4 OREGON CITY COURIER-HERALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1901 Oregon City Courier-Herald By A. W. CHENEY Cutei t i In Oregon City poBtofllce as 2nd-cls matter 8CBSCRIPTI0S BATES. Pld I advance , per year lit: moathi . . .... 1 60 .... 75 25 Tares aeulhi'trlal f ;y me aaie opposite your auureso uu m puer denotes I he time to which yotihate paid. If this notice Is marked your subscription li due. CLUBBING BATES. With Weekly Oregonlan... ' Tri-Weikly N. Y. World ...... - 1 National Watchman . . . . ; " Anppal to Reason 41 Weekly Examiner " Bryan a Commoner .... . 2 00 . . 1 85 . 1 75 .. 1 60 . 2 25 .. 1 75 ADVERTISING, RATES Standing business advertUeraente; Pertnoiith trof essio al cardMl pel year): 1 to 10 inches 50c per inch, 12 Inches for $5, 20 Inches (column) $8, 80 inches (l4 page) $12. - lgal advartinements: Per inoh (minion) f2.50, dlvorse summons 7 50. Affidavits of pulillca tion will not belurnULed until publication lees art paid. Local notices; FIts cents per line per week Per month 20c. obituar ee, cards of thanks, church am! lodge notices where admission fee Is charged or collected half price or 2 cents er line. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY OREGON OITY, SEPT. 20, 1901. A PREACHER'S OPINION. The burglar who undertakes to appro priate otherpeople'a money by breaking into the house at night, the pickpocket Who undertakes to appropriate it by taking your watch or your purse un known to you these are universally -condemned. But the man who can devife a scheme for getting your money out of your safe into his, or out of your pocket into his, without any vnlue rendered, through come ingenious scheme of so-called fi nance, he is admitted into social circles ; he may be a pillar of the church' as well -.well as of society. fie is a thief as puch as the other man, but he is not recognized as such by society or even by his own con science. Directors of gas companies, directors ef street railway companies, almost without exception, are and have been corrupters of public morals, purchasers f legislation which will give them the property of the p ople for nothing. They ften justify themselves by saying that there is absolutely nothing else to do. The legislators are corrupt, and the po pie at large, who are responsible for their election, are likewise corrupt; they wish to have corrupt government, and they elect these corruptible legists ttors. We are reudy to pay a proper price for privileges and franchises; we are not 9 jrmitted to do so, and the only course open to ua is to go in and secure Buch public property as wo can, paying the bosses or leglnlitors or the executive for it. This is the only way in which busi ness can he done with the public. Some day I believe"the public will un dertake these things for itself. That will be the next step in this progress of co-operation in the couimuuily. I doubt whether there is any other way in which this bribery and corruption in the purchase and operation of the pub lic franchises can be brought to an end. After all has been done that can be done to regulate trusts and great corpor ations by legMiitinn, they will continue to exist, and those evils which the pub lic has coiim to connect with the very names of 'lust ami corporation politi cal corruption, oppression of rivals by control of transportation facilities and the like, over capitalization in the effort to tenure an excessive return on capital, Iain r and ideas .nvei-ted will go on and increase dnless the community can be educated, unless the industrial morals of the community can be Christianized. The standard of soo:al worth is with us not; what a mm or a woman baa done to servo his or her fellows, but what a man or woman has gotten for himself or herself, or, worse still, what a man or woman's ancestors the mora remote the belter have gotten and stored up and passid on to them. The whole thiii) is un-Christian, anti-Christian. Rev. Dr. J. I'. IVters, Episcopal, New Yoik Citv. Tria not easy to comprehend the enor mous power of the st tl tiust. It makes 5)0 pi r cent of the cuke in the Uni ed Htm oh, in 20,000 coke ovens, with nca paci y of 35,000 tons per day It makes 75 per cent of tho coarse sices of Bteel billets, etc., 75 per cent of the T-ruils, !0 ner eei t of the street railroad rails, 85 ikt cent, of the plates and 90 per cent -of the wire. It makes substantially all the sheet steel in the United States, and practically all the tinplate and alt the