Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, October 04, 1901, Image 1

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19th YEAR, NO. 20
Regular September Term of the
County Board.
J. R. Morton, John Lewellen and
T. B. Killiu, County Commissioners.
(Continued from last week.y
Fbidav, !?ept. 13th.
In the matter of the petition of 0. D.
and D, 0. Latourette for cancellation of
taxes assessed to W. R, Wade. This
matter now coming on to be heard on
petition C. D. and D. 0. Latourette, and
it appearing to the board that in i92
there was assessed and sold to Clacka
mas county thereafter said assessment,
lot 3 of block 3 of Kandali'a addition to
G"gon Oiiy, Mftid assessment being
made toW. K. Wade, and it further ap
pearing that there ii no euch addition as
Randall's addition, and it ia ordered
that said assessment be cancelled by the
clerS of this court, and held for naught.
In the matter of the petition of 0. D.
and D. Latourette for cancellation of de
linquent taxes Mwed to Mary
Worthington. This mattar now coming
on to be htard on petition of C. D. and
D. C. Latourette, and it appearing to
the board that there was assessed to
Marv E. Worthington for the years 1892
and 1893, a part J. Kellogg's donation
. i . . r "XT - or, Qc :.. i n .. .. o
land claim No. 39, 65 acres in tp. 2 s, r
east, for a fuller description of which see
page 36 of delinquent tax sales of 1893,
And that thereafter this county mVe a
deed oj said property to J. K. Marley
for the delinquent taxes of 1895. It is
ordered that by reason ot said fact and
other defects in said assessment, that
said assessment and delinquent taxes be
cancelled and held for naught, and that
the clerk of the court make the neces
sary entry on the records of this county.
In the matter of the clerk'B state
ment of scalps delivered during the
month of Augutt, 1901. This matter
coming on to be heard on the clerk's re
port of scalps turned in and warrants
issued, and the board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the same be
and is hereby in all respects approved.
In the matter of petition of E- H.
Cooper for cam ellution of, double assess
ment. Tins lii . tor now coming on 10
be heard by i t tion filed herein show
ine to the bou i. that for the years 1892
and!893j loU U and 12, block 88 and
lots 25 and 2c. block 89, Minthorn, were
assessed to the Oregon Land Company
and are delinquent; also for the same
year they were assessed to Luella id.
Hes?, who paid the taxes ami boldsre
ceipt therefor. And the board being
satisfied that said assessment to the
Willamette Land Company is a doubie
assessmenb'and illegal, it is ordered that
it be cancelled of record.
In the matter of the petition of E. H.
Coopv for cancellation of double assess
ments. This matter now coming on by
petition of E. 11. Co per, showing to tii
board that in making up the list for the
sale oi delinquent taxes of 1892 to 1897,
there appeared on said list for the e .r
1894, an as eesmeut of lot 6, block 2,
Parker Hill addition to Oregon City, as
sessed to Amanda J. Simmons, and also
to Mrs. A. E. Hosier : that said assess
ment to Aneanda J. Simmons is a
double assessment and erroneous. That
for the year 1897 the e of e of sec.
2B, tp. Is, r 8 east was assessea to Jo
seph A. Wilson, and also to George 0.
Jones, Jr. ; that said assesment to
George C. Jones, Jr., is a double assess
ment and erroneous. That for the year
1897, block 4, Oak Grove, was assessed
to Oriana A, Koch and also to unknown ;
that said assessment to unknown is a
double assessment and erroneous. And
the board being fully satisfied that said
assesbinents to Amanda J. Simmons,
George 0. Jones, Jr., and unknown are
double assessments and erroneous, it is
ordered that said double assessments be
cancelled of record and forever held for
In the matter of the reports of officers
. for month of August, 1901. The officers
having made their reports and the board
having examinel their books, and Being
fully advised, it is ordered the same be
and hereby is in all respects approved
and accepted. Said reports show col
li ctions,as follows, to-wit:
Countclerk $141 25
Ccunty recorder 167 65
In tht matter of county charges, W.
T. Tireley, Teter Crouse and Eldora
Younger. It appearing to the board
' that Peter Crouse is deceased and that
W..T. Tinsley is not now in need of as
sistance from Clackamas county, it is
ordeted that their names be taken from
the pauper list, and that they receive no
further aid from Clackamas county ; also
that the allowance of Eldora Younger
be changed from $10 to $5 per month.
In the matter of deputies of several
county offictra.it is ordered by the board
that af'er the Hrst- day of October, 1901,
there be allowed the county assessor two
deputies only ; the county sheriff one
deputy ; the county cleric, one deputy.
The board now convened pursuant to
adjournment commissioners and offi
cers present as of the 7th.
