ouner COURIER ESTABLISHED MAY, 1683 HERALD ESTABLISHED JULY, 1893 INDEPENDENT ESTABLISHED 1898 OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1901 19th YEAR, NO. 19 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Regular September Term of the County Board. J. R. Morton, John Lewellen and T. B. Killin, County Commissioners. (Continued from last week.) In the matter of the taxes on the Bert estate. This matter-now coming on to be heard, and it appearing to the board that the taxes on the Bert estate for the years 1891-92-93 were paid and were not cancelled on the original tax roll, it is ordered that the taxea on sai l property for the sai.l years be cancelled. " In the matter of the petition of Mary V. Keener for settlement of taxes in Minthorn. Upon petition and showing made by Mary V. Keene, the prtBent owner of lots 38 to 42 in block 13 and lots 43 to 48 in block 12 and lots 5 to 20 in block 16 and lots 43 to 48 iu block 12 and lots 5 to 26 in block 16 and lots 31, 32 and 37 in block 16 in Minthorn ad dition to the city of Portland, Oregon, wherein the said lots were assessed in 1895 for $11.16 and the costs amounting to $2.10, the same having been offered for sale, and there being no bidders and wherein these same lots were assened for the years 1892 and 1893, and amount ing to $24.70, it is theafore ordered and adjutUed upon the petition duly pre sented by said Mary V. Keene, that ihe costs and penalties for the year 1895 on Baid lots be remitted on payment of said original tax of $11.16; that for the years 181)2 and 1893, said taxes may be compromised at the rate of $2 per acre as per order of this court duly made in the June terra 1901, if paid before sale, amounting to $5; that tax redemption certitieate issue to Baid party on pay ment of these several Bums as per con ditions of this order; also and including lota 21 and 22, block 14 assessed as above for $3.29, costs $1.80 to be cancelled for the original tax $1.49, tax of 1893. In the matter of petition of . II. Cooper for cancellation of double assess ment. This matter coming on by pe tition filed herein showing to the board that for the year 1892,the southeast one quarter of section 4, township 4 south, range 5 east, was assessed to B. E. Pow ers, and also t . Stephen Matthews. And it appearing t i'. e board that in 1892, E. E. Powers w ir the owner of said prop erty, and that i:.e assessment to Stephen Mathews was erroneous and a doublo assessment. It ia ordered that said as sessment of said Stephen Mathews be cancelled of n cord and forever held for naught. In tl e matter of the report of viewers on the H. K. Baker road. In the matter of the report of V. D. Mathews, George Soulier and Benjamin F. Webster, view ers appointed at the last term of, this board to view and locale a county road situated in CUekamas county, Oregon, and described in full on page 1080 of this journal. Said viewers filed their re port showing that they had met on th 30th day of August, 1901, a day namtd in the notice served upon them and wne duly sworn by subscribing to a writit n oath of ofiice'administered by John V. Meldrum, deputy county surveyor, he being appointed by the board to survey said road, after which they proceeded to the designated place and aid view and cause to be surveyed by said deputy county surveyor, the above described road. They also filed the field notea and plat of the survey, said viewers re port favorably to the establishment of said road as viewed and surveyed, for the reasons that it is a good practical route and of public utility. And it ap pearing to the board that there is no re monstrance or petition for damages filed, and not being satisfied that said road will be of public utility, it is or dered and adjudged that said matter be laid over until the October term. Aid that the expenses of said view and sur vey be paid by Clackamas county, as follows: W D Mathews 2 20 George Schneller 2 20 Benjamin F Webster 2 20 Jay Baker 2 00 HE Baker 2 00 James Paker 2 00 John W. Mcldiurn 13 20 In the matter of report of viewers on change in the O. 8. Murray road. In the matter of the report of William Bor ing, Ed Seifer and John Richey, viewers appointed at the last term of the board to view and locate a county road situ ated in Olackarnaa coanty, Oregon, and described in full