OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD; FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1901 that throbs, pains and aches, or feels heavy, stuf fy, dull or dizzy, is a poor head to do business with. It irritates the temper, up sets the stomach, interferes with digestion and wears out the brain and nerves. Make the nerves strong, the brain clear and your head will be right. "My head wo;ill begin to swim and I would grow dizzy and so weak and numb that I would fall to the floor. Since using Dr. Miles' Nervine I can work 16 hours a day and feel cood. I believe it saved my life ana cannot recommend it too hicbly." V. G. White, McGrei )ly." Oregor, Texas. quiets the irritation, stimu lates digestion and builds up nervous health and strength. Try a bottle. Sold by dni2i!-ts on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind. OREGON SALFM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural -AND Industrial Fair BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Cootl ltaclng in tho Al'tCniOOIlS Latest Attractions In New Auditorium llillldinit Iiveiy levelling-, Nidi flood Muslo Special HiiIhh on Tampers' Tickets Ili'Hiillful Cnmp Grounds Free Come and llring Your Families) Reduced Rates On All Railroads For Further Particulars, Address M. I, WISDOM, See., Portland, Ore. E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a Bargain h Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Slop near Depot Hotel !j Swedish Asthma ICurc ABSOLUTELY CCSS $ 1 Asthma Hay Fever l Bronchial Trouble! GUARAN TEED NO (f!( For Sale by I U. u. HUN I Lh i Oregon City, Oregon " - THF PFflPI F' PRF99 I III. I LUI LIU I mci.l org... of ii.. sodHii.t rmty of Oregon. A fearless exponent of scientific gov rnment, as taught by the most advaiic - d thinkers and philosophers ol this age. $15,000 cash to distribute among nib - Kribers, who subscribe soon. You can get sample copy free if you mention this faper A. V. U&ucj, r.cuior, Albany, Ore. Fair THE REVIVAL OF HEATH. Thl Old Favorite la Now a Popular Christina n-nd Easter Plant. The erica or heath family has late ly come Into very general popularity is Interior decorative plants, being widely grown for both the Christmas und the Easter pot plant market. The winter heath (Erica liyemalls) is well known for its delicate beauty, Its pink and white blossoms being sy abundant, hut it Is not so easy to manage as some other plants, and it is to be feared that many of the bea-itlf ul specimens of this erica sold Boon die or at least become too unhealthy to blossom again. Although heaths enjoy a little warmth In winter, it must be accom panied by moisture or it Is fatal to ERICA WILMORBI. them. They should never be placed over hot water pipes, but will do best In a position where the ground Is con- : Btantly damp. If used In the house for a few hours dally, they should be re- ' moved to the conservatory before lights are lit In the eveuing, or they j may stand safely In a bathroom for the night, where the hot water can be turned on for a few minutes to moisten the air. I rienty of tepid water Is necessary for heaths at nil times, and faded flow-1 era should he carefully cut off after ! cutting back the fresh growth to with- I In three or four Inches of their base. I 1' kept 'ncist all(l warm, the heath will quickly throw out fresh shoots, and the plaut should be repotted as soon as these are half an Inch In length. Ample drainage and fibrous ptfnt, with silver sand and powdered charcoal, will suit this plaut, and the soil must be made extremely Arm be tween the ball of roots and the clean pot, allowing about half an Inch be tween the two. In June It can be placed In the open air, the pot being sunk to the rim In coal f.shes. Taken Into the conserva tory In the fall, it will be found to be covered with buds, which will open from Christmas time to February, ac cording to the temperature kept up. Erica wllinoroi Is a variety that may be flowered Inter, especially In March or April or about Eastertide. Itimplierrlcs In Winter. Our wild raspberries (black and red) usually withstand the winters without tying or protection, but they some I times "kill back" a foot or more not i urn I pruning to prevent overprodiw ! tlon perhaps. Iniring mild winters they often become so heavily , coated with Ice or 3leet that they break lu the place where the bend Is shortest, on strong canes high and on weak one low. I Cultivated roots hereabout are care fully staked and wired. Iilaekeaps are usually grown In clumps which have a strong stake tlrmly driven Into the center ami the canes loosely tied with binder twine. The twine will lant but one year. This will Insure annual attention. Ited raspberries are grown In rows and loosely tied to wires, which are held In place by stakes or posts at In tervals of about 12 feet. Two runs of wires are most commonly used, the lower about two feet from the ground and the upper one l'A or 2 feet high er, and the canes are not allowed to extcn l mo;e than one foot above the tup wire. I Varieties of the Columbian class are treated .the same as rod ones, but are given more room. Throe wires are used and are spaced so