Oregon City courier=herald. (Oregon City, Or.) 1898-1902, September 20, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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SrrrTT ILI P jj i
AVegefable Preparation for As
similating ilroodand Regula
ting the Stomachs andDowels of
Tiomotes Digestion.Cheerful
C5s and Rcst.Contains neither
'.jpmm.Morphine nor Mineral.
Hot Narcotic.
Keape olCtdHrSAMUELPlTaiEIi
Pumpkin Seed"
UtxitiUe Saltl -AtUM
Jlppemiint -Mi
formfeed -ftfffifud
Sugar .
WMmrm flam:
A ncrfecf Remedy forConstipa-
tion, SourStoinach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions Jevcnsh
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
'Iu the death of President McKinley, j A ?rmn:HiB!T A niTT Ktt W7 TTft IT TT
not only our nation but the whole world & tUTH X Vl QJ LjiULi JI1 JL S, Ei iili
f'Btands appalled. In this tragedy, which 3 , ,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
has shaken the world, we find startling''
. . , - . nijipi- f evidence of the fact that, in our enduav-
"l I D rMLLfc.il UlllLr tors to tmke our country the home of lib
I erty and the haven ot refuse for the op
i T1?P FllEral C0",tC3r' Cflv2'VS pressed of every land, our hospitality and j
r . i confidence have been abuBed. and under;
th3 Letaains by Tram irom tbe elieUei. ot our gi0nUg fug and our;
3 JjililliQ 10 H aSQinStOa. ' liberal laws the anarchist conspirator
. and political assassin breeds and flour-
Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief ani Permanent
Cure In All Cases
i '
Mii.buhn IIoubk. Buffalo,
rr C?TV ?lD, it in utter contempt.
o'clock .his morning, from the tff-cts of jj,n 11,18 Beat tragedy there stands, upon
Ran assassin's bullet. Theodore Roose-ione hand, the consummate flower of.
.3 "Wnn.. that ' tna iratraAv la finnBiim
i muted, the hrnken law hcfomeii a shield
of the man who has abused its privileges,
Sept.fand who preache9 a creed that holds'
1 Tf S-j, :n nHpr ei-mlfm nf. An central fiirnrpfl
1 OC.l. I)... f TT!... .) L.'. .. n . 1 J TT . I. -.1 :
Fveii, viu i it o ui-ni,iM ine uiiiieu ovaieB.namencHn mannoou. upon me oiuer,:
I'Uiok inenaiH oi ouice ua x-ieHiueno or"t..ra m l,o m jnnl annwn nf
ideas wholly foreign to the spirit of our
institutions. i
"We stand utterly mute and power-
For Over
Thirty Years
fill he United States at the Residence oQ
i-lAnsley Wilcjx at 3 :32 o'clock this aftei-1
unoon. The oath was adminiBtered by
BUnited tStaies District iludge John R.
MllaZfl. Ill 1KU1U tlie Oatll ine r reM-3.'uo nnr ottcmnfa tn nrn.,B.lv nltai-af-'
-.dent suid : "in this hour of deep aiid?. . ., , , . , ,.,.,
National bereavement, I wish to stateV6""'6 ",e deed' overwhelme'1 w,tl1 tbe;
V'tluit it shall be my aim locontinue ab8o-thonght that we are in a sense responsi
fdlutely and without variance the policy flble for allowing the liberty we advocate!
'Jot President McKinley for the peace and for bej g0 debauched, but determined?.
y5prupenty and honor of our Ulovtdj , . , . , (
II- 1 irtlat an crii rnnat ho mil tn that, rnlorti-
rcoun rv." w.v,. .
H The remains of President MrTCnlevSM'011 wll'L'11 permits the teaching of eedi.
nure "to bv n.terred on Thursday of thistt'on, assassination and destruction under.
Hweek. Cv proclamation, PresidentTthe guise of free speech and Iree press.
wiiouseveu nas appo nieuinat nay as a '"Under such circumstances the death
Rn,.Tunf( Jtt, ;.",! 'i1'' 11 ?of President McKinley would havel
0 '
it TEH
There is nothing like Asthmalene.
It brings instant roller, even In the worst casus. It
cures when all else fails.
