OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1901 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS, FALL'. NOVELTIES HIGH-GRADE BLACK GOODS Finest ever shown in the city. All the new weaves and new effects for the season of 1901. Exclusive designs in high-grade novelties in French Waist ings. Our store is aglow with new Dress Goods. Popular prices on all lines of Fine Goods. We carry every make in Plain Goods. A superb line of French and English Venetians, from $,15 to $3.47 a yard All sponged and shrunk. MAIL ORDERS RECBIV PROMPT ATTENTION McAllen & McDonnell EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS IMPORTERS THIRD and MORRISON - - PORTLAND, OREGON LOCAL AND PERSONAL PERSONAL MENTION. Clarence Froat returned Sunday from Wardner, Idaho. Oharlee Warner left Monday for Eu gene university. Howard Latourette left Tuesday for Eugene university. Miss Freda Peters, of Barlow, was in Oregon City Friday. Noah Heiple, of Currinsville, was in Oregon City Monday . Mort Latourette left Tuesday for State University at Eugene. Frank Bagby and wife, of Needy, were in Cregon City Monday. Roy Kelly and Fred Warner left Mon day for Eugene university. .. Miss Jessie Porter visited friends at Clackamas during the week. " Isaac Pollock, of Milwaukie, was an Oregon City visitor Monday. Miss Jennie Straight returned Tues day from a visit at Woodburn. J. A. Thajer, the real estate man, re turned from California Friday last. Mrs. Marion Young, of La Grande, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Hoas. Mr. and Mrs. H. . C. Bonaker, of Meadowbrork, were in Oregon City Monday. Miss Nora Con vers, of St. Helens, ... . . ' . . r . visitea tier sister, Miss iuary onyers, this week. Bessie Kelly left Wednesday for Eu gene, where she will attend the state university. William Nefzger returned . Saturday from Ooquille City, where he has been for the past year. Mrs. W. A. White and family have returned home from Salem, where they have been for some time. John K. Morris returned from Ward ne 1, Idaho, where he has been employed for the past year or so. W. A, and Ex-Superintendent Harvey Starkweather, of Milwaukie, were in Oregon City Monday on business. Mrs. Gregerson and daughter, Miss Carrie, are back from California, where they have been living for the past year or so. - "Mits Jennie Noble left for Corvallis last Friday morning where she has ac cepted a position as teacher in the pub lic school. Fred Yohann, of Macksburg, was in this city Saturday. He was accompan ied by his brother in-law and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Thomson, of Sell wood, who have been visiting he and his mother for a few days. Miss Bell, formerly a resident of this county, but now holding a reasonBible position in an Indian school in South Dakota, is visiting friends here. She iB one of the largest women in the country, being-6J feet in height and weighing 325 poundf. Minstrels next Saturday night. Watch for the big parade on Saturday afternoon. On the 14th the Hebrews celebrated New Year's day. . Oats on the farm of Charles Holman, of Mead'owbrook went 50 bushels to the acre. The.Willamette haseball team was defeated by the 'ervais Stars at Ger vais on Sunday by a tcore of 13 to 8. The Degree of Honor will give a free entertainment at the A.'O. U. W. hall oh the evening of September 20th. , Ice cream and cake 15 cents. On the last Sundav of this month Rev. George Robert Cairns, the evangel ist, will begin a series of meetings at the Baptist church to continue for two weeks, On Friday forenoin of lat week, the chief of police escorted to the southern lira i ts of the city a band of five cripple hoboes, three with the left leg oil and two having but one arm. At the last regular meeting of the Milwaukie Woodmen, the committee ap pointed last spring to negotiate for the purchase of a hall sita, reported that their labors were ended a-d that -ft suit able site had been purcha-ed on Mil waukie street. Through the illness of part of the edi torial force of the Courier-Herald, and the absence of another portion thereof in the mountains to recuperate from the strain of continuous in-door labor, sev eral matters of local importance were not mentioned in these columns last Week among them the marriage of Miss Catherine A. Shadle and William P. Sowers, at the Presbyterian church, by Rev. A. J. Montgomery. The presents received were many and beautiful. It is reported that the Portland City & Oregon Railway Company will in the near future change that portion of its line at Milwaukie trestle to run paral lel with the river west of the present route. The object in this plan is said to be to avoid the necessity of rebuilding the trestle, which is rapidly approaching a decayed condition . The line if changed will follow the county road near where the old Standard mill formerly stood. The right of way has been s 'cured for new line from the county boa rd of commissioners. - There is a refreshing absence nf any thing offensive and an