Tn the matter of the delinquent taxes
nf .1. H. Kelloui for the year 1893. It is
ordered that in the settlement of said
taxes the clerk accept the emu of $3.29,
the amount for which Buid property
was sold.
Tn-the matter of the taxes of F. A.
Tuepkman on 47.01 acres of land in B.
B. K gers donation land claim. Now at
this time comes F. A. Toepleman and
shows to the board that in the years 1893
and 1894 there was as-eesed to W. T.
L'urney 75 acres in theB. B. Hogers do
nation land claim, which should have
been according to description in said tax
roll only 47.01 acres; that the said F. A.
Toepleman is now the owner of said
47.01 acres; that said property under
the assessment of 75 acres was sold to
Clackpmas connty for the taxes of eald
veArs 1893 and 1894. the taxes and costs
amounting to the sum of $64.37. It ap
pearing to the board that said assess
ment was incorrect and irregular in the
amount of land assessed and that 47.01
acres is the correct number of acres in
said description, it is hereby ordered
that upon the payment to the clerk of
$46 by the said F. A. Toepleman, that
ha recoivix! rtwint in full for the taxes
assessed against said property in 1893
and 1894, and that the said charges
atramst said property be cancelled by the
clerk upon the tax lists and sales book
of the county.
In the matter of aid for Mrs. Adams.
It is ordered that she be allowed the
sum of $15 per month from August 1st,
In the matter of the petition of E. H.
Cooper for cancellation of double assess
ments. This matter now coming on by
petition of E. H.Cooper, showing to the
board that in making up the list for the
sale o delinquent taxes of 1892 to 1897,
there appears on said list for the year
1892, lots 29 and 30, block 71, Minthorn,
assessed to the Oregon Land Company
and alBo to F. E. Farnsworth ; that said
assessment to the Oregon Land Com
pany is a doubla assessment and erron
eouf. That for the year 1892, lots 25. 26 and
27, block 87, Minthorn, was assessed to
Oregon Land Company, and also to Jen
nie Samuels; that said assessment to
the Oregon Land Company is a double
assessment and erroneous. That for
ii. Veer 1892, lots 12 and 20, block 14,
Minthorn, wuS assessed to Oregon Land
Company and also Foster; that said
asset Biiient to Foster is a double assess
ment and erroneous.
And the board being fully Batisffed-
that said assessment to the Oregon Land
Company, Jennie Samuels, Oregon Land
Company, Foster and Thomas N.
Strong are double assessments be can
celled of record and forever held for
naught .
In the matter of the petition of of E.
H. Cooper for cancellation of taxes of
1893, which have been paid, but now ap
oear as delinaudnt. This matttr now
coming on by petition ol E. H. Cooper,
Bhowing to the board that upon examin
ing the records it appears mat a num
ber of persons paid their taxes for the
year 1893 after they had become delin
quent; tnat tne Bnerin ianea 10 cancel
them from the delinquent tax sa'es book
for 1893, and that they still appear as
delinquent for said year and have been
placed on the list to be sold September
14tb, 1901.
And it appearing from the sheriff's
cash book for said year 1893, that said
taxes have, been paid. It is ordered
that the clerk cancel said taxes of record
upon the delinquent tax record of said
year. '
In the matter of the tuxes of the es
tate of William Church, sr., deceased.
This matter coming onto hi heard upon
tha oetitiou of R. G. Church andli.J.
Church, joint executors of the estate of
William Church, sr., deceased .
And it appearing from sai 1 petition
that the said estate of William Church, I
sr., deceased, is the own' r of about 12
acres of land known ns tlm Standard
Mills, situated near Milwaukie, Clacka
mas county, .Oregon ; that for the year
1892 said property was HS-essed aud
taxed in the sum of $25.19 a shown on
line 19, page 127 of the ass "m mt roll
otsaid county fir 1892; that nid year
a tax was levied upon a portion of said
property, page 31, line 18, amounting to
$91 64 and said property was sold to
ClacKamns county for $97.15; that for
the year 1894 said property was assessed
and taxed in the sum of $58 see line 8,
page 212, and sold to Clackamas count
for $60.50 ; that for the year 1895, said
property was assessed in the sum of
$73 63, line 10, page 444; that for the
year 1897, said property was taxed in
he sum of $121, line 17, page 546, and
sold to Clackamas county for said sum.
And it further appearing that for the
year 1891 that certain mortgage from W.
W. McGuire and W. S. Chapman to
William Church sr., for $6500 was as
sessed and taxed in the sum of $81.25,
page 199, line 15; and that for the year
1892 Baid mortgage was taxed and as
sessed in the sum of $182 50, Bee line
31, page 223. And it further appearing
that Baid assessments and sales are oi
doubtful force and validity and that R.