The Rev. C. F. WKLLS.of Villa Ridge, III., says:
"Your trial bottle ol Axtlimalene received in good
condition . I cannot tell you how IhanKi'ut I feel for
the good derived from It. I wis a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and Asthma fjr ten yfars. 1 de
spair, d of ever being ourert. I saw your advertise
meut for the eure of this dreadful and tormenting
disease, Asthma, and thought vou haJ overspoken
yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send ma
a full size bottle."
Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler,
Habbl of the Cong. Bnal Israel.
New Vork, Jan. 3, 1901.
Drs. Taft Baos.' Mkdioinb Co..
Oenllemen: Your Asthmalene is an excellent reft,
edy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition
alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma.
Its success is astonishing and wonderful. Aftor hav
ing It carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthma
lene contains no opium, morphine, Cliloform nor
ether. Very truly yours,
Trial bottle sent absolutely free on
receipt of postal. Write at once, ad
dressing DR. TAFT BROS.' MED
ICINE CO., 79 East 130 th St. New
York City. , ,
eople of the TJnjted States.
September 15
Established 1870
been recognized as a calamity. Thel
President Roosevelt has . requested alUmanner and the occasion of his deatlu
members of the cabinet to remain in of-ffhave intensified our tense of loss. Inl
bee. No special eession of Congress willtlie CBpable exercise ot his official duties,?
.a iiu had f ia V...1 i ..,..- L..a. V. .. i. I U r a
Incorporated 1899
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Pl.a nullcrl t a k.i;...w.,l Un V... .1.,,
ni- V ' v. v. , v id ITIICVCU blj at UV I LICK1 i j. j
It ime when the regular seehion of Con-S"e ,;au "-P"eu
fcuret-s begins, a complete change will beSworM in his great
made in me cabinet.
September 16.
ine uouy oi tue Head I'reuiUent was)
taken to the city hall where ..it lay in;
state during the afternoon and nieht.
At Milburn house yesterday, religious
services were held by Rev. Edward
Locke, of the M. E. church. Presidents
Koosevelt, Mark Hanna and manv other!
distinguished men were present. Up-!
wards ot 80.000 peon e fi ed Dast the bur:
i . . - . . . ... M
oi ttie dead president at the city ball.
Jn Wednesday the remains will be!
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
nature intended they should.
They build up the shrunken
walls of the kidneys, as uo
known remedy has been found
to do before.
As a cure for urinary troubles
they have no equal.
io. 25, 50 Cents 108
C G HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
O. 'iiuaer, u Min of PbiiI KitU'er, hasconveyed from Washing-ton to Canton,
nuu "u ivmt iivi ."WWIIWD UlCV Will l)B inrnrrert nn "hnwi.
day. By proclamation, Governor GeerJ
recommends that on that day all public'
and private business be suspended as fart
as possible, that flags be placed at half :
iiiam anu me people meet in their re
spective places of worship.
un tne 10th the body of the dead;
piesiuent was taken to Washinirton. At
all stations along the railway to the Cap-j
nui uuuien ui uiuiiia were drawn ud at'
present arms.
On the morning of the 17th a larire
.and imposiiiB procession accomnanied
the confidence of the
ability, and in his
manifestations of a kindly spirit of con-'
ciliation he united eer bonds tbe
whole American teople. His death, oc
cuirirg at the very zenith of his power,
and of his achievements, emphasized the
world's conviction of his worth, and has!
drawn into still closer relations of amity
and of unity, all factions, and all parties
and all sections. It has rekindled the;
patriotic spirit cf our reople. It haB dis
armed the partisan It has smothered the
fires of passion. It has intensified the
devotion of every American citizen to the
flag, and to the Constitution, and to the
laws. It has awakened in tvery patri
otic heart, a hitherto latent determination,
that every mm who claims tbn protec
tion of our institutions, shall bow in de
ference to the sujrdma m ijesly of the
"In the death of our martyred Presi
dent, wa resooii 1 the losi of one who,
as man, as citizen, as ruler, was faithful
9 A
m A
given mi tliu h.lit
Loid Kitiheiu-r
On nccoiiiit of lb - death . f Pvi-i-tdent
.ii Kinley the lnjili li c 1111 litis gone!
into mourning for one wi ek Lxtra pre
cautions are heii g ttiken in guard the)
Czar during bin tour to Sauce.