abundance of wholesome fun in the performance of Richards'A Pringle'8 Mammoth Min strel organization that is at the Opera House Saturday night. This big attrac tion caters to the most refined patron age and furnishes hours of a did enjoy ment without a suggestive utterance during the whole performance, aud this has been the phenomenal success of this big combination. Its 50 performers ,are selected from the best in the colored minstrel line, and every act presented is bright, brisk and original and sure to please the most critical. This season's organization is pronounced the strong est and most satisfactory this enterpris ing firm has ever put into the amuse ment field. Be Mire and see the mag nificent street parade given each day during the company's engagement at 2:3) p. m. Richards ',& Prinze's Georgia Min strels Saturday. 1 Watch Our W aiciies F-967 A Witch is not bought the same as other merchandise. When you purchase a suit of clothes or Vpair of shoes you can usually tell what it is. but when you invest your trot ey in a watch you have to depend entirely on the dealer. Dealing in Watches and repairing has been our business for ovr twenty years. We have made it a specialty. -We know all about Watches and their value. When we' buy our watches from the factories, We buy them right and we sell them again we know what we can recommend to our customers. For this reason we guarantee to give satisfaction. At present we have a large assortment of BOSS FILLED WATCHES, they are of the very latest designs and we are offering them at a reasonable price. If you have been thinking about purchasing one we would like to have you look over our stock. We know that they will please you. We have them in all grades and all sizes. We have a SPECIAL OFFER for those who would like to own a high grade time piece and can not afford to pay for it all at one time. We will sell watches on the installment plan. You make a payment when you buy the watch and pay the balance in weekly or monthly payments. We would be pleased to explain this method to you. ' fej JO 0-'7 F-B3 urmeister An resen The Oregon City Jewelers, 1 V' vM' K 1027 y 19 nA 'CL A Suit ichool Like This The accompanying . cut shows how one of our handsome two-piece school suits looks on a boy of 8 to J 6 years The assortment of suits for school wear embraces many attractive checked patterns stripes, mixtures and plain shades. Thz fabrics are entirely of pure wooL Every garment is built for hard service, and bears our guarantee label of quality. The prici, $3.45 Two-piece suits as low as $2.00 and up to $12.50 Youths' long-trousers suits, $5.00 to $20.00. Boys' new Fall hats; caps and furnishings. Largest Clothiers In the Northwest Fourth and Morrison Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON. Eases LOCAL SUMMARY Chicago Cottage Organ at Block's! A bran new bugtry for sale at a sacri fice. Inquire at this office. The finest bon bon boxes in town al tbeK.K.K. ' Shiving only 10 cants at the first cIhbs shop of P. G. Shark. The latest in chocolate of all kinds at the Kozy Kandy Kitchen, Kozy Kandy Kitchen, up to date on home-made candies. A few watches for sale cheap at Younger's. Watches cleaned, fl. . The la! est out Try the marshmallow kisses at the'Kozy Kandy Kitchen. $20 to $100 to loan on etui tel or per i 2:30 p. m. on the day of the company's sonai security. - Dimick & Eabtham, Agts. Rieluirdi fi Pringle'a Minstrels. . The rare combination of old-time minstrelsy and the bright new ideas in this line of entertainment is seen in the mammoth minstrel organization of Rich ards & Pringie's that will be seen at Shively's Opera Home on Saturday, September 21. Its program is a revel of bright min strel ideas reta'ning the pleasing tra ditions of "Old Plantation Days" as well as the gaudy, dandified acts of to day and runs the entire gamut of the best in vaudeville and minstrelsy. Every feavuro is now this season, and the organization is the best effort ot Us enterprising management. A special train of the company'a own Pullman cars aie used in its transportation and the street parade which takes place at The latest ar.d best brands of cigars and tohaccos are kept by P. G. Shark Smokers' goods and confectionery, also Land titles examined, abstracts made and money loaned at lowest rates. Dimick & Eastham, Lawyers, Oregon City arrival in this city, is one of the moBt pleasing spectacles one would wish to witness, as u iniruuuues new icbhucb and many of them. Watch and wait for the bii event. Scats on sale at Huntley's A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr. A. Boschee,a celebrated Ger man Physician, and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in Medicine. It quickly cures Oouiths. Colds and all Lung troubles of the se verest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine, but has stood the test for years, giving satis faction in every case, which is rapidly . Increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually, llos