Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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AVegetablePreparationfor As
similating foeToodatidRegula
lirig the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digcsiion,Chcerful
t;css and RestContai ns neither
OpiumMorphine nor Mineral.
Not Naucotic.
Jtoape ofOldnrSMWELPlTCHER
Jtrn&in Seed"
' fixA,lli Sulti -.
jlnist Setd
JVppermint -JH
CurtumitSoJn '
IVtrmSetd -ftnrifu
U Sugar .
h 'inlKymn t lamn
A ocrfcct Remedy forConstioa
lion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jevcn slv
aess and Loss OF Sleep,
facsimile Signatwe of
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
They build up the shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as no
known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles'
they have no equal.
io, 25, 50 Cents us
C. G HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
r . . "V
Pyspojisia is unrecognized in f;tfl
ia';' tin) iwh. It deevivea the
unknowing wiuVivr. Its ninny O
variations work ukmg tht weakest M
linos of tlio system. To battle J
njjainst only one of thorn k vain,
Our booklet explains its pyinp- jjj
turns. Otir Dyspepsia TnlileUsgive
eoiupleto and hating relief. -,-
G. HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
ZW Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effects
on the entire system, and where
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and .bowels.
Edgar's Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable,
bowel regulator, and liver vitalirer
As pleasant to the taste ' as
canJy, and as positive as the harsh
est tuhicraf. No pr'p: or pain,
B3 JO, 25, 50 ccntc.
C. P, HUNTLEY, Or 1-3 ;ist
Orr-gin City, Crrscu
Txsi Si
A Liu WM H"l
llw kind Ypi ll.na am E:i i
t- . " - 3 f ill
v pj fi n r-i h h f! p h
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the i
Signature Ay
For Over
Thirty Years
Judge llian Mads Several Or
der During the. Week.
1 lie will 01 the iHle A. J. iSawtell w.,g
admitted to probiit Tuesday. All the
property m bequeathed to the widow,
Kliza E. S.iwteil, except, a Icnaey of $100
to ttie only daughter, Iva May Lewis.
Die conditions of the will are iliat it be
proven and admitted lo record, ami
that tbe widow pay tbe legacy and re
main in poenession ol the property
without furiber proceeding. Lettert
toatamentary were iocned to the widow
by the court. The probable value of
the estate is placed at $S,000.
In tbe matter of the estate of Sarah
II. Fo d, deceased, Frank Ford, tbe ad
ministrator having made final settle-
ment, was discharged from his obliga
tion i.
In the matter of the estate of Wiley
P. Boyer, deceased, (jeorae J. Curriu,
the administrator, was cited to appear
in court Oct. 21 st, and show cause why
be should not file a report.
In the matter of the estate of Hiram
Fellows, deceased, Eli Fellows, execu
tor, and order was made that the payees
of tbe Yarwood note of $36J be per
mitied to settle the same by p ying the
interest off at 8 per cent.
In the matter of the estate of Stephen
A. Lane, an insane person. David Kobe
son, executor, the sale of tbe real prop
erty was confirmed.
In tbe matter of the estate of D. vV.
Howell, deceased, it wan ordered that
the indebtedness due John P. Howell,
be paid in full.
In tbe matter of the estate of Ellen
J. Hedges, deceased, a distribution of
$6(17 92 was ordered anions the heirs.
Tbe sale of real property belonging
to the estate of Frederick Billiard, de
ceaeed, was confirmed.
Gilbert L. Hbdires, administrator of
the estate of John Ac ker, deceased, was
ordered to pay the indebtednes in
cuned out of the first moneys received.
The Vrune Crop.
The prune crop of Clackamas cuunty
is something immense this year, and so
extensive are the orchards in such a
scattered territory, that it is difficult to
estimate the output. In Southern Ore
gon where the product of one locality is
shipped by a single transportation iiue,
it is cduipaiBtively easy to es imate the
on' put of a section'. The reporter has
just returned from a trip through a
greater portion of I'lackamas county,
and it was astonishing to note tbo ex
tent of the prune crop. Outside of the
prutie-growiug districts of Canbv and
Clackamas Station, there are hundreds
of small orchards, in Sunnyside, Da
mascus, Kagle Oieek. (Jumnsvdle,
liai field, Spnngwater, Logan ami all
that section ol the county, including
Mihvaukio, to sav nothing of that part
of the county north of the Mol ilia and
West of the Willamette. llie t alma-
teer settlement with its upland red soil
is peculiarly adapted to tne production
of prunes as woll as wheat. Tbe late
winds and rains have caused many
prunes to fall to the ground, but these
can be saved if the bad weather does
not continue too long.