Munv meiiibers i.i llm Oregon legisla-j
ture favor an extra stss nn to inukean;
appropriation 1 the LeU and Clark
On Sunday, the de tth of the Pr-giilentj
was the theme for semi'ins thronghou'
A man named Perev. of Shun tnd 'S-'-nerarservices were held ' Ttiahnn iv.,ricndi a generous foe, a good soldier, a!
N Y . has made an eleetrin man, t- Jllar jjrews of the M F rh.ireh filial on devoted husband, a patriotic
tee.thigh, who pulU cr holding .wof Bt"hortdc?Ie , lli e whiehpverv'ln, he embodied the highest type of
men at the rate of 20 mile, an hour uver ' in 11 ZJ, d"!, I" llchnstian manhood, while as President
the highway. It is paiposed to iimnu-3.(.,. ,.." "'"rv"V """ifihe disDlaved such magnificent Qualities
f , m r wuiruo i vj tea luiiicti LiiHiMiciir in Hinu-x . .... on
lacture a regiment 01 sncu men i ir U8eajn ..Mftrfir 0n(1 . Th" fn of leadership as to place him in the com-
.'." -. . j , " at , t .1 ,,,.......1 .i..
tnecruHii at the entrance of the rotunda J J"jr , " """""
uj 11 ui no til? v,
"Deploring his Iops, but bowing in
submission to the decrees of Providence,1
we accept the heritage of his great name
and example as one of the richest en
dowmenls tf American citizenship, while
pledging our renewed devotion to the
fundamental principles which are the!
common heritage of patriotic American
citizens of every party name.
Titos, r . KYAN,
Ciiari.es B Moores,
VV'm. Galloway,
J. C. Z1S8KK,
G. B. DiM'CK,
Committpe on Resolutions,'"
G. P. Rummelin & Sons
Manufacturing Furriers
126 Stark St., near Washington, PORTLAND, ORE.
We carry a complete line of Ladiest
Fur Coats, Capes, Collarettes. Boas,
Muffs, Etc,, in all the fashionable furs,
Feather Boas, Etc. Robes and Rugs.
Send for Fall Catalogue
The Leading and Reliable Furriers of the Northwest
in war.
It has been found that Englmh navali many persons were ininred.
uleani boilers are inferior 10 the rreneh Pj rri, . ,
... xt 1 1 1 43 "D"101 srciiuu ui me 11
Pvsnoiisiii, it) unrecognized iu
liuit tho cases, it dectives tho
im'auwiii fiiifll'rer. IU many
vat Lit ioiia w ork along the weakest
lines of tho system. To battlo
itffiiiiat only one of thoni w vain.
Our booklet explains its symp
toms. Our DNspepKiuTiililetsgive
completo nnd histinf; relief.
1UC. "DC. "
AND 60C. V
C. G KUNTLCY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effects
on the entire system, and wh:rj
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels.
Edgar's Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable,
lowct regulator, and liver vitamer
As pleasant to the taste as
candy, and a.s positive as the harsh
cot mineral. No gripe or pain.
ss 10, 25, 50 cents.
C. C, HUNTLEY, Druggist
Oregon City, Oregon
tmn0x llie WVou Have Always Bocjlit
funeral train!
reached Canton from Washington at;
11 :'J0 of the 18th; the first section, car-
A frightful gas explosion oecuned inSrying the corpse, at 12. The president
a coalmine at Spring (j1i!c!i. Colo., ui'sanu c imnet entered carriages. The sol-
. - . - W . - I
which 11JU men are eiitomhed. E.emn civic and military precession moved
AtCorvallis a fruit .'rver has been!10 tU ,.court. house where the body
erected winch will dry, 111 one day, ,V . .' " ",D lot"
Utile tity of Canton will swell to several
hundred thoueand. On the night of thel
ia-i, u..,.i it,., 1 .n i .i.i3
streets. Thi? remains of President Mc-
while a iiiir.i run m. u r,i,i i,r.n00 fr.rtniey win He placed iii a receiving
an ax. She chopped off the head andiv,ault. at W?st Lawu cemetery, awaitingl
.i... .l : .i .i. : ?the time when tliev will Iia nli.fl in tiiwi
inuiiiieo wuiiii'ii currn u in 'li veniboiik,: .. . ' -
William Heitiiian, a Nelmlem rancher.