chee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 18G8, and in now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will re lieve any ordinnrv cough. Price 75 rents. Get Green's Prize Almanac. Geo, A. Harding. The Oregon State Fair at Salem, Sep tnmhnr 23d to 28th. 191)1. inclusive, i.,'n..iuTi..nnl.r.ttl,!. nffin I promises to he the very best that has for first-class lumber of al) kinds, or ad- yet been held. New features for amm-e- dress W, F. ;H arris. Beaver Creek, Oregon. The Weekly Oregonian gives all the national news and the Courier-Herald gives all local and rounly news. Both one year for Two Dollars. The P. O. & O. T. line will until further notice make a 25 cent round trii rate from Canemah and Oregon 'City to Portland on Sundays, wfth cars every 30 minutes. When you want a good square meal gatothe Prunstfick restaurant, oppo site suspension bridge, L. Ruconich, proprietor. Everything fresh and clean and well cooked j just like you get at home. This is the only first-class res taurant in Oregon City and Where you cn get a good meal for the price of a poor one el ewhere. Good Investment RiVer front lot 68x105 feet, situate back of Charman's drugstore, Bustable for modern flats or cottages, for sale. Price $1000. Also 2 lots corner of Jackson and Eighth streets. Inquire at Commercial Bank. Farmers, bring your chickens to Mc Glashan & Rakel. They pay spot cash. A slightly used parlor organ for eale by W. L. Block, the bomefurnlsher. A good point to remember That Os teopathy will cure your rheumatism. Trespass notices at Courier-Herald office, 3 for 10 cents. School Books at Charman & Co. Tablets, Tencils and Rulers frkb at Charman & Co., Cut Price Druggists. Everything fresh and clean at the Willamette Market. Give it a call. Guckenheimer rye whiskey direct from the bonded warehouse. Hold by the gallon, bottle or drink by Kelly & Nob- Ull. j. ure goous in urgmtti pannages. Drink Wilhelm'B beer. Kelly & Nob litt, sole agents. Bicycle and genera repairing at John eon & Lamb. and particular attention will be given to the Btock exhibit, owing to the great and constantly increaning interest in dairy ing throughout the state For this oc casion the Southern Pacific Co. will make a rate of one fare for the round trip, from all statiotn m Oregon to Salem and return, and it is hoped that every one who can do so will show his appre ciation by taking advantage of this op portunity to pass a few days pleasantly and proiitamy at our siate capum. We would suggest to all of our readers who visit the Carnival at Portland, or the street fair at The Dulles, that they should not fail to take advantage of thw opportunity to take a trip on the Bailey Gatssert, between Portland and The Dalles, the scenic route of the Columbia river. , The September Magazine Number of the Outlook contains half a dozen or mere fully illustrated articles, an equal number of full-page portraits of wen and -omen of ihe day, a long section of the new novel by Ralph Connor, the author of "The Sky Pilot," called called "The Man from- Glen gary," and the usual cirefully-prepared history of the week, editorials, book re views, etc, etc. Among the more no table illustrated articles Is that on Pitts burg, by Lillian W. Betts, oiiginally Il lustrated from many photographs lately taken for the purpose by Mr. Henry Hoyt Moore. Mr. Kii'u "The Making of an American" is also very fully illus trated J the chapter in this issue tells the story of New York police reform un der Commismoner Roosevelt. Other illustrated articleHsre "The Nw Bishop of -London," by William Durban, "In the Cotton Fields." by Max Bennett Thrasher, and "Philippine Educational T.vt.it.it ' u. vear. The Outlook (inmnanv. 287 Fourth Avenue, New York.) Don't forget Saturday, Sept, 21, ts the date for the minstrels. Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are thote mlfering from Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint. More than seventy-five per cent of the people in the United States are afllicted with these two diseases and their effects; such as Soui Stomach,-Mick Headache, Habitual Oostiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water-rach, Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pitof the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue ami Dis agreeable Taste in the Month, Coming up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, eto. Go to your Druggi t ami get a bot tle of AtiKUSt Flower for 73 rents Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get (ireen's Prize Almanac. George A. Harding. Charles Repiogie, of Atwater, O., was unable to work on account of kidney trouble. After using Foley's Kidney Cure four days he was cure,). Charman &Co. TIT Cereal The most wholesome and nutritious substitute for cof fee and tea. Mar1r frnm hi rhnirul California figs, prunes and selected grains. A delicious, strengthening beverage holds its delicate flavor to the bottom of the cup. Physicians recommend Figprune. All frrrtrro c.-M if yTiiiKMiii J