tubes. It. owns 07 per cent of the Hesse mer ore, 17 liesMinor steel works of 20, 000 tons capacity daily, 103 open-heurth furnaces and 53 blast furnaces. It owns ' -1000 miles of railroad, 400 locomotives and 18,1.00 caw, also 152 vessels with a capacity of 5-o,000 tons per trip. It is the largest miner of coal in the world, by from i5,0u0,000 to 50,000,000 tons a year. Its pay roll amounts to $ 100 ,000 - liny. Mrs. Hunry M. Ki.aqi.kh No, 3 is just tralf ihe age of hor ancient liege lord, .36 years. Wife No. 2, divorced Ly a special law manufactured by the Florida legislature for the king, has been four years iu the inHane asylum, and wife No. 3 has received a fortune from him of four millions. Poor devils that do not own slate legit-la! urea, but happen to have crazy wives, cannot secure the pas sage of legislative enactments for their special benefit. And yet, we are said to be all "free and ffjual;" but so ure the monkeys in an African jungle. It rs now President Theodore Rooee velt, the 26th to occupy the chair of the chief executive, instead of President William McKintey, laid low by the re lentless hand of Death. The new presi dent ia. of more Btubboru make than his predecessor, whose genial, kindly quali ties we remember only with rogret, and the country can with confidence expect a change of pilicy in some matters of state from this stem- man. With eager ness we may well inquire, What will the president d.i to curb the trusts and money-lords? Will they or he be master in this Lind of Promise? - Herb is a tain which points its own moral : "The meek' shall inherit the earth," Baid the Sunday tchool teacher. "Now, children, while we are on this subject can any of you tell me who wis the meekest man?" The scholars were silent, and the .eacher said : "His name began with M. Don't you remember? I will tell you the first two letters. They areM-o" "Morgan-Pierpont Morgan 1" came in a chorus from the elms. Young America thinks not of Moses but of Mor gan who has the ''dough." C. S. Hahnisb, chairman of the So cialist State Executive Committee, has called a mass convention of the socialists to meet at the W. C. T.C.hall in Salem, on Wednesday, September 25, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The objects of said con vention will be to form a permanent Btate organization, adopt a platform of principles, and transact such other busi ness as may be expedient to advance so cialism. State Commissioner of Schools of Ohio, L. D. fionebrake, before the county teachers' institute at Painesville made the startling remark that it cost the Ohioans more per capita to care for the paupers of the stale than to main tain the public 'schools And Ohio is the pivotal state of prospe- ity the shin ing example of what the republicans can oo 1 CUT EXPENSES, The board of c runty commis fioners has at last opened its eyes for a moment and cut off four as sistants to county officers. This matter should have been attended to long ago but still it's better late than never. We congratulate the board for this consideration of the taxpayers. Let the good work go on. When I take into consideration the agony of civilized life, the failures, the anxieties, The withered hopes, the bitter realities, the hunger, the shame, I am almost force i to believe that cannibal ism, after all, is the most merciful form in which man lives upon his fellow man. Robert O Ingersoll. "Canned thick" has h come danger ous. Sixty per cent of canned vegeta bles have been found to contain food preservatives, and of thirteen popular brands of extract'of lemon not one con tained any oil of lemon, and most of them were colo'ed wilh analine dyes. It is not unlikely, says a writer, that probably 75 per cent of the best cotton land in Texas is owned by men who live iu the larger towns and trust t eir es tates to agents. They farm them out either on rental or Bhares ti myrues and whites. A KKt'KNT addition to good influences is the ''Don't Kick Club," of Buffalo, that already contains some 7000 listed members. Its I'unilameiitul principle is: "Hotter say nothing than speak ill of your fellowmen." A London statist ic-i.ni ha figured out from the war bulletins that every Boer l:i South Africa has been killed at least three times since tho war broke out, besides being taken prisoner a few times. Death Stood Off. K. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex., onee fooled a grave dignor. lie says: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I per suaded him to try Electric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but he con tinued their use until be was wholly cured. I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life." This remedy sxpels malaria, kills disease germs anil purities the blood; aids digestion, regulates liver, kidneys and bowel, cures constipation1 ami dyspepsia, no'vous diseases, kid-1 ney troubles, female complaints; gives perfect health. Only 50o at George A. Harding's drug store. I have $800 to $2,000 to invest in a farm. Anyone having a farm to sell, will please address me with full partic ulars. James C. Felton, Oregon City. Johnson A Lamb make a specialty of key fitting and lock work. Shylock and Ills Victim" The persistent action of the moneyed aristociacv'irt limiting the circulating medium to less than one-fourth of the requirement of trade shows that some deep laid design is hidden for self-aggrandizement. Harmonious conditions require an equilibrium : That a given amount of business requires a corres ponding amount of currency to facilitate exchange. We find friction in trade is always in proportion to the scarcity of money. But how does the stringency affect the money lords? It opens to them rare opportunities of robbing the unfor tunate by taking their r roperty at less than half price. Why does the law per mit the creditor to sacrifice the debtor's property? The answer is because the rich from time immemorial have cap tured the lawmaking power, conse quently the laws are made to favor the capitalitts. ilow much longer will the useful classes, the workers, vote for the idle aristocracy to lord it over them? The animus of the .wreckers is made plain in the Hazzard circular issued by English capitalists in 1862, and circu lated contidentally among American bankers. The diabolical document says : "r-lavery is likely to be abolished bv the war power, and chattel slavery des troyed This, I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but tltfc owning of labor, and carries with it the care of the laborer, while the Euro pean plan, led on by England, is capi tal control of labor, by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capi talists will see to it is made out of the war, must, be used as a measure to con trol the volume of money. To accomp lish this, the bonds must be used as a bunking basis. We are no v waiting to get the secretary of the treasury to make this recommendation to congress. It will notdo to nllow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, for we cannot control that." - In response to the wishes of their English cousins the American bankers assembled in Washington to prevent the issue ot a full legal tender green back, so that a banking system based on bonds would enable them to control the volume of money in the interest of capi talists, instead of the welfare of the toilers. In fact the bonds and the bank ing, swindles were intended to depress prices of labor and its production in the interest of the parasitic money lords. Notwithstanding the evidence is unde niable that non-producers bavj as a rule favored the many schemes tor depleting the earnings of honest labor, still many of the toilers continue to be wheeled by the fallacious teachings they read in the partisan papers. If all the ayenues of intelligence were free from guile, and truth was inscribed on every banner, how soon our beloved country would re cuperate to a high standard of moral, intellectual and material advancement. It seems to me that every one whose as piration is for the welfare of the human family should work for the betterment of Khviock's victims, by educating the toilers to shun Shvlock's fraudulent teaching. It is evident that we have a subsidized press to contend with, whose editors have sold themselves for Shylock s blood money ; for those editors approve Shy1 lo k'e uieihodof robbing honest indus try of fully two-thirds of the toilers earnings. In fact, without the sanction of the press, Shylock could not long sur vive. As the people become enlightened by studying the whys and wherefores, they will more and more discard bucu newspapers as uphold the robbers. For honest people desire truthtui statements. As soon as they learn ot an editor's (iu plicity they will stop patronizing his bo gus papers. Let us not tire of reiterat ing the fact that .it is the dearth of money that hurts the workers aud at the same time fattens shylocks. There has been much said about pros perous times