shot and killed Euiil Aidarnat
Diistiels ol prunes
Near Dryden, western Josephine!
county, two women held the head of a
large buck deer to the ground, which
been thrown by the pursuing hounds,
Czolgogz, the murderer
McKinley. was ' indicted at
murder in the second degrie
AN and
ana Duiit Kiuni
Lit cii See Samples
t us quote you Prices
and I
P. O. SHARK, Oveoon-4Mif, Ore
of Wm
Buffalo, of j
lamily burying ground beside the two
children who were buried years ago.
Tlin (-Iranri Armv valarona lt.il ftl.A f.i
iv lie rill niureHni. m I ne I union rmirriwiiia-l
IvilO tllH lllllHie (if lid lulu l'm-iirlutifu (nM
Three thousand ex'ra fre'ght cars will ;lvorite hymn:
Leaf from the Life Story of An
Old Steamboat Man.
he used in the territory
l ortl tin! at once. I
Ciiinese troops have entered Pckin aml2
the Japanese and American troops have,,)
tratisterred to their hands the cuplodv of i
bhi)s are'J
NeHrer, my God, to Tin e,
Nearer to Thee;
E'en tho' it be a cross
That raiseth me,
Still all my song shall be,
Nearer, toy God, to thee,
Nearer to Thee I
r ji I si...... f....l
In 1852 when Captain Seb. s in Miller.H . 4 ""'-
hose remains wore interred on Sutur-g "The Great Carnival which opens at
Pdav, was engineer of the 8teamboalPol'tland 011 'l''- 1!) h a"d continues
ft Canemah, that picturesque village wasl'it' (ktoter 19th, l'JH, will he well
f-Vjf far more importance than it is now. Rworth a vihit to the metropolis,
fal l'liere steamboats were built and it was Exhibits of agricultural and lnrti
phe headquarters fur the river traffic 0f"?,cultural products, mining andm inufac
Kthe upper Willamette. ln the npper7?"rinl? Industrie?, athletic exercises, a
; siory 01 one 01 tne two warehouses oiiij"".""' """" itumm i-iii
inp and 111a various torms 01 iaucv rai
tl.e forbidden cily.
At rort.anu, sailing bhi)s area k'the river bank, whose floor was nearly1
i liiirtored at a liigl.er luur,' lor c-.rr ing ,1 in okkoon city. .. a ieVBi with m hil,nwav ,1119uin l,vIiC w
w heat to lum.vk limn steamers. h Ai ,e mils Bn,i i,9ille88 houwai. William Dementlhad a geneial 8rnre.p.'y tonrnament, parucipated in . by
The Uregun Woolgrowms .-s ciatioii , closed a id exercise were bel l at the1! but he subsequently move., out and hi'"-!u:kf'1 C"'"Panie9 from the Oregon Na
has oll'ered a rewaul of $1,000 (oi iletec-'. comt lion on Tlnirnlnv aftprnnm, place was taken bv a saloon. At lhe. Vuinal Guard, are a few of the attractions
lion ol sheep poisoners. i Ju.lg.i Thomas b Ki an presiding, hon-fcorgauization of the P. T. Co Hie twoTillti. 0 Varn.lval 1 ,!B 5!r'
The Wester 1 Society ol the Annv of "ring our departed prefident. 8uit ible?;''hUl-eH weie united by a building 'j
the Potomac, of Chicago, demands ex- resolutions were adopted. Following is'i" between ihein j
pulsion ol 'anarchists. j the program : U captain millers experiences as a
n. . .i... i i n :n i...:i 1 1 Mniic. orchestra. .steamboat m in were not all pleasurable.