At Oantiy a doubt baa been expressed
as to whether tbe driers will bo able to
handle nil tbo prunes presented. At
Clackamas it is not believed that any
tumble will be experienced from this
suuivo. While, as a rule, the orchards
are snrill, thy count up into the aggre
gate in many thousands of trees, cov
ering hundreds of acres. Prune grow-
ini! is Ik-coming one of the meat diver
sified farming itub.stiies of Clackamas
c ainly, and many a small farmer gets
$-00 to $;ti''0 from bis piune crop. The
yiild .f diiej 1 runes in Clackamas
count v tb.U masoti wi.l not be less than
1,000,00 pounds. j
. Miap--Sd acr-s, mi'is from Ore-!
:-:!! t'.t v, I! i in ciil'.ivatii n, I uiMirg and ,
o;,hsid. r per avic. f. O.T. Wd
i. litis, otfnv in Harcbay bui'.du.g.
.'"hi.-cn ,t 1 :'.:i.b ill Wchiesday i
e.iovul to thtir i-iw locrdioti ,t pposit'e i
t'liarman's ui ug r lore, ' 1
Where People Are Buying Them
selves Wealthy.
One has read of people buying them
selves rich, and this has been exempli
fied to greater or lesser degree at the
court house this week. Sheriff Cooke
has been selling tbe delinquent tax
property bid in by the county foi 1892-3
taxes. It has appeared on the adver
tised delinquent list for these many
years, but these long lists of Minthorn,
Gladstone, etc., will appear in print no
more they have passed into the bands
ofnewDwners. There were also many
smaller properties scattered belwest
and crooked all over Clackamas county.
These too have gone or going. Some of
them may be on the summit of the
forest reserve when the location is dis
covered, or they may not. P. H, Mar
ley, of Portland, is the principal bidder
on properties, be having ascertained
which were correctly described before
hand. There also are otber bidders.
A number of men and women were
present at tbe sales and bid in pieces of
property from 50o up. A,, half-acre
tract in the vicinity of Damascus went
for 25c. An attorney bid in a tract for
$1, and when he examined the descrip
tion found that it was located on the
townsiteof Aurora in Marion comity.
Very little of the property brought
enough to pay the taxes against it, but
it will n' t have to be advertised any
more. There was $2700 against the
Gladstone property, and it brought
$700. Minthorn lots Went for a tune.
The descriptions are correct in some of
the tracts, and the purchaser J hivfl
bongbt themselves rich, while a cloud
of doubt Langs over many others.
The Courier-Hereld prints more orig
inal matter about farms and firming,
during the year, than any paper ever
printed in Clackamas county. It dees
not copy them eecond-hand either from
cheap farm journals. Neither does it
print old worn-out board of trade cuts
that have been used in every advertis
ing pamphlet issued in Oregon City for
tbo past 15 years. The reporter gets
out and secures actual esptriences from
reliable, practical farmers, oftentimes
making trips through the county. On
a recent trip something was learned of
tbe damnable, contemptible methods
employed by the proprietor of the En
terprise. Mot long ago a responsible
farmer was in town, and gave tbe re
porter some statistics concerding bis
own and neighbor s crops. The ir.t
senator wrote to one of his henchmen,
living in tbe neighborhood of this far
mer, asking him to write a letter to the
Enterprise, stating that the published
report was false. The aforesaid hench
man refused to lend his aid to such a
dirty plot. The vilest anarchist or
lowest ward heeler, would not engage
in a transaction of this kind, let alone
the aspirant for a state office. It also
is rumored that be uses the Oregon City
edition ol the Evening Telegram to
knock people tbat he doe? not like.
If one has any doubt of the benefits
II at accrue to a community by the es
tablishment of a cheese factory or
creamery, it wouia be well to lnvesti
gate the conditions in the vicinity of
Logau Large, new barns, good roads
and a general air of prosperity .
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters re
maining uncalled for in the postofilce
at. Oregon City, Ore., on Sept. 26th,
JLui :
Womens' List Miss Long Ma'to,
Miss Anna Pique.
Mens' List John Bottemiller, Cur
tis liurk, William Corben, V. F. May,
ueorge a. Moore, ljivermore liros.,
McCullough, William White, L. O.
Walk-r, Archie Wright.
Rid Men Denounce Anarchists
Wacheno Tribe, No. 13, Independent
Order of Red Men, at their session last
night adopted the report on resolutions
relative to the death of the late William
McKinley, President of tbe United
Stales, prepared by a special committee
composed of C. Hartman, John Kellev.
and Henry Meldrum. The resolutions
convey the sympathy of the order of Red
Men to thb widow of the great states
man, and express their unswervtng loy
alty to their country, and, also denounc
ing anarchy. The resolutions follow:
" Whereas, the Great Spiritof the- Un
iverse has seen fit to remove from tbe
reservation of the earth to the happy
bunting grounds of the pale-face? our
beloved President, William McKinley:
"Whereas, Wacheno Tribe, No 13, I.