on pagelG2of this Jour nal. Said viewers filed their report showing that they had met on the 2'5th day of August, 1901, a day named in the notice Eerved upon them and were duly sworn by subscribing to a written oath of office administered by JohuW. Mel drum, deputy county surveyor, he be ing appointed by the board to survey said road, after whibh they proceeded to the designated place and did. view and cause to be surveyed by said deputy county purveyor, the above described road. They also filed notes and plat of the survey, said viewers reporting favor ably to the establishing of said road as viewed and surveyed, for the reason that it ia a good, practical route and of public utility. Said report reached its second reading. And it appearing to tl e board that there is uo remonstrance or petition for damages filed, and being satisfied that said road will be of public uttiliy, it is ordered and adjudged that the field notes and plat of said survey be recorded and in all respects be ap proved, and that the said view and sur vey be established as a county road and that the expense of said view and sur vey be paid by Clackamas county, and the clerk is hereby ordered to issue the necessary notice to the supervisor of the district or districts in which said road lies, to open and woik the same. Expense account. W II Boring $ 5 00 Ed Seifer 5 40 John Richey 5 30 Paul Dunn ; 4 00 James Bell 4 00 Thomas Dunn 4 00 JohuW Meldrum. 18 60 Total... $46 30 In the matter of the petition of 0. D. and D. C. Latourette for settlement of taxes heirs of H. F. Newman. This matter coming on to be heard on pe tition of Latourette, and it appearing to the board that the county is the claim ant of delinquent taxes on theeej of section 6, township 4 south, range 5 east, of the Willamette Meridian, as sessed to the heirs of H. F. Newman and sold to Clackamas county for taxea for the years 1892, 1893, 1895 and 1890, and that since that date this county haa made a deed for delinquent tuxes of 1897, and also that there are mistakes of de scriptions; it is' ordered tlnt the delin quent taxes of said county be cancelled and held for naught. In the matter of the delinquent tsixes of J. M. and Ella Broderick. This mat ter now coming on to bo hard on peti tion of C. D. and D. C. Linourette, and it appearing to tlu board that. Clacka mas county ia claimant for delinquent taxea on the real property d -ciil) .1 on page 147, of book 4 of the Records of Deeds of Clackamas county, Btate of Oregon, and lota 3 and 4 o! block 150 of Oregon City, described on page 114 of book V of the ltecorda of Deeda of Clack amas county for a fader description of which property see said references to said records, all assessed to J. M. Brod erickorhia wife, Ella Broderick; that said delinquent taxea run back several years, a part of said property being bought at the salea by outside parties, and there being errors and other errors affecting the validity of the sale of said property, it is ordered that upon tne payment of $00.10 for the taxes of 1899 and 1900 upon said properly that the clerk of the court release all claim that tho said county has to snid property by reason of any taxea, and the board here by confirms the release. (Continued next week.) REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. J Irwin to E Walsh, lots 7 to 36, blk 74, Minthorn $800 F O Salmon to S F Mohr, 2 aa in sec 8, 2, 2e 500 E E Kelly to A V Andreps, 1-2 as pec 6. 2, 5 e 150 0 L Standiger to J W Standiger, 25 as in sec 2, 2, 2 e.. 275 0 T Wynkoop to S F Birver, 15 as in sec 2, ?, 2 e 150 J A Logan to O 0 Mfg Co, 46) as in Wills claim ..4370 J S Williams to A Williamsr nej sec 16, except 20 and 40 as 5C0 G C Armstrong to A Williams, same aa last , .......... 1 A J Lee to O L Bates, of of ne of sec 3, 4, 1 e 1200 J Minor to A M Iforn. s) of se and f of nw of sec 22, 4, 4 e 225 A M Horn to A Busch, same aa last 640 J S Orane to G 0 Engelke, e4 of ne of sec 34, 2, 5 e 125 Bolton Land Co to N 0 Michaela.lot blk 31, Bolton 125 H E Smith to J O Smith, se of sw of sec 31, 3, 2 e 450 II E Smith to Wm M Smith, aw of se of sec 81, 3, 2 e 800 0 1 & S Co to C Perry, 15 as in Bul lock elm, 2, 1 e '630 A Lehman to M J Stevens,lota 1 and 2 hi blk 16, Milwaukie 150 M L Steel to P & O Ry Co, cjrS Milwaukie j..".". 