ROOO.OOO riliuery i.eHr San Franei co. Add res by Chairman Thomas F.Ryani'n 1801 he was seriously injured by the
I 1 iiiiT iev. n. i. .iionigoinerv. e'"1'"1" "k " f-' m uiu'umk,!
t Hvmii. choir. "Nearer. Mv God. ToT'lc was the pilot. She had an invight
uouer, which, as 11 exploded, must nave
I at
Thii liu.s.'iaii Czar has landed
i.r.i. 1.'
miiv, i mine. k T,,
The strike at San Francisco continues, j Resolutions of Oominittee.
Sliaffer, and the steel trust have not'i 1'iige. orchestra,
yet come to terms. Intornnitioii 111 re-'ji Address, Rev. Grimm, Pastor M.
gard to thubli'lke of the steel woikera isChnrch.
ing will be seen, nnd a magnificent rnil-
The Southern Pacific Company will
sell tickets at low rates for thi-" r.ccasion
f and will nlso run a special exclusion
f'from Ashland to Portland and return,
stopping at all intermediate stations, the
.date and rates for which will be an-
nounce J hi realtor.
B"blown uti mid down." for the bull nf"
jtlie craft parted in the middle. Charles-
No Relief fur 20 Years.
Kit tilt) Vj
I tul I I,.
1. 111 um tioliliiuui, the anaichidi 1111- I
prisoneu in v incago, win im reloaseil
under f-'O.UOO bonds.
It la reported 111 London th
It... IU .10 111.. I .ul Ul'l.itilillll ..ill ll..
.v a, a 1 1 1, .r a bl u 111 lb , Mill PV71 ill? j
ill Damariiland, German Sotfth Africa, '1
where they can buy land at fuur pence 1
an acre. k
rrl t .- I 1 . "
1 ue governor 01 cuian i.utig requests
the withdrawal of all Gurinan troons'
outside Colony of Kiao Chon. fc
John Peterson, a Norwegian., w as run j
out of Aliil'shlield for milking slighting i
reui'.ii'kstiboiit the Into I'residout AlcKiu- 4
ley. l
Taconi.iists contemplati) rootiiii out'j
the iimiichist colony in M inter, UJ miles'
from Tacoum, which is located on 211 J
On the IStli the city of Paris was illu
minated in honor of the Czar, the royal
guest ol France.
At Brockton. Mass.. a switch iiiinrou-
eilv bet caused the death ol three men
Address, C. A. Williams, G. A. R.
Address, Wildam Galloway.
Music, orchestra.
Addressj (1. E, Hayes.
Address, Father Hillebrand.
Address, C B. Moores.
Address, Rov, Beavetn.
Music, orchestra.
Address, G. C. Brownell.
Address, Gilbert L. Hedges.
Choir, "Lead, Kindly Light."
Address, Rev. A. J. Montgomery.
Address, W. S. U'Ren.
Address, Charles H. Dye.
Address, Rev. P. K. Hammond.
Music, orchestra,
j Address, Col. Robert Miller.
, Address, A. S. Oresser.
I Pryer, Rev. Bollinger.
Choir and audience, "America."
iit i 1 1 r.. a i if
...j. . .1 , 1 1 , kfl 1 nitu uruiiciuiia 11.11 vweiuv years,
t it . I i" "V l'f ,.tk ''"U'r-aidMrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville,
of Uie liver g mlddlelll., "and never got re.ief until I used
..?i ... ; t c.,i n 1 ..n .j Rfoley's Honey nd Tar, which is a sere
"SwIml-'thehaiiertendviceJ h1 a"J 'Ung (!i8la88
v.iiai uinu iv vo .
.from some one 011 tdiore
'Faith an' bejabers how can a man
ahwini who's got nather arms nor legs?"
;j Ha was fished out alive, and found to
be entirely unhurt, in fact, a sound
Irishman P.