that they have I height of about five feet. I Where raspberries are grown In large quantities for cvaoratlon In Western New York neither stakes nor wires are used as supports, says a New York fruit grower in Anieiieau Gar dening. Siuyrnii Klita In Amrrlm, The insect which fertilizes tho Smyr na tig was successfully carried through last winter In California, and during the summer It was cared for with such p00lj ri.suts that In one locality In Call- foni,u n,oro tha" lx to"3 of s,j-rrs figs of the highest grade of excellence wre produwrf m1 P1. Down to bo present time, the Smyrna flg has ll(ul 8 Poetical monopoly of the dried , C market of the world. None had ; been successfully grown lu America. It , Las been estimated that the value of the Smyrna fig Industry to California Lyiji not bo km thau $1,000,000 auua- ally. ' Timid Woman,' Callous Brute. I There is an F street real estate man whose rtortty borne Is In one of the pleasantest streets in the older part of town, lie 13 just an ordinary man; ; with no particular sympathy for the : fears of nervous women; he has been ! married 13 years, and his wife is one of those women who fairly revel In all sorts of pa infill liiingiiiin'rs and fright ful forebodings. She always makes her will when she starts on a journey, and she never fails tj forgive all her enemies before iL? Lrv.:.;ts herself be hind any kind of a horse. There has not been a night in nil the 13 years of her married life that she hasn't either smellcd smoke or heard burglars. Last week, in the middle of one night, the husband felt the familiar pinch which for 15 years has calloused his arm. He heard the familiar voice say the same old words: "Oh, Charles! Do get up! I smell smoke!" ' As usual, for after 15 years of that sort of thing even an ordinary man learns not to argne with a woman, he climbed obediently out of bed and went to the window. The street below was full of people, and a fire engine waa puffing away at the corner. "Oh, Charles!" called the wife. "Is the house on fire?" Fifteen years have made Charles' feelings as callous as his arm. "Yes," said he brutally; "thank good ness the house Is on fire at last. Now perhaps you'll stop worrying." Wash ington Post. Dnnlel O'Conncll'a Fees. In the National Library of Ireland Is the fee book of Daniel O'Connell. This volume, in Its 100 pages or so of paral lel columns, laboriously prepared by the hand of the liberator himself, shows In pounds, shillings and pence his early struggles. O'Connell was called to the Irish bar in 179S the year, of the rebellion and seven days later he got his first brief, from a brother-in-law, who retained him to draft a dec laration on a promissory note. The only other business he got that year was also given him by a kinsman a cousin and it was of the same kind. The fee on each occasion was 1 2s. 9d. It was In one of his earliest cases that O'Connell made the retort that attract ed attention to him. He was cross ex amining an awkward witness, who de clared that he hud drunk nothing but his share of a pint of whisky. "On your oath, now." thundered the young counsel, "was net your share all but the pewter?" O'Connell's fee look is an interesting record of tils if.; 'il re in the profes sion. For tie first year, as we seen, his Income amounted to have ' , i " I 2 5s. Gil. Next .rear he earned over 50, and th year afler he made over 400. According to memoranda made In his own handwriting his Income la 1803 was MT. and in the following years, 77o, 840. 1.077, 1,713. 2,108, 2,730, 2,051. 3.C17 and 3,S03 re spectively. Ant ciliated. He was a Scotch minister In n small country parish, and he was sometimes put to it for fresh pasture wherewith to feed his Hock. Cue day, however, be bethought himself that be bad never thoroughly exhausted the sub ject of Jonah, and his heart rejoiced. I Jonah and the whale was a sort of thing whereby you could easily drag out a Eeruiou its allotted two hours. He was In full career aud had reached triumphantly the anatomical peculiari ties of the case. "An what feesh do ye thiuk It wad beV" he cried In stentorian tones. "Aibllns ye think it wad be a haddie? Ka, na. It could uae be a haddie for to tak a big mon like yon In his belly. Aweel, aiblins ye thiuk It wad be a salmon, (t I tell ye na, ua. It wad na be a salmon, for deed I doubt If they ever see salmon yonder. Aweel, aibllns ye' re thinking It wad be a big cod" Here an ageil ami weary voice p'ped up from the body of the church: "Aibllns It was a whale?" "An the tlfll line ye, Maggie Mac farlaue, for takiu the word oot o' the mouth o' Cods nieeulster!" Llppln cott's Magazine. ( oiidrimcd Reproof. Occasionally there Is to bo found a proprietor of a secondhand bookstore who is something more than the nature of his business would seem to Indicate. He regards his old and rare volumes rather as a collection than a stock of goods and experiences a pang when he parts with one. i A flippant young man dropped iuto a secondhand bookstore kept by a man of this kind. Taking down several choice old books from the shelves, he lingered them carelessly aud replaced them. They happened to treat of abstruse subjects ; and