G. Church has offered to pay to Clack
amas county the sum of $225, if said
county would cancel and release said as
sessments and sales. It is hereby or
dered adjudged and decreed that said
pretended tax sa'es for the years 1892,
1894 and 1897, beset as'de and cancelled
and that the assessments for said years,
including said assessment for the year
1895 be set aside and cancelled, and
that the said mortgage tax assessments
for the vears 1891 and 1892 be set aside
and cancelled upon the payment to
Clackamas connty of by R. G. Chuich
of the sum of $225. It is further ordered
adjudged and decreed that upon pay
ment of said $225 by said R. G. Church
to Clackamas county, a quit claim deed
be execute 1 to the said R. G. Church re
leasing and quit claiming any and all
claims of Clackamas county in and to
said property by reason of said sales
1 eretofore tor taxes as uerein ueiore
In the mattor of the petition of George
p llnrtnn for settlement of taxes. This
matter. now coming on to be heard on
petition of George F. Horton, showing
to the board that Mrs. 8. E. Horton,
is the owner of said property was assessed
for the year 1899 with lots 8 and 9, block
10, Gladstone; that taxes on same
omnnnt. tnl.!)3: that said petitioner in
tended to pay said taxes, anil fully be
lieved said taxes for said year were
pai I along with other property owned
by petitioner, but that upon investiga
tion fiuds that said taxes for said yeaf
vara llnnfth 1 and said orooeity wa3 sold
to Clackamas county for said year. And
the board being fully advised, it is or
dered that on payment of $1.93, the ac
tual tax on said lots for said year, the
clerk cancel the taxes against said prop
erty for said year.
In the matter of cointy warrant No.
8820 in favor of Cummins & Durst. This
matter coming on to be heard upon the
Rtatement of E.H. Cooper, county clerk,
showing to the board that said warrant
Si Rwf was drawn in payment of a bill
duly piesented and allowed by the board
on Sept. 7th, 1901, and that said bill was
nrpnented through a mistake of the said
fhimina Durst, who now refuses to
accept said warrant, and the board be
ing fully advised, it ia ordered that said
warrant No. 8820 be cancelled and held
for naught. '
In the matter of ;the petition of Isaac
Farr for settlement of taxes. Now
comes Isaac Farr and asks that the
taxes on lot 8, block 59, Oregon City for
1894 be cancelled on payment of 4.97
less $1.55 costs or $3.42, and the board
being fully advised, it is ordered that
upon payment of said $3.42, the clerk
cancel the taxes on the above lot, as
above stated, and further, that the cer
tificate of sale for 1894, be surrendered
to Isaac Farr. ,
In the matter of the petition of August
O. Oschatz for rebate of taxes. This mat
ter now coming on by petition of J. J.
Cooke for August Oschatz, Bhowing to
th( board that petitioner was assessed
for the years 1897, 1898 and 1899 with
the w of Btii, sec. 29, tp 3 s, r2 e, 80
acres; that said land was also assessed
int the O. & O. R. R. Co.'s list of con
tract lands for said year and that both
assessments ha?e been paid and the
board being fully ndvieed, it is ordered
that August Oschatz have a rebate in
the sum of $8 35, the amount overpaid
by reason of said double assessment.
In tbe matter of the petition of B. J.
Helvey for rebate of taxes. This mat
ter now coming on by petition of B. J.
Helvey" showing to the b ard that he
paid the taxes on the swj of sM of
' C An a. 0 n I... h tPr 1897'.
Seu. O, ip. D, I o, i-u, t.. ;
i l . ;l .. I l.,.-' I
inai saiu muu waa imuuuu uuu iuib mi.u
and was assessed to the O. & 0. R. R.
Co. for said year 1897; that petitioner
paid said assessment to said railroad
company, and the board being fullly sat
isfied that said land was doubly assessed
for said vear, it is o dered that it is or
dered that B. J. Helvey hive a rebate in
the sura of $3.69. the amount overpaid
b reason of said double asbessmeut.
In the matter of the petition of Rich
ard K. Hartnell for rebate of taxes and
cancellation of Bale. This m itter now
coming on by petition of Richard K.
Hartnell, showing to the board that he
has paid his taxes for the year 1893, and
exhibiting receipt therefor that said
taxes have never been cancelled against
his property and that said property was
sold and bought by Clackamas county ;
that the costs paid on said taxes were
paid on account of their having become
delinquent, amounted to $6.01 where
the costs charged on the delinquent
book Bhows costs to be $2.10; that ac
cording to the records your peti'ioner
was overcharged in coBts to the amount
ot $3 91. And the board being fully ad
vised, it is ordered that the clerk cancel
the taxna agaiiiBt the said Richard K.