325 P Kelly to J 11 Middleton, ltkas iii Waters Carmen elm 1 C E Lawrence to Wm G Hill, w of w 10 aa of .tract K, Clackamas Riverside 500 0 Long to D Ainsworth, 32 as in the Newman elm, 6, 1 w 500 C AinBworth to O Long, 26j aa in Newman elm, in 5, 1 w 250 J V Thomas to E L Thomas, part of lot 7, blk 104, Oregon City I E L Thomas to J N Thomas, lot 1, blk 19, Falls View , 1 0 Ainsworth to W Long, all interest in the estate of 0 0 Long 200 J Ormsby to L Boll, 40 feet of lot 12 of blk 31, Cambridge 50 L Holl to N David, Bame aa last. . 00 J T Apperson to E Galloway, blk F, Paikplace 1 From Hot to Cold. Total $25 80 In the matter of the report of viewers on the Thomas Wiles road. In the mat ter of the report of J . R. Shaver, P. L. Schamel and L. II. Barnes, viewers ap pointed at the last term of this board to view and locate a county road pituated in Clackamas county, Dregon, and de scribed in full on page 170 of this jour nal : Said viewers filed their report showing that they had met on the 2nd dav of September, 1901, a day named in the notice served upon them, and were duly sworn by subscribing to a written oath of otlice administered by John V. Meldrum, deputy county surveyor, he being appointed by the board to survey said road, after which they proceeded to the designated place and did view and cause to be surveyed by said deputy county surveyor, the above described lO'id. They also filed the field notes and plat of said survey and viewers report favorable to the establishing of Baid roaa as viewed and surveyed, for the reason that it is a good, practical route and of public utility. Said report was read and passed to its second reading. And it apptaring to the board that there ia no remonstrance or petition of dam ages filed, and being satisfied that said ruadwill be of public utility.it is or dered and adjudged lhat the field nates aud plat of said survey be recorded and in all respects approved, and that the said view and said survey be established as a county road and that the expense of (aid view be paid Clackamas county, and that the clerk is hereby ordered to isue the necessary notice to the super visor of the district or districts in which the fa d road lies to open and work the same. Expense account. J R Shavtr $ 2 70 V L Schamel 2 50 L H Barnes 2 10 William Skeen 2 00 GABingman... 2 00 Thomas Wiles. .' ' 2 00 John W Meldrum 17 50 Dysentery is prevalent everywhere in summer and ia due to miasmatic poi sons, and begins abruptly with inflam mation of the mucous lining of the large bowel. In America the disease is com mon, but pr.-perly treated does not re sult aB seriously as in the tropica. Perry Davis' Pain Killer is the best known remedy and the most efficacious in the treatment of dysentery. Self Protection demands that you be on the alert to see that you get Pain Killer (Perry Davis) when you ask for it; some dealers will try and persuade you to take something else, claimed to be just aa good ; insist upon getting Paiu Killer, the remedy which has been the world'a (am ly doc tor for 60 years ; it never fails to stop diarrhoea, griping pains in the stomach or bowels, dysentery, etc. Large bottles 25 and 50 cents. New Mail Contracts to Be Let in This County. Proposals are called for by the post office department for carrying the mail on the following routes ia Clackamas county. In i rder to do away wth specu lative professional bidders, the depart ment haa limited the bidc'ingto thoBe persons who will agree to reside on or contiguous to the routes on whic the service is lo be performed, and to give their personal supervision to the carry ing out of ihe contract: No. 73,lfl From Eagle Creek, by George, to Uissell. 12.50 miles, and back, twice a week. Present contract pay, $90; sub-contract pay, $75. No. 73,152 From Oregon City, by Ely, Beaver Creek, Shubel, Clarkes, Meadowbrook, and Union Mills, to Ma lino, 24 miles, and back, three times a week. Present contract pay, $420.37; sub-contract pay, $400. No. 73,154 From Oregon CitV, by Willamette, Stafford and Wilsonville, to Graeme, 16.25 miles, and back, six times a week. Present contract pay, on basis 13 miles, $400 miles; sub-contract pay, $330. No. 73,155 From Oregon City, by Stone and Logan, to Viola, returning by Redlaud to Oregon City, 29.37 miles, equal to 14.68 miles and back, six times a week. Present