O. R. M., fir st as Americans, and second
us Red Mon, wish to express their sen
timents upon this sad occasion. There
fore be it
Resolved, That our bear felt sym
pathy is extended to Mrs. McKinley in
this, th hour of h r gr at allliction;
that we deplore the death of our beloved
President at the hands of an anarchist
assassin ; that we pledge ourselves as
Red Men to assist in every way, that is
legal and just, to exterminate all soci
eties of anarchists from American soil;
that we believe tbat strict laws should
be passed, barring from tbe shores of
America, such foreigners as are even lia
ble to join such societies, with which
t lie murderer of Mr. McKiulev is iden
tified. "That while we, as individuals, may
have expressed a desire too see lynch law
prevail, we still, as a loyal, law-respecting.
order, desire to sue the majesty of
the law rule tbe land and wo deplore any
sentiment that will bring disgrace upon
the grand record of America, proudly
upheld and bravely defended by the Red
Men of America. Therefore be it
Resolved, That tbo charter of Wache
no liibo be draped in mourning for
I hiity days;
Cuius IIartmas,
John Kku.kv,
Hexhy Mki piuim,
Committee of Wacheno Tribe.
When you vitit Portland don't fail to
t'et your meals at the K 'yal Rcstauraat,
First and Madison. They snrve an ex
cellent meal at a moderate price; a'ood ;
1 uire meal , 15c. . I
' I
Ciii kenUiinirr Jiya.
Ke'ly & No'obtt luvo tocvive.l a lot of j
Cucketilivimor, l :;, double-stamp ;
high proof rye whiskey. Absolutely i
i Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
j iiContain Mercury.
-as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely deraime the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surtaces. ouch articles
should never be used except on pre
emptions from reputable physicians, as .
tne damage tney win ao is ten ioiu 10
tbe good yon can possibly derive from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo.O..
containsno mercury, and ia taken in
ternally, acting directly upon tne blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh pure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally
and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Bold by Druggists, 75c per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Christian Science services are held in
Willamette hall every Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, Sept
22. "Reality." Sunday school ar 1
o'clock. Wednesday evening meetin
at 8 o'clock. To theBe services all ar
Wanted a respectable help-tniet
between the ages of 20 and 23. A 1 Ir -s
Y. this office.
T.Ha VHii Willinmn a nnnil nf Prof.
Dierke, will t ike a limited number of
pupils for piano and organ instruction.
The Portland .City & Oregon Riilway
Company will run cars every 30 minutes
between Oregon City and Portland Sun
day. A delightful ride for only 2) cents
the round trip. The cars run cleai
through to Canemah on that day.
New Teilings at MiBS Goldsmith's.
Bears th i ' You Have Always BougfA
Portland Carnival.
"The Great Carnival, which opens at
Portland on Sept. 19th and continues
till October 19th, 1901, will be well
worth a visit to the metropolis.
Exhibits of agricultural ami horti
cultural products, mining .and manufac
turing industries, athletic exercises, a
horse show at which feats of horseman
ship and the various forms of fancy rid
ing will be seen, and a magnificent mil
itary tournament, participated in by
picked companies from the Oregon Na
tional Guard, are a few of the attractions
at the Carnival this year.
The Southern Pacific Company will
sell tickets at low rates for this occasion
and will also run a special excursion
from Ashland to Portland and return,
stopping at all intermediate stations, the
date and rates for which will be an
nounced hereafter.
Ladies, if your sewing machine is out
of order, have it fixed at Johnson &
SSfTJob Printing at the
fci Courier-Herald
''Something New Under the Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRH by the use of powders, acid
gases inhalers and drugs in paste form.
The powders dry up the mucuous mem
branes causing them tp crack open and
bleed, The powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. An old
and experienced practitioner who has
for many years made a close study and
specially of the treatment of CATAR RH ,
has at last perfected a Treatment which
when faithfully used, not only relieveg
at once, but permanently cures CA
TARRH, by n-moving the cause, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all in
flammation. It is the only remedy
known to science that actually reaches
the afllicted parts. This wonderful
remedy is known as "SNUFFLE the
and is sold at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
"SXUFFI.cS" is the only perfect CA
TARRH CUKE ever made and is now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for tbat annoying and disgusting
disease. It cures all iull uiiination
quickly and permanently and is mo
wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE
VER or COLD in the HEAD.