Captain Miller did manv acts of genu-?!
runs benevolence without any thought
ot.ieward except tbeapproval of his own
conscience. He did not report them to
the newspapers. Ouce he bought 15
f1 worth of shoes and clothes for tho little
v children of a poor immigrant who had
a just arrived from the States. He forgot
fthe circumstance as a common event of
i a busy life, when he met the man whose
i.'hildrpn hrt Pun! hef rieniied. Ha linil
I nnl fiir.mt Imi Witli i in lipdiiitmr tn hia"
r face, he repaid his well doer what he bad
F litM nut V. St. M.iufl u lin tinnt a linl..l
4 1 ............... ..tr 1 fti . - - ,.H..ui...
a. it . .uuiiiBoiieiuiiieu prayer, , ,,n,i 9forrt n Oretmn (' Iv. was un verv
and the choir sang "Nearer Mv i,od ToTgenerous to needy immigrants. To do
rhee." Judge Ryan read the following iiooa was the practical religion of these
Ladies, if your sewing machine is out
of order, have it fixed nt Johnson A
A Little Known Fact.
That the majority of serious dieeases
'originate in disorder ot the kidneys. FV
ley's Kidney Cure is guaranteed. Be
sure to get Foley's. Charman & Co.
Bears tho ) You HavB Hlwars Bottjjil
1 urent souled men. i
and three women. resolutions . .j,, Mier W(M by birth ft Kentnc.l
Ihu whole world joins iu mourning J "s.andii.g in the presence of a great tkian. In four months and 17 days the J
over the death of President Mclvtnley . 0I1,lU.ahiniit v, the citiz -ns of 0 reSon"tv to which he belonged-the lte
Kven the Chinese governuient has is- b i Joseph Hedges be ng one of them J
suedau1mpe.ialedictexpreS6i..git8sor-"y Claekamns county have as-J. r d b osteam from the lower!
row. ' fombledtor the purpose of giving ex-i.i,SSOiiri river to Foster's, wham thevS
Herman Beilimer, aged C2, of Hill8-,)reg9l0n 0 sontimetits common to all arrived September 13th. 1S32. On Feb
boro, strangled himself w ilh a rope. t , . ... whewvOT lhe Stftr!1 .,, (rimy 31. 1853, he and Elis ibeth Power,
imli.rd . Morittgue, 01 Portl.md, ' . . . . , wlio survives him, were
hasbciMlected tecretary of the Demo-'"P tl .at, and wherever our nattonal.,. Pregcot Bt 'MoSs.
cratic State Central Committee. f supremacy is recoanued. f gon City.
Al all drug (torn.
2 Iwi
2 m. I
married by
hotel in O'e-"
rnen to triirfil ftml fttirerDun for old established
house ot liil tinaucial ftUnilin?. Snlary (780 a
ear and expensm, 11 payWe in cieh Nocn
t 1 i i . i i r Give references and enclose
V 1 1 Momptd envolope. Addresa Man-
, i . li e., Chicago.
"Something New Under tie Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CA
TARRii by the use of powderj, acid
gases inhalers and drugs in paste form.
T:ie powders dry up the muciious mem
branes causing them to crack open and
bleed, The powerful acids used in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same membranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint
ments cannot reach the disease. An old
and experienced practitioner who has
for many years made a close study and
specialty of the treatment of OA I'A RRH,
has at last permitted a Tieaiuient which
when faithfully' used, not only relieves
at once, but permanently cures CA
TARUH, by removing the cause, stop-
i ping uie uncharges, and curing ad in-
rlammation. It is the only remedy
known to science that actually reaches
the afllicted parts. This wonderful
remedy is known as "SNUFFLE" tho
and is sol 1 at the extremely low price of
One Dollar, each package containing in
ternal and external medicine sufficient
for a full month's treatment and every
thing necessary to its perfect use.
"SNUFFLcS" is the only perfect CA
TARRH CURE ever made and is now
recognized as the only safe and positive
cure for that annoying and disgusting
disease. It cures all inflammation
quickly and permanently and is also
wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FE
VER or COLD in the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save you if you use it at
once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a
complete treatment which is positively
guaranteed to Cure CATARRH in any
form or stage if ued according to the
directions nhich accompany each pack
age. Don't delay but send for it at once
and writ" full particulars as to your con
dition, and y u will receive special a I
vice from the discoverer of this wonder
ful remedy regarding your case without
cost to von beyond the regular price of
Sent prepaid to any address in the
Lulled States or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Addre s Dent. E 591, ED
WIN' B. GILES Jc COMPANY. 2330 and
2302 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Job Printing at the