did not appeal to him. "Are any ef these books for hire?" he , asked carelessly. "No. young man." sharply answered the proprietor. "They are for lore." ' St. Louis Republic. rirrn In Sfw York. Tires In all part of New York city are most common between S and ! p.m. and are least common between the hours of t! and 7 p. in. Hetween 5 and 0 In the morning there are very few fires; bet wen d nnd 7 there are the fewest, but after 7 o'clock the number steadily increases until 0 o'clock at night, when a rapid diminution begins, the Increase being agalu resumed at 7 o'clock. New York Sun. Ov Man to Bp Saved. "I have determined," said the sweet young thing, "to devote myself to the cause of temiM'iance." "In what way?" "We'l," she answered, "recently pub lished statUtlrt how that-there ll les dissipation auxMif married men than among s1ni;k nie,"-Cbleig Times-IIciaKl. :1 oiner "My mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At Blast she was given up to die. Then In tula.-! A iroi-'p PSurftr Poitnral and was speedily cured." D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. M motti- tirnr fiorrl U iiu many tr v your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It's too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of a Cherry Pectoral at once. Three sizes : 25c., 50c, $1. All druggists. Consult your doctor. If he siiys tulte it, then do ae he says. If he tells you not to take It, then don't take It. He knows. Leave It with him. We are willing. J. U. ATER CO., Lowell, Mass. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment hv which Drunkards are Being; Cur. d Da'ly lu l?iite of Tht-rnselves, No .Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pl aattnt and Fesitive t'ure for the Liquor Habit. It is now eenendly known and under siood Ihnt Drunkenness is a dUeape and not weakne.-s. A body tiiltd wilh poi son, and in rves completely thatteied by periodical or t'o,s;:.i:t use of intoxicating liquors, requites an antidote capable of nentri.lizin.' aiid tn.dicaliim ibis poiw.n, and dtstrnyiiig the craving for intoxi cants. Suffereis may now cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time frnin Imsinees by tins wonderlul "HUME GOLD CURE" which has been I perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faith ful use accoiiling t'i directions of Ibis wondeiful discovery is positively guar anteed to cure the most obstinate case, qo matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transforma tion of thousands of Drunkards into so ber, industrious and upright men WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN CURE YOUR .FATH ERS 1 ! This remedy is no sense a nos. trum but is a specilic for this diFeabe only, and is so skilllully devised and pre pared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be : given in a cup of tea or coffee without i . u i f . i ... i.: Kuuwivujjti i'i uiu prison iu&iij;; it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured 1 lipmepl vtQ with (hij irin,.lou& TflnioHv ! and as mniiv more have been cured and made temperate men bv havirg the j I "CUKE. ' administered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or Ha, and believe todav- that they discontinued drinkina of their own freewill. DO NOT VV A II. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleadug "improvement." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "Home COLD CIJ KE" is sold at the extremely low price ot Una Dollar, thus placing in ! reacll of everyDJliy a treatment more ef lectual than others costing f'25 to $50, Full directions accompany each package Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. E 594, EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 23110 and ?332 Market Street, Ph Udel phia. All correspondence strictly confl i ential Why dtink rot (jut, when you can get Sauamore li md innde tour mash at Kelly & Noblitt's. Constipation Does your head achs ? Pain back cf your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 2?c. '1 .!r"n-!ris. Want ynur nuHistiifl brown or ru-n OLick? ie or Ui'nri a i?"tif"il BUCXIKGh'Alil'S CYESWil&r. 80 CT1. op nUQ(ii5T. on R. P. MAIL A CO. . NAJMl', H. H. WANTFD. ( Hjirtt W , K ilaUc pt rson in every eonuty to n pro tut ltire t'onimi,y of tnjlul fi uanrlat rtunrHllnn; :tti sn'Hry per vcar, ptiVHblf weekly; 3 yn-r ty absolutely sure Mini a 1 ex peiihrts; straight, bona tick, definite mtlnry, no ivrnitniftslf n: Hillary plit each Saturday flT,I ex ptMiM njimey mivnn -etl e. ch wv k. STANDARD HEADACHE At mi drug tram. 2i Doie 25c In every town and village mnv he. h.id. , TtliGa Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. r 3 JJANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BVNKINO HOUSE IN THE CITY CAPITAL SURPLUS I50.OCO.00 J20.850.00 Chas. H. Capiieid, President Geo. a. IlARriNG, Vice-President E. G. Caufif.ld, Cashier General banking business transacted Deposits received subject to check Approved bills and notos discounted County and city warrants bought Loans made on available seourlly Exchange bought and sold Collections made promptly Drafts sold available In any part of the world Telegraphic- exchange sold on Portlanu, San Francisco, Chicago and New York Interest paid on time deposits (Jg D. & D. O. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Keal Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON C. N- THE GREENMAN PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 18(i.r) Prompt delivery to all parts of the city OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK op OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,0C0 Transacts a general banking business Slakes loans and collections, discounts bills, buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject lo clieck Open from 0 a. m. to 4 p. m. D C. L AT01!RI TTIC, i'rt'sUleiit F. J. Meyer, Cashier 0. W. Eastham G. B. Dimici DIMICK & EASTHAM ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Ileal Eslate and Prohate Law Special ties, ADstrai t oi line made, Money Loaned. Reference, Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. L. L. PICKENS DENTIST Trices Moc'emte. All Operations Guaranteed. Barclay Building Oregon City DR. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty ' Caufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON J)R. 1RANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduuto of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY " OREGON W. W. CHRISTIE, D. O. DRS. CHRISTIE OSTEOPATHIC C D. LOVtf, D. O, & LOVE PHYSICIANS Graduates ot American School ol Osteopathy. Successfully treat all cbionlc diseases by meclianlcal manipulation. Examination and consultation free. Office hours: 8 to 12 and lto4, except Sunday. Rooms 8 and 4, Stevens Building OREGON CITY OREGON E. I. SIA3 - DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON Qt E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp. Bank ( Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON (EO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Rod Frot, Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON 3Jt O. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience) Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chrouio Diseases Office hours: 10 to 12, a. m.; 4 to 8, p. m. Willamette Building OREGON CITY OREGON J JO BERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Land Titles, Land Office Business, Conveyancing Will practice in all courts ot the slate Boom 8, Weinhard Building OREGON CITY OREGON C. ScHiEBKL W. 8. U'Ria JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnuh abstracts of title, leudyun money and lend your money ou first mortgage. Offle. In Enterprise batldlog. OREGON CITY OBEGON TO CUKE A COLO IN OKI DAT Tak Laxativ Bromo Quinina Tableti. ill druggists refund the money it it (aili to curer E. W. UroTt'i signatur is oa each box. 25c. Free Dinner Sets The celebrated Semi-Vitreous Porcelain hand-painted decora tions, with gold trimmings given away free to our customes. We use these dishes simply for an advertisement for our business. The way to obtain them is easy- Trade with us and get your friends to trade wilh us, and we do the rest, by supplying you and them with these dishes tree of Charge KRAUSSE BROS. Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes TlVPi". ,'"" : A PERFECT BATH ROOM essential to perfect comfort and health. Our estimates on putting in Plumbing Work and finings for largo and small houses will be found surpassingly low when quality of work and material used U considered We would be pleased to have an opportunity to submit figures. F. C. GADKE 9 Fotografs STAMPS Drop in and see what we have in the latest photographs, We can please all. VIEWS New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLST N JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposito Caufleld Block OREGON CITY Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in Poitland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City IV. If. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stable Finest Turnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON Oregon City Junk store Buys old rags, bottles, old iron, rubber and all kinds of metals. Iligest prices paid. Sugarman&Gx Cor. Main and Tenth Sts, WANTED, Capable, reliable person In every county to represent large company of solid finan cial reputation; $'.135 salary per year, payable weekly: 3 per day absolutely snre and all expens es; straight, bnna-tide, definite satary.no commis sion! salary paid each Saturday and expense money arivunced each week. STANDARD HOUSE, 34 Deal horn St. Chicago, A FASHION JOURNAL FREE For a limitfd time only we will send FREE to any lady sending us her name, address and a 2 eent stamp to py postage a specimen copy of "L'ART ni Ls MODE." the finest fashion mnrazine ill the world. The regular price Is 13.50 per year, single numbers cents each, pan be had of all newsdealers. This Journal contains 8 colored plates showing Uie proper colors to be worn togelher, and the latest styles In shirtwaists, skltts. Jackets, collars and dresses of all kinds. Address MORSE-BROUQHTON CO. 3 East 19th Street, . New York. S. J. VAUGHN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Nearly opposite Suspension briJga Frst-Class Rigs of All Kind OREGON CITY, OREGON fill -Bit jf1 i - ' r i r t , irwmfc y