since the Spanish-American war began ; jnt as if the gold stan dard and high tar, ft Wtre the cause of bet'e r conditions among the people has been brought about by a larger volume of money put in circulation by the war powir. Prosperity would alwavs bless the producing classes if our government would furnish the 'people a much larger Volume of legal money than has ever been put in circulation. We are war ranted in making the strove assertion by the fact that history and our own experi ence tell us that the greatest prosperity ot thepeoplo ever known, has occurred when the country had the largest volume of legal tendur money in circulation, then why not vote for more of . that which makos good times? Sands Bkownbli.. Salem, Or, iti tm The Latest "muse of Hits" Publi cations. Everyone has heard or seen the de lightful trliiy wilh its scenes of rural life, entitled "Lnvers Lane," It i on the beautiful story of this iday that Max S, Witt and H.rbert K. Rodeo's litest b il lid, "It's A Long Lane That Has No Turning" ii founded. Otto Langey, the composer of the "Man oolina" Mexican serenade, has just written a beautiful new serenade called "Verona." Every music lover should have it All those music lovers to whom the beautiful ballad "In The House Of Too Much Trouble,' appealed strongly, will lie delighted with "A Little Empty Kelt," the latest by the same authors. "Don't Butt In" is the odd title of a new coon Bong, which is a tiisj hit with Lew Dockstaddr. the famous minstrel, this season. It is by Johnson, Cole & Johnson, the writers of May Irwin's hits last season. The new book, "The Puppet Crown," is the latest craze tins year, arid Mary Dowling Sutton's waltz of the same ti tle will be one of the big hits. George Primrose, the popular min strel, is singing a new coon soiig, "When The Jack O'Lantem H uts To Walk About" in his show It is a splendid success for him. Tl.e above publications are issued this month by Jos W, Stern A Co., the "House of Hits" who are also agents for tho celebrated Hawkes Sonorous Bund Increments mid the Heare "Ma jestic" Stringed Instruments. They w ill be pleased t send their illustrated catalogue free, apon application to their main olllees, 34 E. 2lst Street, New York. Bntl Ida Kind Yon Haw Always t I "WEIGH 175 IDS. former Wcllii 135 " Goln 40 IDS. There are people' who say that the benefit derived from the use of put-up medicines is imaginary. It is not the case with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion, which makes weak women strong and sick women well. A woman may imagine she's weak, or may fancy she's sick, but her imagination can't add forty pounds to her weight. The positive proof of the curative power of "Favorite Prescription " is found in the restoration of health which is recorded in face and form, of strength which can be tested, and weight which can be registered in pounds and ounces. The general health of women is so intimately connected with the local health of the womanly organs that when thee are diseased the whole body suffers loss. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription cures womanly diseases. It establishes regularity, stops weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion and cures female weakness. I am very glad to let other poor sufferers know what Dr. Pierce's medicines have done for me," writes Mrs. JJdwin H. Gardner, of Beechwood, Norfolk Co., Mass. (Box 70.) "You know I wrote to you last summer. I read what your medicine had done for other people, so thought I would try it, aud I found it was a blessing to me atid my family. I began in June and took six bottles 01 your medicine, 9 nd three vials of 'Pellets.' I took your medicine a year when I had a ten-pound girl. I had the easiest time I ever had with anv of my three children. I have been very well aince I took your medi cine. I took three bottles of 1 Favorite Prescrip tion, three of ' Golden Medical Discovery.' and three vials of ' Pellets.' I had no appetite and could not eat much without it distressing me before I took your ' Favorite Prescription,1 and I only weighed 135 pounds. Now I weigh 175." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of 31 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, BuS falo, N. Y. A Knight of Terror. "A-wfnl anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Ma chias, Me., when the doctors said she would die from pneumonia before morn ing," writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, which had more than ooce saved her life, and cured her of consumption. Af ter taking, she slept all night. Further use entirely cured her." This marvel lous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat, chest and lung diseases. Only 50c and $1 00. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. Sagamore Sour Mash. If you want a liquor that is chem ically pure direct from the distillery, try the. Sagamore sour mash. Kelly & Nohlltt, direct purchasers. To Trade 100 acres of land six milts Bouth of Oregon City ; timber enough to pay for place; running water, orchard, about 100 acres cleared. Will trade for Oregon City or Portland imnroved prop erty. Inquire at Courier-Herald offije. Working Night and Day. The busiest anil mightest little thing that f ver was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. These pills change weakness Into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only 25c per box.. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. ' Ptirtios having a farm to rent will do well to call on O. A. Cheney, real es tate and insurance agent, at Oregon City, who has applicants. BfOl'S THE COUGH ANDWOKKSOFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo-Qtiinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure no pay Price 25 cents. A fine Upright Piano at. Block' A Shacking Calamity "Lately befell a railroad laborer," writes Dr. A Kellett, of Wi'liford, Ark. "His foot was badly crushed, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly cured him. It's simplv wonderful (or burns, boils, piles and all skin eruptions. It's the world's champion healer, Cure guaranteed. 25c. S)ld by Go.. A. Harding. IPG " ' r --" rw No use to hunt t''" r v;i;h bird-shot. It doc sr. ; ! - .- '! tiger any and it's p.n'fuiiy rlsi y for you. Consumption i ; ci r amon'T diseases. It ir, stork! v -but once started it rapid 'y eats up the flesh and destroys die life. No use to go hunting it with ordinary food and rr.cJ- icinc. That's only bird-shot. It still advances. Good heavy chanrcs of Scott's Emutaicn will stop the advance. The disease feels that. Scott's Emulsion makes the body strong "to , resist. It soothes and touehens the luns and sustains the strength until the disease wearsltsclf out. Send for free sample. SCOTT & POWNE. Chemists ,oq TVarl St., N Y 50c aud iiMoi ail druidts. WAKTED TKTJSTW'ORTAT ME AND Wo men to travel and adfertise lor old established honseof solid financial sumt.re. Salary $TSU a year and expenses, all pabl In cash. No -n-Yasfting required, liive references and enel(e sell-addressed stamped envelope. Address Man ager, 8.)S Caxton Bide., Chicago. m : mfn I YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT - . Bat tht Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at HARFIS' GROCERY j You Can Depend Upon Patent Flour, made from old wheat. It makes the best bread and pastry and always gives satisfaction to the housewife, Be sure and order Patent Flour made by the Port land Flouring Mills at Oregon City 'and sold by all grocers. Patronize Home Industry Opposite Huntley's First-eiass Meats of ll'Kigds Satistaction Guaranteed 3ive yirrj a Sail aQd be -Treated Bigt Foresight Means Good Sight If "there ever was a truism it is exemplified in the above headline. Lack ot foresight in attending to the eyes in time means in the end poor sight. We employ ' the latest most scientific methods in testing the eyes, and charge nothing for the examination. Dr. Phillips, . an expert graduate oculist and optican, has charge of our optical department. A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler 293 HorrUon Street, PORTLAND, OREGON CrOKr00K0O For all kinds of CALL Oregon City Planing M F. S. BAKER, PROP. SASH, DOO S, MOULDING, ETC. 00000K4K0K000 f- a A a . v33 V U A 'V-c 'v'XiT ? R. L. HOLM AN, Undertaker Phones 476 and 305. Two y POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITy Are Bought and Appreciated by tut nroT nrnm r ul dcoi murLC of Oregon City -&raerisoii The 7th St. Grocer Brown & Welch -Propriitom of TH Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON Building Material AT THE ' l exTT? the ist "took of Ciskata. Coffins, Ribas ai l Lining in Clackamas ciiinty. :- 7 nvg ra t!i8 only unlariakeM in tha -Li ' connty oiynin - a haarsu, which ws fur ' JVr- , "i man 1 if lasuhin can bi h ill nUntciiBr vVe are im-lor small expjnsu and do nnt ask lare profits. Cilh prjinptly attended night or day. Doors South of Court Ho use. 444 W4j t