contract pay, $612.95. No. 73,156 From Sandy, by Firwood. to Salmon, 13 75 milea, and back, three limes a week. Prasent contract pay, $18U0 No. 73,157 From Sandy to Dover, O.bU miles, and back, twice a week. Present cii.iract pay, $73.67. No. 73,158 From Sandy to Bull Run. to Aims, 7.12 milea, and back, six times a week. Preaent contract pay, $226,20. sub-contract pay, $213.90. No. 73,103 From Oriuntto Kelso, four milea and back.six timeo a week. Prea ent contract pay, $138 99. Subcon tract pav, $125. No. 73,105 From Portland, by Sta tion A, Portland, Woodstock, Tremont, Lenta, P ayn, Sunnyside, Daraaacua, Bar ton, Eagle Creek, Currinsville and Springwater, to Highland, 43.59 miles and back, six times a week. Preaent contract pay, $1289.40 Mo. 73,160 troin Portland, by Palea- tme, Russelville, Rockwood, Terry, Gresham, Powell Valley, Orient and Cotlrell, to Sandy, 29.53 miles and back, six timea a week. Present contract pay $789.99; sub-contract pay, $706.70. W. C. IIM!AN Agricultural Implements and Vehicles 210-214 FRONT STREET, PORTLAND, 0EEG9N. BUGGIES BUGGIES Being crowded for space in my warehouse, I will sell the buggies and spring wagons now in stock at prices that defy competition. Come early and secure a buggy before the stock has been picked over. NEW MODE!. "STEEL BEAUTY. I have a stock of these balers on hand that I will sell at investigate for yourself. I CARRY Buffalo Pitts Harrows and Cultivators Owen's "Advance" Fanning Mills Peerless Plows wm ami ii ii iw ujm jewjh WMArfAwfttTagqi . I reduced prices. Call and AND Belle City j'ced Cutters Milwaukee Bindt-is and Mowers Write for Catalogue- siiai Ffi Brain-Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad h.s been branded by the mot competent authori ties. They have dispelled the silly no tion that one kind of food ia needed for bones. A correct diet will not only nour ish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet how ever good your food may be, its nutri ment is destroyed by indigestion or dys pepsia. You must prepare ,for their ap pearance or prevent their c lining by tak ing regular doses of Green's August Flower, .the favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A few doses aids di gestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purities the blood, and makea you feel buoyant and vigorous. You caa got Dr. G. G. Green's reliable remedies at George A. Harding's drugstore. Notice of Dissolution. To the Public Notice is hereby given that the firm of Baghy & Hein has been dissolved by mutual consent, I. B. llein retiring from the business. F. S. L. Bagby will continue the business as be fore, and pays all debts aud collects at bills due the late firm. Frank S. L. Bagbv, Dated Sept. 10, 1901. O ABTOIII A. Bean tli Hib Kind Yon Ham Always Bcsgit Butter and Eyas Short. "Notwithstanding the great expansion of the dairyinS business in this region of late, the supply of butter ia not equal to the demand, and Eiatern butter is finding its way to this market tgain. Last year there was no Eastern butter brought here, but the long apell of dry weather the last summer had the effect of lessening the output, and the popula tion ot the city has been increasing rapidly, consequently Eastern butter will have to be imported. Last spring, when tho supply of butter began to ex ceed the demand, a large quantity-some loO.UUt) pounds waa bought up and put in cold storage. This haa beeii nearly all disposed of already, and as the prea ent output of the dairies ia not enough to supply the demand the shortage will have to be made good by Eastern butter. Eggs of late have been Bcarce, and sev eral carloads have been sent from the Eaet, but none of them hav come here, so far as known. With eggs at 25 cents a dozen in Portland and 19 cents a dozen in Chicago, there ia a good margin for importers. After Jharvett tho output of eggs always increases, and it is said that there will be more chickens engaged in laying eggs in this !section this fall than ever before. It is highly desirable that Oregon should produce enough egga and butter for home consumption, at least. Odds and Ends of 5 Cents per Double Roll As o ng as the stock asts In order to make room for new stock we will sell last season's patterns at reduced prices. u i The Housefurnisher n ii Total 30 80 Uregonian.