Sunday at Mr. Gorbett's
home. There seems to be some attrac
tion at the post office. What is it, boys?
Ask the young man from Handy.
Raymond Dickey, one of the onion
urowerB of Dickey Prairie, ha8 an onion
that measures 174 inches in circumfer
ence. Who can beat that?
Mrs. Gorbeltand niece, Edith' Buck
ner, were the guests of the Misses Hub
hard last Sunday.
A butcher from Oregon City was in
Colton buying beef cattle this week,
W. E. Bonney and family have moved
over across the Willamette river, and
hia son-in-law, A. B. Countryman, and
wife will stay on his place. We are
o lose our old neighbors, as they
nave ere for many years.
We have been having lovely weather
most of the time since hoppicking, but
it looks like rain again.
There is a big boy at Walter James'
home, and his dad thinks there never
was a smarter lad in the webfoot state.
Mrs. Hall's daughter, May, of Port
land, spent Sunday at the old home.
A musical entertainment will be given
at the Canyon Creek F. A. & I. U. hall
Miss Laura Wright attended the Port
land carnival last week and came home
via. the "world's fair'' at Marquam.
George Williams took some fine mut
ton sheep to Oregon City last week.
J. H James is transforming, the old
Lan t ranch into a prospering looking
The attendance is greater at the
Wright school under Miss Jackson than
it has been since ye scribe occupied one
of the old fashioned benches. Lo!
Those many moons ago. '
there haB been a protracted meeting
at Holman'a school house for Beveral
days. Hobo.
- i.
As Colton has not been heard from for
a long time, 1 thought I would send in a
lew tteni
Fruit canning now seems to be the
order of the day.
Meadie and Lewie Hubbard made a
short visit with their sister, Mrs. James
Marrs, of Spriugwater, last week, and
when returning brought Jossie and
Alma home, who had been staying there
for the last month.
Otis D x went to Washington last week
to work. His niece, Miss Lottie Free
man, accompanied him.
Stella Hubbard has been on the sick
list for the lait week.
Emery Gottberg made a trip to Wash
ington last week, returning a few days
Miss Nellie Gottburg has gone to Port
land to spend a few weeks.
vMr, Gorbett, Mrs. P E. Bonner,
Grace and Walter Gorbett went to Port
land to attend the carnival last week,
and they report it not as good as last
'ye'ur.'. . ......
Not long ago a story black horse was
seen going down the road, and your cor
There is not an empty house in Canby.
which speaks well for our town. ,
The iron has arrived for the new 1 1,
bridge, and work will go on very fast. ,n
Several of our gamers have been out
after China pheasants, but they are very .
ecarce around here. n in
John Rydman is putting upa new ,,,,
building on bis lot. u
Mr. Scramlin has added two new ;
porches to his dwelling. Mr. Winches, ; i,
the principal of our school will occupy ,
the house when completed. -It ;y
George Knight is putting on a new ,u
coat of paint on his residence, which ai'(
adds very much to the appearance. ,1,1.1
V. L. Bates has moved out onto his i
farm lately vacated by James Dozier. , ,,8
.Mr. Dozier has moved to Aurora. -j
Haney & Rocket have rented the Weed ,,;,
hotel and have refurnished the house
throughout. ,,u
C. Clayson, of Parkr-lace, was up to . ,.
see his daughter, Mrs. 8ias, last Satur- u
day. He returned home in the eve
ning. i ,.j
Charles Boroughs is making some, ,,,
very extensive repairs on his new place , r.M
which he recently purchased from
George Uurle. . . ., ,
The S. P. Co. will put one of their, ,,
large steam shovels in the gravel pit and , ....
empioy a large force of men, which will .,
make business lively around Canby this,,,,,-,,
winter. ,
James Adktns is putting on a new ...
coat of gravel from the railroad track tj ..:
Goode b bridge, which will improve the .,(
road very much. :i ..,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
All druggists refund the money 'if it fails
to curer E W. Grove's signature is oa
each hoi. 25c. . -'
A car load of milk
crocks just received and;li
will sell at 8 c per galTi ''
Ion. W. E-;Block;r?
the Hometurnisher.