Hartnell. as above stated, on the sales-
book of property to which the county
has acquired title and that the said
Richard K. Hartnell have a rebate in
the sum of $3.91, the amount of costs
overpaid as aforesaid.
In the matter of the petition of Fob
ert DeShaz r far reimbursement of
school tax. ' This matter now coming on
by petition of Robert DeShazer show
ing to the board that he paid a special
school tax in school district No. 83 for
tiie year 18 )9 amounting to 75 cents
when there was no special school ex
tended on Uie regular assessment roll
for said ye u an t ttie b.)i.rd being fully
advised, it is ordered that Robert Le
Shazar be reimbursed out of the funds
ofdistrictNi 83 for said year to tie
amount of 75 cea e.
In the matter of the petition of tl e
Portlrnd Water Company for cancella
tion of delinquent taxes. This matter
now coming on to be heard on petition
of the water committee of the city of
Portland, Oregon, showing to the board
that for the year 1897, the w4 of nej
and ne4 of se and sej of ne) of sec.
30, tp. 12, r 6 e, W. M was assessed to
W. Y Masters, when said property was
at the time of said assessment owned by
the water company of the city of Port
land, Oregon, and not subject to taxa
tion. Also that for the years 1899 and
1900 the sej J sec 5, tp. - s, r 7 e v Ri
assessed to G. F. Swigert when at the
time of said assessment said property
belonged to the United States govern
ment and was not subject to taxation ;
also other described prjpeities not sub
ject to taxation aggregating 1160 acres.
nd the board being fully advised, it is
ordered that the taxes against all of said
property as above described, belonging
to the water committee of the city of
Portland and the United States govern
ment, be cancelled of record on the de
linouenttax rolU and sa'esbooks for
said years.
In the matter of the petition of L.Sol
dern for settlement of taxes. This mat
ter now coming on to bo Heard on peti
tion of L Soldern, filed herein, and tha
board being fully advised, it is ordered
that the taxes on the & of sec. 12, tp
3 s. r 1 w, 165 acres, be cancelled of rec
ord on payment to the clerk of the ac
tual tax againBt said property and ad
ditional sum of $1.90 costs.
In the matter of taxes assessed to W.
Evans for 1892. In the matter of the
taxes of the s'i of lots 11 and 12, Bar-tr,n-o
o.aPHBil to W. Evans f ir the year
1892, it appearing that said W. Evans in
1892. nor at any time, but that the same
1 i i tirtti: t.. l ..... tl.a
was owned oy wnnani onu "
taxes were pai l thereon for eaid year
by him, the same is hereby ordered can
celled. In the atteiofthe county charge?,
Mrs. E. Morgan, Mrs. L. P. Clark and
Joseph Allen. It appearing to the board
that Joseph Allen is now deceased, it is
ordered that no more warrants be drawn
for his. keeping. It is further ordered
that the monthly allowance of Mis. E .
Mornn be changed from $10 to $5, and
that Mrs. L. P. Clark bo allowed no fur
ther aid from Clackamas county.
Tn Hia mallfif Of t 1ft taX8 Ot M(9 U.
Eoolh for the year 1901. It is ordered :
that the sheriff cancel the taxes on the ,
of eU of sec. 8, and part of see. 8,
tp. 5 8, r 1 e, 205 acres, for the year
1891, on payment ot tne sum oi t-"
In the matter of petition ol of C. L.
Barlow for settlement" of taxes.' This
matter now coming on to be heard on
petition of C. U. Barlow showing to the
board that the heirs of Martha Barlow
are the owners of the westerly 10 acres
of block 1, of Barlow's first addition to:
Barlows. That the said property was
onlt for taxes for the vear 1897 and is
in ha unM nnder the law of 1091 on I
thereof. That the owner there-1
of. at the time, believed that the taxes
were piid thereon and attempted to pay
them, out tney were apparcuny
looked. And the board being fully ad-
Cobtlnued on t'ii 8.
Agricultural Implements and Vehicles
Being crowded for space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons
now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before
the stock has been picked over.
CI , .,5
I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at reduced prices. Call and
investigate for yourself.
Buffalo Pitts Harrows
and Cultivators
Owen's 'Advance" 1
Fanning Mills
lVeileiS Hows '
Wit m
Itelle Cit v 1 ecd Cutter
Bind i s
vVHtc for Catalogue and Priec
Odds and Ends of
Irk La la
5 Cents per Double Roll
As long as the stock lasts In
order to make room for new
stock we will sell last season's
patterns at reduced 'prices.
The Housefurnisher