CAfARkli when neglected nf'en
FLES" ill save you if you use it at,
once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatment which is posit'vely
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if used according to tha
directions which accompany each pick
age. Don't delay but send for it at once
and writ" full particulars as to your con
dition, and y u will receive special a t
vice Irom the discoverer of this wonder
ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to you heond the regular price of
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Addre-s Dept. K 594, ED
WIN It. GILES & COM PANY. 2330 and
2332 Market Street, Philadelphia.
11:' hull ucMrlnm In turn tiitl,v Tun.. fi-,...n-1
llu'Win,!. ll.i il Hearing ihnist ill wlu-i'l, lnur-
iny lightest nmiiiiis iii.il.iii-s, mill loserilni-'
i:rviiie-t amnnrit nt yo vcr fur pumfl .(. 1
vti!7.,,i after ni'ikini;. I'm l.wihur with enlv.in- 1
izl bolt, diiuiili' nnlle.l, r.u inrtra i rust r n-t I
rattKs WnJa riu'1'..wr: jk-i f.- t r-.r-1
nlalion. No )riiip to chance tension v:it, evrv i
chin:o ,f t.mprattm. and prow Mkernitii
!'. ;i s on hnlui. I'luse ll.inys are .
' ,r;:i !? l joii. Then liv not ln;v a tiiar
nilclien, UkuC. Stave: Co.!DR 0". -IlHnTTI KESSL3P
Portland, Oregon.
A si lima It ne Brings Instant Relief and Permanent
Cure In All Cases
Established (870
j G. P. Ruminelin & Sons I
t Manufacturing Furriers t
J 126 Second St., near Washington, PORTLAND, ORE.
j We carry a complete line of Ladies
J Fur Coats Capes, Collarettes, Boas,
t Muffs, Etc., in all the fashionable furs,
j Feather Boas, Etc Robes and Rugs.
X Send for Fall Catalogue
I The Leading and Reliable Fnriiers of the Northwest
Built TO ORDER and Built RIGHT
Come irv and See Samples
and let us quote you Prices
P. G. SHARK, Oregon Vlt ft, Ore. I
1- - '
' -X,
following symptoms: Nervous and Physical Debility, Varlco"ele,
Losses, Exhausted Vitality, Confusion of ideas, Dull" -and Loss of
Brilliancy to the Eye, Aversion to Society; Despondency, Pimples on
the Face, Loss of Energy and Frequency of. Urinating. A PoS i IVE
and PERMANENT CURE always guaranteed by our "New Meth
od Treatment." You may be in -the first stage, but remember you
are fast approaching the last. Do not let false pride and sham mod
esty deter you from attending to your agonizing ailments. Many a
bright and naturally gifted young man, endowed with geniu3, has per
mitted his case to run on and on, until remorse racked his intellect,
and finally death claimed its victim. Remember that ".Procrastination
is the Thief of Time." The asylum awaits you.
Middle Aged Men Mar,ried ,or
o single, who
are prematurely old as a result of excesses
or youthful follies, and who are troubled
by too "frequent evacuations of the bladder,
often accompanied by a slight smarting or
burning sensation, deposits of ropy scd
ment in the urine, and sometimes smal
particles of albumen, the color first of a
thin or milkish lute and again changing to
a dark and torpid appearance, causing
nervous debility and loss of vitality. Re
member, this is the Second btage of Lo-t
Vitality. In all such cases a perfect cure is
Consultation at office or by mail five aa
H:in 1-0'!) i in n .
:rhi:3omp c
-.v?:; s nfi
' ir. .t,
he v. t cii t. i t
Ciil : t.-l v ir wii e full
j Corner Second and Yamlrl.
There is nothing like Asthmalene.
It bilims Instant relief, even la the worst cases. It
cures when all else falls.
Tha Kev. O. F. WKLL8, of Villa Bulge, II!., says:
"Yuiirlrlttl bottle of ANthmaleue receiver! in goud
condition . I cannot tell you how thankful I feol for
the good derived from It. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten ypara. 1 de
spaired of ever being eured. I saw your advertise
ment for the cure of this dreadful arid tormenting
diseanc, Asthma, and thought you htt3 ovornpoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a l rial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send m
a full size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Rabbi of theOong. Bnal Israel.
New iorlt, Jan. 3,1901.
Drs. Taft Baos.' Mbdioini Co..
(icntlemon: Your Asthmalene is an enocllent rem.
edy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition
alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After hay
ing It carefully analyzed, we can state tlutt Asthma
lene contains no opium, morphine, culoform nor
ether. Very truly yours,
Trial bottle sent absolutely free- on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED
ICINE CO., ;oEast 13c th St. New
York City.
. Incorporated 1899
Wen fflade
30 Mars Curing Wen
who are suffering from the effects of youthful
errors, among others' showing some of the
and all
Private Diseases
la the Fire, Sirvral Ru 1
Thi-d Stage
Nt-mv Method Treatm'nt
d invicej.
V!,ii;I - m a i l .!
. Xj c.,: i !g
s en lose 10
k'ln Dr.jL...,skrci IV, r to
or y.w.i.
Struts 1 03.TLAND, ORE.